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Eric Sanders
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Re: Bewustzijnsfilosofie

Post by Eric Sanders » Fri Dec 03, 2010 17:41

Hanco Elenbaas wrote:In de beschrijving bij de Bill Osmunson video kun je lezen: "Fluoride has been proven since the 1920's to lower IQ at least 10-15 points."
Zozo. Bij een éénmalig gebruik van een homeopathische hoeveelheid fluoride zakt je IQ al minstens 10 punten, of minstens 15 punten. Of pas bij een gebruik over een langere periode van iets meer?
Kortom, een quote die zeer weinig zegt. Je kunt ook dood gaan aan teveel (bron)water drinken.
Hanco Elenbaas wrote:Ik ben al verschillende onderzoekjes tegengekomen waaruit bleek dat fluoride in tandpasta geen enkel positief effect had op het gebit. :(
Dan leert men bij de tandartsenopleiding de leerlingen onzin. Ik zal de volgende keer vragen waar ze dat vandaan heeft.

(Ik bestrijd overigens niet dat fluoride slecht zou zijn. Maar er bestaan nu eenmaal ook stoffen die zowel goede als slechte kanten hebben.)
Why does it happen? Because it happens. - Neil Peart

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Re: Bewustzijnsfilosofie

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Fri Dec 03, 2010 18:01

Dit is een aardige link Eric: ... and_iq.htm

Fluoride is alleen maar goed om mensen ziek en dommer te maken, dus the Sickness Industry doet uitstekende zaken.
Fluoride Linked to Low IQ, Studies Show

From Fluoride Action Network

Monday, August 25, 2003

Children's intelligence declines as their natural drinking water fluoride levels increase, concluded a Chinese study in the May 2003 journal, "Fluoride."

Children scored inferior IQ's even when fluoride levels were similar to that added to U.S. water supplies to prevent tooth decay(1).

"As the fluoride levels in drinking water increased, the IQ fell and the rates of mental retardation and borderline intelligence increased," write researchers Xiang, et al.

Tested were 512 children, aged 8-13 years from Wamiao, a high-fluoride village, and Xinhuai, a low-fluoride village. The high-fluoride village was divided into five subgroups by water fluoride levels, from 0.62 mg Fluoride per Liter to 4.38 mg F/L. As water fluoride levels increased within the high fluoride village, IQ decreased.

"When the data from the 512 children in the two villages were considered as a whole, a significant inverse correlation was found between IQ and the level of fluoride in urine," the researchers report. "These results are consistent with the findings recorded by Li at al.(3), Zhao et al.(4), and Lu et al.(5) of an inverse correlation between intelligence and dietary fluoride from either contaminated food or drinking water," they report.

Neither village experiences coal burning pollution nor do residents drink brick tea, two common fluoride sources in China. Children with brain disease or head injury history were excluded. Only water fluoride levels differed between the two rural, low-income villages situated in the same province (Jiangsu) and county. Neither blood lead levels(2) nor urinary iodine differed between the test groups. The authors also controlled for family income and parental education

Fluoride crosses the blood-brain barrier producing biochemical and functional impairment of the nervous system during the developmental periods of infancy and childhood, the authors report.

"...despite growing evidence of serious neurotoxicity for both fluoride and lead, U.S. safety standards for fluoride in water have been moving in the opposite direction to those for lead in blood. From a scientific standpoint, this is very difficult to understand or to justify," says organic chemist Albert Burgstahler, Ph.D., Editor, Fluoride(5a).

Chemistry Professor Paul Connett, Ph.D., presented (5b a paper ) and explained these and other fluoride adverse-effect studies, published since 1993, to the National Academy of Sciences' National Research Council (NRC) panel studying "Toxicologic Risk of Fluoride in Drinking Water"(6) on 8/12/03 The NRC will recommend safe levels of fluoride in drinking water

"Two neurological studies are particularly important," says Connett. "In 1995 Mullenix and colleagues(7) discovered fluoride gets into the brain, contrary to former beliefs. Then Varner and his team, in 1998,(8) found that even 1 part per million fluoride, the amount purposely added to U.S. water supplies, facilitated uptake of aluminum into rats' brains causing amyloid deposits similar to Alzheimer's patients," says Connett.

