This "Minutes" I received from Mr. R. Devroe with the request to publish it here. I really don't know why he doesn't do it self.
I feel and see that the interest of people to the topic "General Assembly 17-18 May" is dramatically decreased.
It is logical. Most of people are interested in the present and in the future more than in the past.
Even being quite curious what has exactly happened during already historical GA in Zwartsluis I was disappointed to see that this version is not an objective and so reliable source.
Any "Minutes" should be just the sec record of the happening. The protocolling doesn't imply to show the personal opinion. Can you imagine if your memcorder or videorecorder would provide your records with own comments?
So I would call it not "Minutes" but "Story". And any story has a right for personal fantasy of the author.
Maybe we'll be lucky and will ever see the real Minutes.
P.S. Still thank to Rik Devroe. Anyhow it has been a lot of work.
Minutes General Assembly 2003
(Minutes GA 0305 v2.doc last saved :01/07/03 2:08 PM:08 )
Dates: Saturday 17 May 2003– Sunday 18 May 2003
Venue: Hotel Zwartewater, Zwartsluis, Netherlands
Day one: Saturday 17 of May 2003
Present: President Wouter van Beek, Treasurer a.i. Jaap Bus, Tournament Director Youth a.i. Henri Macaux, World Champion Tamara Tansykkuzhina, President T.C. Henk Fokkink, President Section 64 and repr. Ukraine Anatoli Yatsenko, Tournament Director 64 and T.C. Alexander Lehmann, EDC president Jacek Pawlicki, CAJD president Ndongo Fall, Support Structure Sponsoring Harm Wiersma, repr. Australia Verbuk, repr. Brazil Lelio Marcos, repr. Belarus Irina Pashkevich, repr. England David Levy (+ mandate Wales), repr. Estonia Janek Mäggi (and Iivo Nei and Viktoria Lehtmets), repr. France Patrick Martin, repr. Germany Jan Zioltkowski, repr. Israel Josef Fridman, repr. Italy Radin Bubbi Eleonora, repr. Ivory Coast Ibrahim Adiatou, repr. Latvia Guntis Valneris, repr. Lithuania Rima Danilevičiene , repr. Mongolia Chimeddorj Bat Erdene, repr. Netherlands Johan Haijtink (second day: Theo van den Hoek), repr. Poland Leszek Lysakowski, repr. Senegal Issa Mbaye (and Diene Gomis and Souleymane Diop), repr. Russia RIDF (FID) Yuri Chertok, repr. Russia RDF Roman Klimashov, Ivan Shovkoplyas, ACF FMJD co-ordinator, president ICHF and repr. USA Charles Walker, General Secretary a.i. and repr. Belgium Rik Devroe.
Mr. Edvard Bužinski (Lithuania), Mr. Ygal Koyfman and Mr. Jean-Marc Ndjofang (Cameroon) came in later, or at least did not sign the attendance list.
Excused: Ibrahim Ismaylov (Azerbaijan), Mr. R.K. Anand (India), Warren Williams (USA), Johan Demasure (Belgium)
Excused for the second day: Janek Mäggi (and Iivo Nei and Viktoria Lehtmets) (Estonia)
Names of present persons are underlined. Countries with voting right are bold.
Saturday 17 May 13.00 h
1. Opening & welcome
- We have here in Zwartsluis a great WorldChampionship, good organised and playing the best players of the world.
- We lost 2 important persons:
- Mr. Piet Roozenburg, well known by everybody, 4 times World Champion and FMJD-president 1978-1980 and 1984-1990. Mr. Raymond Petitjean, president of the Belgian Federation from 1975 till 2002. He organised 2 World Championships Juniors and a European Championship.
- Wouter just came from Madrid where he had a GAISF and IOC-meeting. FMJD is full (and voting) member in GAISF (General Association of International Sports Federations), together with Bridge.
It means that in some countries the national federation can get (more) support from their Government, because they will be accepted as being sport federations.
Also we can participate in major events as:
- Universiades
- World Games
- Youth Games
- Continental Games
- Master Games …
This full membership means we’re a step ahead becoming recognised by the IOC, which is extremely important. It will take some time and we have no guarantees but the preliminary talks look promising. We’ll have to show we are united.
2. Accreditation & voting rights
Several countries were discussed about voting rights.
Senegal: guaranteed for the rest of the debts. The Senegal Federation took responsibility to organise African Championships, which costs more than 10 times the FMJD subscription. The Government guarantee is not available in writing yet, but will be presented on Sunday.
Lelio Marcos was not convinced, but no voting was demanded.
Belarussian Federation says she had the bill too late (remark General Secretary: Bye-Laws say: 7.1. Duties: “…The contribution has to be paid to the Treasurer of the FMJD in January of each year, but in any case before 31 March.�). No voting demanded.
