Compositions at 64-cell board
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
A.Fomin : №937 (new composition)
bc5 , cb6 a:c5 , cd4 , d:d8 b4 a , db6 bc3 , b:f2 fg3 , f4 b2 , g5 , fe3 , a1 x
a .. ed2 , c3 fe3 , cd4 or f6 etc.x , f6 g5 b , h4 d4 , f6 e3 , c3 f2 , g3 , e1 b4 , a5 g3 , b6 h2 , g1 x
b...ab4 , h8 g5 , g3 a3 , g7! etc.x
1. c5 d6 2. b8 f6 3. g7 f6. -
S.Hottabychev 4.c7 e5 5. d8 d4 6. h4 c3 7. f2 -:
- N.N. g3 8. f4 b2 9. g5 10. e3 11. a1 x
I.p. : A.Fomin
Re: Cheburashki
Post by Fomin Thu ., Sept. of 06, 2018 9:41 am
A.Fomin :№935 (new composition)
1. fg3 c5 2 b6 h4 3 e5 b2 4. e7 5. b4 6. a3 x
Jake Kacher wrote: position was broke down :
S.A.Danilin ( idea from the drafts party , 1956 ) ,
processing by sergeant Pupkin
1. dc3 2. ed4 3. ef6 4. d8 h4 5. cb4 e1 6. dh4 7. gf2 8. h:d8 x
Re: ДАКУ-65
Post by Fomin Sun. , Dec. of 26, 2021 1:23 pm
№861 A.Fomin
Post by Fomin 22.10.2021, 8:16 pm
1.de7 !! b:f8 2.de3 ! 3.ab8 h:f4 4.hg5 - P. Shkludov , Belarussian championship ,2021 bc3 5.b:f6 fe3
6.bf4 ed2 7.c:e3 ab4 (7... ab2 8.fb8 h:d2 9.fe7 f:d6 10.b:a3 x)
8. fg7 fe7 9. f8 d6 10. b8 11. fd6 12. c1 x
A.Fomin №452-II ( new composition) ***********************
№214 A.Fomin
Compositions at 64-cell board - Page 2 - World Draughts Forum : posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 00:40
I.P. is V.Slobodianiuk :"Ладья ",jan. of 12, 2008 г.
1.cb8 a:e7 2.ab2 c:a1 3.a:c3 d:b2 4.fe3 h:d4 5.hg3 f:h2 6.b:g1+ ... 0%B0%D1%8F
Topic :старая тема -Д. Nr. 3 :
R.Valeev , 2015
Post by Fomin Sut. , Apr. of 15, 2021 6:33 pm
№3:1. ab2 ca1 2.ac3 db2 3 gf4 ee1 4.gf2 eg3 5. h:f8 x
№439 A.Fomin
Post by AF Sund. , march of 23, 2014 , 5:40 pm
Re: " Praktische taktik " .
