
Discussies over damsport (in het Nederlands)
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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:24

De Telegraaf, 8 november 2008

Big Brother


Het is de bedoeling van onze overheid dat over ongeveer twee jaar alle Nederlanders voorzien zullen zijn van een EPD, een Elektronisch Patiënten Dossier. Dat betekent dat alle zorgverleners in principe via hun computer inzage kunnen krijgen in de totale medische geschiedenis van iedere patiënt. Het zou de snelheid en de veiligheid van de medische zorg vergroten. Het is zeer de vraag of we daar blij mee moeten zijn.

In de geschiedenis van de mensheid heeft iedere overheid altijd getracht de absolute macht over haar onderdanen te verkrijgen. Aanvankelijk ging dat met bruut geweld. De overheid, de staat, de regering, de koning, de keizer of de dictator beschikte immers over een leger en was dus in staat burgers onder controle te houden. Later bleek een perfecte administratie in combinatie met militaire macht de wurggreep op de staatsburger vrijwel onontkoombaar te maken.

Een van de oudste bewijzen daarvan staat vermeld in de Bijbel. En wel bij de inleiding van het Kerstevangelie, dat tweeduizend jaar geleden geschreven is. Dat begint met de klassieke woorden: „En het geschiedde in die dagen dat er een bevel uitging vanwege keizer Augustus, dat het gehele rijk moest worden ingeschreven…” (Luc. 2 v1).

Toen nazi-Duitsland in 1940 ons land binnenviel, gebeurde exact hetzelfde. Iedere Nederlander kreeg een zogenaamd persoonsbewijs dat hij/zij altijd bij zich moest dragen. Op dat van de Joodse medeburgers stond een grote letter J gestempeld. Het was voor de Duitse bezetters een fluitje van een cent om alle Joodse burgers uit hun huizen te laten halen en op transport te stellen teneinde ze ten slotte massaal in Polen te kunnen vermoorden.

Dat kon alleen omdat de administratie van onze overheid zo perfect was. Vooral omdat de bevolkingsregisters toen al gebruikmaakten van de directe voorloper van de computer, nl. het elektromechanische ponskaartensysteem van Herman Hollerith. Hij was de grondlegger van IBM (International Business Machines), zoals bekend het grootste Amerikaanse bedrijf op het gebied van kantoormachines. Vandaar dat iedereen die bewust de Tweede Wereldoorlog heeft meegemaakt kopschuw is voor alle vormen van massale registratie. Die mensen weten ook dat het juist dit weekend zeventig jaar geleden is dat die ellende begon met de zogenaamde Reichskristallnacht. In de nacht van 9 op 10 november 1938 werden in Duitsland de ruiten van alle Joodse zaken, huizen en synagogen door de nazi’s kapotgeslagen en Joodse burgers mishandeld en vermoord. Het woord ’Kristallnacht’ slaat op de straten die toen bedekt waren met glasscherven.

Het Elektronisch Patiënten Dossier-plan is onze minister van Volksgezondheid Ab Klink echter zonder twijfel ingegeven door oprechte zorg voor onze gezondheid. Maar zoals velen van zijn voorgangers heeft hij geen medische kennis van zaken en moet hij het doen met de adviezen van zijn ambtenaren. Die zijn per definitie klassieke bureaucraten en managers, bezeten van de drang om alles controle te houden.

Thans heeft ieder huishouden een formulier gekregen. Dat kan je invullen als je niet in het EPD wenst opgenomen te worden.

Het staat vol van termen die voor de meeste mensen moeilijk te begrijpen zijn en het is maar geldig voor een persoon. Bestaat een huishouding uit meerdere personen, dan moet er voor al die anderen een extra formulier worden aangevraagd of via de computer worden gedownload. Voor kinderen moet dan tevens op het gemeentehuis een geboortebewijs worden aangevraagd. Dat alles kost moeite, tijd en geld. Informatie was te krijgen via het telefoonnummer 0900-2324342.

Ik belde en vroeg de overigens uiterst vriendelijke informatrice waarom de overheid het ons zo lastig maakte.
Met een verbijsterende openhartigheid antwoordde zij dat het inderdaad de bedoeling was om het ons zo moeilijk mogelijk te maken, opdat zo min mogelijk mensen zouden protesteren. Het EPD kon dan zonder tegenstand worden ingevoerd. Net zoals zo veel zaken ons met dwang door de strot zijn geduwd, bijvoorbeeld bijna alles rondom de EU. Het is een techniek die door iedere dictator bedacht zou kunnen worden.

Bovendien zijn de argumenten van Volksgezondheid niet steekhoudend. Ze berusten op de ideeën van moderne computerfanaten, die denken dat met digitale systemen alles beter, sneller, betrouwbaarder, veiliger, transparanter en efficiënter gaat. Het is het blinde geloof in een techniek die het karakter aanneemt van een religie met een aantal onaantastbare dogma’s. Als men daaraan twijfelt, dan wordt men een verdacht persoon, een digitale heiden, een ongelovige, die uit de gemeenschap van geloofsbroeders moet worden verstoten.

Maar vrij zeker zal blijken dat het EPD lekken gaat vertonen en dat de meest intieme privégegevens in verkeerde handen terecht kunnen komen. Het beveiligingsbedrijf Fox-IT uit Delft heeft daarvoor al in dit dagblad gewaarschuwd. Ook de meeste huisartsen hebben grote bedenkingen.

Het argument dat het EPD ook zo handig is bij ongevallen waar de patiënt niet meer in staat is om zelf informatie te verschaffen, gaat ook niet op. Vrijwel iedere arts met ervaring in traumatologie (gewondenzorg) weet dat met efficiënt lichamelijk, laboratoriumtechnisch en röntgenonderzoek de meeste diagnoses snel kunnen worden gesteld zonder dat daar een EPD bij aan te pas hoeft te komen. Bovendien is bekend dat elektronische gegevens vaak vol fouten staan die soms onmogelijk uit een bestand zijn te verwijderen.

Zo ontving ik kortgeleden een hilarische brief van een collega die wanhopig protesteerde bij de verzekeringsorganisatie Vektis dat al zijn gegevens verkeerd waren vermeld. Onder meer zijn leeftijd, jaartal van zijn artsexamen, registratienummer, sofinummer, geboortedatum. Zelfs zijn naam was fout gespeld. Tot nu toe is het hem niet gelukt enige correctie in die chaos aan te brengen.

In principe is het EPD weer een stap in de richting van een totalitaire staat waar de individuele burger geleidelijk aan iedere vorm van eigen identiteit en zelfbeschikking kwijtraakt. Het is het schrikbeeld dat zo ijzingwekkend beschreven is in de profetische roman van George Orwell, getiteld: ’1984’. Een toekomstige staat waarin iedere burger continu door de overheid wordt gecontroleerd via moderne elektronische hulpmiddelen. Dat alles onder de slagzin: „Big Brother is watching you”: Grote Broer houdt je in de gaten. Het is geen prettig idee om de in het privéleven zo vriendelijke Ab Klink in de huid van Grote Broer te zien kruipen…
Telegraaf, 15 november 2008



Vorige week stond op deze plaats een column over de brief die de minister van Volksgezondheid, dr. Ab Klink, aan alle huisadressen heeft gestuurd betreffende het Elektronisch Patiënten Dossier (EPD). De minister wil alle medische gegevens van alle Nederlanders in een elektronisch bestand opslaan. Om dit te bereiken is er een perfide beleid bedacht met de bedoeling zoveel mogelijk mensen om de tuin te leiden. Die column maakte een hoop reacties los.

Daarom lijkt het zinvol om nog eenmaal op het heilloze plan van de minister terug te komen. Temeer daar thans blijkt dat de minister op bedenkelijke wijze de gemiddelde Nederlander om de tuin leidt. Zoals bekend kan men via het bijgevoegde formulier laten weten niet met de massale registratie van medische gegevens mee te willen doen. Evenwel is er maar één formulier per huisadres beschikbaar. Voor alle andere huisgenoten moeten extra formulieren worden aan geschaft. Voor kinderen is bovendien nog een recent geboortebewijs nodig en voor volwassenen een identiteitsbewijs.

Dat kost geld, tijd en moeite. De meeste mensen hebben daar geen zin in en ondernemen dus geen actie. Zou dat niet de eigenlijke bedoeling van de minister zijn? Want dan geeft men stilzwijgend toestemming tot het beschikbaar stellen van zijn of haar medische gegevens. Bovendien is de tekst in een dermate moeilijk leesbare managementstaal opgesteld, dat velen helemaal niet begrijpen waar het om gaat.

De hele week belden of schreven lezers aan mij dat ze ’geen zin hadden met die nonsens mee te doen’. De brief van Klink en het bezwaarformulier had men daarom verscheurd of achteloos bij het oud papier gegooid. Telkens moest ik uitleggen dat ze daarmee dan juist meewerken aan de overheidsbemoeizucht. De minister of zijn bemoeizuchtige adviseurs moeten dit van tevoren geweten hebben. Dat maakt de verdenking op pure oplichting toch wel zeer aannemelijk.

Inmiddels wordt aan alle kanten duidelijk dat elektronische systemen voor de opslag van persoonlijke gegevens lang niet zo betrouwbaar en waterdicht zijn als de minister ons wil doen geloven. Dr. Ab Klink stelt dat misbruik van het EPD onmogelijk is. In de Tweede Kamer stelde hij dat gezondheidszorgers nooit inzage kunnen krijgen in iemands persoonlijke gegevens zonder diens expliciete toestemming. Maar iedereen weet dat dit niet waar is. Minister Ab Klink weet hoegenaamd niets van geneeskunde en laat zich volledig sturen door zijn ambtenaren en adviseurs, die in wezen de dienst uitmaken.

Hoe verraderlijk in het algemeen elektronische datasystemen zijn, vertelde mij een collega die een 34-jarige patiënte had. De jonge vrouw deed haar boodschappen altijd bij een supermarkt. Daar had ze een elektronische klantenpas of een bonuskaart van. Jarenlang kocht ze eens per maand daar ook haar maandverband. Ze werd ziek en bleek kanker te hebben. Ze werd geopereerd, waarbij onder meer haar baarmoeder werd verwijderd. Zodoende werd ze nooit meer ongesteld en het maandverband verdween dus van het boodschappenlijstje.

Enige maanden later kreeg ze van het levensmiddelenconcern een verrassingspakket opgestuurd met de felicitaties voor haar zwangerschap en een cadeautje voor de aanstaande baby. De computer had alles geregistreerd en concludeerde dat als een jonge vrouw van 34 jaar niet meer menstrueert, ze met zekerheid zwanger moet zijn. Een andere arts berekende dat hij met een praktijk van 2300 patiënten voor het omzetten van zijn medisch archief naar het EPD ongeveer 800 uur nodig zal hebben. Dat zijn dus twintig werkweken van veertig uur. Waar haalt de gemiddelde arts die tijd vandaan? En wie betaalt dat?

De Vereniging van Vrijgevestigde Psychiaters ’De Vrije Psych’ schreef op 12 november jl. dat Klinks EPD in wezen de opheffing van het medisch beroepsgeheim en de medische privacy betekent. Letterlijk schreven de psychiaters: ’Het is te hopen dat het EPD-project op de mestvaalt van de geschiedenis de plaats zal krijgen die het verdient: een miljoenen, patiëntenprivacy en beroepsgeheim verslindend nutteloos monster’. Bovendien dient het EPD de belangen van de it-branche en van de staat en via hen van de verzekeraars. Die kunnen daarmee de handelingen van de artsen naar willekeur beheersen en hen hun beroepsverantwoordelijkheid afnemen.