Russia: since 2 years we have sections. Huissen mandated CD to make necessary changes in Statutes and Bye-Laws. Nevertheless we still prefer there is only one (umbrella) federation. In some countries more federations are accepted, in others not.
Mr. Klimashov: Thanks CD to have so many countries in the meeting. Glad to see 2 great organisers like Mr. Levy en Mr. Walker. What is the point to change this point of multiple membership? It doesn’t exist anymore. Every (remark GS: 2) year we are changing statutes.
Answer: it’s needed for all checker-playing countries and the changes in statutes are needed because of changes in structure.
Mr. Macaux: Statutes need to make stronger federations, not to divide them. The statutes will be tested by IOC.
Mr. Yatsenko: Only in extraordinary situation we can allow more than one federation.
Mr. Walker: In America we have: international Checkers (draughts), Pool and Straight Checkers.
Mr. Van Beek: we don’t want federations to split.
Mr. Yatsenko: If national statutes say we organise 100 ànd 64, then it’s possible to make another federation.
Mr. Macaux: the present situation and her history, we have to take in account. In the future, normally it’s not possible to have different national federations. We must not mingle in purely national problems.
Mr. Van Beek: The case of Russia is not purely national, because of recognising World titles.
Proposal: amendment to be put in Statutes or Bye-Laws: “There should be only one (umbrella) federation. Only exceptionally and for historical reasons, more than one federation per country will be admitted.�
3. New federations and federations in debt
New federations: Wales, Australia, India, Germany (replacing old one: Mr. Zioltkowski)
Van Beek: Wales, though part of the United Kingdom, has separate sport federations in the great majority of international sports.
All federations proposed are welcomed by applause.
Provisionally accepted by sectional GA 100 sq. (Bijlmer-Amsterdam): RIDF (FID) under the condition they work towards unification. The Board has taken steps to that through a meeting in Moscow by the president and Russian officials. RIDF (FID) organised 2 matches and all Russian players here present at World Championship (Zwartsluis) are members of RIDF (FID).
Irina Pashkevich: does RDF organise 100 sq. championships?
Klimashov: Yes, youth championships.
Van Beek concurs.
Irina Pashkevich: the proposition means for me: CD does not fulfil rules, but creates rules.
Van Beek: RIDF (FID) has the worldchampion and organised World Championships (matches).
Ms. Eleonora Bubbi: one person has to do the job of unifying. Not Klimashov, Langin, …
Mr. Macaux: we have to set an ultimatum on end of this year, if not a unification, then no playing rights.
Klimashov: I do want 1 federation.
Van Beek gives reasons for accepting RIDF (FID):
- we accept them because of world titles and presence here
- we already (provisionally) accepted RIDF (FID) by Sectional Assembly 100 sq.
- we set a period to be joined (ultimatum); if not join : no federation is recognised.
Klimashov: I together with Goskomsport say: RIDF (FID) is only regional
Van Beek: that is an internal issue only.
Mr. Macaux: In our statutes is written: “The FMJD has its official flag and motto: "Our strength is in the unity of draughts"�. But we are too long busy (2 to 3 years) struggling with Russian problem.
Klimashov: RIDF (FID) is a good organisation but now youth players (100 sq.) are divided in 2 federations, and the Russian law doesn’t allow to be in 2 federations.
Chertok: it was Mr. Klimashov who made rule it’s not possible to join both federations. We have an interregional federation with 49 regions. This is more than 50% and is OK. Federation exists for players and not for itself.
Levy: we are here to work together, so let’s make that 100 ànd 64 players can play. We are here to create unity, not argument. The Committee should work with both federations and to bring them together in the interest of the players.
o 1 mandate to RIDF (FID)
Acceptance of RIDF (FID) on temporary basis, on condition old and new will work to the unification (agreement Moscow) which must be realised end of this year.
Why? It’s in the interest of players, it is recognition of present situation and this will not open the door for other federations to split.
We had 20 secret votes:
Yes: 9
No: 7
Abstention: 4
RIDF (FID) settles its debts with the treasurer.
4. New voting system
Because this means now we have 2 votes for one country (Russia) we propose to have a change in the article 4.4 of the Bye-Laws (not changing statutes - for the moment - because this is not possible, following statutes; that is only possible in an extraordinary GA).
4.4. Voting rights.
Only those national member federations who have fulfilled their financial obligations and are correctly represented at the General Assembly may vote. Votes per delegation are possible in that one Federation present can be mandated by one absent federation to vote on behalf and in delegation of that absent federation. This mandate has to be in writing, by letter or by fax. Each member country, whatever its importance, through its proper representative(s), has six votes. A country can consist of one or more sectional federations, its representatives have 6 (one sectional federation), 3 (2 sectional federations) or 2 (3 sectional federations) votes. The General Secretary organises the voting, counts the votes, ascertains the results, which are publicly announced by the President.
