Classics of draughts composition-64 and their followers from Andrew Fomin

Moderator: FOMIN

Posts: 436
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

Classics of draughts composition-64 and their followers from Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Tue Mar 16, 2021 04:33

This composition I published in russian-language theme
"Praktische taktik"
Post by FOMIN » Tue Mar 09, 2021 21:05
1) Praktische taktik - Page 26 - World Draughts Forum
Post by FOMIN » Fri Feb 26, 2021 17:41
1.e5 2.f6 3. f6 h2 4.g3 5.e3 6.e5 etc..
and the game was reduced to the well-known etude endgame.
Mr. P. Shkludov (Belarus) decided to expropriate this original 6-move introduction in his favor as an independent writer. . A few days later, on his Planet website, this gentleman posted an equivalent version of my "problem" with a similar six-move introduction, but with a different first move.
Admin P. Shkludov wrote:
Theme : Peter Shkludov, 2021
Admin Tue, March , of 02, 2021 1:36 pm
P. Shkludov, 2021
bc3, a5 (e5), ef4 (ed4), fe3, e1 (d4), fg5, e3, e5 (c5), g5 (ab6), h6 / f6 (d4 A), c3 (c5), g7 (b4) , h8, c3, c3 + A (cd6), ec7, b6, g7 +
NN, 2021 (edited by P. Shkludov)
Image.. Image... Image
c3, d2, e3, e5 (d4 AB), c3 (c5), g7 (b4), h8, c3, c3 +
A (b4), c3 (c5), g7 (d4), h8 (b2), ed6 (e5), a1 +
B (d6), e5: c7 (d8), b6, g7 +
e5, f6 (h2), g3, e3, e5 (d4 AB), c3 (c5), g7 (b4), h8, c3, c3 +
A (b4), c3 (c5), g7 (d4), h8 (b2), ed6 (e5), a1 +
B (d6), e5: c7 (d8), b6, g7 +
Nos. 1 and 2 are dedicated to Mr. A. Panchenko
f4, f6, f6 (h2), g3, e3, e5 (d4 AB), c3 (c5), g7 (b4), h8, c3, c3 +
A (b4), c3 (c5), g7 (d4), h8 (b2), ed6 (e5), a1 +
B (d6), e5: c7 (d8), b6, g7 +
I dedicate No. 3 to Prince Peter Ivanovich Bagration
the plagiarist's intention was doomed before , which is confirmed by the following publication. Re: Lukyanov
Post by alligl Wed Jan 13, 2021 2:42 pm
№461 A. Fomin

1.de7 h:f4 2.ed8 g:e1 3.fg7 h;f6 4.d:g5 f:h6 5.cd8 a:c7
6.d:g5 h:f4 7.a:g3 h:f4 8.gf2 e:g3 9.h:f2 +

№755 A. Fomin
1.hg5 a:c1 2.gh6 c:g5 3 h:a3 h:f4 A 4.ab2 a:c5 5.b:h4 cb4
6.hf6 ba3 7.fg7 fe3 8.fh6 ef2 9.ge3 ab2 10.hg7 bc1 11 gh6 x
A 3..a:c5 4.a:h4 h:f4 5.hf6 de3 6.fc3 fg3 7.cb4/a5 gf2 8.ce1 x
№244 A. Fomin
hg5(c3),gh6 (cd6) , a:e5, h:d2 x
Last edited by FOMIN on Sat Mar 20, 2021 08:08, edited 2 times in total.

Andrew Fomin

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by Andrew Fomin » Tue Mar 16, 2021 07:55

№87 A. Fomin : Azerbaijan Championship 1981 [6.5 points]...........................№334..........................
Image...................................... Image...

D.No.1:1.gh2 ag1 2.cb4 ca3 3.fe7 df6 4.b:e7 fd6 5.hc5 gb6
6.a5:c7 b:d6 7.ab8 ed4
8.b:c3 ab2 9.cg7 hf6 10.ac3 fe5 11.hg3+
D .No. 334 :
Myth, posted by AF on Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:41 am
Book of E. Zubov, Y. Chertok: "To the Lover of Checkers", 2017, 2nd edition
1.fe3 hg3 - further V. Matus: Shashki.-6-1970 2.ef2 g: e1 3.cd4 e: c3
4.d: d8 a: f6 5.d: g5 h: d2 6.a: e1 +: All-Russian c / s, Kursk-1970, 2nd place
D.No.3:.fe3 2.gh6 a3 3.h:e3 4.eh6 5.h:d2 f4  6.e5 7.d2/f2x
D.No.4(№509) : a7 ,b8 ,e5 ,d8 ,e1 x
..........................................................A Fomin....................... ............... ......No.170........... ....
Image..Image.. Image
I 1.gf6 e:g5 a 2.c:e7 -after 1) f2-e3  G.Idaev , "shadhki"-9-1980 ,д.3578 gh4 B  3.ed8 h:d4  4.df6 hg5 5.h6 e3 6.hg7! d2 C  7.c3 8.h8x a 1...b4. 2.d8  b2 d e 3.fg5 4.de7 5.e:g5/h6 x C 6...f2 7.e3 g1 8.gh8x B 2...b2 3.ed4 4.ef8  5.g5 6.f2  x d 2...c3 4.ed4/gh4 x e 2...hg5 3.f:h6 4.df6x
II 1.ef4 e3 2.ed2 ed6 3.df4 4.ce3 dc5 5.fb4 6.ed4 7.gf4 8.hf4 x
III (№170) 1.e3 2.b4 3.f8 c:h2 4.ef2 5.a7 e5 6.g3 7.b8 x
video Re:" чебурашки"
Post by AFM ,Sut. march , of 02, 2017 5:47 pm
Image.... Image.... Image
I 2.gh2 bc5 2.f4 b4 3.c5 b2 4.c3 cb6 5.c7 b2 6.d8 7.g7 8.fe5 9.g5 10.e3 11.a1 x
II 1.d8 2.d6 3. f4 4.d8 e3 5.h4 d2 6.e1 c1 7.g3 a3 8. b2 9. f4 10.f4 x
III 1.gf2 b2 2.hg7 3.fe7 4.g5 5.fe3 6.a1 ab4 7.a3 bc7 8.ab4 cd6 9.bc5 10.ab2 x