Ten slotte ontving ik een boek getiteld ’Spy Chips’ (Penguin Books, 2006, ISBN 1-5955-5020-8). Het is geschreven door Katherine Albrecht en Liz McIntyre. Het werd mij toegezonden door een hooggeleerde ingenieur die alles weet van computersystemen. De beide schrijfsters toonden aan hoe grote bedrijven als ook de overheid het streven van alle historische heersers en dictators via elektronica trachten te volmaken. Namelijk alles onder controle te krijgen. Uitvoerig wordt ingegaan op de wijze waarop de beide schrijfsters in de Verenigde Staten soortgelijke plannen als die van minister Klink reeds hebben ontmaskerd.

Het Amerikaanse ministerie van Volksgezondheid wilde iedereen van een kleine implanteerbare chip, de zogenaamde VeriChip, voorzien. Die werkte volgens het Radio Frequency Identification System. De eindconclusie is dat dit elektronische systeem in staat is ons privéleven te vernietigen, onze economie naar willekeur te veranderen en de poorten te openen voor alle vormen van aantasting van onze burgerlijke vrijheid.

Waarom is dr. Ab Klink niet de keurige, aardige en godvrezende socioloog gebleven die hij was voordat hij zich halsoverkop in de geneeskunde stortte als iemand die in een onbekende, diepe zee springt zonder een zwemvest aan te hebben?
“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing... If you want to be slaves of the bankers, and pay the costs of your own slavery, then let the banks create money.”
- Lord Josiah Stamp, former Director of the Bank of England

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Hanco Elenbaas
Posts: 18872
Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2003 14:49

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:43

Binnenkort worden we allemaal gechipt, gerobotiseerd, als het aan onze vrienden Ab Klink, Wouter Bos en Jan Peter Balkenende ligt. De Nederlandse burger verlangt naar het gemak van de RFID-chip, bleek uit een onderzoek uit 2007 van de Consumentenbond.

In een commentaar op het ironische YouTubefilmpje The Netherlands are beating the New World Order! schrijft een zekere joen400 een maand geleden: "Een vriend van me volgt een opleiding, omdat hij in een ziekenhuis wil gaan werken. Hij vertelde me, dat er in een studieboek van hem staat, dat over een paar jaar iedereen in Nederland geimplanteerd is met een chip die ze kunnen scannen. Op de chip staan persoonlijke gegevens en de medische geschiedenis van personen. De zogenaamde RFID chips. Google RFID chips, dan kom je er snel achter wat voor een gevaarlijke ontwikkeling dit is. Don't buy it! "

Ravage Digitaal, september 2007:

DEN HAAG, 27 september 2007 - Bijna tweederde van de Nederlanders weet niet wat een RFID-chip is. Meer dan de helft van de respondenten denkt dat deze technologie, die het mogelijk maakt producten, mensen en dieren draadloos en uniek te identificeren, het leven gemakkelijker gaat maken.


Dit blijkt uit een vandaag verschenen onderzoek, PDF BESTAND van de Consumentenbond, het Rathenau Instituut en ECP.NL naar de bekendheid en acceptatie van RFID in Nederland. Ondanks dat mensen de term RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) niet kennen, heerst een algemeen gevoel dat de ontwikkeling niet te stoppen is.

In het dagelijks leven wordt al volop gebruik gemaakt van een van de toepassingen voorzien van een RFID-chip. Denk aan het nieuwe paspoort, de OV chipcard en in toenemende mate de werknemerspas. De RFID-chip is de elektronische opvolger van de streepjescode. De chip kan worden gelezen en geschreven met een remote transceiver die met een antenne radiogolven zendt en ontvangt.

Meer dan de helft van de respondenten denkt dat deze technologie, die het mogelijk maakt producten, mensen en dieren draadloos en uniek te identificeren, het leven gemakkelijker gaat maken zoals bij het afrekenen in de supermarkt en in het openbaar vervoer. Ook verwacht men dat het kan helpen bij het bestrijden van de criminaliteit.

Een meerderheid vindt dat opsporingsinstanties pasfoto's/gelaatscans (56 procent) op de chip in het paspoort mogen raadplegen. Daarnaast ziet 80 procent van de consumenten de chip als een kans om af te komen van verschillende pasjes en kaarten die ze nu bij zich dragen. Beveiliging tegen misbruik staat daarbij voorop.

Naast de voordelen zien de respondenten ook nadelen. Men vreest dat fouten in het systeem moeilijk recht te zetten zijn. Daarnaast vertrouwt 37 procent er niet op dat de gegevens alleen gebruikt worden voor het doel waartoe ze worden verzameld. Met name het zorgvuldig en terughoudend omgaan met verzamelde persoonlijke gegevens door het bedrijfsleven wordt zeer klein geacht (50 procent).

In de toekomst zullen we steeds meer te maken krijgen met RFID toepassingen in de samenleving. Wil de technologie worden geaccepteerd, dan moet de burger weten waar hij mee te maken heeft en kunnen bedrijfsleven en overheid rekening houden met de behoefte en wensen van de gebruikers. De Consumentenbond heeft vrijdag een brief naar het RFID-platform Nederland gestuurd waarin wordt opgeroepen om RFID-chips bij de aankoop van producten standaard op 'uit' te zetten.
Enkele waarschuwende commentaren bij dit artikel:
Ravage Digitaal, september 2007

We leven in een "democratie", dus als de meerderheid in die Tweede Kamer vindt dat we allemaal gechipt moeten worden en jij en ik vinden van niet, dan komen we zonder meer in een lastige positie. Kunnen we straks zonder RFID-chip nog wel geld opnemen, mogen we nog wel werken en reizen, hebben we nog recht van bestaan in de ogen van Ab Klink, Wouter Bos en Jan Peter Balkenende?

Om de invoering van de chip te helpen vertragen heb ik bezwaar ingediend tegen de uitwisseling van medische gegevens via het landelijk Elektronisch Patiëntendossier van Ab Klink. Dat EPD is een belangrijke stap op weg naar het RFID-chippen van de Nederlandse bevolking.

Hoeveel Nederlanders bezwaar hebben aangetekend tegen het EPD is nog niet bekend gemaakt, maar ik ben bang dat dat hooguit 10% zal zijn.
Dat komt mede door het gebruik van de negatieve optie, die sinds jaar en dag een verwerpelijke methode is om zo groot mogelijke aantal medestanders te krijgen, zoals professor Smalhout al schreef in zijn hierbovenstaande column van 8 november. Maar belangrijker is dat onze medemensen er over het algemeen weinig bezwaar tegen hebben om gechipt te worden. Er is al een discotheek in Rotterdam waar mensen in de rij stonden om een "VIP"-chip te mogen laten inbouwen: ... tverkocht/

In Israël wordt op korte termijn de hele bevolking verplicht gechipt: ... 0922.lynkx

Het lijkt ongelofelijk dat juist een land waar nog velen met een nummer uit een concentratiekamp op hun onderarm rondlopen, nu met zo'n systeem komt. Maar ook de mensen in Israël worden op ingenieuze wijze dom gehouden via de media. Televisie is een geweldige uitvinding. De mensen zien avond aan avond alleen maar halvegaren aan zich voorbijtrekken. De bekende Nederlander met het hoogste IQ in een test eergisteravond haalde nog niet eens 130, terwijl bijvoorbeeld de satanist Isaac Bonewits al een IQ van 200 heeft en daarmee onder andere in de jaren zeventig de ghostwriter was voor de Amerikaanse Genocide Act en the Martial Law Act.

IBM was de grote registrator in Hitler-Duitsland, zie bijvoorbeeld:

IBM maakt al 85 jaar deel uit van de joodse Rockefeller groep. Na de Rothschilds staan de Rockefellers bovenaan in de zionistische piramide. IBM is tegenwoordig druk in de weer met de laatste RFID-ontwikkelingen:

In Israël heeft men blind vertrouwen in de goede bedoelingen van de zionistische weldoeners Rothschilds en Rockefellers. De meeste joden weten nog niet eens dat ze juist aan deze families hun Holocaust te wijten hebben. Een ezel stoot zich geen twee keer aan dezelfde steen, maar voor mensen is zelfs twee keer vaak niet genoeg. Huiveringwekkend.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2003 14:49

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sat Jan 31, 2009 06:26

Willem Middelkoop's NieuwsFlash, 30 december 2008

Waar is het geld heengegaan?
Shhhh, da’s geheim..

Bloomberg kon geen informatie krijgen over $2 biljoen steun die de Fed
inmiddels aan het Amerikaanse financiële systeem heeft gegeven. De
banken die de hulp hebben gekregen zijn ook niet erg spraakzaam.

It’s something any bank would demand to know before handing
out a loan: Where’s the money going?

But after receiving billions in aid from U.S. taxpayers, the nation’s
largest banks say they can’t track exactly how they’re spending
the money or they simply refuse to discuss it.

“We’ve lent some of it. We’ve not lent some of it. We’ve not given
any accounting of, ‘Here’s how we’re doing it,’” said Thomas
Kelly, a spokesman for JPMorgan Chase, which received $25 billion
in emergency bailout money. “We have not disclosed that to
the public. We’re declining to.”

The Associated Press contacted 21 banks that received at least
$1 billion in government money and asked four questions: How
much has been spent? What was it spent on? How much is being
held in savings, and what’s the plan for the rest?

None of the banks provided specific answers.

“We’re not providing dollar-in, dollar-out tracking,” said Barry
Koling, a spokesman for Atlanta, Ga.-based SunTrust Banks Inc.,
which got $3.5 billion in taxpayer dollars.
De aandeelhouders van The Federal Reserve System, de zogenaamde centrale bank van de USA met alleenrecht U.S. dollars te drukken, zijn sinds december 1913 particulieren (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, enz.) en niet het Amerikaanse volk. De hele operatie die door de media "kredietcrisis" (economische ijstijd?) wordt genoemd is weinig anders dan het volk plukken ten gunste van de aandeelhouders van de centrale bank. En boven The Fed staat de Rothschild Bank for International Settlements in Bazel.

David Icke schrijft op pagina 241 van zijn '...and the truth shall set you free' uit 1995:
"The world financial system and policies of boom and bust are controlled by just thirteen people - the members of the International Banking Commission in Geneva, which was set up by David Rockefeller on behalf of the Elite in 1972. The Commission is made up of two members each from the US Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the central banks of Germany, France and Switzerland, and one member each from the Netherlands, Austria and Scandinavia. It has its own intelligence agency known as Four-I, the International Intelligence Information Institute. This banking Elite is controlled by families like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers (Rockenfelders), Bilts and Goldbergs.

Connecting with the Commission is the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), also in Switzerland, the country at the centre of the Elite financial network. The BIS helps to coordinate the policies of the national central banks, like the United States Federal Reserve, the private banking cartel which decides the economic and interest rate policies of the United States, no matter what the puppet presidents and politicians think about it. The 'Fed' does not have board membership of the BIS, but it is the coordination that goes on unofficially that matters. The Federal Reserve sends representatives to all its meetings and subscribes to the shares of the BIS (Source: The United States Embassy, London). Most people in America don't even realise the Federal Reserve is a private organisation. They think (a) the government would not be stupid or corrupt enough to allow a private banking cartel to run a country (wrong!) or (b) that the word 'Federal' means that it must be part of the government (equally wrong).
Sinds 1995 is er veel veranderd. Over die International Banking Commission in Genève valt op Internet nauwelijks iets terug te vinden. De ECB is gekomen en China, India en Rusland zijn sterk gegroeid, maar de in 1930 door de Rothschilds opgerichte BIS staat nog stevig overeind in de schijnbaar onaantastbare Toren van Bazel.


