Information about WC 2005

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Mon May 02, 2005 01:54

Fabrice MAGGIORE wrote:Good evening with all,

First of all before addressing to me to you Mr. ELENBAAS and Mrs. BUBBI, I allow myself to draw your attention to copy-sticking it this anonymity which reproduced my post emitted on the site of the FFJD towards the forum of the FMJD. If I had wanted that it appears to with it, I could do it myself; each one has its own reasons and convictions to make what it likes.

I also draw the attention of Mr. Jacques PERMAL to the inopportunity to diffuse photographs without the approval of sound or his authors, infringement punished by the French Penal code. I am also saddened by the behavior of Mr. PERMAL who used this mistake at my place. I add that these mutiposts daily versed on the various sites (and in particular its post followed by my photograph) has as as result to irritate a good number of French damists who quite simply drew aside it considering his narrow-mindedness.

I am really sorry to use this space to position back the things, remarks certainly painful but necessary from time to time. Now that the things are said, as regards the subject itself, I allowed myself to make a comparison between an incomplete list emitted by the office of the FMJD and that of Mr. ELENBAAS.

What leads me to develop several interrogations:

Firstly: how members of such a large Confederation in term of distance can know as the aforementioned confederation does not have to pour its right of affiliation. I draw your attention that here in America, the damic nations only meet very episodically.

Secondo: I rather seldom traverse the forum of the FMJD and I did not follow all your discussions. All the more written in English or Dutch, it is very difficult to have a translation right while passing by a software, which led me to take with the first degree your Joke as you said. I amndt sorry for this incomprehension.

Thirdly: Can you Mrs. BUBBI inform me on Confération Panaméricaine concerning the reason on the presence of the countries BRAZIL, CURACAO and HAITI on your list?

Fourthly: Can you explain me Mr. ELENBAAS the evocation of the 13th PANAM in Montreal in July 2005 to precisely know 3 the qualified additional ones whereas in my opinion, that of HAITI 2004 should be taken more especially as there was no information having milked with three qualified additional by the means of the zonal one of Montreal and that in my opinion it is really late to take Vacation and to reserve very expensive plane tickets in three months of the expiry.

Quinto: I benefit from it to expose the case of the Guadeloupe which forms integral part of the Pan-American zone since it took part in the majority of the zonal ones. Can one hope for a participation of this country in the Championship of the world because of his membership in the aforementioned zone. You will understand easily that it is very difficult with a player inhabitant of Guadeloupe to take part in the French competitions. I want of it for proof that it is impossible for us to propose a team for a participation out of Cut of France. Can one hope for an evolution of this particular case when one realizes certain derogatory exemptions if I then to say in favour of dominant nations. As recalled by Mrs. BUBBI, it is a Championship of the planetary world.

While waiting to read you, please receive Madam, Mister my sincerity. Sincerely. Fabrice MAGGIORE
Dear Mr. Maggiore,
The picture my young friend Jacques used is part of the FMJD Album. [ ] It was sent to us by the ones who made the photos in Haiti. I'm not sure who actually shot your specific picture, but certainly it must have been Hensley Rondei of Curaçao or Lélio Marcos of Brasil.

Sorry that it irritated you, but I'm certain that to irritate was not Jacques' intention.

If you place your opinion on the forum of the FFJD, than anyone can assume that it is not a private opinion anymore. So if you don't like to be quoted, don't write something on a forum.
But I think it is good that you wrote what you did. In Amsterdam people say 'Don't make a murder grave from your heart' and according to me that is often a wise attitude in life.

That two people, Anthony Alexandre and Louicéus Shang Wong qualified in the 12th PanAm in Haiti 2004 was written to me by Mr. Raoul Alias, president of the PADCF.
When FMJD stated 5 people from America could qualify for the world championship in Amsterdam I concluded/guessed that besides Alexandre and Wong, the other three had to qualify in the 13th PanAm in Montréal in July. Seems logic to me, but you never know with the FMJD.

I hope in Montréal you can raise above yourself, so that you can qualify for the world championship. In that case we will meet in October.
Good luck to you!

PS: It's a nice picture! You won that game?


Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon May 02, 2005 08:27

Photos of CAP-HAITIEN has been taken by Organisation commitee of 2004 PANAM TOURNAMENT. Theses photos have been sent to FMJD. So FMJD FORUM can show them when there are dicussions about DRAUGHTS GAME.
Of course when you online your opinion in any forum, it isn't a private opinion.
Sometimes LE MONDE quoted opinion written in DER SPIEGEL............

