Latest version of Bye Laws for the Checkers Section

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Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 16:43
Real name: Alexander Presman
Location: the Netherlands

Latest version of Bye Laws for the Checkers Section

Post by A.Presman » Sun Jun 08, 2003 18:35

Provided by Chairman of the Checkers Section Mr. J. Reade

Checkers Section of the FMJD

Article I. Subordination to the FMJD Statutes and Bye-Laws
The Checkers Section of the FMJD is created by Article XXI of the Bye-laws of the FMJD. Its organization obeys Article XLVI of the Bye-laws of the FMJD, and the present Statutes complete and extend this Article.

The Statutes of the Checkers Section of the FMJD are subordinated to the Statutes and Bye-laws of the FMJD.

If applicable, every rule that is described in the Statutes and Bye-laws of the FMJD is considered to apply to the Checkers Section of the FMJD, unless explicitly modified in the present Statutes.

Article II. Members
Members of the Checkers Section of the FMJD are all national draughts federations who explicitly promote the checkers version of draughts and acknowledge officially the statutes of the Checkers Section.

There can be only one national draught federation representing a single nation in the Checkers Section of the FMJD. However, this federation may differ from member federations of the other sections of the FMJD. Among different alternative federations aiming at representing the same nation, the Checkers Section of the FMJD has no prejudice in favour of the federation that is already member of the FMJD.

Article III. Aims
The Checkers Section of the FMJD has the same aims as the FMJD, as stated in Chapter 1, ¡±4 of the FMJD Statutes, with the limited scope of the checkers game of draughts.

Article IV. Executive Board
1. Composition
The Checkers Section of the FMJD is led by an Executive Board composed of the following functionaries, each a member of their national federation:
„X The President;
„X The General Secretary;
„X The Treasurer;
„X Four Vice Presidents;
„X The Tournament Director of the Checkers Section
„X The Marketing Manager;
„X The representative of each Section (other than the Checkers Section) defined in Chapter V of the Bye-Laws;
„X The representative of the FMJD sponsor bureau;
„X The representative of the players;
„X The representative of the female players.
The four Vice-Presidents are the Presidents of the continental confederations (Africa, America, Asia and Europe). The President of the European Confederation replaces the President when needed. If no representative of the players is designated, the world champion is invited to fill the vacant seat. Other representatives of the continental confederations, of the various committees and sections, the founding members, the members of honour and the players may, at the invitation of the President and for a consultative voice, be invited to sit in on the meetings of the Executive Board.

2. Conditions
Each member of the Executive Board has to be member of his or her national federation for at least two years, be an adult, and enjoy all civil and political rights as such.

3. Costs
No Board member will receive a salary for his or her work as member of the Executive Board. The reimbursement of travel, communication and representation costs has to be approved by the General Assembly. The financial report has to mention these expenses.

4. Meetings
The Board meets four times a year, at least twice with full attendance, at dates decided by the President, or at the instigation of a third of the members. Whenever they are needed, the Board invites the representatives of various confederations and committees, as have been elected by the General Assembly or appointed by their own assembly, as well as the founding members, the members of honour and the players. These people are all invited at least once a year.

5. Decisions
The decisions of the Board are valid only if at least one third of its members are present or represented. In case of a tie, the President decides.

6. Office
The FMJD office, aside of its duties, also helps the Checkers Section Board in its daily work, in an administrative capacity. The personnel of the office, in that particular capacity, is not a member of the Board.

Article V. General Assembly
1. Composition
The General Assembly of the Checkers Section of the FMJD, regular or Extraordinary, consists of accredited representatives of all national member federations, respecting chapter II of the present Statutes.

2. Preparation
The Checkers Section of the FMJD meets each year in the General Assembly, during a World Championship or another official tournament, and each time convened by the Executive Board or at the initiative of at least half of the members federations. The Assembly is presided over by the President of the Checkers Section of the FMJD: his office is that of the Board. The agenda is prepared by the Board.

The reports on activities, the financial report have to be communicated at least three months in advance of the Assembly.

Following Article XLVI of the Bye-laws of the FMJD, the biannual report of the President, the General Secretary and the Treasurer of the Executive Board has to be joined to the financial report, for approval by the General Assembly of the FMJD.

3. Elections
The General Assembly elects all Board members except the President, the General Secretary and the Treasurer of the Executive Board, who are elected by the FMJD. Elections following the rules and procedures of Chapter IV of the Bye-Laws of the FMJD.

4. Duties
The General Assembly of Checkers Section of the FMJD has the same duties as the General Assembly of the FMJD, as listed in Chapter 2, ¡±19 of the Statutes of the FMJD, applied to the Checkers Section.

Article VI. Financial Resources
The resources of the Checkers Section of the FMJD accrue from the FMJD and, upon allowance of the General Assembly of the FMJD, all other means approved by the Statutes of the FMJD.

Article VII. Changes in the statutes and dissolution
The conditions for changes in the statutes and dissolution of the Checkers Section of the FMJD are the same as in the FMJD Statutes

Article VIII. Control and Bye-Laws
In the next General Assembly of the FMJD, the President of the Checkers Section of the FMJD informs the FMJD members of all modifications in the administration of the Section.

The Annexes, drawn up by the Executive Board, have to be put before the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Checkers Section of the FMJD for approval.

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