Scan hub setting

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Real name: Coulibaly Sidiki

Scan hub setting

Post by Sidiki » Wed Apr 12, 2017 06:00

Hi all,

For those who are interested by Scan hub GUI for have pondering option, save game, edit position.

For those who haven't Java installed you can download the offline setup here:

*1. Edit your hub.ini file like this: ( just replace the line "engine-dir" by your Scan 2.0 exe directory's) you can adjust game time also.

engine-name = Scan2.0
engine-dir = C:\Users\user\Desktop\scan_20
engine-command =
./scangui-square = 60 gui-font = 25gui-oval = true
game-moves = 75
game-time = 1
game-inc = 0
game-ponder = true

*2. Edit the "engine.ini" according to your Computer core, this is mine's:

book = true
book-margin = 0
ponder = true
threads = 4
tt-size = 24
bb-size = 6

*3. Now open hub.jar, you will see "init" this mean that it's loading the egdb
Scan loading.JPG
Scan loading.JPG (81.93 KiB) Viewed 10511 times
When it will be ready you will see this
Scan Ready.JPG
Scan Ready.JPG (78.98 KiB) Viewed 10511 times
After the few opening moves, you will see this, that prove that Scan it is pondering (44-39) it's the move planned by Scan 2.0
Scan pondering.JPG
Scan pondering.JPG (76.03 KiB) Viewed 10511 times

If you want to play with white play directly
If you want to play with Black press (G), Scan will play
Reverse board (R)
New game (N)
left/right -> undo/redo one ply
up/down -> undo/redo full game
Analyse current position (A)
Save game (S) a pdn file "game.pdn" will be created in Scan 2.0 directory
Load a game (L)
To edit a position be sure that a game it's not save, open a text file and edit it like this example:
and then save it as "game.pdn" into Scan 2.0 directory, open Scan 2.0 and press (L) Load you will get this:
Scan FEN.JPG (73.22 KiB) Viewed 10511 times


Fabien Letouzey
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Re: Scan hub setting

Post by Fabien Letouzey » Wed Apr 12, 2017 07:53

Hi Sidiki,
Sidiki wrote:Hi all,

For those who are interested by Scan hub GUI for have pondering option, save game, edit position.

Thanks, that's very helpful!
engine-command =
./scangui-square = 60 gui-font = 25gui-oval = true
These should be separate lines:

Code: Select all

engine-command = ./scan
gui-square = 60
gui-font = 25
gui-oval = true
My text files are in Unix (LF) format and probably need to be converted to Windows (CRLF) format. I assumed that most text editors would do that automatically, but apparently not.

Thanks again,


Posts: 322
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Real name: Coulibaly Sidiki

Re: Scan hub setting

Post by Sidiki » Wed Apr 12, 2017 09:51

Hi Fabien,

Thank for this detail, it's was important to know what was really any code line .

Krzysztof Grzelak
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Re: Scan hub setting

Post by Krzysztof Grzelak » Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:05

Thank you Sidiki and Fabien. I would like to try it out and I have such a question. What should be the correct entry if I have program Scan 2.0 on D:\ in the folder Scan Interational. I mean the entry engine-dir =

Fabien Letouzey
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Re: Scan hub setting

Post by Fabien Letouzey » Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:01

Krzysztof Grzelak wrote:Thank you Sidiki and Fabien. I would like to try it out and I have such a question. What should be the correct entry if I have program Scan 2.0 on D:\ in the folder Scan Interational. I mean the entry engine-dir =
Hub doesn't handle spaces in the INI file. You'll need to rename the directory.

Krzysztof Grzelak
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Re: Scan hub setting

Post by Krzysztof Grzelak » Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:37

Fabien Letouzey wrote:Hub doesn't handle spaces in the INI file. You'll need to rename the directory.
Thank you very much Fabien. I still have some questions Fabien to You.

