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- Posts: 494
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by FOMIN » Tue Jun 11, 2024 19:15

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fg7, gh8 cd2, hc3, c:g3, gf2 x

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bc5 b6, hg7 ef6, bd8,ef2 de7 , fe3 f:d2,c:e3 ed6,ef4 dc5, fe5 ab4, ed6 ce7, a:c5 ef6, - P. Manoury, 1750 cd6 fg5, dc7 gf4, cb8 fe3,gf2 eg1,ba7x

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ed6, dc3, gh2, h:b4 ba5 , bc5 ab6 , c:a7 ab4, ab8 bc3, bf4 cb2, fe5 ba1, ef6 ag7, hf8 x
dc3, a3, f4 bc5, fe5 ab4, ed6 c:e7 , a:c5 etc x
III :№1190 : dc3 g:b4, hg5 f:h4, cb8! a:c7, b:g3 h:f2, g:a3 x
D.Kamchitsky , A. Fomin

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D.Kamchitsky , A. Fomin

g7, b6 f2,g3 f2, f8 c5,fe5, fc1 d4, f2 c3,e1 b6,c7,b2 x
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by FOMIN » Thu Jun 20, 2024 03:50
- Posts: 494
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by FOMIN » Thu Jun 27, 2024 23:53
Dedicated to M. Tsvetov on his 78th birthday, which will be celebrated in June of 30, 2024
No. 1200 : 1.de5 fd6 2.ab8 dc5 Vp1 3.ba7 ba3 4.bh8 ab4 A 5.
.hc3 bd2 6.hg3 hf2 7.gc1 ed6 8.cd2 dc5 9.dc3 ab2 10.cb4 c:a3 11.a:c3 x
A (hg3), h:f4 (ab4), fe5 (bc3), gf2(cd2), fe3(d:d6), hd4 x Vp1 2...(ba3), b:h8 etc. x
No.133 1.ed6 cd2 a, e:e5, ab4, dc7, ef6, h:f6 x
a (gh2) ,fg3, dc7/e7 fe3, cd8/b8 ef2, c:e3 cd2, db6 /gf4 c3, gf4 de1 , be3 cb2, a:c1 ec3, cd2 c:e1, ed4 eb4, dc3 b:g5, h:f6 x

1.fe7 f:d6, gh8, cb2, hf6, h:g5, g:c5 fe5, hg3 x
ed4, de5, de3, c7, b8 etc. x

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1.bc3 2.g5 3.g7 c5 4.h8 b4 A 5.hc3 6.hg3 7.c1 etc.x A 4...g3 5.h:f4 ab4 6.fe5 bc3 7.gf2 cd2 8.fe3 d:d6 9.hd4 x
1.hg7 2.de3 3.e:g7 bc5 4.gh8 cb4 A 5.hc3 6.hg3 7.g:c1 etc. x A(g3),4.f4 b4 5.e5 c3 6.f2 d2 7.e3 8.d4 x
A.Fomin , "Teacher’s Newspaper ", in Belarusian , April , of 1 , 1977

cb6 de5, d8, ed4, hg5, d:c3, hg3, c1 ab4, ab2 x
....A. Fomin(Moscow)....

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1.ef4 e:g3 2.h:f2 f:h4 3.cd2 d:f6 4.d:b8 hg1 5.fe3 g:d4 6.ef2 d:g1 7.ba7 hg3 8 f:h2 x
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by FOMIN » Sat Jul 06, 2024 15:57
- Posts: 494
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by FOMIN » Sun Jul 14, 2024 08:00
D.Soloviev....... .....................A.Fomin.................
h8, f2, c3, a1, a7 de5, ae3 cd6,eh6 dc5, hf8 cd4,fg7 x
de5 dc5, bd4, de7, jg7, g7, h8 ab2, c:a3 cd2, hc3, a:c5 ef6, cd6 etc. x -P. Manoury, 1750 .
1.bc7 d6 2 ab8 3.b:h6 bc3 4.hg7 ab2 5.c:a3 cd2 6.g:c3 d:b4 7.a:c5 f6 8.cd6 -P. Manoury, 1750 .
D.Kamchitsky (Mogilev)

.....arranged by A. Fomin......

