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Hanco Elenbaas
Posts: 18872
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Wed Apr 15, 2009 20:24

Eindstand 15de PanAm Sneldamkampioenschap

Code: Select all

No Name             Feder        Total    1      2      3      4      5      6      7    

1  Louis, Alix   (Hai)            11.0   5:2.0  2:2.0  6:1.0 11:2.0  3:1.0  7:1.0  8:2.0

2  Almanzar, Miguel  (Dom)        11.0   3:2.0  1:0.0 12:2.0  7:2.0  6:2.0  8:1.0  5:2.0

3  Batista Brandao, Joao  (Bra)   10.0   2:0.0  5:1.0 15:2.0  9:2.0  1:1.0  4:2.0  7:2.0

4  Sadiek, John  (Sur)            8.0   14:1.0 10:2.0 11:1.0  6:0.0  9:2.0  3:0.0 12:2.0

5  Chaves Nunes, Agnaldo (Bra)    8.0    1:0.0  3:1.0 14:2.0  8:1.0 13:2.0  6:2.0  2:0.0

6  Maughn, Dickson   (T&T)        7.0   15:2.0 13:2.0  1:1.0  4:2.0  2:0.0  5:0.0  9:0.0

7  Maria Silva, Jose  (Bra)       7.0   12:1.0  9:1.0  8:2.0  2:0.0 10:2.0  1:1.0  3:0.0

8  Kemnaad, Rinaldo  (Sur)        7.0   10:1.0 14:2.0  7:0.0  5:1.0 11:2.0  2:1.0  1:0.0

9  Orie, William   (Sur)          7.0   11:1.0  7:1.0 13:2.0  3:0.0  4:0.0  0:1.0  6:2.0

10 Peralta, Amaury  (Dom)         7.0    8:1.0  4:0.0  0:1.0 13:2.0  7:0.0 12:1.0 14:2.0

11 Charles, Andy  (T&T)           6.0    9:1.0 12:2.0  4:1.0  1:0.0  8:0.0 15:1.0  0:1.0

12 Bifolco, Humberto  (Bra)       5.0    7:1.0 11:0.0  2:0.0 15:2.0  0:1.0 10:1.0  4:0.0

13 Ramos, Mario  (Bra)            4.0    0:2.0  6:0.0  9:0.0 10:0.0  5:0.0 14:0.0 15:2.0

14 Foster, Rufus (T&T)            4.0    4:1.0  8:0.0  5:0.0  0:1.0 15:0.0 13:2.0 10:0.0

15 Marquita, Antonio  (Cur)       4.0    6:0.0  0:1.0  3:0.0 12:0.0 14:2.0 11:1.0 13:0.0
Last edited by Hanco Elenbaas on Thu Apr 16, 2009 22:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Apr 16, 2009 03:06

In de Dominicaanse Republiek wordt voornamelijk op de 144 velden gedamd. Maar tijdens het Curaçao Open 2001 speelde de op de 100 velden onervaren Leonardo Moreno zich tussen Nederlandse grootmeesters als Wieger Wesselink, Hein Meijer en Kees Thijssen. Miguel Angel Almanzar, bijgenaamd 'El Bronco' ('De Hardhandige'), zou nóg beter zijn dan Leonardo. In de eerste ronde versloeg El Bronco gelijk Dickson Maughn die op het WK 2005 nog Anatoli Gantwarg uitschakelde.

Suriname haalde 5 uit 3 in de eerste ronde, dus misschien naast drie Nederlanders ook drie Surinamers op het WK 2009...

Raoul Alias heeft zich bedacht en blijft toch nog president van de PADCF. Gisteren versloeg Raoul zijn landgenoot Antonio Marquita. Sneldamkampioen Alix Louis won van de Amerikaan Paul.

