Information and discussion
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Post by A.Presman » Wed Jul 09, 2003 21:19

Information received from
European Draughts Confederation
Office: Cukrowa 49/1, 71-004 Szczecin PL, tel +48 91 4358382, fax +48 91 4882288 e-mail edc@edc.org.pl


1. Tournament will be played in Amsterdam (Holland) from 12th till 19th of October 2003.
Opening 12th of October at 10.oo, Closing 19th of October at 16.oo
2. The tournament is only for players born on 31st of December 1953 or BEFORE !
3. The condition of participation is to send EDC application till 25th of August 2003.
4. There is no limits in applications from one federation!
5. Entrance fee is 40ˆ.
6. Time control is 2h on 50 moves + 1h on the rest of the game.
7. Tournament will be played in 9 round swiss system on rating (in case of large number of participants, main referee, in consultation with EDC and organisator, will have ability to increase number of rounds, but in any case amount of rounds won't be more than 3 rounds in two successive days).
8. In settling places decides FMJD rules applying to swiss system tournaments (barrages will not be played!).
9. The participants will play in the Activiteiten Centrum Ganzenhoef, Geldershoofd 80 phone +31 20 6995121 or +31 0614710196
10. Organizers secure full board and stay costs for one competitor from each federation. Other players have to pay all stay costs independently.
11. Hospitality information from organising committee:
Playing place: Activiteiten Centrum Ganzenhoef
Adres playing place: Geldershoofd 80
Telephone number: 020 - 6995121 or 06 147 101 96
When players arrive at the airport Amsterdam, than they can travel to Amsterdam Central Station with the train. From Amsterdam Central Station they take the Metro number 53 to Ganzenhoef.
For any question they can cal me 020-6995121 or 06 147 101 96 or they can send me an e-mail.
One player from each country has free housing. Other player pay 30 euro for the whole week. They will stay in a house with more players. If there are players who like to go to a hotel, than the price of the hotel is about 90 euro for two persons for one day.
Achfaaq Mohamedjoesoef achfa67@wxs.nl

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Wed Jul 16, 2003 09:33

A.Presman wrote:Information received from
European Draughts Confederation
Office: Cukrowa 49/1, 71-004 Szczecin PL, tel +48 91 4358382, fax +48 91 4882288 e-mail edc@edc.org.pl


1. Tournament will be played in Amsterdam (Holland) from 12th till 19th of October 2003.
Opening 12th of October at 10.oo, Closing 19th of October at 16.oo
2. The tournament is only for players born on 31st of December 1953 or BEFORE !
3. The condition of participation is to send EDC application till 25th of August 2003.
4. There is no limits in applications from one federation!
5. Entrance fee is 40 Euro.
6. Time control is 2h on 50 moves + 1h on the rest of the game.
7. Tournament will be played in 9 round swiss system on rating (in case of large number of participants, main referee, in consultation with EDC and organisator, will have ability to increase number of rounds, but in any case amount of rounds won't be more than 3 rounds in two successive days).
8. In settling places decides FMJD rules applying to swiss system tournaments (barrages will not be played!).
9. The participants will play in the Activiteiten Centrum Ganzenhoef, Geldershoofd 80 phone +31 20 6995121 or +31 0614710196
10. Organizers secure full board and stay costs for one competitor from each federation. Other players have to pay all stay costs independently.
11. Hospitality information from organising committee:
Playing place: Activiteiten Centrum Ganzenhoef
Adres playing place: Geldershoofd 80
Telephone number: 020 - 6995121 or 06 147 101 96
When players arrive at the airport Amsterdam, than they can travel to Amsterdam Central Station with the train. From Amsterdam Central Station they take the Metro number 53 to Ganzenhoef.
For any question they can cal me 020-6995121 or 06 147 101 96 or they can send me an e-mail.
One player from each country has free housing. Other player pay 30 euro for the whole week. They will stay in a house with more players. If there are players who like to go to a hotel, than the price of the hotel is about 90 euro for two persons for one day.
Achfaaq Mohamedjoesoef achfa67@wxs.nl
I think it's a big shame that this "tournament" is taking the place
of The Bijlmer Open.
In the first place it's impossible now for players born after 1953
to inscribe for the Bijlmertournament.
In the second place one can't win any prices in this tournament,
besides the not-really wanted title 'Nr. 1 Veteran of Europe'.
And while there's nothing to earn here, everyone has to pay 40 Euro
Now that there are no prices to win, it's clear that only weak players
will inscribe, so the chance is real big that it will be the last time that
we will see this 'Championship' in Amsterdam. A relieve...

In the Bijlmer Open one paid 10 Euro inscription fee and there were
4 moneyprices, 350, 250, 200 and 100 Euro. For this idiotic 'Veterans-
tournament' you pay 40 Euro inscriptionmoney and can't win a price...

In 2003 next to the Grandmaster and Youthgroup, there will be an
'Invitation' Mastergroup, but the main reason for this is this unwanted
'Veteranstournament' without prices. A kind of a Bobo and
Sponsor the FMJD with 40 Euro and you can win nothing but a foolish
title 'Veteran Champion of Europe'.

