Обсуждения на русском языке
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by FOMIN » Tue Jun 28, 2022 23:36
No 366 A.Fomin
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(variant d6>c5) , if we rearrange a7➡h8 then appeares position of Mr. I. Bugaev, 1978
1.gh6 fg3 a 2.h:b4 a:e1 3.ef4 g:e5 4.gh2 e:g3 5.h:d6 ab6
6.hg5 ba5 7.gf6/h6 ab4 8.hg7 bc3 9.gh8 cd2 10.de7 d:f6 11.h:e1+
a 1..de7 2.e:g5 gf6 3.fe3 ab4 4.ef4 ab6 b 5.fe5 f:d4 6.hg7 dc3
7.de3 cb2 8.gh8 bc1 9.ef4 ca3 10.hb2 a:c1 11.gh6 c:g5 12.h:c3+
b 4...ba3 5.dc3 ab6 6.gf2 ba5 7.fe3 ab4 8.c:a5 ab2 9.ab6 ba1 10.ba7 dc5
11.ab8 cb4 12.bc7 ab2 13.cb6 ba3 14.ba5 ba1 15.ad8 a3-b2 16.hg7 f:h8
17.d:f6 bc1 18.gh6 a:g7 19.h:f8 +
No.379 A.Fomin
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Arranged by A.Fomin (with b6,c7,h4 = empty : I.Kobtsev ,
"Steps of a checkers ladder", Cherkasy, 2014, No. 199)
, Sh.Vestnik SLSHI, No. 63, April, 2010, p.37
1.fe5 df4 2.e:e7 d:f6 3.b:g5 h:f6 4.fg3 h:f4 - further /A.Uvarov/
5.ab2 a:c5 6.ef2 b::d2 7.fe3 8.g:e7 9.h:c1+
A.Guralnik ,10-th Moscow championship..............I.Kobtsev ,2011....... ....
on drafts composition ,1983 , 4,5 points .
................ ....
I ab4 , cb2 ,g5 , d8 ,e1 ,g3 ,h8 etc.x
II 1 fe5 2 ed6 3.hg5 4.cd4 5.d:h6 6 h:a7 ab4 7.fg3 8.ae3 9.e:a5 x
Mazanik V.:"Zviazda ",Minsk , jun.of 9 ,1989.............. ....A Fomin....................
I 1 ef4 g:e3 2 ef6 3.ab2 4 a:c3 5 f:f6 cd4 6.gf2 dc3 7.fe3 cd2 8.fg7/e7 9.f8 e3 10.cd2 11.fh6 x
II 1.gf8 2 ab4 3 e1 4 .ec3 5 f:f6 etc x
Sergey Pavlovich Mosolov (Kharkov), .........processing by .A.Fomin ................Ju.Cherniaev : "64"[38],1969 г...
author's manuscript 1956
Checkers's Vestnik S.L.Sh.I ,No.63 ,april ,2010 ( message by A.Chernyshevitch )
1.c3 2.ab6 7:5 3.fg3 4.e5 5.ed6 6.d:a5 h4 7.g3 8.c7 x
II 1.de5 2.ed6 3.hg5 4.cd4 5.d:h6 6.a7 ab4 7.ed2 bc7 8 fg3 9.ab8 ba3 10.b:g3/h2: ab2 11.dc3 12 gf4 dc3 13.fc1 x
III Ju.Cherniaev :1.cd2 2 hg5 3.cd4 4.d:h6 5 h:a7 hg1 6.ef2 x
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by FOMIN » Fri Jul 08, 2022 21:32
FOMIN wrote: ↑Tue May 03, 2022 18:53
................................. №897 A.Fomin...................
:№897 A.Fomin : 1.a3 2.f4 3.f6 4.b8 cb4 A 5.c5 6.d6 b6 7.c5 c3 8.a7 b4 9.b8 a3 10.e5 ab2 11.a3 d2 12.c3 13.c5x
A 4...cd4 5. bf4 c3 b 6.b4 b2 7.a3 8.b4 9.d6 x
b 5...bc5 6.fh6/fd2 ab4 7.cd2 dc3 8.de3 cd4 9.ec5 10.hg7 cd2 11.c3 12.e7 x
According to Yu. Golikov message , this composition (№897 A.Fomin ) belongs to Mr. M. Levandovsky ,
, who published it earlier.
