Обсуждения на русском языке
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by FOMIN » Sun Jan 26, 2025 05:36
A.Fomin (Brazilian checkers )

f4 , f2, f8 g3, b4 h2, a5 c5, d2 cd4 A , dc3 de3, ae1 hg1, ef2 ed2, bc3, a:e1 x
A (g1 ), de3 , bc3, a:c3 x
Processing by A. Fomin

dc7, d6, f2, h6, a7 x
A. Fomin (variation of author problem from the 18-th All-Soviet Union Contest 1981)

de3, ab6, ed2, c7, ed4, b8, h2, a3 x
A. Fomin (18th All-Soviet union contest,, 1981)

de3, gf6, ed2, c7 , d4, b8, h2 , f8 x
A. Mazyatis and A. Fomin ....................... S. Pupkin.....................................A.Fomin.......................
fg7, e7 b8:d6, a5, c5, ae5 b6, f6 c5, g7 d4, h8 e3 , - E. van Embden 1785 c3 f2, d4 e1, f2 , f4 x
1.fg7 2.de7 3.b:d6 4.bc7 5.cd6 6.d:b4 7.hg7 8.bc5 9.a:g7x
.... ...A. Fomin......

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by FOMIN » Sun Feb 02, 2025 20:00
N.Toropov , 1977

ab6, bc7, c:g5, bc3, cd4, d:h6 ef2, he3, cd2 x
Arranged by A. Fomin

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by FOMIN » Thu Feb 13, 2025 03:06
The 7_th USSR Championyship in Drafts Composition, preliminary results in the "Problems-64" genre "Fomin A. V. No. 131:8x8 1.dc7 A new strike with a hanging checker c5, and before that the whites destroy 2 black kings sacrificing their king. A total of 5 kings are involved in the problem. The initial setup is clearly pretentious, Score 8.5 pointspoints.
No.132 10:10 1.cd2 An interesting new double strike (hg5 and dc5) with the sacrifice of two white kings. The initial setup looks somewhat artificial, but the last moves of white and black gf2(gh4) are quite natural. Score 7.5 points.
A. Fomin , No. 131 ..... ..A.Fomin , No. 132...
1.dc7 de1 2.ab2 3.ab4 4.cb2 5.cd8 6.6.d8 : g5 h6:f4 7.c5:g5 gf2 8.g:e3 hg1 9.gh6 10. h:f8x
No. 132: https://fmjd.org/dias2/save/17394133895.png
1.cd2 2.bc7 3.cd8 4.de7 5.h:g5 6.d:c5 7.a:c5 x

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A. Fomin , №133...

No. 133 : 1.hg7 2.gf2 3.gf8 4.f:h6 5.ef2 6.h:d2 x 1 hg7 2 gf2 3.gf8 4.f:h6 5.ef2 6.h:d2 x
An original mechanism with a twist. The finale is rare for a miniature. Score : 6.5 points
...A. Fomin , №134......A.Fomin , №135....
№134 (9 points) : 1..bc7 2.ab6 3.ab2 4. cd8 5.d:b6:f2 6.gf2 7.bc3 9.c:g5 10.h:f8 fe5 12.fe7 ed4 13.df6 de3 14.hg7 ef2 15.fd8 16.d:e1 x №134: Interesting winning techniques are beautifully combined into a single combination mechanism, ending with a bright old motif. The assesment of the 19th All Soviet Union Competition of 1985 and the match of hero cities is preservedpreserved(9 points).
№135 1.gf4 2.f:b4 3.d:b4 4.fe3 5.ed2 6. gf2 7. h:b8 x
Masterful processing of the idea of V. Abaulin and L. Shekhmeister - from an excellent arrangement of checkers with a bright move 2.f:b4! Punching of the d6-field, a sacrifice of the white king is added. All checkers participate in the game. and the best finale is in the asset. The assestment of the 19-th All-Soviet Union contest 7.5 points is preserved.