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There was known before :

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ed6, de5, ef6, f:c3 ab4, c:a5 ab2, ad8 gh4, fg5 h:f6 , d:g5 , g:c1 x
1.gh8 2.h:c3 etc. x

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by FOMIN » Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:14
....................A. Fomin.....................
This composition complies with the rules of Brazilian drafts

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1.c7 d6 2.b8 3.h6 c3 4.g7 ab2 5.c:a3 cd2 6.g:c3 d:b4 7.a:c5 f6 - PManoury,1750 г. 8.cd6 g5 9.dc7 f4 10. b8 e3 11.f2 12.ba7 x
1.ef6 g:e5 2.ab8 3.b:h6 dc3 4.g7 ab2 5.c:a3 cd2 6.g:c3 d:b4 7.a:c5 f6 - PManoury,1750 г. 8.cd6 g5 9.dc7 f4 10. b8 e3 11.f2 12.ba7 x
P. Shkludov : c7, c5, g3, c7(d6), e5, bc3, c3(f6), d4(e7), e5, g7(c3), b4(c3), h8(ab2), a3(d2), c3, c5(f6), d6(g5), c7(f4), b8(e3), f2, a7+
1.cd4 2.ab8 3.b:h6 c3 4.hg7 etc. x
1.gh6 2.hg7 dc3 3.d:b4 4.gh8 ab2 5. c::a3 cd2 6.hc3 7.a:c5 ef6 8.cd6 fg5 9.dc7 gf4 -P. Manoury, 1750 10.cb8 fe3:11.gf2 e:g1 12.ba7 x
A. Fomin : Brazilian drafts

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A. Fomin
1.de5 2.fg3 fe7 Vp1 3.g:e5 ef6 4.e:g7 h:f6 5.cd4 de7 Vp2 6.de5 7.hg7 dc3 8.d:b4 a:c3 9.gh8 ab2 10.c:a3 cd2 11.hc3 12.a:c5 ef6 13.cd6 -P. Manoury, 1750 г. 13...fg5 14.dc7 gf4 15.cb8 fe3 17.gf2 e:g1 18.ba7 x
Vp1 2...de7 3.g:e5 ef6 4.g7 f6 5.cd4 fe7 6.de5 7.g7 etc. x
Vp2 5...dc7 6.de5 7.hg7 dc3 8.d:b4 a:c3 9.gh8 ab2 10.c:a3 cd2 11.hc3 12.a:c5 x

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c5 d4 Vp1, e3 f2 Vp2, g3, c7 d6, e5 e7, g3 g7, h4 ef6 , d6 e5, f4 f6, fg5 , gf6, hg5 gh6, hg6 x
Vp1 (b4), de3 etc. x Vp2 (d2), c7 etc. x
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- Real name: ANDREW
by FOMIN » Sun Jul 28, 2024 11:10
A typo has occured : the black checker e7 should be on cell f8.

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bc7 b4, ab8, b:g3, bc3, c:e7 x
D. Kamchitsky (Mogilev) .............................A. Fomin....................
f6, e5, d4, g3 f2, g3, b8 c3, b4 c3, be5 ab2, c:a3 cd2, ec3, a:c5 fe7, cb6 ed6, ba7 de5, ab8 f4, g3, f2 x
gh8 g1, d4 gf2 , eg3, a7, c5, a1 x
Brazilian drafts : bc7 b4, b8, g3, c3 e7 x
..........D. Kamchitsky (Mogilev)...........[/b

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dc7,c7,f6,d4,c7(f4 A B)h2(e3,g3)b8(h2)g3,e3,c3X
B(b6)a5(d4)d2(h2)b6(g3)a7(c3 C)b4,e3,c5,c5X
C(e3)f4,b8(f4 D)g3,f2X
The main variant of this problem ends with E. Leclercq's endgame .
A. Lukianov , 2021
This problem dedicated to the 90th anniversary of A. Lukyanov's birth.


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by FOMIN » Mon Aug 05, 2024 01:23
A.Fomin , №1190(2)

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A.Fomin , №378
b8, h2, de3, g3, c3, g5 -A. Lukianov ab6, gf6 bc5, G. Blonde fe7 etc. x

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1.cd4 a1,c3,fe3,h6 d:f4,g:g7,hd2! etc. x
1.bc7 b4 2.b8 3.f4 c3 4.fe5 ab2 5.c:a3 cd2 6.ec3 7 c5 etc. x
1.ed4 2.c3 3.hg3 4.h:d2 c3 5.b4 c3 6.gh8 cd2 7.hc3 8.ac5 ef6 9 cd6 fg5 10.dc7 gf4 -P. Manoury , 1750 11.cb8 fe3 12.gf2 13.ba7 x
I 1.c3 2.b8 3.bg3 4.f8 5.d6 x
II 1. b8 2.c3 3.g5 h2 A 4.bg3 5.e3 etc. x A (f2), hg7, e1 x
P. Shkludov