A Fomin (Moscow)
1.fe7 2.ef8 3.fg7 fe3 4.hg3 - the idea belongs to mr. A.Terekhov (Russia) : 19-th all Soviet Union contest ,1985
4... ef4 5.f:a16 ab4 a:c3 6.a:g1 x
1.gh8 I f6 2.g3 3.c3 4.g1 f4 5.h2! II e3 6.g3 f4 A B 7.f2 8.g1 x
A 6...d2 7.f4 8.h4 x. B 6...d4 7.c3 x
I f8? c3 2.h6 e1 3.he3 hg3 ! 4.f4 c3 =
II 5.f2?:g5 6.c3 h4 7.a5 e3 8.d4 g3 9.e1 h2 10.f2 g1 11. e3 h2 =
A.Fomin (Moscow)
1.ab8 2.ed2 3.hg3 h:f2 4 cd4 5.d:h6 c1 6.gf2 ca3 7 ab2 8.fe3 9.h:a7 x
M.Stefanovitch , 2016
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1.f6 2.h8 3.g3 4.e3 f4 5.a1 6.b4 7.g1 x
1.g7 2.h8 etc.x - processing by A Fomin
Position for self solution :
Dmitry Soloviev (Russia) wrote :
To work tirelessly is a laudable thing,
sometimes giving out almost epochal works .
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Does not win cd4 , d4 (c3 !),b2 (h6),d4 (d6), c3(c5), b6, d4(g3), f4, b8(b6), a7(g5), b2(f4), c3 (e3), b4, f2, d4(c1)=.
Best regards, Dmitry.
"The composition of Mr. D. Soloviev is clearly unfinished ,
moreover it has an ideological predecessor",-the commentary by the author of this post .
N.Toropov ,1977
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1.ab6 2.bc7 3.c:g5 4.ab8 5.cd4 6.b:h6 f2 7. he3 8 cd2 x
№859 A.Fomin
"Миф" :"Проблемы"
Post by Fomin ,oct. of 09, 2021 3:58 pm
1.de7 c:a1 2.cb2 a:c3 3.cd8 a:c7 4.d:e5 d:d8 5.h:d2 x
Re: чебурашки
Post by Fomin , wedn. May of 12, 2021 10:37 pm
........,.....A Fomin...............,..
1.b6 2.de3 3.f8 4.e1 5.e3 etc.x
Processing by A.Fomin
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1.cd4 ed2 2.hg3! 3.h:f2 4.c7 5.g5 6.e5 7.c5 8.g3 x
Position for self solution :
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- Real name: ANDREW
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by FOMIN » Sat Jul 23, 2022 19:10
№617 A Fomin
A Fomin
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1.d8 2.g5 3.c5 4.g3 5.e7 6.h6 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
Post by Andrew Fomin » Tue Mar 16, 2021 07:55
№662-1 A Fomin
1.cd4 h:f2 2.d:b6 f:d4 3.fe5 d:f4 4.de3 d:f2 5.e:g7 h:f8
6 .ba7 cb6 7 a:c7 d:b6 8.a:c5 fe7 9.cb6 ed6 10.ba7 de5
11.ab8 ed4 12.bf4 dc3 13.fc1 x
№677 A.Fomin
1.gf2 2.de3 3.ba5 4.a:e7 5.h:a7 h4 6.af2 7.bc3 8.c3 x
Forum "Myth", topic: "First of April"
D.№677➡Message: Fomin dated 04/16/2019
This topic was deleted in February 2022
№682 A.Fomin
Re: Цветову 73 !