Post by FOMIN » Fri May 01, 2020 11:59
1.gh2 gh4 2. e:g5 3.de3 4. h:h6 bc3 5 hd2 a1 6. de5 7. dc3 8 ef2 x
A.Fomin:№394-1/2 (new compositions)
I 1. f4 2 .e7 3.a7 f2 A 4.g3 5. dc5 6. e5 7. g1 x
A 3... ab2 4. dc5 5. e5 6. g1 f2 7. e3 g1 8. ef2 x
II 1. h6 2. a7 e7 3. c5 4. e5 5. f8 x
bc5 , cb6 a:c5 , cd4 , d:d8 b4 a , db6 bc3 , b:f2 fg3 , f4 b2 , g5 , fe3 , a1 x
a .. ed2 , c3 fe3 , cd4 or f6 etc.x , f6 g5 b , h4 d4 , f6 e3 , c3 f2 , g3 , e1 b4 , a5 g3 , b6 h2 , g1 x
b...ab4 , h8 g5 , g3 a3 , g7! etc.x
1. c5 d6 2. b8 f6 3. g7 f6. -
S.Hottabychev 4.c7 e5 5. d8 d4 6. h4 c3 7. f2 -:
- N.N. g3 8. f4 b2 9. g5 10. e3 11. a1 x
I.p. : A.Fomin
Re: Cheburashki
Post by Fomin Thu ., Sept. of 06, 2018 9:41 am
A.Fomin :№935 (new composition)
1. fg3 c5 2 b6 h4 3 e5 b2 4. e7 5. b4 6. a3 x
Jake Kacher wrote: position was broke down :
S.A.Danilin ( idea from the drafts party , 1956 ) ,
processing by sergeant Pupkin
1. dc3 2. ed4 3. ef6 4. d8 h4 5. cb4 e1 6. dh4 7. gf2 8. h:d8 x
Re: ДАКУ-65
Post by Fomin Sun. , Dec. of 26, 2021 1:23 pm
№861 A.Fomin
Post by Fomin 22.10.2021, 8:16 pm
1.de7 !! b:f8 2.de3 ! 3.ab8 h:f4 4.hg5 - P. Shkludov , Belarussian championship ,2021 bc3 5.b:f6 fe3
6.bf4 ed2 7.c:e3 ab4 (7... ab2 8.fb8 h:d2 9.fe7 f:d6 10.b:a3 x)
8. fg7 fe7 9. f8 d6 10. b8 11. fd6 12. c1 x
A.Fomin №452-II ( new composition) ***********************
№214 A.Fomin
Compositions at 64-cell board - Page 2 - World Draughts Forum : posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 00:40
I.P. is V.Slobodianiuk :"Ладья ",jan. of 12, 2008 г.
1.cb8 a:e7 2.ab2 c:a1 3.a:c3 d:b2 4.fe3 h:d4 5.hg3 f:h2 6.b:g1+ ... 0%B0%D1%8F
Topic :старая тема -Д. Nr. 3 :
R.Valeev , 2015
Post by Fomin Sut. , Apr. of 15, 2021 6:33 pm
№3:1. ab2 ca1 2.ac3 db2 3 gf4 ee1 4.gf2 eg3 5. h:f8 x
№439 A.Fomin
Post by AF Sund. , march of 23, 2014 , 5:40 pm
Re: " Praktische taktik " .
Post by FOMIN » Fri May 01, 2020 11:59
1.gh2 gh4 2. e:g5 3.de3 4. h:h6 bc3 5 hd2 a1 6. de5 7. dc3 8 ef2 x
A.Fomin:№394-1/2 (new compositions)
I 1. f4 2 .e7 3.a7 f2 A 4.g3 5. dc5 6. e5 7. g1 x
A 3... ab2 4. dc5 5. e5 6. g1 f2 7. e3 g1 8. ef2 x
II 1. h6 2. a7 e7 3. c5 4. e5 5. f8 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
...........№452(3) , №452(4)A.Fomin.....
I 1. ab4 2. e:a7 hg1 3. ab8 4. b:e5 5. dc3 6. hg5 x
II 1. fg5 6:4 2. c7 3. c7 g1 4. b8 5. e5 6. c3 7. hg5 gh6 8 gf6 hg5 9. h4 g7 10. g5 h6 11. f6 x
№938 A.Fomin (processing)
Posted by AF Sun Mar 23, 2014 5:40 pm
What author did writer E. Zubov mean in 1990 is not known .
1.Correction by A.F. (after the 1st move in the solution it was printed in
Newsletter S.L.Sh.I , No.5, December, 1990)
1.hg7 (dc3) 2.gh8 c:e1 3.h:d8 hg3 4.fe5! d:f4 5.dg5 fh6 6.h.f4x
the information , that is given in brackets, printed: in the book of I. Kobtsev, 2009.
In the information bulletin. S.L.SH.I, No.5, Dec. 1990 the author's surname was not given.