The American Dental Association (ADA), a union that represents dentists' interests, told the NRC panel "... the ADA urges the subcommittee to support retaining the current (1993) regulations...Since that time, there has been no published scientific evidence that should change those conclusions," according to the ADA news.(9)

"Contrary to the ADA's assurances of fluoridation's safety, the ADA is disregarding new adverse fluoride studies," says Attorney Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation. "The ADA can't be relied on by the media, legislators, health officials and the public about fluoride and fluoridation's safety or bodily effects," says Beeber.

Albert Burgstahler,,
Paul Connett,
Paul Beeber,

1) "Effect of Fluoride in Drinking Water on Children's Intelligence," Fluoride, Xiang et al., May 2003

2) "Blood Lead of Children in Wamiao-Xinhuai Intelligence Study," letter Fluoride Xiang et al, August 2003

3) Li et al., "Effect of excessive fluoride intake on mental work capacity of children and preliminary study of its mechanism," J West China University of Medical Sciences 1994; 25:188-9

4) Zhao LB, et al., "Effect of a high fluoride water supply on children's intelligence, Fluoride 1996;29:190-2

5) Lu Y. et al., Fluoride Vol. 33 No. 2 74-78 2000 "Effect of High-Fluoride Water on Intelligence in Children" (pdf file)

5a) Editorial, Fluoride Vol. 35 No. 2 79-81 2003, by Albert W. Burgstahler, Editor

5b) Paul Connett's presentation to the NRC

6) Toxicologic Risk of Fluoride in Drinking Water

7) Mullenix, PJ, et al, "Neurotoxicity of sodium fluoride in rats," Neurotoxicity and Teratology, 1995;17:169-72

8) Varner JA, et al., "Chronic administration of aluminum-fluoride or sodium-fluoride to rats in drinking water: alterations in neuronal and cerebrovascular integrity," Brain Res. 1998 Feb

(9) ADA NEWS, "Association urges NAS review panel to support current EPA fluoride practices, by Craig Palmer, posted August 14, 2003

Also See: Fluoride and the Brain - here or here

For more information, contact:

Paul Connett, PhD
Fluoride Action Network


Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children


Fluoride - no thank you!

Leading Cancer researcher opposes water fluoridation

Prominent Researcher apologizes

Avoid Fluoride

Evidence of Fraud in fluoridation

Fluoride in pesticides

Debunking the "experts"


posted by Sepp Hasslberger on Monday August 25 2003
updated on Friday December 3 2010

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Re: Bewustzijnsfilosofie

Post by Kosmos » Wed Dec 08, 2010 17:42

Dubbele-spleet-experiment en random number generators

Het mooiste experiment dat er ooit uitgevoerd is op het gebied van de natuurkunde, is het delayed choice quantum eraser double split experiment :D
In onderstaand filmpje wordt uitgeged hoe dit dubbele-spleet-experiment (nee, het heeft niks met seks te maken...) werkt. Het vergt enige studie om het te begrijpen...


Een bekende uitspraak over quantummechanica is: Als je niet in de war raakt van de quantumtheorie, heb je de quantumtheorie niet begrepen.
Waar het op neerkomt is dat een foton (of elektron of andere elemenatair deeltje) waarvan we kunnen weten langs welke weg hij gegaan is, een deeltjeskarakter aanneemt, terwijl als we niet kunnen weten welke weg het foton heeft afgelegd, het een golfpatroon aanneemt, wat blijkt uit het interferentiepatroon op het detectiescherm. Het geinige is dat de golf met zichzelf interfereert... Het is m.i. niet juist om te zeggen dat het deeltje door twee speleten teglijk gaat, want het is de informatiegolf die de spleten passeert, niet een deeltje.
Het fundamentele karakter van elementaire deeltjes is op het niveau van akasha, informatie.
Als we een beperking opleggen aan de wijze waarop de informatiegolf zich manifesteert, zal het zich als deeltje gedragen. Men zegt dan dat de golf instort. In plaats van alle mogelijke plaatsen (akasha) manifesteert zich 1 bepaalde positie in ruimte-tijd.
Mijn idee is om de akasha te zien als vijfde dimensie, die de 3 ruimte-dimensies en tijddimensie verbindt.
Het geinige is dat als het foton eerst gedetecteerd wordt en daarna zo gemanipuleerd, dat niet meer duidelijk is welke baan hij heeft afgelegd (zie filmpje), er toch weer interferentie optreedt met zichzelf. Ditzelfde effect treedt op als de informatie pas na het raken van het detectiescherm wordt gewist, want in de akasha-dimensie speelt tijd noch afstand een rol.