Message from Fomin Sun. June of 30 , 2019 4:28 pm
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Sun May 12, 2019 17:20
1.dc7 g:a5 A 2.eg3 b:b4 3.gc7! de7 B 4.cd8 a:c7 5.d:c3+ B 3...bc3 4.cb8 a:c7 5.b:a1+
A 1...b:f4 2.bc7 d:d4 3.ed2 a:c5 4.d:b4 de3 5.be1+
B 3...bc3 4.cb8 a:c7 5.b:a1+
№687 A .Fomin
Re: Praktische taktik
Post by FOMIN » Tue Nov of 05, 2019 22:53
1.ef4 fe7 2.fg5 dc5 3.gf4 e:g3 4.h:f2 f:h4 5.hg7 ef6
6.g:e5 cd4 7.ef6 d:b2 8.c:a3 bc5 9.fg7 cd4 10.gh8 de3
11.f:d4 hg3 12.ab4 a:e5 13.h:d4 gh2 14.dg1 +
№681-I Arranged by A.Fomin
Re: ИнТер...
Message by Fomin ,Sat. , May ,of 01, 2021 3:46 pm
I 1. gf2 gh2 - = V.Fesenko, V.Shramko : " Rural newspaper ",1980 2.ab6 ca7 3.de3 fb4 4.fe3 df2 5 eg3 hf4
6 bc3 bd2 7.ce7 fd6 8.hc5 ef4 9.cf2x
II 1.bc5 b6 2.gf2 3 de3 4.fg3 5.bc3 7. e7 8.a7x
A .Fomin (brazilian checkers)
I 1.g7 2.h8 cd4 3.c3 4.e7 5.gh2! e3 6.g3 f4 A 7.f2 8.g1 x
A 6...d2 7.f4 8.h4 x
II 1.b4 2.d8 3.h8 fg1 4.b6 5.d4 6.f2 7.e3 x
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- Real name: ANDREW
by FOMIN » Sun Jul 31, 2022 15:57
https://www.youtube.com/embed/iznEhmYEbq0" title=" The Tsar Peter the Great House in Zaandam"
.....................................A.Fomin (Moscow).........................
This problems are dedicated to the 350-th anniversary since the birth of Peter the Great .
I 1.fg7 2.d8 e1 3.g7 4.d2 c3 5.cb2 b6 A 6.d4 c5 7.b6 8.ab4 cd6 9.bc5 20 ab2 x
A 5...e5 6.c3 7. c3 b6 8. ab4 x
According to Yu. Golikov's message , there is an ideological predecessor to this problem.
A.Aiupov ,"Shashki",1969
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II 1.fe3 2 .g5 hf4 3.d8 4.g5 5.b4 6 f4 x
III No.892 : 1.dc7 2.gh8 3.fe7 4.hd4 5.a:c7 6 gf4 7.h:b6 hg5 8.hg3 gh4 9.gf4 ba7 10.bc7 x
.......A.Fomin ......
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c3 , g3 ,f4 A ,d4 , d8 ,d8 x
A f2 ,d8 , g1 b6 , a7 g1 ,cd4 x
One famous drafts composer showed me this thing about 45 years ago.
He did not authorize me to publish it, however, the statute of limitations for its possible publication did long expire.
hg7 , h8 , he5 , b6 , e3 d2 , ,f2 ,e3 ,e3 x
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by FOMIN » Wed Aug 10, 2022 15:34
bc5 d2 ,c3 b4 ,c5 ,d8 a5 , b6 ,g3 ,e3 x
I.p. is P.Kartashov ("Shashki" ,No.7-1976)
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h6 , c5 ,g7 , c3 b2 , d8 , a:e3 , f6 e3 , g5 x
№235 A Fomin
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1.ed2 g:e1 2.cb2 a:c1 3.ef4 c:g5 4.ba5 e:d6 5.bc7 d:b6
6.a:g7 h:f8 7.h:d8 etc x
Problem for self solution
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Peter Stepanovitch Radlovsky
( "Teacher's newspaper ": Sept.of 24 ,1974 )
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1 hg3 ! f2 A 2.de3 3.a5 etc x A (b6),a5 , g7 ,e3 ,e5 x
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- Real name: ANDREW
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by FOMIN » Sun Sep 04, 2022 07:29
.............................A.Fomin...... ...............