Uitslagen eerste ronde: ... und_1.html

Vanaf de tweede ronde, die om 19:00 uur Nederlandse tijd begint, hoopt Lélio Marcos drie partijen live te kunnen uitzenden, voorzien van commentaar en analyses van Harm Wiersma. Door providerproblemen lukte dat niet tijdens de eerste ronde.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:00

Lélio Marcos wrote:Mr. Gregory Solodukho is originally from Ukraine. From Charkov. He told me he is living in USA, New York, already 18 years. In the first round he lost by time. He never played before using Fischer System. so, after 50 moves, he thought that was not more control time !! The position was completely draw against Sadiek.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Apr 16, 2009 21:41

Enkele partijen uit de eerste ronde van de 15de PanAm staan met commentaar van Harm Wiersma op

<center>Miguel Angel Almanzar (Dom) - Dickson Maughn (T&T) 2-0
Eerste ronde 15de PanAm, 15 april 2009

<APPLET CODEBASE = "" CODE = "webdam.Viewer.class" NAME = "webdam" ARCHIVE ="webdam/Viewer.jar" WIDTH = 360 HEIGHT = 240 HSPACE = 0 VSPACE = 0 ALIGN = middle><PARAM NAME="options" VALUE="bgcolor: b0c0a0; notation:right]34291923322823323728141938321923281913244034101441371419464119233228233237280913413705103732101444401419423817222817112234300711504401073126202529202514322722312637111730241930352414193329193040351722352404093933091444391621454014203732212732212228332218163833131924130819433802084035192439340813383213193228121849430711363120252920152434291822281711222920251433291621353021272924273624131420433922283934283330252024342924302938303425203440201440441410445010055022052822424837[/damweb_position]
Harm Wiersma wrote: 1.34-29 19-23 2.32-28 23x32 3.37x28 14-19 4.38-32 19-23 5.28x19 13x24 6.40-34 10-14 7.41-37 14-19 8.46-41 19-23 9.32-28 23x32 10.37x28 09-13 11.41-37 05-10 12.37-32 10-14 13.44-40 14-19 14.42-38 17-22 15.28x17 11x22 16.34-30 07-11 17.50-44 01-07 18.31-26 20-25 19.29x20 25x14 20.32-27 22x31 21.26x37 11-17 22.30-24 19x30 23.35x24 14-19 24.33-29 19x30 25.40-35 17-22 26.35x24 04-09 27.39-33 09-14 28.44-39 16-21 29.45-40 14-20 30.37-32 21-27 31.32x21 22-28 32.33x22 18x16 33.38-33 13-19 34.24x13 08x19 35.43-38 02-08 36.40-35 19-24 37.39-34 08-13 38.38-32 13-19 39.32-28 12-18 40.49-43 07-11 41.36-31 20-25 42.29x20 15x24 43.34-29 18-22 44.28x17 11x22 45.29x20 25x14 46.33-29 16-21 47.35-30

Equal position playing now 3-8 or 3-9.

47...21-27 48.29-24 27x36 49.24x13 14-20 50.43-39 22-28 51.39-34 28-33 52.30-25 20-24 53.34-29 24-30?

[ Playing 53...33-39 54.29x20 39-44 get easier remise. ]

54.29x38 30-34 55.25-20 34-40 56.20-14 40-44 57.14-10 44-50?

[ Black must play 57...06-11! and after 58.10-04 11-17 59.48-43 17-22 60.43-39 44x42 61.47x38 03-09! and white can´t win because if 62.13-08 22-28 63.04x39 36-41 and it´s remise. ]

58.10-05! 50-22??

Big mistake ! Black must try 50-45.

59.05-28! 22x42 60.48x37 And now black will lose by oposition ! 2-0
Miguel Angel "El Bronco" Almanzar

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Apr 16, 2009 21:56


Raoul Alias - Antonio Marquita 2-0
Eerste ronde 15de PanAm

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Apr 16, 2009 22:09

Politiecommissaris Fabrice Maggiore en Frantz Forbin mogen dankzij Pieter Hildering gaan proberen het Frans-Antilliaanse eiland Guadeloupe naar een WK Dammen te brengen.

Fabrice Maggiore

Andy Charles - Fabrice Maggiore 1-1
15th Panamerican Championship (1), 15.4.2009

<APPLET CODEBASE = "" CODE = "webdam.Viewer.class" NAME = "webdam" ARCHIVE ="webdam/Viewer.jar" WIDTH = 360 HEIGHT = 240 HSPACE = 0 VSPACE = 0 ALIGN = middle><PARAM NAME="options" VALUE="bgcolor: b0c0a0; notation:right]3228182237321218312607123227223126371621383201074238212647421721343021273221261740341923281914233025232825141019332218273833051044401014423815203430192330251419251419105044101433292334402913183933081338322738334218232918122337320712413713184641091343390308494317224338111732272231362723283833061133221728413602073732283742311823393312174439232833221728454013184034081248421822271812234238071231261217363111163833[/damweb_position]