1. Is it possible to have a sound when making moves on a board
2. Is it possible to make the time on both sides flow every one second
3. Is it possible to play with another program using dxp
4. Write what the word means "Hit"


Fabien Letouzey
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Real name: Fabien Letouzey

Re: Scan hub setting

Post by Fabien Letouzey » Wed Apr 12, 2017 13:36

Krzysztof Grzelak wrote:1. Is it possible to have a sound when making moves on a board
Sound is supposed to work, although only for Scan's moves. There is some chance that the AIFF format is not recognised on Windows. Find a .WAV elsewhere, put it into Hub's directory, and set the new name in hub.ini That's just a guess, though.
2. Is it possible to make the time on both sides flow every one second
Hub reacts only to external events such as a mouse click or the engine sending information. That's why the clocks are updated only between moves. I don't know any easy way to change that.
3. Is it possible to play with another program using dxp
There's no DXP yet. I've been asked about this multiple times, so it's possible that I implement something in the future. That's still a lot of work, however.
4. Write what the word means "Hit"
"Hit" (for "ponder hit") means that the user played the move that Scan expected during pondering (the one inside brackets); the search continues from where it was.

A different move would be called "ponder miss" and a new search has to be launched. Hub would display this as "Think" (same as a move without pondering).

Krzysztof Grzelak
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Re: Scan hub setting

Post by Krzysztof Grzelak » Wed Apr 12, 2017 14:20

Thank you for your reply Fabien. Can I still ask you for the sound of the program, because it is very important in my tournaments. I put the Wav file into a folder hub - I attach a picture. Can you write what command should be in the file hub.ini - to make the sound work.
Sound.jpg (37.14 KiB) Viewed 10402 times

Fabien Letouzey
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Re: Scan hub setting

Post by Fabien Letouzey » Wed Apr 12, 2017 14:34

Krzysztof Grzelak wrote:Thank you for your reply Fabien. Can I still ask you for the sound of the program, because it is very important in my tournaments. I put the Wav file into a folder hub - I attach a picture. Can you write what command should be in the file hub.ini - to make the sound work.
It should be:

Code: Select all

gui-sound = DAM3.WAV
I think Windows hides extensions by default so it's not always clear what the real name is.

Krzysztof Grzelak
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Re: Scan hub setting

Post by Krzysztof Grzelak » Wed Apr 12, 2017 15:05

Thanks Fabien. The sound works. Fabien is whether it is possible to watch while running a program as the program is working. Please look at the picture - as you see on your laptop next to you GUI can see also how the program works.
Scan.jpg (61.71 KiB) Viewed 10383 times

Fabien Letouzey
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Real name: Fabien Letouzey

Re: Scan hub setting

Post by Fabien Letouzey » Wed Apr 12, 2017 15:29

Krzysztof Grzelak wrote:Thanks Fabien. The sound works. Fabien is whether it is possible to watch while running a program as the program is working. Please look at the picture - as you see on your laptop next to you GUI can see also how the program works.
You have good eyes :)

I launch Hub from the command line like this:
1) open a console
2) go to Hub's directory with the "cd" command
3) type "java -jar hub.jar"

Hub will run normally, but the console will also show all the communication between Hub and Scan. However you can already see the search information below Hub's board, so the console will not add much.

Krzysztof Grzelak
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Re: Scan hub setting

Post by Krzysztof Grzelak » Wed Apr 12, 2017 15:58

Thank you very much but it is a bit complicated for me and especially for this

I launch Hub from the command line like this:
1) open a console
2) go to Hub's directory with the "cd" command
3) type "java -jar hub.jar"

I'm sorry to ask but how to open this console.

Fabien Letouzey
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Re: Scan hub setting

Post by Fabien Letouzey » Wed Apr 12, 2017 16:22

Krzysztof Grzelak wrote:I'm sorry to ask but how to open this console.
My bad; apparently it is called "Command Prompt" on Windows, and not "Console" as I thought (because of "Console Application"). On Linux and macOS, it is called "Terminal".

You can find many tutorials on command prompt like these ones: ... rompt.html ... roduction/ ... c-commands

However, knowing what you intend to do with it, I think it's not worth for you to learn this yet. It's only a little bit more information.

Krzysztof Grzelak
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Re: Scan hub setting

Post by Krzysztof Grzelak » Wed Apr 12, 2017 18:14

Thank you for all the help Fabien. I wonder if the tournament moves you enter manually or using the mouse. I think using the cmd command to use the program is much better.

Posts: 322
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Real name: Coulibaly Sidiki

Re: Scan hub setting

Post by Sidiki » Wed Apr 12, 2017 18:24

The command mode worked for me. It's funny to see what happening during the game into the command.

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