Nout Wellink, president van De Nederlandsche Bank is veel invloedrijker dan men vermoedt. Hij is lid van de Board of Directors (Raad van Bestuur) van de BIS en van 2002 tot 2006 was hij zelfs voorzitter van deze Board of Directors. Dus Nout Wellink weet precies waar die twee biljoen dollar van de Amerikaanse belastingbetaler naar toegaat. Ik hoop ooit nog het Neurenbergproces tegen onder anderen Nout Wellink te mogen bijwonen.

Een instructief boek over hoe de Corporatocracy opereert is Confessions of an Economic Hitman door insider John Perkins. Waarom Nout Wellink niet tijdig ingreep in IJsland, terwijl hij uitstekend op de hoogte was van wat daar speelde, wordt duidelijk na het lezen van John Perkins' meer dan drie jaar oude boek.

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Hanco Elenbaas
Posts: 18872
Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2003 14:49

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Fri Feb 06, 2009 08:29

Hoe onwaarschijnlijker de feiten lijken, des te minder zijn de mensen geneigd ze te geloven. Liever nemen zij sprookjes met een hoog waarschijnlijkheidsgehalte voor waarheid aan, terwijl Mark Twain de goedgelovige mensen meerdere keren gewaarschuwd heeft: "Truth is stranger than Fiction, but that is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't."

Niet iedereen die (nog) niet veroordeeld is, is onschuldig. De echte criminelen worden zelden of nooit veroordeeld, omdat zij erin gespecialiseerd zijn anderen (werknemers of andere flunkeys) te laten opdraaien voor hun misdaden. Wat niet wegneemt dat er genoeg bewijsmateriaal voorhanden is dat aantoont dat het de (zionistische) Rothschilds en Rockefellers zijn die het meest verantwoordelijk waren voor de Holocaust. Als je het niet gelooft kun je bijvoorbeeld Benjamin Freedman, Eustace Mullins of G. Edward Griffin erop naslaan of beluisteren op YouTube, waarbij je je om te beginnen vooral moet concentreren op de rol van IG Farben in de Holocaust en de financiële support van dit Rothschild/Rockefeller kartel aan Adolf Hitler en handlangers.

Ook een aardige start om de feiten te achterhalen omtrent de Holocaust en wat daaraan voorafging, is, voordat je aan de geschiedenis van IG Farben begint: ... stions.cfm
Ten questions to the Zionists


by Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl ZT"L
Dean of Nitra Yeshiva and author of min hametzar

(Published by the author in 1948 and reprinted many times)

IS IT TRUE that in 1941 and again in 1942, the German Gestapo offered all European Jews transit to Spain, if they would relinquish all their property in Germany and Occupied France; on condition that:
a) none of the deportees travel from Spain to Palestine; and
b) all the deportees be transported from Spain to the USA or British colonies, and there to remain; with entry visas to be arranged by the Jews living there; and
c) $1000.00 ransom for each family to be furnished by the Agency, payable upon the arrival of the family at the Spanish border at the rate of 1000 families daily.

IS IT TRUE that the Zionist leaders in Switzerland and Turkey received this offer with the clear understanding that the exclusion of Palestine as a destination for the deportees was based on an agreement between the Gestapo and the Mufti.

IS IT TRUE that the answer of the Zionist leaders was negative, with the following comments:
a) ONLY Palestine would be considered as a destination for the deportees.
b) The European Jews must accede to suffering and death greater in measure than the other nations, in order that the victorious allies agree to a "Jewish State" at the end of the war.
c) No ransom will be paid

IS IT TRUE that this response to the Gestapo's offer was made with the full knowledge that the alternative to this offer was the gas chamber.

IS IT TRUE that in 1944, at the time of the Hungarian deportations, a similar offer was made, whereby all Hungarian Jewry could be saved.

IS IT TRUE that the same Zionist hierarchy again refused this offer (after the gas chambers had already taken a toll of millions).

IS IT TRUE that during the height of the killings in the war, 270 Members of the British Parliament proposed to evacuate 500,000 Jews from Europe, and resettle them in British colonies, as a part of diplomatic negotiations with Germany.

IS IT TRUE that this offer was rejected by the Zionist leaders with the observation "Only to Palestine!"

IS IT TRUE that the British government granted visas to 300 rabbis and their families to the Colony of Mauritius, with passage for the evacuees through Turkey. The "Jewish Agency" leaders sabotaged this plan with the observation that the plan was disloyal to Palestine, and the 300 rabbis and their families should be gassed.

IS IT TRUE that during the course of the negotiations mentioned above, Chaim Weitzman, the first "Jewish statesman" stated: "The most valuable part of the Jewish nation is already in Palestine, and those Jews living outside Palestine are not too important". Weitzman's cohort, Greenbaum, amplified this statement with the observation "One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe".

There are additional similar questions to be asked of these atheist degenerates known as "Jewish statesmen", but for the time being let them respond to the ten questions.

These Zionist "statesmen" with their great foresight, sought to bring an end two two-thousand years of Divinely ordained Jewish subservience and political tractability. With their offensive militancy, they fanned the fires of anti-Semitism in Europe, and succeeded in forging a bond of Jew-hatred between Nazi-Germany and the surrounding countries.

These are the "statesmen" who organized the irresponsible boycott against Germany in 1933. This boycott hurt Germany like a fly attacking an elephant - but it brought calamity upon the Jews of Europe. At a time when America and England were at peace with the mad-dog Hitler, the Zionist "statesmen" forsook the only plausible method of political amenability; and with their boycott incensed the leader of Germany to a frenzy. And then, after the bitterest episode in Jewish history, these Zionist "statesmen" lured the broken refugees in the DP camps to remain in hunger and deprivation, and to refuse relocation to any place but Palestine; only for the purpose of building their State.

The Zionist "statesmen" have incited and continue to incite an embittered Jewish youth to futile wars against world powers like England, and against masses of hundreds of millions of Arabs.


What may befall the Jewish inhabitants of Palestine, of the Arab crescent, Europe, or the USA; is of no concern to these Zionist leaders. The rising anti-Semitism in the Western World is the product of their "statesmanship".

Under the guise of "love of Israel", the Zionist "statesmen" seduced many Jews to replace devotion to the Torah and its Sages with devotion to the scoundrel who founded Zionism. It is of no little significance that Herzl originally sought conversion of the Jews as a solution to the problems of the Diaspora. When he realized that this was not acceptable to the Jewish masses, he contrived Zionism as a satisfactory alternative!

A look into history reveals that this very same type of "statesmen" opposed the call of Jeremiah the prophet to yield to the minions of Nebuchadnezzar at the destruction of the first Temple. Five centuries later, Rabbi Yochonon Ben Zakai appealed to the people to surrender to Titus the Roman to avoid bloodshed. The "statesmen" rejected this appeal, and the second Temple was destroyed by the Romans. --- And now for the past fifty years, the Zionist "statesmen" rebuff the leadership of our Sages; and continue in their policy of fomenting anti-Semitism. When will they stop?? Must every Jew in America also suffer?? - Even the Nazi monsters had more sense, and gave up their war before all Germany was destroyed. The Zionist "statesmen" ridicule the sacred oath which the Creator placed upon the Jews in the Diaspora. Our Torah, in Tractate Ksubos, folio 111, specifies that the Creator, blessed be He, swore the Jews not to occupy the Holy Land by force, even if it appears that they have the force to do so; and not rebel against the Nations. And the Creator warned that if His oath be desecrated, Jewish flesh would be "open property", like the animals in the forest!! These are words of our Torah; and these concepts have been cited in Maimonides' "Igeres Teimon", "Be'er HaGola", "Ahavas Yehonosson", and in "Toras Moshe" of the Chasam Sofer.


Yidden - merciful sons of merciful fathers - how much longer must holy Jewish blood continue to be shed??

The only solution is:

The Jewish people must reject, outright, a "Jewish State".

The Jewish people should accept the US compromise.

We must depose the atheist-Zionist "statesmen" from their role as Jewish leaders, and return to the faithful leadership of our sages.

We beseech the Nations to open all doors to immigration - not only the doors of Palestine.

Peaceful, non-Zionist religious personalities in Palestine, (particularly from the native population) and their counterparts in the Diaspora, should engage in responsible, face-to face negotiations on behalf of the Jewish people, with the British and the Arabs; with an aim of amicable settlement of the Palestine issue.

Every Jew is obliged to pray to the Blessed creator, for in Him lies all our strength. Let us bear in mind that our prayers be forthright. One should not entreat the Creator to provide a banquet on Yom Kippur, and one can not perform a ritual ablution with a dead bug in his hand. Similarly, we should avoid the untenable position of the robber who prays for Divine help in carrying out his crime. We should pray that Zionism and its fruits vanish from the Earth, and that we be redeemed by the Messiah with dispatch.

A prisoner is released only when he has served his time, or if he is pardoned by the President for good behavior. If he attempts escape and is apprehended, his term is lengthened, besides the beating he receives when he is caught.

Faithful Jews- for over three and one-half thousand years, in all parts of the world, through all trials, our grandfathers and grandmothers marched through seas of blood and tears in order to keep the Faith of the Torah unswervingly. If we have compassion for ourselves, for our women and children, and for the Jewish people, we will maintain our golden legacy today. We have been sentenced to exile by the King of Kings because of our sins. The eternal blessed be He, has decreed that we accept the exile with humble gratitude until the time comes, or until we merit His pardon through repentance if we seek to end the exile with force, G-d will catch us, as our sages have forewarned, and our sentence becomes longer and more difficult.

Many times in the past have segments of our people been defrauded by false messiahs - but none of the false messiahs has been as fallacious and delusory as the lie of Zionism. With our historical experience as our guide, no retribution has been or will be greater than the retribution for giving credence to Zionism. If we wish our exile-sentence commuted, we must appeal through repentance; and through total physical and spiritual observance of the Sabbath, laws of family purity, and study of Torah.

Let it be clearly understood that never in Jewish history (even in the time of Jeroboam or Achav) have such hostile atheists stood at the helm of he Jewish people as today.

How can we plead to the Almighty for mercy while we tolerate these vile, "wicked" leaders as spokesmen! Beloved brothers - let us cleanse our ranks and cleanse our midst; let us entreat the Almighty through prayer, repentance, and fulfillment of mitzvos that He alone redeem us, immediately.


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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Mon Feb 23, 2009 00:56

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This is a trailer from the funny and in some ways revealing 2005 movie by Marc Levin.

Rothschilds/Rockefellers/Warburgs (Zionist crime families) own since 1913 most of the stock of the New York City Federal Reserve Bank. (see Eustace Mullins' masterpieces 'The Secrets of the Federal Reserve' and 'The World Order'.

The same crime families were behind the rise and the financial support of Adolf 'Rothschild' Hitler and his henchmen. Their IG Farben/IG Chemie built the jewish concentrationcamps in which the orthodox and liberal jews (non-zionists!) were destroyed with IG Farben's Zyklon-B.

For a better understanding: read the onlined 'Ten questions to the Zionists' by Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl ZT"L, Dean of Nitra Yeshiva and author of Sefer Min Hametzar (excerpts onlined on website Jews United Against Zionism).