Het fenomeen dat bewustzijn invloed heeft op het resultaat van een natuurkunde-experiment is nogal een schok voor de menselijke geest. Ik moest er ook enorm aan wennen. In het begin voel je weerstand, omdat je de wereld heel anders beleeft in 4 dimensies dan in 5 dimensies. We zien de informatiedimensie niet.

Er is een ander fascinerend experiment dat (net als het dubbele-spleet-experiment) wordt behandeld in de populaire documentaire What the bleep do we know. In dit experiment speelt bewustzijn (dat zeggen de geleerden, misschien dus de informatie-dimensie) een cruciale rol. Omdat het een Amerikaanse docu betreft, is de kans dat zaken worden opgeblazen nogal groot (net als bij de NASA-presentatie van een nieuw oragnisme dat fosfor zou vervangen door arseen). Maar het verhaal wordt verteld door een geleerde die zelf werkt met zogenaamde Random Number Generators (RNG).
Het blijkt dat mensen het produceren van willekeurige reeksen nullen en enen kunnen beïnvloeden. Ze kunnen door wilskracht significant meer enen produceren of meer nullen, wat de opdracht maar is. Zelfs in een verhaal op Skepsis (over poldergeisten) las ik ooit (zo'n 10 jaar geleden) dat dit kon (het aantal nullen en enen beïnvloeden met wilskracht), hier was een zieke geest onderzocht met een RNG, en bij de opdracht produceer meer enen, produceerde de zieke geest significant meer nullen...
De RNG kan zelfs leren om mensen van elkaar te onderscheiden op basis van de geproduceerde reeksen getallen, zelfs als een enorme reeks getallen wordt geactiveerd met 1 muisklik. Hoe meer experimenten, hoe beter de RNG kan onderscheiden wie wie is.
Het meest idiote is dat RNG's die wereldwijd waren opgesteld en dag en nacht getallen uitbraakten, op gewone dagen een normale verdeling van enen en nullen produceren, maar op 9/11 afwijkende verdelingen en standaardafwijkingen lieten zien... Dit effect treedt ook op als de RNG in een kamer naast een kamer waar gemediteerd wordt (of op andere wijze mensen heel aandachtig ergens op letten), wordt opgesteld, de focus van het publiek is volgens de geleerden de reden dat de 50/50-kansen doorbroken worden.
Op Internet heb ik gezocht naar het onderzoek en het wordt in alle details beschreven. Het is bijna niet te geloven, zoiets...

Hier is een filmpje van dezelfde geleerde, Radin:

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Re: Bewustzijnsfilosofie

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Fri Dec 17, 2010 08:11

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Re: Bewustzijnsfilosofie

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Tue Feb 28, 2012 01:11

Wieger Wesselink
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Re: Bewustzijnsfilosofie

Post by Wieger Wesselink » Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:05

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Re: Bewustzijnsfilosofie

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Tue Mar 20, 2012 13:52

Een artikel dat als recensie geplaatst is op bij het nieuwe boek van David Icke, Remember Who You Are: Remember 'where' You Are and Where You 'come' from.

A Further Elucidation on this Subject

March 14, 2012

By L. Langeweg

You have been willing to take on the appearance and character of an animal body with a clever mind that belongs to the most feared race of predators known in this world. It would always morally make you feel dissatisfied with yourself at best, and thoroughly loath yourself at worst. In many cases you would be born in a dysfunctional environment which completely denigrated and mentally, emotionally and in some cases physically tortured you, making you feel so full of desperation that you as that animal would commit suicide, as many youngsters do. Or you would project your self-hatred onto others, acting it out in school shootings, and also in genocidal wars.

