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Posts: 2132
Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 16:43
Real name: Alexander Presman
Location: the Netherlands


Post by A.Presman » Sat Sep 22, 2007 11:11

this summer, draughts, festival !

From June, 21 till June, 27th, 2008 open tournament BaltCUP-SUMMER takes place.
Tournament will pass on the Swiss system at 9-10 rounds. Rough number of participants - 50.
Besides the basic tournament the big tennis and billiards will be lead by the blitz-tournament, and also tournaments to basketball, âîëëåéáîë.
Part of tradition becomes a party and the big fire on closing of tournament.
Day of arrival on June, 20th. Ceremony of opening and the beginning of tournament on June, 21st at 10 o'clock, a closing ceremony on June, 27th at 15 o'clock. Day of departure - on June, 28th.

The tournament payment for the basic tournament makes for the adult (from 18 years) - 50 euros, for children (till 17 years) - 30 euros.

Payments for participation in other tournaments:
The blitz - 20 lits (for children of 10 lits),
Basketball - 5 lits from the person,
âîëëåéáîë - 5 lits from the person,
The big tennis - 20 lits from the person,
Billiards - 10 lits from the person.

1 lit is approximately equal to 10 Russian roubles or 0,29 euros.

The prize-winning fund (1200-1500 euros) will be distributed in various test groups (distribution will be carried out depending on a rating of players). The winner of tournament will acquire the right to participation in grand masters tournament BaltCUP-GMI of 2009 without a tournament payment.
Winners tournaments in the blitz, basketball, volleyball, tennis and billiards are awarded in addition.

Place of carrying out - unique place Dubingiai in 50êì. from Vilnius.
To services of players the four-stars camp site (rest house) with four sleeping cases, cafe, tennis courts, a basketball platform, a volleyball platform, bowling, billiards, ping-pong, a sauna, pool is offered.
Accommodation in apartmens (a microwave, utensils, a refrigerator) or rooms of hotel type is probable. There are lux. All roomrs are supplied by a toilet room with a shower and a warmed up floor, furniture new, rooms are repaired on the highest quality standards. In each number there is a TV and a refrigerator.
The camp site settles down on coast of the most beautiful lake. The beach is equipped, there is a tower for diving, boats, catamarans.

Cost of one number day in 2007 was equaled to 100 lits. Cost of lux was 180 lits. In 2008 the insignificant increase in the price because of inflation is expected. The price apartmens and numbers of hotel type is identical. With the purpose of safety for children numbers of hotel type (without microwave and utensils) are recommended.
Cost of a dinner of 15-20 lits. There is an opportunity of the order of complex breakfasts, dinners and suppers (if íàáåðîåòñÿ more than 20 interested persons). In apartmens there is an opportunity for cooking.
Using basketball and volleyball platforms free of charge. Cost of rent of a tennis court - 15 lits at an o'clock. Cost of billiards and ping-pong - 7 lits at an o'clock. Internet - 5 lits at an o'clock. Sauna - 15 lits at an o'clock on the person. For participants of tournament discounts are stipulated. All equipment and playgrounds again constructed also meet to the world standards.
As a rule, all numbers on this camp site on summer days off are reserved for a half-year.
The additional information on a camp site (rest house) Dubingiai under the link ... ingiai.php

Organizers BaltCUP-SUMMER reserve 35 numbers for participants of tournament, judges and accompanying persons.