Posts: 436
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:36

.A.Fomin (Moscow) - N. N., april of 4 2021
1.cd4 dc5 2.gh4 cd6 3.bc3 de5 4.fg3 ef4 5.eg5? hf4 6.ge5 ce3 7.df4 fb2 8.ac3 gf6 9.cd2 hg7 10.gf2 bc5 11.fe3 gh6 12.fg5
hf4 13.eg5 bc5 14.gh6 ed6 15.g3 ba5 16.gf4 ba7 17.de3 de7 18.ed2 ab6
19.hg5 fh4 20.cd4 ab4 A 21.fg5! hf6 22.ef4 cc1 23.aa7 cg5 24.hf4 de5 25.fd6 ec5 26.ab8 etc.
with endgame of Mr. D. Sargin =
A 20...ef6 21.dc3 fe7 B 22.fg5 hg3 23.hg7 fh8 24.ab4 ca3 25.ef4 ge5 26.dd8 bc5 27.gh6 de5 28.cb4! ac3 29.df6=
B 21...fg5 22.de5 ab4 23.ca5 bd2 24 ec1 ge3 25.ab4 ca3 26.ab6 ef2 27.bc7 hg3 28.cb8 gh2 29.be5=
.............. №557 A. Fomin.....,.....................№129 A. Fomin....................... №129(2)...............
Image...Image.. Image
№557 :
Website Myth, Re: Grandmaster's Cheburashkies.
Posted by Fomin on Sat Sep 28, 2019 5:32 am ..
Re: Praktische taktik
Post by FOMIN » Mon Feb 10, 2020 23:39
1.gh2 hf4 3.de3 fd2 4.hh6 de1 5.hd2! ec3
6.cb2 ab6 7.bd4 bc5 8 db6 ac7 9.ab4 cd6 10.bc5 db4 11.ab2x
№823 : 1.gf4 eg5 2.ed2 ce1 3.gf2 eg3 4.hb8 ed4 5.ed2 dc3 A  
6.db4 ac5 7.ab2 cd4 8.ba7 dc3 9.bd4 gf4 10.ab8 hg3 11.ef4 ge5 12.bh2 x
5...ab2 6.ae5 gf4 7.eg3 hf2 8.de3 fd4 9.bf4 dc3 10.fc1 x
№823(2): 1. fg3 etc.x
............................................ .... А. Fomin................... .............. . ...
I1.c3 2.d6 3.c7 ed4 4.e5 b4 5.c5 - V. Derevetskyi , 7 USSR Championship, (1989-1990), Nr. 33 : d6 6.e7 f4 7.f8 e3 8.c5 d2 9.e3 10.b8 e3 11.f2 12.a7 x
II 1.c3 2.g5 3.g3 4.c7 d4 5.e5 b4 6.c5 d6 7.e7 f4 8.f8 etc. x
III 1.d6 e5 2.d6 3.ab6 a7 4.e7 f6 5.hg7 6.g:c3 x
V. Derevetskyi , 7 USSR Championship, (1989-1990)
Last edited by FOMIN on Sun Apr 04, 2021 07:53, edited 1 time in total.

Andrew Fomin

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by Andrew Fomin » Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:09

"Problem" for self solution :
............... A. Fomin............................... .B. Blinder, 1953................................ .... A. Fomin........... ........
............................................ (position after the moves 1.c3 2.e1etc. x)

Image.... Image....Image [i
............................................................. . A.Fomin (Moscow)................................ ......... .......
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................................................................... . A.Fomin (Moscow)..........................No. 310...................
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Positions No. 1-3 are dedicated to Mr. Alexander Yurgenson
I ef6, e3, e3, e3 x
II ef6 f4 , b6, e3 x
III cb8, fe7, f8 g7, a3 e3, f8, c1 x
Positions No. 5, 6 are dedicated to Mr. Anatoly Shkodin
IV 1.b2, b8 h8, f8, fg7 g5, f4, f4 x
V 1.h2 2. f8 hg7 3.a3 e3 4. f8 5.c1 x
VI 1.cd2 2.f4 g3 3.h2 g1 4.c5 5.c5 a7 6.d2 e5 7.c3 f4 8.d4 b4 9.a3 b6 10.b4 a5 11.c5x
VII 1 gh2 2. h:f8 g7 a, b 3. a3 e3/d2 4. f8 h6 5. c1 x
a 2 .. a3/e3 3. f6 x b 2... cb2 3. a3 c1 4. f6 x