I 1.c7 2.cd8 fg3 3.g5 4.e7 5.f2 6.f2 d4 7.ab2 x x
II 1.cd8 2.e7 3.a3 4.a5 c3 5.d2 a5 6.d2 7.f2 8.f2 x
A. Katyukha, 1976, 3rd USSR championship on drafts composition
1.c7 c3 2.b6 a1 3 gf2 !! 4.fg3 5.b2 6.d8 7.e7 8.g1 x
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№69 A Fomin
« Миф »
Jan. of 14, 2017 7:29 pm
Re: чебурашки
Posted by AFM Th., Apr. of 13, 2017 12:24 am
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1.ef8 bc3 2.gf4 c:a1 3.fc5 gg1 4.ca7 gb6
5.ag1 a:f6 6.hg3 hf4 7.g:h4+
N.Toropov : "64"№13,1979
bc5 , bc7 (ba3), cb8 (a:e3) , ed2 , ab2 ,fg3 , g:c5 (a:d6) , b:f8 (fg5), f:c5 (gf4), cf2 X
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M.Levandovsky :"Facebook",May of 18 ,1922
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1.hg7 h6 2.f8 dc3 3.b:d4 c1 4.a:c5 5.f4 6.d2 7.b2 8.g3 9.c5 etc.x
I.Sikuler (Simferopol);"64",No. 20,1937
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1.dc3 2.c:g5 3.f:b8 4.ed2 5.ba7 x
Positions for self solution : processing by author of this post
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by FOMIN » Wed Sep 14, 2022 09:04
- Posts: 483
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by FOMIN » Sat Oct 01, 2022 08:09
The composition is dedicated to Mr. M. Lepsic (Croatia) on the occasion of his 70-th birthday.
A.Fomin (Moscow) : №560
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b6(g5) , d8 , e7 , c5 , c5 (c7), d4(d6), e7 (b4), f8 (a3), h6 (b2), c1 (a1), f4 , f4 x
A.Fomin : №637(I , II )
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I : 1.g7 g1 2.cd4 3.h8 4.d2 5..c3 6..c3 x
II 1.h4 2.e3 d4 3.h8 4.d2 5.c3 6.c3 x
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g3 , e7 , d8 , g5 , g5 x
position for self solution
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by FOMIN » Sun Oct 09, 2022 20:25
A small addition to the theme.
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1. cd4 2 .dc3 3. e7 4.c5 g5 5. c3 h4
-V.Vigman-R.Normatov , 1968 . (R.Normatov did played the move 5.. f4 that also led to the victory of whites )
6. d4 d6 7. e7 b4 8. f8 a3 9. h6 b2 10. c1 a1 11. f4 g3 12. f4 x
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1.cd6 , e5 , fg3 , c5 f6 , b2 g5 , c3 h4 , d4 d6 , e7 b4 , f8 a3 , h6 b2 , c1 a1 , f4 , f4 x
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1. f8 2. b4 3. c1 4..g5 5 .g5 g7 6. b6 h6 7. f6 a7 8 . c7 x
V.Stepanov. -
"Saskiu kaleidaskopas", №12, 2000, p.19
1.cd8 axe5 2.df6 exg7 3.hxc1 fxh6 4.cxg5 hxf4 5.gxg5 x
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1. bc7 2 . de7 3. h:c1 4. c:g5 5. g:g5 g7 6. b6 h6 7. f6 a7 8. c7 x
..... A.Fomin.....
(Task for beginner solvers: White starts and wins.)
More than 50 years ago, there was published
such problem ,which belongs to Mr.A.Aiupov[/color]
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1. ab2 2. fg3 3. c5 4. g3 5. b6 6 e1x 2-d USSR champıonshıp by drafts composıtıon in russian drafts,
newspaper "64", No.28, 1972
S.Ustıanov ("Shashkı", Rıga, No.9-1990 )
1. bc5 b4 2. bc3 3. c5 4. e7 5. g3 6. b6 7. e1 x
I.Bugaev , « Checkers Cronicle », №12, march of 22 , 2004
1. e7 d6 2. bc3 3 e7 h4 4. d8 e1 5. f2 6. g3 7. e1 x
Sergeant Pupkin (g3f2 =M.Tsvetov , "Shahki" -4-1976
1. cd4 c1 2. c5 3. g3 4. cb6 5. e1'x
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by FOMIN » Thu Oct 20, 2022 19:28
Sergeant Pupkin (fragment of the drafts party)
Problem for independent solution.
