International tournaments

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Posts: 2131
Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 16:43
Real name: Alexander Presman
Location: the Netherlands

Internationla tournaments

Post by A.Presman » Wed Apr 16, 2003 21:08

3rd International Open Draughts Tournament in Curaçao
october 4 – october 11, 2003

We invite you to particpate in our 3rd international open draughts
tournament in Curaçao that will be played from Saturday, October 4
untill Saturday, October 11, 2003.
The tournament will be played in the Swiss System with 9 rounds.
The participation fee for this tournament is $ 60 .

The money-prices for this tournament are:
$ 900 - $ 600 - $ 430 - $ 315 and $200.

The organization will host 1 player from each country. in the period October 3 untill October 12
The players hosted by the organization will be staying at the San Marco Hotel & Casino in Willemstad.

Hotel possibilities from the organization for other players are:
doublerooms:$25 per night per person(incl. Continental Breakfast)
triple-rooms: $20 per night per person(incl. Continental Breakfast)

Contact person: Raoul Alias: email:
Tel: 005999-7375724 / 4614233

V. Krista

events in the Czech Republic in 2003

Post by V. Krista » Thu Apr 17, 2003 09:19


Here is basic info on international events in the Czech Republic in 2003:

23rd International Golden Prague Tournament - June 15 - 21
(7 rounds Swiss system, accommodation starting at UER 15)

Pardubice Open - July 11 and 12
(5 rounds Swiss or groups, accommodation starting under 10 EUR, Pardubice is a city abt 90 km east of Prague)
Pardubice Open - July 13 CZECH DAMA
(We intend to play 6 to 7 rounds both in 10x10 and in CZECH DAMA. Accommodation starts from 4 EUR (very simple one). Participation fee is only symbolic - a couple of EUR.)

CEMSO (Central European Mind Sports Olympiad) Prague - October 4 - 12
10 x 10 International tournament - October 4 or 5

E-mail info: or

We are looking forward to meeting you.

Vaclav Krista
V-P Czech Federation of Draughts

Gerard de Groot

Axioma ORAP Open

Post by Gerard de Groot » Mon Apr 28, 2003 22:33

Axioma ORAP Open is a open international draughts tournament in the city of The Hague, Holland. Playing date: 12-19 July 2003. You are welcome to participate in this tournament with many grandmasters. Also play the unique Disco Blitz tournament en Beach Blitz tournament. All information at

Posts: 2131
Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 16:43
Real name: Alexander Presman
Location: the Netherlands

Bovec 2003

Post by A.Presman » Tue May 13, 2003 11:53

Posts: 2131
Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 16:43
Real name: Alexander Presman
Location: the Netherlands

5th Youth Olympiad in Tallinn

Post by A.Presman » Sat May 31, 2003 21:40

Website of the Olympiade


Estonian Draughts Federation has the honour to invite all World Draughts Federations affiliated to FMJD to participate in the 5th Youth Olympiad in Tallinn from the 22nd of July to the 29th July 2003.


Each federation can enter one team of three players (junior, cadet and mini-cadet).

FMJD fees:

In accordance with FMJD regulations a entry fee is required for each invited team. This amount must be paid directly to FMJD.

Registration and travel conditions:

Entry forms must be filled and returned to Estonian Draughts Federation not later than June 15th by fax or by e-mail stamped by their National Federation. This date is the registration deadline.

The complete registration form must include the surnames, first names, date of birth, passport numbers and addresses. It must also include the name and telephone /e-mail/ fax number of the coach.

An identity photo (2x3 cm) must also be sent for the players and coaches.

Travel expenses must be paid by the participants or their federations.

Estonian Draughts Federation will be provide free accommodation and full board to one team (3 persons) and one coach per federation from 22nd of July (breakfast) to 29th of July (lunch).

Accompanying persons must be registration and pay in advance to organizing committee locally.

Posts: 2131
Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 16:43
Real name: Alexander Presman
Location: the Netherlands

23rd GOLDEN PRAGUE, June 15 - 21, 2003

Post by A.Presman » Fri Jun 06, 2003 18:15

Information received today from Lumir Gatnar:

23rd GOLDEN PRAGUE, June 15 - 21, 2003

Dear Sirs,

This mail is just REMINDER of the 23rd Golden Prague Open International
Draughts Tournament that will start in about a week on Sunday June 15,
2003, at 2 p.m.
For people interested, there is still open chance to play with, contacting
organizers via e-mail is welcome. The situation enables to find any class
accommodation in Prague with some effort even on arrival and recent list of
participants is smaller than playing room limits.

The Czech Draughts Federation page contains more details, the
most important ones are listed below.