Andrew Fomin

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by Andrew Fomin » Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:17

Fomin wrote :
09/28/2020. Alexander Yurievich Surkov
On September 28, 2020, after a long illness at the age of 64, the famous Moscow master Alexander Yuryevich Surkov (born November 1, 1956) passed away. Alexander devoted his whole life to hundred-cell drafts, but he also paid attention to Russian drafts. In 1971, he took part in the second Moscow championship by drafts composition at 64-cell board , in which the international master Boris Shkitkin was judged. The judge rated the best work of Alexander Surkov at 6.5 points on a 10-point scale.
1 gf2 2.ed4 3.ab4 4.hg3 5.ed2 6.gh4 7.hh4x
........... A.Fomin ..........................................№211 A.Fomin ............................№205 A.Fomin .............
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Fomin wrote :
№331 : A. Fomin (Dedicated to the remembrance of Mr. A. Surkov)
1.de5 d6 2.ef4 fe5 3.fg3 cd4 4. ae3 ef6 5.cb4 ac3 6.db4 ba5 7.bc5 db4 8.fb8 9.e:c3 10.hg5 fh4 11.bg3 hf2 12.gc1 x
Снимок3 (4).JPG
Снимок3 (4).JPG (48.74 KiB) Viewed 10158 times

Posts: 436
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Sat Apr 10, 2021 08:17

FOMIN wrote:
Tue Mar 16, 2021 04:33
...........................................................................Fomin A....................................... ....................................
Image.. Image.. Image
Website "Mif"
Theme: "Classic compositions in Russian drafts"
Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:29 pm
No.699-A :"Evening Moscow" 10.10.1991
No.699-A : This problem have no solution: 1.fe3 ab2 2.c: a3 cd6!
3.a: e5 cd4 4.ec5 (gc1) 5.cd4 (cd2)!
[2 ... gh4? 3.cb4 4.b: b8 (de3) 5.a: c7 (e: c1) 6.fg5 7.ba7 8.a: h6x]
6.ed6 dg5! 7.cb6 gf6 8.dc5 hg5 9.de7 fc310.ef8 gh4
11.gf4 (ca5) 12.ba7 (de7) !! 13.fd6 (ab6) 14.ab8 (b: g5)!
15.de5 (hg3) 16.e: h2 (gf6) =
№699-A: Contest "Odessa-1991", 7 points
No.699-B: 1.cb4 h: d4 2.b4: b8 de3 3.a: c7 e: c1 4.fg5 h: f4 5.ba7 d: b6 6.a: h6 +
(1st World Championship, 1994)

D. No. 3: (No.27 A. Fomin)
"Zvyazda", Minsk, Nov. of 12.1977, contest "Odessa" -1978
D. No. 3: : 1.ed6 de1 2.dc7 b: d6 3.de5 f: d4 4.e: e7 g: g1 5.ed8 h: f2
6.de7 f: d6 7.h: b4 a: c3 8.cd2 cb2 9.a: c3 +
Image..Image.. .Image
Fomin A.:
"Checkers", №11 [4065], 1983
5-th USSR Championship, 05/31/1983 [6.5 points]
1.hg5 c: a1 2.gh6 a: h2 3.h: b8 hg7 4.ab6 a: c5 5.gf2 hg1
6.ba7 g: d4 7.cb2 d: a1 8.a: h8 +
4-th Azerbaijan Championship, 1984 (6.5 points)
1.gh6 hg3 2.hf8 de5 3.fb8 ee1 4.cd2 ec3 5.bd2 gf2
6.ge3 hg1 A 7.ab6 ac5 8.ba7 gd4 9.dc3 da1 10.ah8 + A (e5), f4, e3x
D.No.3:( I. P.)
Yu.Gres: "Komsomolskaya Iskra" Odessa, 01/07/1982
Info from the book "O. SH. Sh/K", 2012: Page No.385 , Pos.No.81.: 1.fg3 +
A. Fomin, "Gudok", june, of 16 , 1977........№185 :A. Fomin:"Zvezda",Perm,Dec. of 15, 1981........ .... A. Fomin, №483..........
Image........... ... .. Image................. .Image
I 1.ab2 cd4 2.ee7 g1 3.g5 4.bc3 5.cd4 6.ef2 7.ce3 x
II 1.fe5 2.g7 f6 3.a7 4.b8 d6 5.b2 6.h8x
III 1.fg5 2.e7 3.c:e3 a:f6 4.a3 5.g5 6.f4 x
I.P. V.A.Sysoev, 1st championship
of the USSR, 1966, No. 63............................................ No. 243 (1) A. Fomin...............No. 243 (2) ... .... .
Image.................Image... Image
No. 63: 1.ed4 (ab2) 2.fe5 3.ge3 (ba1) 4.hg7 (f6)
5.ba7 a: e5 6.ab8 (d6) 7.d4 (a1) 8.h8 ×
Last edited by FOMIN on Thu Apr 15, 2021 20:21, edited 2 times in total.