№940 I. Pominchuk and A.Fomin
I. Pominchuk (white piece "a1" is on cell "h2" - "Shashki" , No.11-1976)
1.bc5 e:c1 2.ab4 c:a3 3.ab6 c:c3 4.hg7 a:d6 5.g:c7 d:b6
6.h:d2 fg3 7.de3 gh2 8.eg1 hg7 9.ab2 gf6 10.bc3/a3 fe5
11.cb4 ef4 12.g:a7 hg1 13.bc5
A.Fomin : №937(3)(new composition)
1. e7 2. e7 3. d8 4.g1 ! c3 5.f2 g3 6. f4 b2 7. g5 8. e3 9. a1 x
№614 :A.Fomin ( draw )
, published for the first time (variant from a practical game)
1.cb4 ba5 2.d:b6 a:c3 3.cd6 dc5 4.cd8 gh4 5.d:g5 h:f6
6.fg3 fg5 ! 7.gh4 cd2 8.h:f6 dc1 9.gf2 cd4 A 10.e:c5 c:b4
11.a:c5 bc7 12.fe3 hg5 13.ed4 gf4 15.cb6 c:a5 16.dc5 ab4
17.c:a3 fe3 18.ab4 ef2 19.bc5 fg1 20.cd6 gb6 21.de7 bd8
22.ef8= A 9...bc7 10.fg5 h:d2 11.fe7 cd6 12.ed8 de5
13.dc7 ed4 14.cd8 de1 15.dh4 e:g3 16.h:f2/e1 =
classic variations of old compositions
Posted by AF Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:31 pm
1. Soln'ykov Vladimir Ivanovich: With piece A3 on f8 printed in magazine Checkers-4-1963, p. 38,d.No.148 (corrected by A.F.) , №143
Solution: f4(ge3), h2, g3, f2, f4, h8!, hc1x In this variation, the final is exact. After 1.ed6 ? (h6, a5) etc.=
processing by A.Fomin :
Post by AF Wedn. Nov. of 20, 2013 2:41 pm
[ Ju.Chertok , E.Zubov : "To the drafts fan ', 2-nd edition , 2015 ]
1 1 .fe3 ! g3 2. ef2 3.cd4 4. d:d8 f6 5 .d:g5 6. a:e1 x
V.Matus :" Dambrete" -6-1970
author AF Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:31 pm
A.Fomin (correction and processing )
1. M. Levandovsky: [the book "Checkers-First Love" (A. Malyuta, A. Balanyuk, G. Rudnitsky), Cherkasy, 2013]
I A.Fomin 1 de3 (d2) 2.ab4 3.bc3 4.ab2 5.he3 6.bc3 7.ce7x
II M.Levandovsky :
The same position participated in the Latvian Championship in 1977, where it received an excellent mark. The judges did not find an insolvability: 1.e3 (fb4)! 2.f8 (de5, d6, d6) 5.cd2 (ab6) 6.de3 (de5) 7.bc3 (bc5)! Etc.=
N. Toropov, "banner of Yunost" Minsk, March of 12, 1971
 Author AF Mon Jun. of 09, 2014 4:47 pm
........A.Fomin , №42(2).......
1. h6 ab2 2. dc5 b:d4 3.ab6 4. c:a5 5. cb4 a:c3 6 dc7 b:f4 7. fe7 8 h:g5 9 a.:g7 10. gf2 x
V.Gorodetsky, processing by A Fomin .
[ I.p.: white checker "b2 " on the cell "c1 "= publication
Bulletin :11-th Drafs Championship of the USSR , 1947 ,No.6, February 22]
Website "Mif ":Re: Searches - finds
Post by AF Wed May 14, 2014 1:24 am
1. cb6 a:c5 2.ed4 c:c1 3. ab6 c:a5 4.ed2 c:e3 5.bc5 b:d4 6.c:e5 f:d6 7.ab4 a:c3 8 b:d8 x
This solution is given in the said newspaper. However, not everything is as simple as it seemed to the writer at first glance.