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Apr 16, 2009 22:16

Hoofdarbiter Hensley Rondei, ook secretaris van de PADCF, met zijn collega, internationaal
arbiter Édson Nogueira Duarte

Gregory Solodukho
Lélio Marcos wrote:Mr. Gregory Solodukho is originally from Ukraine. From Charkov. He told me he is living in USA, New York, already 18 years. In the first round he lost by time. He never played before using Fischer System. so, after 50 moves, he thought that was not more control time !! The position was completely draw against Sadiek.
Alix Louis

Joao Batista Brandao

Agnaldo Chaves Nunes

Frantz Forbin

William Orie

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Fri Apr 17, 2009 03:17

Uitslagen 2de ronde en stand: ... und_2.html

<center> Image

De koplopers John Sadiek (Suriname) en Miguel Angel Almanzar (Dominicaanse Republiek)

John Sadiek - Raoul Alias 2-0 (1:18-0:31)
2de ronde 15de PanAm)

<APPLET CODEBASE = "" CODE = "webdam.Viewer.class" NAME = "webdam" ARCHIVE ="webdam/Viewer.jar" WIDTH = 360 HEIGHT = 240 HSPACE = 0 VSPACE = 0 ALIGN = middle><PARAM NAME="options" VALUE="bgcolor: b0c0a0; notation:right]3228172228171221373207124137010734302025312625342617122140290712454011174034212635301721444019234035212732212617464117213832212632282332372806114137111743381722281712213832212732212617494314194338101438320410423819243019142348431520474110153228233237281823291813224137162138322126433805103731263732410207383207114137101437311419342919243934202529201524342909132920251450440309443914203934131932270813271813223127223136271924343011163019202419301721272221262218263118123137120737420701424830251621282221272231482633280914282226030129[/damweb_position]

Miguel Angel Almanzar - Andy Charles 2-0 (1:13 -1:10)
2de ronde 15de PanAm

<APPLET CODEBASE = "" CODE = "webdam.Viewer.class" NAME = "webdam" ARCHIVE ="webdam/Viewer.jar" WIDTH = 360 HEIGHT = 240 HSPACE = 0 VSPACE = 0 ALIGN = middle><PARAM NAME="options" VALUE="bgcolor: b0c0a0; notation:right]34291924403414194540192332282332372820252920251441371823281914234641121837320712413717215045010734292334402921263328111739330711443917222817112232281014281712213328051038331420373226374231202429201524312618222617221147411117413717214338101445401318403414203429202529202514393406113429111749432126433917213631141929231829331309183933081331270309353013193024193028231829333502083833081335301318302409133328040948431822281721124338091438331419242013182015192415101217332817222817243010041823042230352244[/damweb_position]

Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:31

White: Rinaldo Kemnaad 1 Time: 2:17

Black: Alix Louis 1 Time: 2:12

<APPLET CODEBASE = "" CODE = "webdam.Viewer.class" NAME = "webdam" ARCHIVE ="webdam/Viewer.jar" WIDTH = 380 HEIGHT = 280 HSPACE = 0 VSPACE = 0 ALIGN = middle><PARAM NAME="options" VALUE="bgcolor: b0c0a0; notation:right]3430202531272534393017214439212630251117403417213328152039331923281914232514101935301217302517222520223136270510201519244540131933281014383307124338121741361722281721123328061149431117373126374231172131260913261712214641081247422329342318294035293441371420272212172211160736312126312713183833030943380913373126374231242915242920312620242721040932270711484211162722162722311823353023433048192331272329423829344842243027223440262140453329303529243540211709143833010742371419242019242029404450394550373250451712[/damweb_position]
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

Jacques PERMAL
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:33

Ronde 2

White: Jose Maria Filho 1 Time: 1:29

Black: Fabrice Maggiore 1 Time: 1:13

<APPLET CODEBASE = "" CODE = "webdam.Viewer.class" NAME = "webdam" ARCHIVE ="webdam/Viewer.jar" WIDTH = 380 HEIGHT = 280 HSPACE = 0 VSPACE = 0 ALIGN = middle><PARAM NAME="options" VALUE="bgcolor: b0c0a0; notation:right]32281822373212184137071246410107312619232819142333282233391913244439182332282332382717222718122337322329342324303524201841370712393310144034051045400913433918235045141942381014494304094742020737311217312707122721162732211218211218074237142037320812363109143429233440290309322820242920152431271218272218272823192833311117[/damweb_position]
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:35


