Compositions at 64-cell board
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
A. Fomin, №1059
Dedicated to Mr. Ju. Golikov (Tver , Russia)
a7 (h2), cd6!, b8 (g1), g7!, c3, c3 x "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
..................... A. Fomin.................... D. Kamchitskyi...
№1062: fg5,cb6,b8, h8 f2, e3 g1, hc3, ac3x
№1061: bc7, ab8 bc3, b2, be5, gh6, h8 de3, f6, hd2 x
b2, e7 f6 A, fg3, e7, c3, e7 etc. x A (d6), c3, e7, fg3, e7 etc. x
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
I. P. are: V. Stepanov , d. No. 1
V. Stepanov, 2003 1.ab6 2.ce5 3. ef4 4.h8 f2 5.eg3 f2 6.ge3 hg1 7.hc3 8.c3 x
Grandfather Shishok simplified the combinational game too much compared to Stepanov V.G.
As they say, old age is not joy.
D. No. 2 : Previously, there was known a miniature of Mr. A. Butkevitch:
Contest "Odessa-1978" .
h6 c7, a5 cd6, ab6, ba7 ba3, ab8 ab2, bc7! bc1, de5, bf4, h8 de3, hd6, hd2 x
V. Stepanov,2003...Grandfather Shishok
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
................................. .A. Fomin................. ....
I №1063: 1.e7 2.e7 3.f8 f2 4.a3 5.b2 e3 6.c1 f2 7.e3 g3 8.f4 9.e3 d6 10.h6 d4 11.f8 e5 12.g7 x
e7, e7, f8 (f2), a3, b2(e3), c1 (ef2), ge3 (hg3), ef4, ce3 (d6), h6 (d4), f8 (e5), g7 (f4), c3 (g3), d4 (h2), g1 x
III.№1064: a5 cd4, c7, ed2, dc3, fg3, gg5 etc. x
IV №1065 : 1.g7 2.e7 3.g5 4.c3 5.e7 c5 6.f8 d4 7.g7 e3 8.h6 f2 9.e3 g3 10.f4 11.e3 c7 12.a7 f4 13.b8 g3 14.h2 x
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
[Whites : [ " A. Fomin "]
[Blacks : [" Old Man Hottabych " ]
"Classic joint" opening with 5... (hg7)
[result "1-0"]
1. c3-b4 f6-g5 2. g3-f4 g7-f6 3. b2-c3 b6-c5 4. b4-a5 g5-h4 5. c3-d4 h8-g7 6.
d4xb6 a7xc5 7. a1-b2 b8-a7 8. f4-g5 h6xf4 9. e3xg5 f6-e5 10. g5-h6 c7-b6 11.
a5xc7 d6xb8 12. b2-c3 e7-d6 13. c3-b4 a7-b6 14. d2-c3 g7-f6 ? - This move loses the party
. There was a situation on the board. :
15. b4-a5! c5-d4 (exchanges 15...fe7 and 15...ba7 could not be save Blacks) 16.
a5xc7 d4xb2 17. e1-d2 d8xb6 18. d2-c3 b2xd4 19. f2-g3 h4xf2 20. g1xe3xc5xe7xg5
b6-c5 21. c1-d2 (permutation of 21 and 22 moves of the solution was possible here with precise play later on) b8-c7 22. h2-g3 c7-b6 23. g3-h4! b6-a5 24.d2-c3 c5-d4 25.g5-f6
d4xb2 26. a3xc1 e5xg7 27. h4-g5 a5-b4 28. c1-d2 b4-a3 29. d2-c3 g7-f6 30. g5xe7
f8xd6 31. c3-b4 a3xc5 32. h6-g7 c5-d4 33. g7-f8 d6-e5 34. f8-g7 e5-f4 35. g7xc3
f4-g3 36. c3-d4 g3-h2 37. d4-g1 1-0
A rare etude endgame for practical play appeared in this game after Black's 21st move.
Previously, there was known also a miniature of A. Nagumanov, 1994
c7, b8 c3 A , b2, be5!, h6, h6 x A (d6), c5, h8 b2, hg7 a1, ge5 ab2, fg5 x
S. Pupkin - P. Shnyrev
1.hg7 2.cb6 3.b8 4.b::a5 f2 5.e3 g1 6.ac3 7.c3 x
.......................A. Fomin, №1066(1,2)............
h6 c3, b4 c5, d6 g3, g7 f2, e3 g1, c3, h8, e5 a7, c7 x
cb4 ab6, b2 bc5, b:d6, hg7 f2, e3, g1, c3-d4 gh2, ef4, h8, e5 a7, c7 x
P. Sh. reports: [ one day after the publication of the problem shown in diagram No. 1 (whites: b2, d2, f4, f6, g1, g5/blacks: b4, b8, c7, d6, h2, h4 )]
The position on the diagram No. 2 of P. Sh. is not an independent work in comparison with the original on D. No. 1 . For this reason, it is recognized as plagiarism.]
This game scheme, shown by a followers , has an ideological predecessor with a much more complex and interesting play :
A. Fomin, 6-th USSR Championship (1987 ) on drafts composition ...
D.No.1 :A. Fomin, 6-th USSR Championship (1987 ) dc7 e1, ab2, ab4, cb2, cd8, d8:g5!! (h:f4), c5 :g5 (gf2), ge3 (hg1),gh6,h:f8x
D. No. 2 :New addition : 1. hg7. 2.ab4 3.gf8 gf2 4.ge3 bc5 5.fa3 hg1 6.af8 7.fh6 ab4 8.hd2 ba3 9.dc3 x
.....D.Kamcitskyi(Mogilev region, Belarus).. ..
1.cb4 2.b6 3.c7 4.c3 f2 5.e3 g1 6.cd4 gh2 7.f4 8.h8 .9.e5 a7 10.c7 x
1.de7 2.bc7 3.c3 e3/g3 4.hg7 f2 5.ge3 g1 6.cd4 gh2 7.f4 8.h8 9.e5 a7 10.c7 x
P. Shkludov ( Suwalki village, Vitebsk region)
d2, f6 e3, hg7 ef2, ge3 g1,cd4 h2, ef4, h8, e5 a7, c7 x
Dedicated to Mr. Ju. Golikov (Tver , Russia)
a7 (h2), cd6!, b8 (g1), g7!, c3, c3 x "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
..................... A. Fomin.................... D. Kamchitskyi...
№1062: fg5,cb6,b8, h8 f2, e3 g1, hc3, ac3x
№1061: bc7, ab8 bc3, b2, be5, gh6, h8 de3, f6, hd2 x
b2, e7 f6 A, fg3, e7, c3, e7 etc. x A (d6), c3, e7, fg3, e7 etc. x
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
I. P. are: V. Stepanov , d. No. 1
V. Stepanov, 2003 1.ab6 2.ce5 3. ef4 4.h8 f2 5.eg3 f2 6.ge3 hg1 7.hc3 8.c3 x
Grandfather Shishok simplified the combinational game too much compared to Stepanov V.G.
As they say, old age is not joy.
D. No. 2 : Previously, there was known a miniature of Mr. A. Butkevitch:
Contest "Odessa-1978" .
h6 c7, a5 cd6, ab6, ba7 ba3, ab8 ab2, bc7! bc1, de5, bf4, h8 de3, hd6, hd2 x
V. Stepanov,2003...Grandfather Shishok
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
................................. .A. Fomin................. ....
I №1063: 1.e7 2.e7 3.f8 f2 4.a3 5.b2 e3 6.c1 f2 7.e3 g3 8.f4 9.e3 d6 10.h6 d4 11.f8 e5 12.g7 x
e7, e7, f8 (f2), a3, b2(e3), c1 (ef2), ge3 (hg3), ef4, ce3 (d6), h6 (d4), f8 (e5), g7 (f4), c3 (g3), d4 (h2), g1 x
III.№1064: a5 cd4, c7, ed2, dc3, fg3, gg5 etc. x
IV №1065 : 1.g7 2.e7 3.g5 4.c3 5.e7 c5 6.f8 d4 7.g7 e3 8.h6 f2 9.e3 g3 10.f4 11.e3 c7 12.a7 f4 13.b8 g3 14.h2 x
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
[Whites : [ " A. Fomin "]
[Blacks : [" Old Man Hottabych " ]
"Classic joint" opening with 5... (hg7)
[result "1-0"]
1. c3-b4 f6-g5 2. g3-f4 g7-f6 3. b2-c3 b6-c5 4. b4-a5 g5-h4 5. c3-d4 h8-g7 6.
d4xb6 a7xc5 7. a1-b2 b8-a7 8. f4-g5 h6xf4 9. e3xg5 f6-e5 10. g5-h6 c7-b6 11.
a5xc7 d6xb8 12. b2-c3 e7-d6 13. c3-b4 a7-b6 14. d2-c3 g7-f6 ? - This move loses the party
. There was a situation on the board. :
15. b4-a5! c5-d4 (exchanges 15...fe7 and 15...ba7 could not be save Blacks) 16.
a5xc7 d4xb2 17. e1-d2 d8xb6 18. d2-c3 b2xd4 19. f2-g3 h4xf2 20. g1xe3xc5xe7xg5
b6-c5 21. c1-d2 (permutation of 21 and 22 moves of the solution was possible here with precise play later on) b8-c7 22. h2-g3 c7-b6 23. g3-h4! b6-a5 24.d2-c3 c5-d4 25.g5-f6
d4xb2 26. a3xc1 e5xg7 27. h4-g5 a5-b4 28. c1-d2 b4-a3 29. d2-c3 g7-f6 30. g5xe7
f8xd6 31. c3-b4 a3xc5 32. h6-g7 c5-d4 33. g7-f8 d6-e5 34. f8-g7 e5-f4 35. g7xc3
f4-g3 36. c3-d4 g3-h2 37. d4-g1 1-0
A rare etude endgame for practical play appeared in this game after Black's 21st move.
