Calender 2005 for section 64 (Russian-Brazilian)

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Posts: 2132
Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 16:43
Real name: Alexander Presman
Location: the Netherlands

Calender 2005 for section 64 (Russian-Brazilian)

Post by A.Presman » Fri Dec 17, 2004 22:55

Section 64

Calendar plan of competitions 2005

Competition City County From To

World championship

1. World championship veteranen 50+ Braunshausen Germany 06.02 12.02
2. World championship juniors, cadets, minicadets, girls 1986-
Sankt-Petersburg Russia 17.04 27.04
3. World championship women Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine 27.06 09.07
4. World championship men Orel Russia 10.07 22.07

European championship

1. European team championship Evpatoria Ukraine 18.06 25.06
2. European championship juniors, cadets, minicadets, girls 1986-
Mlawa Poland 20.08 28.08
3. European championship veteranen 50+ Evpatoria Ukraine 06.09 16.09
4. European championship youths 1982- Evpatoria Ukraine 06.09 16.09

International tournament FMJD

1. Int. childish team tournament Moscow Russia 03.01 08.01
“Golden Dame�
2. Int. tournament memory I.Urich Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine 05
3. Int. tournament “Krym-2005� Evpatoria Ukraine 18.06 25.06
4. Int. tournament “White Nights� Sankt-Petersburg Russia 17.07 26.07
5. Int. tournament memory Ya.Tshapitshev Simferopol Ukraine 04.08 13.08
6. Int. tournament memory V.Sokov Sankt-Petersburg Russia 04.12 11.12

Translation page1 letter Sektion 64 ¹53 14.11.2004

Director tournaments 64 A.Leman


Post by Guest » Sat Dec 18, 2004 17:58

Is this calendar for brazilian, russian or ... others draughts?


Post by Guest » Sat Dec 18, 2004 18:00

for example:

World championship men Orel Russia 10.07 22.07

Is this championship in brazilian draughts?

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