Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Discussion about development of draughts in the time of computer and Internet.

TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

I am prepared to implement an engine protocol in my engine and to submit my engine
I am prepared to implement an engine protocol for Truus/Flits (as far as possible)
I am prepared to (co)author a GUI/Tournament Manager
I am prepared to provide the hardware/web hosting/operator time
I am prepared to sponsor/organize crowdfunding
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Total votes: 7

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Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Post by jj » Sat Nov 02, 2019 12:55

Many of you may know the Top Chess Engine Championship (TCEC), see This is a chess engine competition where the tournaments are fully automated and broadcast online, using an engine protocol such as Universal Chess Interface (UCI), see, and a separate GUI/Tournament Manager.

This poll is to see if something similar can be done for draughts engines. This requires
1. agreement on an engine protocol
2. implementation of this protocol in all engines
3. implementation of the GUI/Tournament Manager
4. agreement on the rules
5. hardware, web hosting and operators
6. sponsoring, crowdfunding

Ad 1. The DamExchange Protocol (DXP) does not seem suitable. A version 0 proposal could be the Scan 3 hub protocol.
Ad 2. It would be nice to also have implementations for the legacy engines Truus and Flits, for which already DXP servers exist.
Ad 4. Such as time control, game end, number of games, superfinal.

For draughts there could be competitions for regular, killer, breakthrough and Frisian (for example). If we have four variants then an annual tournament for each variant gives one tournament per three months. Other board sizes are also a possibility.

If you are a draughts programmer or otherwise interested please take the time to answer the poll.


Krzysztof Grzelak
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Re: Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Post by Krzysztof Grzelak » Mon Nov 04, 2019 14:11

I invite programmers to participate in the survey. For my part, I would like to inform you that I will provide a server and equipment for playing programs. I cordially invite all programmers to this joint work. Let's create something beautiful for draughts.

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Re: Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Post by BertTuyt » Mon Nov 04, 2019 14:38

I started (for some years) with a Tournament Manager in the Damage GUI, based upon the previous (old) Hub protocol.
If many developers would implement the latest Hub protocol , than I could further work on this.
And all can give input for functionality.


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Real name: Jan-Jaap van Horssen
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Re: Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Post by jj » Sat Nov 09, 2019 14:38

Bert, that would be great. I think we can start with a few engines and a test tournament. Then hopefully more programmers will follow into the 21st century.
It also depends on how long Krzysztof is prepared to play tournaments and matches manually.


Krzysztof Grzelak
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Re: Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Post by Krzysztof Grzelak » Sat Nov 09, 2019 16:03

I will write it like this. This is my big dream that arose for the draughts.

Ed Gilbert
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Re: Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Post by Ed Gilbert » Mon Jan 13, 2020 13:01

I am working on a version of kingsrow that uses the hub interface, and I expect to have a completely functional prototype soon. Is anyone else working to adapt their engine to hub, or working on (or at least thinking about) a hub tournament manager?

I am trying to run hub 2.1 with scan 3.1 but so far have been unsuccessful. Hub throws a CreateProcess error when it tries to run scan. Has anyone successfully run this combination on Windows?

-- Ed

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Re: Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Post by BertTuyt » Mon Jan 13, 2020 15:45

Ed, to answer your questions:
- Im changing the Damage Engine to work on the Hub protocol (but in my case with TCP-IP, and not pipes).
- Last year I tested the previous version of Scan 2.x to work (with Pipes) with the Damage GUI, and HUB (old version)
- I also played a Tournament (as I started with an embryonic TM in the Damage GUI), between 3 versions of Scan.
- They were basically all the same with a different name, and it worked fully automatically.
- I even started another thread which was the referee which had access to your DBs to adjudicate the games (if needed).

I never tested things with 3.1, but I can redo.

Hope to be able to prepare the Damage Engine for the AMD ThreadRipper.
I found a bug, the max number of threads now allowed was 16, but the Threadripper communicates 32 cores (Hyperthreading).
So that might be the reason for the crash....


