Europees Zonetoernooi 20-26 april in Gniezno, Polen

Discussies over damsport (in het Nederlands)
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Re: Breakthough to lady ?

Post by A.Presman » Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:54

HONTARREDEpascal wrote:Excuse-me, my English is not perfect.
I would to say : breakthough to king or opening to king.
In french langage : "une percée à dame".
No problem, Pascal.
On THIS DRAUGHTS Forum everybody understands what you mean with "breakthrough to lady".
Go on with you publications. It is interesting for every visitor.

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Post by HONTARREDEpascal » Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:31

Ron Heusdens has played a good game against De Meulenaere in the firt round.
Position after the 37th move (14-19) :
38. 45-40 ! 35x44 39. 39x50
An exchange that allows obtaining from game liberty and to weaken the left white wing.
39. ..-.. 19-24
If blacks play 11-17, white have a good advantage with the exchange 27-21! 16x27 31x11 06x17 and 36-31! and now I propose you few variants :
*1. 19-24 29x20 25x14 31-27 13-19 50-44 18-23 44-39 14-20 27-22! 17-21 [or?] 22-18 ... +.
*2. 19-24 29x20 25x14 31-27 14-19 33-29! and the black ones must grant a man.
*3. 19-24 29x20 25x14 31-27 13-19 50-44 19-24 44-39 09-13 39-34 13-19 34-29 14-20 27-22! 18x27 32x21 20-25 29x20 25x14 33-29 and the black ones must a man by 26-31 because 14-20 is bad with the combination 28-22 and 38-32 ...+.
*4. 19-24 29x20 25x14 31-27 13-19 50-44 14-20 44-39 18-23 27-22 and 22-18 ... +.
*5. 18-22 29-23 09-14 32-27 13-18 50-45 18x29 27x07 17-22 33x13 22x42 37x48 26x37 13-08 37-41 08-02 with a end-game wining.

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Post by HONTARREDEpascal » Sun Apr 24, 2005 14:24

Position after the 50th 32-28.
50. ..-.. 17-22 ??
Decisive error.
Perhaps De Meulenaere haven't got much time in the clock.
50. ..-.. 17-21 is the best move and black have remise after 51. 27-22 18x27 31x22 06-11!.
After 50. ..-.. 17-22, De Meulenaere will lose in a few move.

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Post by A.Presman » Sun Apr 24, 2005 14:34


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Hanco Elenbaas
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Re: Breakthrough to lady ?

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sun Apr 24, 2005 16:29

HONTARREDEpascal wrote:Excuse-me, my English is not perfect.
I would to say : breakthough to king or opening to king.
In french langage : "une percée à dame".
Eric means that "Breakthrough to lady" is an excellent invention. Thanks again Pascal.
'Une percée à dame' c'est plus belle que 'Breakthrough to king'!

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Re: Europees zonetoernoi 20-26 april in Gnieznon

Post by GuidoB » Sun Apr 24, 2005 17:25

HONTARREDEpascal wrote:I draw your attention to the Kirzner/Lognon's end of game.
Position after the 65th move (37-41) :Image
Kirzner played at the 66th move 24-19??whereas it seems to me that the white had the remise "in the hands" by 66. 33-28! and now two variants :
1. 66. ..-.. 41-46 67. 14-10! 46x39 68. 10-05 with remise.
2. 66. ..-.. 41-47 67. 24-20! 47x15 68. 14-10! 15-33 [or ?] 69. 28x39 04x15 70. 39-33 ... remise.
After 66. 24-19, the victory is on the draughtboard :
66. ..-.. 27-32! 67. 26-21
Leave a combination devastator but there was not better.
Indeed, if white play 67. 14-10 [to avoid the combination] there is 04x15 and now two variants :
1. 68. 19-14 15-20 69. 14x25 41-47 70. 34-29 08-12 ... victory.
2. 68. 26-21 32-37 69. 21-16 37-42 70. 16-11 42-48 71. 34-29 48-31 72. 11-06 41-46 73. 06-01 46x05 74. 29-24 31-13 75. 01-06 13x35 and blacks wine to mens.
And Oscar Lognon make the combination by 08-13, 04-10 and 41-46.
A important success for the french player.
Lognon was just lucky that Kirzner didn't play 67.34-30! with an easy draw. The clue is 41-47 14-10-5!! = White may try 41-46 26-21 46-37 21-17 37-26 14-10 (17-11?? 8-13 B+) 4x15 19-14 26x12 14-9, but this does not win either. An example: 32-37 30-24 37-41 24-19 12-26 9-4 26-48 19-14 and white obtains 2 kings.

