A. Fomin, №70 (4)
In case of removing the checkers a7, h2 h4, h6, h8 from the board, a full-fledged etude will appear on the board.
There was published before :
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Mon Dec 05, 2022 16:56
Arranged by A.Fomin....V.Boichuk,1977..
ef8, bc5, g1 etc x -V. Boichuk,"Shashki-3-1977 ".
V. Boichuk : c5-g1 (ab4), ed2 (ef4), ab8(ba3), b:g3(h:f4), gh2 (fe3), d:f4 (hg5), f:h6 (ab2), he5(bc1), ef4(e:g5), h6:f4 x
D. Kamchitsky (Mogilev)
h6(gf6)g5,g7(f6)e5,d4(d6 A)c5,e3,a5X
A(cb6)c5,e3,e5(b6 B)f6(c5)g7(d4)h8(e3)c3(f2)d4(e1 CD)f2,f4X
Compositions at 64-cell board
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
..V.ibn Aleshin - S.Hottabychev....
......D.kamchitsky (Mogilev) .........
..................A.Fomin................. .........A.Fomin .......
..................A.Fomin................. .........A.Fomin .......
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
1.hg7 2.ab4 3.gf8 4.f:b4 (ab4) 5.c:a3 (gf2 ) 6.hg3 (fh4) 7.ad6 (ba7) 8.ac7 x
1.hg7 2.cd2 3.h8 4.a5 5 . a5:f4:b6 6.f4(cd4) 7.ab2 x
1.bc7(b:b4) 2.b8! 3.hg3 4.bh6 (bc3) 5.hg7 (ab2) 6.c:a3:(cd2) 7.gc3 8.a:c5 (ef6) 9.cd6 (fg5) 10.dc7(gf4) - P. Manoury,1750 11.cb8 (fe3) 12.gf2 13.ba7 x
........................................A. Fomin...................................
1.ba3, ab4, f8, c5 (b4), a3, c5 (e1), f2, f4 x
1.gf6, cd6, f6 (e5), d4, f6 (a1), h8 x
ba3, ab4, f8, c5 b4, a3 f2, c5, e1, f2, f4 x
1.dc3 2.f8 3.c7 4.e5 ! 5.g7 (e5) A 6.f8 (d4) 7.b4(e3) 8.e1 (g7) 9.g5 (h6) 10.f6 x A (g5), f6 x
There was known before:
V. Iacheikin: ( "64" , №27 , 1975 )
ab6 c:a5 2.dc7 b:b4 3.bc3 b:d2 4.c:e7 f:d6 5.h:c5 ab4 6.c:a5 gf2 7.ac5 -etc. x - E. van Embden, 1787 .
Re: чебурашки, Post by AFM ,Th. , July , of 6 , 2017 7:27 am
......A. Fomin..... b2, c3, b8, c7, e7,c5 b4,a3 f2,c5 e2 , f2, f4 x
F. Bakhtiozin, 1984 , arranged by A. Fomin
I bc7 e7 , b8, bf4 , h:a5 de3, ad8 cd2, gf2 ,c:e3, d:b6,a:e3 x I 1.fg7 ? cb2! 2.f6 de7 3.f;d8 ef2 4.g:e3 d:f2 5.d4 a1 6.c5 a:h8 =
There was known before :F. Bakhtiozin : 4th Azerbaijan Championship on drafts composition-64, 1984
1.b8 2.bc7 3.gf4 x
The author's complex and interesting intent is somewhat spoiled by the obvious first move by the king.
...arranged by A. Fomin ...
ab4, g7, f6 cd6 A ,h8,b8,fe3, gf2,ba7 x A (fg3), h8, b8, e3,a7 x
.......V.Slastin ,1970.......
...... S. Pupkin.......
If the b8 checker is moved to the h4 cell, V. Yacheykin's problem will appear on the board.