At best you would always live in fear of death, but suppress that fear -not even wanting to think about dying and death, although you knew you had it coming as that animal- and often long for forgetting your suffering, using external means as drugs and alcohol. You would feel separate and lonely, and try to alleviate that feeling by uniting with other bodies of similar animals who would also feel alone and bereft of a joy and pleasure they longed for just like you would. But it would never succeed in giving you lasting satisfaction. The hunger and thirst for it would soon return, and even though the bodies could join to a very limited and short extend, that would never give you the complete oneness you craved. You would not even know what the other was really thinking.

You would undergo many sufferings in the form of diseases, accidents, loss of loved ones, betrayals, attacks on your animal self and many other forms of mental, emotional and physical tortures. Compared to the state you enjoyed before you were born into this world this animal "life" does not deserve that name. You knew it would be more like a living death. And yet you came.

This is equally so for those who consider themselves to be the human "elite." They play the miserable role of being the epitome of selfishness and greed, believing that because they have amassed more material wealth and power, they have the right to lord it over the rest of humanity. Little do they know that also they are One Who gave Its Life for the little mortal self they experience being... and that as Such they have completely impoverished themselves compared to their original riches and power they enjoyed as the One they really are before taking on their mortal human appearance.

And yet knowing beforehand that you would experience all this suffering as a human animal, you also knew that you would be voluntarily cooperating in creating a new reality with new beings which would one day have your original true joy. Thus you would extend your original state to the thus created new beings. They would know that they are not the predators they experienced being, but instead are in reality the One Who was willing to die -by no longer enjoying your true Life and Self anymore- and suffer for them, as them. The end of this suffering and beginning of deep delicious peace and happiness would be enjoyed by you again when you would remember as them who you really are.

The majority of us still are not aware of Who their Identity is. Meaning that our Source Self is still unaware of being Source Self in the majority of us. In many It has some inkling about Its existence, but sees It as outside Its human self; some God somewhere "up there" to be adored. So we see Source Self as humans laying on Its human knees for Itself without being aware as those humans that It is adoring Itself as them.

But this state of affairs changes. Source Self is becoming aware of being Who It is in increasing numbers of us. It is beginning to awaken to Itself, as if waking up from a terrifying nightmare. Especially now that those in whom Source Self is beginning to recognize Itself are becoming known fast through the Internet. (Which is a reflexion -a materialization- in this world of our physically invisible interconnection. Source Self is connected to each one of us, and through It we are all connected to each other.)
Through the Internet, books and spiritual teachers, those awakening ones are attraction others in whom our Source Self is "ripe" to begin to recognize Itself also. This is increasing exponentially.

As the immortal deities we are we can experience our oneness with our Source Self -experiencing Being Source Self- as well as our unique individuation and expression. As well as oneness with each other, in a way incomparably more intimate and pleasurable than even physical sex ever could.

Very few of us are aware of this potential yet, let alone experience it already. Which is saying that Source Self is not aware of nor experiencing these possibilities yet in the majority of us. It's like a field slowly getting ripe for the harvest. But then the big party starts good.

In the mean time Source Self is creating more beings as Its extensions of Itself in human form through physical sex in this dreamlike virtual reality. The larger the harvest of souls becoming aware of Who they are, the merrier.

So Source Self is constantly "sending" Itself onto this virtual reality, experiencing being but a human animal, and then withdrawing Itself from this field, but now as immortal individuations of Itself.
These individuations -gods- will be creative forces continuing cooperating in this Divine plan even after no longer appearing physically on earth. Source Self is the Creator, and It continues to create as and through Its extensions. Who in turn give it their own unique expression.

Like snow flakes: all consist of the same substance -water- yet each one of them is a unique crystal like expression of it.

The "Back Stage" plan of our Source Self in which as individuations we all cooperate in is that eventually all humans on earth will realize their full potential. Which will result in a incomparably more joyous world.