No.932 A. Fomin
ef4 e:g3, hf2, cd2, d:b8 g5, f4 g1, fe3, f2, a7 g3, h2;x
1.f6 2.c5 g1 3.a7 gf2 4.de3 5.bc5 a:a1 x
1.ef4 2.bc7 3.c:e7 4.h:c5 hg1 5 de3 6.bc5 7.a:a1x
.....S.Pupkin .................................Sh. Plagiatov............
h8, e7, d4(g1), a7(gf2), e3, bc5, a1, d4(h2), g1+
d8, e3(g1), a7(g3-f2), g3, e3, bc5, a1+
1.cd8 2 d:d4 g1 3.a7 gf2 4.de3 5.bc5 6.a:a1 7.ad4 h2 8.g1 x
1.gh8 etc. x
1.d8 2.e3 x
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by FOMIN » Mon Aug 12, 2024 02:22
№1222 A. Fomin
gh4 ef4, f6 cb6, e:g5, b:b2, fg7 ba1, gh8 ab2, fe3 bc7, dc3, gf6, g1 cd6, gh2 ab6, h:a5 x

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№1219 A.Fomin ,created 7.08.2024 ,20-35 https://fmjd.org/dias2/save/17230526266.png
cd6,ab4,e7, c5 g1, a7 gf2, de3,bc5,a:a1 x

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G.Shestirikov ,Volgograd region
1.de3 2.ab8 f2 3.h2 4.g1 ab6 5.c7 a5 6.g:d4 7.df6 8.h:f6 x
1.b8 c3 2.h2 3.ab6 4.hg5 5.d2 x
I 1.e7 c5 2.b8 h4 3.bd6 4.hg3 5.g:c1 x
II 1.c5 2.b8 h2 A 3.g3 4.c3 5.g5 b4 6.ed2 a3 7.c3:gf6:8.e7 9.cb4:10.hg7 cd4 11.gf8 e5 12.fg7 f4 13.c3 e3 14.e1 x
A 2...f4 3.bc3 4.g5:h2:5.ef2 ab4 6.fg3 hf4 7.b:g3/h2 gf6 B 8.g:c7/b8 bc3 9.bf4 cb2:10.fe5 bc1 11.ef4 c:g5 13.h:f4 x
B 7...bc3 8.gd6 ! gf6 -best reply 9.g:e7 fg7-best reply 10.h:f8 x

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f8, g5, e7, c7, g1 x
b8 a1, e5, g3 f2 A, h8, g1 x A (f4), h8, h2 x
d8, b6, b6, c7, g3, g5 x

Solution : 1.de7 etc. x
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by FOMIN » Mon Aug 19, 2024 15:06
........A. Fomin........
1.fe7 2.gf6 3.gh2 4.h:c5 5.a:c7 6.h:d2 dc5 7.dc3 ab2 8.cb4 c:a3 9.a:c3 x

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gh2, c7, c5, d2 x
0) fg7 h8:d4 1.gf6 2.h:f8 3.fc5 4.a:c7 5.bc3 6.a:g5 7.h:d2 x
II 1.ef8 2.fb4 3.d:b6 4.bc7 5.fg3:6.c:g5 x
In A. Fomin's position
1.d8 2.db6 etc. x
S. Khottabychev moved the black checker from the a7 cell to a3, without achieving anything new in content.
III c5, b6, bc7, d;f4, hg3, c:g5 x
....................,....A. Fomin ...........................S.Yushkevitch....
I c7, b8 h2:, g3, c3, e7, d2 x
II Arranged by A. Fomin hg7, f8, fd6, a5, ab2, e:g7, a5:h8 x
III "Evening Moscow,", 1973 1.dc7 2.fg5 3.ed6 4.f:a5 5.ab2 6.e:g7 7.a5:h8 x
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by FOMIN » Tue Aug 27, 2024 01:37
f8, a7, ae3, a1 d4, gf2 c3, e3 ab2, d4, c3 f4, cd4 x

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Arranged by Yu.Ermakov
1.cb2 ba3 2.e5 3.ef6 -- a fragment of V.Chunchaev problem from the mag. "Shashki" -1-1975, No. 2164 appears on the board 44.ef4 g3 5.d8 f4 6.cb4 7.d:g5 8.gf2 bc7 9.fe3 10.c3 x

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................................ ..........A. Fomin....................................
ed4 e5, f6 g7, h8 d6 , e7, dc5, h:a1, a:g1 x
d4, f8 , g5 6:4 A, c5, f2 x A (2:4), c5 (f6), d6 x
bc7 ( fg5 ), fe3 , cd8 , ab6, de7, f:f4 (ab6), f d2 (ba5), df2 (ab4), fe1 (bc3) A, a5 (hg3),ab6 (gh2), g1 x A (hg3), f:h4 (bc3), hg5 (ab2), gc1 x
viewtopic.php?f=60&t=7659&sid=087e5d904 ... 60#p126899
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Thu Aug 15, 2019 20:06
V. Demidov, 1980 ,processing by A. Fomin
f8, e3, c7, c3, g3, e7 x

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1.fg3 2.cd6 3.hg3 4.de7 5. f:f4 b6 6.fe3 a5 7. f2 bc3 8.fe1 c3 9.a5 hg3 10.ab6 gh2 11.g1 x
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by FOMIN » Tue Sep 03, 2024 14:07
ef6 7:5 , b8 gf2, cd2 g1, de3, bd6, a:e3 ef6, ef4 hg3, g5, h:f4 x
ed6,f8(g1), 1e3, dd6, ae3 x


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......S. Pupkin.....