Application forms for participation are accepted on a mail

henk stoop
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2003 00:02


Post by henk stoop » Sun Jun 22, 2008 07:35

Ronde 1 21-06-2008
Domchev Alexey - Jankunas Justinas 1-1
Baljakin Alexsander - Janavicius Mantas 2-0
Cilevich Leonid - Gulubeva Zoja 0-2
Steijlen Pieter - Vilcinska Veronika 2-0
Andreev Aysen - Stasytis Vaidas 0-2
Kudriavcev Valerij - Mateiko Viktors 1-1
Mitenbergs Arturs - Doumesh Vitalia 0-2
Kychkine Nikolay - Marterere Agita 2-0
Kychkina Ayanika - Teterin Vsevolod 0-2
Permyakov Anton - Stashuls Roland 2-0
Grudin Oleg - Herasimovich Natalia 1-1
Mitenbergs Maris - Sherbulks Karlas 1-1
dummy - Verheul Heike 0-2
Ronde 2 22-06-2008
Doumesh Vitalia - Baljakin Alexsander -
Teterin Vsevolod - Gulubeva Zoja -
Steijlen Pieter - Permyakov Anton -
Verheul Heike - Stasytis Vaidas -
Marterere Agita - Jankunas Justinas -
Sherbulks Karlas - Kudriavcev Valerij -
Mateiko Viktors - Kychkine Nikolay -
Herasimovich Natalia - Domchev Alexey -
Mitenbergs Maris - Grudin Oleg -
Mitenbergs Arturs - Janavicius Mantas -
Stashuls Roland - Andreev Aysen -
Vilcinska Veronika - Kychkina Ayanika -
Cilevich Leonid - dummy -
Land AW Pt E-Rt
1 Baljakin Alexsander Netherlands 1 - 2 2409
2 Gulubeva Zoja Latvia 1 - 2 2280
3 Steijlen Pieter Netherlands 1 - 2 2203
4 Stasytis Vaidas Lithuania 1 - 2 2199
5 Doumesh Vitalia Netherlands 1 - 2 2167
6 Kychkine Nikolay Russia 1 - 2 2129
7 Teterin Vsevolod Latvia 1 - 2 2124
8 Permyakov Anton Russia 1 - 2 2012
9 Verheul Heike Netherlands 1 - 2 1949
10 Domchev Alexey Lithuania 1 - 1 2314
11 Jankunas Justinas Lithuania 1 - 1 2215
12 Kudriavcev Valerij Lithuania 1 - 1 2190
13 Herasimovich Natalia Belarus 1 - 1 2012
14 Mitenbergs Maris Latvia 1 - 1 1992
15 Mateiko Viktors Latvia 1 - 1 1900
Marterere Agita Latvia 1 - 1 1900
17 Grudin Oleg Latvia 1 - 1 1800
Sherbulks Karlas Latvia 1 - 1 1800
19 Janavicius Mantas Lithuania 1 - 0 1900
Cilevich Leonid Latvia 1 - 0 1900
Vilcinska Veronika Lithuania 1 - 0 1900
Andreev Aysen Russia 1 - 0 1900
Mitenbergs Arturs Latvia 1 - 0 1900
24 Kychkina Ayanika Russia 1 - 0 1800
Stashuls Roland Latvia 1 - 0 1800
26 dummy 1 - 0 1000
Last edited by henk stoop on Tue Jun 24, 2008 21:24, edited 1 time in total.

henk stoop
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2003 00:02


Post by henk stoop » Sun Jun 22, 2008 21:22

Ronde 2 22-06-2008
Doumesh Vitalia - Baljakin Alexsander 1-1
Teterin Vsevolod - Gulubeva Zoja 0-2
Steijlen Pieter - Permyakov Anton 2-0
Verheul Heike - Stasytis Vaidas 0-2
Marterere Agita - Jankunas Justinas 0-2
Sherbulks Karlas - Kudriavcev Valerij 0-2
Mateiko Viktors - Kychkine Nikolay 0-2
Herasimovich Natalia - Domchev Alexey 0-2
Mitenbergs Maris - Grudin Oleg 2-0
Mitenbergs Arturs - Janavicius Mantas 0-2
Stashuls Roland - Andreev Aysen 1-1
Vilcinska Veronika - Kychkina Ayanika 2-0
Cilevich Leonid - dummy 2-0