Previously, there was known also a miniature of A. Nagumanov, 1994
c7, b8 c3 A , b2, be5!, h6, h6 x A (d6), c5, h8 b2, hg7 a1, ge5 ab2, fg5 x
S. Pupkin - P. Shnyrev
1.hg7 2.cb6 3.b8 4.b::a5 f2 5.e3 g1 6.ac3 7.c3 x
.......................A. Fomin, №1066(1,2)............
h6 c3, b4 c5, d6 g3, g7 f2, e3 g1, c3, h8, e5 a7, c7 x
cb4 ab6, b2 bc5, b:d6, hg7 f2, e3, g1, c3-d4 gh2, ef4, h8, e5 a7, c7 x
P. Sh. reports: [ one day after the publication of the problem shown in diagram No. 1 (whites: b2, d2, f4, f6, g1, g5/blacks: b4, b8, c7, d6, h2, h4 )]
The position on the diagram No. 2 of P. Sh. is not an independent work in comparison with the original on D. No. 1 . For this reason, it is recognized as plagiarism.]
This game scheme, shown by a followers , has an ideological predecessor with a much more complex and interesting play :
A. Fomin, 6-th USSR Championship (1987 ) on drafts composition ...
D.No.1 :A. Fomin, 6-th USSR Championship (1987 ) dc7 e1, ab2, ab4, cb2, cd8, d8:g5!! (h:f4), c5 :g5 (gf2), ge3 (hg1),gh6,h:f8x
D. No. 2 :New addition : 1. hg7. 2.ab4 3.gf8 gf2 4.ge3 bc5 5.fa3 hg1 6.af8 7.fh6 ab4 8.hd2 ba3 9.dc3 x
.....D.Kamcitskyi(Mogilev region, Belarus).. ..
1.cb4 2.b6 3.c7 4.c3 f2 5.e3 g1 6.cd4 gh2 7.f4 8.h8 .9.e5 a7 10.c7 x
1.de7 2.bc7 3.c3 e3/g3 4.hg7 f2 5.ge3 g1 6.cd4 gh2 7.f4 8.h8 9.e5 a7 10.c7 x
P. Shkludov ( Suwalki village, Vitebsk region)
d2, f6 e3, hg7 ef2, ge3 g1,cd4 h2, ef4, h8, e5 a7, c7 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
A. Fomin, №1067(1,2)
A. Fomin
A. Fomin
A. Fomin
V.Sudentsov,1996.......... Processing by Yu. Baranov...
.......... D. Kamchitskyi (Mogilev region, Belarus).........
1.hg7 2.fg5 3.c:e7 4.h:f4 5.ef8 6.f:f4 ba7 7.c7 x
1.hg7 2.fg5 3.c:e7 4.h:f4 5.ef8 6.f:b8 x
1.hg7 2.fg5 3.c:e7 4.h:f4 5.ef8 6.f:b8 x
1.hg7 2.fg5 3.c:e7 4.f4 5.ef8 6.f:e1 ab6 7.ef2 ba5 8.e1 x
Evidence based position: 1.d6-e7 fh6/b:h6 2.gh2 etc. x
To avoid a second solution, the black checker "g3" should be replaced by a king.
A. Fomin
b8, d6, e7, d4, f4 , h8 (e5), a5 (b2), c3, d2 x **************************
Unknown author
e3, g7, c5, g3 c5 etc. x
A. Fomin (position for self solution)
*************************** G. Shestirikov (Volgograd region)
1. ed8 2.dc3 3.fe5 4.d:a3 ab6 5.de7 6.a:f8 x *********************
.................. A.Fomin....................
1.c5 de5 2.ef4 etc. x
A 1... gf6 2.ce7 d8 3.ed4 4.dh6 e7 5.g7 x
1. e5 2.h6 ab4 3.d6 4.g5 5.e3 6.c3 7.a7 d6 8.b8 c7 9.a7 e5 10.e3 d6 11.h6 d4 12.f8 e5 13.g7 x
A. Fomin
A. Fomin
A. Fomin
V.Sudentsov,1996.......... Processing by Yu. Baranov...
.......... D. Kamchitskyi (Mogilev region, Belarus).........
1.hg7 2.fg5 3.c:e7 4.h:f4 5.ef8 6.f:f4 ba7 7.c7 x
1.hg7 2.fg5 3.c:e7 4.h:f4 5.ef8 6.f:b8 x
1.hg7 2.fg5 3.c:e7 4.h:f4 5.ef8 6.f:b8 x
1.hg7 2.fg5 3.c:e7 4.f4 5.ef8 6.f:e1 ab6 7.ef2 ba5 8.e1 x
Evidence based position: 1.d6-e7 fh6/b:h6 2.gh2 etc. x
To avoid a second solution, the black checker "g3" should be replaced by a king.
A. Fomin
b8, d6, e7, d4, f4 , h8 (e5), a5 (b2), c3, d2 x **************************
Unknown author
e3, g7, c5, g3 c5 etc. x
A. Fomin (position for self solution)
*************************** G. Shestirikov (Volgograd region)
1. ed8 2.dc3 3.fe5 4.d:a3 ab6 5.de7 6.a:f8 x *********************
.................. A.Fomin....................
1.c5 de5 2.ef4 etc. x
A 1... gf6 2.ce7 d8 3.ed4 4.dh6 e7 5.g7 x
1. e5 2.h6 ab4 3.d6 4.g5 5.e3 6.c3 7.a7 d6 8.b8 c7 9.a7 e5 10.e3 d6 11.h6 d4 12.f8 e5 13.g7 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
A. Fomin (Moscow)
Dedicated to International Grandmaster Antonina Langina on the occasion of her birthday on July 7th.
Solution : 1.gh2 fe5 2.h:h6 hg7 3.h:c5 cb6 4.a:c7 d:f2 5.e:g3 h:f2 6.de3 f:d4 7.ba5 de3 8.ab6 a:c5 9.cd4 e:c3 10.b:f2 cd4 11.ab2 x
.............................. A. Fomin, 1982................... ....
1.b8 2.e7 3.c5 4.g3 5.c3 6.g5 x
1.b8 2.e7 3.bc5 4.g3 5.g5 x
1.b8 (1.de3 x ) 2.fe3 3.ge7 4.bc5 6.bg3 7.dc3 8.cg5 x
№305 A. Fomin(=)....... No. 199 A. Fomin
D.№305: 1.ab6 c:a5 2.hg7 c:e1 3.gf8 a:c3 4.f8:g5 f:h4 5.gf2 e:g3 6.h:d6=
D. No. 199 : 10 - th Moscow championship on drafts composition , 1983 [5.5 points]1.ab8 b:d4 2.fe3 d:f2 3.g:e7 f:d6 4.h:b4 a:c5 5.b:g3 h:f4 6.de3 f:d2 7.e:c3+ V. Yacheikin's card file: November, 1982.
bc5 (6:4), dc5, ba3, ag5 (ab2), d2 (a3), c3 (gf6), ge7, cb4, hg7 (cd4), gf8 x
A. Fomin
S. Pupkin
c7, b8 ef2, g3, bc5, g3, e7 x There was previously published :
N. Toropov, "64", No. 43 , 1976
1.b8 2.fe3 3.g5 4.de3 5.bg3 6.cg5 x
An hour later after these publications a new remake appears on another website (please, see above).
B. Shklovskyi[/img]
1.ab6 b:d6A miniature of A. Fomin appeared on the board 2.b8 ef2 3.g3 4.bc5 5.bg3 6.ce7 x
Another 5 minutes after this remake, a new edition of it appears, but under a different nickname .
D. Kamchitskyi
1.ab6 2.c7 3.ab8 etc. x
Ps: The white checker "a5" in this redaction can also be on the "c5" cell.