Andrew Fomin

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by Andrew Fomin » Sun Apr 11, 2021 17:26

FOMIN wrote:
Sat Apr 10, 2021 08:17
................................ Positions for self solution.............................

A. Fomin, №738 (Whites start the game and achieve a draw)
Image.. Image
I 1.g5 h2 A 2.g3 3.c3 4.e7 b4 5.d8 a5 7.dc7 d4 8.d8 bc3 9.f6 b4 10.g5 a3 11.c1 b2 12.h6 a1 13.d2 a1-b2 14.dc3=
A 1...h4 2.fe3 3.c3 4.a7 d4 5.b8 c3 6.e5=
II 1.g7 h6 2.g5 3.e3 4.c3 5.e7 etc. =
.......A. Fomin... №506 (whites win) ............. №621............
Image... Image.
I 1.g3 f2 2.g5 3.h6 4.c5 5.hg3 c3 6.b4 7.e5 c7 8.b8 g7 9.e5 h6 10.c3 g5 11.d2 h4 12.e1x
II 1.g3 a1 2.ef2 e5 3.b4 4.d4 5.h6 f4 6.c1 g5 7.h6 8.e3 x

№434 Improvement by A. Fomin..................I. P. is I. Fedorov........
Image...... .. Image
"Classic compositions in Russian checkers"
Website "Myth ', 04/01/2014 ,
I 1.gf2 gh2 2.de3 fd2 3.fg3 hf4 4.dc5 bb2 5.ae7 fd6 6.hc5 ac3
7.cd4 ef4 8.da1 fg3 9.ad4 gh2 10.dg1 ab6 11.ga7 hg1 12.ef2 x
II I.P .: I. Fedorov (Leningrad):
6-th All-Russian contest, 1975 [59], 1.gf2 2.e3 3.g3 4.a3 etc. X
№495 A. Fomin....... ............................ D. No. 2 : improvement
"Socialist Kharkivshchyna", 14 of August ,1983
1.ef2 c1 2.fg3 3.b6 h4 4.d8 b2 5.c7 e3 6.g3 f2 7.hg3 h4 8.e7 d6 9.h6 / g5 +
D. No.1 : Shahki -12-87 [4556]
D. No. 2 : 1.cb2 2.fg3 etc. x
................. .№444..... .........................................№828....................................
Image... Image
I "Gudok", 17.09.1986, "Dambrete", №12.1988 D.2186
1.hg3 fh2 2.ab8 ed2 3.bg3 hf4 4.fe3 df2 5.ge7 fd6 6.he1 +
II №828 : 1. d6 2.e5 3.fg3 4.a7 b4 5.c5 d6 6.e7 f6 7.g5 f4 8.b8 e3 9.f4 20.g3x
............... No. 468 A. Fomin ............... .E. Montau ( Soviet Army), No. 79
Checkers bulletin SLSHI, №40, February, 2005
1.fe3 hf2 2.cb8 ac1 3.cb4 ae1 4.bd6 cf4 5.eg3 fh4
6.de5 fd4 7.de7 fd6 8.gf2 eg3 9.hf2 +
Master Mikhail Levandovsky exactly repeated this position of mine when he published it in the magazine " Horizons of draughts "in 2007 under his name.
II. The first USSR championship by drafts composition.
Solution : 1.cd2 2.cb4 3.cd6 4. g3 5.c5 6.e7 7.f2 8.f2 x

Andrew Fomin

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by Andrew Fomin » Thu Apr 15, 2021 21:35

................. A.Fomin .....................................A.Fomin.......№505
Фомин А.
I. "Gudok", (December 28 or 29) 1983,
Azerbaijan Championship, 1984 [7.5 points], Drafts-2-1984 [4091]
6-th USSR Championship, 1987 [135], 7 points
"Zvezda", Perm, Nov. of 22, 1983 (w.p.g3> g7): this bad variation was attributed
to Mr. A. Fomin without his consent with participation in this illegal act of Mr. S. Balzhalarsky.
1.gf4 ac1 2.fb4 ac3 3.db4 cg5 4.fe3 ga5
5.cb2 ae1 6.gf2 eg3 7.hb8 +
II 1.dc3 de5 2.f:d6 c:e5 3.a:c7 b:d6 -V.Gabrielan
4.gf4 e:g3 5.c:g7 gf2 6.gf8 de5 7.fg7 ef4 8.gh6 fg3 9.he3 f:d4 10.h:f2+
Andrew Fomin wrote :
Forum "Myth": Re: " Classic compositions in Russian drafts .
Post by AnF Sun Aug 30, 2015 3:12 am
I forgot to ask who is the author (Evgraf)

Ju. Kelim (Gorlovka).
11-th all Russian contest -1969, N 17
1.fe3 (f2) 2.c3 3.cb4 / de7 4.de7 6.gh6 7.h:a5 x.
In the original author's position of Ju. Kelim on "d6" there was a white checker,
and on f8 - Black
Correction of the permutation of moves of N. Vergeichik, who rearranged
Black f8 on d6 does not give him authorship, because in line A after 1. (C1) 2.a7 3.d2 (c5)instead of the move
4.b8 (d4) Whites also win after 4.dc3 cb4 5.ab8 etc.
........Processing by A. Fomin ...........
c3, f8, f6-g7 8: 6, e7, e5, b6, b6, g3, c5 x
With a7: ➡️a5: P. Shkludov, 16-th Moscow Championship, 1989, 4.5 points ( the combination is shorter per move and the power inequality in this redaction).

