
Discussies over damsport (in het Nederlands)

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Apr 20, 2006 03:24

17 januari 2006

De komende oorlog tegen Iran - Deel 8

Dollar-economie motief Iranoorlog, naast olie en macht

De dollar-economie loopt gevaar door de op te richten Iraanse oliebeurs die zal afrekenen in euro's. Naast olie en de uitbreiding van de hegemonie van de VS ten koste van opkomende uitdagers is dit een belangrijk motief voor de VS om nu de wereld over te reizen ter aankondiging van de komende oorlog met Iran. De aankondigingen gebeuren in het geheim, de diplomatieke voorbereidingen gebeuren in alle openheid, maar zijn onderdeel van dezelfde campagne: oorlog tegen Iran.

Ahmadinejad and Bush: Separated at Birth?

by Jim Lobe

Despite the growing likelihood of confrontation between their two countries, U.S. President George W. Bush and Iranian President-elect Mahmoud Ahmadinejad share a number of remarkable similarities.

Juan Cole, a prominent blogger and Middle East historian at the University of Michigan, noted last week that the two men's campaign tactics suggest that they are "soul mates," particularly in their populist appeal, their criticism of a government of which they are a part, and their reliance on right-wing religious forces for their electoral success.

But even in terms of personal history, their lack of interest or concern about the outside world, and their Manichaean outlooks in which friends and enemies and good and evil are clearly delineated, the two men share a great deal in common.

Of course, there are key differences as well. Unlike Bush, who was born into great wealth and prominence, Ahmadinejad's origins were quite modest; his father was a blacksmith.

Similarly, Bush enjoys far greater power than the Iranian president-elect, who will have to cope with the far greater influence, particularly in foreign relations, exercised by the supreme religious leader, Ali Khamenei, who, however, has warmly welcomed Ahmadinejad's victory, notably as a direct rebuff to Bush himself.

Indeed, a number of analysts have noted that in his last-minute denunciation of the election and implied endorsement of a student-led boycott, Bush probably boosted both total turnout in the election's first round (about 63 percent of eligible voters, according to official accounts) and the performance of hardline forces led by Ahmadinejad

Tehran's conservative intelligence minister, Ali Yunesi, publicly thanked Bush for his remarks, which were repeatedly broadcast by state television during election day. Bush's statement against the elections was even used by Ahmadinejad to denounce his rival in the run-off, former President Ali Hashemi Rafsanjani, who had said Tehran should explore a dialogue with Washington.

"You only have to look at [Bush's] comments" to understand that he "seeks hostility" against Iran, Ahmadinejad told reporters in precisely the kind of statement designed to foreclose the possibility of dialogue that one would expect from hardliners in the Bush administration regarding Iran, North Korea, or prewar Iraq.

Cole identified several similarities in the political tactics of both Bush and Ahmadinejad. Like Bush, Ahmadinejad never personally attacked his political rivals, but at the same time did little to discourage his supporters from spreading lies and using other smear tactics against his foes during the election campaign.

Both men campaigned successfully as champions of the "common people" even though they were supported by extremely wealthy interests – in Ahmadinejad's case, according to Cole, by "billionaire clerical hardliners who have done little for ordinary folks"; in Bush's by "the white-tie corporate crowd."

Similarly, both men attacked their own governing establishments even though they had served as integral parts of them. As a right-winger and loyalist to Khamenei, Ahmadinejad complained about state corruption, and "his anti-government rhetoric struck a chord with many Iranians and helped him get elected," according to Cole. Similarly, Bush constantly "represents himself as an outsider to Washington and a critic of the government."

Finally, Ahmadinejad benefited from the support of mosque preachers all over the country as well as by members of a religious militia, the Basij, which also has a national network of grassroots volunteers who turned out the vote, particularly in rural and poorer provinces. Similarly, "Bush depends heavily on the support of evangelical and fundamentalist churches" who have become "foot soldiers for the Republican Party."

Another Iran specialist, Columbia University professor Gary Sick, agreed that comparing the two men may be useful "not because [they] or their nations are particularly alike, but rather to explain what is going on politically and what it may mean."

Like Cole, Sick, who served as the top Iran expert to former President Jimmy Carter, stressed the importance of a "large constituency composed of people who place special value on religious and traditional values" in the two men's political success. Both also appeared to benefit from the support of much of the military establishment.

