Rein Halbersma wrote:
If you solve this position in much less than 8 seconds, you have measured its benefits. But have you also measured its costs that are realized on similar positions where these tactics do not work?
E.g. after 1. 37-31 27x36 2. 35-30 20-24 3. 29x20 15x35, white is 2 men down and there are no more captures pending for either white or black. So it would appear that it's reasonable to heavily reduce the remaining search depth, e.g. by 50% (e.g. this is how Chinook did it). Because the refutation is another 6 ply away (26-21 38-32 and 39-33), any engine with such an aggressively reduced search would not find the winning line before depth=18.
I entirely agree with you Rein. It would be very unskillful to spent a lot of time to look for tactical combination at the expense of exploring very stupid sequences.
Let's take your exemple and suppose I search at depth 11 from the root. With this hypthesis, after
1. 37-31 27x36 2. 35-30 20-24 3. 29x20 15x35
Damy, seeing that white is 2 men down, will prune immediatly any move that do not lead to a capture but Damy is still able to find the combinaison 26-21 38-32 and 39-33! That is the clue of my new algorithm.
Rein Halbersma wrote:
IMO, the only way to test if such tactics detection is worth it, is doing engine matches. After all, if such tactics are very rare, the benefits will not outweigh the costs. There might be a difference between doing this only at the root (where finding a tactic will win the game immediately, and missing one for your opponent will lose the game immediately) and doing this inside the search tree (where there must be many more positions with 2 men down that simply lose because there is no tactical rescue).
Yes of course Rein engine match is the best test. As you know I decided to completly restructure my eval function and I have still a lot of work to do before running such match.
Rein Halbersma wrote:
However, if you can detect cheaply that there are large opportunities for tactics (in this case: the open square 3, 14 and 23), in combination with black men that can be captured along these squares (in this case: 9, 19 and 20) and white men that can do the capture (in this case 34), then I think it could be profitable to not reduce the search so aggressively after 37-31 and 35-30.
I use 4 special jump group bitboards to detect such tactical possibilities (it's a well-known theoretical idea used by problem composers). Do you also use special pattern detection before you decided to extend your search?
I do not use such detection.