Nice summary of your tournament results. It seems to more or less confirm the results that I get between these programs. I like that you gave dam2.2 another 25% more time because it does not ponder during DamExchange matches. Pondering is a feature that I wish all programs had controls to turn on and off. To simply have it stuck on all the time is very intrusive, especially if you're using a single-core machine! Another problem with it, at least as it is implemented in truus and flits, is that the ponder search is displayed in the same window as the normal search, so you never really get a chance to look at (for example) the truus search results after it moves, because it immediately starts pondering which causes the search score and pv for the last move to be erased! This is the reason that the truus dxp server has a hard time adjudicating games, because it can only poll the search score until it sees that truus has moved, and by then it is too late. In kingsrow I created a separate window to display ponder searches so they don't interfere with the main search stats.
This is explained by the fact that 1) I played the games at 5 mins per game instead of 9, and 2) my computer is 2.4GHz compared to your 3.0GHz, so your games were effectively 2.25 times longer than mine. Longer searches makes for fewer mistakes and fewer decisive games.I noticed a difference with the Flits vs. Truus match played by Ed, more draws on my side.
-- Ed