Posts: 436
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Sun Apr 18, 2021 16:37

... №668 A. Fomin..................................... ...... .. .A.Fomin, No. 55................................... . №741.................
Image........... . Image.. Image
I 1.ed6 cc3 2.ef4 cg5 3.ha5 gf6 4.gf4 hg7 5.fe5 fd4
6.cb2 ca1 7.ah8x
II Fomin A. 9-th Moscow Championship, 1982, No. 18 , 7 points.
"Zvezda", Perm, may/of 17/1981
1.gf4 x
III №741 : website "Myth"
Re: Grandmaster's cheburashkyes
Posted by Fomin on Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:32 am
1.h8 2.ed4 3.fe7 df6 A 4.hd8 5.d:d4 x A 3...hf6 4.hh4 5.h4:c3x
Last edited by FOMIN on Thu Apr 22, 2021 07:20, edited 5 times in total.

Andrew Fomin

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by Andrew Fomin » Sun Apr 18, 2021 18:12

............................Compositions for self solution..............................

№810 A. Fomin.......................................... . ..№814 A. Fomin...........................A. Fomin,..№543.........
Image.. Image...Image.

Andrew Fomin

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by Andrew Fomin » Mon Apr 19, 2021 08:17

...................... A.Fomin.(positions for self solution) ................ ................... . ..A.Fomin, .№452....
Image....Image... Image.

Andrew Fomin

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by Andrew Fomin » Tue Apr 20, 2021 06:01

This was previously posted/
N. B. !
On April 19, 2021, master M. Norel (Bendery) proposed such a variation.
The author of these lines considers the new composition to be joint (authors: A. Fomin and M. Norel)
d6(b2), g7(h6), f8(a1 A), c5, c3, d2/f2, e3(h4), f4+
A (a5), c3, e7(b4), d8(bc3), a5(cb2), c3(a1), h8(g5), ed2(f4), dc3(d4), c3(g3 ), d4(h2), g1x
A.Fomin ,No 662 (2)

Posts: 436
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Tue Apr 27, 2021 01:54

On April 25, a memorial of the remembrance of the outstanding Moscow master in Russian drafts Vladimir Gagarin took place in Moscow.
An interesting idea came up in one of my games,
which I managed to realize in the game, but with the task "draw".
Before implementing this idea, I mentally rearranged the checker from the h2 square to the g1 square and got a winning problem that is unique in its beauty and practicality.
Then at home I managed to implement the intro with the first quiet move, after which the final version of my problem - 64 - appeared.
.......... A. Fomin................................. Fomin - Ageikin (a color of checkers changed)
Image................ .. Image
I 1.h4 cb6 2.bc5 3.c7 4.cb8 a5 5.d2 6.f2 7.h2 b6 8.he5 9.a5 e3 10.e1x
II 1.gh4 ba7 2.ed2 cb6 3.c7 db6 - please, see diagram No. 1 with very similar positon as it take place on diagram No. 2 4.c5 5.c7 6.b8 ab6 7.ba7 ba5 8.af2 9.hh6 =
Earlier I knew V. Chunchaev's idea from the magazine Dambrete No. 11, 1983.
......... V. Chunchaev.............
1.c5 2.b4 3.b8 g5 4.be5 5.a5 g5
I. P. is A. Nagumanov: 5-th USSR Championship, 1983, No. 186 (5.0 points)
1.h2 fe3 2.ba3 3.ef2 4.f2 5.c1 6.cd2 7.b8 b6 8.e5 9.a5 e3 10.e1 x
According to Alexander Polevoy message , the 7 x7 position coincides with the problem of a number of predecessors, please, see attachment .