Books and lectures by the late former Zionist Benjamin Freedman will teach you more about the intentions of the zionists.

The Bank of Banks is the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, a Rothschild Bank which controls all the central banks in the western world.

To make a start in understanding: read Eustace Mullins' 'The Secrets of the Federal Reserve' and 'The World Order', both onlined. For his 'World Without Cancer' G. Edward Griffin researched IG Farben and IG Chemie and their position as spider in the nazi-web. Professor Antony Sutton in his (onlined) 'Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler' showed how dependent the nazi's were from IG Farben.

An excellent study about the Protocols has been written by Dutch/Spanish theologian and historian Robin de Ruiter. De Ruiter will show you that these Protocols are not the hoax many presume them to be.

Unfortunately there's not yet an English edition of Robin de Ruiter's 'De Protocollen van de Wijzen van Sion Ontsluierd' (The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Unveiled) but the Dutch edition gives much information concerning the limitedness of for example Will Eisner's 'The Plot'.

In the latest Dutch edition of De Ruiter's ''Protocollen' we'll find in chapter 12 what we need to know about The Bank for International Settlements. In his 'Protocols' De Ruiter mentions a revealing (published in 'Un Watch', June/July 2002) interview from American journalist Joan Veon with BIS economist William White, which makes exactly sure how much IMF, World Bank, G-10, national governments and central banks are under control of this BIS.

Almost everything that was pronounced in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" has become reality.

According to Eric Jon Phelps (author of Vatican Assassins) and Edmond Paris (Histoire secrète des jésuites/Secret History of the Jesuits) the Protocols were written by the Jesuit Order to discredit the jews. Zionists and Jesuits are partners in crime in the (Bavaria) Illuminati, founded in 1776 by the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt. An interesting description of this man's life was given by Gerald B. Winrod in the booklet 'Adam Weishaupt, a human devil'.

1776 is an interesting year. The "Freedom Tower" that will replace the Twin Towers will be 1776 foot high. No coincidence if you know how important numbers are for the Illuminati, who were the brains behind 9/11. 1776 was also the year in which the United States declared its Independence, guided by The Comte de Saint-Germain, "the man who never dies".

The Jesuits (father Staempfle) also ghostwrote Mein Kampf for their zionist/jesuit frontman Adolf 'Rothschild' Hitler, according to Eric Jon Phelps and Edmond Paris.

Umberto Eco in his Introduction to Will Eisner's The Plot:
"In one of my essays I identify other sources that scholars had not taken in account: for example, the Protocols' "Jewish plan" for conquering the world follows almost literally at times, the Jesuit plan as told by Eugene Sue first in 'Le juif errant' (1844-1845) and later in 'Les mystères du peuple' (1849-1857)-the similarities are so great that one is tempted to conclude that Maurice Joly himself had been inspired by Sue's novels."

Watch what the Zionists did (made do) to the non-zionist jews:
“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing... If you want to be slaves of the bankers, and pay the costs of your own slavery, then let the banks create money.”
- Lord Josiah Stamp, former Director of the Bank of England

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Feb 26, 2009 22:06

Adformatie, 26 maart 2009

Atheïstische boodschap langs A4

Langs de snelweg A4 bij Schiphol komt binnenkort een billboard met de tekst 'Er is waarschijnlijk geen God, durf zelf te leven en geniet van dit leven'.


Drie humanistische organisaties zitten achter het atheïstische billboard van 9 bij 12 meter. Zij sluiten daarmee aan bij eenzelfde initiatief in Groot-Brittannië, waar bussen rondrijden met een soortgelijke atheïstische tekst. Dat meldt initiatiefnemer en atheïst Floris van den Berg.
Het atheïstische reclamebord siert vanaf midden maart twee weken lang het snelwegpanorama bij Schiphol. Van den Berg laat weten dat de vliegtuigramp van woensdag, waarbij een Turks vliegtuig neerstortte in een weiland bij Schiphol en waarbij negen mensen om het leven kwamen, hier geen verandering in zal brengen.
De initiatiefnemers hadden aanvankelijk moeite om hun reclameboodschap geplaatst te krijgen. CBS outdoor, de exploitant van buitenreclame in onder andere het openbaar vervoer, weigerde de reclameboodschap. Volgens Van den Berg meet het bedrijf hiermee met twee maten, omdat het wel christelijke reclameboodschappen en advertenties van de Bond tegen het vloeken plaatst.
Met het reclamebord langs de A4 is het geld van de campagnevoerders op. Maar de atheïsten gaan door met geld inzamelen om ook te kunnen adverteren in universiteiten en de metro van Amsterdam (ANP).
Ik kan me goed voorstellen dat iemand agnostisch is, maar atheïstisch lijkt me erg beperkt. Men zegt wel eens dat de grootste prestatie die Lucifer heeft geleverd is dat hij de mensen heeft laten geloven dat hij niet bestaat. :denk

Het dilemma waar iemand tzt voor komt te staan is mooi verwoord door Robin de Ruiter -ook gelovig- die op de pagina's 179 en 180 van zijn boek De 13 Satanische Bloedlijnen schrijft:
Robin de Ruiter wrote: "Gelooft u in het bestaan van de duivel? Of denkt u dat de Duivel een product is van bijgeloof en menselijke fantasie? Bestaat de gepersonificeerde kwade geest die zichzelf Lucifer noemt echt? Als u niet gelooft in het bestaan van de duivel, zal het u verbazen dat de Illuminati families over de hele wereld dit wel doen. De leden van deze exclusieve familie dynastieën behoren tot de belangrijkste satanisten van deze wereld. Zij beschouwen Lucifer als hun ware god.

De basis van de satansgodsdienst is vanaf het begin van deze wereld tot op heden de overtuiging geweest dat de satan op een dag de wereld openlijk regeren zal. Zolang wij dit dogma niet begrijpen, zullen wij nooit inzien waarom de Illuminati de gehele mensheid in een werelddictatuur proberen te bewegen. Zolang onze machtselite de duivel als hun god beschouwt en gelooft dat het uiteindelijke doel van satan het instellen van een dictatoriale wereldmacht is, ondervindt iedereen op Aarde dagelijks de gevolgen hiervan."
De god van de RK kerk is Lucifer en aangezien je bijvoorbeeld regelmatig hoort dat ouderlingen in Gereformeerde en Hervormde kerken zich vergrijpen aan kinderen, zal Lucifer in het algemeen ook wel de protestante kerken (geïnfiltreerd door de RK kerk van Babylon) in zijn greep hebben. Tussen jou en God kun je beter niemand laten plaatsnemen, geen dominee, pastoor, imam, rabbijn, lama, guru, zenmeester of wat dan ook.

Albert Pike
Grootcommandeur van de hoogste (33ste) graad van de zuidelijke jurisdictie van
de Schotse Ritus Vrijmetselarij in Noord-Amerika

Nogmaals De Ruiter:
Robin de Ruiter wrote: "De Illuminati hebben de antithetische filosofie van de geheime religies overgenomen die verdraaien wat het Woord van God leert en zodoende van Lucifer God maken en van God Lucifer! In de door Albert Pike, één van de hoogste leiders van de Illuminati in de Verenigde Staten, gepresenteerde Instructies die hij voor de drieëntwintigste Hoogste Wereldraad op 4 juli 1889 presenteerde, valt het volgende te lezen: "Dit dient de mensheid verteld te worden: wij vereren een god, maar onze god wordt zonder bijgeloof aanbeden. Onze religie zal door ons allen die ingewijd zijn in de hoogste graden, zuiver gehouden worden in de traditie van de leer van Lucifer. Als Lucifer geen god zou zijn, zouden dan Adonai (wiens daden een bewijs zijn voor zijn wreedheid, sluwheid, mensenhaat, barbarisme en zijn afwijzing van de wetenschap) en zijn priesters Lucifer belasteren? Ja, Lucifer is god; helaas is ook Adonai god. Want volgens de eeuwige wet bestaat er geen licht zonder schaduw, geen schoonheid zonder lelijkheid, en geen wit zonder zwart. Het absolute kan uitsluitend bestaan in de gestalte van twee godheden. De doctrine van het satanisme is een hiërarchie, en de ware, onvervalste filosofische religie staat gelijk aan het geloof in Lucifer en in Adonai; maar Lucifer, de God van het Licht en de God van het Goede, strijdt voor de mensheid, in tegenstelling tot Adonai, de god van de Duisternis en van het Kwade."

Officieel was Albert Pike een generaal die in de Amerikaanse burgeroorlog aan de zijde van de zuidelijke staten streed. Oorspronkelijk was hij journalist en hoofdofficier van justitie in de staat Arkansas. Sinds 1859 was hij als vrijmetselaar Grootcommandeur van de hoogste graad van de zuidelijke jurisdictie van de Schotse Ritus in Noord-Amerika. Pike was een genie in het kwaad. Hij was zeer getalenteerd, maar zette zijn talenten uitsluitend ten dienste van het kwaad in. Hij bekeerde zich officieel tot de satansverering en praktiseerde zwarte magie en alle vormen van toverij. Pike was bovendien de bedenker van de Palladische Ritus, een satanische organisatie die de spirituele vrijmetselarij controleert en die ook moet worden gezien als de drijvende kracht achter de enorm groeiende new-age beweging. Zijn theologische leerstukken zijn terug te vinden in zijn Instructies die hij voor de drieëntwintigste Hoogste Wereldraad op 4 juli 1889 presenteerde.

Het ware satanisme van de 'satanische hiërarchie' is zonder enige twijfel de geheimste religie ter wereld! De kennis van een afzonderlijk lid van de Illuminati over de satanische hiërarchie is afhankelijk van de groep waarvan hij deel uitmaakt en zijn positie in die bepaalde groep. Heel vaak beschikken de afzonderlijke leden van de satanisten over precies voldoende kennis om op hun eigen plek en positie adequaat te kunnen 'functioneren'.

De machtigste families binnen de Illuminati staan aan het hoofd van de satanshiërarchie en vormen als zodanig het koninkrijk van satan. Zij controleren in het geheim alle satanische culten en sekten, die vaak als niveau vier en vijf van het satanisme worden aangeduid. De laagste niveaus zijn voor de rekruten: de beginners, knechten en vazallen in het leger van satan, als men ze zo noemen mag. Deze satanisten zijn geen Illuminati. Zij bevinden zich in de duivelse hiërarchie op een veel lager niveau dan de laagste Illuminati. Veel volgelingen van deze satanische gemeenschap slijten hun hele leven als satanist, zonder ook maar aan iemand één enkel woord te verraden over hun aandeel in deze duivelse samenzwering. De Illuminati beschouwen het als een gouden regel om een positie van aanzien en respect in de maatschappij te verwerven, om zodoende hun ware identiteit te kunnen verhullen. Alle leidinggevende Illuminati hebben minstens één dekmantel. Die dragen ze in het leven dat ze voor het oog van de wereld leiden. Ze kunnen bijvoorbeeld de burgemeester van een stad zijn, de directeur van een bedrijf, of zelfs een christelijke evangelist of prediker. Een dergelijke dekmantel heeft voor Illuminaten als belangrijkste doel zich als iemand van aanzien voor te doen, of in ieder geval machtig genoeg te zijn om elke kritiek in de kiem te smoren."