Like Bush, Ahmadinejad "wears his religion on his sleeve," according to Sick, who also noted that the president-elect apparently has never traveled outside his own country and has no personal foreign-policy experience, just as Bush had none before his 2000 election. Bush's first public post, of course, was governor of Texas; Ahmadinejad served most recently as mayor of Tehran.

Despite their religious piety and appeal to traditional values, both men see themselves as problem-solvers and managers. While Bush has a master's degree in business administration from Harvard University and tries to run his administration on a corporate model, Ahmadinejad has a doctorate in engineering from one of Iran's elite schools and is given high marks, even by his critics, for his management of the mayor's office.

Their nationalism and somewhat contemptuous dismissal of the concerns of other nations also bear similarities. Just as Bush rejected the Kyoto Protocol to curb global warming because "we will not do anything that harms our economy [and] because first things first are the people who live in America; that's my priority," so Ahmadinejad during the campaign suggested that Iran would not compromise on issues of national interest except on its own terms.

Speaking of Western demands that Iran curb its nuclear program, he said, "We will discuss in a rational way and if they accept our legitimate right [to enrich uranium], we will cooperate. Otherwise, nothing will force the Iranians to comply with their demands."

Both clearly believe that nothing good can come from the other. Bush made that clear in his pre-election statements, not to mention his designation of Iran as a charter member of the "Axis of Evil."

"Iran is ruled by men who suppress liberty at home and spread terror across the world," Bush said on the eve of the first round of this month's elections. "Power is in the hands of an unelected few who have retained power through an electoral process that ignores the basic requirements of democracy."

"The U.S. administration cut off ties unilaterally to lay waste to the Islamic Republic," said Ahmadinejad during the campaign. "They want to restore them today for the same reason."

(Inter Press Service)

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Tue Apr 25, 2006 20:30

De komende oorlog tegen Iran - Deel 9

Dichterbij nucleaire confrontatie Iran

door Daan de Wit

De tekenen dat de VS op weg zijn naar een nucleaire confrontatie met Iran zijn de laatste tijd alleen maar sterker geworden. Al langer bestaande plannen die hiertoe moeten leiden worden nu stelselmatig uitgevoerd.
Seymour Hersh schrijft: 'One military planner told me [...]: "People think Bush has been focussed on Saddam Hussein since 9/11," but, "in my view, if you had to name one nation that was his focus all the way along, it was Iran."

Ron Paul, Republikeins Congreslid, schrijft: 'Even with the horrible results of the past three years, Congress is abuzz with plans to change the Iranian government.' 'Less than three weeks after Saddam Hussein's statue was toppled in central Baghdad in April 2003, the U.S. military finished campaign planning to invade Iran', aldus William Arkin, de militaire specialist van de Washington Post.

Naar alle waarschijnlijkheid zijn er net als bij de aanloop naar de Irak-oorlog twee trajecten. Een openbaar traject dat de schijn moet geven dat er sprake is van een probleem dat moet worden opgelost, waarbij oorlog een laatste optie is en vooral als dreiging wordt gebruikt en een clandestien traject waarin allang is besloten tot een militaire (en in het geval van Iran) nucleaire confontatie.

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Post by steenslag » Thu Apr 27, 2006 01:55

Twintig jaar geleden ( en één dag) ging het vreselijk verkeerd in Chernobyl. Magnumfotograaf Paul Fusco : ... _chernobyl/

Yes, I cried.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu May 11, 2006 17:07

Voor 500 euro te koop op eBay België:


64 Velden damspel met tinnen damstukken, waarop de bij de slag om Waterloo betrokken maarschalken en generaals zijn afgebeeld, met houten opbergdoos.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Wed May 17, 2006 15:18

Het Nederlands elftal is niet populair in Suriname. Ook op Curaçao zijn er niet veel fans van het Nederlands elftal. Bijna iedereen daar is voor Brazilië.
De Ware Tijd, 17 mei 2006 wrote: WK 2006-infoboek op de markt

dWT -

Paramaribo - Sinds maandag is er een nieuw WK 2006 infoboek op de markt: 56 kleurenpagina’s boordenvol informatie. Van de deelnemende landen, de coaches, de stadions, de scheidsrechters tot de groepsindeling en het wedstrijdschema.

