Ilya Astafyeu – Risha Icha
1.32-28 19-23 2.28x19 14x23 3.31-27 10-14 4.34-29 23x34 5.40x29 14-19 6.37-32 19-24
7.41-37 17-21 8.46-41 5-10
Black should play the strategy with the semifork. First he weakens white's left wing by changing pieces, then after white comes to center sqaure 28 again, black prepares the 20-25x24 exchange, switching to classics with wing control or to podkowa. A sample line: 8...21-26 9.32-28 18-22 10.27x18 12x32 11.37x28 13-18 12.41-37 9-13 13.45-40 16-21 14.40-34 18-22 15.28x17 11x22 16.38-32 7-12 17.32-28 12-18 18.28x17 21x12 19.37-32 6-11 20.32-28 11-17 21.42-38 5-10 22.38-32 13-19 23.43-38 20-25 24.29x20 15x24
9.44-40 20-25? 10.29x20 15x24 11.40-34 10-15 12.50-44 13-19 13.44-40 8-13 14.49-44 2-8 15.36-31 21-26 16.41-36 4-10 17.34-30 25x34 18.40x20 15x24 19.44-40 10-15 20.40-34 18-22 21.27x18 12x23 22.31-27 7-12 23.34-30 12-18 24.39-34 1-7 25.33-28 7-12 26.30-25 9-14?
Black should take wing control and not play 9-14, creating a weak piece at 15. 26...15-20! 27.25x14 9x20.
27.34-30 12-17?
Allowing a bomb shot. 28.27-21! 16x27 29.32x12 23x41 30.12x23 19x28 31.30x10 15x4 32.36-31 26x37 33.47x36 W+1
28.45-40? 17-21
Black can get an advantage by going to the graveyard, using tactics. 28...24-29! Threatening 17-22 followed by 29-33.
A) 29.37-31 26x37 30.42x31 14-20 31.25x14 19x10 32.28x19 13x24 33.30x19 18-22 34.27x18 29-33 35.38x29 8-13 36.19x8 3x45
B) 29.40-34 29x40 30.35x44 15-20! 31.44-40 (31.43-39 20-24 32.36-31 24x35 33.28-22 17x28 34.27-22 18x36 35.44-40 35x33 36.38x20 28-33 37.32-28 33x22) 31...26-31 32.37x26 17-21 33.26x17 11x33 34.38x29 23x45
29.27-22 18x27 30.37-31 26x37 31.42x22 11-17 32.22x11 6x17 33.36-31 3-9 34.31-27 24-29 35.40-34 29x40 36.35x44 15-20 37.27-22 20-24
Black can get an advantage because white loses control over <27>. 37...21-26 38.22x11 16x7 39.44-40 20-24 40.40-35 13-18 41.47-41 8-12 42.41-37 12-17 43.37-31 26x37 44.32x41 23x32 45.38x27 24-29 -/+
38.22x11 16x7 39.28-22 24x35 40.32-28 23x32 41.38x16 8-12 42.43-39 19-23 43.22-17 12x21 44.16x27 Draw.
Golden Prague 2015 & Czech draughts federation
Re: Golden Prague 2015 & Czech draughts federation
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