Ronde 3 23-06-2008
Stasytis Vaidas - Gulubeva Zoja -
Kychkine Nikolay - Steijlen Pieter -
Kudriavcev Valerij - Baljakin Alexsander -
Doumesh Vitalia - Domchev Alexey -
Jankunas Justinas - Mitenbergs Maris -
Teterin Vsevolod - Vilcinska Veronika -
Cilevich Leonid - Permyakov Anton -
Verheul Heike - Janavicius Mantas -
Herasimovich Natalia - Sherbulks Karlas -
Mateiko Viktors - Stashuls Roland -
Grudin Oleg - Andreev Aysen -
Marterere Agita - Kychkina Ayanika -
dummy - Mitenbergs Arturs -

Land AW Pt E-Rt
1 Gulubeva Zoja Latvia 2 - 4 2280
2 Steijlen Pieter Netherlands 2 - 4 2204
3 Stasytis Vaidas Lithuania 2 - 4 2199
4 Kychkine Nikolay Russia 2 - 4 2129
5 Baljakin Alexsander Netherlands 2 - 3 2409
6 Domchev Alexey Lithuania 2 - 3 2314
7 Jankunas Justinas Lithuania 2 - 3 2215
8 Kudriavcev Valerij Lithuania 2 - 3 2190
9 Doumesh Vitalia Netherlands 2 - 3 2167
10 Mitenbergs Maris Latvia 2 - 3 1992
11 Teterin Vsevolod Latvia 2 - 2 2124
12 Permyakov Anton Russia 2 - 2 2012
13 Verheul Heike Netherlands 2 - 2 1949
14 Janavicius Mantas Lithuania 2 - 2 1900
Cilevich Leonid Latvia 2 - 2 1900
Vilcinska Veronika Lithuania 2 - 2 1900
17 Herasimovich Natalia Belarus 2 - 1 2012
18 Andreev Aysen Russia 2 - 1 1900
Mateiko Viktors Latvia 2 - 1 1900
20 Stashuls Roland Latvia 2 - 1 1800
Grudin Oleg Latvia 2 - 1 1800
Sherbulks Karlas Latvia 2 - 1 1800
23 Mitenbergs Arturs Latvia 2 - 0 1900
Marterere Agita Latvia 2 - 0 1900
25 Kychkina Ayanika Russia 2 - 0 1800
26 dummy 2 - 0 1000

Piet Bouma
Posts: 3574
Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2003 13:05
Location: Harlingen


Post by Piet Bouma » Sun Jun 22, 2008 22:40

Tournament also on <a href= ... =8&afko=23 target=blank>Toernooibase</a>

Henk, if you want rights for this tournament in Toernooibase, send me an email.

henk stoop
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2003 00:02

Post by henk stoop » Mon Jun 23, 2008 16:04

Ronde 3 23-06-2008
Stasytis Vaidas - Gulubeva Zoja 1-1
Kychkine Nikolay - Steijlen Pieter 0-2
Kudriavcev Valerij - Baljakin Alexsander 0-2
Doumesh Vitalia - Domchev Alexey 1-1
Jankunas Justinas - Mitenbergs Maris 2-0
Teterin Vsevolod - Vilcinska Veronika 1-1
Cilevich Leonid - Permyakov Anton 1-1
Verheul Heike - Janavicius Mantas 1-1
Herasimovich Natalia - Sherbulks Karlas 2-0
Mateiko Viktors - Stashuls Roland 2-0
Grudin Oleg - Andreev Aysen 1-1
Marterere Agita - Kychkina Ayanika 2-0
dummy - Mitenbergs Arturs 0-2