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Post by GuidoB » Sun Apr 24, 2005 17:47

HONTARREDEpascal wrote:Position after the 50th 32-28.
50. ..-.. 17-22 ??
Decisive error.
Perhaps De Meulenaere haven't got much time in the clock.
50. ..-.. 17-21 is the best move and black have remise after 51. 27-22 18x27 31x22 06-11!.
After 50. ..-.. 17-22, De Meulenaere will lose in a few move.
After 17-21 27-22 18x27 31x22 6-11 28-23 white wins right away. What can black do? You see: 11-17 22x11 16x7 23-19 and now two variants:

- 21-27 19-14 26-31 37x26 27-32 14-10 32-38 10-5 38-43 5-23! 7-11 23-28! 11-16 28-32! W+
- 3-9 35-30 21-27 30-25 26-31 37x26 27-32 25-20 32-38 19-14 9-13 14-10 38-42 10-5 42-37 20-15 and black loses his pieces, for example: 13-18 15-10 18-23 10-4 23-29 5-28 7-12 4-27 etc.

Bartosz Socha
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Post by Bartosz Socha » Sun Apr 24, 2005 20:12

Results 6th round:
1 Aleksander Getmañski - Mark Podolski 1:1
2 Roberts Misans - Edward Burzyñski 1:1
3 Bas Messemaker - Vladimir Milshin 1:1
4 Igor Kirzner - Raimonds Vipulis 1:1
5 Oscar Lognon - Ron Heusdens 0:2
6 Sergei Nosevith - Laurent Nicault 2:0
7 Ronald Schalley - Aleksiej Domczew 0:2
8 Farhad Husejnov - Raido Varik 2:0
9 Yuri Lagoda - Marc De Meulenaere 2:0
10 Valerij Markowski - Przemys³aw Oderkiewicz 1:1
11 Szabolcs Varga - Miros³aw Kobyliñski 0:2
12 Bryan Wolaert - Viktor Penkalo 2:0
13 Grzegorz Siuda - Alex Penkalo 2:0

Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Sun Apr 24, 2005 20:14

PLAYERS OF FRANCE lost !!!! [img]images/smilies/icon_cry.gif[/img]
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Post by Kosmos » Sun Apr 24, 2005 20:30


Wollaert - Kirzner

Brian Wollaert had voor een stunt kunnen zorgen in de eerste ronde.

Na 13-19 27-22 8-13?

(alleen 16-21 is mogelijk)
forceerde de belg schijfwinst met:

30-24! 19x30 25x34 13-19 32-28! 23x32 37x28 26x37 34x23


Tot aan dit moment valt er op het spel van de witspelers niks aan te merken (behalve dan dat hij de opening zeer goed en het middenspel goed speelde). Nu volgde echter dramatisch

40-35! 19-24 28-22??

Gewoon 37-32 wint.

17x19 37-32 24x33 35x15 19-24 38x20 27x40

en wit gaf het op....

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sun Apr 24, 2005 21:26

A.Presman wrote:Don't forget that there are two competitions in one:
to be in 7 best countries
to be the best in one of this 7
Let's look also from this side.

Germany : Podolsky (8)
Russia: Getmansky(7) or Milshin(7)
Lithuania: Buzhinski(7) or Domchev (5)
Latvia: Misans (7) or Vipulis (6)
Ukraine: Kirzner (6) or Lagoda(4)
Netherlands: Heusdens (6) or Messemaker(6)
France: Lognon (6) or Nicault (6)
Belarus Nosevich (5) or Markovskij (4)
Belgium Schalley(5) or Wolaert (4) or de Meulenare (4)
Azerbaidjan Huseijnov (5)
Estonia Varik (5)
Bartosz Socha wrote:Important information from board meeting FMJD
8 players will get qualification, each from different country
Bartosz Socha wrote:
Results 6th round:
1 Aleksander Getmañski - Mark Podolski 1:1
2 Roberts Misans - Edward Buzyñski 1:1
3 Bas Messemaker - Vladimir Milshin 1:1
4 Igor Kirzner - Raimonds Vipulis 1:1
5 Oscar Lognon - Ron Heusdens 0:2
6 Sergei Nosevith - Laurent Nicault 2:0
7 Ronald Schalley - Aleksiej Domczew 0:2
8 Farhad Husejnov - Raido Varik 2:0
9 Yuri Lagoda - Marc De Meulenaere 2:0
10 Valerij Markowski - Przemys³aw Oderkiewicz 1:1
11 Szabolcs Varga - Miros³aw Kobyliñski 0:2
12 Bryan Wolaert - Viktor Penkalo 2:0
13 Grzegorz Siuda - Alex Penkalo 2:0
Standing after 6 rounds
Germany : Podolski (9)
Russia: Getmanski(8) or Milshin(8)
Lithuania: Buzhinski(8) or Domchev (7)
Latvia: Misans (8) or Vipulis (7)
Netherlands: Heusdens (8) or Messemaker(7)
Ukraine: Kirzner (7) or Lagoda(6)
Azerbaidjan Huseijnov (7)
Belarus Nosevich (7) or Markovski (5)


