JACEK PAWLICKI new president FMJD??

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Hanco Elenbaas
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JACEK PAWLICKI new president FMJD??

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sun Aug 03, 2003 23:52

Is the rumour on Dutch Damwebforum true, that
Jacek Pawlicki is appointed as temporary President
from the FMJD??
It would be a catastrophe, the man showed to be
incompetent in the recent EDC-affair.


Post by Alkand » Mon Aug 04, 2003 10:32

Hi Hanco!

Let's develop your idea.

1. Because Belorussia can change decisions of EDC, so let's Belorussians will take all FMJD and EDC board's posts.

2. Let's abolish sport's selection for tournaments. Ok. Everybody who want play in World final tournament - welcome! It's will really democratic!

3. Every country can establish a few draughts federations and send players from them to any tournaments.

4 More ideas?


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Post by A.Presman » Mon Aug 04, 2003 15:39

To be short (different consultations are still going on and the more information will be present tonight)
Sunday, August 4 the former President of the FMJD Mr. W. van Beek signed the letter about laying down his task of the President of the FMJD.

This means there is a positive development and we hope to get other problems also solved soon.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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The Big Pawlicki is not The Big Bopper

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Mon Aug 04, 2003 17:32

Alkand wrote:Hi Hanco!

Let's develop your idea.

1. Because Belorussia can change decisions of EDC,
so let's Belorussians will take all FMJD and EDC board's posts.

2. Let's abolish sport's selection for tournaments. Ok.
Everybody who want play in World final tournament - welcome!
It's will really democratic!

3. Every country can establish a few draughts federations and send
players from them to any tournaments.

4. More ideas?


Hello Alexandr!

You don't understand my point of view concerning this man
Jacek Pawlicki Image who of course is completely incompetent,
unfortunately, to function as President of the EDC, leave alone FMJD.

Pawlicki made a deal with Achfaaq Mohamedjoesoef to cancel the Open
Mastergroup from the Bijlmertournament and replace it by the 'European
Championship for Veterans'. A tragic development, because lots of
Draughtsplayers born after 1953 cannot play the Bijlmertournament
When I wrote to Pawlicki to ask what prices there are to be earned in his
Veteranschampionship he wrote back that he didn't know. He wrote I had
to contact Achfaaq. So I wrote to Achfaaq.
Achfaaq wrote back that I had to contact Pawlicki for these kind of
So, I wrote back to Pawlicki again and the result was that I received the
answer that there are no prices. Funny.
According to Pawlicki and Mohamedjoesoef it is normal not to give prices
in Veterans Championships. But Pawlicki do think it is normal to pay 40 $
inscriptionfee for his tournament! On my question why 40 $ Achfaaqs
answer strange enough was 'I don't know, I only have to collect the
money and hand it over to Pawlicki'. Image

So first we send away Van Beek and now we replace him by Pawlicki?
Pawlicki who is incapable of finding sponsors and besides that wants to
have free holidays during all the tournaments he's organizing?
Forget it!
The most important question for Pawlicki Image seems to be:
"what is in it for me, The Big Pawlicki?",
while I think a good Draughts official in the first place has to work for

Now, more information. On Damwebforum Dick Hendriksen, one of the
organizers of the tournament in Salou, Spain, published some facts
about this Pawlicki. Hendriksen:

*Pawlicki in his e-mails always in an ordering way talks on behalf of
the whole board of the EDC. Even when the other members of the
board do not know anything about it. Or sometimes the other members
of the board of the EDC do not even exist!!
For example, according to the information of the EDC, Alexander Presman
was Vice-President for more than three years, but Presman did not even
know that all these three years...
*When writing to Pawlicki about the organisation of tournaments Pawlicki
in the first place is looking for solutions for his own problems and only
after that the real questions can be discussed.
In 2002, while organizing the Confederation Cup tournament in Salou the
first and most important question for Pawlicki was if he had a free
hotelroom during the tournament.
*Another thing: in official tournaments all inscriptionfees have to be
transferred to the Treasurer from the EDC. However, the board from the
EDC consists of a president and two vice-presidents...
Pawlicki himself besides president also plays the role of secretary and
Very carefully expressed I am convinced that the control of the
moneycircuits within the EDC and/or the money that circulates within the
several tournaments is questionable and completely below standards.