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№136 A. Fomin (9 points)

one of the most difficult problems of the championship, where the original mechanism of destroying the black king is shown in the main variant. The score of the 19th All Soviet Union contest of 9 points has been retained.
In reality , the average score of 9.5 points in the 19th All Soviet Union contest was lowered by its chief judge of A. Fedoruk - note by the author of the article.
№137 A. Fomin, 8 points
1bc7 e1 2.ab6 3.ab8 4.b:g3 5.a:e7 6.h:d2' 7.cd2 8.gf2 9.h:f2 ab6 10.ab2 bc5 11.bc3 hg7 12.fe3/g3 x
"The complex idea is technically flawlessly executed. The blow 4.b:g3 is unique! Minor flaws, in particular the inequality of forces of the parties, are compensated by the scale of the work. The score of the contest Odessa 1985 8.5 points. has been preserved", - A. Vinderman
This score caused panic on the part of the chief judge of the 7th USSR championship A. Fedoruk, who reduced this score by half a point and gave a score of 8 points in the cchampionship's finale "round".-comment by author of this article .
№138 A. Fomin , 8 points

1 gh2 2.hg7 3.gf8 4 d:d8 b:b2 5.d:b6 a:c5 6.b:e3 f:d4 7.a:c7 b:d6 8.f:c5 9.a:c5 hg7 10.cd6 gf6 11.dc7 fe5 12.cd8 ed4 13.df6/a5 de3 14.fc3 - E. van Embden, 1785 ef2 15,cd4 fe1 A 16.df2 17.h:f4 x A 15...(fg1), 16.da7 hg3 17.h:f4 gh2 18.a7 x
The author has excellently reworked his composition from the 5th USSR Championship, 1983. The assessment of the 13th Moscow Championship, 1986 8 points has been preserved.
№139 A. Fomin, 7 points

1.hg3 2.gh2 3.gh4 4.hg3 a:c5 5.ef2 6.cb2 7.gf4 8.h:h8 9.hf6 10.h:b8 x
" A. Vinderman wrote: "The destruction of two black kings by the blow h6:b8 (even without sacrificing the white king) has probably not been achieved compositionally by anyone before.
The problem has predecessors В. Solny'kov and M. Ben. It's a pity that the initial arrangement is bad, and the assignment is a draw. The score is 7 points ".
№140 A. Fomin (draw) , 7 points

1.bc7 2.cd8 3.db6 4 .fe3 5.c:g5 6.bc5 7.a:c3 8.bf2 9.h:h6 x
"The assestment of this problem from the Odessa-1984 contest has been retained".

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...............................A.Fomin ................................
1.d8 > [I. Timkovsky,"Gudok",1927] 2. df6 g5 A 3.a1 e3 4.c3 f2 5.d4 x A(c1), d8, g3, e1 x
1.d8 b2 2.g7 3.df6 g5 A 4.a1 4.c3 etc. x-E. van Embden, 1785
A(c1), d8, g3, e1 x
1.gf4 bc5 2.d:b4 a:c3:3.ed8 etc. x

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- Posts: 494
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- Real name: ANDREW
by FOMIN » Fri Feb 21, 2025 17:59

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14_th Moscow championship in drafts composition -1987
Yu. Cherniaev
bc3 e1, gf2, gf4 etc x
Score is 6 points

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In the initial position, Y. Chernyaev pointed out a false trail in the decision , likely counting on increasing the judge's score: 1 bc7 ab6! 2.c:a7 a:c5 3 d:b4 b:d6 4.ab8 etc. =however, the judge of section A Vinderman, according to his report to the chief judge A. Fedoruk, made a request to the author: "how to achieve a draw as black after 4.cd4! and Chernyaev sent an erroneous analysis 4...fe1 5.ba5 ef6? and the judge continued the decision 6.fg5 ! f:h4:7.ab8 x Chernyaev was forced to admit defeat.
Fomin A.

