News of Africa

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Piet Bouma
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Post by Piet Bouma » Mon Jun 01, 2009 21:54

With thanks to Oscar Lognon:


GUINEA the champion of Africa! ... =1353&jr=9 (page 2)

Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Jun 01, 2009 22:33

Relations between Africa & France are so strong !!

See victory of FLAUBERT NDONZI thru 2009 French rapide games (20 mn + 20 sec / move).

National title is for OSCAR LOGNON because he is first national in the tournament.

All results :

See also French youth championship :
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Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Tue Jun 02, 2009 23:47

Jacques PERMAL wrote:

Relations between Africa & France are so strong !!

See victory of FLAUBERT NDONZI thru 2009 French rapide games (20 mn + 20 sec / move).

National title is for OSCAR LOGNON because he is first national in the tournament.

All results :

See also French youth championship :
Games :

Cliquer ici for each round.

Pdn : ... rties.html
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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Wed Jun 03, 2009 00:53

Who will represent Africa during the world championships, Jacques?

I know Jean-Marc Ndjofang will go to Rio, but who else? Hopefully Ndiaga Samb will be there too?

Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Thu Jun 04, 2009 08:28

Hanco Elenbaas wrote:Who will represent Africa during the world championships, Jacques?

I know Jean-Marc Ndjofang will go to Rio, but who else? Hopefully Ndiaga Samb will be there too?

From 12th to 23 July 2009 : African championship ?

OSCAR LOGNON announces African championship in Gambia in July.
But sometimes -or often- competitions can't be held because of structures problems in Africa. Though Ivory-Coast is a solid federation now because of help of OSCAR LOGNON.
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Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Sun Jun 07, 2009 14:19

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Mon Jun 29, 2009 14:04


Abdoulaye DER is a free man again! Image

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Post by Vengaboy » Mon Jun 29, 2009 17:14

Hanco Elenbaas wrote:Image

Abdoulaye DER is a free man again! Image
haha mooie drugskoerier en mensensmokkelaar.

ooit nog lid van WVM voor 1 wedstrijd, hij won geloof ik , van wie toch ?
......door politie en dominee geweerd.....

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Mon Jun 29, 2009 19:49

Vengaboy wrote:
Hanco Elenbaas wrote:Image

Abdoulaye DER is a free man again! Image
haha mooie drugskoerier en mensensmokkelaar.

ooit nog lid van WVM voor 1 wedstrijd, hij won geloof ik , van wie toch ?

Hij zal graag weer voor jullie spelen, vermoed ik. Misschien kan hij tussendoor ook nog wat anders regelen. Image Der zal nu zijn lesje wel geleerd hebben. Italiaanse gevangenissen moeten bijna net zo erg zijn als de verschrikkelijke Franse, maar het kan zijn dat het voor zijn damtechniek vruchtbare jaren zijn geweest.

Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Sun Jul 12, 2009 09:14


Message du GMI Jean-Marc Ndjofang
en direct depuis BANJUL / la Gambie

" Salut mon cher ! Je suis bien arrivé, il y a quelques heures déjà à Banjul pour le 13ème championnat d'Afrique individuel. J'ai été accueilli chaleureusement par le Comité d`organisation et je suis bien installé à l'hôtel PARADISE SUITES HOTEL.

C'est un hôtel de haut standing . Je suis bien logé et satisfait des conditions d'hébergement... Je suis le premier arrivé sur les lieux, les autres pays commenceront à arriver demain et dimanche pour le reste. Les camerounais seront les derniers à débarquer mardi prochain soit 1 jour après le début officiel de la compétition, par AIR MAROC.
Mon frère, l'accès au net est gratuit au hall de la réception de l'hôtel si on a un pc avec WI-FI comme le mien d`où je t`écris ce mail.

On reste connecté pour les infos sur le championnat au jour le jour...
Bon vent ! A plus ... "

This week will be played African championship in Banjul. J.M. NDJOFANG arrived in Banjul and is happy because he was warmly welcomed. Players and referees will be lodged at PARADISE SUITES HOTEL. and they have unlimited WI-FI connection. Unfortunately camerounese players -from motherland- will arrive one day after beginning of contest.

