Player Rating System

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Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2012 06:28
Real name: Hugh Hamilton

Player Rating System

Post by Hugo » Fri Jan 06, 2012 06:38

I would like to establish a proper player rating system in Jamaica. The current system has five classes;

1. Class 1
2. Class 2
3. Class 3
4. Class 4
5. Brambles (Amateur)

The system only allows for promotion and not demotion and therefore does not capture the current form of players, inactive players are also allowed to keep their status. I would like to abolish this system as it does not encourage competition.

How does the rating system in Holland, Russia or any other country reflect current play; I would like to model a system that works better than what we currently have in place.

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Real name: Alexander Presman
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Re: Player Rating System

Post by A.Presman » Fri Jan 06, 2012 21:32

Hello and welcome!
Please have a look here
to the Annex 9 . There you will find an explanation how the FMJD rating system works.
And here you will find the result of work of this system:

By the way. In 2003 we received information from the draughts federation of Jamaica even with statutes anf the list of officers. The federation wanted to affiliate with the FMJD. But afterwards there were no contacts. I mailed to the contact person but never got an answer. If you like please write me to

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2012 06:28
Real name: Hugh Hamilton

Re: Player Rating System

Post by Hugo » Sat Jan 07, 2012 18:40

Thank you, I will review the annex.

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