S. Pupkin
A. Fomin
Re:" pustiachki",
Post by Andrey, Fr., March of 31, 2023 6:39 pm
V. Jbanov :"Crimean comsomoletc", Oct. of 3, 1974
There was published previously:
№752 A. Fomin, 2021
publications from archive
Dedicated to International Grandmaster Antonina Langina on the occasion of her birthday on July 7th.
Solution : 1.gh2 fe5 2.h:h6 hg7 3.h:c5 cb6 4.a:c7 d:f2 5.e:g3 h:f2 6.de3 f:d4 7.ba5 de3 8.ab6 a:c5 9.cd4 e:c3 10.b:f2 cd4 11.ab2 x
.............................. A. Fomin, 1982................... ....
1.b8 2.e7 3.c5 4.g3 5.c3 6.g5 x
1.b8 2.e7 3.bc5 4.g3 5.g5 x
1.b8 (1.de3 x ) 2.fe3 3.ge7 4.bc5 6.bg3 7.dc3 8.cg5 x
№305 A. Fomin(=)....... No. 199 A. Fomin
D.№305: 1.ab6 c:a5 2.hg7 c:e1 3.gf8 a:c3 4.f8:g5 f:h4 5.gf2 e:g3 6.h:d6=
D. No. 199 : 10 - th Moscow championship on drafts composition , 1983 [5.5 points]1.ab8 b:d4 2.fe3 d:f2 3.g:e7 f:d6 4.h:b4 a:c5 5.b:g3 h:f4 6.de3 f:d2 7.e:c3+ V. Yacheikin's card file: November, 1982.
B. Ruchkin, 1983FOMIN wrote: ↑Wed Jun 28, 2023 17:38A. Fomin, №1067(1,2)
fg7, g3, h8, hg7, hg5 - V. Studentsov, 1996 (ab2), a1 (hg3), gh2, ae5 fd6, hd2 x
cb2, cd8, d:h8 - V. Studentsov, 1996 (ab2) A , ha1 (hg3), gh2 etc.x A(ef2), ge3, gf6, e1 x
A. Fomin
ef4 (hg3), fe5, dc3, cg5(f2), e3 (g1), h6, f8 x
hg5 (ab2) A , a1 (hg3), gh2 x A (ef2), ge3 and gf6 x
Processing by Yu. Baranov
cd6, cg3, bh8, hg5 etc. x
A. Fomin (position for self solution)
c5, c7, ed4 (fg7), fe5 (gf6), g7, c5, g3, c5 etc. x
ab2, gf6 (g5), hd2, de3, c3, a7 x
h8, hf6 (g5), d2, e3, c3, a7 x
bc5 (6:4), dc5, ba3, ag5 (ab2), d2 (a3), c3 (gf6), ge7, cb4, hg7 (cd4), gf8 x
A. Fomin
S. Pupkin
c7, b8 ef2, g3, bc5, g3, e7 x There was previously published :
N. Toropov, "64", No. 43 , 1976
1.b8 2.fe3 3.g5 4.de3 5.bg3 6.cg5 x
An hour later after these publications a new remake appears on another website (please, see above).
B. Shklovskyi[/img]
1.ab6 b:d6A miniature of A. Fomin appeared on the board 2.b8 ef2 3.g3 4.bc5 5.bg3 6.ce7 x
Another 5 minutes after this remake, a new edition of it appears, but under a different nickname .
D. Kamchitskyi
1.ab6 2.c7 3.ab8 etc. x
Ps: The white checker "a5" in this redaction can also be on the "c5" cell.
S. Pupkin
A. Fomin
Re:" pustiachki",
Post by Andrey, Fr., March of 31, 2023 6:39 pm
V. Jbanov :"Crimean comsomoletc", Oct. of 3, 1974
There was published previously:
№752 A. Fomin, 2021
publications from archive
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
FOMIN wrote: ↑Thu Jul 06, 2023 02:29A. Fomin (Moscow)
Dedicated to International Grandmaster Antonina Langina on the occasion of her birthday on July 7th.
Solution : 1.gh2 fe5 2.h:h6 hg7 3.h:c5 cb6 4.a:c7 d:f2 5.e:g3 h:f2 6.de3 f:d4 7.ba5 de3 8.ab6 a:c5 9.cd4 e:c3 10.b:f2 cd4 11.ab2 x
cb2, cd8, d:h8 - V. Studentsov, 1996 (ab2) A , ha1 (hg3), gh2 etc.x A(ef2), ge3, gf6
ef4 (hg3), fe5, dc3, cg5(f2), e3 (g1), h6, f8 x
hg5 (ab2) A , a1 (hg3), gh2 x A (ef2), ge3 and gf6 x
Processing by Yu. Baranov
cd6, cg3, bh8, hg5 etc. x
A. Fomin (position for self solution)
c5, c7, ed4 (fg7), fe5 (gf6), g7, c5, g3, c5 etc. 8x
ab2, gf6 (g5), hd2, de3, c3, a7 x
h8, hf6 (g5), d2, e3, c3, a7 x
A. Fomin
A. Akulich, VDFSO Profsoiuzov, 1989
Processing by A. Butkevich, 2-d USSR, Championship, 1970-1972
If REMOVE CHECKERS F6 AND H4 on the diagram of A. Butkevich, THEN PROBLEM of Mr. A. Suhanov (Moscow) from the "Checkers" magazine - 6_1963 arises on the board.
Website "Mif" , Re: Уточнение авторства
Post by AFM, Febr. of 15, 2017 6:36 pm
Letas wrote :
2.A.Berdar Website "Planet" Jan. of 14, .2017
Letas wrote :
1.G.Andreev: "Народная газета"
Выпуск 33, Febr. of 10, .2017
A. Fomin, №158-3 (Improvement)
I. p. : A. Fomin, №158-1
Re: Уточнение первоисточников публикаций(проблемы в русские шашки)
Post by AFM Sun. May of 28, 2017 3:55 am
1.cd6 ~:e7 2.hg3 ~:c5 3.gf4 e:g3 4.cd4 c:e3 5.d:h2 cd6 6.h:c7 d:b6 7.a:c7 b:d6 8.cd2+
.............................. A. Fomin...........................
.. ..
I1 hg7 2. b2 3.h8 4.b8 (gf2 /ed6) 5.e3 /e5 etc.x
1.gh8 f:d4 2.cd6 a :e7 3.hf6! e:g5 4.h:b4 d:b6 5.a:e5 hg3 A 6.ef6 gf2 7.e:g3 h:f4 8.gf2 ba5 9.bc5x A (fe7), 6.ef2 (ba5) 7.bc5 x
1.e5 2.h8 3.b8 etc. x
Positions for self solution
............... A. Fomin........
D. Kamchitsky (Mogilev region)
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
........ A. Fomin......... Processing by A. Fomin
1.de7 2.bc5 3.a:c7 gh4 4.cd8 fe5 5.db6 ed4 6.bf2 x
1.fe3 gf2 2.cb2 3.gf2 cb4 V. Yacheikin's miniature from the magazine "Draughts-1975" appears on the board 4.ba3 5.ae7 6.hg5 c5 7.f6 8.a3 c3 9.fe3 b4 10.f8 b2 11.g7 c1 12.h6x
D. Kamchitsky
A. Fomin
b4, b6, d4, h8 (f4 ), b2/a1 (e3), e5 (f2), e3 (g1), ef2 (g3), h2 x
......A. Fomin..... ........................No.1084 ....................
hg7(fe3), ab2, gh8, f2 x
hg7, b2, h8, a7(e3), f2 x
----------///--- №1087 Arranged by A. Fomin
.. ..
D. Sternin
№1087(1):1.fe3 df2 2.eg3 h:d6 3.fe7 df6 4.g:c5 etc. x
№1087(2):1.de3 x
№1087(3):D. Sternin :"Soviet Belarus", 22.02.1978
1.gf6 ba5 2.fe7 bc7.3.ec5 cb6 A 4.hg5 bd4 5.ce5 aa1
6.gf6 ab6 7.ed6 ag7 8.de7 fd6 9.ha7 x
A : For the first time this option was pointed out by the author of this post. Nevertheless, the authorship of D. Sternin's work remains, despite the absence of this variant at the time of the original publication.
A 3...hg7 4.cd6 ce5 5.hg5 gf6 6.ge7 fd6 7.hg7 ed4 8.cc7 aa1 9.gh8 x
A. Fomin
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
.......................A. Fomin..................................№486............
f4, ed2, c3, e5, b6, e7 (d6), c5(bc7), cd2 (hg7), e3 (h6), f4 x
e3, h8, e7, h4 (bc7), b6, b4 (cd6), c5, ab2 x
Д. №486
1.bc5 de3 2.de7 e:c1 3.ed8 b:d4 4.db6 b:d6 5.gh6 c:g5 6.h:h6 +
7-th All Russia contest , 1975г.