The game ended in a draw.
How would you play in this situation?
A.Fomin (Moscow)
A variant from the opening "recouping"
(checkers color changed )
1. hg5 ef6 2. g:e7 d:f8 3. b:d6 fg7 4. ab2 gf6 5. bc3 d:b2 6. a:c1 fg5
7. fe3 ab6 8. cb2 ! bc5 9. f:b4 gh4 10. f:d6 h:d4 11 bc5 ! c:e5 12. c:e3 hg5 13. bc3 ef4 14. ef2 f:b4 15. a:c3 gf4 16. cb4 bc7 17. bc5 x
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A.Fomin(position for self solution)
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A. Fomin, new composition
1. bc7 2. cd8 c3 3. b:d4 4. d:g5/h4 5. cb2 6. ge7 7. h:b4 8. c:a3 cd4 9. ab4 x
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A. Nagumanov's scheme, published by A. Fedoruk in "64" (1991), does not work.
A. Nagumanov, fragment
1. cd8 cb2?? (after 1... gf6 ! Blacks achieves a draw in two lines that are inaccurate in terms of play) 2. de7 3. h:b4 x
A.Fomin wrote :
The composition is dedicated to Mr. M. Lepsic (Croatia) on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
A. Fomin (Moscow) : №560
b6(g5) , d8 , e7 , c5 , c5 (c7), d4(d6), e7 (b4), f8 (a3), h6 (b2), c1 (a1), f4 , f4 x
Position No.560: got a new No.53 due to its high quality.
A.Fomin , new composition
1. d6 e5 2. f8 h2 3. h6 4. c3 5. g3 6. c5 x
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................Sergeant Pupkin...............
I 1. b8 g7 2. e5 b2 3 e3 4. b4 5. a1 x
II 1. d8 2. b6! 3. ed4 c5:e3 4.d4 5.e3 6. a3 x
A.Fomin , new composition
for self solution
- Posts: 483
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- Real name: ANDREW
by FOMIN » Thu Oct 27, 2022 20:18
........................A.Fomin (new compositions)................................... A.Fomin, contest :"Odessa-1974 "
I 1.hg5 2. hg7 dc3 3.ef2 4. gf8 5. f:g5 6. h:f4 x
II 1. bc7 b4 2. hg3 3. ab2 4. a:c3 5. f:d8 x
III Contest "Odessa-1974" , No.55 (0 points) : 1.hg5 2. hg3 3. ab2 4. a:c3 5. f:f6 x
As reported by the international master Anatoly Chernyshevich, the reason of issuing of the zero rating to the problem No.55 was the presence of an ideological predecessor N. Danchenko; newspaper "Krymsky Komsomolets", Dec. of 23 , 1972.
1. ef2 2. ab2 etc.x
to create an economical endgame, the author should have placed the "c7" checker on the "a7" square.
...... Sergeant Pupkin .....................V.Iacheikin , processing by sergeant Pupkin
I bc5 , bc7,:de7 , h:g5 , h:f4 x
II No.333 1. ef6 2. bc7 3. fe7 etc.x
Ps: there is predecessor for the first problem:
A. Balanyuk, Contest "Pinsk -2011"
Such positions with scary-faced initial arrangements of drafts were the first to characterize by the mausoleum classic: * The circle of these "evolutionaries" is narrow, they are terribly far from the people. * (article "In remembrance of Herzen", May of 8, 1912.)
E. Bushueva - A. Fomin
16-th memorial of N.M. Kurnosov, 2008,
(Moscow, basement of a residential building on Bolshaya Yakimanka street, 100 m. from the French embassy), blitz, time control : 5 minutes per game with time addition by R.Fischer's system.
