Europees Zonetoernooi 20-26 april in Gniezno, Polen

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kleine trap
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Post by kleine trap » Fri Apr 22, 2005 22:53

ktarinus wrote:Menno moet je niet even posten dat je je toch in Ron vergist hebt. [img]images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
podolski heeft net aangetoond dat het wel meeviel met die vergissing [img]images/smilies/icon_smile.gif[/img].

Nicolas Guibert
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Post by Nicolas Guibert » Sat Apr 23, 2005 00:17

My feeling is that Podolski might well be an important outsider, if not one of the favourites, for next World Championship.

He is a very productive player.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sat Apr 23, 2005 02:08

Standing after 4 rounds:
1 mf Mark Podolski 7

2 gmi Aleksander Getmañski 6
mi Roberts Misans 6
gmi Edward Buzyñski 6
gmi Vladimir Milshin 6

6 gmi Ron Heusdens 5
mf Oscar Lognon 5
gmi Igor Kirzner 5
mi Bas Messemaker 5
mf Laurent Nicault 5

11 gmi Sergei Nosevitch 4
gmi Raimonds Vipulis 4
mi Aleksiej Domczew 4
mf Ronald Schalley 4
Valerij Markowski 4
mf Raido Varik 4
Miroslaw Kobyliñski 4

18 Farhad Husejnov 3
Marc De Meulenaere 3
Bryan Wolaert 3
Grzegorz Siuda 3

22 Yuri Lagoda 2
Przemyslaw Oderkiewicz 2
Viktor Penkalo 2
Alex Penkalo 2

26 Szabolcs Varga 0

5th round:
1 Edward Buzyński - Mark Podolski
2 Roberts Misans - Vladimir Milshin
3 Ron Heusdens - Aleksander Getmański
4 Laurent Nicault - Igor Kirzner
5 Oscar Lognon - Bas Messemaker
6 Aleksiej Domczew - Sergei Nosevitch
7 Raimonds Vipulis - Valerij Markowski
8 Raido Varik - Ronald Schalley
9 Farhad Husejnov - Mirosław Kobyliński
10 Marc De Meulenaere - Bryan Wolaert
11 Grzegorz Siuda - Yuri Lagoda
12 Viktor Penkalo - Szabolcs Varga
13 Alex Penkalo - Przemysław Oderkiewicz

Bartosz Socha
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Post by Bartosz Socha » Sat Apr 23, 2005 03:03

Games are access (PDF and JAVA APPLETS) on website (rounds: first, second and third).

Bartosz Socha
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Post by Bartosz Socha » Sat Apr 23, 2005 13:54

Results 5th round nad round 6th -

Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Sat Apr 23, 2005 14:15

OSCAR LOGNON arrived in FRANCE from his native IVORY-COAST in 1998 according to CYRILLE PILLENIERE. Today he drew excellent BAS MESSEMAKER of the NETHERLANDS.
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

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Post by A.Presman » Sat Apr 23, 2005 15:56

Don't forget that there are two competitions in one:
to be in 7 best countries
to be the best in one of this 7
Let's look also from this side.

Germany : Podolsky (8)
Russia: Getmansky(7) or Milshin(7)
Lithuania: Buzhinski(7) or Domchev (7)
Latvia: Misans(7) or Vipulis (6)
Ukraine: Kirzner (6) or Lagoda(4)
Netherlands: Heusdens (6) or Messemaker(6)
France: Lognon (6) or Nicault (6)
Belarus Nosevich (5) or Markovskij (4)
Belgium Schalley(5) or Wolaert (4) or de Meulenare (4)
Azerbaidjan Huseijnov (5)
Estonia Varik (5)

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Europees Zonetoernooi 20-26 april in Gnieznon

Post by HONTARREDEpascal » Sat Apr 23, 2005 16:19

I propose to you a fragment of middle of the Milshin-Lagoda's game (second round).
Position after the 33th move of the blacks 07-12 :
Milshin played at the 34th move 34-30!because 38-32 was prohibited by the combination 16-21, 22-27 and 12-17.
34. ..-.. 14-20
What of others ?
35. 30-25
35. ..-.. 09-14 ??
Blacks don't feel the danger of their position. It was necessary to be run away by 16-21! 25x23 21x32! 18x40 27x07 40-45 with a remise prospect.
36. 44-40! 19-23 37. 40-34! 23-28 38. 34-30 13-19 39. 26-21 17x37 40. 38-32 22x31 41. 33x13 37x28 42. 36x27 19x08 43. 30x10 and Lagoda gave up.