Post by AF Wedn., Jan. of 15, 2014 10:51 pm
Pavel Shutov, 11-th Moscow championship on drafts composition, 1984
№202 :"Drafts Herald " of K. Z. Sh. S. F. Sh. R. , No. 2 - 2021
Processing by A. Fomin ,i.p.> S. Pokhval itov : "Draughts", No. 2-1989[4698]-Д.202-B
Processing by A. Fomin : 1.ab6 g:e3 2.d:f2 ef6 3.fe3 f:f2 3.dc7 b:d6 4.c:e7 a:a3 5.hg3 f:d6 6.h:g1 h:f2 7.g:d4 +
6.cd6 e:c5 7.g:e7 bc3 8.ed8 cd2 9.dc7 hg3 10.f:h4 de1 11.cb8 ea5 A 12 мог.bd6 c:e7 13.ab4 a:g5 14.h:d8 x
№202(2): S.Pokhvali tov :1.de5 2.dc7 etc. x
classic variations of old compositions
author AF Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:31 pm
1. Soln'ykov Vladimir Ivanovich.
With the piece A3 on f8 there was printed in magazine "Draughts", No. 4 -1963, page 38, No. 148 (corrected by A.Fomin)
Solution: f4(ge3), h2, g3, f2, f4, h8!, hc1x In this variation, the final is exact. Solution :1.ed6 (h6, a5), etc. = Replay: "Draughts", No. 3-1989, problem No 4711 with photo by V.S.
Processing by A. Fomin
................Ju. Golikov (Tver).................
ed4, gh6, h:d8 (c3), gf2 (cb2)A , g3, g7, e7/f8 x A(g1), f6 x
e7,f8,c1 (a5), ed2 (b4), a3, e3(g5), h4 x
P. Shkludov (Suwalki Village, Vitebsk region )
D. Kamchitsky (Mogilev region)
f4, h6(d2), c3, c3 (b4), g7(c3)Vp1 b2 (e5),d8 (c7), b6 b4(d6),c5, b2 x
Vp1 (e5) h8, c3/d4 (e5), d8 (c7), b6, b4(d6), c5, b2 x
1. bc3 2.ed8 3.d:b6 4. gh6 5.h:h6 x
f4, ed2, c3, e5, b6, e7 (d6), c5(bc7), cd2 (hg7), e3 (h6), f4 x
e3, h8, e7, h4 (bc7), b6, b4 (cd6), c5, ab2 x
Д. №486
1.bc5 de3 2.de7 e:c1 3.ed8 b:d4 4.db6 b:d6 5.gh6 c:g5 6.h:h6 +
7-th All Russia contest , 1975г.
Post by AF Wedn., Jan. of 15, 2014 10:51 pm
Pavel Shutov, 11-th Moscow championship on drafts composition, 1984
№202 :"Drafts Herald " of K. Z. Sh. S. F. Sh. R. , No. 2 - 2021
Processing by A. Fomin ,i.p.> S. Pokhval itov : "Draughts", No. 2-1989[4698]-Д.202-B
Processing by A. Fomin : 1.ab6 g:e3 2.d:f2 ef6 3.fe3 f:f2 3.dc7 b:d6 4.c:e7 a:a3 5.hg3 f:d6 6.h:g1 h:f2 7.g:d4 +
6.cd6 e:c5 7.g:e7 bc3 8.ed8 cd2 9.dc7 hg3 10.f:h4 de1 11.cb8 ea5 A 12 мог.bd6 c:e7 13.ab4 a:g5 14.h:d8 x
№202(2): S.Pokhvali tov :1.de5 2.dc7 etc. x
classic variations of old compositions
author AF Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:31 pm
1. Soln'ykov Vladimir Ivanovich.
With the piece A3 on f8 there was printed in magazine "Draughts", No. 4 -1963, page 38, No. 148 (corrected by A.Fomin)
Solution: f4(ge3), h2, g3, f2, f4, h8!, hc1x In this variation, the final is exact. Solution :1.ed6 (h6, a5), etc. = Replay: "Draughts", No. 3-1989, problem No 4711 with photo by V.S.
Processing by A. Fomin
................Ju. Golikov (Tver).................
ed4, gh6, h:d8 (c3), gf2 (cb2)A , g3, g7, e7/f8 x A(g1), f6 x
e7,f8,c1 (a5), ed2 (b4), a3, e3(g5), h4 x
P. Shkludov (Suwalki Village, Vitebsk region )
D. Kamchitsky (Mogilev region)
f4, h6(d2), c3, c3 (b4), g7(c3)Vp1 b2 (e5),d8 (c7), b6 b4(d6),c5, b2 x
Vp1 (e5) h8, c3/d4 (e5), d8 (c7), b6, b4(d6), c5, b2 x
1. bc3 2.ed8 3.d:b6 4. gh6 5.h:h6 x
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Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
A. Fomin
..................... №619 A. Fomin.............
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board,Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 16:56
1.fg7 f:h6 2.ed8 c:e5 3.bc3 d:b2 4.de7 f:d4
5.dc3 b:d2 6.f:c7 b:d6 7.hg3 h:f2 8.g:e7 +
№619(2) : The white «simple» checker g1 is erroneously missing from the diagram.
1.fg7 hh4 2.ef8 g:e5 3.dc3 b:d2
4.f:c7! b:d6 5.hg3 h:f2 6.g:e7 7.d:f6 7.ab8 x
№619(2) №105 A. Fomin....... ..A.Demishev ( "Dambrete"-3-1975)
.... ... .
"Star", Perm , Oct. of 27, 1981 , "Draughts" - №2-1982 [3829], i.p. = A. Demishev > "Dambrete"-3-1975:1.ed4 2.cd2 3.gf4 4.h:b6 5.a:c1 x
e3, h8, e7, h4 (bc7), b6, b4 (cd6), c5, ab2 x
D. Kamchitskyi (Mogilev region)
b6(a7), a5, e3, c3, e7 (gf6), g5, f2 (b6), b4 (a5), c5 X
There was known before :
Gusev Evgeny Pavlovich, born in 1938 (Mytishchi, Moscow region)
16-th All Soviet Union contest, 1977
..................... №619 A. Fomin.............
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board,Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 16:56
1.fg7 f:h6 2.ed8 c:e5 3.bc3 d:b2 4.de7 f:d4
5.dc3 b:d2 6.f:c7 b:d6 7.hg3 h:f2 8.g:e7 +
№619(2) : The white «simple» checker g1 is erroneously missing from the diagram.
1.fg7 hh4 2.ef8 g:e5 3.dc3 b:d2
4.f:c7! b:d6 5.hg3 h:f2 6.g:e7 7.d:f6 7.ab8 x
№619(2) №105 A. Fomin....... ..A.Demishev ( "Dambrete"-3-1975)
.... ... .
"Star", Perm , Oct. of 27, 1981 , "Draughts" - №2-1982 [3829], i.p. = A. Demishev > "Dambrete"-3-1975:1.ed4 2.cd2 3.gf4 4.h:b6 5.a:c1 x
e3, h8, e7, h4 (bc7), b6, b4 (cd6), c5, ab2 x
D. Kamchitskyi (Mogilev region)
b6(a7), a5, e3, c3, e7 (gf6), g5, f2 (b6), b4 (a5), c5 X
There was known before :
Gusev Evgeny Pavlovich, born in 1938 (Mytishchi, Moscow region)
16-th All Soviet Union contest, 1977
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
S. Pupkin
A. Fomin
gh4(fe5), hd4 ( ba1), ab8 (a:h8), b:g3 (bc3), ge1 (cb2), ed4 (h:b2), e:c3 (a:a7), c:a3 x
A. Demishev ("Draughts ", No. 3, 1962)
A. Fomin
1.f6 2.e7 a1 3.d8 g7 4.h4 bc3 5.e1 b2 6.d4 c3 7.b4 a7 8.a3 x
There was known before :V. Sokov, "64" .1939
(Posted by Yury Golikov)
A. Fomin
1.bc7 2.bc3 3.c:g5 4.ed2 c1 5.gf4 e:g3 6.h:f4 x
......................... A. Fomin................. .
A. Fomin
gh4(fe5), hd4 ( ba1), ab8 (a:h8), b:g3 (bc3), ge1 (cb2), ed4 (h:b2), e:c3 (a:a7), c:a3 x
A. Demishev ("Draughts ", No. 3, 1962)
A. Fomin
1.f6 2.e7 a1 3.d8 g7 4.h4 bc3 5.e1 b2 6.d4 c3 7.b4 a7 8.a3 x
There was known before :V. Sokov, "64" .1939
(Posted by Yury Golikov)
A. Fomin
1.bc7 2.bc3 3.c:g5 4.ed2 c1 5.gf4 e:g3 6.h:f4 x
......................... A. Fomin................. .
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
......A. Fomin...................S.Pupkin................A.Fomin........
