Risposta ad articolo Mr. Wiersma

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Risposta ad articolo Mr. Wiersma

Post by shadow » Mon Dec 25, 2006 23:48

Mi sento in dovere di chiarire alcuni aspetti sollevati nell'articolo sottoriportato.

La malattia di Mr. Wiersma si chiama "protagonismo".

Mr. Wiersma soffre della mancanza di una posizione pubblica in qualsivoglia organismo.

La FMJD deve ringraziare Mr. Wiersma per la Assemblea Generale di Zwartsluis e per aver perso tre anni di tempo ed avere oggi maggiori difficoltà e maggiori impegni per chiedere il riconoscimento dello IOC.

Quanto al Campionato del Mondo a Squadre tenuto in Italia, oggi posso affermare con assoluta serenità, che è stato un buon Campionato.

Le difficoltà che si sono riscontrate a Dakar, hanno fatto capire a tutte le Federazioni quanto l'organizzazione di un Campionato a Squadre sia difficoltosa e non priva di incidenti di percorso, pur con tutta la buona volontà che il Comitato di organizzazione di tale evento possa mettere in campo, riconosciuto anche dai Paesi Africani a Dakar.

Alla Federazione Italiana i trasporti dei giocatori dagli alberghi ai luoghi in cui si tenevano gli incontri (6 alberghi - 6 sale da gioco) è costata qualcosa come 12.000 €. Non si è risparmiato, ma comunque non si è riusciti a soddisfare le esigenze dei giocatori.
Cosa che mi è dispiaciuta moltissimo, proprio nella mia posizione all'interno della FMJD.

Lavorare per la FMJD non significa essere una persona presenzialista a tutti i costi, ed inoltre non fa parte del mio DNA.

Quanto alla mia vita privata non è un fatto che riguardi la opinione pubblica.

Allego nella occasione la foto dello incontro della dirigenza della FMJD con il Presidente della Repubblica Senegalese a cui era intitolata la manifestazione, incontro non solo di cerimonia, ma anche tecnico che ha risolto molte problematiche.

Credo di avervi informato.

Direttore dei Tornei della FMJD
Eleonora Radin Bubbi

Bel voor de laatste ronde op WK-dammen

door Harm Wiersma

DAKAR - Vitalia Doumesh (Nederland) heeft vanmiddag gewonnen van de Senegalese grootmeester Ass Malick Diallo, omdat zijn mobiele telefoon rinkelde tijdens de openingsfase van de partij. De speler van het reserveteam van het gastland meldde zich hierna bij de Belgische hoofdarbiter Johan Demasure met de mededeling dat hij de nederlaag accepteerde.

Bij de openingsceremonie was besproken dat de mobiele telefoons in de speelzaal niet mogen functioneren. De maatregel is min of meer overgenomen van de KNDB, waar ooit Hiltex speler Jean Marc Ndjofang ( de topper, die uitkomt voor zijn land Kameroen ) het slachtoffer van werd in de Nederlandse clubcompetitie. Nu was het Diallo – WK deelnemer aan het WK 1984 in Senegal – die de gevolgen van de moderne technologie aan den lijve moet ondervinden.

De regel die wordt toegepast is discutabel, want het gebruik van de mobiele telefoon in Senegal is in opkomst door de gebrekkige communicatiemogelijkheden. In de zesde ronde van vrijdagavond ontstond een vergelijkbaar voorval, waarbij de telefoon van een speler van het derde Senegalese team een piepje liet horen. Tegenstander Tamara Tansykkuzhina (Rusland) stapte op hoge poten naar de arbiter, maar kreeg nul op het rekest.

Alle aanwezige arbiters hoorden niets en het zou mogelijk alleen kunnen gaan om een signaal dat de batterij bijna op was. De Russin verloor later de partij en het damesteam eiste vervolgens de winst op naar aanleiding van het incident. Een protestcommissie zal zich hierover buigen. De organisatie van het toernooi is heel ontevreden over deze kwestie.

De vrouwen krijgen een voorkeursbehandeling door in het beste Senegalese hotel te verblijven en hun reiskosten worden zelfs betaald. Zelfs de vrouwen die als toerist meegekomen zijn profiteren mee. Wereldkampioen Alexei Tsjizjov en de absolute wereldtopper Alexander Georgiev verblijven in het hotel in het centrum van de hoofdstad, waar vrijwel alle spelers verblijven. De goodwill van de organisatie heeft een enorme deuk opgelopen, omdat de incidenten rond de mobiele telefoons toevallig de Senegalese spelers en de damvrouwen betreft, die juist een gigantische voorkeursbehandeling genieten.

Daarnaast maakt de wedstrijdleider van de werelddambond – mevrouw Elanora Bubbi uit Triëste – het ook erg bont door haar reis naar Senegal samen met echtgenoot te combineren met een safari en tot op heden haar gezicht nog niet heeft laten zien. Bij de laatste internationale wedstrijden in Italië zijn de Afrikaanse teams op en top gediscrimineerd en de Afrikanen willen dat zij haar functie met onmiddelijke ingang zal neerleggen.
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Bert Zwart
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Re: Risposta ad articolo Mr. Wiersma

Post by Bert Zwart » Wed Dec 27, 2006 01:02

A five-minute quick translation from a friend of mine of the following text
(friend's disclaimer: I understand nothing of checkers, so some prepositions will be off because I don't get the meaning -I only get the Italian. Most of the parentheses are mine -except when they correspond to the original text).
I feel I have to clarify some aspects that have been raised in the article attached below.