We had 20 votes:
Yes: 19
Abstention: 1
5. Minutes of GA Huissen 18 & 19 August 2001
6. Reports of President, General Secretary and tournament direction
Report of President was sent with invitation. No remarks.
Reports of General Secretary and tournament direction were not there because they both are brand-new in Board.
7. Election of Tournament director – youth , 100
Van Beek explained about changing order of the agenda: we take first of all the elections where we have no other candidates.
There was asked for how many years a president, general secretary and treasurer is chosen. Answer: 4 years.
For Tournament Director youth, 100 sq.: Henri Macaux (proposition France and CD): welcome with applause.
8. Election of Tournament Director – seniors, 100
For Tournament Director Adults: Eleonora Bubbi (proposition Italy and CD). Welcome with applause.
9. Election of General Secretary, Treasurer
Ed Holstvoogd could no more do the job. Ed is very weak by illness and could not be present. We thank Ed for his fine work.
For Treasurer: Jaap Bus (proposition Netherlands and CD) : welcome with applause.
For General Secretary: Rik Devroe (in replacement of Georges Hübner, whom we thank for his excellent work). Welcome with applause.
Board member Asia: election has to be done by Asia.
Committee Problemism: Steef De Bruijn is not well. Jaap Bus, well known problemist, wants to step in to solve problems between Russia and Ukraine. Agreement.
Support structure: Webmaster Alexander Presman: Wouter praises him with the fine job. Welcome with applause.
Computer Draughts Co-ordination: Jaap Bus. Welcome with applause.
10. Report of Treasurer & Finances
Mr. Bus studied the books and finds Mr. Holstvoogd did a very accurate and highly detailed job.
Finances 2002: Critical, but now better, because many federations paid their debts.
FMJD Bureau: Dutch Government paid for the bulk of the costs, now 8% to be paid by FMJD. After contacts with municipality of Amsterdam: Bureau can work further like it is.
Fees: Jaap is from this moment an official beggar for fees. About 20 countries are not paying anything.
Irina Pashkevich: I have a few questions because Holstvoogd is not here.
1673ˆto GAISF: this means about 45ˆper country? The matter is explained.
In Yakutsk Clerc and Nosevich got prize-money from Van Beek his pocket?! Answer: yes.
In the future I ask financial reports to be wider.
Mr. Bus: The system applied for 2002 was the same as Mr. Holstvoogd used the years before.
I agree with more extensive open information, including a financial planning to be discussed in CD and GA.
Irina Pashkevich: Who pays for GA? FMJD or organising committee of WC? Answer: Organisation this time, sometimes FMJD.
Where are reports of EDC and 64? Answer: for EDC: General Assembly EDC. For 64: Sectional Assembly 64.
11. Election of President
Yesterday there were two problems about candidacy Mr. Shovkoplyas :
- not in time: if possible 2 months in advance of GA. This means that there has to be an excuse why it was not done in the proper time. The candidacy was transferred not even 14 days before AG. This makes certain federations could no more anticipate and inform a representative.)
- no official proposition document, neither from Ukrainian Federation (or CD), neither from a second federation
The second problem was resolved now: propositions for candidacy by Ukrainian and Belarussian Federation were given. CD decided yesterday that in this case Mr. Shovkoplyas would be accepted as a candidate.
Mr. Shovkoplyas presented his candidacy:
The Ukrainian Government promised to invest 10 to 20.000 ˆin FMJD.
I worked with Sergei Bubka who is also a friend of Ukrainian Prime Minister.
Sergei Bubka is also President of the Ukraine Olympic Committee.
The Prime Minister will help me with sponsoring.
I have the plan, with Sergei Bubka, to travel to Geneva and Monaco to obtain IOC-recognition.
Bringing in money will be my first goal.
Russian Federation: Mr. Shovkoplyas is a National Master, as player one of the 3 best in national championship, leader of committee “Zenith�.
Mr. Levy asks which positions and history Mr. Shovkoplyas has in FMJD.
Answer: 1970: main chief of former USSR-teams 1986: first vice-president of 64
Q.: Will sponsorship still be brought in when not elected?
A.: In any case, I will try to help, but it will be easier when Prime Minister knows I’m president.
Q.: What will the money be used for?
A.: To make WC more professional, to have a Bureau in Holland, Kiev and Lugansk, for propaganda and Ukrainian and other magazines.