Ronde 4 23-06-2008
Jankunas Justinas - Steijlen Pieter -
Gulubeva Zoja - Doumesh Vitalia -
Baljakin Alexsander - Stasytis Vaidas -
Domchev Alexey - Kychkine Nikolay -
Janavicius Mantas - Herasimovich Natalia -
Permyakov Anton - Verheul Heike -
Kudriavcev Valerij - Cilevich Leonid -
Vilcinska Veronika - Mateiko Viktors -
Mitenbergs Maris - Teterin Vsevolod -
Andreev Aysen - Marterere Agita -
Mitenbergs Arturs - Grudin Oleg -
Sherbulks Karlas - Stashuls Roland -
Kychkina Ayanika - dummy -


Land AW Pt WP SB
1 Steijlen Pieter Netherlands 3 - 6 10 20
2 Gulubeva Zoja Latvia 3 - 5 11 17
3 Baljakin Alexsander Netherlands 3 - 5 10 16
4 Stasytis Vaidas Lithuania 3 - 5 10 15
5 Jankunas Justinas Lithuania 3 - 5 9 14
6 Domchev Alexey Lithuania 3 - 4 12 15
7 Doumesh Vitalia Netherlands 3 - 4 11 13
8 Kychkine Nikolay Russia 3 - 4 11 10
9 Janavicius Mantas Lithuania 3 - 3 10 7
10 Permyakov Anton Russia 3 - 3 10 5
11 Kudriavcev Valerij Lithuania 3 - 3 9 5
12 Vilcinska Veronika Lithuania 3 - 3 9 3
13 Mitenbergs Maris Latvia 3 - 3 8 5
Mateiko Viktors Latvia 3 - 3 8 5
15 Teterin Vsevolod Latvia 3 - 3 8 3
Verheul Heike Netherlands 3 - 3 8 3
Cilevich Leonid Latvia 3 - 3 8 3
18 Herasimovich Natalia Belarus 3 - 3 7 4
19 Marterere Agita Latvia 3 - 2 9 0
20 Grudin Oleg Latvia 3 - 2 8 5
21 Andreev Aysen Russia 3 - 2 8 3
22 Mitenbergs Arturs Latvia 3 - 2 7 0
23 Sherbulks Karlas Latvia 3 - 1 9 3
24 Stashuls Roland Latvia 3 - 1 8 2
25 Kychkina Ayanika Russia 3 - 0 8 0
dummy 3 - 0 8 0

henk stoop
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2003 00:02

Post by henk stoop » Mon Jun 23, 2008 20:25

Ronde 4 23-06-2008
Jankunas Justinas - Steijlen Pieter 1-1
Gulubeva Zoja - Doumesh Vitalia 1-1
Baljakin Alexsander - Stasytis Vaidas 2-0
Domchev Alexey - Kychkine Nikolay 1-1
Janavicius Mantas - Herasimovich Natalia 1-1
Permyakov Anton - Verheul Heike 1-1
Kudriavcev Valerij - Cilevich Leonid 2-0
Vilcinska Veronika - Mateiko Viktors 2-0
Mitenbergs Maris - Teterin Vsevolod 1-1
Andreev Aysen - Marterere Agita 0-2
Mitenbergs Arturs - Grudin Oleg 1-1
Sherbulks Karlas - Stashuls Roland 0-2
Kychkina Ayanika - dummy 2-0

Ronde 5 24-06-2008
Steijlen Pieter - Baljakin Alexsander -
Gulubeva Zoja - Jankunas Justinas -
Doumesh Vitalia - Kudriavcev Valerij -
Vilcinska Veronika - Domchev Alexey -
Stasytis Vaidas - Kychkine Nikolay -
Stashuls Roland - Janavicius Mantas -
Verheul Heike - Teterin Vsevolod -
Herasimovich Natalia - Permyakov Anton -
Marterere Agita - Mitenbergs Maris -
Mateiko Viktors - Mitenbergs Arturs -
Grudin Oleg - Cilevich Leonid -
Kychkina Ayanika - Andreev Aysen -
dummy - Sherbulks Karlas -