What is left from sport when there are no prices to win??
A touristcompetition for sponsors??

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Real name: Alexander Presman
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Post by A.Presman » Wed Jul 16, 2003 09:56

Some small remark -
it is not FMJD but EDC ( European draughts confederation ) tournament.
I don't think that organisation of the Veteran's championships can be commercial well sponsored event. Maybe only if one rich veteran would personally sponsor it.
I don't know if there are serious prices in veteran's competitions even in the big sports .

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Wed Jul 16, 2003 10:40

A.Presman wrote:Some small remark -
it is not FMJD but EDC ( European draughts confederation ) tournament.
I don't think that organisation of the Veteran's championships can be commercial well sponsored event. Maybe only if one rich veteran would personally sponsor it.
I don't know if there are serious prices in veteran's competitions even in the big sports .
Prices in Draughts never are serious, but no prices at all is an insult.
In every sport it is an insult.
If you can't find a sponsor, you should not organize, it's simple like that.
It means we're back in the 1940's again.
And for what pay 40 Euro inscriptionfee?? For holidays Board EDC?

Jacques PERMAL
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Not obvious !!

Post by Jacques PERMAL » Wed Jul 16, 2003 11:37

Hello Hanco !

I think it is not obvious to find systematically sponsors to help organizers.
Perhaps the inscriptions fees will be used to compensate all expenses of organistion committee. If this committee increases fees, will be there a lot of competitors ?

best regards.

PS : I ask a question about Schwarzman-Stolarov match. Perhaps you could help me. See Russian championship topic.
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Wed Jul 16, 2003 13:43

Jacques PERMAL wrote:Hello Hanco !

I think it is not obvious to find systematically sponsors to help organizers.
Perhaps the inscriptions fees will be used to compensate all expenses of organistion committee. If this committee increases fees, will be there a lot of competitors ?

best regards.

PS : I ask a question about Schwarzman-Stolarov match. Perhaps you could help me. See Russian championship topic.
Hi Jacques!
I have no idea how many competitors there are comin' to Amsterdam.
The organizationcommittee is led by Achfaaq Mohamedjoesoef,
who is sponsored mainly by the City of Amsterdam, but also by some
companies, for the 7th Bijlmertournament.
Achfaaq in the Veterans Championship is assisted by Jazek Pawlicki.

I'll take a look at this Schwarzman-game!

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Wed Aug 06, 2003 00:49

I heard that Fred Ivens, Frank Teer and Aart Walraven are going
to play this tournament. So maybe I'm gonna join them, although I'm
not sure yet.
Maybe it's nice to be the youngest of the old men!
Jacques, are you also planning to join us or are you younger than 50?

Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Wed Aug 06, 2003 19:15

Hello Hanco,

I was born in May 1969. I am too young to be considered as a veteran.

Sorry !!

When were you born Hanco and Alexander ?

Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

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Post by A.Presman » Wed Aug 06, 2003 20:31

October 1964.
So I have also still some time to prepare myself for XIII th European Veteran Championship [img]images/smilies/icon_smile.gif[/img]

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Wed Aug 06, 2003 21:59

I was born march 1953.
In my team Hiltex 2, are playing Hans van den Heuvel, born february 1953,
Hugo Schut, april 1953
and Frans Groot, december 1953.
Harm Wiersma was born may 1953.
Other good players from 1953 are Ben Smeenk, Jeroen Goudt and
Frank Drost.
Most possibly I forgot or oversaw some others.
Do you know more?

I think Gérard Sallaberry, ex- president of French Draughts Federation
was from 1953. True??

Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Wed Aug 06, 2003 22:16

Hello Hanco,

I will ask this question about G. Sallaberry in Nicolas GUIBERT forum.

So you are a mid-century !!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations !! [img]images/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/img] [img]images/smilies/icon_smile.gif[/img] [img]images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Aug 07, 2003 17:41

Jacques PERMAL wrote:Hello Hanco,

I will ask this question about G. Sallaberry in Nicolas GUIBERT forum.

So you are a mid-century !!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations !!
Merci Jacques!
In 'Les 50 championnats de France depuis 1938'
I found that Gérard Sallaberry was born in 1947.
So he's older than I thought.
Is Gérard still playing Draughts?
I never see his name anymore.

Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Fri Aug 08, 2003 10:29

Friend Hanco,

G. SALLABERY is not yet a competitor. And I wonder if he is still in life.
I will ask to frenchies counterparts.
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Sun Aug 31, 2003 09:45

Hello Hanco,

I saw your name in the list of likely competitors in EDC site ( European Veteran championship). Will you really participate ?

Thanks !!
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!


Post by Guest » Tue Sep 02, 2003 18:46

Hello Jacques,

I'm not sure yet, because there are other possibilities, like seeing Ton Sijbrands play in the 7th Bijlmertournament against Tsjizjov, Kees Thijssen, Hans Jansen, Samb, Ndjofang.
Lots of possibilities, but we'll see, maybe I play, strong competitors in the veteranschampionship, maybe also Slava Sjtsjogoljev from Moscow, former Worldchampion.

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