Wch, 12-06-2013
1.34-29 19-23 2.33-28 23x34 3.40x29
The loss in this game must have been a giant blow for Chizhov's ego. Not only did he lose the matches he played against Georgiev, this is the third game in a row, he loses from Georgiev in a world championship tournament and he also lost a game against Georgiev in the European championship 2006. Chizhov has won 10 world titles but after this tournament Georgiev is approaching the record with 7 titles already...
3.... 17-22 4.28x17 12x21 5.38-33 14-19 6.42-38 10-14 7.45-40 7-12 8.40-34 11-17 9.44-40 21-26 10.47-42 5-10
In the world title match 2003 Chizhov played 11.29-24 20x29 12.33x24 19x30 13.35x24 against the same opponent.
11.49-44 1-7
White robs black form building the Olympic Formation by eliminating piece <6>. Chizhov's play is based on strong formations, and a lead in development. Georgiev however often plays surrounding games, in order to reduce the opponent's space to play. Therefore he doesn't need a piece on <6>. As a matter of fact later in the game black's position is ideal becuase all pieces are active and he doesn't have pieces that stay behind like a piece on <6> ... The 29-23 exchange will in fact only weaken white's own right wing ...
Rob Clerc also made this poor exchange in a game against Edvard Buzjinski during the World championship 2003.
12... 19x28 13.33x11 6x17 14.39-33 14-19 15.44-39 10-14 16.50-45 20-24 17.32-28 17-21 18.34-30 14-20
After 19.30-25 black builds the cannon named after his famous opponent: 9-14 and 20.40-34? is punished by 24-30 21.35x24 20x40 22.45x34 14-20 23.25x23 18x40 24.39-34 40x29 25.33x24 3-9 26.43-39 9-14 and black wins, since 39-34 is met by 21-27 13-18 B+.
9...18x27 20.31x22 7-11 21.33-28 20-25 22.39-33 25x34 23.40x20 15x24 24.45-40 9-14 25.40-34 14-20
White chose 22.39-33 instead of 38-33, to maintain the 22/38/42 formation, but the consequence is a weakened right wing. Black's pieces are nicely positioned around white's centre.
26.37-32 11-17 27.22x11 16x7 28.34-29?! 13-18 29.41-37
White probably thought his position was okay since black can't change back 21-27x17 becasue of the small shot 29-23 18x29 28-22 17x39 43x25 W+. But the creative Georgiev surprises both his opponent and all spectators with the next continuation.
29... 18-23!!? 30.29x18 12x23
Black offers his opponent a Kung Fu shot, but after winning a piece, white faces a breakthrough at the other wing.
Still, Chizhov should have taken the piece, since after 31.37-31 26x37 32.32x41 23x32 33.38x16 20-25 34.43-39 8-13 35.42-38 24-30 36.35x24 19x30 37.33-29 30-35 38.39-34 25-30 39.34x25 35-40 40.41-37 white still has the basepiece on <46> which, together with piece <37>, shape a catching construction for the black king. After 40... 40-44 41.48-43 3-9 42.43-39 44x31 43.36x27 13-18 white equalizes.
Chizhov didn't dare to allow the breakthrough. After the next move he seems not to get any chance for recovery ....
31.36-31? 31...7-11 32.46-41 23-29! 33.43-39 8-13 34.39-34 29x40 35.35x44 11-16 36.31-27 3-8! 37.41-36 20-25
A nice position. White suffers from a lack of space. Black controls both wings. He has an ideal position without a piece on <6>. His pieces are postioned around the white centre position. With 36... 3-8! black kept a basepiece on <2> that plays an important defencive role later in the game.
38.27-22 8-12 39.44-40
Maybe it is better to change 37-31x41 immediately, since white's wing is already weakened and after changing back 40.40-34x44 black gets a lot of free space at white's right wing.
39... 24-30 40.40-34 30x39 41.33x44 25-30 42.37-31 26x37 43.32x41 12-18! 44.41-37 18x27 45.37-31 19-24! 46.31x22 24-29!
Black used the free move to conquer the strategic square <29>. White's space is severely reduced. He risks both being frozen out and a black breakthrough.
47.48-43 4-9 48.42-37
48.38-32 also loses: 30-35 49.43-39 13-19 50.42-37 2-7 51.22-18 19-23 52.28x19 29-34 53.39x30 35x22 B+
48...9-14 49.43-39 14-19 50.39-33 30-35 51.33x24 19x30 52.28-23 30-34
53.22-18 13x22 54.23-19 won't save white either: 54... 34-40 55.44-39 40-45 56.19-14 45-50 57.39-34 50-45 58.34-30 35x24 59.14-9 24-29 60.9-3 22-27 61.3x26 16-21 62.26x34 45x26 B+
53...21-27 54.22x31 34-40 55.44-39 40-45 56.32-27 45-50 57.23-18 50x26 58.18x9 26-21 59.27-22 21-3 60.9-4 35-40 61.4-18 40-45 62.18-1 3-25 63.36-31 25-34 64.1x40 45x34 65.31-27 34-39
White resigned, becasue of 66.22-17 39-44 67.27-21 16x27 68.17-11 44-50 69.11-6 50-11 70.6x17 2-7 B+
In my opinion, this superior game of Georgiev is the real masterpiece of this tournament!