Land AW Pt WP SB
1 Steijlen Pieter Netherlands 4 - 7 20 34
2 Baljakin Alexsander Netherlands 4 - 7 18 31
3 Jankunas Justinas Lithuania 4 - 6 20 28
4 Gulubeva Zoja Latvia 4 - 6 18 26
5 Doumesh Vitalia Netherlands 4 - 5 21 24
6 Domchev Alexey Lithuania 4 - 5 20 24
7 Kychkine Nikolay Russia 4 - 5 19 19
8 Stasytis Vaidas Lithuania 4 - 5 19 18
9 Vilcinska Veronika Lithuania 4 - 5 16 14
10 Kudriavcev Valerij Lithuania 4 - 5 14 11
11 Janavicius Mantas Lithuania 4 - 4 17 14
12 Teterin Vsevolod Latvia 4 - 4 17 13
Permyakov Anton Russia 4 - 4 17 13
14 Marterere Agita Latvia 4 - 4 15 8
15 Mitenbergs Maris Latvia 4 - 4 14 11
16 Herasimovich Natalia Belarus 4 - 4 13 9
17 Verheul Heike Netherlands 4 - 4 13 8
18 Mateiko Viktors Latvia 4 - 3 18 11
19 Cilevich Leonid Latvia 4 - 3 16 4
20 Grudin Oleg Latvia 4 - 3 13 9
21 Mitenbergs Arturs Latvia 4 - 3 12 3
22 Stashuls Roland Latvia 4 - 3 10 4
23 Andreev Aysen Russia 4 - 2 15 6
24 Kychkina Ayanika Russia 4 - 2 13 0
25 Sherbulks Karlas Latvia 4 - 1 16 4
26 dummy 4 - 0 12 0

henk stoop
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2003 00:02

Post by henk stoop » Tue Jun 24, 2008 21:30

Ronde 5 24-06-2008
Steijlen Pieter - Baljakin Alexsander 1-1
Gulubeva Zoja - Jankunas Justinas 1-1
Doumesh Vitalia - Kudriavcev Valerij 0-2
Vilcinska Veronika - Domchev Alexey 0-2
Stasytis Vaidas - Kychkine Nikolay 1-1
Stashuls Roland - Janavicius Mantas 2-0
Verheul Heike - Teterin Vsevolod 2-0
Herasimovich Natalia - Permyakov Anton 1-1
Marterere Agita - Mitenbergs Maris 2-0
Mateiko Viktors - Mitenbergs Arturs 1-1
Grudin Oleg - Cilevich Leonid 1-1
Kychkina Ayanika - Andreev Aysen 0-2
dummy - Sherbulks Karlas 0-2

Ronde 6 24-06-2008
Kudriavcev Valerij - Steijlen Pieter -
Baljakin Alexsander - Jankunas Justinas -
Domchev Alexey - Gulubeva Zoja -
Stasytis Vaidas - Marterere Agita -
Kychkine Nikolay - Verheul Heike -
Grudin Oleg - Doumesh Vitalia -
Permyakov Anton - Vilcinska Veronika -
Stashuls Roland - Herasimovich Natalia -
Janavicius Mantas - dummy -
Cilevich Leonid - Mateiko Viktors -
Mitenbergs Maris - Mitenbergs Arturs -
Andreev Aysen - Teterin Vsevolod -
Sherbulks Karlas - Kychkina Ayanika -