Q. (Macaux): If he is not elected, will he try to do the same, in the interest of draughts? Is Ukrainian interested in Draughts or only in having a president?
Q. (Bubbi): Economic situation is changing rapidly in Ukraine, so it’s possible that no support comes.
Q. (Fall): Politics to Africa, what can we expect?
A.: West Africa is very important. I will visit it.
Q. (Bužinski) : Who do you want for vice-president ? Van Beek, Wiersma, Russian vice-president?
Lelio Marcos says Mr. Shovkoplyas was coach for Sergei Bubka.
Ygal Koyfman: I see for voting:
- federations with debts can participate
- 2 federations of same country can participate
Koyfman says Israelian Federation supports in writing the candidacy of Mr. Shovkoplyas.
Bubbi: Ukrainians come to Italy because they have nothing in their country. The support-money is a promise, not truth.
Candidacy Mr. Van Beek: Mr. Shovkoplyas is a friend of long time. I hope the promises will be true. In Abidjan we were promised half a million, good hotels and large sums of prize-money. But I doubt.
Promising money is easy. Mr. Yatsenko asked for financial guarantee from Ukrainian Olympic Committee. Only, Ukrainian Government cannot give support to International organisation. This letter shows that Ukrainian Government commits itself but it does not give financial guarantee. Personal promises from Mr. Bubka could be more important than this paper from Ukrainian Government. It’s a fact there is no financial guarantee. The most important issues are: continuation of FMJD and to work to IOC-recognition.
There will be no Dutch office without a Dutch president. We have had lots of problems to contact Ukraine. What I aim at: bring FMJD to IOC-recognised federation. IOC is not impressed by money (they have enough). I’m quite positive I’ll get FMJD there, this was my goal from the start. It took us 6 years to get in GAISF and I worked very hard to reach this. It would have been very difficult without a Dutch Bureau or without the financial KNDB support, which is gratefully acknowledged. I cannot promise you large sums of money because I’m not used to promises without guarantee.
If we rely on the offer of Ukrainian Government, then we become totally dependent on them.
But it’s extremely risky: if it fails, you cannot come back to Holland because the basis of the Bureau has disappeared. Now 28.000 ˆ(wages) and 7.000 ˆ(faxes, telephone) are paid by the Dutch Government.
I promise security and continuity.
Q. (Erdenebileg): Is the Bureau paid by Dutch Government? It’s not mentioned in the Account of income and expenses.
A.: indeed it’s not mentioned but it’s the truth.
Q. (Erdenebileg): I ask finances to be more clear.
Q. (Bužinski): Is it possible to have 2 presidents?
A.: Statutes don’t allow it.
Q. (Bužinski): Is it possible to have vice-president?
A.: Statutes don’t allow it. There are already 4 vice-presidents. First vice-president is from European Confederation.
Levy: in elections candidates make lot of promises. From what I heard, it’s disgraceful that Ukrainian Government is not interested in Draughts and Checkers, they are only interested in president. The funding, by Dutch Government, Mr. van Beek offers in the Bureau are existing things.
Mr. Shovkoplyas: 18
Mr. Van Beek: 22
Mr. Van Beek: Thank you and tomorrow we’ll see if we can work together to obtain what was promised.
12. Section Checkers: Calendar & proposals
David Levy:
Checkers section produced its own Bye-Laws, with the help of Mr. van Beek. Name of the Checkers section: World Checkers Federation. This name is needed for sponsorships.
The Checkers section will use FMJD-logo.
Vice-presidents: Mr. Charles Walker and Mr. George Miller.
In October, there will be a General Assembly in Ireland.
2 more vice-presidents will be elected.
The woman championship (match Patricia Breen (Ireland) against Jan Mortimer (New Zealand)) will then take place (end of October).
Also in Ireland (half October): WC-match men: Ron King (Barbados) against Alex Moiseyev (USA)
Day two: Sunday 18 of May 2003
Communications by the President:
Turkmenistan: Turkmenistan Federation: “Our strength is in unity� and thanks to Mr. Van Beek we are in GAISF. We congratulate with 10th anniversary. We also want to thank Mr. Johan Bastiaannet. TDF proposes to elect Wouter van Beek as president.
Azerbaijan: ADF wishes the participants of the GA constructive work on development of draughts all over the world, creation of the friendly relationship between federations all over the world. Let our favourite sport develop and prosper all over the world.
Mandate from Wales (to the Netherlands) and England (to USA) were given.
Later on, mandate of Italy was given to France.
Yatsenko hands over document, signed by 11 federation representatives.
Document was handed over.
The petition says the following: - With remarks by General Secretary in footnotes
Undersigned delegates of the General Assembly FMJD and the representatives of the below mentioned federations would like to pay attention of all delegates to the several irregularities during the first day of the GA, May 17, 2003.