1.h6 2.b2 3.e5 4.hg7 cd6 A, b 5.gh8 6.h:b8 - П. Манури, 1750 год (fe3) 7.gf2 8.ba7 x A 4...(fg3), 5.gh8 6.h:b8 7.g:e3 8.ba7 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
P. Shkludov wrote: Coincides with the problem of Mr. E. Zubov from the "Teacher's Newspaper", Moscow, 1976.
This position was also published by N. P. Toropov in the newspaper "Soviet Belarus", 1980
After this publication, about two hours later, P. Shkludov responded to it
the fragment of these compositions has a side solution (please ,see below) 1.gf4 e:g3 2.ab8 gh2 [(gf4) 3.gh2 etc. x) ]2.ab8 gh2 3.fg3 hf4 4.b:h2 x
There was known before :
Re: Praktische taktik
Post by FOMIN » Sat Jan 18, 2020 08:03
This position recieved 5,5 points in the 4-th Azerbaidjan championship, 1984 on drafts composition.
1.gf6, cd6, f6 (e5), d4, f6 (a1), h8 x
1..de7 2.hg3 3.gf4 4.h:d8 (de5) 5.bc7 6.da5 (bc3) 7.a:d2 (dc3) 8.g5/h6 (cb2) A 9.gf6 (ab2) 10.c:a3 (cd2) 11.fc3 (d:b4) 12.a:e7 x
A 8...(cb4) 9.gd2 (b4) 10.d:a5 (de3) 11.ae1 x
************************** Piryutkin Valery Vitalievitch :
Contest "Odessa-1978 ", 1-st Russian championship on drafts composition -64 ,1980 (7,5 points)
1.cd2 (c1) 2.ab6 3.ba5 4.dc5 5.a:c5 6.bc7 7.a:g7 8.h:d8 x
This is the best work of a talented composer who passed away so early.
S. Pupkin
ba3, ab4 , fg3, c5 e7, f:d8 bc7, b6, cd2 hg7, de3 hg5, ef2 gf6, fg3 fe5, cd6 gh4, b8 d4 , b:f4 c3, c1 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
position for the contest of solutions .[/size]
Legality: с7(b6)
S.Pupkin-S.Khottabychev (fragment from the practical game )
fe3! gh4 , hg7, h8 e3, dc3! d2, he5, e:e1 x No.1244 A. Fomin
cb6, b:g5 , fg3, ,bc3,c:c5 b4, g7, h8 c5, c3 b2, b4, c3 x
A.Chernopishuk , 7-th Moscow championship on drafts composition,1980 (6 points)
cb4 c1, gf2, a5, b6, fg3 , c7 ed6, e5 fe7, hg3 f6, g7, f4 ab4, ab2 ba3, bc3 x
D. Soloviev and Coach
There is a distant predecessor : I. Morozov ("Shashki ",No.12-1972 , Contest " Odessa-1978").
fg3! , dc3, c:e7,hg3, h:d6 (fg5), dc7 (gf4)-P.Manoury ,1750 cb8 (fe3), gf2 ! ,ba7 x Copy: P. Radlovsky, "Shashki " , No.1 , 1989.
V. Soln"ykov (a3> f8 : "Shashki ", No. 4-1963, p. 38, d. No.148 ) , correction by A. Fomin
ef4 , g:e3 , gh2, hg3 , ef2 , gf4 , h:h8 , h8:c1 x
Legality: с7(b6)
S.Pupkin-S.Khottabychev (fragment from the practical game )
fe3! gh4 , hg7, h8 e3, dc3! d2, he5, e:e1 x No.1244 A. Fomin
cb6, b:g5 , fg3, ,bc3,c:c5 b4, g7, h8 c5, c3 b2, b4, c3 x
A.Chernopishuk , 7-th Moscow championship on drafts composition,1980 (6 points)
cb4 c1, gf2, a5, b6, fg3 , c7 ed6, e5 fe7, hg3 f6, g7, f4 ab4, ab2 ba3, bc3 x
D. Soloviev and Coach
A. Fomin
bc5, ab4, g3, b8 (c7), g7, cd6 etc. x
There is a distant predecessor : I. Morozov ("Shashki ",No.12-1972 , Contest " Odessa-1978").
fg3! , dc3, c:e7,hg3, h:d6 (fg5), dc7 (gf4)-P.Manoury ,1750 cb8 (fe3), gf2 ! ,ba7 x Copy: P. Radlovsky, "Shashki " , No.1 , 1989.