............................................... . . A. Fomin : №569.................................... ............. .№668 A. Fomin.............
.................... ... (I. P. is Shiglinskaia A. V., see attachment).....................................................
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I1.f4 e3 2.g5 h4 3.b4 4.a5 5.h8 g3 6.hd4 f2 7.e3 g1 8.c3 9.c3x
II 1.f4 e3 2.g5 h4 3.b4 4.h8 5.c5 g3 6.hd4/a1 f2 7.e3 f6 8.h8 g1 9.cb6 c5 10.a1 11.a:h8:f6/g7x
1.ba7 dc5 2.ab8 cd4 3.b:f4 d:b2
4.fe5 f:d4 5.hg5 h:f4 6.g:a1+
№401 A. Fomin : (=) .............................. №417 A. Fomin................. .................. ..№436 A. Fomin.
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№401 :
Re: "Поиски - находки" , Page No. 6.
Message from AF, Mon., May of 19, 2014 8:57 pm
1.hg7 hf6 2.hg5 fh4 3.fg3 hf2 4.hg3 fh4 5. gf2 eg1 6.ce3 df2 7.be3! fd4 8.ae5=
№417 :
"MiF" , Re: 3-d championship of Russia by drafts composition.
author is AnF, Sunday, March of 27, 2016 1:47 pm
1. cb6 a:c7 2.ab4 ba1 3.fe5 a:f6 4.ed4 f:a5 5.cd2 a:c1
6.gh4 e:g3 7.h:f6 g:e5 8.h:b8+
1.ef4 cd6 2.fe3 h:f2 3.e:g3 f:f2 4.d:d8 f:b2 5.fe5 d:f4
6.de3 f:d2 7.de7 f:d6 8.h:a7+
№227 A. Fomin ........................................ .№801 A. Fomin.......................... .№808 A. Fomin.........
Image... Image...Image.
A.Siboedov ("64"-17-1978)
№227 :hg7, e7, d4, b8 b4,be5!, g5, a5 g7, g3 f6, f4x
№801 : gh2, hf4, hf2, ef2, c3, e7, c5, c5 c7, h6 - A. Pel (b6) A, a7 b4, b8 c3, f4 b2, e5 c1, f4, f4x
A (cd6), e7 b4, f8 c3, b4, g7 b4, h8x
White checker g5 can also be on the a1 square.
After the move 8.c5 b4 9.a3 c7 10.b4 d6 11.bc5, etc. whites also have a win.
№808 1.a3 2.e7 3.f8 a7 Vp1 4.fc5 dc3 5.f8 6.d2 f2 7.g3 8.g5 9.f2x
Vp1 3... c3 4.c7 5.d2 f2 6.g3 7.g5 8.f2x
A Siboedov : 1.c7 2.gh2 3.f4 4.f2 5.f2 6.bc3 etc.x
Website "Myth" , Re: Cheburashki
Posted by AFMN Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:53 pm
A. Fomin wrote :
G. Abdullaev[⚓] , correction and processing by A. Fomin
Solution: gf4, cd2, b6:d4,e3, bf6, e7, b2 g7, c3 f4, e7 f6, g5 f4, d4 x
, ➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️
Website "Myth", video Re: Cheburashki
Posted by Fomin Sat Jan 26, 2019 10:50 am......................... A. Fomin...........
Image.......................... .Image
I After the move 0 ... hg7? Black has a losing position, but the suspicious move 0) ... fe5 could lead to a draw.
1.hg3! fe5 2.cb4 3.h: h8 dc5 4.h: b6 5.gh4 cb4 6.ed2 ba3 7.dc3 x
№488 Correction by A.Fomin
Author is A. Salnikov (B.p. b8> f8: Dambrete-3-1972): second solution 1.ba3 =
1.gf4 e: g3 2.gh2 e: g1 3.h: f2 g: e3 4.d: f2 b: d4 5.c: e5 a: a1
6.hg3 f: d4 7.cb2 a: c3 8.ed2 c: e1 10.gh4 e: g3 11.h: h4 =
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Posts: 436
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Sun May 30, 2021 18:58