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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Fri Feb 27, 2009 00:23

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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Mon Mar 02, 2009 22:59

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Het in 1983 uitgebrachte Trading With The Enemy van Charles Higham, over hoe multinationals uit de geallieerde landen Hitler Duitsland financierden, over hoe Hitler Duitsland financieel afhankelijk was van deze geallieerde multinationals, begint met een hoofdstuk over de bij vrijwel iedereen onbekende Bank der banken, De (Rothschild) Bank for International Settlements in Basel. In de officiële media als NRC, de Volkskrant of De Telegraaf kom je -niet verwonderlijk- zelden of nooit iets tegen over deze centrale bank van de centrale banken.

Chapter 1: A Bank for All Reasons

On a bright May morning in 1944, while young Americans were dying on the Italian beachheads, Thomas Harrington McKittrick, American president of the Nazi-controlled Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, arrived at his office to preside over a fourth annual meeting in time of war. This polished American gentleman sat down with his German, Japanese, Italian, British, and American executive staff to discuss such important matters as the $378 million in gold that had been sent to the Bank by the Nazi government after Pearl Harbor for use by its leaders after the war. Gold that had been looted from the national banks of Austria, Holland, Belgium, and Czechoslovakia, or melted down from the Reichsbank holdings of the teeth fillings, spectacle frames, cigarette cases and lighters, and wedding rings of the murdered Jews.

The Bank for International Settlements was a joint creation in 1930 of the world's central banks, including the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Its existence was inspired by Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, Nazi Minister of Economics and president of the Reichsbank, part of whose early upbringing was in Brooklyn, and who had powerful Wall Street connections. He was seconded by the all-important banker Emil Puhl, who continued under the regime of Schacht's successor, Dr. Walther Funk.

Sensing Adolf Hitler's lust for war and conquest, Schacht, even before Hitler rose to power in the Reichstag, pushed for an institution that would retain channels of communication and collusion between the world's financial leaders even in the event of an international conflict. It was written into the Bank's charter, concurred in by the respective governments, that the BIS should be immune from seizure, closure, or censure, whether or not its owners were at war. These owners included the Morgan-affiliated First National Bank of New York (among whose directors were Harold S. Vanderbilt and Wendell Willkie), the Bank of England, the Reichsbank, the Bank of Italy, the Bank of France, and other central banks. Established under the Morgan banker Owen D. Young's so-called Young Plan, the BIS's ostensible purpose was to provide the Allies with reparations to be paid by Germany for World War I. The Bank soon turned out to be the instrument of an opposite function. It was to be a money funnel for American and British funds to flow into Hitler's coffers and to help Hitler build up his war machine.

The BIS was completely under Hitler's control by the outbreak of World War II. Among the directors under Thomas H. McKittrick were Hermann Schmitz, head of the colossal Nazi industrial trust I.G. Farben, Baron Kurt von Schroder, head of the J. H. Stein Bank of Cologne and a leading officer and financier of the Gestapo; Dr. Walther Funk of the Reichsbank, and, of course, Emil Puhl. These last two figures were Hitler's personal appointees to the board.

The BIS's first president was the smooth old Rockefeller banker, Gates W. McGarrah, formerly of the Chase National Bank and the Federal Reserve Bank, who retired in 1933. His successor was the forty-three-year-old Leon Fraser, a colorful former newspaper reporter on the muckraking New York World, a street-corner soapbox orator, straw-hat company director, and performer in drag in stage comedies. Fraser had little or no background in finance or economics, but he had numerous contacts in high business circles and a passionate dedication to the world of money that acknowledged no loyalties or frontiers. In the first two years of Hitler's assumption of power, Fraser was influential in financing the Nazis through the BIS. When he took over the position of president of the First National Bank at its Manhattan headquarters in 1935, he continued to exercise a subtle influence over the BIS's activities that continued until the 1940s.

Other directors of the Bank added to the powerful financial group. Vincenzo Azzolini was the accomplished governor of the Bank of Italy. Yves Breart de Boisanger was the ruthlessly ambitious governor of the Bank of France; Alexandre Galopin of the Belgian banking fraternity was to be murdered in 1944 by the Underground as a Nazi collaborator.

The BIS became a bete noire of U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, a deliberate, thorough, slow-speaking Jewish farmer who, despite his origins of wealth, mistrusted big money and power. A model of integrity obsessed with work, Morgenthau considered it his duty to expose corruption wherever he found it. Tall and a trifle ungainly, with a balding high-domed head, a high-pitched, intense voice, small, probing eyes, pince-nez, and a nervous, hesitant smile, Morgenthau was the son of Woodrow Wilson's ambassador to Turkey in World War I. He learned early in life that the land was his answer to the quest for a decent life in a corrupt society. He became obsessed with farming and, at the age of twenty-two, in 1913, borrowed money from his father to buy a thousand acres at East Fishkill, Dutchess County, New York, in the Hudson Valley, where he became Franklin D. Roosevelt's neighbor. During World War I he and Roosevelt formed an intimate friendship. Elinor Morgenthau became very close to her near namesake, Eleanor Roosevelt. While Roosevelt soared in the political stratosphere, Morgenthau remained rooted in his property. In the early 1920s he published a newspaper called The American Agriculturist that pushed for government credits for farmers. When Roosevelt became governor of New York in 1928, he appointed Morgenthau chairman of the Agricultural Advisory Commission. Morgenthau showed great flair and a passionate commitment to the cause of the sharecropper.

Legend has it that on a freezing winter day in 1933, FDR and Morgenthau met and talked on the borderline of their two farms. Morgenthau is supposed to have said to Roosevelt, "Life is getting slow around here." And FDR replied, "Henry, how would you like to be Secretary of the Treasury?"

What he lacked in knowledge of economics, Morgenthau rapidly made up in his Jeffersonian principles and role as keeper of the public conscience. Close to a thousand volumes of his official diaries in the Roosevelt Memorial Library at Hyde Park give a vivid portrait of his inspired conducting of his high office. He was aided by an able staff, which he ran with benign but military precision. His most trusted aide was his Assistant Secretary, Harry Dexter White. Unlike Morgenthau, White came from humble origins. Jewish also, he was the child of penniless Russian immigrant parents who were consumed with a hatred of the czarist regime. White's early life was a struggle: this short, energetic, keen-faced man fought to help his father's hardware business succeed, finally forging a career as an economist with the aid of a Harvard scholarship and a professorship at Lawrence College, Wisconsin. He was opinionated and self-confident to a degree. Although he was frequently accused of being a communist sympathizer, he was in fact simply an old-fashioned liberal driven by his ancestral memories of Russian imperialism.

It is unfortunate that Morgenthau did not appoint White as his representative at BIS meetings, but White was too valuable in Washington. Instead, Morgenthau sent the more questionable Merle Cochran to investigate the BIS. Cochran was on loan to Treasury from the State Department; he represented the State Department's sophisticated neutralism before (and during) the war. Cochran became Secretary of the American Embassy in Paris, working directly under Roosevelt's friend the duplicitous, Talleyrand-like Ambassador William Bullitt. Cochran spent most of his time in Basle conveying to both Morgenthau and Cordell Hull details of what the BIS was up to. Very much opposed to White -- indeed, violently so -- Cochran was sympathetic with the BIS and to the Nazis, as his various memoranda made clear. Morgenthau took Cochran's political judgments with a degree of skepticism, but continued to use him over White's objections because he knew the Germans would trust Cochran and confide much in him. Day after day, Cochran lunched with Schmitz, Schroder, Funk, Emil Puhl, and the other Germans on the BIS board, obtaining a clear picture of the BIS's plans for the future.

In March 1938, when the Nazis marched into Vienna, much of the gold of Austria was looted and packed into vaults controlled by the Bank for International Settlements. The Nazi board members forbade any discussion of the transaction at the BIS summit meetings in Basle. Cochran, in his memoranda to Morgenthau, failed to score this outrageous act of theft. The gold flowed into the Reichsbank under Funk, in the special charge of Reichsbank vice-president and BIS director, Emil Puhl. On March 14, 1939, Cochran wrote to Morgenthau "I have known Puhl for several years, and he is a veteran and efficient officer." He also praised Walther Funk.

His timing was not good. One day later, Hitler followed his forces into Prague. The storm troops arrested the directors of the Czech National Bank and held them at gunpoint, demanding that they yield up the $48 million gold reserve that represented the national treasure of that beleaguered country. The Czech directors nervously announced that they had already shifted the gold to the BIS with instructions that it be forwarded to the Bank of England. This was an act of great naivete. Montagu Norman, the eccentric, Vandyke-bearded governor of the Bank of England, who liked to travel the world disguised as Professor Skinner in a black opera cloak, was a rabid supporter of Hitler.

On orders from their German captors, the Czech directors asked the Dutch BIS president, J.W. Beyen, to return the gold to Basle. Beyen held an anxious discussion with BIS general manager Roger Auboin of the Bank of France. The result was that Beyen called London and instructed Norman to return the gold. Norman instantly obliged. The gold flowed into Berlin for use in buying essential strategic materials toward a future war.

There the matter might have been buried had it not been for a young, very bright, and idealistic London journalist and economist named Paul Einzig, who had been tipped off to the transaction by a contact at the Bank of England. He published the story in the Financial News. The story caused a sensation in London. Einzig held a hasty meeting with maverick Labour Member of Parliament George Strauss. Strauss through Einzig began investigating the matter.

Henry Morgenthau telephoned Sir John Simon, British Chancellor of the Exchequer, on a Sunday night in an effort to determine what was going on. Merle Cochran had telegraphed him with a characteristic whitewash of the BIS and an outright dismissal of Einzig's charges that the BIS was a Nazi outfit. Sir John said icily on the transatlantic wire, "I'm in the country, Mr. Secretary. We are enjoying our dinner. It is not our custom to do business by telephone."

"Well, Sir John," Morgenthau replied, "we've been doing business by telephone over here for almost forty years!"

Sir John Simon continued to dodge Morgenthau's questions. On May 15, George Strauss asked Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, "Is it true, sir, that the national treasure of Czechoslovakia is being given to Germany?" "It is not," the Prime Minister replied. Chamberlain was a major shareholder in Imperial Chemical Industries, partner of I.G. Farben whose Hermann Schmitz was on the board of the BIS. Chamberlain's reply threw the Commons into an uproar. Einzig refused to let go. He was convinced that Norman had transferred the money illegally in collusion with Sir John Simon. Simon, in answer to a question from Strauss, denied any knowledge of the matter.

Next day, Einzig tackled Sir Henry Strakosch, a prominent political figure. Strakosch refused to disclose the details of the conversa-tion he had had with Simon. But Strakosch finally cracked and admitted that Simon had discussed the transfer of the Czech gold.

Einzig was jubilant. He called Strauss with the news. Strauss put a further question to Sir John Simon in a debate on May 26. Once again, Simon hedged. Winston Churchill was the leader of a violent onslaught on the unfortunate Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Morgenthau demanded to know more. Cochran's letter from Basle dated May 9 and received May 17 brushed over the issue once more. Cochran wrote,

There is an entirely cordial atmosphere at Basle: most of the central bankers have known each other for many years, and these reunions are enjoyable as well as profitable to them. I have had talks with all of them. The wish was expressed by some of them that their respective statesmen might quit hurling invectives at each other, get together on a fishing trip with President Roosevelt or to the World's Fair, overcome their various prides and complexes, and enter into a mood that would make comparatively simple the solution of many of the present political problems.

This picture of good cheer scarcely convinced Morgenthau. On May 31, Associated Press reported from Switzerland that transactions were completed between the BIS and the Bank of England and the Czech gold was now firmly in Berlin.