Krzysztof Grzelak
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Re: Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Post by Krzysztof Grzelak » Mon Jan 13, 2020 16:23

BertTuyt wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2020 15:45
Hope to be able to prepare the Damage Engine for the AMD ThreadRipper.
I found a bug, the max number of threads now allowed was 16, but the Threadripper communicates 32 cores (Hyperthreading).
So that might be the reason for the crash....

This is probably because the engine refused to run under the AMD processor.

Krzysztof Grzelak
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Re: Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Post by Krzysztof Grzelak » Mon Jan 13, 2020 16:24

Ed Gilbert wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2020 13:01
I am working on a version of kingsrow that uses the hub interface, and I expect to have a completely functional prototype soon. Is anyone else working to adapt their engine to hub, or working on (or at least thinking about) a hub tournament manager?

I am trying to run hub 2.1 with scan 3.1 but so far have been unsuccessful. Hub throws a CreateProcess error when it tries to run scan. Has anyone successfully run this combination on Windows?

-- Ed
Thank you Ed for your work on your own engine.

Ed Gilbert
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Re: Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Post by Ed Gilbert » Mon Jan 13, 2020 17:15

Bert, thanks, good to hear that you have made some progress with hub in damage and also with a tournament manager. I think the protocol has changed in the newer version of hub so you may need to update your TM at some point before it can run kingsrow and scan 3.1, and hopefully a damage version with stdin/stdout hub 2.1.

I downloaded the old versions of hub and scan, and tried to run hub, but I get the same CreateProcess error. I have tried it on two different computers with the same result. Very puzzling.

-- Ed

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Re: Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Post by BertTuyt » Mon Jan 13, 2020 19:40

Ed, at least Scan 3.1 connect to the Damage GUI see attached.

Scan31.png (34.22 KiB) Viewed 15716 times

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Re: Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Post by Yves » Tue Jan 14, 2020 19:01

Hello Bert
Please tell me how to configure the ini file to launch Scan31 in Damage2016.
Sincerely, Yves :)

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Re: Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Post by jj » Wed Jan 15, 2020 18:17

Ed Gilbert wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2020 13:01
I am trying to run hub 2.1 with scan 3.1 but so far have been unsuccessful. Hub throws a CreateProcess error when it tries to run scan. Has anyone successfully run this combination on Windows?
I have no trouble running hub 2.1 with scan 3.1 on Windows 7.


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Re: Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Post by BertTuyt » Wed Jan 15, 2020 19:28

Yves, it only works embryonic on my recent Damage 2020 GUI, which is still in experimental phase.


Krzysztof Grzelak
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Re: Programmer poll: TCEC-like competition for draughts engines

Post by Krzysztof Grzelak » Fri Mar 20, 2020 19:14

jj wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2019 12:55
Many of you may know the Top Chess Engine Championship (TCEC), see This is a chess engine competition where the tournaments are fully automated and broadcast online, using an engine protocol such as Universal Chess Interface (UCI), see, and a separate GUI/Tournament Manager.

This poll is to see if something similar can be done for draughts engines. This requires
1. agreement on an engine protocol
2. implementation of this protocol in all engines
3. implementation of the GUI/Tournament Manager
4. agreement on the rules
5. hardware, web hosting and operators
6. sponsoring, crowdfunding

Ad 1. The DamExchange Protocol (DXP) does not seem suitable. A version 0 proposal could be the Scan 3 hub protocol.
Ad 2. It would be nice to also have implementations for the legacy engines Truus and Flits, for which already DXP servers exist.
Ad 4. Such as time control, game end, number of games, superfinal.

For draughts there could be competitions for regular, killer, breakthrough and Frisian (for example). If we have four variants then an annual tournament for each variant gives one tournament per three months. Other board sizes are also a possibility.

If you are a draughts programmer or otherwise interested please take the time to answer the poll.


Sorry, I didn't quite understand that. I mean that all programs use such a tournament manager. And not just programs that have dxp and can use
hub. Because it may be that some of the best programs will use and the rest of the programs will not.

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