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Europees zonetoernoi 20-26 april in Gnieznon

Post by HONTARREDEpascal » Sat Apr 23, 2005 16:38

I draw your attention to the Kirzner/Lognon's end of game.
Position after the 65th move (37-41) :Image
Kirzner played at the 66th move 24-19??whereas it seems to me that the white had the remise "in the hands" by 66. 33-28! and now two variants :
1. 66. ..-.. 41-46 67. 14-10! 46x39 68. 10-05 with remise.
2. 66. ..-.. 41-47 67. 24-20! 47x15 68. 14-10! 15-33 [or ?] 69. 28x39 04x15 70. 39-33 ... remise.
After 66. 24-19, the victory is on the draughtboard :
66. ..-.. 27-32! 67. 26-21
Leave a combination devastator but there was not better.
Indeed, if white play 67. 14-10 [to avoid the combination] there is 04x15 and now two variants :
1. 68. 19-14 15-20 69. 14x25 41-47 70. 34-29 08-12 ... victory.
2. 68. 26-21 32-37 69. 21-16 37-42 70. 16-11 42-48 71. 34-29 48-31 72. 11-06 41-46 73. 06-01 46x05 74. 29-24 31-13 75. 01-06 13x35 and blacks wine to mens.
And Oscar Lognon make the combination by 08-13, 04-10 and 41-46.
A important success for the french player.

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Post by HONTARREDEpascal » Sat Apr 23, 2005 20:21

Position after the 42th move 28-22 :

42. ..-.. 18-23 ??
The decisive error.
It was necessary to defend itself by 42. ..-.. 21-26 [threaten 16-21] suivit of 43. 32-28 and 08-12 and the game can continue.
It's less good to reply 43. 22-17 [at the move 42. 21-26] because of 18-23! and now on :
1. 22-17 or 47-41 or 47-42 or 40-35 there is 23-29, 08-12 and 25x43.
2. 33-28 there is 06-11! 28x30 11x42 47x38 and 26-31!.
43. 37-31 !!
A maneuver known but sly.
43. ..-.. 21-26
What of others ?
There is well a breakthrough to lady but, in my opinion, she not except the black ones of the defeat : 15-20 31-26 23-29 26x17 29x38 32x43 24-29 34x23 08-12 17x19 20-24 19x30 25x45 and 43-38!! with a game end winning.
44. 34-29! 26x17 45. 29x09 and the belgium-player Ronald Schalley returned the weapons.

Bartosz Socha
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Post by Bartosz Socha » Sat Apr 23, 2005 22:30

Important information from board meeting FMJD
8 players will get qualification, each from different country

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sat Apr 23, 2005 23:07

HONTARREDEpascal wrote:Position after the 42th move 28-22 :

42. ..-.. 18-23 ??
The decisive error.
It was necessary to defend itself by 42. ..-.. 21-26 [threaten 16-21] suivit of 43. 32-28 and 08-12 and the game can continue.
It's less good to reply 43. 22-17 [at the move 42. 21-26] because of 18-23! and now on :
1. 22-17 or 47-41 or 47-42 or 40-35 there is 23-29, 08-12 and 25x43.
2. 33-28 there is 06-11! 28x30 11x42 47x38 and 26-31!.
43. 37-31 !!
A maneuver known but sly.
43. ..-.. 21-26
What of others ?
There is well a breakthrough to lady but, in my opinion, she not except the black ones of the defeat : 15-20 31-26 23-29 26x17 29x38 32x43 24-29 34x23 08-12 17x19 20-24 19x30 25x45 and 43-38!! with a game end winning.
44. 34-29! 26x17 45. 29x09 and the belgium-player Ronald Schalley returned the weapons.

Interesting Pascal, thank you! Most probably time trouble from Ronald.
Did you analyse the game between Mark Podolski and Laurent Nicault? I like it very much! (Sorry Jacques and Laurent)

Laurent Nicault - Mark Podolski 0-2
3rd round

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Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Sat Apr 23, 2005 23:19

PASCAL HONTARREDE is a member of team of NICE. he is a good friend. he proposes analysis of games of GNIEZO here : ... d_msg=2005

or ... d_msg=2003
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

Eric van Dusseldorp
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Post by Eric van Dusseldorp » Sun Apr 24, 2005 01:11

HONTARREDEpascal wrote: (...) There is well a breakthrough to lady but (...)
breakthrough to lady? [img]images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

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Breakthough to lady ?

Post by HONTARREDEpascal » Sun Apr 24, 2005 09:33

Excuse-me, my English is not perfect.
I would to say : breakthough to king or opening to king.
In french langage : "une percée à dame".

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