I just want to add that every players of FRANCE know the high aggressivity rate of interventions of FABRICE MAGGIORE in FFJD FORUM.
It is very easy to broacast Critical opinions in FORUM (FFJD , FMJD....) but not easy to take initiatives in favor of our game. FABRICE MAGGIORE easily online bad opinions but has never fought for our game : He has never led a draughts association for instance.

Instead of criticize anyone, FABRICE MAGGIORE should send us results of GUADELOUPE tournaments.It would be more useful !!
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

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Post by pieter » Thu May 12, 2005 13:52

Does anybody know something about the WK cadets and Juniors 2005?
I saw that the WK juniors will be going to be played in Mongolia.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Wed Jun 08, 2005 21:20

On Forum FFJD (French Draughts Federation) dr. Malick Niang of Senegal writes that Ndiaga Samb and Macodou Ndiaye won't be there during next WC in Amsterdam:

Samb privé de mondial
Message envoyé par malickniang Le 07/06/2005 20:53:50

Le GMI Ndiaga Samb ne participera au championnat du monde individuel de jeu de dames qui aura lieu à AMSTERDAM en Hollande du 6 au 26 octobre 2005.
La faute à qui?
A la fois aux officiels sénégalais et à la FMJD.
Pour participer à ce mondial, il faut être champion d'Afrique où remporter le dernier championnat de son pays.
Pour ce qui est du Sénégal, il faut participer au Championnat régional de Dakar qui dure des mois, aprés c'est les préliminaires avec les 11 régions pour 15 jours encore à Dakar, vient enfin le championnat national pour 15 jours encore.
Un championnat qui dure pratiquement toute l'année, condition que ne peut remplir Ndiaga Samb et Maocodou Ndiaye qui sont à l'extérieur et des travailleurs comme moi qui du reste sommes nombreux.
La FMJD quant à elle au lieu d'organiser un championna d'Afrique et d'envoyer les meilleurs au mondial comme elle le faisait préfére cette année expérimenter le systéme des quotats.
Des maliens, guinéens et d'autres africains iront à la place des sénégalais.
Des gens qui n'allaient pas partir en Hollande, s'il y'avait un championat d'Afrique y seront conviés.
Des pays européens moins forts que le Sénégal auront 3 représentants, là où le Sénégal n'en aura que 1 où 2.
C'est de l'impérialisme qui ne dit pas son nom, n'est-ce pas cher Fabrice Maggiore, vous qui attendait la réaction des africains sur ce forum.
Là voici.

Malick Niang
Kaolack Sénégal

Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Thu Jun 09, 2005 22:38

NEWS from DAKAR about BA and SAMB problems with national federation :

Ce tournoi s'est déroulé à Dakar au mois de mai 2005 et a été organisé par l'expert comptable sénégalais Tamsir Barry.
Ont participé à ce tournoi : Ba, Samb, Ndjofang et ques espoirs sénégal dont Aliou Dia et Nakh.
Quelques résultats :
Ba-Samb : 1-1
Ba-Ndjofang : 1-1
Ndjofang-Samb : 2-0
Classement :
1er Ba
2é Ndjofang
3é Samb
L'expert comptable Tamsir Barry est le chouchou des joueurs sénégalais, c'est leur mécène.
C'est Barry qui a payé de sa poche les billets d'avion aller et retour Hollande Sénégal, les frais d'hôtel, d'hergement, de nourriture de Ba, Samb et Ndjofang.
Il a payé également à Samb, Ba, Ndjofang et à tous les espoirs sénégalais qui ont participé à ce tournoi des primes et des récompenses.
C'est un gars qui à des moyents financiers énormes, rien que pour ce tournoi, il a déboursé des milliers d'euros.
Son cabinet prospére dans toute l'Afrique de l'Ouest.
Il a des marchés jusqu'en Europe.
A Plusieurs reprises les joueurs ont essayé de le porter à la tête de la fédération sénégalaise, mais en vain.
C'est le comité directeur qui élit le président de la fédération.
Le comité directeur est constitué des 11 présidents de ligues régionales, du délégué des joueurs et des coptés du ministre de la jeunesse et des sports, d'où la difficulté à élire Barry.
Les joueurs ne jurent que par son nom, il les a toujours aidé et soutenu.
Il a réguliérement organisé des tournois au Sénégal, la seule innovation de cette année, c'est qu'il y a associé les Ba, Samb et Ndjofang.
La fédération sénégalaise est dirigée par un ingénieur en télécomunication qui a un cabinet actuellement qui a également des moyenens financiers mais qui n'égale pas encore Barry sur le plan disponibité et largesse.
Ce que les autorités reprochent à Barry, c'est son manque de considération à leur égard.
Pour eux Barry les considére pour quantité négligeable.
Il se permet d'organiser un tournoi international, sans aviser la tutelle et les y associer.
Si Barry avait informé les officiels, la fédération Sénégalaise pourrait faire valider le tournoi par la FMJD.
Si les les autorités ne reviennent pas à de meilleurs sentiments, c'est une équipe à base locale qui ira à Turin.
Une sanction lourde et extrême aux conséquences incalculables dont les seuls perdants sont les joueurs sans défense et sans protecteurs.
Une géguerre, un conflit qui ne regarde nullement.
Je lance ici un appel à la FMJD pour qu'elle n'entérine pas cette mascarade sénégalaise.