1. According to the FMJD Statutes lastly amended on August 18, 2001, Chapter 2 Membership Ad
“The General Assembly will decide for the membership. Excluded are alternative or dissident national federations; secondary organisations who represent a fraction of the nations without national coverage; federations outside their proper territory.�
By accepting the second federation without national coverage, which is in fact the secondary one and represents a fraction of the nation , the General Assembly and the President by himself didn’t follow its own Statutes.
2. The counting of votes of federations which either
- just affiliated;
- didn’t pay their debts as Senegal (see Article 14 which clearly says that such a countries have no voting right);
- do not represent countries but just a region(s) as England and Wales;
switching of the points in agenda – can’t be treated else than manipulation
3. Federations paying minimal contribution of 45 Euro wouldn’t have voting right.
All above makes elections from May 17, 2003 invalid.
Therefore, we demand that new elections with strict following Statutes (including validating of the mandates of delegates and avoiding all above irregularities).
This petition was signed by: Ukraine (Yatsenko), Russia (Klimashov), Belarus (Pashkevich), Israel (Fridman), Australia (Verbuk), Poland (Lysakowski), Brazil (Marcos), Germany (Zioltkowski), Lithuania (E. Bužinski, Mongolia (Ch. Bat-Erdene) and Latvia (Valneris).
At this time, there was asked for an immediate re-election by Mr. Koyfman.
Van den Hoek: in my opinion: CD can react.
Yatsenko: as a vice-president I have some questions:
We want to promote game of draughts. Mystification and manipulation are not on their place in this. Election of president is very important. Be straight with GA.
I address to Jaap Bus: about your report
What sum did England pay and when?
Bus: They paid two times 45 and 115 ˆ, yesterday morning, so 160 for 2003.
Yatsenko: and how about Senegal ?
Bus: we think we have enough guarantee: they cannot organise W.C. if debts are not paid. Also Byelorussia has given guarantee.
Mbaye: We understand president elections are very important and it heats the minds. I have been in CD of FMJD for 9 years. As being a director of a telephone company, 850 ˆis not a big problem. In last-minute African Championships - It was Senegal, instead of Mali, who organised -, 7000 ˆwas invested for 14 players, 14 days. I came here to discuss the world team championship, not to discuss 800 ˆ. We are here to promote draughts, it’s less important who is president.
Yatsenko: next question: follow the statutes in order to promote draughts.
Pashkevich: I want to remind that the statutes say: who has 2 years of debts, should be suspended, this is not the case with Byelorussia.
Bus: My personal opinion is that Belarus and Senegal both gave a guarantee, can be trusted and should not be suspended.
Yatsenko: Senegal was not in the case it could vote and only national federations can vote. So we have difficulties with Wales and England, which are U.K. Even with one illegal vote: elections are invalid. 11 federations state that these elections are invalid. So we have to choose new chairman of this meeting.
Wiersma: what happened yesterday was a shame. First of all, I’m a player, there is my heart, I was organising, not so long ago I was a member of the Dutch Parliament. When I had lunch with Mr. Levy (who is a master chess player). He says: the problem about big countries (with many members) is that they have no more to say than little countries. We had a good working to solve problems in Russian Federation. I asked for protocol of this meeting with Russian Government.
Van Beek: There are two things to do: I give chair to vice-president Jacek Pawlicki to facilitate the meeting. The second is eventually a re-election. I’m not sure this re-election would be legal.
Pawlicki: as vice-president I have the obligation to do this. We have to redo all voting yesterday. One vote per country. First of all: who has voting rights ? We have to look at the presence list and to look if it is financially OK.
Fall: It’s not following statutes to have re-election now. A new GA has to decide in at least 2 months.
Pawlicki: We cannot discuss with 19 federations. I’m your leader. If you don’t agree, you can go.
Mbaye: we don’t want dictator, we are members.
Fall: we are here under presidency of FMJD. I’m general secretary of Africa and have the same rights as European president.
Pawlicki: I’m 43 and cannot raise voice. We have 19 federations present…
Fall: it’s not following statutes to put another president while the president is present.
Van Beek: I’m absent as a president. I gave mandate to Mr. Pawlicki.
Big emotional discussion follows. Pawlicki leaves chairman’s chair.
Afternoon session
Pawlicki: we have a re-election, then meeting proceeds. Tansykkuzhina, Bubbi and Devroe will form the voting committee.
Koyfman wants another candidate.
Pawlicki: If you want to discuss this, find another chairman. Counting commission: Tansykkuzhina, Wiersma, Gantwarg
Chizhov: Yesterday we voted about 2 federations in Russia. My federation has been accepted, we have paid, not the other federation.