Land AW Pt WP SB
1 Steijlen Pieter Netherlands 5 - 8 31 47
2 Baljakin Alexsander Netherlands 5 - 8 30 47
3 Jankunas Justinas Lithuania 5 - 7 32 42
4 Domchev Alexey Lithuania 5 - 7 28 38
5 Gulubeva Zoja Latvia 5 - 7 26 34
6 Kudriavcev Valerij Lithuania 5 - 7 24 28
7 Stasytis Vaidas Lithuania 5 - 6 31 33
Kychkine Nikolay Russia 5 - 6 31 33
9 Marterere Agita Latvia 5 - 6 23 20
10 Verheul Heike Netherlands 5 - 6 19 17
11 Doumesh Vitalia Netherlands 5 - 5 33 30
12 Permyakov Anton Russia 5 - 5 28 25
13 Vilcinska Veronika Lithuania 5 - 5 25 16
14 Herasimovich Natalia Belarus 5 - 5 23 19
15 Stashuls Roland Latvia 5 - 5 20 18
16 Mateiko Viktors Latvia 5 - 4 27 21
17 Janavicius Mantas Lithuania 5 - 4 27 19
18 Mitenbergs Maris Latvia 5 - 4 24 15
19 Teterin Vsevolod Latvia 5 - 4 24 13
20 Cilevich Leonid Latvia 5 - 4 24 9
21 Andreev Aysen Russia 5 - 4 23 13
22 Grudin Oleg Latvia 5 - 4 21 17
23 Mitenbergs Arturs Latvia 5 - 4 17 8
24 Sherbulks Karlas Latvia 5 - 3 21 4
25 Kychkina Ayanika Russia 5 - 2 19 0
26 dummy 5 - 0 19 0

henk stoop
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2003 00:02

Post by henk stoop » Wed Jun 25, 2008 21:54

Ronde 6 25-06-2008
Kudriavcev Valerij - Steijlen Pieter 0-2
Baljakin Alexsander - Jankunas Justinas 2-0
Domchev Alexey - Gulubeva Zoja 1-1
Stasytis Vaidas - Marterere Agita 1-1
Kychkine Nikolay - Verheul Heike 2-0
Grudin Oleg - Doumesh Vitalia 0-2
Permyakov Anton - Vilcinska Veronika 1-1
Stashuls Roland - Herasimovich Natalia 0-2
Janavicius Mantas - dummy 2-0
Cilevich Leonid - Mateiko Viktors 2-0
Mitenbergs Maris - Mitenbergs Arturs 1-1
Andreev Aysen - Teterin Vsevolod 0-2
Sherbulks Karlas - Kychkina Ayanika 1-1

Ronde 7 26-06-2008
Kychkine Nikolay - Baljakin Alexsander -
Gulubeva Zoja - Steijlen Pieter -
Marterere Agita - Domchev Alexey -
Jankunas Justinas - Cilevich Leonid -
Stasytis Vaidas - Kudriavcev Valerij -
Herasimovich Natalia - Doumesh Vitalia -
Mitenbergs Arturs - Permyakov Anton -
Verheul Heike - Vilcinska Veronika -
Teterin Vsevolod - Janavicius Mantas -
Stashuls Roland - Mitenbergs Maris -
Mateiko Viktors - Kychkina Ayanika -
dummy - Grudin Oleg -
Andreev Aysen - Sherbulks Karlas -

Land AW Pt WP SB
1 Baljakin Alexsander Netherlands 6 - 10 44 71
Steijlen Pieter Netherlands 6 - 10 44 71
3 Domchev Alexey Lithuania 6 - 8 43 56
4 Kychkine Nikolay Russia 6 - 8 42 49
5 Gulubeva Zoja Latvia 6 - 8 41 53
6 Jankunas Justinas Lithuania 6 - 7 48 50
7 Stasytis Vaidas Lithuania 6 - 7 43 43
8 Doumesh Vitalia Netherlands 6 - 7 42 44
9 Kudriavcev Valerij Lithuania 6 - 7 41 38
10 Marterere Agita Latvia 6 - 7 34 31
11 Herasimovich Natalia Belarus 6 - 7 33 34
12 Permyakov Anton Russia 6 - 6 40 35
13 Vilcinska Veronika Lithuania 6 - 6 37 26
14 Verheul Heike Netherlands 6 - 6 33 24
15 Janavicius Mantas Lithuania 6 - 6 33 23
16 Teterin Vsevolod Latvia 6 - 6 32 25
17 Cilevich Leonid Latvia 6 - 6 29 18
18 Mitenbergs Maris Latvia 6 - 5 33 23
19 Stashuls Roland Latvia 6 - 5 31 24
20 Mitenbergs Arturs Latvia 6 - 5 26 13
21 Mateiko Viktors Latvia 6 - 4 37 22
22 Grudin Oleg Latvia 6 - 4 34 22
23 Andreev Aysen Russia 6 - 4 32 15
24 Sherbulks Karlas Latvia 6 - 4 27 8
25 Kychkina Ayanika Russia 6 - 3 27 4
26 dummy 6 - 0 30 0