15869759037.png (4.77 KiB) Viewed 10039 times
..... Sergei Boyko (1958-2020).....
1.gf6 bc3 2.d:b2 de5 3.f:b4! a:a1 4.fe7 f:d6 5.hg5 de5 6.ed4 e:c3 7.ab4 c:a5 8.gf6 a:g7 9.h:f8x
See also below A. Fomin's compositions for this endgame:
N. Pankratov("Rebus", 1882 г.)
ef6,cb4,gh2,h:f8 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Sat Nov 12, 2016 03:37Compositions at 64-cell board
14-th Moscow Championship, 1987
Solution: 1. hg7 ab2 2.gf8 bc1 3.fa3 h6 4.ab2 ca1 5.ac1 g7 6.hg3 f2 7.ge3 d2 8.cf8x - N. Pankratov, 1882
(4) Praktische taktik - Page 23 - World Draughts Forum
Post by FOMIN » Fri Feb 05, 2021 22:21
Solution: 1.ef8 ca1 2.fc5 db6 3.gf4 eg5 4.hf6 ag7 5.hf8 x - N. Pankratov, 1882 (fragment)
A.Fomin : "64", №6, 1988 , №1676
Re: Praktische taktik
Post by FOMIN » Tue Nov 05, 2019 22:53
1.hg7 etc. x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Mon Oct 15, 2018 16:56
4) Compositions at 64-cell board - Page 4 - World Draughts Forum
No. 323 A. Fomin
It was published :
Website myth: Cheburashkies: Posted by UVeche on Fri Jan 26, 2018 12:12 pm
I. P. for the endgame is N.N. Pankratov, " rebus", 1882.
1.ed8 g: g7 2.de5 d: d2 3.b: b8 d: b4 4.a: c5 b: d4 5.bg3 h: f4
6.de7 f: d6 7.h: h6 +
🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌🎌 ... 37#p124498
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:23
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Mon Sep 03, 2018 09:25
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Sun Jul 29, 2018 11:30
Praktische taktik
Post by FOMIN » Wed Nov 18, 2020 21:58
№276 A. Fomin
: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Mon Oct 15, 2018 16:56
A. Fomin ,№830................................................ .№835............
,№830: 1.bc3! b4 2.hg5 3.ab2 4.cd2 5.cg5 6.ac5 7.fe7 8.ef8 9.fh6x
,№835: 1.gh6 2.fe7 3.hc1 hg1 4.hg5 5.de3 6.ch6 ab6 7.hf8 - N. Pankratov, 1882
............... A. Fomin №639....................... ....... .. A.. Fomin........................... ..... A. Fomin, №475.......
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д.№3(№475:) 1.hg3 f:h2 2.fg3 h:f4 3.bc3 b:d2 4.e:c7 d:b6 5.gf2 e:g1 6.g:e3 g:g7 7.h:f8+
№318 A. Fomin________________________№231 A. Fomin ________________№276 A. Fomin
№639_A. Fomin
Re: Praktische taktik
Post Thu Nov 28, 2019 20:
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Mon Oct 15, 2018 16:56
1.f8 2.fc5 3.gf4 4.hf6 5.hf8 x
№318 A. Fomin :1.g7 2.f2 3.b8 4.b4 5.f8 etc. x
№231_ A. Fomin :1.fe7 b2 2.fg5 f6 3.ed 4.dc3 5.fe3 4.ge7 5.hh6 etc. x -N. Pankratov, 1882
№276 A. Fomin:1.de5 a1 2. ed2 3.de7 4.c7 5.hg5 6.de3 7.cb2 8.gh6 9.hh6 etc. x -N. Pankratov, 1882
.......................................................................... .. A. Fomin................. ............. .............,............
............................. Dedicated to the remembrance of Mr. Sergey Boyko.................................
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I : №819 1.dc7 2.fe3 3.ab8 4.bg3 5.gc1 ed6 6.ba7 dc5 7.ab8 fg7 /e7 8.bc7! gf6 9.ca5 cb4 10.cb2 11.a:h8x
II: №668 1.ed6 cc3 2.ed4 cg5 3.ha5 gf6 4.gf4 hg7 5.cb2 ca1 6.ah8x
III №153: 1.bc7 2.cd8 dc1 3.de7 4.hh6 hg7 5.hf8 ce3 6.ed2 ec1 7. fh6 x
....... . A. Fomin..No. 81................................... . A. Fomin, No. 822....................... .....
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A.Fomin ,6-th USSR Championship, 1987 No.21 (7 points)
I. Drafts Vestnik SLSHI, No. 63, April, 2010, p.37
1.fg3 fg5 2.de5 ge3 3.cd6 ec5 4.ef6 hf4
5.gf2 eg1 6.ef2 gg7 7.hh6 x -N.N. Pankratov, 1882
II Nr.822: This is position for self solution.
Legality : 0)h4-g5 d8-c7 1)f2:h4 d4-e3 etc.
.............. № 824 A. Fomin...... ................. S. Yushkevitch :"Соціалістична Харківщіна", june of 24, 1969.
I 1.bc7 bd6 2.dc3 bd2 3.cg5 ac1 4.ab8 hf4 5.ed2 ce3 6.ff6 fe3 7.gf2 eg1 8.ba7 9.g1x
II 1.cd4 de5 2.dc3 3.cd2 4.ha3 cd6 A 5.ag5 6.gf2x A 4...hg3 - V. Sokov 5.b4 g5 6.e1 h2 7.b4 h4 8.e7 b6 - E. Leclerk 9. b4 g3 10.e1 c5 11.h4 d4 12.g5 c3 13.c1x

...........№820 A.Fomin............................ ........................ . №816............ ...
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Website "Myth" Fri May of 21, 2021 8:26 pm
Theme: "Cheburashkies"
1.gh4 ce1 2.cd8 fd4 3.da1 ab6
4.a: h8 ed2 5.ac7 ed8 6.hf6 dg5 7.hf6x
№822 A.Fomin
Website "Myth", Re: Problems
Posted by Fomin Tue May 25, 2021 5:37 pm
1.gf6 eg7 2.ab4 ea3 A 3.cd4 ce3 4.ef2 ac5 5.f: g5 de5
6.ge3 / c1 ef4 7.eg5 hf4 8.hg3 fh2 9 .. hg5 gh6 10.gf6 x
A 2 ... cc1 3.de3 ec5 4.ef2 etc. x
№816 A.Fomin
Re: Problems
Posted by Fomin, Sund. of 16, 2021 4:38 am
1.bc7 bb4 2.dc3 bd2 3.ce7 fd6 4.ab8 ac1
5.be1 cb2 6.h4 e5 7.hf6 eg7 8.hf8x
I Yu. Cherniaev, " Shashki", No. 1, 1972
1.hg5 2.dc3 3.ed4 4.ef2 5.gh6 6.h:h6 - (
N. Pankratov, 1882) 6...ab6 7.hf8 x
No. 118 A. Fomin
"Zvezda", Perm, 1980; "Checkers", No. 7, 1981 (3742)
1.de3 bc7 2.ab6 ca5 3.hg5 ff2 4.dd8 fb2 5.fe5 df4
6.de7 fd6 7.hh6 ab4 [7 ... ab6 8.hf8 x] 8.hd2 ba3 9.dc3 +
№300 A. Fomin
Praktische taktik - Page 21 - World Draughts Forum
Post by FOMIN » Tue Dec 08, 2020 07:47
1.ab6 c:a5 A 2.gh4 c:c1 3.h:d8 d:b2 4. ed2 c:e3 5.hg3 f:h2
6.df6 e:g7 7.h:h6 + N.Pankratov , 1882 г.
A 1...c:c1 2.b:h2 d:b2 3.ed2 c:e3 4.hf6 e:g7 5.h:c1+
II №689-2 : A. Terehov ,"Ленінська зміна" , Apr. of 10, 1982 г.
1.bc7 d6 2.ab6 3.ef2 4.b8 5.c5 6.b2 7.f6 8.f8 x
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Posts: 436
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Mon Jun 14, 2021 18:59

