Keetman wrote about 5K vs 2K, 4K1M vs 2K and 3K2M vs 2K. At the end of the 5th article he writes that since the 3K2M vs 2K is almost completely a draw (except in some special circumstances), he didn't think doing the full 5v2 dbs would be interesting. He then writes that he had started the 4v3 computations a while ago but that it would take several months before he had anything to report. This was in June 2000.BertTuyt wrote:Rein, thanks for this overview.
Liked to read the history of DB's.
What i still want to understand:
February 1999-September 1999: Stef Keetman completes 5vs2 dbs (all kings, max 2 pieces for majority side).
June 2000: Stef Keetman announces that 4vs3 computations are under way. Magazine "Dammen" by Ton Sijbrands in which his series of articles were published stops shortly thereafter.
You wrote 5vs2 DBs (all kings, max 2 pieces for majority side), what do you exactly mean here, which DB's were actually generated?
Is there evidence in the articles that (partly) the 4vs3 were generated?
Last but not least, based on your overvriew and insight in history (and articles), do you think Stef generated all 7p DB's (maybe with the exception of the 6vs1 ), or "only" a subset.
The 4v3 endgames however, only become interesting with many men on the board, so he would have to do all the king heavy sub-dbs first. It seems reasonable to assume that he did complete the 4v3 computation (it must have been feasible or he wouldn't have started it), but it's hard to tell without any publications. Did you have any email exchange with him then about these topics?