Malick Niang
Kaolack Sénégal

More here :
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Tue Jun 21, 2005 15:18

? Brazil 36
? Curaçao 37
? Haiti 38

Eleonora Bubbi
Website 13the Panam in Montreal, which starts at July 12th, says:

NOTE: Les joueurs suivants se sont qualifiés pour le Mondial 2005 lors du Panam tenu à Cap Haïtien en 2004:
Haiti: Anthony Alexandre et Shang Wong Louiceus
Brésil: Lelio Marcos
Curaçao: Carlos Lorevil
Trinidad-Tobago: Dickson Maughn

Le même processus de qualification sera utilisé lors du Panam 2005 où les 5 meilleurs joueurs (avec maximum de 2 par pays) seront qualifiés pour le Mondial 2006-2007.

The Legendary Dickson Maughn
Winner Port-of-Spain September 2004

So, Pan-American Draughts and Checkers Federation PADCF sends to Amsterdam in October 2005:
Anthony Alexandre (Haiti), Louicéus Shang Wong (Haiti), Lélio Marcos Sarçedo (Brazil), Carlos Lorevil (Curaçao) en Dickson Maughn (Trinidad & Tobago).

In the 13th PanAm in Montreal one can qualify for the World Cup in 2006/2007.



Post by Guest » Mon Jul 04, 2005 22:27

E. Bubbi wrote:Hundreds witness, one hundred ideas.
They want information, then critical if come given, even if recognize, are partial.
Names are known, but FMJD waited for written communications official, from Federations and Confederations.
The Federations that not are you see Panamerica or Africa, are not present why they have not poured the affiliation tax.
The 2 Confederations know it and agree.
Oceania has right to a place being one country Australia and also a continent.
A championship of the world previews the world, not only the force of the players.
The only correct information is those that come given from the members of the CD of the FMJD.
That’s all, until 2 July.
Eleonora Radin Bubbi

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Jul 07, 2005 23:26

Ndiaga Samb - Aleksander Georgiev 10-0
Delft, 7-7-2005
<APPLET CODEBASE = "" CODE = "webdam.Viewer.class" NAME = "webdam" ARCHIVE ="webdam/Viewer.jar" WIDTH = 360 HEIGHT = 240 HSPACE = 0 VSPACE = 0 ALIGN = middle> <PARAM NAME="options" VALUE="bgcolor: b0c0a0; notation:right"> <PARAM NAME="position" VALUE="WMWP3132333435363738394041424344454647484950BP0102030405060708091011121314151617181920"> <PARAM NAME="notation" VALUE="32281722281712213126071226171221363121263127010733280712393311174439172138321923281914235044101432282332273813193430192340340813444014193328233237280208413704104641091438330611423819243019143237282024342903092920152440341015342905102920152445400914403410153430142030191324393420254339081349431319413718232822121722182312332815202823192834302534391912183832202432122413120813023530020830240813242017222015212715101117100517213731"> </APPLET>

Ndiaga Samb</center>

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Wed Jul 20, 2005 15:22

Michele_Borghetti wrote:
Hanco Elenbaas wrote:
Jacques PERMAL wrote:Jose Maria Filho - Anthony Alexandre (2-0) !!

But J.M FILHO won F. FORBIN yesterday. He must be very strong !
You remember the Brasilian grandmaster José Léandro, Jacques? This José Maria Filho is said to be the pupil of Léandro.