White: Pierre Ricardo 2 Time: 1:19

Black: Nelsen Angela 0 Time: 2:05

<APPLET CODEBASE = "" CODE = "webdam.Viewer.class" NAME = "webdam" ARCHIVE ="webdam/Viewer.jar" WIDTH = 380 HEIGHT = 280 HSPACE = 0 VSPACE = 0 ALIGN = middle><PARAM NAME="options" VALUE="bgcolor: b0c0a0; notation:right]33291924393314194439202529202514504415203228182337321218413707124641010731271015353017222817113136272025332815204035202441360510474107113933101534292534294011174439172136312126413602073934071143391420494304102722182731221117221116073631121834301014302507123127242933242029373126374231121739331420251409203324202940342940453415203126202443392429484229403544061139340812443911163933030833291721261712214237[/damweb_position]
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
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Post by Jacques PERMAL » Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:37


White: Frantz Forbin 2 Time: 1:43

Black: Rufus Foster 0 Time: 1:42

<APPLET CODEBASE = "" CODE = "webdam.Viewer.class" NAME = "webdam" ARCHIVE ="webdam/Viewer.jar" WIDTH = 380 HEIGHT = 280 HSPACE = 0 VSPACE = 0 ALIGN = middle><PARAM NAME="options" VALUE="bgcolor: b0c0a0; notation:right]3228192328191423373210143430141941370510464110143228233237281721403421264137111745400711373226374231010747422024504518234237172130252126342923344020152444401621403424303524193034293035393411164339071145403544494012173127172227181322281711223228081328172112363112173328162138320208393317222817211233280611312714202514092034302025302412182823081232281117403404104842101437320309423714202415091437312637324113191510140523141721271612171409051016111706[/damweb_position]
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sat Apr 18, 2009 07:29

El Bronco en John Sadiek kwamen remise overeen. Rinaldo Kemnaad achterhaalde de koplopers door Frantz Forbin van Guadeloupe te verslaan.

Rinaldo Kemnaad

Uitslagen, stand en partijen: ... und_3.html

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sat Apr 18, 2009 07:32

Frantz Forbin - Rinaldo Kemnaad 0-2 (2:00-1:42)
3de ronde 15de PanAm

<APPLET CODEBASE = "" CODE = "webdam.Viewer.class" NAME = "webdam" ARCHIVE ="webdam/Viewer.jar" WIDTH = 400 HEIGHT = 300 HSPACE = 0 VSPACE = 0 ALIGN = middle><PARAM NAME="options" VALUE="bgcolor: b0c0a0; notation:right]3228172131262024261712213732071241370107464118233631212631271218342923344020152441360712454010154034051034301520302510154440182350451318393402073429233440291823291812234339091349440409444007123731263742311217474224293324202939331420251409203324202948430309403429403544172128222126423711172211160727220611312707124339091436311218383308122217112233282233392812174439152039342024454014202721202521121807403507113127111635302435282219242217[/damweb_position]
Last edited by Hanco Elenbaas on Sat Apr 18, 2009 07:40, edited 1 time in total.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sat Apr 18, 2009 07:35

John Sadiek - Miguel Angel Almanzar 1-1 (1:06-1:09)
3de ronde 15de PanAm

<APPLET CODEBASE = "" CODE = "webdam.Viewer.class" NAME = "webdam" ARCHIVE ="webdam/Viewer.jar" WIDTH = 400 HEIGHT = 300 HSPACE = 0 VSPACE = 0 ALIGN = middle><PARAM NAME="options" VALUE="bgcolor: b0c0a0; notation:right]322818233329233237281722281711224137121829242029341207183732061146410207413707123933121744391923504414193328223339280106443915203933202431271014433905104943101537311420272218273212233238270817423819234034131931260913363124293324204045341520474120244136030848422429272229403544172826211627313311173934061138321116433804093329131844401722322722313627182227182312343012182924081340351923[/damweb_position]
Last edited by Hanco Elenbaas on Sat Apr 18, 2009 07:40, edited 1 time in total.

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