1. c3-b4 f6-g5 2. b4-c5 b6xd4 3. e3xc5 d6xb4 4. a3xc5 g5-f4 5. g3xe5 c7-b6 6.
c5-d6 e7xc5 7. h2-g3 c5-b4 8. f2-e3 f8-e7 9. g3-f4 b6-a5 10. g1-f2 a7-b6 11.
f2-g3 g7-f6 12. e5xg7 h6xf8 13. b2-c3 h8-g7 14. a1-b2 b4-a3 15. e3-d4 d8-c7 16.
d4-c5 b6xd4 17. c3xe5 c7-b6 18. g3-h4 b8-c7 19. b2-c3 c7-d6 20. e5xc7 b6xd8 21.
d2-e3 e7-d6 22. e1-d2 g7-f6 23. f4-g5 d8-e7 24. e3-d4 d6-c5 25. d4xb6 a5xc7 26.
c3-d4 c7-d6 ?(..cb6=) 27. g5-h6 d6-e5 28. d4-c5 e5-f4
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29.d2-c3? (See position on the diagram)29. ....f4-e3 and two more moves later the whites flag fell.
However, the opponents agreed to a draw.
The party was played in the last round and could in no way affect the final result of the opponents.
By the way, the multiple world champion E.Bushueva played with white pieces.
The opponents didn't notice White's subtle win with consecutive sacrifice of two white checkers.
29.hg7 ! f:h8 ( 29...f:h6 ? 30. cb6 etc.x)30. hg5!! f:h6
31. cb6 ed6 32. ba7 fg7 33. dc3 !! gf6 (33... dc5 34. ba7 x)
34.ab8 fe5 35.cd4 e:c3 36.b:b2 /a1 hg5 37.be5 hg7 38.e:h8 gf4 39.hc3/hd4 fg3 40.cd4 /a7 gh2 41.d4-g1 x
FOMIN wrote: ↑Tue Oct 25, 2022 12:37
please , click on the arrow
Contest "Odessa -1985 "
solution: 1. hg7 cd2 2. gf2 3. c:e3 4.gh8 5.h:d8 bc7 6. d:b6 7. ab4 cd6 8. bc5 9. ab2 x
1.de3 2. fg5 cd2 3. ab4 h2 4. cd2 5. fg3 6. e7 7. h:b4 8.dc3 x
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ideological predecessor is N.Toropov," Dambrete', No.6-1970
Also a miniature of N. Irzhavsky appeared later.
Contest "Kharkov"-1973
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Re: Cheburashki
Posted by AFM Fri Feb 10, 2017 5:49 pm
N. Irzhavsky , processing by V.Iurzinov (Moscow).
"Koster"-magazine , No.9,1982
1.ba5 bc5 2. ab6 ! cd4 -N.Irzhavsky , 1973 3. gf2 ! etc.x
..............................A.Fomin(new compositions)......................
I 1. e5 2. e3 3.c7 4. b8 g1 5. f4 6. c5 7. f6 x
II 1.bc7 2 e7 3 e1 4.d2 5. f2 6. f4 x
A more successful composition for this theme was created by the author in 1975; this problem participated in the 5-th Moscow Championship in 1975. The judges of this competition "found the second solution" 3.gf4, but this variant gives Whites only a draw.
As a result of " the breakdown " this problem received zero points.
1. dc3 2. e7 c3 3. f8 4. b4 5. ed2 6. gf2 7. h:f2 x
This is a fragment of the book by A. Malyuta and A. Balanyuk: "In the binding of checkers passions".
The main passion in this book, as it turned out, is connected with A. Nagumanov's composition No.77 from the competition "Odessa -1985".
The judges and the author of the composition did not notice the marriage in its final motif, which allows for several side solutions.
Fragment, black move
.0). ab6 , g1 a5 , f2 ab4 , e1 etc.x
However, Whites easily wins even after 1. hf4 or 1. hb8 or hd6 x
It is most likely that the intrigue on the part of A. Nagumanov was associated with a higher assessment of A. Fomin's problem No150, in which the first three moves of its solution were identical to A. Nagumanov's initial moves into No77 from this competition.
Contest "Odessa-1985": please ,
see link:
viewtopic.php?f=95&t=8358&sid=678c5c30d ... 30#p132906
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
Post by FOMIN » Tue Oct 25, 2022 11:37 am
- 16-А.Малюта, А.Баланюк, И.Кобцев-В переплете шашечных страстей_page-0011.jpg (902.61 KiB) Viewed 17598 times
- 16-А.Малюта, А.Баланюк, И.Кобцев-В переплете шашечных страстей_page-0018.jpg (1 MiB) Viewed 17598 times