In the mean time this suffering way is still chosen to let all the beings thus created know that there is nothing selfish about the Love of their Source Self; in other words, their true Love, the Love of Who they really are.

There is no way to know how pure your love is until you have given your live and given up all that made you happy for someone else. So Source Self did that -and is still doing that- with every birth into this world. Not that It doesn't know that Its Love is perfectly unselfish and has to test Itself to find out how Its Love is. It knows and loves Itself, and is in Heaven with Itself. Even perfectly altruistic Love must love Itself for What It is. But It also knows that we as new creations-extensions of It would not know that they are in truth the One who's Love is so unselfish that as It they would be willing to do all this to make others happy forever with this Self knowledge.

So it is not that our Source Self is inflicting suffering on others. It is that It is willing to inflict it on Itself and suffer it as we. Until as we it begins to realize -become aware of- this, which is the beginning of the end of suffering, and the start of whole new possibilities which only make happy beyond our current wildest dreams.

If this brings up associations with the story of God coming to earth in human disguise -knowing beforehand that it would mean the crucifixion and death, but also that going through it would eventually bring Heaven on Earth for countless beings- it is for a good reason: compared to the Heavenly Joy you sacrificed by taking on this human experience, this existence is the crucifixion and death in hell.

Beginning to remember Who you really are beyond your human disguise is the promised resurrection and ascension from death. It is the Truth that sets you free from all painful perceptions, correcting the errors in your holy mind, resulting in a happy dream of awakening to finally become fully aware of Who your true Being is, the One Who is making Itself appear here as you now. It is the end of the world as we have known it, the end of Heaven and Earth -God and man- as separate entities. It is the announced Second Coming, the realization of God as man coming to Himself.

You are the One Who gave your Life for the human as whom you are reading this now.
“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing... If you want to be slaves of the bankers, and pay the costs of your own slavery, then let the banks create money.”
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Re: Bewustzijnsfilosofie

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sat Apr 28, 2012 22:48

Over de Engelse magiërs Dr. John Dee (007, grondlegger Engelse Geheime Dienst, minnaar Elizabeth Tudor) en Sir Francis Bacon (bastaard zoon Elizabeth Tudor, King James bijbel, Shakespeare, Rozenkruisers, Vrijmetselarij) en de demonen die zij aanriepen, de macroben, djinns, die hen de weg wezen naar het laten ontstaan van de Verenigde Staten (New Atlantis) en het huidige computertijdperk.


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Re: Bewustzijnsfilosofie

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Wed Oct 03, 2012 17:31

Japans/Canadees/Franse documentaire uit 1994 over de grote bevrijding die de dood met zich meebrengt volgens het Tibetaans Dodenboek. Voor zijn animaties won Ishu Patel The British Academy Award. Gerpresenteerd door de Canadese dichter/zanger Leonard Cohen.

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing... If you want to be slaves of the bankers, and pay the costs of your own slavery, then let the banks create money.”
- Lord Josiah Stamp, former Director of the Bank of England

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Re: Bewustzijnsfilosofie

Post by Kosmos » Sun Oct 07, 2012 16:38

Hanco Elenbaas wrote:Japans/Canadees/Franse documentaire uit 1994 over de grote bevrijding die de dood met zich meebrengt volgens het Tibetaans Dodenboek. Voor zijn animaties won Ishu Patel The British Academy Award. Gerpresenteerd door de Canadese dichter/zanger Leonard Cohen.

Van zo;n film knapt een mens op.
Eindelijk eens iest anders dan het trieste westerse vermaak op TV: geweld, geweld, competitie en nog meer geweld (blééh).
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Re: Bewustzijnsfilosofie

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sun Jan 06, 2013 22:11

In bijgaande video het meest onthullende gesprek dat ik de afgelopen jaren gehoord heb. Dankzij de 'Gayssot Law' uit 1990 is de video verboden in Frankrijk.


Christopher Jon Bjerknes is kleinzoon van een befaamde joodse musicus uit Noorwegen.