henk stoop
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2003 00:02

Post by henk stoop » Thu Jun 26, 2008 22:12

Ronde 7 26-06-2008
Kychkine Nikolay - Baljakin Alexsander 1-1
Gulubeva Zoja - Steijlen Pieter 0-2
Marterere Agita - Domchev Alexey 1-1
Jankunas Justinas - Cilevich Leonid 2-0
Stasytis Vaidas - Kudriavcev Valerij 0-2
Herasimovich Natalia - Doumesh Vitalia 1-1
Mitenbergs Arturs - Permyakov Anton 0-2
Verheul Heike - Vilcinska Veronika 1-1
Teterin Vsevolod - Janavicius Mantas 1-1
Stashuls Roland - Mitenbergs Maris 1-1
Mateiko Viktors - Kychkina Ayanika 2-0
dummy - Grudin Oleg 0-2
Andreev Aysen - Sherbulks Karlas 2-0

Ronde 8 27-06-2008
Baljakin Alexsander - Marterere Agita -
Jankunas Justinas - Herasimovich Natalia -
Kudriavcev Valerij - Kychkine Nikolay -
Gulubeva Zoja - Verheul Heike -
Teterin Vsevolod - Stasytis Vaidas -
Janavicius Mantas - Vilcinska Veronika -
Kychkina Ayanika - Cilevich Leonid -
Mitenbergs Maris - dummy -
Grudin Oleg - Stashuls Roland -
Andreev Aysen - Mateiko Viktors -
Sherbulks Karlas - Mitenbergs Arturs -
Steijlen Pieter - Domchev Alexey -
Doumesh Vitalia - Permyakov Anton -

Land AW Pt WP SB
1 Steijlen Pieter Netherlands 7 - 12 61 102
2 Baljakin Alexsander Netherlands 7 - 11 61 93
3 Jankunas Justinas Lithuania 7 - 9 60 69
Kychkine Nikolay Russia 7 - 9 60 69
5 Domchev Alexey Lithuania 7 - 9 57 72
6 Kudriavcev Valerij Lithuania 7 - 9 54 56
7 Gulubeva Zoja Latvia 7 - 8 58 59
8 Doumesh Vitalia Netherlands 7 - 8 56 58
9 Permyakov Anton Russia 7 - 8 51 50
10 Marterere Agita Latvia 7 - 8 49 46
11 Herasimovich Natalia Belarus 7 - 8 48 49
12 Stasytis Vaidas Lithuania 7 - 7 58 51
13 Vilcinska Veronika Lithuania 7 - 7 52 40
14 Verheul Heike Netherlands 7 - 7 45 36
15 Teterin Vsevolod Latvia 7 - 7 44 38
16 Janavicius Mantas Lithuania 7 - 7 44 32
17 Cilevich Leonid Latvia 7 - 6 46 26
18 Mitenbergs Maris Latvia 7 - 6 45 34
Stashuls Roland Latvia 7 - 6 45 34
20 Mateiko Viktors Latvia 7 - 6 45 32
21 Andreev Aysen Russia 7 - 6 41 26
22 Grudin Oleg Latvia 7 - 6 39 25
23 Mitenbergs Arturs Latvia 7 - 5 41 18
24 Sherbulks Karlas Latvia 7 - 4 38 9
25 Kychkina Ayanika 7 - 3 38 4
26 dummy 7 - 0 38 0