1.d8 (cb4) 2. dc7 (b:d6) 3.ab8 ( b:f4) 4.b:h2(gf4) 5.h:h8 (hg3)6.hd4 (ab4) 7.cd2 (ba3) 8.dc3(gh2)9.dg1 x
1.ba5 hf2 2.ge3 cb6 3.ac7 bb4 4.ca5 ab2 5.ed4 bc1 6.dc5 a:b6 7.a:c7 x
1.e7 (f6) 2.c7 3.b2 4.ge3 5.c3 6.e7 7.f8 (b4) 8.a3 x
1.cd8 cb4 2.dc7 bd6 3.ab8 4.bh2 gf4 5.h8 hg3 6.hd4 gh2 7.dg1 ab4 8.cd2/b2 ba3 9.bc3 x x
S. Pupkin
A. Fomin
1.fg3 ef2 2.cd2! f:h4 3.gf8 dc5 4.f:a3 a:c5 5. a:d6 - (V. Safroenko, "Draughts", No. 6, 1972, "Soviet Belorussia", 1968 : solution : 1.a3-d6) de7 6.d:f8 hg3 7.fd6 gf4 A 8.J.Sheijen db8 (de3) B 9. ba7 (e:c1) 10..ed2 (ce3) 11. a:h4 (fe3) 12.he1 x A 7...(gh2),8.de3 x B 8..(gh2),9.b:g3 (h:f4) 10.de3 (fd2)11.e:e5 x
....A. Fomin .....
1.ed8 ce5 2.ac7 bd6.3.ed2 ec1 4.df6 eg7 5.h:h6 x
......................................A. Fomin ............... ..................
.. ..
1.gh8 fe1 a 2.fe7 df6 3.bd2 ec3 4. cd2 ce1 5.hc3 eb4 6.aс3 xa 1...cd6 2.cd2 ec1 3.ge7 etc. x
1.fg7 h8:f4 2.gc5 hg3 3.bc3 gf2 4.ge3 hg1 5.cd2 gh2 6.de5 hb4 7.ca5 ab2 8.ed4 bc1 9.dc5 c:b6 10.a:c7 x
1. gh4 2.hd4 ba7 3.dc5 4.c:a5 ab2 5.ed4 bc1 6.dc5 c:b6 7.a:c7 x
....A. Fomin .....
1.gf6 2.hf8 ab2 3.ac3 ca3 4.f:c5 cb6 5.a:c7 b:b4 6.c:a5 ab2 7. ed4 bc1 8.dc5 c:b6 9.a:c7 x
....A. Fomin Boris Mogilevskyi , processing by A. Fomin
1.bc7 2.cd2 3.de5 4.gh6 5.h4:g3 !! 6.h:b4 x There was known before :
Boris Mogilevskyi :16-th Moscow championship on drafts composition, 1989
1.fg3 2.gh4 3 de3 4.ab2 5.gh6 6.h4:g3!! 7h:b4 x Chief Judge wrote :"
There is a zest in the combination game - the sacrifice of the king on " g3 " square, at the same time initial construction of the No. 16 is unsightly due to checkers" c7 " and " h2".
Scores :(4 3.5 1 2,5 = 11:4 = 2,75 points ) :A. Gorin, E. Zubov, A. Nagumanov, A. Fedoruk
1.d8 (cb4) 2. dc7 (b:d6) 3.ab8 ( b:f4) 4.b:h2(gf4) 5.h:h8 (hg3)6.hd4 (ab4) 7.cd2 (ba3) 8.dc3(gh2)9.dg1 x
1.ba5 hf2 2.ge3 cb6 3.ac7 bb4 4.ca5 ab2 5.ed4 bc1 6.dc5 a:b6 7.a:c7 x
1.e7 (f6) 2.c7 3.b2 4.ge3 5.c3 6.e7 7.f8 (b4) 8.a3 x
1.cd8 cb4 2.dc7 bd6 3.ab8 4.bh2 gf4 5.h8 hg3 6.hd4 gh2 7.dg1 ab4 8.cd2/b2 ba3 9.bc3 x x
S. Pupkin
A. Fomin
1.fg3 ef2 2.cd2! f:h4 3.gf8 dc5 4.f:a3 a:c5 5. a:d6 - (V. Safroenko, "Draughts", No. 6, 1972, "Soviet Belorussia", 1968 : solution : 1.a3-d6) de7 6.d:f8 hg3 7.fd6 gf4 A 8.J.Sheijen db8 (de3) B 9. ba7 (e:c1) 10..ed2 (ce3) 11. a:h4 (fe3) 12.he1 x A 7...(gh2),8.de3 x B 8..(gh2),9.b:g3 (h:f4) 10.de3 (fd2)11.e:e5 x
....A. Fomin .....
1.ed8 ce5 2.ac7 bd6.3.ed2 ec1 4.df6 eg7 5.h:h6 x
......................................A. Fomin ............... ..................
.. ..
1.gh8 fe1 a 2.fe7 df6 3.bd2 ec3 4. cd2 ce1 5.hc3 eb4 6.aс3 xa 1...cd6 2.cd2 ec1 3.ge7 etc. x
1.fg7 h8:f4 2.gc5 hg3 3.bc3 gf2 4.ge3 hg1 5.cd2 gh2 6.de5 hb4 7.ca5 ab2 8.ed4 bc1 9.dc5 c:b6 10.a:c7 x
1. gh4 2.hd4 ba7 3.dc5 4.c:a5 ab2 5.ed4 bc1 6.dc5 c:b6 7.a:c7 x
....A. Fomin .....
1.gf6 2.hf8 ab2 3.ac3 ca3 4.f:c5 cb6 5.a:c7 b:b4 6.c:a5 ab2 7. ed4 bc1 8.dc5 c:b6 9.a:c7 x
....A. Fomin Boris Mogilevskyi , processing by A. Fomin
1.bc7 2.cd2 3.de5 4.gh6 5.h4:g3 !! 6.h:b4 x There was known before :
Boris Mogilevskyi :16-th Moscow championship on drafts composition, 1989
1.fg3 2.gh4 3 de3 4.ab2 5.gh6 6.h4:g3!! 7h:b4 x Chief Judge wrote :"
There is a zest in the combination game - the sacrifice of the king on " g3 " square, at the same time initial construction of the No. 16 is unsightly due to checkers" c7 " and " h2".
Scores :(4 3.5 1 2,5 = 11:4 = 2,75 points ) :A. Gorin, E. Zubov, A. Nagumanov, A. Fedoruk
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
A.Fomin S. Pupkin
fg7 (h8:d4), gf6, ac7, h:f4 (hg3), fe5, hf4 x
B. P. h4 >×d4 :M. Fiodorov, Ukraine championship on drafts composition, 2017
................................... A. Fomin......................................
.. ..
1.d8 2.c7 e5 3.a3 4.df6 5.ed4 6.e7 7.g1 x
1.gf6 eg5 2.f4 eg3 3.hf8 ab2 4.ac3 ca3 5.fc5 cb6
6.ac7 bb4 7.ca5 ab2 8.ed4 bc1 9.dс5 b6 10.a:c7 x
1.d6 2.e3 3.f8 (g7) a 4.g1 (b2) Vp1 5.b6 7.a1 x
Vp1(g7), b8, h8 x A (c3), b6, e5 x
... A. Fomin...
1.hg7 hg3 2.cd6 c:e5 3..a:c7 d:b6 4.gh8 e:g7 5.h:h2 bc5 a
6.d:b6 a:c5 7.he5 cd4 8.eg7/h8 d:b2 9.g:a1x
A 5...ba5 6.. hf4/de5 x
................................ ...A. Fomin......................................
.. ...
III After the 3 - rd move V. Shulga's endgame appears on the board (Contest "«Republic»,", 2003).
1.gf6 2.d8 (a3) 3.e7 4.b4 5.b6 (d4) 6.c7 7 b8 (c5) 8.a7 x A. Fomin
V. Iacheikin, 1974.... M. P. Musorskyi...
Ps: Draughts plagiarism
A.Fomin S. Pupkin
fg7 (h8:d4), gf6, ac7, h:f4 (hg3), fe5, hf4 x
B. P. h4 >×d4 :M. Fiodorov, Ukraine championship on drafts composition, 2017
................................... A. Fomin......................................
.. ..
1.d8 2.c7 e5 3.a3 4.df6 5.ed4 6.e7 7.g1 x
1.gf6 eg5 2.f4 eg3 3.hf8 ab2 4.ac3 ca3 5.fc5 cb6
6.ac7 bb4 7.ca5 ab2 8.ed4 bc1 9.dс5 b6 10.a:c7 x
1.d6 2.e3 3.f8 (g7) a 4.g1 (b2) Vp1 5.b6 7.a1 x
Vp1(g7), b8, h8 x A (c3), b6, e5 x
... A. Fomin...