Fall: democracy means it’s free to speak. About regulation principles: We discuss the present chairman, it should be Van Beek. Second: if a difficulty happens after a decision, to come back to it, we have to organise another assembly in 2 months. In between, the decisions taken at the first meeting are legal.
Chizhov: I did not have an answer to my question: do we have 1, half or no vote?
Gantwarg: respect to majority? We are majority and want to proceed. All of it is caused by irregularities. I can understand the problems of certain countries, but we have to proceed.
Martin: Everybody wants to follow statutes. If we do so, if there is a large problem like here, we have to organise a new assembly in 2 months.
Mbaye: Why a discussion about votes, we came to agreements yesterday. We are sportsmen, if we loose, we loose. All was accepted yesterday. We had a voting and long discussions, we agreed enough to have the voting. At that time there was no discussion. Discussion comes only after the outcome of the voting.
Koyfman: Israel’s proposal: let’s vote about 3 things: 1 vote for Russia, no vote for Wales and about vote for Senegal.
Marcos: If Wales can vote, then also Grenada can vote (and he puts money on the table in front of the treasurer).
Bus: This is not the way we conduct our business in FMJD.
Chizhov: Does our Federation have a vote?
Mbaye (reacting on Marcos acts): Giving money, it’s corruption. What has Grenada to do with Senegal? Money is not relevant, we’re here not for voting again, but for business. By these acts we are obstructed to do our draughts-business.
Pawlicki stops discussion by organising it: Who wants to have the word is given a maximum of 5 minutes, including translation.
Fall: Democracy is the right of free speech. We cannot reject statutes, if necessary, we take steps to appeal. We don’t accept to take back decisions. If you’re not happy with decision, you can leave. The president has to be president.
Marcos: Who has rights to vote?
Pawlicki: in CD, functions are divided.
Koyfman: Russia is who?
Martin: I’m surprised on my first GA meeting. There is discussion about the legality of this meeting. I came to talk about draughts. What I see is discouraging. I wonder if I’ll ever come back.
Ndjofang (Cameroon): our delegate has got problems, so he was not here yesterday. We have to be serious. Competitions, progression of draughts game, and so on is important. Let’s try to evolve. Players are most important. If we come back to majority decisions, nothing will ever happen in draughts game.
Yatsenko: it’s not a question about somebody against somebody. It’s only because of statute-mistakes we have problem. So we have to correct our mistakes and then continue.
Concrete: 3 points: England is clear; mistake with Wales: we accepted against our statutes (membership 1.3), so we have to redo all voting. The third point is voting about Byelorussia or/and Senegal.
Fall: I have the proposal to follow statutes: next extra-ordinary GA in 2 months (July 2003). Only one point on the agenda: election for president. We cannot vote this, it’s only application of statutes. We are not here to vote propositions, we want to respect statutes, follow texts. Two-third of federations have to be present. If we redo elections now, we’re violating texts.
Pashkevich asks to redraw proposal Senegal/France/Italy.
Pawlicki: PROPOSAL: we come together in 2 months: YES or NO
A pause was given to the GA.
Van Beek: I have an announcement to make: I have been president for 11 years (and I’m glad my wife is here). I have seen different phases in FMJD. I see now a trend to polarisation between Russia and Western Europe + Africa, which is not good. That is not what I want for World Federation. It’s part of a process around me. I don’t want to be part of this situation. I have been working towards unity, I have done what I could. Now there is a culture of dissent, opposition I don’t want to take part in. Viewing the process, viewing the interest of FMJD, the way things are going here and in Moscow, it’s better to find a way to bridge differences. I no longer want to be that bridge, because the processes around me don’t allow me to be a bridge.
I have done my share and I think it has been enough. I will resign as president in 2 months. In 2 months, we have an assembly where everything will be regulated. I will not be a candidate. Candidates have to be quickly proposed. In the meantime, I will take care of business with CD of this moment and organise the assembly.
After that election, there will be a new president. I think we need 2 months to heal the wounds. I will continue to further the cause of FMJD. I’m glad many friends are here, it’s not about me, it’s about FMJD.
Yatsenko: GA can decide everything. Majority decides.
Pawlicki: Please, take in account, we can think. This is a new situation. I want to adopt this solution, otherwise I resign as temporary chairman.
Walker: please go ahead with respect for the man having served you for 11 years. Is this a vendetta to Wouter? Let him remain for 60 days and let him resign in dignity.
Gantwarg: he was president in Moscow and promises were not fulfilled. We cannot come in 2 months because of financial reasons. So we want re-election now.
Bat Erdene: We had GA in 99, 2000, 01, 03 and another in 2003? Statutes say every 2 years. For us it’s not possible to attend the next GA.
