Scan - Moby Dam after 26. 42-38
Here Moby Dam made a tactical error in an already difficult position: 26... 11-17? 27. 31-27 6-11 28. 38-33 18-23 29. 33x22 17x28 30. 37-31 11-17 31. 27-22 28-32 32. 22x11 16x7
and although the position look superficially quiet, the outpost on <32> is doomed and Scan would flawlessly find the win here. If Moby Dam was missing eval patterns for such outposts on the 7th row, then it's understandable that its search could not compensate for this on the 26th move (the actual loss of the piece happened on move 42, so 32 plies away and that still requires another deep search to discover).
In the first diagram, a draw was possible with 26... 12-17 27. 31-27 2-8 28. 38-33 8-13 29. 33x22 17x28
and here white cannot immediately play 30. 37-31? because of the threat 30... 18-22! 31. 27x20 15x33. After 30. 40-35 11-17! black can easily defend his outpost on <28> (31. 37-31 17-22! =). Moby Dam must have seen this tactic, but its eval must have judged the 2nd diagram better than the 3rd. Perhaps Harm can share his search log for the 26th move.