The disease of Mr. Wiersma is called "protagonism".

Mr. Wiersma is suffering from the lack of a public position in whatever (any) organisation.

FMJD has to thank Mr. Wiersma for the General Assembly of Zwartsluis and for having taken three years of time and having today major difficulty and major obstacles to close (obtain) the recognition of IOC.

When the World Championship for Teams had taken place in Italy, today I can confirm with absolute serenity that it has been a good Championship.

The difficulties that have arisen in Dakar have made clear to all Federations when the organisation of the Championships for Teams is (may be called) difficult and not knowing incidents that have taken place, despite of all the good will that the Committee of the organisation of such an event could ever possibly have, (which is) recognised also from the African Countries in (for?) Dakar.

To the Italian Federation the transportation of the players from the hotels to the places in which the meetings (games) were taking place (6 hotels - 6 rooms of games) has cost around 12.000 €. (The Italian Federation) did not try to save on expenses, but nonetheless they did not manage to satisfy the demands of the players. This is something that has displeased me excessively, exactly because of my position in the insides of FMJD.

To work for FMJD does not mean that you are a person that sticks to every little expense, and in any case, it is not a part of my DNA (i.e. it's not in my character).

In my private life I do not pay attention to the public opinion (free translation).

I am happy with the occasion of the photograph of the meeting of the direction of FMJD with the President of the Senegalese Republic, after whom the event, and not only "in name" (ceremonial), but also technical, that has resolved many problems. (As far as I understand: naming the event after the guy was not only something honourary and that's it, but it also had somehow helped resolve problems).

I believe I have informed you.

Tournament Director of FMJD
Eleonora Radin Bubbi

Bert Zwart
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Post by Bert Zwart » Wed Dec 27, 2006 01:07

My interpretation: Mrs. Bubbi is rather rude to mister Wiersma, former member of Dutch parliament and six times world champion. Apparently she is very proud of being an FMJD official. The only fact that refers to her (that she went on a safari during the tournament) is not disputed.
I hope mister Hildering will deal with this issue.

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Post by shadow » Wed Dec 27, 2006 11:40

I repeat:
that you call safari is part of my private life.
This means that Mr. Wiersma has not to enter in my private life specially on the newspapers.

Eleonora Radin Bubbi

Bert Zwart
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Re: reply

Post by Bert Zwart » Wed Dec 27, 2006 17:57

shadow wrote:I repeat:
that you call safari is part of my private life.
This means that Mr. Wiersma has not to enter in my private life specially on the newspapers.

Eleonora Radin Bubbi
Thank you for your clarification and your switch to English. If you paid all travel costs from Italy to Senegal by yourself then you are right. If FMJD paid for this and you were on safari during the tournament it's a different story.

with kind regards

Bert Zwart

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Post by shadow » Wed Dec 27, 2006 20:11

I have always paid for myself the travel to partecipate to FMJD meetings.

Eleonora Radin Bubbi

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Post by Klareveld » Thu Dec 28, 2006 19:13

Shame on Bert Zwart for his guess-work and his opinionated, non-factual judgment. He has not been in Senegal; he has not been part of the tournament and he has no function or status within the FMJD.

Bert Zwart should mind his own business and find a better use of his time than just deliver random and irritating (non-)contributions to this forum.

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Post by Hiltexfan » Fri Dec 29, 2006 18:34

Klareveld wrote:Shame on Bert Zwart for his guess-work and his opinionated, non-factual judgment. He has not been in Senegal; he has not been part of the tournament and he has no function or status within the FMJD.

Bert Zwart should mind his own business and find a better use of his time than just deliver random and irritating (non-)contributions to this forum.
Hahahah!! Die Klareveld!! Probeert weer anoniem ruzie te krijgen door iemand zwart te maken. Maar het lukt hem niet, want niemand bijt [img]images/smilies/icon_lol.gif[/img]

Jij was officieel wel in Senegal Klareveld, maar toch was je er eigenlijk ook weer niet. Zoals gebruikelijk.

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Post by Alex » Fri Dec 29, 2006 19:32

Hiltexfan wrote:Hahahah!! Die Klareveld!! Probeert weer anoniem ruzie te krijgen door iemand zwart te maken. Maar het lukt hem niet, want niemand bijt
Hoe kan ie Bert nou zwart maken? Dat is ie z'n hele leven al....

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Post by shadow » Sat Jan 06, 2007 18:11

On website
www.fid.it - World Team Championship Dakar
some photos.


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Post by maffia » Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:08

Mrs Bubbi can you explain why some teams got better hotels then others?
Can you explain why referrees got better hotels then players?

In Italy there has been a call to see the "books" but this is denied...why?

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Post by shadow » Tue Feb 06, 2007 09:01


Why do not sign your question?
For first part of your question.
It has been one chosen of the organizers where to put, who.

Personally, I would have preferred a less beautiful hotel but to be in the center of the city like was the Independence Hotel.
I do not have the cult and the requirement to be in a great fashion extra hotel. The important thing for me is that it is cleaned up.

As far as the playhall it was well for the Championship, but being far from the city it has not allowed that, who practical game in Dakar came to see of person the development of the Championship.

For the second part I have sincerely not understood to what reported.

Eleonora Radin Bubbi

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Post by shadow » Tue Feb 06, 2007 09:25

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