Best regards,
Lumir Gatnar

The tournament will be played on 7 rounds (one round per day) on the Swiss
June 15, 14:00 21:00 registration and the first round afterwards,
June 16 20, 16:00 22:00 rounds 2-6
June 21, 09:00 16:00 round 7 and closing ceremony.
The first prize will be 5000 CZK, the start money is 900 CZK {30 EUR}, one
half for juniors, international masters, and free for grandmasters.

The playing room:
"Tyrsuv dum" (pics on, in the
historical center part called "Mala Strana", on the left bank of the Vltava
river, street Ujezd 40/450, Praha 1.

Internet accommodation: links to many cheaper pensions and hostels, and to some
better hotels as well. provides zoomable Czech maps, with search on street level.

Address for communication:
Lumír Gatnar, Druzstevní 7, 140 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic.
E-mail:,, Vaclav Krista <>.
Phone (I apologize, prevailingly the answering machine) / Fax: (+420) 241
741 227.

Calendar 2004:
The same week is scheduled for the NEXT year: 24th Golden Prague: June
13-19, 2004.

Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15

First results

Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Jun 16, 2003 23:52

Now, results of Prague tournament : Golden Prague
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

Posts: 2131
Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 16:43
Real name: Alexander Presman
Location: the Netherlands

Marcel-Deslauriers emorial

Post by A.Presman » Tue Jun 24, 2003 22:10


Hi everybody,

We wish to inform you about the first edition of the Marcel-Deslauriers
Memorial draughts tournament accompanying the Canadian Championship. The
event will take place from July 18 to 20, 2003 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
in conjunction with the Just for Laughs Festival.

You'll find more information on the website of the Association quebecoise
des joueurs de dames ( More precisely
via the PDF document at the following address:

You are invited to participate or to forward the information to your
members. Marcel Deslauriers (1905-1988) was World Champion in 1956. He is
the most famous of our players and we wish to make of this Memorial
Tournament an international event. We also wish to make a comeback on the
international competition scene.


André Leclerc.

P.S.: Our current Canadian Champion is Vladimir Lubarski.

Posts: 2131
Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 16:43
Real name: Alexander Presman
Location: the Netherlands

Post by A.Presman » Wed Jun 25, 2003 00:26

Info from Michael Romhild

DAME 100 in Mühlhausen
3 Turniere :
1) Offene Deutsche Dame 100 Blitz-Meisterschaft
2) Offene Deutsche Dame 100 Meisterschaft für Junioren
3) Mühlhausen Open

am 17./18. Oktober 2003
in Mühlhausen/Thüringen
in der Jugendherberge
"Auf dem Tonberg 1"

1. Anreise
Auto/Bus: A4 bis Gotha, dann B 247 bis Mühlhausen oder B 249 Eschwege-Mühlhausen. Folgen Sie dem Hotelring.
Bahn: bis Hbf. Mühlhausen, hier mit der Stadtlinie 5 oder 6 bis Haltestelle Blobach, von hier 500 m bis zur JH.

2. Austragungsort
"Auf dem Tonberg 1"
99974 Mühlhausen

3. Anmeldung
Mike Luhn, Postfach 1320, D-99963 Mühlhausen
Tel.: +49 (0) 3601-421336
Anmeldeschluß: 30. Juli 2003.
Bei Anmeldung: Name, Alter und Geburtstag nicht vergessen.

4. Spielmodus
a) Offene Deutsche Dame 100 Blitz-Meisterschaft
- 7 bis 9 Runden - Schweizer System
17. Oktober 2003 (Freitag)
ab 17.00 Uhr - Anmeldung (auf die Startliste)
ab 18.00 Uhr - 1. bis 7.(9.) Runde (Spieltempo - 10 Min. pro Person)
b) Offene Deutsche Dame 100 Meisterschaft für Junioren
(Dame 100 Jugend-Open)
(geboren im Jahr 1983 oder später)
c) Mühlhausen Open
(geboren im Jahr 1982 oder früher)
beide Turniere werden gleichzeitig ausgetragen
- 5 (6) Runden - Schweizer System
18. Oktober 2003 (Samstag)
8.00- 9.00 Uhr - Frühstück
9.00 Uhr (oder um 9.30 Uhr) - Eröffnung
9.00-10.30 Uhr - 1. Runde
10.35-12.05 Uhr - 2. Runde
12.00-13.00 Uhr - Mittagessen
13.00-14.30 Uhr - 3. Runde
14.40-16.10 Uhr - 4. Runde
16.20-17.50 Uhr - 5. Runde
18.00-19.00 Uhr - Abendbrot
19.00-20.30 Uhr - 6. Runde (???)
19.30 (?) - Versammlung der Interessengemeinschaft Damespiel in Deutschland - falls in Berlin (November 2003) keine stattfindet.
19. Oktober 2003 (Sonntag)
8.00- 9.00 Uhr - Frühstück
9.00 Uhr - ein Simultanspiel, danach Siegerehrung (genaue Angaben werden am Freitag, dem 17. Oktober 2003 bekanntgegeben).
Die Zeitpläne können sich noch ändern.

