From the PGN standard:Wieger Wesselink wrote:* Moves can now have a 'Nag' annotation. This is adopted from PGN. It is an annotation like $1, $2, ... I don't know exactly what the purpose of it is, but in TurboDambase they are actually used.
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8.2.4: Movetext NAG (Numeric Annotation Glyph)
An NAG (Numeric Annotation Glyph) is a movetext element that is used to indicate a simple annotation in a language independent manner. An NAG is formed from a dollar sign ("$") with a non-negative decimal integer suffix. The non-negative integer must be from zero to 255 in value.
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NAG Interpretation
0 null annotation
1 good move (traditional "!")
2 poor move (traditional "?")
3 very good move (traditional "!!")
4 very poor move (traditional "??")
5 speculative move (traditional "!?")
6 questionable move (traditional "?!")
7 forced move (all others lose quickly)
8 singular move (no reasonable alternatives)
9 worst move