Een paar quotes:
0:32:39 "I'll tell you what my mentor said about the nazis, maybe this was an oversimplification, but he said 'think of Charlie Chaplin and a bunch of jews putting on nazi uniforms and running up on the stage and starting to scream anti-Semitism'." "Well, to many people, that's exactly their impression of what Hitler was. He was a jew spewting an anti-Semite."
0:51:15 "Now in jewish law, in the book of Ezra and Nehemiah, it specifically states that jews are forbidden to marry non-jews, and that jews have to maintain their racial purity, or else they are violating the laws of god and polluting god's chosen people, and Julius Streicher, at the Nuremberg Trials stated that the Nuremberg laws were based upon those jewish laws and the jews in the zionist press welcomed those laws, and embraced them and thanked Hitler for enacting them."
0:53:38 "The zionist jews in Germany had been screaming since the 1920s that they were a foreign hostel nation within Germany, so your thesis is certainly true that this gave the zionist nazis the opportunity to tell the German people that 'we have foreign enemy which is hostel to us on our soil and we have to get them out', which is exactly what the zionist bankers wanted the German people to do."
0:54:11 And also, the famous zionist Theodor Herzl had always promised that those nations which expelled the jewish people, would profit from it."
0:55:33 "So, the relevant point is that this gave Hitler the opportunity to do for the Zionists what the Zionists wanted done, and it was also, Hitler needed the opportunity to begin a war to invade Poland where many, many jews resided, and also to invade Russia, Ukraine, Lihuania and other nations where there were large pools of jews who could be forced to Palestine, but only if Hitler were able to occupy the territories where they lived."
1:00:28 "Adolf Eichmann spoke yiddish. Eichmann was going back and forth to Palestine all the time." "And he repeatedly declared that he was a zionist."
Beantwoorden · .
1:04:00 "The Holocaust served many great psychological propaganda strategies for the top zionists, and you're probably aware of the book called The First Six Million, which you can find on the Internet. It's about how in 1919, early 20s, various jewish publications, including The New York Times, floated the idea that six million jews were dying in Germany, right after World War I. They quickly retracted from this, cause it obviously wasn't going to be apply."
1:18:25 "And another good historical precedent is Napoleon Bonaparte who viewed himself as the messiah, tried to take Palestine for the jews, emancipated jews all over Europe, and attacked Russia to free the jews of Russia, and when he did this, the jews began to assimilate, and then the jewish bankers turned against Napoleon and imprisoned him, and they did so at the instigation of religious jews in Russia, who preferred the persecution of the Czar to the emancipation of Napoleon."
1:37:30 Dietrich Bronder - Bevor Hitler Kam ( 2. erweiterte Auflage, 1975), p. 208:
"Selbst jüdischer Abkunft bzw. mit jüdischen Familien verwandt waren: der Führer und Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler), seine Stellvertreter, die Reichsminister Rudolf Heß und Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring; die Reichsleiter der NSDAP Gregor Strasser, Dr. Josef Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank und Heinrich Himmler; die Reichsminister von Ribbentrop (der mit dem berühmten Zionisten Chaim Weizmann), dem 1952 verstorbenen ersten Staatsoberhaupt von Israel, einst Brüderschaft getrunken hatte), Funk und von Keudell; die Gauleiter Globicznik(der Judenvernichter), Jordan und Wilhelm Kube; die hohen SS-Führer und z. T. in der Judenvernichtung tätigen Reinhard Heydrich, Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski und von Keudell II; die Bankiers und alten Förderer Hitlers vor 1933 Ritter von Stauß (Vizepräsident des NS-Reichstages) und von Stein; der Generalfeldmarschall und Staatssekretär Milch, der Unterstaatssekretär Gauß; die Physiker und Alt-Pg.'s Philipp von Lenard und Abraham Esau; der Uralt-Pg. Hanffstaengel (NS-Auslandspressechef) und Prof. Haushofer (s.S. 197).
2:00:30 - 2:08:00 Hitler knew where the NSDAP treasures were coming from. He had a nephew Patrick Hitler who blackmailed him with his jewish roots. General Hans Frank, Hitler's jewish personal lawyer, wrote shortly before his death in Nuremberg about Patrick and that Baron de Rothschild from Vienna fathered Alois Hitler-Schicklgruber. (David Gardner - Last of the Hitlers)
2:21:33 Bjerknes: "And I would like to reemphasize the fact that the nazi party was a communist party from its inception, in that nazi is a condensation of national-sozialist German workers party, the NSDAP. And that whole thing grew out of the Thule Gesellschaft and other crypto-jewish organizations that were trying to create an anti-Semitic party that would force jews into segregation and would help to establish a jewish homeland in Palestine."
2:22:06 on double agent Ignatius Trebitsch-Lincoln alias Moses Pinkeles (also see Eustace Mullins' New History of the Jews, p. 94).
2:26:20 "All of them say essentially the same thing, that Moses Pinkeles marched in the nazi marches, he provided them with funds, he bought the newspaper for Hitler, etc, etc, etc. They were the motive force behind the nazis. They created the nazi party, they created nazi party ideology, it mirrors exactly zionist ideology, and Theodor Herzl in his writings said that anti-Semites are our best friends, that we need only rely upon anti-Semites to fulfill all that we want done as Zionists."
2:27:10 "Moses Hess was a communist and he created national-sozialism and he was an associate of Karl Marx... And he predicted a race war and he predicted that jews would have to suffer in order to be reestablished in Palestine. And he was one of the ones who pushed very much the idea that the jewish people themselves would have to act as messiah, that they would be the ones..., it wouldn't be a singular king who would restore the jews to Palestine, ..."
“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing... If you want to be slaves of the bankers, and pay the costs of your own slavery, then let the banks create money.”
- Lord Josiah Stamp, former Director of the Bank of England