Het boek kost tien Surinaamse dollar en als toetje is er voor de koper een gratis zakkalender, waarin alle 64 wedstrijden te halen zijn.
WK 2006 info is uitgegeven door Suriprint NV, die met het idee kwam, “omdat de WK-informatie die her en der op je afkomt, gewoon teveel is om ineens te verwerken.” Daarom is gekozen voor een WK 2006-brochure, waarin alle relevante informatie op een luchtige manier is samengevat.
Om dit doel te verwezenlijken, werd aangeklopt bij oud-sportverslaggever Ray Wimpel, die in verband met WK 2002 ook al zo’n tijdschrift had uitgegeven. Wimpel, die de WK-brochure van vier jaar terug als zijn laatste werkstuk op dit gebied betitelde, hield zich aan zijn woord, maar stond wel met deskundig advies bij. Hij wist een topteam van sportjournalisten – Julien Peneux, Marciano Zalman, Jimmy Pique, Desney Romeo, Orlando Zeefuik en Terence Oosterwolde – te strikken voor de job. Andere medewerkers aan het WK-boek waren Anne-Marie Sanches en Chad Abdoellah, die voor de vormgeving zorgde.-.

Wieger Wesselink
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Post by Wieger Wesselink » Fri Jun 16, 2006 17:18

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Mon Jul 03, 2006 21:07


Kris Millegan in his Fleshing out Skull and Bones on page 74:

Antony C. Sutton, Feb. 14, 1925 - June 17, 2002, has been persecuted but never prosecuted for his research and subsequent publishing of his findings. His mainstream career was shattered by his devotion towards uncovering the truth. In 1968, his Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by The Hoover Institute at Stanford University.
Sutton showed how the Soviet state's
technological and manufacturing base, which was then
engaged in supplying the North Vietnamese the
armaments and supplies to kill and wound American
soldiers, was built by US firms and mostly paid for by
the US taxpayers. From their largest steel and iron plant,
to automobile manufacturing equipment, to precision
ball-bearings and computers, basically the majority of the
Soviet's large industrial enterprises had been built with
the United States help or technical assistance.

Professor Richard Pipes, of Harvard, said in his book,
Survival Is Not Enough: Soviet Realities and America's
(Simon & Schuster;1984): "In his three-volume
detailed account of Soviet Purchases of Western
Equipment and Technology . . . [Antony] Sutton comes
to conclusions that are uncomfortable for many
businessmen and economists. For this reason his work
tends to be either dismissed out of hand as 'extreme' or,
more often, simply ignored."

The report was too much and Sutton's career as a
well-paid member of the academic establishment was
under attack and he was told that he "would not survive".

His work led him to more questions than answers. "Why
had the US built-up it's enemy? Why did the US build-up
the Soviet Union, while we also transferred technology to
Hitler's Germany? Why does Washington want to
conceal these facts?"

Sutton, following his leads, proceeded to research and
write his three outstanding books on Wall Street:
Wall Street and FDR;
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler;
Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution
Then, someone sent Antony a membership
list of Skull and Bones and--"a picture jumped out". And
what a picture! A multigenerational foreign-based secret
society with fingers in all kinds of pies and roots going
back to 'Illuminati' influences in 1830's Germany.

For the full story, check-out Sutton's book America's
Secret Establishment
, in print for 14 years and available
from Liberty House Press, 1-800-343-6180.

Skull And Bones

Here, in a recent e-mail interview, are Antony Sutton's
own reflections and answers to questions from myself
and other researchers.

Pre-interview note from Antony Sutton: Remember all
my papers on this are in deep storage 1000 miles away
and cannot be accessed and I've not even thought about
S&B for 15 years. I had no idea that any interest had
been aroused out there. I know the book is a steady seller
from the royalty reports; but that is all. For the last 10
years I have been in complete seclusion working on
future technology...I'm more engineer than historian. The
only visitors I've had or meetings have been with
three-letter agency people, who arrive on the doorstep
unannounced and complain I am hard to find. Big
Brother has the ability apparently to find anyone. Nothing
mysterious about this, I just dislike publicity and social
interaction. . . . You will see from the Dutch TV episode
that my work still upsets the "powers that be" so these
are merely reasonable precautions.
Antony Sutton

KM - Can you tell the story of how you learned of Skull
& Bones? And how you felt?