Let's continue the solution:8.. de5 9 dc7:ed4 10.cb6 dc3 11. ba5 gf6 12.a:e1 hg5 13.ed2 gh4 15.df4 fg5 16. fh6 hg3 17.he3 gh2 18.eg1 hg7 19.ab2 gf6 20.bc3/a3 fe5 21. cb4 ef4 22.ga7:hg1 23.bc5 x
and only now we can state a win.
The processing of the position of professor Boris Bakhshiyan by the author of this post also is interesting
Re: " Searches - finds " ,
post by AF Wed May 14, 2014 1:58 am
Re: The portrait gallery of draughts composers
Post by AFM Wedn. , march of 22, 2017 3:48 pm
A.Vinderman (correction and processing by A.Fomin)
1. cb6!! a5 A 2. cd4 3. ed6 4. ab4 5. cd2 6. f2 7. h:d6 etc.x
A (c5), 2. cd4 b6 3. f2 a7 4. d6 ! 5. ab4 etc. x
I.p. is A.Vinderman (white piece "c5"' is on the cell "a5"=P.Soldatov ; "Shashki", No.4 -1974 )
1. cd4 or ab6 x
A. Fomin : №419(new composition)
e3 f2 ,a3 , c5 , b4 g7 , g5 d6 , e5 b6 , h6 a5 , f8 c3 , - further - I. Kraevsky: "Wave", 1912 gf2!! b2/d2 , fg3 , f:c1 or f:e1 x
A. Yegorov's etude appeared later in "Niva"-magazine , 1915
1. fg7 ab4 2. gf2 !! bc3 3.gf8 ! x
I 1. ab4 2. e:a7 hg1 3. ab8 4. b:e5 5. dc3 6. hg5 x
II 1. fg5 6:4 2. c7 3. c7 g1 4. b8 5. e5 6. c3 7. hg5 gh6 8 gf6 hg5 9. h4 g7 10. g5 h6 11. f6 x
№938 A.Fomin (processing)
Posted by AF Sun Mar 23, 2014 5:40 pm
What author did writer E. Zubov mean in 1990 is not known .
1.Correction by A.F. (after the 1st move in the solution it was printed in
Newsletter S.L.Sh.I , No.5, December, 1990)
1.hg7 (dc3) 2.gh8 c:e1 3.h:d8 hg3 4.fe5! d:f4 5.dg5 fh6 6.h.f4x
the information , that is given in brackets, printed: in the book of I. Kobtsev, 2009.
In the information bulletin. S.L.SH.I, No.5, Dec. 1990 the author's surname was not given.
№940 I. Pominchuk and A.Fomin
I. Pominchuk (white piece "a1" is on cell "h2" - "Shashki" , No.11-1976)
1.bc5 e:c1 2.ab4 c:a3 3.ab6 c:c3 4.hg7 a:d6 5.g:c7 d:b6
6.h:d2 fg3 7.de3 gh2 8.eg1 hg7 9.ab2 gf6 10.bc3/a3 fe5
11.cb4 ef4 12.g:a7 hg1 13.bc5
A.Fomin : №937(3)(new composition)
1. e7 2. e7 3. d8 4.g1 ! c3 5.f2 g3 6. f4 b2 7. g5 8. e3 9. a1 x
№614 :A.Fomin ( draw )
, published for the first time (variant from a practical game)
1.cb4 ba5 2.d:b6 a:c3 3.cd6 dc5 4.cd8 gh4 5.d:g5 h:f6
6.fg3 fg5 ! 7.gh4 cd2 8.h:f6 dc1 9.gf2 cd4 A 10.e:c5 c:b4
11.a:c5 bc7 12.fe3 hg5 13.ed4 gf4 15.cb6 c:a5 16.dc5 ab4
17.c:a3 fe3 18.ab4 ef2 19.bc5 fg1 20.cd6 gb6 21.de7 bd8
22.ef8= A 9...bc7 10.fg5 h:d2 11.fe7 cd6 12.ed8 de5
13.dc7 ed4 14.cd8 de1 15.dh4 e:g3 16.h:f2/e1 =
classic variations of old compositions
Posted by AF Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:31 pm
1. Soln'ykov Vladimir Ivanovich: With piece A3 on f8 printed in magazine Checkers-4-1963, p. 38,d.No.148 (corrected by A.F.) , №143