1.hg7 hg3 2.cd6 c:e5 3..a:c7 d:b6 4.gh8 e:g7 5.h:h2 bc5 a
6.d:b6 a:c5 7.he5 cd4 8.eg7/h8 d:b2 9.g:a1x
A 5...ba5 6.. hf4/de5 x
................................ ...A. Fomin......................................
.. ...
III After the 3 - rd move V. Shulga's endgame appears on the board (Contest "«Republic»,", 2003).
1.gf6 2.d8 (a3) 3.e7 4.b4 5.b6 (d4) 6.c7 7 b8 (c5) 8.a7 x A. Fomin
V. Iacheikin, 1974.... M. P. Musorskyi...
Ps: Draughts plagiarism
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
A Fomin
A Fomin
A. Fomin
1.c7 2.e7 3.hb4 a3:e3 A 4.hd2 x A 3...a:e5 4.h:d6 x
No. 1103.... ...A.Fomin ....... No. 1108................G.Andreev(Riga)
No. 1103....A.Fomin : 1.de7 2.ef8 3.f:e3 ab4 4.c:a5 ab2 5.ed4 bc1 6.dc5 7.a:c7 x
No. 1108 A. Fomin : 1.bc5 ! d2 2.d8 3.g3 4.e7 5.h:e5 bc7 6. e:b8 hg7 7.be5 gh6 8.ec3 hg5 9.cd2 gh4 10.de1 x
G.Andreev(Riga): 1.c7 2.b6 3.d8 4.cb4 5.e7 6.h:e5 x
1.ed4 (gf2 )2.e:e5 -There is followed a fragment(copy) of a miniature by A. Fomin (gf4) 3.e:g3 (h:f2) 4.g:e3 (hg1) 5.cd2 (gh2) 6.de5 (h2:b4) 7.c:a5 - There is followed an etude endgame known from the practical game: 7...(ab2) 8.ed4 (bc1) 9.dc5 (c:b6) 10.a:c7x
1.cd4 (hg5) 2.dc3 (gf2) 3.e:e5 etc. x
This is a simplified variation of the author's problem presented on diagram No. 2
1.gh4 (fg3) 2.hd4 - -There is followed a fragment(copy) of a miniature by A. Fomin 2.. gf2 3.g:e3 etc. x
1.ed6 (g:c7) -There is followed a copy of author's work presented on diagram No. 1 2.gh6 (fg5) etc. x
A. Fomin
1.ef6 2.cb4 3.b:e3 ab2 > If you remove checkers g1 and h2 from the board, then the fragment of Mr. I. Volkov etude's idea arises ( "Our newspaper" No. 8, nov. of 04.1926) , where the checkers d2 and d4 change places .> 4. ed4 bc1 5.ec5 6.a:c7 x
There was published before :
Ju. Cherniaev, "Draughts",1973....... A. Fomin (first publication)
A. V. Uvarov
["Komsomol Banner" (Kyiv) 06/30/1965 ; "Crimean Komsomolets" 02/18/1972 ]
ab2, ed2, cb6, c3, e7, hb4, h2:b4 x
I. Ivatsko: : 5th contest of the newspaper "Varyag Press" , Belarus
1.c7 2.b6 3. fg3 4.ge3 5.fe7 6.h:e5 x
A Fomin
A. Fomin
1.c7 2.e7 3.hb4 a3:e3 A 4.hd2 x A 3...a:e5 4.h:d6 x
FOMIN wrote: ↑Tue Aug 29, 2023 16:12
................ ..A. Fomin.......... ......
.. .
I 1.gh6 (fg5) 2. hd6 (gf4) 3.dg3(hf2) ) 4.ge3 (hg1) 5. cd2 (gh2) 6.de5 (h:b4) 7.c:a5 (ab2) 8.ed4(bc1) 9.dc5 (c:b6) 10.a:c7 x
II 1.hg7 (hg3) 2.gf8 (gh4) 3.f:d6(gh2)4.e:g3 (h:f2) 5.g:e3 (hg1) 6.cd2(gh2)7.de5 (h:b4) 8.c:a5 (ab2) 9.ed4 (bc1) 10.dc5 (c:b6) 11.a:c7 x
Ps: Draughts plagiarism
No. 1103.... ...A.Fomin ....... No. 1108................G.Andreev(Riga)
No. 1103....A.Fomin : 1.de7 2.ef8 3.f:e3 ab4 4.c:a5 ab2 5.ed4 bc1 6.dc5 7.a:c7 x
No. 1108 A. Fomin : 1.bc5 ! d2 2.d8 3.g3 4.e7 5.h:e5 bc7 6. e:b8 hg7 7.be5 gh6 8.ec3 hg5 9.cd2 gh4 10.de1 x
G.Andreev(Riga): 1.c7 2.b6 3.d8 4.cb4 5.e7 6.h:e5 x
1.ed4 (gf2 )2.e:e5 -There is followed a fragment(copy) of a miniature by A. Fomin (gf4) 3.e:g3 (h:f2) 4.g:e3 (hg1) 5.cd2 (gh2) 6.de5 (h2:b4) 7.c:a5 - There is followed an etude endgame known from the practical game: 7...(ab2) 8.ed4 (bc1) 9.dc5 (c:b6) 10.a:c7x
1.cd4 (hg5) 2.dc3 (gf2) 3.e:e5 etc. x
This is a simplified variation of the author's problem presented on diagram No. 2
1.gh4 (fg3) 2.hd4 - -There is followed a fragment(copy) of a miniature by A. Fomin 2.. gf2 3.g:e3 etc. x
1.ed6 (g:c7) -There is followed a copy of author's work presented on diagram No. 1 2.gh6 (fg5) etc. x
A. Fomin
1.ef6 2.cb4 3.b:e3 ab2 > If you remove checkers g1 and h2 from the board, then the fragment of Mr. I. Volkov etude's idea arises ( "Our newspaper" No. 8, nov. of 04.1926) , where the checkers d2 and d4 change places .> 4. ed4 bc1 5.ec5 6.a:c7 x
There was published before :
Ju. Cherniaev, "Draughts",1973....... A. Fomin (first publication)
A. V. Uvarov
["Komsomol Banner" (Kyiv) 06/30/1965 ; "Crimean Komsomolets" 02/18/1972 ]
ab2, ed2, cb6, c3, e7, hb4, h2:b4 x
I. Ivatsko: : 5th contest of the newspaper "Varyag Press" , Belarus
1.c7 2.b6 3. fg3 4.ge3 5.fe7 6.h:e5 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
[.... A. Fomin....
1.c3 2.c7 3.fe3 4.g5 d4 5.d2 - Evg. Kukleev, 1973(?) ... g7 6.f6 7.g5 c3 8.b4 d4 9.c5 b6 10.gf6 c5 11.e7 12.g7 d4 13.f8 etc. x
x h6(e1)a7(d4)f2(a5)b4.f2 x
Mr. V. Pupkin's variation :
1.h6 e1 2.a7 d4 3.f2 4.b4 5.f2 x
...........A.Fomin...............D.Kaimchitsky (Mogilev)
A. Fomin
1.fe7 2.ab2 3.ef8 4.fg3 5.gc5 ab6 6.ca7 ab4 7.ab8 bc3 8.bf4 cb2 9.fe5 ba1 10.ef6 ag7 11.hf8 x
D. Kamchitsky
1.bc7! 4:6 A 2.f2 3.e7 4.g3 5.g5 6.a3 c7 7.b4 d6 8.c5 9.c3 x
A (8:6),c7, f2, e7, g5, g3, a3 x
1.bc5 2.f4 3.g3 4.c3 ed6 5.e3 6.g5 d4
7.d2 g7 - Kykleev, 1973(?) 8.f6 ge5 9.hg5 c3 10.b4 d4 11.c5 b6 12.f6 c5 13.fe7 fd6 14.hg7 cd4 15.gf8 e5 16.fg7 ef4 17.c3 g3 18.d4 h2 19.g1 x
1.gf6 ab2 2.cb6 c:a5 3.dc7 b:f4 4.ab8 g:e5 5.fe3 f:d2 6.b:a3 hg7 7.ab2 gh6 8.bc3 hg5 9.cd2 gh4 10.de1x
1.gf6 cb2 2.cb6 c:a5 3.dc7 b:f4 4.ab8 g:e5 5.fe3 f:d2 6.b:a3 hg7 7.ab2 gh6 8.bc3 hg5 9.cd2 gh4 10.de1x
A. Fomin - N. N.
There was played in the party : 1.ba5 dc3 a 2.ab6 cd2 3..ce3 dc7 4.cg5 hd2 5.fe3 df4 6.hg5 fh2 7.hg5 gh6 8.gf6 hg5 9.fh4 hg7 10.hg5 gh6 11.gf6 and black capitulated.
a : Blacks would not have been able to save the game with their move[ 2..dc7 3.hg5! hf4 4.fe3 fd2 5.c:c5 etc. x
.................. ...A. Fomin........................