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Re: Bewustzijnsfilosofie

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sun Jan 06, 2013 23:00

De joodse onderzoeker Christopher Jon Bjerknes (van de geblokkeerde site Jewish heeft een bijna 3000 pagina's tellend boek samengesteld over hoe de kwaadaardige zionistische bankiers via de Eerste en Tweede Wereldoorlog de staat Israël tot stand brachten.

Dit kan gratis gedownload worden in pdf op ... fSupremacy

Bjerknes heeft ook twee boeken gepubliceerd over de plagiaatpleger Albert Einstein, nog te bestellen op ... s+einstein

De video van Jim Condit jr. over de (joodse) nazi-zionistische marionet Adolf Hitler is hier te bestellen of gratis te zien op YouTube:


De joodse chemicus (uitvinder anti-AIDS-vaccin!) en rechter Rabbi Marvin Antelman, die Henry Kissinger, Yitzhak Rabin en Shimon Peres geëxcommuniceerd heeft, schreef in zijn To Eliminate the Opiate, volume 2, over hoe Adolf Hitler verwekt werd, volgens de joodse onderzoeker Clifford Shack { http://just-another-inside-job.blogspot ... place.html } :
Thursday, 6 August 2009

Hitler's Secret Father and Birth Place

Did Adolph Hitler Have Two Fathers?

According to the evidence presented in the latest research that has been posted on the Internet in recent years, Adolph Hitler's father, Alois Hitler was the illegitimate son of Baron Salomon Meyer Rothschild, head of the Vienna branch of the famous bank.

It is known that Viennese police regularly hushed-up Rothschild's abuses with regard to the women in his employ.

Before the Nazis assassinated him, Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss managed to uncover the records that proved that Hitler's grandmother, Anna Maria Schicklgruber, was a servant in Rothschild's Vienna mansion. Her employment was terminated when she became pregnant, presumably through Baron Rothschild.

She returned to her home to Spital, Austria where she gave birth to her son, Alois Schicklgruber. Alois later changed his name to Hitler presumably to hide his origins.

Alois would marry Klara Polzl and go on to father Adolph Hitler or so the story goes.

One researcher disagrees with this version of Hitler's origin. One researcher is witness to evidence which sheds new light on the identity of Hitler's biological father.

Author, Rabbi and Dayan (Judge), Marvin S. Antelman, had received testimony during a court case in which he presided that Hitler's biological father was not Alois Hitler.