Solution: f4(ge3), h2, g3, f2, f4, h8!, hc1x In this variation, the final is exact. After 1.ed6 ? (h6, a5) etc.=
processing by A.Fomin :
Post by AF Wedn. Nov. of 20, 2013 2:41 pm
[ Ju.Chertok , E.Zubov : "To the drafts fan ', 2-nd edition , 2015 ]
1 1 .fe3 ! g3 2. ef2 3.cd4 4. d:d8 f6 5 .d:g5 6. a:e1 x
V.Matus :" Dambrete" -6-1970
author AF Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:31 pm
A.Fomin (correction and processing )
1. M. Levandovsky: [the book "Checkers-First Love" (A. Malyuta, A. Balanyuk, G. Rudnitsky), Cherkasy, 2013]
I A.Fomin 1 de3 (d2) 2.ab4 3.bc3 4.ab2 5.he3 6.bc3 7.ce7x
II M.Levandovsky :
The same position participated in the Latvian Championship in 1977, where it received an excellent mark. The judges did not find an insolvability: 1.e3 (fb4)! 2.f8 (de5, d6, d6) 5.cd2 (ab6) 6.de3 (de5) 7.bc3 (bc5)! Etc.=
N. Toropov, "banner of Yunost" Minsk, March of 12, 1971
 Author AF Mon Jun. of 09, 2014 4:47 pm
........A.Fomin , №42(2).......
1. h6 ab2 2. dc5 b:d4 3.ab6 4. c:a5 5. cb4 a:c3 6 dc7 b:f4 7. fe7 8 h:g5 9 a.:g7 10. gf2 x
V.Gorodetsky, processing by A Fomin .
[ I.p.: white checker "b2 " on the cell "c1 "= publication
Bulletin :11-th Drafs Championship of the USSR , 1947 ,No.6, February 22]
Website "Mif ":Re: Searches - finds
Post by AF Wed May 14, 2014 1:24 am
1. cb6 a:c5 2.ed4 c:c1 3. ab6 c:a5 4.ed2 c:e3 5.bc5 b:d4 6.c:e5 f:d6 7.ab4 a:c3 8 b:d8 x
This solution is given in the said newspaper. However, not everything is as simple as it seemed to the writer at first glance.
Let's continue the solution:8.. de5 9 dc7:ed4 10.cb6 dc3 11. ba5 gf6 12.a:e1 hg5 13.ed2 gh4 15.df4 fg5 16. fh6 hg3 17.he3 gh2 18.eg1 hg7 19.ab2 gf6 20.bc3/a3 fe5 21. cb4 ef4 22.ga7:hg1 23.bc5 x
and only now we can state a win.
The processing of the position of professor Boris Bakhshiyan by the author of this post also is interesting
Re: " Searches - finds " ,
post by AF Wed May 14, 2014 1:58 am
Re: The portrait gallery of draughts composers
Post by AFM Wedn. , march of 22, 2017 3:48 pm
A.Vinderman (correction and processing by A.Fomin)
1. cb6!! a5 A 2. cd4 3. ed6 4. ab4 5. cd2 6. f2 7. h:d6 etc.x
A (c5), 2. cd4 b6 3. f2 a7 4. d6 ! 5. ab4 etc. x
I.p. is A.Vinderman (white piece "c5"' is on the cell "a5"=P.Soldatov ; "Shashki", No.4 -1974 )
1. cd4 or ab6 x
A. Fomin : №419(new composition)
e3 f2 ,a3 , c5 , b4 g7 , g5 d6 , e5 b6 , h6 a5 , f8 c3 , - further - I. Kraevsky: "Wave", 1912 gf2!! b2/d2 , fg3 , f:c1 or f:e1 x
A. Yegorov's etude appeared later in "Niva"-magazine , 1915
1. fg7 ab4 2. gf2 !! bc3 3.gf8 ! x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
..................A.Fomin №941 №942, ....................... .