AS - I knew nothing of S&B until I received a letter in
the early 80's asking if I would like to look at a genuine
membership list. For no real reason I said yes. It was
agreed to send the package by Federal Express and I
could keep it for 24 hours, it had to be returned to the
safe. It was a "black bag" job by a family member
disgusted with their activities. For the benefit of any S&B
members who may read and doubt the statement; the
membership list is in two volumes, black leather bound.
Living members and deceased members in separate
volumes. Very handsome books. I spent all night in
Kinko's, Santa Cruz , copied the entire volumes and
returned within the 24 hour period. I have never released
any copies or identified the source. I figured each copy
could be coded and enable S&B to trace the leak. How
did I feel? I felt then (as I do now} that these
"prominent" men are really immature juveniles at heart.
The horrible reality is that these little boys have been
dominant in their influence in world affairs. No wonder
we have wars and violence. Skull and Bones is the
symbol of terrorist violence, pirates, the SS Deaths Head
Division in WW Two, labels on poison bottles and so on.
I kept the stack of xerox sheets for quite a while before I
looked at them--when I did look--a picture jumped out,
THIS was a significant part of the so called
establishment. No wonder the world has problems!

KM - What is the percentage of active members?

AS - I haven't checked for 15 used to be about
one quarter. With the rise of the Bush dynasty it will
increase somewhat, as they climb on the bankwagon.
The Demos had their turn with Harriman in the 40's and

KM - How many active members are there?

AS - Usually about 600 alive at any one time . . . recently
more active.

KM- What is your take on the grandfather clock that
each member allegedly receives?

AS - They do get a clock I've had that confirmed and
you will see it in the photos in ASE (AMERICA'S
SECRET ESTABLISHMENT). Might be symbolic,
perhaps to state their organization goes on timelessly.

KM - Has Skull and Bones lost its clout?

AS - Well look at the recent fundraiser for George
Bush...Republicans are stuffing money into his
pockets...I suggest members recently got behind one of
their own and decided to push George all out for
president--and Democrats can't do a thing because
Democrat Bones are not going to allow the Party to use
the ultimate weapon--George's membership in a foreign
secret society.

KM - What do you know of George ' W.' Bush?

AS - He is a third generation Bonesman. My personal
impression is that he doesn't have the drive of his father
or the skills of his grandfather....--but I could be very
wrong. He can beat anyone hands down--EXCEPT
VENTURA. If Bush handlers allow a face to face debate
between Bush and Ventura, Ventura will win. Remember
Ventura has admitted to his so-called "sins". Bush has a
closet full waiting to emerge. People are getting bored
with cover ups and spin. 2000 may see the end of the
Bones influence or--reality that these Bones people are

KM - Is the 'name' of the German group known?

AS - Almost certainly Illuminati.

KM - Some people say that there are other 'cells'; what
do you think?

AS - There are many other secret societies. I've only
looked at S&B. Unfortunately no historian will keep his
job if he tries to explore conspiracy...this is taboo for the
American Historical Association. Sooner or later outsiders
will take a look. I've long thought that S&B fits the legal
definition of a conspiracy and needs to be officially
investigated. Yes there should be other cells. No secret
society worth anything is going to keep its inner actions
written down on paper. If the gigantic electronic
monitoring apparatus is for national security purposes;
then it should be monitoring these people 24 hours a day.

KM - What are your thoughts on Wolf's Head? Scroll &
Key? And the other Senior societies at Yale?

AS - Wolfs Head, Scroll and Key seem to be pale
imitations of S&B, but they have the same objective of
deliberately building discrimination into a society. I
listened to Jesse Ventura last night and he made the point
that the Founding Fathers intended for CITIZENS to
represent the people. I agree, a trucker, a farmer, a
teacher--represents the people not a bunch of
professional pols or a secret society like S&B. All these
societies place their own members ahead of the pack and
give preference to their own members--this is
discrimination par excellence.

KM - Have you read Cathy O'Brian's book
Trance-Formation Of America? What do think of it?