- resigning in 2 months
- new GA in July
Mbaye: I respect the decision of Wouter, but it will not help FMJD. This is a historic moment. FMJD is not 11 members that can dismiss the president. We need to evolve. This is a forcing and we don’t want this. I don’t know what motivations are…
Klimashov: I was in few GA: Huissen, Moscow. No decisions have been made.
Van den Hoek: one important decision has been made: resigning of van Beek. We need those 2 months to organise. Let’s act legally conforming to statutes. Candidacy has to be 2 months in advance and indeed we need 2 months to repair the wounds. Reunion can be anywhere, president can be from whatever country.
Yatsenko: If Mr. Van den Hoek can give guarantee that travelling cost will be given.
Van den Hoek: There are more important points to discuss. We will need nevertheless another GA.
Fridman: I came here, paid a lot and got to return in 2 months. I don’t have the money.
Pawlicki: If GA wants to speak, OK, go ahead.
Chizhov: Do we have voting rights? Our players paid. If we don’t have voting rights, then Klimashov has to pay.
Bat Erdene: 2 proposals: extra-ordinary assembly and let’s vote for future problems
- GA July 2003
- Without Van Beek as candidate
Counting committee: Gantwarg, Wiersma and Tansykkuzhina.
Who has voting rights for Russia?
Bus: RIDF (FID) paid by far the largest part of the debts (Euro 2500), Klimashov (RDF) also paid a membership fee, both for 2002 and 2003 (2x390 Euro). This was explained by me yesterday and the meeting agreed about the voting rights of both RIDF (FID) and RDF.
Klimashov: Mr. Van Beek, where did you send invitation for W.C. to? To all federations? To Committee of Sport?
Van Beek: it was sent to all federations. SA 100 squares accepted RIDF (FID).
Klimashov: I paid 2003, as asked.
Tansykkuzhina: Klimashov is not sent by Sport Committee. If Klimashov is legal, then he must pay all debts.
Klimashov: Our treasurer said all debts were OK.
Chizhov: Yesterday we were voting member and today not ?
Bus: RIDF (FID) has the same voting rights now as yesterday.
Van Beek: Recognition stands until it’s voted against.
Pawlicki: we like to vote on proposition of president. The problem of the Russian federation: yesterday it was accepted. If it’s illegal or not, it’s not known.
Fall: we respect your kindness, but the principle is: we cannot vote this. Only yes is legal.
Van Beek: you’re right, but I ask you to vote.
In between, there is a discussion about Wales: is it a country?
- AG July 2003
- Wouter van Beek resigns, another president will be chosen.
After collection of the votes, with all voting-paper in the box.
Wiersma asks general secretary if Wales had votes.
Devroe: Wales has votes and gave mandate to the Netherlands.
Wiersma: so why is that, Wales is not a country …
Devroe: until there is a voting against, the decisions of yesterday still stand. Yesterday Wales had a vote, so today it’s also like that. Besides, Wales has a federation in the majority of sports.
Harm Wiersma tears to pieces several of the voting-papers.
Pawlicki: I asked counting committee to do their work. I see something is wrong. I’m not informed. I hand the meeting back to the president.
Van Beek: we suspend the reunion, in this way it’s impossible to work. We come together in about 2 months. I will not be candidate for presidency. So, the meeting is adjourned till the summer.
END OF THE MEETING. The GA is adjourned till the summer.
All of the following was not discussed.
13. Report on situation in Checkers
14. Reports of support structure (Sponsoring, players issues, propaganda)
15. Minutes of Sectional Assembly Bila Tserkva June 2002 (PM)
16. Minutes of Sectional Assembly Amsterdam October 2002 (PM)
17. Ratification of Section statutes: 100 sq., 64 sq.
18. Ratification of titles in the sections
- 100
- 64 Russian/Brazilian
- Checkers (Anglo/American)
19. Proposed titles in the sections for 2003, 2004, 2005 (general calendar)
20. International draughts (100 sq.): CD proposals:
- 4 year WC cycle
- format women WC
- Calendar 100 sq.
- distinctions
Technical proposals:
- new title and norm system (PM)
- referee norms
- Swiss text (PM)
- Up-to-date rules and regulations text (PM)
- New FMJD & international referees
- titles, records
21. Section 64:
Proposals & calendar
22. Problemism proposals
23. FMJD rating system: players ID-numbers
24. Sponsoring
25. Web-issues
26. Propaganda
27. Varia
Extraordinary General Assembly (just after GA)
1. Modification of Bye-Laws:
- voting system
- other items
2. Modification text Problem composition committee
3. Closing (Sunday 18 May 19.00 h)
Draft of Minutes ( R. Devroe )
Re: Draft of Minutes ( R. Devroe )
[quote="A.Presman"]This "Minutes" I received from Mr. R. Devroe with the request to publish it here. I really don't know why he doesn't do it self.