José Leandro in the World Championship 1986 scored only 3 points in 19 games, but in 1988 he became grandmaster after having scored 21 out of 19 in the WC.
It was a great performance of Leandro; he losed only 2 games (Mam. N'Diaye and Issalene) and won 4 games.
No loses against Russian and Dutch players !
Hanco, you know if he stopped play dammen? if yes...pity

Jose Maria Silva Filho
will represent Brazil in the WC in Amsterdam

Lélio Marcos, the great Draughtpromoter from Sao Paulo, Brasil, writes:

I saw in the FMJD forum some questions about José Leandro Teixeira Borba.
Let me explain you some details.
José Maria Silva Filho was 7 times brazilian champion.
José Leandro Teixeira Borba just 1 time.
José Maria Silva Filho lives in São Luís city, capital of Maranhão province, 3.200 km far from São Paulo city, around 3.000 km far from Rio de Janeiro city. And he is not rich person.
José Leandro Teixeira Borba lives in Brasília city, brazilian capital and he has good economic life.
Both are strong players.
José Maria Silva Filho never read a book !! He is natural talent.
José Leandro read a lot of books.
Both are my friends. Good friends.
José Maria Silva Filho didn´t get so many oportunities to play outside Brazil. Now I started to support him. So, I had rights to play WC 2005 because I played in Haiti but I gave my place for him. He will play in Amsterdam coming October.
José Leandro Teixeira is still playing but in the last 10 years he just played team competitions in 64 squares. Normally he doesn´t play personal competitions only team competitions.
Today José Leandro Teixeira is very busy with his work. He has no time. So, difficult for him to take part in competitions.
In my site when you visit gallery photos you will see many pictures of brazilian players.
If you want any kind of information about brazilian players, please, ask me. I know all the brazilian players. Everyone !!

By Panamerican Federation laws for a player to take part in the WC the country of this player must take part in the Panamerican Championship.
Because this I played in Haiti. Few days before the Panamerican Championship in Haiti José Maria Silva Filho told me he could not go. So, I played. Only for Brazil be present.
In this case, Brazil has right to play in the W.C. and Brazil can indicate another player. And I´m indicating José Maria Silva Filho also because I can´t go to Amsterdam next October.
I can´t go out Brazil during the final of our team competition and this year this final will be from 15 to 22 October.

In you can go to gallery photos and find many photos about brazilian draughts as this one from 1996:

Serafino Ongaro, Klayton Thomaz (payed Juniors Championship in Italy), José Leandro Teixeira Borba and Genaldo Gonzaga da Silva (played WC in Italy, Trento).
Strong team in our team competition.
The name of this team was Guarulhos but they are not more playing for Guarulhos. They now play for differents teams.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sat Aug 06, 2005 21:36

Information from Mrs. Eleonora Bubbi via Michele Borghetti:

Qualification Groups World Championship 2005

A) Ndonzi, Baljakin, Singh, Gantwarg, Samb, Misans, Chmiel, Alexandre, Hans Jansen, Schwarzman.

B) Tsjizjov, Thijssen, Anikejev, Ndjofang, Filho, Erdenebileg, Nicault, Hoeseinov, Diawarra, Shang Wong.

C) Clerc, Kirzner, Bassirou Bâ, Souleymane Ba, Ganjargal, Domtsjev, Lorevil, Nosevitsj, Georgiev, Gérard Jansen.

D) Valneris, Milsjin, Koulibaly, Gilles Delmotte, Borghetti, Podolski, Der, Heusdens, Getmanski, Boezjinski.

First three of each group qualify for the Finals with the best 12, which start directly after the qualifications.

Groups A) and B): ... ght=#34914
Groups C) and D): ... ght=#34915

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Post by A.Presman » Sun Aug 07, 2005 12:34

received 07.08.05 from Mrs. E. Bubbi.