Antelman, author of "To Eliminate the Opiate, Volumes I & II", had learned through testimony, that Alois Hitler was not Adolph Hitler's father - but stepfather.

According to "To Eliminate the Opiate, Volume II", Hitler's parents, were both connected to the Frankist/Sabbatian movement based upon the teachings of Jacob Frank and Shabbatai Tzvi, both considered false Messiahs by mainstream Judaism.

Hitler's parents, according to Antelman, had participated in at least one of the movement's ceremonies. A ceremony that involved sex among its members. The ceremony occurred on a holiday known as Tisha B'Av or the ninth day of the month of Av.

In Judaism, "Tisha B'Av" is the darkest day on the Jewish calendar, commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples. The solemn day is observed by Jews as a day of fasting and prayer. However Frankists celebrated the day with joy and sex. The ninth of Av was the birthday of the movements founder Shabbetai Tzvi.

(According to the Talmud, the Messiah would be born on Tisha B'Av.)

Shabbetai Tzvi was thought to be the Messiah by the majority of the Jewish world in the seventeenth century. His popularity lasted about 18 years. The Frankist Sect, which was rooted in the messianic mission of Shabbetai Zvi (despite his conversion to Islam), celebrates the day of his birth with sex rituals involving incest and adultery.

According to Rabbi Antelman, Adolph Hitler was conceived, in Vienna, during a Frankist celebration of the Ninth of Av, which took place on July 20th, 1888. Adolph Hitler was born 9 months later on April 20th, 1889.

According to Antelman, Adolph Hitler's biological father participated in that ceremony of July 20th. Antelman identifies him as a wealthy "Hungarian" Jew who was born in 1861 and died on September 21, 1928. According to Rabbi Antelman the man died in New York City and his first name was Abraham.

Upon hearing the testimony, given under oath, Rabbi Antelman made a commitment not to reveal the family name of Hitler's biological father so as to prevent his descendants any embarrassment especially since one of Abraham X's descendents had become quite prominent within the American Orthodox Jewish community.

It was Hitler's step-father's biological father's relatives that secured Hitler the pivotal role he would play on the world stage. Revealing Abraham X's identity would accomplish nothing to our understanding of who Hitler was and how did he manage to wreak the havoc that he did. His Rothschild connection explains everything to one wise in the methods and goals of the Shabbatean/Frankist core of the Masonic Illuminati.
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Hanco Elenbaas
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Re: Bewustzijnsfilosofie

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Fri Feb 15, 2013 22:51

Binnenkort komt Petrus Romanus, de laatste paus, op de pausentroon, volgens de bijna 900 jaar oude profetieën van de heilig verklaarde Ierse aartsbisschop Malachy,

Rome zal volgens deze Saint Malachy tijdens het pausschap van Petrus Romanus verwoest worden. Dat doet denken aan wat in de Talmoed beweerd wordt in 'Josiah 60, Rabbi Abarbanel tot Daniel 7,13': "As soon as our King Messiah will declare himself, He will destroy Rome and make a wilderness of it. Thorns and weeds will grow in the Pope's palace. Then he will start a merciless war on non-Jews and will overpower them. He will slay them in masses, kill their kings and lay waste the whole Roman land. He will say to the Jews: "I am the King Messiah for whom you have been waiting. Take the silver and the gold from the goyim."

Dit Talmoed-citaat maakt enigszins duidelijk waarom de Joodse Messias (Moshiach) door Christenen Antichrist wordt genoemd. :wink: De Islamieten noemen deze figuur Dajjal.

Een gesprek met Dr. Thomas Horn en Dr. Cris Putnam, auteurs van een vorig jaar uitgebracht boek over Petrus Romanus, de laatste paus:


Als het allemaal uitkomt worden het hoogst verwarrende tijden voor zogenaamd "nuchtere" Nederlanders. :D Hier nog een promofilmpje van Horn & Putnam, voor hun in april verschijnende nieuwe boek, waarin ze laten zien dat het Vaticaan bezig is de komst voor te bereiden van een "buitenaardse" "Verlosser":


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