I have now finished several matches with Kingsrow playing at 1 Min/Game, and Damage with variable time settings.
Results are summarized in below table.
Code: Select all
Min/Game W L D ELO
2 16 3 139 29
4 14 5 139 20
8 25 2 131 51
10 30 3 125 60
Result from the perspective of Damage.
In Computer Chess several experiments indicate an ELO gain of 50 - 70 points for every doubling of speed.
Maybe the game of Draughts is different and/or we already are in the Diminishing region, remains an open question, for now.
At least in this case the gain is significant smaller, 60 ELO-points for a 10-fold speed increase.
If one assumes that for the ELO improvement the next formula can be applied (and for 1 Min/Game for both ELO difference is 0):
then for the case F = 10 and Delta ELO is 60 the Constant becomes 60.
With linear regression the value for Constant appears to be 56 ( R2 = 0.85 ).
Although statistics can be approved this seems to be an interesting result, as I expect that for longer search (such as 10 Min/Game - 100 Min/Game) we might see more diminishing returns.
I will do the test ( 1 Min/Game for Damage, and 10 Min/Game for KingsRow) to see if the Constant ( here 56), will be reproduced...
I'm very interested if (based on self play or other experiences) similar results have been observed int he past.