Welcome and Good day to you Symix!Symix wrote:To Hanco Elenbaas - you should mention where you took all these pictures from
By the way - Vladimir Vigman does not live in the
United States - I just put his picture in out of respect for the brilliant guy!
Do you know where Vladimir Vigman is living these days?
Congratulations with your site!
Most of the pictures from the American players are taken from it.
In http://fmjd.org/bb/viewtopic.php?t=723 Alexander Presman and Jacques Permal
wrote about your site http://checkersusa.com
After Jacques' recommendation I found the pictures on:
The 'Russian' picture is from the beautiful Russian draughtssite
from the late Boris Feldman who lived in Omsk, Siberia.

Boris Feldman 2002
Lots of draughts- and checkerspictures could be found
on the well-known Russian site from Alexander Kandaurov
and Alexander Sourkov, both from Moscow.

Alexander Kandaurov & Alexander Sourkov
http://www.shashki.com:/index.php?modul ... &func=main
The picture from former Dutch Champion Wieger Wesselink and
Guno Burleson, the greatest Surinam player ever, I made myself in
Curaçao 2001. It's from the excellent site of Wieger
http://www.dse.nl/~dambo/index.html on which among others you
can study thousands of composed combinations in applet!

Wieger Wesselink
In the FMJD-Album http://fmjd.org/bb/album.php we put more than 1000
draughtspictures from all over the world. You can use them any time
you want to and it's not necessary to tell where you got them from!

Marcel Deslauriers 1932
I'll give you the pictures from the Marcel Deslauriers Memorial.
taken from http://www.fqjr.qc.ca/fqjr/justejouer/r ... dames.html
The month should be /07/ July!
I only recognize Raoul Alias and Iser Kuperman.
Somebody can tell who the others are?

Paulvin Simon, the new Champion of Canada
in the game with Jean-Pierre Rigaud

Iser Kouperman beating 30 opponents

Louicéus Shang Wong, the Champion of Haiti playing with
Vladimir Lubarski, former Champion of Canada

Gilles Carisse - Iser Kouperman

Abdoulaye Der (Senegal)
Unfortunately couldn't arrive in time

Bert Zwart, strong player from The Netherlands and
Anthony Alexandre, Champion of Pan-America.
Pan-American president Raoul Alias is watching.