There was known before : viewtopic.php?f=33&t=8464&p=133275#p133275
There was known before :
D. Sukhorukov :"Draughts", No. 10, 1976
A. Fomin
1.c3 2.c7 3.fe3 4.g5 d4 5.d2 - Evg. Kukleev, 1973(?) ... g7 6.f6 7.g5 c3 8.b4 d4 9.c5 b6 10.gf6 c5 11.e7 12.g7 d4 13.f8 etc. x
Fomin wrote :
A. Fomin
Position for solving contest
x h6(e1)a7(d4)f2(a5)b4.f2 x
Mr. V. Pupkin's variation :
1.h6 e1 2.a7 d4 3.f2 4.b4 5.f2 x
...........A.Fomin...............D.Kaimchitsky (Mogilev)
A. Fomin
1.fe7 2.ab2 3.ef8 4.fg3 5.gc5 ab6 6.ca7 ab4 7.ab8 bc3 8.bf4 cb2 9.fe5 ba1 10.ef6 ag7 11.hf8 x
D. Kamchitsky
1.bc7! 4:6 A 2.f2 3.e7 4.g3 5.g5 6.a3 c7 7.b4 d6 8.c5 9.c3 x
A (8:6),c7, f2, e7, g5, g3, a3 x
1.bc5 2.f4 3.g3 4.c3 ed6 5.e3 6.g5 d4
7.d2 g7 - Kykleev, 1973(?) 8.f6 ge5 9.hg5 c3 10.b4 d4 11.c5 b6 12.f6 c5 13.fe7 fd6 14.hg7 cd4 15.gf8 e5 16.fg7 ef4 17.c3 g3 18.d4 h2 19.g1 x
1.gf6 ab2 2.cb6 c:a5 3.dc7 b:f4 4.ab8 g:e5 5.fe3 f:d2 6.b:a3 hg7 7.ab2 gh6 8.bc3 hg5 9.cd2 gh4 10.de1x
1.gf6 cb2 2.cb6 c:a5 3.dc7 b:f4 4.ab8 g:e5 5.fe3 f:d2 6.b:a3 hg7 7.ab2 gh6 8.bc3 hg5 9.cd2 gh4 10.de1x
A. Fomin - N. N.
There was played in the party : 1.ba5 dc3 a 2.ab6 cd2 3..ce3 dc7 4.cg5 hd2 5.fe3 df4 6.hg5 fh2 7.hg5 gh6 8.gf6 hg5 9.fh4 hg7 10.hg5 gh6 11.gf6 and black capitulated.
a : Blacks would not have been able to save the game with their move[ 2..dc7 3.hg5! hf4 4.fe3 fd2 5.c:c5 etc. x
.................. ...A. Fomin........................
There was known before : viewtopic.php?f=33&t=8464&p=133275#p133275
There was known before :
D. Sukhorukov :"Draughts", No. 10, 1976
A. Fomin
- Attachments
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Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
...... A. Fomin...................A. Demishev, processing by A. Fomin
................ ..
1.hg7 fh6 2.ef6 gg7 3.cb4 hf4 4.b4:e3 ab2 5.ed4 bc1 A 6.dc5 c:b6 7.a:c7 x A 5...ba1 6.dc3 x
1.bc5 a:c7 2.ef2 d:d6 3.de5 f:d4 4.h:e3 f:d2 5.bc3 d:b4 6.a:e7 f:d6 7.h:c5 ba7 8.fg3 h:f4 9.af2 x
A. Fomin, processing by S. Hottabychev
1.de5 fd4 2.e:c3 gg7 3.ef8 hf4 4.d:e3 etc. x
c7, b8, g5, g3, g5 (h6), f6 x
A.Fomin(brazilian checkers) *********************
A. Uvarov, "Crimean pravda" , May, of 23, 1969
c7, c3, e7, hb4, h:d2 x Processing by S. Pupkin A. Fomin
d6, f8(e3), b4 (c1), a3, b6, h4 etc. x
.. ... №1114>
D.Kamchitsky (Belarus)........................... A. Fomin............ .....
.................... ..
G. Shestirikov (Volgograd region)
1.g5 2.e3 3.c7 4.b4! (g1) 5.e7 6.c5 7.c5 (e7) 8.b6(d6) 9.a7 (e5) 10 b8 (d4) 11.bf4 (dc3) 12.fc1 x A.Fomin(Moscow) ..................................... .A.Fomin...................................
1.de3! etc. x
There was known before :
E. Zubov: first championship of the USSR in solving draughts compositions, Kyiv, 1991
1.gh4 2. h:d8 (b2/d2) 3.dc7 4.ce7 5.bc5 6.a5:a1/e1 x
D. Soloviev (Russia).......processing by A. Fomin
1.ed6! g:g7 2.b8 3.be5 ! 4.hg3 5.g:c1 x
1.h8 2.he5! 3.hg7 4.e5-d4 etc. x
...D. Kamchitsky............A.Fomin..............................
...... .
D. Kamchitsky:1.de3 d2 2.bc3 3.d6 4.c5 hg7 5.de7 6.ha3 x
A. Fomin : 1.ef2 2.cd2 3.ac7 db6 3.de3 d2 4.bc3 5.b:d6 6.ac5 7.de7 8.hf2 x
III :The problem needs verification of authorship : 1.de3 2.fg3 3.g3 4.g1 (c5) 5.b6 6.cb4 7.bc5 8.ab4(ba5) 9.bc5 x
There was known before(see diagram No. 2):
Janis Gobin'sh
The problem was published in "Dambrete" - 3-1983, participated in the 1st Latvian Championship, 1977
After the first move of solving this problem 1.cb4 hg3, an attempt by A. Bakumets appears, sent by A. B. on September 6, 1979 to “64” for publication (according to the manuscript of A. Fedoruk, 1979)
2.bc3 3.gf2 4.ed2 5.ac7 6.de3 7.hd6 7
8.bd6 9.ac5 10.de7 11.hf2 x
................ ..
1.hg7 fh6 2.ef6 gg7 3.cb4 hf4 4.b4:e3 ab2 5.ed4 bc1 A 6.dc5 c:b6 7.a:c7 x A 5...ba1 6.dc3 x
1.bc5 a:c7 2.ef2 d:d6 3.de5 f:d4 4.h:e3 f:d2 5.bc3 d:b4 6.a:e7 f:d6 7.h:c5 ba7 8.fg3 h:f4 9.af2 x
A. Fomin, processing by S. Hottabychev
1.de5 fd4 2.e:c3 gg7 3.ef8 hf4 4.d:e3 etc. x
c7, b8, g5, g3, g5 (h6), f6 x
A.Fomin(brazilian checkers) *********************
There was known before :FOMIN wrote: ↑Wed Sep 06, 2023 00:49A. Fomin
1.c7 2.e7 3.hb4 a3:e3 A 4.hd2 x A 3...a:e5 4.h:d6 x
A. Uvarov, "Crimean pravda" , May, of 23, 1969
c7, c3, e7, hb4, h:d2 x Processing by S. Pupkin A. Fomin
d6, f8(e3), b4 (c1), a3, b6, h4 etc. x
.. ... №1114>
D.Kamchitsky (Belarus)........................... A. Fomin............ .....
.................... ..
G. Shestirikov (Volgograd region)
1.g5 2.e3 3.c7 4.b4! (g1) 5.e7 6.c5 7.c5 (e7) 8.b6(d6) 9.a7 (e5) 10 b8 (d4) 11.bf4 (dc3) 12.fc1 x A.Fomin(Moscow) ..................................... .A.Fomin...................................
1.de3! etc. x
There was known before :
E. Zubov: first championship of the USSR in solving draughts compositions, Kyiv, 1991
1.gh4 2. h:d8 (b2/d2) 3.dc7 4.ce7 5.bc5 6.a5:a1/e1 x
D. Soloviev (Russia).......processing by A. Fomin
1.ed6! g:g7 2.b8 3.be5 ! 4.hg3 5.g:c1 x
1.h8 2.he5! 3.hg7 4.e5-d4 etc. x
...D. Kamchitsky............A.Fomin..............................
...... .