General organization
1. The organization of the World Championship Seniors 2005 has been allotted by the FMJD (World Draughts Federation) to the Royal Dutch Draughts Federation (KNDB) and will take place from October 6 through October 23 2005 in Amsterdam.
2. The tournament will take place in the AC Hotel Amsterdam, Provincialeweg 38, 1108 AB Amsterdam Zuidoost. Tel. 020-3121416 (from abroad: +31-20 3121416); Fax 020-3121465 (from abroad + 31 20 3121465); E-mail
3. The tournament will be supervised by main referee Heinar Jahu (Estonie). He will be assisted by the referees Henk Fokkink and Cor Verdel (both from the Netherlands) and Ndongo Fall (Senegal). They will be guided by strict maintenance of the FMJD rules and regulations.
4. All travel expenses and visa costs for players are to be borne by their national federations. Costs for travel and visa expenses as well as food and lodging for accompanying persons have to be paid by their national federations or by themselves. Costs for lodging and food of the players are borne by the organization. The players will be the guests of the organization from October 5 through October 24. The expected arrival date is October 5. The departure date is October 24. All players have to be present in the Opening- and Closing ceremony.
5. The national federations have to pay the registration fee for each of their players participating in the WC to the representative of the FMJD, in accordance with the decisions made by the General Assembly of 2001. A player for whom the registration fee has not been paid before the first round, is not allowed to participate in the tournament.
Format of the tournament
6. The tournament will be played in two phases.
A. In the first phase the 40 players are divided in 4 groups. This first phase will be played from October 6 through October 12. On October 7 and October 9 there will be played two games. For each group, after the Round Robin of 9 rounds (according to the schedule attached), the best three of each group are going to the second phase.
B. The second phase of this WC start at October 13 and will be played in a Round Robin system of 11 rounds with 12 participants (according to the schedule attached). October 15 will be off. On October 17 two rounds will be played.
7. The official rules and regulations of the FMJD will be in full force. The use of clocks and the notation of the individual games is mandatory. The games will be played in the official Fischer-time rate of 50 moves in the first 2 hours and one hour till the end of the game (for each player). A player is said to be in ‘time shortage’ when he has 5 minutes or less to go before time control. Conform the FMJD regulations players are not allowed to agree on a draw before they both made 40 moves. In case of transgression if this rule, the referee is obliged to decide on a 0-0 result.
8. The final classification in both phases will be based on the total competition points obtained. The first place in the second phase gives right to the title of ‘World Champion 2005’.
9. If in the first or second phases two or more players and at the same place the following calculations will be
used to define their respective ranking:
- 1 the largest numer of points
- 2 the largest number of victories
- 3 the best result in +/- draws (*) throughout the particular round robin competition
- 4 the result(s) between the tied players
- 5 the best result obtained in the order of the classification.
- 6 the highest place for the player with the highest rating in last FMJD-list.
(*) When the result of a game is a draw and when there is a difference of 3 pieces or more (a king counting for two man, e.g. 2 kings and 1 man against 1 king) then the player with the majority gets an (administrative) plus (+); his opponent receives an administrative minus (-). In the final tournament ranking these pluses and minuses will be added up, and the results will be used to dicern between players tying the same place, following the order of priorities mentioned above.
10. A. If the titleholder again wins the title, the number two will be Challenger. In that case both players (and also the number three) have the right to participate in the World championship 2007.
B If the titleholder loses the title, he will be the Challenger. In that case the new champion, the Challenger and
the third best player have the right to participate in the World Championship 2007.
C. If in 2007 one or more of the three players will not able to participate, these places will not be allotted to the WCS 2005.
D. In any case from WCS 2005 not more than three players will qualify for the WCS 2007.
11. The players finishing in the second round in the first three places will receive a medal and an official diploma.
12. According to the rule adopted in the General Assembly of Abidjan 1996, it is forbidden to smoke in the playing hall.
13. The main referee composes a jury for award three FMJD prices:
• the Roozenburg-cup (best game for winner and loser)
• the Springer-cup (best endgame)
• the Weiss-cup (best combination)
14. A Jury d’Appel (appeal board) has been composed by the CD of the FMJD. Chairman: Frank Teer (Netherlands). Members: Rima Danilevichiene (Lithuania) and Henri Macaux (France).
15. In the case of lack of clarity in the FMJD regulations or in these rules and regulations, or in unforeseen circumstances, the matter at hand will be decided by the main referee in consultation with the organization and the FMJD.
FMJD-Tournament-director ‘100’ seniors,
Eleonora Bubbi
Schedule for the first phase of the WC 2005:
Round 1: 1-10 2-9 3-8 4-7 5-6
Round 2: 7-5 8-4 10-6 9-3 1-2
Round 3: 4-2 3-10 5-1 7-8 6-9
Round 4: 3-4 9-7 2-5 1-6 10-8
Round 5: 9-1 7-3 8-2 6-4 5-10
Round 6: 6-7 5-8 4-9 2-10 3-1
Round 7: 8-6 1-4 2-3 10-7 9-5
Round 8: 5-3 6-2 4-10 8-9 7-1
Round 9: 10-9 4-5 1-8 3-6 2-7
Schedule for the second phase of the WC 2005:
Round 1: 1-6 7-12 2-5 8-11 3-4 9-10
Round 2: 2-3 8-9 4-1 10-7 6-5 12-11
Round 3: 7-8 6-4 12-10 5-3 11-9 1-2
Round 4: 4-2 5-1 3-6 9-12 10-8 11-7
Round 5: 10-11 4-5 9-7 3-1 8-12 2-6
Round 6: 6-9 12-3 7-2 11-4 5-10 1-8
Round 7: 10-4 3-11 8-6 2-12 7-1 9-5
Round 8: 5-12 1-10 2-9 4-7 6-11 3-8
Round 9: 7-3 8-2 11-5 10-6 9-1 12-4
Round 10: 1-12 4-9 3-10 5-8 2-11 6-7
Round 11: 11-1 10-2 8-4 9-3 12-6 7-5