V. Soln"ykov (a3> f8 : "Shashki ", No. 4-1963, p. 38, d. No.148 ) , correction by A. Fomin
ef4 , g:e3 , gh2, hg3 , ef2 , gf4 , h:h8 , h8:c1 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
There is a distant predecessor :I.Morozov ("Shashki"-12-1972)
bc5, ab4, g3, b8 (c7),g7,cd6 etc. x -P. Manoury, 1750.
fg3! , dc3, c:e7,hg3, h:d6 (fg5), dc7 (gf4)-P.Manoury ,1750 cb8 (fe3), gf2 ! ,ba7 x
.......................S. Pupkin.....................
D.No 1 :dc5, dc3, d8, h8 (e3), c3 (f2) - [ E. van Embden,1787 ] d4 (e1) A , f2, f4 x A (g1), a7 (g3), f4(h2), a7 x
D. No. 2 : f6, f8 (b2/d2) , d6, g5/e1 , f4 x
There was published before : S.Yushkevitch, "Gudok", June ,of 18 ,1981
1.dc5 2.dc3 3.ed8 4.d:e5 5.h:f4 hg3 6.fg5 7.f4 x
d8, c1, g5, g1 x
d8, b6, h8, f6, a7 x
A.Nickolaev ,"Checkers World ",No.1 ,1998 ******************** Copy : " A. Bakumetc": "shashechnoe obozrenie " ,No 1 ,1997
1.cb4 e5 2.b8 3.g5 4.g3 5.c1 x
1.cb4 e5 2.f8 3.g5 4.c1 cd6 5.gf2 dc5 6.fe3 cb4:7.ed4 x
S. Pupkin
ab2 , fe3' d:f2 /f4, bc5 b6/b4, a:g3 :h:f2 A, gh8, h:g1 x A (h:f4) , gh8, h:h2 x
Ju. Cherniaev , 1999
a3 (bc5 ), b6 (de7) , c5 (ed6), c:e7(f:h2), fg3 (f2) A, cd8, d:g1 x A (f4), b8, h2 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
bc5, ae5 (fe7), ef6, gf4, h:f6 etc x - M. Poliak , 1937
V. Stepanov, processing by V. Svizinsky
There was known before:
A. Fomin, "Evening Moscow" , March, of 30, 1976.
fe7 c3, ab4, f2 cb2, fe3, ec1 a1, cb2, e:c3 x
S. Pupkin -S. Khottabychev
1.hg7 de3 2.gf8 c1 3.h6 4.b8 g3 5.a7 gf2 6.a:d4 fe1 7.dc3 8.a:c5 x
S. Perepelkin, 9-th Moscow championship, 1982:
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
e7 (f6) A, d6, g3(hd4), e3,g3 , c3,e7, a7 (g7) Vp1, ad4(d6), h8;(c5), , hc3 (ab2), cb4, c3 x
Vp1 (d6), ac5 (hg7), h8 (c5), c3:(ab2), b4, c3 x A 1...(f4), 2.g5/f8, f8, g3, de7, c7 , g7 (c5), bc3 x
reminds the composition of F. Bakhtiozin from "64", No. 16, 1975 :
There was also known before :
( information from A. Polevoy)
Improvement by A. Fomin №681(1): h2>g3 , f2>g1 Solution:1.gf2! (gh2) 2.ab6 etc. x
1.gf2 gh2 2. ab6 3.de3 4.fe3 5.e:g3 6.bc3 7.ce7 8.hc5 ef4 9.bf2x(the diagram was created in febr., of 28 , 2021 )
There was published in 2021 : №681(2)
Re: ИнТер...