5. Organisator
Interessengemeinschaft Damespiel in Deutschland

6. Unterkunft
Der Organisator ist für die Unterkunft (Übernachtung) der Teilnehmer nicht verantwortlich. Wir können nur eine Unterkunft in der Jugendherberge reservieren lassen.
a) einfach :
2 x Übernachtung mit Frühstück (Bettwäsche inklusive)
- Kinder - 29 Euro (25 Euro + 4 Euro Startgeld)
- Erwachsene bis 26 Jahre - 32 Euro (25 Euro + 7 Euro Startgeld)
b) Halbpension
2 x Übernachtung mit Frühstück (Bettwäsche inklusive)
1 x Mittag oder 1 x Abendbrot
- Kinder - 35 Euro (31 Euro + 4 Euro Startgeld)
- Erwachsene - 40 Euro (33 Euro + 7 Euro Startgeld)
c) Vollpension
2 x Übernachtung mit Frühstück (Bettwäsche Inklusive)
1 x Mittag, 2 x Abendbrot
- Kinder - 42 Euro (38 Euro + 4 Euro Startgeld)
- Erwachsene - 47 Euro (40 Euro + 7 Euro Startgeld)
Wenn Sie in Deutschland wohnen - b itte überweisen Sie das Geld ( bis zum 15. August 2003 ) auf folgendes Konto:
Konto-Inhaber: Mike Luhn
Konto-Nr.: 1549005355
Bankleitzahl: 82 056 060
Bank: Sparkasse Unstrut-Hainich
Verwendungszweck: Jugend-Open Dame 100

7. Startgeld
a) Erwachsene - 7 €
b) Junioren - 4 €

8. Preise
Die besten Spieler erhalten einen Pokal, sowie Urkunden.

9. Qualifizierung
Sechs Spieler von den 3 Turnieren werden das Finale der Deutschen Dame 100 Meisterschaft - 2004 (8., 9. und 10. Januar 2004) erreichen:
1) von "Mühlhauen Open - 2003" - 4 (vier) Personen - die besten berechtigten Spieler, die das Finale der Deutschen Dame 100 Meisterschaft - 2004 noch nicht erreicht haben,
2) "Offene Deutsche Dame 100 Meisterschaft für Junioren" - 1 (eine) Person - der (die) beste berechtigte Spieler, der (die) das Finale der Deutschen Dame 100 Meisterschaft - 2004 noch nicht erreicht hat,
3) "Offene Deutsche Dame 100 Blitz-Meisterschaft" - nur der Turnier-Sieger kann das Finale der Deutschen Dame 100 Meisterschaft - 2004 erreichen. Es kann passieren, daß eine nicht "berechtigte" Person ( ein Spieler aus dem Ausland oder eine Person, die bereits früher das Finale der Deutschen Dame 100 Meisterschaft - 2004 erreicht hat) diese Blitz-Meisterschaft gewinnt. In diesem Fall qualifiziert sich die 5. (fünfte) Person von "Mühlhausen Open - 2003" für das Finale der Deutschen Dame 100 Meisterschaft - 2004.

10. Allgemeine Information
Der Ablauf des Planes kann sich in den Punkten 1. bis 8. noch ändern

Posts: 2131
Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 16:43
Real name: Alexander Presman
Location: the Netherlands

Post by A.Presman » Sun Jul 13, 2003 13:29

Info from Raoul Alias

Youthgroup 3rd International Open Draughts Tournament in Curaçao

Willemstad, may 27, 2003.

Dear Friends,

During our 3rd International Open Draughts Tournament in the period of October 4 untill October 11 ,we are also having a special tournament for junior players (untill the age of 18 years) boys and girls together.

These junior players also will play a tournament of 9 rounds with the usual time of
2 hours for 50 moves and then 1 hr. for 25 moves.

Juniorplayers from Brazil, Trinidad & Tobago, Suriname, Guadeloupe, Grenada, Haiti, Holland, Dominican Republic,USA and Curaçao are invited to participate in this tournament.
The inscription fee for these juniorplayers is $ 20 for each player.

Draughtsclub Strategia will host all junior players free.

We invite you to send 2 juniorplayers to this tournament.

With Kind Regards,

Raoul Alias
P.O.B. 3760
Willemstad-Curaçao N.A.
Tel: (005999) 7375724/4614233
Email :

Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15

Mémorial Marcel Deslauriers

Post by Jacques PERMAL » Fri Aug 01, 2003 22:15

Résultats du Mémorial Marcel Deslauriers sur :
Results of Mémorial Marcel Deslauriers in :
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

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