Hanco Elenbaas wrote:Van Pieter Hildering zijn ze voorlopig nog niet af.
In een open brief van 27 april verklaart hij de beweegredenen voor zijn come-back.
Announcement from EVP P. Hildering
Dear Draught friends,
I like to announce that during the CD meeting on April 14th after consulting the CD members and after the CD request I have decided that I will come back on my previous resignation. Decided is that I will accept my position until the next GA to be held in France in the first week of November.
There have been many evaluations to come to this decision; The support of the Netherlands KNDB, the African members of the FMJD, the wish of the CD, the support of Lelio Marcos,Yuri Chertok, Alexei Chizhov, Alexander Georgiev, Alexander Shvartsman, Tamara Tansykkuzhina, M. Amrilloev, Alexander Getmanski and Mr. Lehman have made me believe that the resignation was not in the interest of Draughts.
Be aware that that I have no desire to continue after the GA.
I also like to stress that the financial control over the years 2005 and 2006 has been executed by E. Davelaar, now international referee, and Mr. Zioltkowski and they have confirmed in writing the following:
All this resulted in my conclusion that the financial registration by the Treasurer of the year 2005 and 2006 is fully correct and that there is no evidence of irregularities.
During the audit at the time of the EDC selection tournament in Korbach I was assisted by Mr. Evert Davelaar the referee of this EDC tournament. Mr. Davelaar is very familiar with the international draughts situation.
The detailed financial registration was shown to him and I gave a number of examples of the checks I made.
As the result of our investigation we advise the General Assembly of the FMJD to accept the financial registration by the Treasurer and discharge him from further reporting over the years 2005 and 2006.
As Vice President I will also intent to have a control over the years 2003 and 2004 to be done as soon as possible preferred with an accountancy statement.
I am sure that this will bring identical results as above and it will clear the way to take personal legal actions against Gantwarg. In our statutes it is not possible but I like to clear my name as well as Jaap Bus name for once and for all.
I also like to inform you that I have requested Belarus to transfer the inscription fees from the European Championship 2003 that they never have paid to the EDC. The agreement between EDC and Belarus at that time was that 1/2 of the inscription fee was for Belarus and the other half for the EDC. Belarus simply did not pay.
I hope to see you all at the World Championship next month in Hardenberg.
Pieter Hildering
Het is misschien wel handig om ook eens een Wit-Russische reactie te lezen (geplaatst op de site van de Wit-Russiche dambond:
Wrote Pavel into 2007/5/16 15:50:00 (173 readings)
Statement of Belarusian Draughts Federation
From the letter of Mr. Hildering to the Belarusian Draughts Federation (BDF) and his Announcement on the site of the FMJD we found out that after one month long resignation he is continuing his work in the FMJD.
Now he raises the point of transferring money from BDF to EDC we have to clear it out.
It is all about the European Youth championship 2003 in Minsk.
The EDC President Mr. Pawlicki did not (against rules & regulations) recognize the tournament as European Championship.
He prohibited Mr. Kotek to remain the main referee and to collect enrolment fees.
Because the players and coaches needed to report their expenses according to the tournament regulation the BDF collected the fees and put it to the BDF's bank account.
According to Belarusian laws without having written contract in advance we could use this money only inside of Belarus. We showed a goodwill and suggested to the FMJD different ways to use that money for instance for the tournaments played in Belarus. The only condition we stated - to do it before the end of 2004. Mr. Hildering was fully aware of the situation. We received from him several mails including the one from 11.02.2004 where he wrote
"Also I Like to inform you of the outcome of the January CD meeting in
Holland. In respect to the EDC it will stay as it is today. This means
that my explanation that people sent by Goscomsport can not be refused
despite EDC wishes. This clear explanation was sufficient for all during
the meeting. As far as the contribution towards EDC this is no longer
an issue as I refused to accept these proposals. Therefore you can use
it in a future tournament. Still we need the results of the Tournament
for rating reasons. Also I would like to receive a tournament bulletin"
What does he mean now?
We responsible declare that it is a provocation towards the BDF. The question about European Youth championship 2003 artificially raises after 4 years. Obviously it is an attempt to put the pressure on Belarussian Draughts Federation which demands the management of the FMJD to comply with the Statutes of the FMJD and financial discipline. We can not see the one month long resignation of Mr. HIldering other than a farce. Same farce is the financial report of Mr. Bus for years 2003-2005 missing years 2003 and 2004.Same farce is the excluding by Mr. Hildering the national draughts federation of Russia so that the non-existing President of non-existing federation is registered by the FMJD.
Same farce is the introduction of new rules «+» and «-» when the national federations receive offer to speak out whether they are "for" or "against" this rules adding that who will not react will be treated as they are "for". As a result of so "original" voting nobody except Marcos answered the letter. In reality no country (except Holland) organizes national championships with these rules. Same farce is giving the World Title without playing to the player reached 9th place in the World Championship.
The list of farces may last long.
We do not want to sort out which farces are provoked by the dilettantism of fighters for cleanness of their own name and which by intention.
Belarusian Draughts Federation is recognized by the National Olympic Committee and has state's support. We must be financially transparent, comply with Statutes and international sport standards and we do.
Therefore despite multiple threatens of Mr. Hildering and of the KNDB we will use all legal possibilities to prevent the attempts of transformation of the FMJD into an organization where few people may impose decisions contradicting sense and the FMJD Statutes.