A.Fomin , №406
Ju. Golikov (Tver , Russia)
1. g3 f2 (1... f4 2. dc5 etc. x ):2.g3 3. c5 4. g3 fe5 5. h4 d4 6. dc3 e3 7. d4 8. c3 x Sergeant Pupkin
I.p. is A. Guralnik
After the move 8.h:c5 in the solution of Mr. Guralnik problem, an etude of Mr. Z. Yavelberg from the magazine "Dambrete", No. 10, 1982 appears on the board .
A.Fomin , №574 №802 A. Fomin, Forum "Myth"
Re: Cheburashki Ninja
Posted by Fomin Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:13 am
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Tue Jun 28, 2022 22:36
"Myth", Re: Cheburashki, page 16
post by Fomin Sat Jul 28, 2018 11:44 am
Processing by A.Fomin
1 bc5 d2 2. f2 3. bc3 4. a:e7 5. h:c5 x
A.Fomin , №406
Ju. Golikov (Tver , Russia)
1. g3 f2 (1... f4 2. dc5 etc. x ):2.g3 3. c5 4. g3 fe5 5. h4 d4 6. dc3 e3 7. d4 8. c3 x Sergeant Pupkin
I.p. is A. Guralnik
After the move 8.h:c5 in the solution of Mr. Guralnik problem, an etude of Mr. Z. Yavelberg from the magazine "Dambrete", No. 10, 1982 appears on the board .
A.Fomin , №574 №802 A. Fomin, Forum "Myth"
Re: Cheburashki Ninja
Posted by Fomin Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:13 am
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Tue Jun 28, 2022 22:36
"Myth", Re: Cheburashki, page 16
post by Fomin Sat Jul 28, 2018 11:44 am
Processing by A.Fomin
1 bc5 d2 2. f2 3. bc3 4. a:e7 5. h:c5 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
A.Fomin (new compositions)
I : position for beginners solvers of drafts "problems" .
1. ab6 ed2 ( 1... ef2 2 e3 3 e3 h2 4.ed4 gf4 ! etc.=) 2. c:e3 f:d2 3. bc7 4. c:e7 5.d8 6. d:b6 bc3 7. ba5 cb2 8. ac3 b:d4 9. ed2 hg7 10. de3 11. g:e3 gf6 12. ef4 x
II 1. f6 2 e7 3. c:e7 4 d8 5.b6 bc3 6 . ba5 cb2 7. ac3 b:d4 8.ed2 bc7 9. de3 10. g:e3 cb6 11. ed4 ba5 12. bc5 x
III 1. de3 ef4 2.gf6 f:d2 3. c:e1 cd6 A 4. ba5 etc x (see Vp -IV )
A 3... de7 4. d8. a5 5.b6 c3 6.a5 b2 7. c3 8.d2 g7 9.e3 10. g3 x
IV. 1. ef6 2. f6 de7 Vp 3. d8 a5 4.b6 c3 4.a5 b2 5. c3 6.d2 g7 7.e3 8. g3 x
Vp 2... cd6 3. ba5 dc5 4. c7 5. fe7 b4 6. d8 a3 7. a5 b2 8.c3 9. d2 g7 10. e3 11 e3 x
V. 1.ef6 2. bc7 3. c:e7 4. ed8 5. d:b6 bc3 6. ba5 cb2 7. ac3 8 .ed2 hg7 9. de3 10. g:e3 gf6 11.ef4 x
VI 1. b2 ! 2 b8 3. h2 b4 4.c3 d2 A 5. g3 6. c1 x
A 4... e1 5. f2 6. h8 g3 7. d4 h2 8. g1 x
Processing by A.Fomin
1. dc5 cd6 2. cb4 3. fg3 4. ed4 5. f:h6 6. h:a5 b2 7. ac3 8. ed2 fg5 9. de3 10. g:e3 gh4 11.ef4 x
I.p. is A.Guralnik
"Minskaya Pravda", Oct. of 20, 2011, issue No. 232
1.ef4 h2 2. fg5 3. ed6 4 d8 b2 5.c3 6. e7 7.g1 - an etude fragment of Mr.Alexey Mushin ("Niva " 2011 ) appeared on the board
7. hg3 8.bc5 hg7 9. ab6 f2 10.h8 g1 11. hd4 h2 12. g1 e5 13. bc7 14. gh2 x
........A Fomin.........