AS - The book does not contain one piece of hard
physical evidence.. I think Cathy O'Brien BELIEVES
SHE IS TELLING THE TRUTH . . . but remember that
Mark Phillips is a skilled neuro-linguistic-programmer.
Another point that really concerns me is this...where did
this story originate? It originated in Communist Chinese
Intelligence and Mark Phillips had a contractual
relationship with the ChiComs. This could be an attempt
to destabilize the US. No doubt these Washington pols
are fully capable of these weird practices, just look at
Bohemian Grove but that doesn't mean that the book is
an accurate portrayal. If the book is credible I would
think the police would have raided Bohemian Grove long

My best guess is that the Chinese picked up whispers of
Washington scandals and blew them out of proportion for
their own purposes. This is a GUESS...I don't know.
One thing that puzzled me, with all these sexual
shenanigans how do Washington politicians find time to
do anything else? According to the book this is a full time
occupation for Senator Byrd and others.

KM - What did your study of elites, economics, secrecy
and technology do for your career?

AS-Depends what you mean by "career"? By
conventional standards I am an abject failure. I've been
thrown out of two major Universities (UCLA and
Stanford), denied tenure at Cal State Los Angeles. Every
time I write something, it appears to offend someone in
the Establishment and they throw me to the wolves. On
the other hand I've written 26 books, published a couple
of newsletters and so on...even more important I've
never compromised on the truth And I don't quit. In
material terms...hopeless failure. In terms of discovery...I
think I've been successful. Judge a man by his enemies.
William Buckley called me a "jerk". Glenn Campbell,
former Director of the Hoover Institution, Stanford called
me "a problem".

KM - Do you believe that there has been suppression of
technology? Has it been major or minor?

AS - Yes there has been suppression but its going to be
impossible to suppress the new emerging paradigm.

KM - The Federal Reserve, the House of Morgan, House
of Rothschild and Skull and Bones are they related?

AS - Best source for this is a book by me THE
, [1995 CPA, PO
Box 596, Boring OR 97007].

Image Image

KM- On Skull and Bone's influencing John Dewey and
Horace Mann; are there good source materials to follow
that story?

AS - Depends what you want to find. You could explore
the 10(?) volume works of Dewey... outrageous
Hegelianism, the state is supreme, the individual merely a
pawn to be trained. This is the basis of our 'educational
system"...or you could go and explore the members of
S&B who brought the system to the US. This trained
"sausage mind" outlook has thoroughly permeated our
universities--that's why we have the peer review
system...we are all supposed to think alike and find the
same answers. This political correctness garbage is
another step to total thought control.

AH - Did any of Hitler's economic policies threaten the
interests of the international bankers, and if so did that
play a role in his downfall?

AS - Hitler's economic policies were OK'd by the
bankers right through the war...ITT, Chase, Texaco and
others were operating in Nazi-held France as late as
1945. In fact Chase in Paris was trying to get Nazi
accounts as late as 1944. When we got to Germany in
May 1945, I remember seeing a (bombed-out)
Woolworth store in Hamburg and thinking, "What's
Woolworth doing in Nazi Germany?" While we were
bombed and shelled it was "business as usual" for Big
Business. Try the Alien Custodian Papers. See my BEST
for more information.
Union Banking is very important. I made a documentary
for Dutch National TV some years ago. It got all the way
through the production process to the Dutch TV the last minute it was pulled and another film
substituted. This documentary has proof of Bush
financing Hitler-- documents. Maybe my Dutch friends
will still get it viewed, but the apparatus reaches into

KM - What is the story that was going to be told on
Dutch TV? And what is the story of it's censorship?

AS - Couple of years back, a Dutch TV production
company from Amsterdam--under contract to Dutch
National TV--came to US to make documentary on
S&B. They went to the Bones Temple and other places
and interviewed people on East Coast. On West Coast,
they interviewed myself and one other person. I saw
extracts from the original and it is a good professional
job. They had documents linking Bush family and other
S&B members to financing Hitler through Union Banking
of New York and its Dutch correspondent bank. More
. The first version was later upgraded into a two
part documentary and scheduled for showing this last
March. It was pulled at last minute and has never been

AH - Who has been financing Milosevic, and what role
has the international banking community played in the

AS - I haven't looked at this one. Of course the notorious
Black Hand society is located in the Balkans. See WW

DG - What is the importance of your work on Skull and

AS - The potential is extraordinary. IF we find that secret
societies are indeed significant the entire history of the
last two centuries will have to be re-written. At this point
in 1999, the potential has not been explored by others
and I've moved back to my original interest--technology.
Apparently people see some merit in the work. It is never
advertised. It is an underground word of mouth
distribution but has sold steadily from 1986 to date.
Every month I get a royalty check, so I know it is selling.
But my original enthusiastic statement has not been

KM - What do you see for the future?