During World War II, Einzig, who had never forgotten the Czech gold affair, ran into J. W. Beyen in London and asked him if he would now admit what had taken place. Beyen said smoothly, "It is all technical. The gold never left London." Einzig was amazed. He wrote an apology to Beyen in his book of memoirs, In the Center of Things.

The truth was that the gold had not had to leave London in order to be available in Berlin. The arrangement between the BIS and its member banks was that transactions were not normally made by shipping money -- dangerous and difficult when the shipments would show up in customs manifests -- but simply by adjusting the gold deposit accounts. Thus, all Montagu Norman had to do was to authorize Beyen to deduct $40 million from the Bank of England's holdings in Basle and replace the same amount from the Czech National Bank holdings in London.

By 1939, the BIS had invested millions in Germany, while Kurt von Schroder and Emil Puhl deposited large sums in looted gold in the Bank. The BIS was an instrument of Hitler, but its continuing existence was approved by Great Britain even after that country went to war with Germany, and the British director Sir Otto Niemeyer, and chairman Montagu Norman, remained in office throughout the war.

In the middle of the Czech gold controversy, Thomas Harrington McKittrick was appointed president of the Bank, with Emil Meyer of the Swiss National Bank as chairman. White-haired, pink-cheeked, smooth and soft-spoken, McKittrick was a perfect front man for The Fraternity, an associate of the Morgans and an able member of the Wall Street establishment. Born in St. Louis, he went to Harvard, where he edited the Crimson, graduating as bachelor of arts in 1911. He worked his way up to become chairman of the British-American Chamber of Commerce, which numbered among its members several Nazi sympathizers. He was a director of Lee, Higginson and Co., and made substantial loans to Germany. He was fluent in German, French, and Italian. Though he spent all of his career inland, he wrote learned papers on the life and habits of seabirds. His wife, Marjorie, and his four pretty daughters, one of whom was at Vassar and a liberal enemy of the BIS, were popular on both sides of the Atlantic.

Early in 1940, McKittrick traveled to Berlin and held a meeting at the Reichsbank with Kurt von Schroder of the BIS and the Gestapo. They discussed doing business with each other's countries if war between them should come.

Morgenthau grew more aggravated by McKittrick and the BIS as the war in Europe continued, but did not insist he be withdrawn. He was forced to rely upon Treasury Secret Service reports rather than upon Cochran for information on the BIS's doings. He learned that in June 1940, Belgian BIS director Alexandre Galopin had intercepted $228 million in gold sent by the Belgian government to the Bank of France and had shifted it to Dakar in North Africa and thence the Reichsbank and Emil Puhl.

The Bank of Belgium's exiled representatives in New York sued the Bank of France, represented by New York State Senator Frederic Coudert, to recover their gold. Ironically, they were represented by John Foster Dulles, whose law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell, had represented I.G. Farben. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Bank of Belgium, ordering the Bank of France to payout from its holdings in the Federal Reserve Bank.

But when Hitler occupied all of France in November 1942, State Senator Coudert stepped in with the excuse that since Germany had absorbed the Bank of France, that bank no longer had any power of appeal against the verdict. He pretended that contact with France was no longer possible, while fully aware of the fact that he himself was still retained by the Bank of France. He claimed that only a Bank of France representative could allow the release of funds from the Federal Reserve Bank. As a result, the gold remained in Nazi hands.

On May 27, 1941, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, at Morgenthau's suggestion, telegraphed U.S. Ambassador John G. Winant in London, asking for a report on the continuing relationship between the BIS and the British government. It infuriated Morgenthau that Britain remained a member of a Nazi-controlled financial institution: Montagu Norman and Sir Otto Niemeyer of the Bank of England were still firmly on the board. Winant had lunch with Niemeyer. He gave an approving report of the meeting on June 1.

Niemeyer had said that the BIS, "guaranteed immunity from constraint in time of war," was still "legal and intact." He admitted that Britain retained an interest in the Bank through McKittrick twenty-one months after war had broken out. He said that he was in touch with the Bank through the British Treasury and that British Censorship examined all of the mail by his own wish. Asked about the issue of the Czechoslovakian gold, Niemeyer admitted, "Yes, it had a bad public press. However, that was due to the mishandling of the question in Parliament." He further admitted that the government of Great Britain was still a client of the Bank and had accepted a dividend from it. The dividend, it scarcely needs adding, came largely from Nazi sources. Niemeyer said that he believed the British should continue the association for the duration as well as lend the Bank their tacit approval, "If only for the reason that a useful role in post-war settlements might later have an effect."

Niemeyer went on, "It would be of no use at this time to raise difficult legal questions with respect to the relationship of the various countries overrun by the Germans .... McKittrick should stay in Switzerland because he is ... guardian of the Bank against any danger that might occur ... McKittrick might want to get in touch with the American Minister in Switzerland and explain his problem to him. "

On July 13, 1941, Ivar Rooth, governor of the Bank of Sweden, wrote to his friend Merle Cochran -- who had returned to Washington -- about the latest general meeting of the Bank and the luncheon at the Basle restaurant Les Trois Rois afterward. He said that it was agreed at lunch that McKittrick should soon travel to the United States to explain BIS's position to "your American friends ... [in the] very correct and neutral way." Rooth continued, "I hope that our friends abroad will understand the political necessity of committing the Germans to send a division to Finland by railway through Sweden."

On February 5, 1942, almost two months after Pearl Harbor, the Reichsbank and the German and Italian governments approved the orders that permitted Thomas H. McKittrick to remain in charge of the BIS until the end of the war. One document of authorization included the significant statement, "McKittrick's opinions are safely known to us." McKittrick gratefully arranged a loan of several million Swiss gold francs to the Nazi government of Poland and the collaborative government of Hungary. Most of the board's members traveled freely across frontiers throughout the war for meetings in Paris, Berlin, Rome, or (though this was denied) Basle. Hjalmar Schacht spent much of the war in Geneva and Basle pulling strings behind the scenes. However, Hitler correctly suspected him of intriguing for the overthrow of the present regime in favor of The Fraternity and imprisoned him late in the war. From Pearl Harbor on, the BIS remained listed in Rand McNally's directory as Correspondent Bank for the Federal Reserve Bank in Washington.

In London, Labour Member of Parliament George Strauss kept hammering away at the BIS. In May 1942 he challenged Sir John Simon's successor, Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir Kingsley Wood, on the matter. Wood replied, "This country has various rights and interests in the BIS under our international trust agreements between the various governments. It would not be in our best interest to sever connections with the Bank."

George Strauss and other Labour members of Parliament insisted upon knowing why the Bank's dividend was still being divided equally in wartime among the British, German, Japanese, and American banks. It was not until 1944 that they discovered Germany was receiving most of the dividends.

On September 7, 1942, Thomas H. McKittrick issued the Bank's first annual report after Pearl Harbor. He went through the bizarre procedure of addressing an empty room with the report to be able to say to Washington that none of the Axis directors was present. In fact, all of the Axis directors received the report soon afterward and the mixed executive staff of warring nations discussed it through the rest of the day. The report was purely Nazi in content. It assumed an immediate peace in Germany's favor and a distribution of American gold to stabilize the currencies of the United States and Europe. This was a line peddled by every German leader starting with Schacht. When Strauss told the House of Commons on October 12 that the report had delighted Hitler and Goring, Sir Kingsley asserted that he had not seen it. Strauss went on, "It is clear some form of collaboration between the Nazis and the Allies exists and that appeasement still lives in time of war."

In the summer of 1942, Pierre Pucheu, French Cabinet member and director of the privately owned Worms Bank in Nazi-occupied Paris, had a meeting at the BIS with Yves Breart de Boisanger. Pucheu told Boisanger that plans were afoot for General Dwight D. Eisenhower to invade North Africa. He had obtained this information through a friend of Robert Murphy, U.S. State Department representative in Vichy. Boisanger contacted Kurt von Schroder. Immediately, Schroder and other German bankers, along with their French correspondents, transferred 9 billion gold francs via the BIS to Algiers. Anticipating German defeat, they were seeking a killing in dollar exchange. The collaborationists boosted their holdings from $350 to $525 million almost overnight. The deal was made with the collusion of Thomas H. McKittrick, Hermann Schmitz, Emil Puhl, and the Japanese directors of the BIS. Another collaborator in the scheme was one of the Vatican's espionage group who leaked the secret to others in the Hitler High Command -- according to a statement made under oath by Otto Abetz to American officials on June 21, 1946.

In the spring of 1943, McKittrick, ignoring the normal restrictions of war, undertook a remarkable journey. Despite the fact he was neither Italian nor diplomat and that Italy was at war with the United States, he was issued an Italian diplomatic visa to travel by train and auto to Rome. At the border he was met by Himmler's special police, who gave him safe conduct. McKittrick proceeded to Lisbon, whence he traveled with immunity from U-boats by Swedish ship to the United States. In Manhattan in April he had meetings with Leon Fraser, his old friend and BIS predecessor, and with the heads of the Federal Reserve Bank. Then McKittrick traveled to Berlin on a U.S. passport to provide Emil Puhl of the Reichsbank with secret intelligence on financial problems and high-level attitudes in the United States.

On March 26, 1943, liberal Congressman Jerry Voorhis of California entered a resolution in the House of Representatives calling for an investigation of the BIS, including "the reasons why an American retains the position as president of this Bank being used to further the designs and purposes of Axis powers." Randolph Paul, Treasury counsel, sent up the resolution to Henry Morgenthau on April 1, 1943, saying, "I think you will be interested in reading the attached copy of [it]." Morgenthau was interested, but he made one of his few mistakes and did nothing. The matter was not even considered by Congress.

Washington State Congressman John M. Coffee objected and introduced a similar resolution in January 1944. He shouted, angrily, "The Nazi government has 85 million Swiss gold francs on deposit in the BIS. The majority of the board is made up of Nazi officials. Yet American money is being deposited in the Bank."

Coffee pointed out that the American and British shareholders were receiving dividends from Nazi Germany and Japan and that the Germans and Japanese were receiving dividends from America. The resolution was tabled.

There the matter might have lain had it not been for an energetic Norwegian economist of part-German origin named Wilhelm Keilhau. He was infuriated by Washington's continuing refusal to break with the Bank and its acceptance of a flagrant financial alliance with its country's enemies.

Keilhau introduced a resolution at the International Monetary conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, on July 10, 1944. He alled for the BIS to be dissolved "at the earliest possible moment." However, pressure was brought to bear on him to withdraw a second resolution, and he was forced to yield. The second resolution called for an investigation into the books and records of the Bank during the war. Had such an investigation taken place, the Nazi-American connection would undoubtedly have been exposed.

Bankers Winthrop Aldrich and Edward E. (Ned) Brown of the American delegation and the Chase and First National banks tried feebly to veto Keilhau's resolution. They were supported by the Dutch delegation and by J.W. Beyen of Holland, the former president of BIS and negotiator of the Czech gold transference, despite the fact that Holland's looted gold had gone to the BIS. Leon Fraser of the First National Bank of New York stood with them. So, alas, did the British delegation, strongly supported by Anthony Eden and the Foreign Office. After initial support, the distinguished economist Lord Keynes was swayed into confirming the British official opposition calling for a postponement of the Bank's dissolution until postwar -- when the establishment of an international monetary fund would be completed. Keynes's wife, the former Lydia Lopokova, the great star of the Diaghilev Ballet who had made her debut opposite Nijinsky, was a member of a wealthy czarist family who influenced her husband toward delaying the BIS's dissolution and a tabling of all discussion of looted gold -- according to Harry Dexter White.

