Killer draughts differs from international draughts by only one rule:
If a king takes another king as the last piece taken, the king has to stop immediately behind the taken king.
As a result 2 kings beat one. Drawing-margin is very small.
Diagram: White wins by 3-14 32x10 15x4
Note: If a king takes a man (in stead of a king) the king is free to take as in international draughts.
Subscription at
Telephone 058 267 12 11
Tel. 0413-342939
Subscription fee € 5. Participants of World Championship Draughts for free.
Prize money:
First prize € 150
Second prize: € 125
Third prize € 100
Fourth prize € 75
Fifth prize € 50
There are additional prizes for youthplayers and players rated below 1200!
7 games are played according to Swiss system with 15 minutes + 3 seconds per move.
In case of equal points sudden death tie-break is played with 15 minutes each player and when drawn playing on with remaining time.
Killertournament october 14th starts at 10:00
Opening: 10.00 substitution of absent players
First round 10.30 – 11.10
Second round: 11.20 – 12.00
Third round 12.10 – 12.50
Fourth round 13.00 – 13.40
Fifth round 13.50 – 14.30
Break till 15.00
Sixth round 15.00 – 15.40
Seventh round 15.50 – 16.30
Tie-breaks 16.40 – 17.10
Closing ceremony with awarding of prizes 17.15
Ends at 17.30
Amsterdam Killer toernooi 14 october 2005 tijdens het Wereldkampioenschap dammen 2005