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1.cd6 2.fg3 3.h:b8 g1 4.e3 5..fd6 6.a:e3:x

1.cb6 hg3 2.bc7 b:d6 3.ab8 gh2 4.bc5 d:b4 5.a:g3 h:f4 6.dc3 b:d2 7.c:g5 gh6 8.gf6 hg5 9.f:h4 x
There was known before :
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Thu Jul 06, 2023 02:29

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- Posts: 494
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- Real name: ANDREW
by FOMIN » Fri Sep 20, 2024 16:42

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1.cd8 h:f4 2.d:g5:e3:b6 ! a:c5 3.ef2 g:e1 4.bc3 e:b4 5.a:c3 x .

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1.ab8 2.b:b2 ! 3.bc1 de1 4.cg5 ! f:h4 5.gf2 e:g3 6.h:h6 hg3 7.he3 gh2 8.eg1 x
1.ab8 2.b:b2 3.bc1 de1 4.cg5 5.gf2 6.h:f8 x
.......S. Pupkin.........

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1.ed6 2.df8 de7 3.f:d6 c:e7 4.a:e3 -A. Afimin,Jan.,1985 ...hg3 5.fg5 gf2 6.gh6 7.hg7 dc3 8.gf8 ef6 >> N. Kukuev,1930 9.fa3 cd2 10.ac1 de1 11.cg5 f:h4 12.gf2 e:g3 13.h:ff4 x
D.Kamchitsky (Mogilev)

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A.Fomin...............A.Fomin(arranged by V. Pupkin) .......A.Fomin.......
1.position for self solution
1.ab8 2.b:b2 3.bc1 de1 4.cg5 5.gf2 e:g3 6.
h:f8 7.fc5 gh2 8.cg1 x V. Pupkin suggested a variation: white piece >b2, black piece > b4 instead of bl.piece "d2" :0) bc3 etc.x
.....A.Fomin.............P.Shkludov ,1987.......V.Pupkin and S. Pupkin
V. Pupkin and S. Pupkin : g3.c5(-)b2.c3.e7.h6
There is a predecessor to the miniature by P. Shkludov :
M. Tsvetov , "Shashki ", 1978 ...........P.Shkludov....
1.de7 g:c5, f4, c3 f6 , d4, f4 x
P. Shkludov :6-th USSR championship in drafts composition -64, 1987
1.ab8 ed4 2.bd6 - N. Kukuev, 1930 (dc3) 3.a3 cd2 4.ac1 de1 5.cg5 6.gf2 7.h:f4 x.
There is a simple side solution :2.gf2 x
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- Real name: ANDREW
by FOMIN » Sat Sep 28, 2024 20:12
arramged by S. Pupkin

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There was known before :
I. Belous " Horizons of checkers " No. 8 2006

Odessa Contest , 1985
P. Shkludov, No. 161

bc5, bc7 , dc3, c:c5, ab8, fe3, b:a3 x
Here the author misses a simple side solution:1.dc3 2.ba3 3.b:h8 x
......A. Fomin........

1.d6 2.b6 b2 3.h8 4.a1 d4 5.h2 b2 5.c3 6.g3 7.c5
...........D.Kamchitsky (Mogilev)...........
c5(d4 a)a1(c3 A)h2(b4) Vp1, a5(b2)c3,g3,c5X Vp1 (b2), c3, g3 , c5 x
A(b2), h2(c3) b4 , e5(d2), g3 , c1X
1.ef4 2.gh8 d4 A 3.a1 c3 4.h2 b4 Vp1 5.a5 b2 6.c3 7.g3 8.c5 x
A 2..b2 3.a1 d4 4.h2 c3 5.b4 6.e5 d2 7.g3 8.c1 x Vp1 4...b2 5.c3 6.g3 7.c5 x

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P. Shkludov (5-th USSR championship on drafts composition , May, of 31 , 1983
№326( 0 points )
1.gh4 fe5 2.hg5 3.cd2 4.b:b2 5.gf6 6.h:g1
Side solution 2.fg3 x
P. Shkludov ,№325( 2,5 points ) (5-th USSR championship on drafts composition , May, of 31 , 1983
1.ed4 d:b4 2.hg3 hf2 3.e:g3 f:h2 4.ab6 5.d:f4 6.c:e3 7.fh6 x
№323 P.Shkludov (5-th USSR championship on drafts composition , May, of 31,1983 , 0 points

1.gh4 ab2 2.fg5 3. ed2 4.ag3 5.gf2 6.f2 x
Fragment of S.Perepelkin problem , published in "64"-№24-1975