Post by Fomin ,Sat. , May , of 01, 2021 3:46 pm
Post by FOMIN » Sat Jul 04, 2020 23:38
[the introduction moves 1.de3 2.h:h2 was proposed by Dmitry Kamchitsky (Mogilev)]
1.de3 f:d2 2.h:h2 dc1 3.cd4 c:a3 4. hg5 f:h4 5.de5 d:f4 6.ba5 a:d6 7.fg3 h:f2 8.e:c7 d:b6 9.a:c7 ed6 10.c:e5 fe7 11.hg3 hg7 12.gh4 ef6 13.ed6 gf6 14.fg5 fe5 15.gf6 e:g7 16.hg5 gh6 17.gf6 hg5 18.f:h4 x
The author of the idea is M. M. Mikhnev: «Shashki», №10 , 1975
1.cd4 dc1? (1... hg3!! =) 2.ab2/de5 c:a3 3.de5 4.ba3 etc. x **********************************
S. Khottabychev - N. N. (fragment from a practical game )
g7(f4), g3, e3, f8(e3), c3, e1(d6), ab4(f2 A), c7, c5, b2+
A(a7), b2(b6), a5(bc5), h4(e5), e1(f4), bc3(b4), d4, c3(e3), d4(f2), g3/h4, e1+
A combinational approach to this endgame is possible.
...S. Pupkin...
ab6, gh8, h:e1 (cd6), ab4 (ef2), e:c7 , bc5, ab2 (ba3), bc3 x
e7 (f6) A, d6, g3(hd4), e3,g3 , c3,e7, a7 (g7) Vp1, ad4(d6), h8;(c5), , hc3 (ab2), cb4, c3 x
Vp1 (d6), ac5 (hg7), h8 (c5), c3:(ab2), b4, c3 x A 1...(f4), 2.g5/f8, f8, g3, de7, c7 , g7 (c5), bc3 x
reminds the composition of F. Bakhtiozin from "64", No. 16, 1975 :
There was also known before :
( information from A. Polevoy)
Improvement by A. Fomin №681(1): h2>g3 , f2>g1 Solution:1.gf2! (gh2) 2.ab6 etc. x
1.gf2 gh2 2. ab6 3.de3 4.fe3 5.e:g3 6.bc3 7.ce7 8.hc5 ef4 9.bf2x(the diagram was created in febr., of 28 , 2021 )
There was published in 2021 : №681(2)
Re: ИнТер...
Post by Fomin ,Sat. , May , of 01, 2021 3:46 pm
There was published later : https://damforum.nl/bb3/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=3840&start=270#p129036A.Chernopishuk , 7-th Moscow championship on drafts composition,1980 (6 points)
cb4 c1, gf2, a5, b6, fg3 , c7 ed6, e5 fe7, hg3 f6, g7, f4 ab4, ab2 ba3, bc3 [/size]
Post by FOMIN » Sat Jul 04, 2020 23:38
[the introduction moves 1.de3 2.h:h2 was proposed by Dmitry Kamchitsky (Mogilev)]
1.de3 f:d2 2.h:h2 dc1 3.cd4 c:a3 4. hg5 f:h4 5.de5 d:f4 6.ba5 a:d6 7.fg3 h:f2 8.e:c7 d:b6 9.a:c7 ed6 10.c:e5 fe7 11.hg3 hg7 12.gh4 ef6 13.ed6 gf6 14.fg5 fe5 15.gf6 e:g7 16.hg5 gh6 17.gf6 hg5 18.f:h4 x
The author of the idea is M. M. Mikhnev: «Shashki», №10 , 1975
1.cd4 dc1? (1... hg3!! =) 2.ab2/de5 c:a3 3.de5 4.ba3 etc. x **********************************
S. Khottabychev - N. N. (fragment from a practical game )
g7(f4), g3, e3, f8(e3), c3, e1(d6), ab4(f2 A), c7, c5, b2+
A(a7), b2(b6), a5(bc5), h4(e5), e1(f4), bc3(b4), d4, c3(e3), d4(f2), g3/h4, e1+
A combinational approach to this endgame is possible.
...S. Pupkin...
ab6, gh8, h:e1 (cd6), ab4 (ef2), e:c7 , bc5, ab2 (ba3), bc3 x