AS - Chaos, confusion and ultimately a battle between
the individual and the State. The individual is the
stronger; and will win. The state is a fiction sanctified by
Hegel and his followers to CONTROL the individual.
Sooner or later people will wake up. First we have to
dump the trap of right and left, this is a Hegelian trap to
divide and control. The battle is not between right and
left; it is between us and them. The message is getting
through. ASE has sold for 15 years, small but steady. No
advertising. Its an underground work. But the breadth of
interest is amazing. From Black Africa, to Russia (12,000
copies), right, cuts across all ethnic, political,
social lines...The spirit of God is within us as individuals.
Skull & Bones represents death. It has no life spirit and
pretends that the State "is the march of God on earth".
The thinking of immature juveniles, deadly and
destructive and has almost totally infected Washington.
What to do? Find yourself and then go to work.....tell
your friends and put out the message. The answer is
within you. _____ Antony Sutton, is the author of 26
books, many of which can be purchased on-line at
Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Liberty House Press at
1-800-343-6180 has copies of America's Secret
Establishment and Best Enemy Money Can Buy for sale.
New York Editors . . . In talking to a magazine in New
York that is working on a feature story on George ' W '
Bush and was thinking of doing a piece on S&B. I asked
how about a sidebar on Antony Sutton? After getting
responses peppered with phrases such as; "Someone is
claiming he's a John Bircher" and; Here is what one
editor (who shall remain nameless) had to say about

"Liberty House was/is a right wing publishing company
located in Billings, Montana. Anthony Sutton was a
research fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution. Among
many other claims, Sutton's book accuses Skull and
Bones of funding and encouraging "the Maxist/Leftist
'60s revolution"....and diverting attention by drawing
students into disarmament and/or environmental groups
and issues. Although there seems to be some real info in
his book, it reads like a classic text of right-wing
propaganda, filled with hyperbole and unsourced
allegations" Antony Sutton's response:

What's wrong with these editors? I was thrown out of the
Hoover Institution by the CIA types....I am definitely
persona non-grata. Director Glenn Campbell actually
threatened me: "you will not survive."

Some right winger!! I've never been a member of the
Birch Society or any society come to that. I'd like to have
that Editor say that to my face. They're sick! Get his
comments on the above...and have him come up with
some proof. What's the legal definition of has
to be untrue and malicious. Do they have any money?
When it comes right down to it the NY people didn't
even read my book...else they would know that I see the
right-left approach as a Hegelian for lack of
evidence Ill leave that to the readers. On second thought
they probably never heard of Hegel. When Lenin
referred to 'useful idiots" he must have had these people
in mind.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Jul 13, 2006 03:04


Antony C. Sutton ... evolution/


• The role of J. P. (Pontifex Maximus) Morgan banking executives in funneling illegal Bolshevik gold into the U.S.

• How the American Red Cross was coopted by powerful forces on Wall Street.

• Wall Streeters who intervened to free Leon Trotsky, even though Trotsky's stated aim was to engineer "the real revolution"—the Soviet coup which toppled Kerensky.

• The deals made by major corporations to capture the huge Russian market a decade and a half before the U.S. recognized the Soviet regime.

• The "closet socialism" of leading businessmen who paraded publicly as champions of free enterprise.


Antony C. Sutton

Makes Every Previous Book on World War II Obsolete.
Finally, a distinguished scholar has penetrated the cloak of falsehood, deception, and duplicity that for more than thirty years has protected one of the most incredible secrets of World War II: the support from key Wall Street financiers and other international bankers in subsidizing Hitler's rise to power.

Professor Antony C. Sutton proves that World War II was not only well planned, it was also extremely profitable—for a select group of financial insiders. Carefully tracing this closely guarded secret through original documents and eyewitness accounts, Sutton documents the roles played by J.P. Morgan, T. W. Lamont, the Rockefeller interests, General Electric Company, Standard Oil, National City Bank, Chase and Manhattan banks, Kuhn, Loeb and Company, and scores of other business elitists.