I feel and see that the interest of people to the topic "General Assembly 17-18 May" is dramatically decreased.
It is logical. Most of people are interested in the present and in the future more than in the past.
Even being quite curious what has exactly happened during already historical GA in Zwartsluis I was disappointed to see that this version is not an objective and so reliable source. So, you tell me what is not objective and unreliable.Any "Minutes" should be just the sec record of the happening. OK, next time I'll use a taperecorder. And then we have minutes of 30 pages. The protocolling doesn't imply to show the personal opinion. My 'opinions' are in footnotes. Can you imagine if your memcorder or videorecorder would provide your records with own comments?
So I would call it not "Minutes" but "Story". And any story has a right for personal fantasy of the author. You tell me where is the fantasy ?
Maybe we'll be lucky and will ever see the real Minutes. Maybe you can make them ?
P.S. Still thank to Rik Devroe. Anyhow it has been a lot of work.
I feel and see that the interest of people to the topic "General Assembly 17-18 May" is dramatically decreased.
It is logical. Most of people are interested in the present and in the future more than in the past.
Even being quite curious what has exactly happened during already historical GA in Zwartsluis I was disappointed to see that this version is not an objective and so reliable source. So, you tell me what is not objective and unreliable.Any "Minutes" should be just the sec record of the happening. OK, next time I'll use a taperecorder. And then we have minutes of 30 pages. The protocolling doesn't imply to show the personal opinion. My 'opinions' are in footnotes. Can you imagine if your memcorder or videorecorder would provide your records with own comments?
So I would call it not "Minutes" but "Story". And any story has a right for personal fantasy of the author. You tell me where is the fantasy ?
Maybe we'll be lucky and will ever see the real Minutes. Maybe you can make them ?
P.S. Still thank to Rik Devroe. Anyhow it has been a lot of work.
Re: Draft of Minutes ( R. Devroe )
Alexander, I read the minutes and didn't notice personal opinions in it. But of course I did not attend the meeting. Can you tell us where we can find the personal opinions of the (former?) FMJD secretary general?A.Presman wrote:This "Minutes" I received from Mr. R. Devroe with the request to publish it here. I really don't know why he doesn't do it self.
I feel and see that the interest of people to the topic "General Assembly 17-18 May" is dramatically decreased.
It is logical. Most of people are interested in the present and in the future more than in the past.
Even being quite curious what has exactly happened during already historical GA in Zwartsluis I was disappointed to see that this version is not an objective and so reliable source.
Any "Minutes" should be just the sec record of the happening. The protocolling doesn't imply to show the personal opinion. Can you imagine if your memcorder or videorecorder would provide your records with own comments?
So I would call it not "Minutes" but "Story". And any story has a right for personal fantasy of the author.
Maybe we'll be lucky and will ever see the real Minutes.
P.S. Still thank to Rik Devroe. Anyhow it has been a lot of work.
- Posts: 2132
- Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 16:43
- Real name: Alexander Presman
- Location: the Netherlands
It is a technical issue here.
Mr. Devroe did put some "footnotes" in the Word-version of the minutes with personal comments.
That was a little strange for me. I suppose a Secretary can not put in Minutes his opinion and comments.
When I copied and pasted all text from Word to the "Message body" the footnotes remained not copied while I thought they did. (some specific of structure of Word document). Therefore you don't see "footnotes" and my comment was written from the position that you see it.
When I found it out yesterday night I wrote to Mr. Devroe, that he should explain if he supposed the footnotes to be publlished. If not - my excuses to Mr. Devroe , my comment is to be deleted.
If yes - I will add it, no (or little ) excuses, comment stays on.
Only the point is that the Minutes were already sent to all national federations with comments. And direct mailing is a lot stronger than publication on the web.
Mr. Devroe did put some "footnotes" in the Word-version of the minutes with personal comments.
That was a little strange for me. I suppose a Secretary can not put in Minutes his opinion and comments.
When I copied and pasted all text from Word to the "Message body" the footnotes remained not copied while I thought they did. (some specific of structure of Word document). Therefore you don't see "footnotes" and my comment was written from the position that you see it.
When I found it out yesterday night I wrote to Mr. Devroe, that he should explain if he supposed the footnotes to be publlished. If not - my excuses to Mr. Devroe , my comment is to be deleted.
If yes - I will add it, no (or little ) excuses, comment stays on.
Only the point is that the Minutes were already sent to all national federations with comments. And direct mailing is a lot stronger than publication on the web.