f4 , f2, f8 g3, b4 h2, a5 c5, d2 cd4 A , dc3 de3, ae1 hg1, ef2 ed2, bc3, a:e1 x
A (g1 ), de3 , bc3, a:c3 x
Processing by A. Fomin
dc7, d6, f2, h6, a7 x
A. Fomin (variation of author problem from the 18-th All-Soviet Union Contest 1981)
de3, ab6, ed2, c7, ed4, b8, h2, a3 x
A. Fomin (18th All-Soviet union contest,, 1981)
de3, gf6, ed2, c7 , d4, b8, h2 , f8 x
A. Mazyatis and A. Fomin ....................... S. Pupkin.....................................A.Fomin.......................
fg7, e7 b8:d6, a5, c5, ae5 b6, f6 c5, g7 d4, h8 e3 , - E. van Embden 1785 c3 f2, d4 e1, f2 , f4 x
1.fg7 2.de7 3.b:d6 4.bc7 5.cd6 6.d:b4 7.hg7 8.bc5 9.a:g7x
.... ...A. Fomin......