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler shows how the bloodiest, most destructive war in history was financed and promoted. It is sure to spark angry denials and heated debate.


Antony C. Sutton

This book portrays Franklin Delano Roosevelt as a Wall Street financier who, during his first term as President of the United States, reflected the objectives of financial elements concentrated in the New York business establishment. Given the long historical association—since the late 18th century—of the Roosevelt and Delano families with New York finance and FDR's own career from 1921 to 1928 as banker and speculator at 120 Broadway and 55 Liberty Street, such a theme should not come as a surprise to the reader. On the other hand, FDR biographers Schlesinger, Davis, Freidel, and otherwise accurate Roosevelt commentators appear to avoid penetrating very far into the recorded and documented links between New York bankers and FDR. We intend to present the facts of the relationship, as recorded in FDR's letter files. These are new facts only in the sense that they have not previously been published; they are readily available in the archives for research, and consideration of this information suggests a reassessment of FDR's role in the history of the 20th century.
Last edited by Hanco Elenbaas on Tue Aug 01, 2006 15:14, edited 1 time in total.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Fri Jul 21, 2006 04:03

Petra Giesbergen wrote: Dierenleed Protest


Minister Veerman (CDA) wil nog voor de nieuwe verkiezingen de Dierenwelzijnswet
afschaffen, waardoor een aantal zaken die voor de dieren geregeld zijn, dreigen te
verdwijnen en er meer aan het bedrijfsleven overgelaten wordt, met alle ellende van dien!

Teken op onderstaande site om je protest te laten horen!
Karmische straf voor het CDA:

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Tue Aug 01, 2006 14:37

de Volkskrant van 1 augustus 2006 wrote: Heiligheid Pius XII komt stap dichterbij

Van onze correspondent Michaël Zeeman

VATICAANSTAD - Zal het straks Benedictus XVI zijn die zijn niet eens zo verre voorganger Pius XII heilig moet verklaren? Zal het, anders gezegd, een Duitse paus zijn die de definitieve zegen uitspreekt over de paus die een oogje toekneep toen de Duitsers hun rampzalige ‘Endlösung der Judenfrage’ uitvoerden?

Het begint erop te lijken. Zaterdag liet het Vaticaan weten de eerste bespreking over het geval van Pius XII met vrucht te hebben afgerond en na het zomerreces de werkzaamheden voort te zetten.

Onomstreden is dat niet. Eugenio Pacelli, die bij zijn verkiezing tot paus in 1939 de naam Pius XII zou aannemen, was, als pauselijk afgezant voor Duitsland, van 1920 tot het begin van de Tweede Wereldoorlog in München werkzaam. Hij heeft de opkomst van Adolf Hitler en diens nazipartij van nabij meegemaakt en stelselmatig geprobeerd zijn invloed aan te wenden om oorlog te voorkomen. Maar toen hij eenmaal tot paus was gekozen, heeft hij zijn nog veel grotere morele invloed niet gebruikt om de door de Duitsers in gang gezette holocaust onomwonden te veroordelen.

Dat wordt hem tot op de dag van vandaag, bijna een halve eeuw na zijn dood, verweten. Naarmate er meer archiefmateriaal openbaar wordt, wordt bovendien duidelijk dat hij goed heeft geweten wat er zich onder zijn ogen voltrok.

Tijdens zijn bezoek aan Keulen vorig jaar werd Benedictus XVI door de joodse gemeenschap in Duitsland nog ter verantwoording geroepen voor de rol die de r.k. kerk heeft gespeeld. Uiteindelijk is hij het die het laatste woord spreekt over de heiligheid van Pius XII – en dus over de geschiedenis.
Jack T. Chick & Alberto Rivera wrote:Image
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Post by Mark » Sat Aug 19, 2006 14:32

Koops wrote: Oei, pijnlijk.

Maar goed, nu we hier toch bezig zijn met kleine wiskundige vraagstukjes. Hier de volgende:

Alle priemgetallen groter dan 2 zijn oneven getallen. Even getallen kunnen altijd worden samengesteld uit combinaties van twee oneven want 2n+1 + 2m+1 = 2(n+m+1), waarbij n een oneven getal -1 is en me ook (dus n en m zijn even). Hoe kun je bewijzen dat alle even getallen bestaan uit een combinatie van twee priemgetallen?