ed4, ce3, fd4, hf2, ge3 cb6, ef4 bc5 , db6 a:c7, fg5 hg7, ab4 cb6, ed2:
bc5 A , gh6 ca3, hb4, ac5 dc3 x A(de5), ba5 gh6, ac7 h:f4, cb8 x
S. Khottabychev -A. Fomin
1.cd4 hg5 2.gh4 gh6 3.fg3 de5 4.gf4 g3 5.hf2 gf4 6.eg5 hf4 7.fg3 hg7 8.ge5 bc5 9.db6 ac5 10.hg3 fd4 11.gh4 ed6 12.ef2 gh6 13.de3 de5 14.cd2 cb4 15.a:c5 d:b6 16.fg3 fe7 17.dc3 cd6 18.gf4 eg3 19.hf2 ef6 20.fg3 ba5 21.gh4 bc7 22.gf2 dc5 23.fg3 cd6 24.ed4 ? ce3 [24.ba3=]25.cb4 ac3 26.bf2 fe5! 27.fe3 dc5 28.gf4 eg3 29.hf2 cb4 30.ab2:hg5 31.fg3 de7! 32.gf4 ba3 33.fh6 ag5 34.hf4 ef6 x

this idea previously there was published in the book by Z. I. Tsirik: "Russian checkers", 1953
Tsirik Z. I., 1953

Z. Tsirik :1.jg5 etc. x
№1270 : arranged by A. Fomin, I.P. is A. Mazyatis, 1989

"evening bell from the D. K. "
Message by Fomin Mon Jan 27, 2025 7:43 am
1.fg7 h:f8 2.de7 b:d6 3..ba5 d:b4 4.a:c5 f:b4 5..a:e5 ab6
6.ef6 bc5 7.fg7 cd4 8.gh8 de3 9.-E.van Embden, 1785 hc3 ef2
10.cd4 fe1 11.df2 e:g3 12.h:f4 x
- Posts: 494
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- Real name: ANDREW
by FOMIN » Sun Mar 02, 2025 14:06
14-th Moscow championship on drafts composition

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FOMIN wrote: ↑Sat Nov 02, 2024 17:53
A.Chernopishuk , 7-th Moscow championship on drafts composition,1980 (6 points)

cb4 c1, gf2, a5, b6, fg3 , c7 ed6, e5 fe7, hg3 f6, g7, f4 ab4, ab2 ba3, bc3 x
There was published before :
Re: ДАКУ-65
Post by Fomin Tuesd., Jul., of 07, 2020 3:27 pm

. ..............................................

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S. Khottabychev - S. Pupkin
gf4 fe5 2.hg3 bc5 3.cd4 e:c3 4.b:b6 a:c5 5.ab2 gf6 6.bc3 cb6 7.gh4 ba5 8.cb4 a:c3 9.d:b4 hg7 10.cd2 fe5 11.gh2 e:g3 12.h:f4 gf6 13.fg5 hf4 14.e:g5 dc7
15.fe3 cb6 16.ba5 ? - the composition based on the idea of Alexander Shoshin appeared on the board
fe5 17.a:c7 cd4 18.e:c5 d:b4 19.a:c5 d:b4 20.dc3 bd2 21.dc3 b:d2 22.e:c3 ed4 23.c:e5 ef6 24.e:g5 f:f6 x
S. Pupkin

1.cd4 2.fe5 d:f4 3.e:g5 h:f4 4.g:g5 ef6 5.g:e7 d:f6 6.de5 f:d4 7 dc3 d:b2 8.c:c5 x
Gorbacheva Vera - Fomin A. ( Moscow, Sokolniki Park, March, of 8 , 2025 )

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FOMIN wrote: ↑Sun Feb 02, 2025 20:00
N.Toropov , 1977

ab6, bc7, c:g5, bc3, cd4, d:h6 ef2, he3, cd2 x
Arranged by A. Fomin

Addition to N.Toropov's idea :

1.bc7 bd6 A 2.ce7 dh4 3.hg3 4.ab8 5.b:h6 ef2 6.he3 7.cd2 x
A 1...d:d4 2.gh6 3.h:b4:e1 x
- Posts: 494
- Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
- Real name: ANDREW
by FOMIN » Mon Mar 10, 2025 18:40
A.Fomin - Ashot Tundravelian

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Whites won.
S. Maltsev: received by the editorial board of "64" on September 29, 1975 for publication (taken by the author of these lines from the notebook of A. Fedoruk in 1981)

b2, ef4, etc. x