France: Lognon (6) or Nicault (6)
Belgium Wollaert (6) or Schalley(5) or De Meulenaere (4)
Poland Kobylinski (6) or Siuda (5) or Oderkiewicz (5)
Estonia Varik (5)
Hungary V.Penkalo (4) or A.Penkalo (2) or Varga (0)

VII runda (7th round) 25.04.2005 8.30 am
partie (games):
1 Mark Podolski - Roberts Misans
2 Edward Burzyński - Aleksander Getmański
3 Vladimir Milshin - Ron Heusdens
4 Igor Kirzner - Sergei Nosevith
5 Raimonds Vipulis - Bas Messemaker
6 Aleksiej Domczew - Farhad Husejnov
7 Laurent Nicault - Yuri Lagoda
8 Bryan Wolaert - Oscar Lognon
9 Ronald Schalley - Mirosław Kobyliński
10 Raido Varik - Valerij Markowski
11 Viktor Penkalo - Grzegorz Siuda
12 Marc De Meulenaere - Alex Penkalo
13 Szabolcs Varga - Przemysław Oderkiewicz

Bartosz Socha
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Post by Bartosz Socha » Sun Apr 24, 2005 21:37

games (rounds 4th and 5th) and who with who (round 7th) is on website

Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Apr 25, 2005 18:25

VIII runda (8th round) 25.04.2005 16.00 (4.00 pm)

1 Vladimir Milshin - Mark Podolski
2 Aleksander Getmañski - Raimonds Vipulis
3 Sergei Nosevith - Edward Burzyñski
4 Aleksiej Domczew - Roberts Misans
5 Ron Heusdens - Farhad Husejnov
6 Yuri Lagoda - gmi Igor Kirzner
7 Bas Messemaker - Bryan Wolaert
8 Grzegorz Siuda - Oscar Lognon
9 Miros³aw Kobyliñski - Raido Varik
10 Przemys³aw Oderkiewicz - Laurent Nicault
11 Alex Penkalo - Ronald Schalley
12 Viktor Penkalo - Marc De Meulenaere
13 Valerij Markowski - Szabolcs Varga


VII runda (7th round) 25.04.2005 8.30 am
1 Mark Podolski - Roberts Misans 1:1
2 Edward Burzyñski - Aleksander Getmañski 1:1
3 Vladimir Milshin - Ron Heusdens 2:0
4 Igor Kirzner - Sergei Nosevith 1:1
5 Raimonds Vipulis - Bas Messemaker 2:0
6 Aleksiej Domczew - Farhad Husejnov 1:1
7 Laurent Nicault - Yuri Lagoda 0:2
8 Bryan Wolaert - Oscar Lognon 1:1
9 Miros³aw Kobyliñski - Ronald Schalley 1:1
10 Raido Varik - Valerij Markowski 2:0
11 Viktor Penkalo - Grzegorz Siuda 0:2
12 Marc De Meulenaere - Alex Penkalo 2:0
13 Szabolcs Varga - Przemys³aw Oderkiewicz 0:2
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

Bert Zwart
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Post by Bert Zwart » Mon Apr 25, 2005 18:29

Het zou leuk zijn als Nederland nog een plaats aan dit kwalificatietoernooi overhield.

Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Apr 25, 2005 18:37

It would be also nice to see qualification of a french player for 2005 WC !! [img]images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
OSCAR LOGNON took the lead from LAURENT NICAULT for FRANCE. He will qualify perhaps.
Last edited by Jacques PERMAL on Mon Apr 25, 2005 18:50, edited 1 time in total.
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

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