Dean Acheson, representing the State Department in the American delegation, was firmly in Winthrop Aldrich's camp as a former standard Oil lawyer, smoothly using delaying tactics as the master of compromise he was. The minutes of the meetings between Morgenthau, Edward E. Brown, Acheson, and other members of the delegation on July 18-19, 1944, at the Mount Washington Hotel at Bretton Woods show Acheson arguing for retention of the BIS until after the war. He used the spurious argument that if McKittrick resigned and the Bank was declared illegal by the United States government, all of the gold holdings in it owned by American shareholders would go direct to Berlin, via a Nazi president. Acheson must surely have known that the gold was already deposited for the Axis via the BIS partner, the Swiss National Bank, which shared the same chairman. Acheson also argued that the Bank would help restore Germany post-war. That at least was true.

Senator Charles W. Tobey of New Hampshire emerges with great credit from the minutes of the meetings at the Mount Washington. At the July 18 meeting he said, savagely, to the company in general, "What you're doing by your silence and inaction is aiding and abetting the enemy." Morgenthau agreed. Acheson, rattled, said that the BIS must go on as "a matter of foreign policy." At least there was a degree of honesty in that. Morgenthau felt that the BIS "should be disbanded because to disband it would be good propaganda for the United States."

There were jocular moments during the discussion on July 19. Dr. Mabel Newcomer of Vassar said that she "would not dissolve the Bank." Morgenthau asked her cheerfully whether McKittrick's daughter was one of her students. She replied in the affirmative. Morgenthau said, "She has informed my daughter that she is against the Bank." Dr. Newcomer replied, "She didn't inform me, except that she wanted her father to come home -- so she might favor the dissolution!"

Everyone laughed. Morgenthau said, "She is very cute. She has read this article in PM about it, and she said [referring to an attack on the BIS in that liberal publication] 'I think PM is right and father is wrong.'" Morgenthau threw back his head and laughed again. "That is what Vassar does to those girls!"

Under pressures from Senator Tobey and from Harry Dexter White, Morgenthau stated that Leon Fraser, McKittrick, and "Beyen all had sympathies that run there." In other words, in the direction of Germany. He said,

I think in the eyes of the Germans, they would consider this as the kind of thing which can go on, and it holds out to them a hope, particularly to people like Dr. Schacht and Dr. Funk, that the same [associations] will continue [between America and Germany] after the war. It strengthens the position of people like Mr. Leon Fraser and some very important people like Mr. Winthrop Aldrich, who have openly opposed this dissolution.

Dean Acheson, fighting hard with Edward E. Brown at his side, said he "would have to take the matter up with Cordell Hull." He was sure Hull would want the BIS retained since Hull had approved its existence up till now. Morgenthau promised to call Hull, who had become acutely embarrassed by press criticism. After four years of tacitly approving the BIS, Hull told Morgenthau he called for its dissolution. Morgenthau telephoned him and said, "What about McKittrick?" Hull replied icily, "Let him read about it in the papers!" Later, he repeated angrily to Acheson, "Let him read about it in the papers!"

Acheson went to see the British delegation on July 20. Closely connected to high-level politicians in England, he was well regarded in Whitehall. Lord Keynes felt that the BIS might be too quickly abolished if Acheson were beaten by the Morgenthau faction. Although Keynes was advanced in years and had a heart condition, he and his wife abruptly left a British summit meeting and, finding the elevator jammed with conferencers, ran up three flights of stairs and knocked on the Morgenthaus' door. Elinor Morgenthau was astonished to see the normally imperturbable British economist trembling, red-faced, and sweating with rage.

Keynes repeated, as calmly as he could, that what he was upset about was that he felt that the BIS should be kept going until a new world bank and an international monetary fund were set up. Lady Keynes also urged Morgenthau to let the Bank go on. Finally, Keynes, seeing that Morgenthau was under pressure to dissolve the BIS, shifted his ground and took the position that Britain was in the forefront of those who wanted the BIS to go -- but only in good time. Morgenthau insisted the BIS must go ''as soon as possible." At midnight an exhausted Keynes said he would go along with the decision.

Keynes returned to his rooms and contacted his fellow delegates from the Foreign Office. The result of this late-night meeting was that he largely compromised his original agreement and at 2 A.M. sent a letter by hand to the Morgenthaus' suite again calling for the BIS to go on for the duration.

Next day, over the objections of Edward E. Brown and the great irritation of Dean Acheson, Morgenthau's delegation approved the disposal of the BIS.

Immediately after the liquidation of the BIS was voted, McKittrick did everything possible to combat it. He sent letters to Morgenthau and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir John Anderson, in London. He stated that when the war ended, huge sums would have to be paid to Germany by the Allies and the BIS would have to siphon these through. There was no mention of the millions owed by Germany to the Allies and the conquered nations. Harry Dexter White sent a memorandum to Morgenthau dated March 22, 1945, saying, "McKittrick's letters are part of an obvious effort to stake out a claim for the BIS in the postwar world. As such, they are, in effect, a challenge to Bretton Woods. The other signatories to the Bretton Woods Act should be advised of the BIS action, should be reminded of Bretton Woods' resolution Number Five, and should be advised that we are not answering the letters."

The same day, Treasury's indispensable Orvis A. Schmidt held a meeting with McKittrick in Basle. His comment on McKittrick's remarks was sharp: "I was surprised that a voluntary recital intended as a defense of the BIS could be such an indictment of that institution." When Schmidt asked McKittrick why the Germans had been willing to allow the BIS to be run as it had and had continued to make payments to the BIS, McKittrick replied, "In order to understand, one must first understand the strength of the confidence and trust that the central bankers had had in each other and the strength of their determination to play the game squarely. Secondly, one must realize that in the complicated German financial setup, certain men who have their central bankers' point of view are in very strategic positions and can influence the conduct of the German Government with respect to these matters."

McKittrick went on to say that there was a little group of financiers who had felt from the beginning that Germany would lose the war; that after defeat they might emerge to shape Germany's destiny. That they would "maintain their contacts and trust with other important banking elements so that they would be in a stronger position in the postwar period to negotiate loans for reconstruction of Germany."

McKittrick declined to name all save one of the little group, taking particular care to hide the name of Kurt von Schroder. Since he had to name someone, he selected Emil Puhl. Nevertheless, he pretended that Puhl "does not share the Nazi point of view." Orvis Schmidt was not deceived by this. He knew perfectly well that it was Puhl who had authorized the looting of Allied gold and its transferal to Switzerland and who had been talking to McKittrick the day before in Basle about that very subject.

Schmidt closed in. He asked McKittrick whether he knew what had happened to the Belgian gold deposited in the Bank of France. McKittrick replied: "I know where it is. I will tell you. But it is extremely important that word does not leak out. It is in the vaults of the Reichsbank." Evidently he realized he had said too much: that he had let slip his own role in the transaction. He added hastily: "I'm sure it will be in Berlin when you get there. Puhl is holding it for return to the Belgians after the war. " This barefaced lie scarcely impressed Schmidt. The gold was already in Switzerland.

McKittrick did not end there. He admitted that the Germans had sent gold to the BIS and said, "When the war is over you'll find it all carefully segregated and documented. Anything that's been looted can be identified. When gold was offered to us, I thought it would be better to take it and hold it rather than to refuse it and let the Germans keep it for other uses."

McKittrick continued, "I'm so sorry I can't ask you to take a look at the books and records of the Bank. When you do see them at the end of the war, you will appreciate and approve of the role that I and the BIS have played during the war." They were, of course, never released.

Orvis Schmidt went on to see the executives of the Swiss National Bank, which maintained its partnership in the BIS and shared the same chairman, Ernst Weber. Schmidt raised the question of the looted gold: the $378 million in gold of Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Holland, and other occupied countries, including the treasure of the Jews. He knew that by a technicality the BIS no longer siphoned the gold through directly but sent it to its associated earmarked account at the Swiss National Bank.

The Swiss National Bank officials told Schmidt that in order to be sure they were not obtaining looted gold, they had requested a member of the Reichsbank, whom they "regarded to be trustworthy," to certify that each parcel of gold that they purchased had not been looted. Schmidt asked who that person might be. He was not surprised when the directors of the Swiss National Bank informed him that that personage was none other than Emil Puhl, who had just left ahead of his arrival. At the Nuremberg Trials in May 1946, Walther Funk, still listed as a BIS director, testified that Puhl had American connections and had been offered a major post at Chase in New York shortly before Pearl Harbor. Funk admitted that Puhl was in charge of gold shipments. He admitted receiving the gold reserve of the Czech National Bank and the Belgian gold, and he added, "It was very difficult to pay [in foreign exchange] in gold .... Only in Switzerland could we still do business through changing gold into foreign currency." Funk said that Puhl had informed him in 1942 that the Gestapo had deposited gold coins, and other gold, from the concentration camps, in the Reichsbank. Puhl had been in charge of this. Jewels, monocles, spectacle frames, watches, cigarette cases, and gold dentures had flowed into the Reichsbank, supplied by Puhl from Heinrich Himmler's resources. They were melted down into gold bars; he did not add how many bars were marked for shipment to Switzerland. Each gold bar weighed 20 kilograms. An affidavit was read to Funk, signed by Puhl, confirming the facts. Puhl stated that Funk had made arrangements with Himmler to receive the gold.

Funk unsuccessfully sought to disclaim responsibility for the scheme. He dismissed Puhl's charges that the gold was plowed into a revolving fund. Faced with a film showing as many as seventy-seven shipments of gold teeth, wedding rings, and other loot at one time, he stuck to his story. At one stage he said that the loot was brought to the Reichsbank by mistake! His lies became so absurd that they were laughable. When prosecutor Thomas E. Dodd said to him, "There was blood on this gold, was there not, and you knew this since 1942?" Funk replied weakly, "I did not understand."

On May 15, 1946, Puhl took the witness stand. Puhl claimed that he had objected to the shipments as "inconvenient" and "uncomfortable" -- a curious description. He admitted that his "objections" were "subordinated to the broader consideration of assisting the SS, all the more -- and this must be emphasized -- because these things were for the account of the Reich."

The prosecuting counsel read items from a report that included the statement, "One of the first hints of the sources of [the gold] occurred when it was noticed that a packet of bills was stamped with a rubber stamp, 'Lublin.' This occurred some time early in 1943. Another hint came when some items bore the stamp, 'Auschwitz.' We all knew that these places were the sites of concentration camps. It was in the tenth delivery, in November 1942, that dental gold appeared. The quantity of the dental gold became unusually great."

In October 1945 the Senate Committee on Military Affairs produced further evidence of Puhl's activities. His letters to Funk from Switzerland in March 1945 were read out. They showed his desperate and successful efforts to overcome the effects of the mission that month headed by Lauchlin Currie and Orvis Schmidt. Puhl had constantly hammered away at McKittrick and the Swiss National Bank in order to secure the flow of the looted gold of Europe. McKittrick, brutally exposed by the Bretton Woods Conference's Norwegian delegation, had -- the letters showed -- panicked, seeking to avoid direct receipt of the gold. Instead, the Swiss National Bank, as BIS shareholder, would take it into its vaults. But in order to camouflage the receipt of it, since the Swiss National Bank had promised the Americans they would not receive it, the Swiss National Bank had disguised it as payments to the American Red Cross and the German legations in Switzerland. There was a starkly ironical humor in this. General Robert C. Davis, head of the New York chapter of the American Red Cross, was also chairman of the part-Nazi network Transradio. As late as 1943, the German Legation in Berne was buying Standard Oil for its heating and automobiles, which were supplied and repaired by U.S. subsidiaries. Tons of gold, thus laundered, poured into the Swiss National Bank in those last months of the war.

