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Bennekom, 31st of December 2015
It has been a privilege for me to serve FMJD for the past eight years of
which six as your president. We have substantially increased the reach of
our organization. China has become a cornerstone in draughts and the
number of African member states is growing further.
For the top players we have been able to organize good tournaments with
prize money that is substantially higher than eight years ago.
However, the politics of the ‘big world’ have also entered FMJD. You
throw something in the air, freeze it and than start to sell it as the ‘truth’ In
the mean time you try to destroy the organization and to hurt as many hard
working people, all unpaid volunteers, as much as possible. The gain from
this is unclear to me but maybe in the view of those people this is their way
to levy them from the very bottom where they live.
When there comes a moment that all negative energy you have to deal with
is much more than the positive energy you get from achieving things, the
time has come to stop and count your blessings. Why enjoy your
grandchildren many years less because you die too soon? Is it worth all
that? The clear answer is no. That is why I have decided to resign as
President of FMJD with immediate effect; this means the 1st of January 2016.
When I can continue to play a role in the further development of draughts in
China and Africa, I will be all too happy to do that. It is now up to the board
of FMJD to decide on next steps.
You will certainly be informed soon.
I wish you all well.
Harry Otten
President FMJD
Harry Otten treedt af als FMJD President
Re: Harry Otten treedt af als FMJD President
Dit is een droevige ontwikkeling. Politiek lijkt altijd weer gekaapt te worden door duistere machten, zelfs in een onschuldig ogend wereldje waar amper kapitaal in omgaat als de damwereld.
Ik vraag me af of er nog iemand is die de FMJD wil gaan leiden, want ik ken de verhalen wel en het is duidelijk dat de FMJD grootinquisiteur ("I will destroy FMJD!") al klaar staat met de guillotine voor de volgende voorzitter. Hildering werd vals beschuldigd, Frank Teer die als vrijwilliger de damsport wil dienen, werd het bloed onder de nagels vandaan gehaald ... Otten wordt zwart gemaakt ... erg jammer ... maar wat doe je eraan?
Ik vraag me af of er nog iemand is die de FMJD wil gaan leiden, want ik ken de verhalen wel en het is duidelijk dat de FMJD grootinquisiteur ("I will destroy FMJD!") al klaar staat met de guillotine voor de volgende voorzitter. Hildering werd vals beschuldigd, Frank Teer die als vrijwilliger de damsport wil dienen, werd het bloed onder de nagels vandaan gehaald ... Otten wordt zwart gemaakt ... erg jammer ... maar wat doe je eraan?
Heaven is no location, but a state of mind