(*) it will be applied if the Federations, which has been requested the assent will answer within the 15.09.2005. If they will not answer theirs Hush it will come considered an assent to the application of the advantage.

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Post by Michele_Borghetti » Sun Aug 07, 2005 21:58

Do the player who will NOT get qualification to the final round comeback to their home?
Maybe is not my problem ( veeery difficoult for me get qualification to final round [img]images/smilies/icon_confused.gif[/img] ) but the players have to decide in wich day they will comeback to home (exemple for prenotations of Airplane).
Thanks for the answers, that i think are interesting for many players.

A.Presman wrote:received 07.08.05 from Mrs. E. Bubbi.


General organization
1. The organization of the World Championship Seniors 2005 has been allotted by the FMJD (World Draughts Federation) to the Royal Dutch Draughts Federation (KNDB) and will take place from October 6 through October 23 2005 in Amsterdam.
2. The tournament will take place in the AC Hotel Amsterdam, Provincialeweg 38, 1108 AB Amsterdam Zuidoost. Tel. 020-3121416 (from abroad: +31-20 3121416); Fax 020-3121465 (from abroad + 31 20 3121465); E-mail
3. The tournament will be supervised by main referee Heinar Jahu (Estonie). He will be assisted by the referees Henk Fokkink and Cor Verdel (both from the Netherlands) and Ndongo Fall (Senegal). They will be guided by strict maintenance of the FMJD rules and regulations.
4. All travel expenses and visa costs for players are to be borne by their national federations. Costs for travel and visa expenses as well as food and lodging for accompanying persons have to be paid by their national federations or by themselves. Costs for lodging and food of the players are borne by the organization. The players will be the guests of the organization from October 5 through October 24. The expected arrival date is October 5. The departure date is October 24. All players have to be present in the Opening- and Closing ceremony.
5. The national federations have to pay the registration fee for each of their players participating in the WC to the representative of the FMJD, in accordance with the decisions made by the General Assembly of 2001. A player for whom the registration fee has not been paid before the first round, is not allowed to participate in the tournament.
Format of the tournament
6. The tournament will be played in two phases.
A. In the first phase the 40 players are divided in 4 groups. This first phase will be played from October 6 through October 12. On October 7 and October 9 there will be played two games. For each group, after the Round Robin of 9 rounds (according to the schedule attached), the best three of each group are going to the second phase.
B. The second phase of this WC start at October 13 and will be played in a Round Robin system of 11 rounds with 12 participants (according to the schedule attached). October 15 will be off. On October 17 two rounds will be played.
7. The official rules and regulations of the FMJD will be in full force. The use of clocks and the notation of the individual games is mandatory. The games will be played in the official Fischer-time rate of 50 moves in the first 2 hours and one hour till the end of the game (for each player). A player is said to be in ‘time shortage’ when he has 5 minutes or less to go before time control. Conform the FMJD regulations players are not allowed to agree on a draw before they both made 40 moves. In case of transgression if this rule, the referee is obliged to decide on a 0-0 result.
8. The final classification in both phases will be based on the total competition points obtained. The first place in the second phase gives right to the title of ‘World Champion 2005’.
9. If in the first or second phases two or more players and at the same place the following calculations will be
used to define their respective ranking:
- 1 the largest numer of points
- 2 the largest number of victories
- 3 the best result in +/- draws (*) throughout the particular round robin competition
- 4 the result(s) between the tied players
- 5 the best result obtained in the order of the classification.