Voor de goede oplossing loof ik een fles wijn uit. Of nee, geen slap gedoe: twee. Een rode en een witte.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sun Sep 10, 2006 16:12

Daan de Wit werd vrijdagavond bespottelijk gemaakt, zoals te verwachten was. Naast hem zat het wichtje Femke Halsema en tegenover hem die volgevreten Paul de Leeuw en RTL 4 correspondent Max Westerman. Voeg daar twee establishment-slaapkoppen als Paul Witteman en Jeroen Pauw aan toe en je kunt onmogelijk verwachten dat er nog veel bijzonders uit Daan de Wit komt.
Het was nog een wonder dat ja-knikker Arend Jan Boekestijn en naprater Ronald Plaskerk (die naam alleen al, zegt genoeg) niet ook waren uitgenodigd.

Maar van vanavond op Nederland 3, 23.35, verwacht ik iets meer. Sowieso een heel leuk programma op Nederland 3, met om 20.30 Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 en om 22.35 Zembla over "het complot". Eens kijken hoe men het nu weer allemaal als "onzin" gaat proberen af te doen, opdat de Nederlander rustig verder kan slapen.

Ook interessant op België 2 om 20.15 uur: 9/11: wat we niet mochten weten.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:14

Binnenkort weer "verkiezingen". Ben je ook zo verbaasd dat zovelen de afgelopen jaren op de nepchristen Balkenende en zijn partij hebben gestemd? Zouden CDA, VVD en PvdA misschien rommelen met de beruchte stemcomputers, in navolging van de bevriende Republikeinen in de Verenigde Staten?
Jozef Stalin zei het al: "Het interesseert me niet op wie de mensen stemmen. Waar het mij om gaat is wie de stemmen telt."

Daan de Wit over stemfraude met stemmachines:

Dankzij de onvolprezen Karel van de Graaf is het actualiteitenprogramma EénVandaag zich ook met deze materie gaan bezig houden.

Uitzending EénVandaag van 4 oktober 2006 ... &sid=31156

Beveiliging stemcomputer zo lek als een mandje

De stemcomputer die in 90 procent van de Nederlandse gemeenten wordt gebruikt voor de verkiezingen is slecht beveiligd. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van EénVandaag, in samenwerking met de actiegroep Wij vertrouwen stemcomputers niet. Bekijk hier alvast een voorproefje.
video : ... &vtype=wwb

EénVandaag heeft een stemcomputer (Nedap ES3B) geleend van een gemeente. De software en hardware van de stemcomputer is door onafhankelijke deskundigen onderzocht. Dat is nooit eerder gebeurd in Nederland.

Rop Gonggrijp, woordvoerder van de actiegroep Wij vertrouwen stemcomputers niet: "Frauderen met een stemcomputer is vreselijk makkelijk. Als je de stemcomputer in handen hebt is het een kwestie van een nieuw programma er in stoppen". Bart Jacobs, hoogleraar computerbeveiliging aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen: "Zeker, je kunt fraude plegen met de stemcomputer, op het moment dat je controle hebt over het apparaat en dus overal bij kunt".

Kamerleden van VVD, CDA en PVDA hebben de reportage van EénVandaag gezien en zijn geschrokken. Ze willen een betere beveiliging van de stemcomputer. Verantwoordelijk minister Atso Nicolai moet snel tekst en uitleg geven aan de kamer.

EénVandaag laat vanavond stap voor stap zien hoe makkelijk je kan frauderen met een stemcomputer. Voor een geslaagde verkiezingsfraude heb je toegang nodig tot meerdere stemcomputers tegelijk. Dat kan in Rotterdam, de opslag van de 400 stemcomputers in Rotterdam is slecht beveiligd. Geen bewakingscamera's en geen alarmsysteem. Dat is een overtreding van de kieswet, die eist strenge bewaking.

De stemcomputer start met een sleutel. Alle 8000 stemcomputers in Nederland hebben exact dezelfde sleutel en die is makkelijk na te maken. En TNO in Delft test elke vier jaar slechts één van de 8000 stemcomputers.

Naar aanleiding van de reportage van EénVandaag geeft de actiegroep Wij vertrouwen stemcomputers niet een persconferentie. Donderdag 5 oktober, 10 uur in Nieuwspoort Den Haag.

Actiegroep Wij vertrouwen stemcomputers niet

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