....... ......... A. Fomin...................... ....... No. 74 A.Fomin............................... . No. 350.......................... ..
Image.....Image... Image
I 1.ab8 2.a:c7 3.be5 4.hd2 bc1 5.e:c5 6.fe3 7.e:g3 8. gf2 x
II No. 74 A.Fomin :
"Gudok" , December of 3, 1988, 7-th USSR championship on drafts composition, 1989-1990 [6.5 points]
1.gh2 ae3 2.ed2 ec1 3.de7 bd6 a 4.eg5 hf6 5.hf4 cg5 6.hf4 fe7 7.fg5 8.b8 d6 9.h8 g3 20.hd4x a (fd6), h6, f4, b8x
III I. No. 350: I. Bugaev, processing by A. Fomin
1. bc7 2.fg5 fh4 3.cb4 4.bc5 5.de3 6.c7 7.fg3 8.ge7 9.hc5 ef4 10.cf2 x
№475(3) : A. Fomin........................ ............ A.Fomin : №201 ............................ A.Fomin : №201(3)............
№475(3) :1.bc3 b2 2.d2 3.g3 4.e3 5.b8 6.b:d6 x
№201: 1.dc5 a:e3 a 2.ed8 b:b2 3.db6 a:g5 A 4.gh2 f:d6 5.h:f4 hg7 6.fd2/e5 gf6 7.c3 g5 8.d2 h4 9.e1 b4 10.a5 g3 11.b6 h2 12.g1 x
M. Tsvetov , 4th Azerbaijan championship, 1981
Theme : "Classic compositions in russian drafts".
Website " Myth" , 04/29/2014
1.f2-g3 h4xf2[1 ... c3xe5 2.f4xf8 h4xd4 3.f8xc1 f6xh4 4.c1-b2 d4-e3 5.b2-c1 a5-b4 6.c1xf4 b4-c3 7.g1-f2 c3-b2 8.f4-e5 x b2-c1 9.e5-f4 c1xg5 10.h6xf4 h8-g7 11.f4-e5 g7-h6 12.e5-d6 h6-g5 13.d6-c7 g5-f4 14.c7-b8 h4-g3 15.f2xh4 f4-e3 16.b8-f4 e3xg5 17.h4xf6 x]2.f4-e5 f6xh4 3.h6-g7 h8xf6 4.e5xg7 c3xe5 5.g7-f8 f2xd4 6.f8xg3 h4xf2 7.g1xc1 x 2-0
....A. Fomin.................................. R. Valeev, procesing by A. F......................No. 452 A Fomin..............
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I 1.ab4 etc. with two options
II 1.fe3 etc. x
III 1.b4 2.e7 3.c7 4.c5 5.e1 etc. x please, see below
The ideological predecessor to this position :
There is a win after moves 1.fe3 2.ge3 x
But the predecessor is easy to fix.
For example like this:
1.fg5! 2.de3 etc. x Doesn't win the move 1.de3? e7 2.c5 d4 3e3 c5! with equal game , despite Whites material advantage .
.................................................. .. No.143 ......................... ................................
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Arranged by A.Fomin, author is V. Solnykov➡️ D.№2
Website "Myth" : Posted by AF on Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:31 pm
Theme: Classic compositions in Russian checkers, 2014
[a3> f8: author is V. Solnykov , "Drafts"-No.4-1963: see D. No. 2]
1.ef4 g5: e3 2.gh2 e: g1 3.hg3 e: g1 4.ef2 f: d4 5.gf4 e:g5
6.h: h8 f: d4 7.h: c1 + D.No. 2: All-Soviet Union contest, 1957
➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️ ... it+gallery
video Re: The portrait Gallery of drafts composers
Posted by AnF Mon Apr 25, 2016 2:56 am
I.p. is : Suplin-Verbinovich ("Drafts", Riga, No. 4-1970, p. 09)
The party was played in Kharkov "Palace of Pioneers", 1949
1.hg7 h: f6 2 cb6 cd6 3.ed2 a: c7 4.de3 f: b4 5.ag5 h: f6 6.hb8 +
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Sat Nov 12, 2016 03:37
No.149 (1) A. Fomin.......................... No.149(2): S. Yushkevitch............... A. Demishev ("Evening Moscow", 1976)
Image... Image........ .. .. Image
D. No.149 (1) and D.No.149 (2) : Newspaper "Ladya", Ukraine, October, 25/2014
D. No.149 (1) : 1.gh6 a: a1 2.h: f4 g: e5 3.ed4 e: c3 4.cb2 cd2 5.e: c3 +
D.No.149(2): S.Yushkevitch: 1.h2 2.h6 g3 3.hf4 4.d4 5.cb2 6.c3x
D.No III A. Demishev :1.d8 2.g7 3.d4! 4.cb2 4.c3x
Re: Уточнение авторства
Post by AFM Wedn. Febr. of 15, 2017 3:36 pm
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