- 6 the highest place for the player with the highest rating in last FMJD-list.
(*) When the result of a game is a draw and when there is a difference of 3 pieces or more (a king counting for two man, e.g. 2 kings and 1 man against 1 king) then the player with the majority gets an (administrative) plus (+); his opponent receives an administrative minus (-). In the final tournament ranking these pluses and minuses will be added up, and the results will be used to dicern between players tying the same place, following the order of priorities mentioned above.
10. A. If the titleholder again wins the title, the number two will be Challenger. In that case both players (and also the number three) have the right to participate in the World championship 2007.
B If the titleholder loses the title, he will be the Challenger. In that case the new champion, the Challenger and
the third best player have the right to participate in the World Championship 2007.
C. If in 2007 one or more of the three players will not able to participate, these places will not be allotted to the WCS 2005.
D. In any case from WCS 2005 not more than three players will qualify for the WCS 2007.
11. The players finishing in the second round in the first three places will receive a medal and an official diploma.
12. According to the rule adopted in the General Assembly of Abidjan 1996, it is forbidden to smoke in the playing hall.
13. The main referee composes a jury for award three FMJD prices:
• the Roozenburg-cup (best game for winner and loser)
• the Springer-cup (best endgame)
• the Weiss-cup (best combination)
14. A Jury d’Appel (appeal board) has been composed by the CD of the FMJD. Chairman: Frank Teer (Netherlands). Members: Rima Danilevichiene (Lithuania) and Henri Macaux (France).
15. In the case of lack of clarity in the FMJD regulations or in these rules and regulations, or in unforeseen circumstances, the matter at hand will be decided by the main referee in consultation with the organization and the FMJD.
FMJD-Tournament-director ‘100’ seniors,
Eleonora Bubbi
Schedule for the first phase of the WC 2005:
Round 1: 1-10 2-9 3-8 4-7 5-6
Round 2: 7-5 8-4 10-6 9-3 1-2
Round 3: 4-2 3-10 5-1 7-8 6-9
Round 4: 3-4 9-7 2-5 1-6 10-8
Round 5: 9-1 7-3 8-2 6-4 5-10
Round 6: 6-7 5-8 4-9 2-10 3-1
Round 7: 8-6 1-4 2-3 10-7 9-5
Round 8: 5-3 6-2 4-10 8-9 7-1
Round 9: 10-9 4-5 1-8 3-6 2-7
Schedule for the second phase of the WC 2005:
Round 1: 1-6 7-12 2-5 8-11 3-4 9-10
Round 2: 2-3 8-9 4-1 10-7 6-5 12-11
Round 3: 7-8 6-4 12-10 5-3 11-9 1-2
Round 4: 4-2 5-1 3-6 9-12 10-8 11-7
Round 5: 10-11 4-5 9-7 3-1 8-12 2-6
Round 6: 6-9 12-3 7-2 11-4 5-10 1-8
Round 7: 10-4 3-11 8-6 2-12 7-1 9-5
Round 8: 5-12 1-10 2-9 4-7 6-11 3-8
Round 9: 7-3 8-2 11-5 10-6 9-1 12-4
Round 10: 1-12 4-9 3-10 5-8 2-11 6-7
Round 11: 11-1 10-2 8-4 9-3 12-6 7-5

(*) it will be applied if the Federations, which has been requested the assent will answer within the 15.09.2005. If they will not answer theirs Hush it will come considered an assent to the application of the advantage.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Aug 11, 2005 18:57

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Hanco Elenbaas
Posts: 18872
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sat Aug 13, 2005 05:12

Michele_Borghetti wrote:Do the player who will NOT get qualification to the final round comeback to their home?
Maybe is not my problem ( veeery difficoult for me get qualification to final round ) but the players have to decide in wich day they will comeback to home (exemple for prenotations of Airplane).
Thanks for the answers, that i think are interesting for many players.
Hi Michele,

If you want to have an answer you'd better contact Mrs. Bubbi or someone else from the technical commission of the FMJD.

There is written:
Costs for lodging and food of the players are borne by the organization. The players will be the guests of the organization from October 5 through October 24. The expected arrival date is October 5. The departure date is October 24. All players have to be present in the Opening- and Closing ceremony.

So why don't you want to have a free holiday in Amsterdam after your (possible) elimination? It might be exciting to see the Finals.

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