1. c3 2. f4 3.f6 etc. x
1. gf6 2.bc7 3. e7 4. d8 5.b6 c3 6. a5 b2 7. c3 8. d2 g5 9. e3 10. e3 h4 11. f4 x
A Fomin (new compositions )
ideological predecessor is M. Oleinikov (Crimean region): "Dambrete", No. 8, 1977, (composition No. 809)
1. bc7 e1 2 d8 3. d:c3 etc. x
Such processing of this idea with the sacrifice of the white king looks much better :
Processing by A.Fomin ........................................................ .. A.Fomin......................
I 1. bc7 etc. x
II 1. b2 2. b8 3. h2 etc.x
III 1. fg5 2 gh6 e1 3. f2 4 ab4 5. f2 x
............... .......... .....A.Fomin....... . ........ ..........
.. .
I 1 gh4:2 h:d8 ba3 3.dc7 4 dc5 5. a:c3 x
II 1 hg3 2 e7 3 g3 b2 A 4. c7 5 c5 6. a1 x
A 3.... a7 4. de5 b2 5. ef6 a1 6.ge5 x
III 1. f8 e1 2. h6 3. d2 4. f2 5. b8 x
............... ............. . A.Fomin ............. ... .............
I 1. ef2 2 a7 fg3 3. b8 4.h2 a5 Vp1 5. bc3 etc. x
Vp1 4... d6 5 b8 a5 6. bc3 etc. x
II 1. c5 2 a7 fg3 3. b8 4. h2 a5 Vp1 5. c3 x
Vp1 4 ..d6 5 b8 a5 6 bc3 etc.x
III 1. bc7 2. ab8 de3 A , B 3. h6 fg5 4 h:f4 e1 5. b:h2 ea5 6 bc3 d2 C 7. hg3 8. g:c1 x
A 2.. gf4 3. de3 f:d2 4. fg3 5. g:c5 6.b:c1 ba3 7. bc3 fe5 8 .ce3 x (8... ef4 9 .. cb2 )
B 3... dc3 4. b:d4 ! 5. b:h2 fe5 6. h:f8 x
C 6...e1 7. gf2 8. h:f8 hg3 9. fc5 gh2 10. cg1 x
I : position for beginners solvers of drafts "problems" .
