I don't believe that my (very naive) ProbCut implementation can compensate for that if at all, so where are the missing Elo points coming from?
First of all sorry that i didnt post Damage - Scan Match results, as my computers are still at home (according Rein I should activate remote access). But most likely I will visit Holland in some weeks from now, so i will take stronger hardware with me.
During the tournament, Fabien informed me that at one point Scan was searching deeper in comparison with Damage. This was remarkable, as Damage used 8 cores, at 4 GHz, and normally is searching much deeper as opponents (and sometimes throwing babies away with the pruning bathwater). Damage uses a combination of MCP, FHR and LMR.
So I guess that maybe also search depth is a major factor, maybe Ed and/or Michel observed the same.
Looking at the code, and I might have a better look, at least the probcut implementation looks interesting (although as Fabien explained the original statistiscs part is missing). Next to that I need to better understand the move sorting and LMR implementation. As Rein mentioned also the Q-search could be an explanation.
But for now, my bet would be the combination probcut, move sort and LMR.
Last but not least, I really thank Fabien, you have given our community a big boost by this result and by sharing all the internals, as can be observed in this forum...