2003 Dutch teams championship

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Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15

2003 Dutch teams championship

Post by Jacques PERMAL » Mon Nov 03, 2003 20:27

Hello Alexander;

I saw that Auke Scholma has been beaten by Wytze Sytsma this week-end.

It is a big surprise !!

Who is the unexpected winner ?

How did he win ?

Apeldoorn Maas van 't Hoog 7-13

1 Auke Scholma (1487) Wytze Sytsma (1357) 0-2

Congrats for your victory, Alexander !! But another victory was necessary to win the match.
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

Posts: 2132
Joined: Sun Aug 18, 2002 16:43
Real name: Alexander Presman
Location: the Netherlands

Post by A.Presman » Tue Nov 04, 2003 17:21


It is funny that you mentioned this match. It was there something more strange than loosing game od Scholma. (Grandmasters loose also somethime).
Few hours before the beginning of the match one of the players of Apeldoorn Tjalling Goedemoed and the Secretary of the club received by post the message that Tjalling is ... excluded from the KNDB.
The reason was given that he somewhere on private site or chat ( Tjalling is draughts and Internet freak as we are ) said something not very polite about some person. The prove ( copy from INternet ) was enclosed and I must say that every chat or Forum is the virtual and often anonimous world of Internet has hundreds of a lot stronger posts.
But to exclude someone for that from the federation and actually from his business ( Tjalling is professional trainer and draughts journalist ) without even meeting of the managing board - unbeleavable!
You can imagine what was the mood of players when they started the match knowing that they start with probably 0-2 (Tjalling was conditionally allowed to play because neither arbitre nor Director of competitions knew about this decision) with absolutely no reason for it.
Of course it had very bad effect and the team lost the match. (also one player arrived too late , so the match began actually with 0-4)

After the match a very large discussion was initiated also here on this Forum ( if you look to the "Dutch"part of the Forum you will see one topic 23 pages long ) and almost everybody was agree that this decision of the KNDB is nonsence.

Monday the situation was the subject of the extraordinary meeting of the managing board of the KNDB. And the exclusion has been withdrawn.
Though KNDB ( looks like ) didn't find other term to define its decision as "too quick".
Very sad story. Sponsor of the club is very angry because his letter where he asked also abour replay of the match was even not answered ( probably we have too many good draughts sponsors )
One of the teams - candidates for the title is impaired. It is still the question if it will not be taken off from the competition.

Jacques PERMAL
Posts: 3384
Joined: Sat Apr 12, 2003 09:15

Post by Jacques PERMAL » Tue Nov 04, 2003 20:44

Hello Alexander,

Thanks for these informations.

I am very amazed about this dutch team competition.

A lot of grandmasters from ex-USSR and Netherlands play this yearly competition.

It is an example for rest of the world.
Information : my first priority !!

L'info en première ligne !!

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