In 1948, under great pressure from Treasury, the Bank for International Settlements was compelled to hand over a mere $4 million in looted gold to the Allies.

Despite the fact that the evidence of the Puhl-McKittrick conspiracy was overwhelming, McKittrick was given an important post by the Rockefellers and Winthrop Aldrich: vice-president of the Chase National Bank, a position he occupied successfully for several years after the war. In 1950 he invited Emil Puhl to the United States as his honored guest. And the Bank for International Settlements, despite the Bretton Woods Resolution, was not dissolved.

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Hanco Elenbaas
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Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2003 14:49

Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Mon Mar 02, 2009 23:51

<center> Image

Ook Andrew Carrington Hitchcock's The Synagogue of Satan uit 2006 staat online. Financieel deskundige en voormalig politieman Hitchcock behandelt chronologisch de geschiedenis van de Rothschilds, in financieel opzicht de machthebbers op Aarde. Via hun IG Farben hielpen de Rothschilds hun bloedverwant Adolf Hitler in het zadel en hielpen zij de nazi's de oorlog door. Ook The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) komt aan de orde (pag. 121-123):

This year, thirty-three years after the first World Zionist Congress was held in Basle,
Switzerland, the first Rothschild “World Bank,” the, “Bank for International
Settlements (BIS),” is established in the same place, Basle, Switzerland.

It is established by Charles G. Dawes (Rothschild agent and Vice President under
President Calvin Coolidge from 1925-1929), Owen D. Young (Rothschild agent, founder
of RCA and Chairman of General Electric from 1922 until 1939), and Hjalmar Schacht of
Germany (President of the Reichsbank).

The BIS is referred to by the bankers as the, “Central bank for the central banks.” To put this
bank into perspective today, whereas the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank deal with governments, the BIS deals only with other central banks. All its meetings are
held in secret and involve the top central bankers from around the world. For example the
former head of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, would go to the BIS headquarters in
Basel, Switzerland, ten times a year for these private meetings.

The BIS also has the status of a sovereign power and is immune
from governmental control. A summary of this immunity is
listed below:

1. Diplomatic immunity for persons and what they carry
with them (i.e., diplomatic pouches).

2. No taxation on any transactions, including salaries paid to

3. Embassy-type immunity for all buildings and/or offices
operated by the BIS worldwide including China and

4. No oversight or knowledge of operations by any
government authority, they are not audited.

5. Freedom from immigration restrictions.

6. Freedom to encrypt any and all communications of any

7. Freedom from any legal jurisdiction, they even have their
own police force.

Professor Carroll Quigley </center>

Georgetown Professor and historian, Carroll Quigley,
commented on the creation of this central bank in his 1975 book,
Tragedy and Hope”, as follows,

“The powers of financial capitalism had (a) far reaching
(plan), nothing less than to create a world system of
financial control in private hands able to dominate the
political system of each country and the economy of the
world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a
feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting
in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent
meetings and conferences.

The apex of the system was to be the Bank For
International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private
bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks
which were themselves private corporations.

Each central bank...sought to dominate its government
by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulate
foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic
activity in the Country, and to influence cooperative
politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the
business world.”

A handful of United States Senators led by Henry Cabot
Lodge, would fight to keep the United States out of the Bank for
International Settlements. However, even though the United
States rejected this World Central Bank, the Federal Reserve still
sent members to participate in its meetings in Switzerland, right
up until 1994 when the United States was, “officially,” dragged
into it.

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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Mon Mar 09, 2009 15:31

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“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing... If you want to be slaves of the bankers, and pay the costs of your own slavery, then let the banks create money.”
- Lord Josiah Stamp, former Director of the Bank of England

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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Mar 12, 2009 17:16

Over ontvoering door buitenaardsen is uitgebreid onderzoek gedaan door professor John Mack van Harvard Medical School.

Professor dr. David M. Jacobs heeft bijna 1000 mensen onder hypnose laten vertellen over hun verdrongen ervaringen tijdens een ontvoering door buitenaardsen. De resultaten heeft hij gepubliceerd in zijn boek The Threat, in het Nederlands vertaald als Alien Complot.

Als je je in de buitenaardsenmaterie wilt verdiepen, moet je eens wat lezen van Al Bielek (alias Duncan Cameron) of Stewart Swerdlow over het in 1970 gestarte Montauk Project, wat onder andere gerelateerd was aan het beruchte Philadelphia Experiment uit 1943. Ook Jim Marrs, voormalig lector aan de universiteit van Texas, heeft veel over buitenaardsen en UFO's geschreven, bijvoorbeeld in zijn boek Alien Agenda, in het Nederlands uitgebracht als Het Alien Logboek.

<center>Image Image</center>

Een halfuur durende YouTube film met Stewart Swerdlow, overlevende van het ultrageheime militaire Montauk Project, waar men zich onder andere bezig hield met experimenten op het gebied van tijdreizen en mindcontrol, bijgestaan door buitenaardsen. Swerdlow: "And so, what better way to control population other than FEAR and using mind control to enhance that and turn people into a planet of robots, which they've been successfully doing since then."

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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Mon Mar 16, 2009 22:42

Hieronder een geïllustreerd uurtje uit een Coast to Coast radio-interview met Stewart Swerdlow, overlevende van het militaire Montauk Project, over onder andere de geschiedenis van deze planeet, over de Reptilians die met Lemurië (Mu) in oorlog raakten met Atlantis en daarna ondergronds gingen.

Volgens Swerdlow leven momenteel ongeveer drie miljoen Reptilians ondergronds (in de legendarische koninkrijken als Agharta, Shambhala en Shangri-La ??). Afstammelingen van de Reptilians kwamen vanuit Sumerië in het rijk Khazaria terecht (in het zuiden van wat nu Rusland en de Oekraïne heet), waar zij zich gezamenlijk in navolging van Koning Bulan rond 740 na Christus uit strategische overwegingen bekeerden tot het joodse geloof, met de gevallen engel Lucifer als god. Uit Khazaria werden deze "joden" naar het westen verdreven door de Russen. De Rothschilds zijn hun bekendste nazaten, maar ook Swerdlow zelf stamt af van deze (Reptilian-)Khazaren/Ashkenazi-joden.

Een mooie uitspraak van Stewart Swerdlow uit zijn 'Montauk, the Alien Connection' is: "With Montauk, we are dealing with a story that never ends. It is the eternal quest to understand life."

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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:52

De schurk Nout Wellink is door de Vereniging van Effectenbezitters gekozen tot schuldige bankier nummer 1 voor de huidige kredietcrisis. Bert Heemskerk van de Rabobank werd tweede, vóór de Belgen Voltron, Lippens en Tilmant van de door Wouter Bos en Nout Wellink voor omvallen behoede Fortis en ING.

Dat bleek uit Netwerk van gisteren, waarin Pieter Lakeman van SOBI (Stichting Onderzoek Bedrijfs Informatie) ook de gluiperige oud-minister van Financiën Onno Ruding aanwees als groot profiteur van de subprime-leningen die ook in de ogen van Lakeman een belangrijke veroorzaker van deze "kredietcrisis" zijn.

Onno Ruding

De Netwerk uitzending van gisteren is hier terug te zien. Het programma duurt 23:15 minuten. Na een oninteressant vraaggesprek met de voorman van de Christen-Unie begint om 13:56 de 'Excuus Top 5'.

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Nederlands Dagblad, 25 maart 2009

Wellink bovenaan 'excuuslijst'


De president van De Nederlandsche Bank, Nout Wellink. |foto ANP/Valerie Kuypers

AMSTERDAM - De Vereniging van Effectenbezitters (VEB) vindt dat de president van De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)Nout Wellink van alle 'Nederlandse' bankiers de meeste redenen heeft om excuses te maken voor de financiële crisis.

Dat zei VEB-voorzitter Jan Maarten Slagter woensdagavond in het televisieprogramma Netwerk. Volgens Slagter heeft Wellink de problemen in de financiële sector en de impact op de bredere economie onderschat en zou hij daarvoor zijn verontschuldigingen moeten aanbieden.

De topman van DNB prijkt bovenaan de top vijf die de VEB heeft samengesteld van bankiers die excuses zouden moeten maken. De tweede plaats is voor Rabobank-topman Bert Heemskerk. Die leek de bank lange tijd heelhuids door de kredietcrisis te loodsen, maar heeft volgens Slagter wel degelijk vuile handen gemaakt. Rabobank heeft volgens de VEB veel klanten gedupeerd door 'vergiftigde' kredietproducten te verkopen.

De Belgen Jean-Paul Votron en Maurice Lippens van Fortis en Michel Tilmant van ING completeren de top vijf. Die drie hebben volgens de VEB de problemen bij hun bedrijven veel te lang onder de pet gehouden en zo de crisis verergerd. Fortis moest deels worden genationaliseerd en ING kreeg staatssteun.

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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:51

Willem Middelkoop op 15 maart in Netwerk:
"Er is pas één ontploffing geweest in pensioenland, die van de aandelenmarkt. Er volgen binnenkort nóg twee gróte klappen: in obligatieland en op de vastgoedmarkt. Ik verzeker u dat de pensioenfondsen er over 12 en 24 maanden nog véél slechter voorstaan dan nu."

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Kees de Kort voorspelt rellen en betogingen in de Verenigde Staten
en heeft weinig waardering voor het duo Nout en Wout.

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Post by Hanco Elenbaas » Sun Mar 29, 2009 01:26

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Willem Middelkoop is "niet het zonnetje in huis als het om de financiële toekomst gaat", zegt Matthijs van Nieuwkerk in deze aflevering uit oktober 2008 van De Wereld Draait Door.

Willem Middelkoop's richtpunt, professor Roubini (Dr. Doom), meent dat de hele financiële wereld op instorten staat en dat we een 'financial meltdown' krijgen, een langdurige recessie en wellicht nog vóór juli van dit jaar een grootscheepse, akelige oorlog tussen de VS en een ander land.

Het lijkt erop dat Roubini het dan heeft over de al in 'De Protocollen van de Wijzen van Zion' aangekondigde Derde Wereldoorlog die de VS onder auspiciën van de zionistische wereldheersers gaan starten tegen Iran. In periodes van financiële crises en grote werkloosheid hebben de Rothschilds al eerder oorlog als oplossing bedacht en laten ontstaan.

Het tegenwoordig niet meer zo geliefde orakel Alan Greenspan krijgt ook nog een paar vegen uit de pan: In de conspiracywereld (waar Middelkoop deel van uitmaakt) geldt Greenspan, vazal van de Rothschilds, als een van de belangrijkste personen uit het joodse Geld-Establishment, dat deze economische crisis opzettelijk beraamd zou hebben. Zelf zegt Greenspan dat we midden in een financiële tsunami zijn terechtgekomen die hij ook niet heeft zien aankomen. Eenzelfde soort verhaaltje als Nout Wellink ophing toen hij deze week werd uitgemaakt voor grootste boosdoener door de Vereniging van Effecten Bezitters.

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