Piet Bouma
Posts: 3574
Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2003 13:05
Location: Harlingen

Post by Piet Bouma » Thu Jun 26, 2008 22:21

Pieter Steijlen, leader in the Balt-cup summer!!
<img src= ... s/2294.jpg>

Piet Bouma
Posts: 3574
Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2003 13:05
Location: Harlingen

Post by Piet Bouma » Fri Jun 27, 2008 17:46

From Henk Stoop some games on <a href= ... afko=23&r= target=blank>Toernooibase</a>.
Link: Partijen.

henk stoop
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Nov 02, 2003 00:02

Post by henk stoop » Fri Jun 27, 2008 18:39

Ronde 8 27-06-2008
Steijlen Pieter - Domchev Alexey 0-2
Baljakin Alexsander - Marterere Agita 2-0
Jankunas Justinas - Herasimovich Natalia 2-0
Doumesh Vitalia - Permyakov Anton 1-1
Kudriavcev Valerij - Kychkine Nikolay 2-0
Gulub eva Zoja - Verheul Heike 2-0
Teterin Vsevolod - Stasytis Vaidas 1-1
Janavicius Mantas - Vilcinska Veronika 1-1
Kychkina Ayanika - Cilevich Leonid 0-2
Mitenbergs Maris - dummy 2-0
Grudin Oleg - Stashuls Roland 0-2
Andreev Aysen - Mateiko Viktors 0-2
Sherbulks Karlas - Mitenbergs Arturs 0-2

Final standings
Land AW + = - Pt WP SB
1 Baljakin Alexsander Netherlands 8 5 - 3 - 0 13 76 122
2 Steijlen Pieter Netherlands 8 5 - 2 - 1 12 82 118
3 Jankunas Justinas Lithuania 8 4 - 3 - 1 11 78 97
4 Domchev Alexey Lithuania 8 3 - 5 - 0 11 75 103
5 Kudriavcev Valerij Lithuania 8 5 - 1 - 2 11 71 84
6 Gulubeva Zoja Latvia 8 3 - 4 - 1 10 74 85
7 Kychkine Nikolay Russia 8 3 - 3 - 2 9 78 78
8 Doumesh Vitalia Netherlands 8 2 - 5 - 1 9 75 77
9 Permyakov Anton Russia 8 2 - 5 - 1 9 67 70
10 Stasytis Vaidas Lithuania 8 2 - 4 - 2 8 72 61
11 Marterere Agita Latvia 8 3 - 2 - 3 8 69 53
12 Herasimovich Natalia Belarus 8 2 - 4 - 2 8 66 56
13 Vilcinska Veronika Lithuania 8 2 - 4 - 2 8 66 54
14 Mateiko Viktors Latvia 8 3 - 2 - 3 8 60 52
15 Janavicius Mantas Lithuania 8 2 - 4 - 2 8 59 45
16 Teterin Vsevolod Latvia 8 2 - 4 - 2 8 58 50
17 Cilevich Leonid Latvia 8 3 - 2 - 3 8 58 37
18 Stashuls Roland Latvia 8 3 - 2 - 3 8 57 50
19 Mitenbergs Maris Latvia 8 2 - 4 - 2 8 52 39
20 Verheul Heike Netherlands 8 2 - 3 - 3 7 60 41
21 Mitenbergs Arturs Latvia 8 2 - 3 - 3 7 52 30
22 Grudin Oleg Latvia 8 1 - 4 - 3 6 54 29
23 Andreev Aysen Russia 8 2 - 2 - 4 6 53 28
24 Sherbulks Karlas Latvia 8 1 - 2 - 5 4 51 11
25 Kychkina Ayanika 8 1 - 1 - 6 3 50 4
26 dummy 8 0 - 0 - 8 0 51 0
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