So, let's get rid of this Pawlicki - long live Irina Paskevitsh."

So far Dick Hendriksen.
As to the complications of two Russian Draughts Federations and the way
Belarussian Draughts Federation handled the difficulties, I cannot
explain the situation better than Alexandr Presman already did before
in: http://fmjd.org/bb/viewtopic.php?t=175

It is always funny how different accents can be put in the same matter.

Maybe not everybody knows that 1 april 2003 in Moscow the document
has been signed ( I have only russian version of it ) by both russian
federations, W. van Beek ( that time President of the FMJD ) and
A.Yatsenko ( Vice-President FMJD) where was mentioned that:

- the official position of Russian sport ministry is that it can be just one
draughts federation in Russia
- both federations declared their will to create the joined federation
- from the moment of signing of this document the FMJD declares that the
winners of both youth championships of Russia will be admitted in the
World championship Youth.

So EDC has ( if it wants ) very clear reason to admit both Russian teams
to play in the European championship in Minsk. It is an absurd if the FMJD
do allow both russian champions to play in the WCh and then one of them
is not allowed to play in the ECh. EDC is still a part of the FMJD - isnt'it?
So who is the creator of the anarchy and problems if not the EDC self?

And about declaration European championship not to be the championship
but just a tournament.
There are some few thousands people for whom this championship is
interesting and important.
Almost 200 players, their trainers, parents, federations, sport and general
schools, relatives, press etc.
Let say 10.000 people.
How many of them are interested that this tournament remains European
championship even if the list of player is a little different from the list
made by EDC? (And there is still clear and for me right motivation of the
Belarussian draughts federation)
I guess 9.990
Unfortunately among the 10 is Mr. Pawlicky from the position of personal
ambitions (not enaugh respect to his personal decision) thinks that
tournament has to loose his status. I ask myself if he represents by this
way interests of European draughts players?
And I heard that he is trying to contact local Sport Ministry to push his
idea there. The one who knows how fragile is the state's support of
draughts in countries where it still exists can understand how harmful is
such an action for draughts in general.

So the question Eleonora asks Irina would be exactly addressed to Mr. Pawlicky.

But anyhow, you can hear it almost from everybody (for exact numbers
see above) - "why should children suffer from the mistakes of adults"?
Especially when there is not even a real reason for it.

P.S. Italian draughts federation on 17 May during the GA has voted for the
recognition of two Russian federations. Isn't it? I don't want to judge - the
question is very complicated. I just say that if you vote for recognition of
two federations - please be consequent..
Alexander Presman

I'm sorry Sasha, I wish I could write better things about Pawlicki, Image
it would indeed be better for our Draughtsworld.
But knowing these things about Pawlicki I can't say anything else
than that this man is incompetent for a job as President FMJD.
His shouting on his EDC website is tragically showing that the man
thinks that he is more important than Draughts is.
I hope you don't believe that Pawlicki is right? Or do you?

All the best Sasha, I hope everything's OK in Moscow, and if not, let's
hope that it will be OK soon! Nazdarovje!! Image
Last edited by Hanco Elenbaas on Tue Aug 05, 2003 04:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Hanco Elenbaas
Posts: 18872
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Belarussian point of view

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Mon Aug 04, 2003 19:14

Alkand wrote:Hi Hanco!

More ideas? [img]images/smilies/icon_question.gif[/img]

A little more on:

pieter hildering
Posts: 70
Joined: Mon May 26, 2003 16:51

Post by pieter hildering » Tue Aug 05, 2003 23:33

dear hanco and alexander,
time will solve problems and indeed there are many:
edc contra belarus
2 federations russia
future fmjd
jacek is temporary chairman of he fmjd board because of letter of mr.
van beek. on the next ga decissions will be made and it makes no
sence yet to believe that jacek will be the next chairman.
as it will be clear in the weeks to come we have to be patient at the
moment as we can not solve the first two items if we have not solved
the future of the fmjd.
at the moment patience is the word as work is in progress.

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