Senegalese referee NDONGO FALL told me -during BELGIUM-SURINAME in Kortrijk- that he decided to not be the referee of continental championship. He is unhappy about end of continental championship for national teams won by Guinea. He said that few games -winner Guinea is not implicated- has been fixed by few players in Abidjan. He asked HENRI MACAUX to be in Banjul. But I don't know if french referee accepted it.
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Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Sun Jul 12, 2009 23:42


See what J.M. NDJOFANG wrote :

Participation surprise et remarquée du GMI sénégalais Macodou Ndiaye, 4 fois champion d'Afrique !

Il vient de débarquer à l'hôtel, lieu de la compétition à Banjul.
Il y aura donc vraissemblablement 4 GMI participant au championnat d'Afrique. Kougueu, Macodou Ndiaye, Ndjofang et Ndiaga Samb.
Tournoi relevé en perspective !

Je confirme l'arrivée ce jour de Souleymane Ba du Mali (le MI), des deux guinéens, Moussa Camara, des deux Burkinabés et de trois sénégalais.
L'ambiance s'anime et les choses sérieuses démarrent demain matin vers 10h, heure locale avec la cérémonie d'ouverture, puis dans l'après-midi début du tournoi proprement dit.

M. NDIAYE, M. CAMARA and S. BA are in Banjul. Arrrival of L. KOUOGUEU and N. SAMB is scheduled later.
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Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Jul 13, 2009 16:16

SENEGAL / Players in Banjul

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Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Jul 13, 2009 18:43 ... ampionship

A ten-day African draught championship tournament will kick off in Banjul today.

Twelve countries including the hosts Gambia will take in the championship that doubles as qualifiers for the World Draught Championship scheduled to take place in Brazil later this year. Other participating nations are Uganda, Nigeria, Cameroon, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mali, DR Congo, Guinea Conakry, Senegal and Mauritania.

One of the participating countries, Uganda, has arrived with at least 20 star players for the competition that runs from July 12 to July 25, at the Paradise Suite Hotel in Kololi. Ugandan team captain Frank Zziwa said his Ugandan draught stars are ready for the tournament, hinting that they have been undergoing serious training at Kampala Club ahead of the championship.

The nine top draught players from the Banjul tournament will be selected to represent Africa at the World Draught Championship in Brazil. The tournament in the South American country is fixed between October and November this year. Gambia’s minister for Youth and Sports, Mr Sheriff Gomez, is expected to preside over today’s opening ceremony.
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Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Tue Jul 14, 2009 13:54 ... 31562.html

Gambia - The African Draughts Confederation Championship and Draughts World Cup Qualifiers kicked-off in Banjul on Monday.

The championship, which is hosted by the Gambia National Draughts Association (GNDA), has brought together players from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, DR Congo, Guinea Conakry, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda and The Gambia.

Speaking at opening ceremony, the President of GNDA, Alhagie Momodou M. Dibba said the international tournament was the first of its kind to be hosted by The Gambia.

He also said nine champions would represent Africa in the World International Draughts Championship to be held in Sao Paolo, Brazil, from October 18 to November 10.

Kouogueu Kouomou Leopold of Cameroon, who is a Grand Master in the game and Africa’s number one, said that Gambia had saved the continent and their talents in the sport for her intervention on hosting the tournament.

“It’s with great sentiment that we share this lager family in the spirit of the sport because without this spirit, no one would have come here,” he said.

The four Grand Masters of Draughts in Africa would be competing in the 10-day championship. Kouogueu Kouomou Leopold of Cameroon is Africa’s best and he is ranked 21 in the world.

Ndiaga Samb and Macodou N’diaye of Senegal are number two and three in Africa and are ranked 26 and 28 in the world respectively, while Ndjofang Jean Marc of Cameroon is number four in Africa and 39 in the world rankings.
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Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Wed Jul 15, 2009 05:19

Un article du qutidien STADES -repris sur le site de M. NIANG- nous informe que neuf rondes auront lieu en présence d'une vingtaine de participants.

Swiss system
Nine rounds
Twenty players (three or four are en route to Banjul)
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