Announcement of computer draughts tournament in Leiden, June 3, 2018

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Ed Gilbert
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Announcement of computer draughts tournament in Leiden, June 3, 2018

Post by Ed Gilbert » Sun Apr 15, 2018 17:25

I received this from Leo Nagels:


I am happy to announce the opportunity for a new computerdraughts tournament to be held in Leiden on the 3rd of June 2018.
We will play by invitation of the Dutch computerchess community CSVN, that holds several tournaments on the same weekend on the same location.

Location : Leids denksportcentrum, Robijnstraat 4, Leiden.

If you are interested to participate, please reply this e-mail before next Sunday the 22th of April.
The tournament will be held only if the number of participants is 6 or more.
The rules for the tournament are open for now, any suggestions are welcome.
If we play with the same rules as last years Olympiad and the number of participants is more than 8, we will have to play for 2 days, the 2nd and 3rd of June.

Fr gr

Leo Nagels, Coordinator Computerdraughts

Jelle Wiersma
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Re: Announcement of computer draughts tournament in Leiden, June 3, 2018

Post by Jelle Wiersma » Tue May 08, 2018 11:52

From Leo Nagels on April 23th:
Progress report for the invitation tournament in Leiden on the 3rd of June.

Up to now we have as participants:

Leo Nagels, Cerberus
Harm Jetten, Moby Dam
Maurits Meijer,
Jelle Wiersma, Sjende Blyn

The following two repliers showed interest but hesitate:

Fabien Letouzey, Scan
Andrew Lin, Deep Nikita.

Frank Mesander, Tornado excused, he is on vacation during the tournament.

A disappointing result indeed, so I decided to extend the register-period for the tournament by two weeks.
You may register up to Saturday the 5th of May 2018.

Fr gr

Leo Nagels, Coordinator Computerdraughts

Jelle Wiersma
Posts: 67
Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2015 17:45
Real name: Jelle Wiersma

Re: Announcement of computer draughts tournament in Leiden, June 3, 2018

Post by Jelle Wiersma » Tue May 08, 2018 11:53

From Leo Nagels on May 8th:

Hi everyone,

In the last two weeks only Gijsbert Wiesenekker/Klaas Bor with GWD registered.
Ton Tillemans announced he will participate only if his health allows.

So we only have 5 participants for sure.
That means, that I am sorry to announce that the tournament will not go through due to a lack of interest.
I thank those that confirmed there participation, but it will be for another year.
Maybe there is only room for such a tournament once every two years.

Fr gr

Leo Nagels

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