D. Kamchitsky:1.de3 d2 2.bc3 3.d6 4.c5 hg7 5.de7 6.ha3 x
A. Fomin : 1.ef2 2.cd2 3.ac7 db6 3.de3 d2 4.bc3 5.b:d6 6.ac5 7.de7 8.hf2 x
III :The problem needs verification of authorship : 1.de3 2.fg3 3.g3 4.g1 (c5) 5.b6 6.cb4 7.bc5 8.ab4(ba5) 9.bc5 x
There was known before(see diagram No. 2):
Janis Gobin'sh
The problem was published in "Dambrete" - 3-1983, participated in the 1st Latvian Championship, 1977
After the first move of solving this problem 1.cb4 hg3, an attempt by A. Bakumets appears, sent by A. B. on September 6, 1979 to “64” for publication (according to the manuscript of A. Fedoruk, 1979)
2.bc3 3.gf2 4.ed2 5.ac7 6.de3 7.hd6 7
8.bd6 9.ac5 10.de7 11.hf2 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
1.cb8 hg3 2.cd2 h2 3.g3 4.de3 4.c5 d4 5.c3 6.cb4 7.bc5 8.ab4 x
1.bc3 b2 a 2.d4 b4 3.c3 4.f4 b4 5.a5 c5 6.e5 x
a 1...(b4)2.c7 d4 3.b8 4.ba7 x
M.Tsvetov , processing by A. Fomin
1. e7 2. cd2 3.e7 f8 4. h:d6 b2 5.c3 d2 6.c3 x ***********************************
№1079 A. Fomin
1.bc5 db6 2.ac7 db6 3.de3 fb4 4.aa7 ef4 5.ab8 hg3
6.gh2 ed6 7.be5 fd6 8.hf4 hg5 9.fh6 de5 10.hg7 ed4
11.gh8 de3 12.hd4 ec5 13.bc3 x
A. Fomin, processing by D. Kamchitsky
Legality: b8-c7 (b6-a5), h6-g7 (d8:b6), dc5 (f8:h6)
1.de7 2.e:c3 3.ef8 4.f8:e3 (ab4) 5.c:a5 (ab2) 6.ed4 (bc1) 7.dc5 (c:b6) 8.a:c7 x
A. Fomin
1.ef6 7:5 3.e7 4.g5 f6 >>M. Tsvetov, 3-d USSR Championship on draughts composition, 1976 << 5.b2 6.e7 7.d6 8.c3 x Position for self solution :
A. Fomin
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Wed Jan 29, 2020 02:35 D. Kamchitsky
Whites played in the practical party :
1.ba5! (1.gh2? fe3! 2.fd4 fg7 =) cd6 2.ce7 fd6 3.ab4! (the obvious move 3.ab6 <?> does not lead to victory due to the continuation 3... dc5! 4.b:d4 fg3 5.fe3 gf2 6.de5 f:d4 7.e:c5 fe1 8.h:f6 eb4 9.cb6 ba5 10. ba7 ad8=) fg3 4.fe3 gf2 5.gh2 f:d4 6.bc5 d:b4 7.a:g7 h:f6 8.hg3 and Blacks surrendered.
A.Fomin - S. Hottabychev
Whites played 1.bc3 fe5 2.bc5 b:b2 3.a:c1 cb6 4.a:c7 d:b8 5.f:d6 h:d2 6. c:e3 - There was appeared on the board fragment of a practical game V. Litvinovich - V. Airapetyan ("64",1978) 6...gf4 7.e:g5 h:f4 8.de7 fg3 9.fe3 gf2 10.ef8 f:d4 11.fg7 de3 12.gh6 ef2 13.g:e3 hg3 14 .ef4 g :e5 15.he3 bc7 16.ea7 ef4 17.ab8 fg3 18.b:h2 x Whites won.
A.Fomin, processing by Plagiarist
1.cb2 gf6 2.g7 f6 3.bc3 and Whites won due to the continuation from the parrty A. Fomin - S. Hottabychev.
(position for self solution)
1.cb8 hg3 2.cd2 h2 3.g3 4.de3 4.c5 d4 5.c3 6.cb4 7.bc5 8.ab4 x
1.bc3 b2 a 2.d4 b4 3.c3 4.f4 b4 5.a5 c5 6.e5 x
a 1...(b4)2.c7 d4 3.b8 4.ba7 x
M.Tsvetov , processing by A. Fomin
1. e7 2. cd2 3.e7 f8 4. h:d6 b2 5.c3 d2 6.c3 x ***********************************
№1079 A. Fomin
1.bc5 db6 2.ac7 db6 3.de3 fb4 4.aa7 ef4 5.ab8 hg3
6.gh2 ed6 7.be5 fd6 8.hf4 hg5 9.fh6 de5 10.hg7 ed4
11.gh8 de3 12.hd4 ec5 13.bc3 x
A. Fomin, processing by D. Kamchitsky
Legality: b8-c7 (b6-a5), h6-g7 (d8:b6), dc5 (f8:h6)
1.de7 2.e:c3 3.ef8 4.f8:e3 (ab4) 5.c:a5 (ab2) 6.ed4 (bc1) 7.dc5 (c:b6) 8.a:c7 x
A. Fomin
1.ef6 7:5 3.e7 4.g5 f6 >>M. Tsvetov, 3-d USSR Championship on draughts composition, 1976 << 5.b2 6.e7 7.d6 8.c3 x Position for self solution :
A. Fomin
There was known before :Fomin wrote :
D. Soloviev
1.ed6! g:g7 2.b8 3.be5 ! 4.hg3 5.g:c1 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Wed Jan 29, 2020 02:35 D. Kamchitsky
Whites played in the practical party :
1.ba5! (1.gh2? fe3! 2.fd4 fg7 =) cd6 2.ce7 fd6 3.ab4! (the obvious move 3.ab6 <?> does not lead to victory due to the continuation 3... dc5! 4.b:d4 fg3 5.fe3 gf2 6.de5 f:d4 7.e:c5 fe1 8.h:f6 eb4 9.cb6 ba5 10. ba7 ad8=) fg3 4.fe3 gf2 5.gh2 f:d4 6.bc5 d:b4 7.a:g7 h:f6 8.hg3 and Blacks surrendered.
A.Fomin - S. Hottabychev
Whites played 1.bc3 fe5 2.bc5 b:b2 3.a:c1 cb6 4.a:c7 d:b8 5.f:d6 h:d2 6. c:e3 - There was appeared on the board fragment of a practical game V. Litvinovich - V. Airapetyan ("64",1978) 6...gf4 7.e:g5 h:f4 8.de7 fg3 9.fe3 gf2 10.ef8 f:d4 11.fg7 de3 12.gh6 ef2 13.g:e3 hg3 14 .ef4 g :e5 15.he3 bc7 16.ea7 ef4 17.ab8 fg3 18.b:h2 x Whites won.
A.Fomin, processing by Plagiarist
1.cb2 gf6 2.g7 f6 3.bc3 and Whites won due to the continuation from the parrty A. Fomin - S. Hottabychev.
(position for self solution)
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Solution:1.de7 f:d6 2.gh8 a:c5 3.hd4! c:e5 :4.a:g3 f:h2 5.ab6 c:a7 6.gf6 e:g7 7.h:f2 x
............positions for self solution..........
processing by A. Fomin....A.Fomin:№1125
1.de7 2.cb8 3.ba7 etc. x -V. Shulga,1987
1.ab8 2.ba7 3.bc3 4.c:a3! etc. x
№496 A.Fomin
1.ba3 e:c1 2.a:e7 f:d6 3.ab2 c:a3 4.cb4 a:c5 5.ab6 c:a5
6.e:c7 d:b6 7.gh6 g:g7 8.h:a3 +
№494 A. Fomin
I.p. R. Hrshanovich:"Draughts-№6-1979"
1.bc3 ab2 a 2.ed6 c:e5 -R.Hrshanovich position appeared on the board :"Draughts-№6-1979"-
3.hg5 f:f2 4.d:d8 f:d4 5.c:e5 bc1 6. ab2 c:a3 7.ed6 a:e7
8.d:h8 +a 1...cb6 2.cb4 a:c5 3.ef4 c:g5 4.ab2 f:d4 5.h:a5+ correction and processing by A. Fomin
1.fg7 hf8 -V. Svizinsky’s(Minsk) position appeared on the board , 2022 . There was known before:V.Shulga(Minsk)
Post by Perepelkin, Mon. Apr. of 11, 2016 10:15 am
See also post by AnF :Mon. Apr. of 11, 2016 9:09 am
Processing by A. Fomin
1.cb6 a:c7 -M. Fiodorov’s position appeared on the board :
"Ladia", Donetsk, June of 20,2009 ..2.ab4 fg3 3.h6:f4 etc. x A.Fomin
1.hg5 c:a3 2.d:b4 a:c3 A 3.gf6 e:g7 4.h:d2 ab2 5.dc3 b:d4 6.ed2 х А 2...a:c5 3.gf6 e:g7 4.h:f8 ab4 5.fg7 ba3 6 ed2 de5 7.g:b6/a7 ab2 8 .dc3 x
D. Kamchitsky(Mogilev) .......Sh. Plintusov.......
Sh. Plintusov : : Ed6 g7, f6, d2, de3, fg3, a3 х
There was known before:
P. Kartashov (Naberezhnye Chelny): "Dambrete" -7-1974.
There was known before :
V. N. Romaniv :"Draughts "- 4-1964
1.fg5 2.de5 3.dc3 4.ab8 etc. x
Thus, it has been established that the author of the two-variant etude's motif is the master V.N.Romanov .