1. ab6 ed2 ( 1... ef2 2 e3 3 e3 h2 4.ed4 gf4 ! etc.=) 2. c:e3 f:d2 3. bc7 4. c:e7 5.d8 6. d:b6 bc3 7. ba5 cb2 8. ac3 b:d4 9. ed2 hg7 10. de3 11. g:e3 gf6 12. ef4 x
II 1. f6 2 e7 3. c:e7 4 d8 5.b6 bc3 6 . ba5 cb2 7. ac3 b:d4 8.ed2 bc7 9. de3 10. g:e3 cb6 11. ed4 ba5 12. bc5 x
III 1. de3 ef4 2.gf6 f:d2 3. c:e1 cd6 A 4. ba5 etc x (see Vp -IV )
A 3... de7 4. d8. a5 5.b6 c3 6.a5 b2 7. c3 8.d2 g7 9.e3 10. g3 x
IV. 1. ef6 2. f6 de7 Vp 3. d8 a5 4.b6 c3 4.a5 b2 5. c3 6.d2 g7 7.e3 8. g3 x
Vp 2... cd6 3. ba5 dc5 4. c7 5. fe7 b4 6. d8 a3 7. a5 b2 8.c3 9. d2 g7 10. e3 11 e3 x
V. 1.ef6 2. bc7 3. c:e7 4. ed8 5. d:b6 bc3 6. ba5 cb2 7. ac3 8 .ed2 hg7 9. de3 10. g:e3 gf6 11.ef4 x
VI 1. b2 ! 2 b8 3. h2 b4 4.c3 d2 A 5. g3 6. c1 x
A 4... e1 5. f2 6. h8 g3 7. d4 h2 8. g1 x
Processing by A.Fomin
1. dc5 cd6 2. cb4 3. fg3 4. ed4 5. f:h6 6. h:a5 b2 7. ac3 8. ed2 fg5 9. de3 10. g:e3 gh4 11.ef4 x
I.p. is A.Guralnik
"Minskaya Pravda", Oct. of 20, 2011, issue No. 232
1.ef4 h2 2. fg5 3. ed6 4 d8 b2 5.c3 6. e7 7.g1 - an etude fragment of Mr.Alexey Mushin ("Niva " 2011 ) appeared on the board
7. hg3 8.bc5 hg7 9. ab6 f2 10.h8 g1 11. hd4 h2 12. g1 e5 13. bc7 14. gh2 x
........A Fomin.........
1. c3 2. f4 3.f6 etc. x
1. gf6 2.bc7 3. e7 4. d8 5.b6 c3 6. a5 b2 7. c3 8. d2 g5 9. e3 10. e3 h4 11. f4 x
A Fomin (new compositions )
ideological predecessor is M. Oleinikov (Crimean region): "Dambrete", No. 8, 1977, (composition No. 809)
1. bc7 e1 2 d8 3. d:c3 etc. x
Such processing of this idea with the sacrifice of the white king looks much better :
Processing by A.Fomin ........................................................ .. A.Fomin......................
I 1. bc7 etc. x
II 1. b2 2. b8 3. h2 etc.x
III 1. fg5 2 gh6 e1 3. f2 4 ab4 5. f2 x
............... .......... .....A.Fomin....... . ........ ..........
.. .
I 1 gh4:2 h:d8 ba3 3.dc7 4 dc5 5. a:c3 x
II 1 hg3 2 e7 3 g3 b2 A 4. c7 5 c5 6. a1 x
A 3.... a7 4. de5 b2 5. ef6 a1 6.ge5 x
III 1. f8 e1 2. h6 3. d2 4. f2 5. b8 x
............... ............. . A.Fomin ............. ... .............
I 1. ef2 2 a7 fg3 3. b8 4.h2 a5 Vp1 5. bc3 etc. x
Vp1 4... d6 5 b8 a5 6. bc3 etc. x
II 1. c5 2 a7 fg3 3. b8 4. h2 a5 Vp1 5. c3 x
Vp1 4 ..d6 5 b8 a5 6 bc3 etc.x
III 1. bc7 2. ab8 de3 A , B 3. h6 fg5 4 h:f4 e1 5. b:h2 ea5 6 bc3 d2 C 7. hg3 8. g:c1 x
A 2.. gf4 3. de3 f:d2 4. fg3 5. g:c5 6.b:c1 ba3 7. bc3 fe5 8 .ce3 x (8... ef4 9 .. cb2 )
B 3... dc3 4. b:d4 ! 5. b:h2 fe5 6. h:f8 x
C 6...e1 7. gf2 8. h:f8 hg3 9. fc5 gh2 10. cg1 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
A.Fomin , No.70(3)
1.hg5 f:h4 2.hg7 ef6 /ed4 3.gf8 ed4 /ef6 4.fb4 a:c5 5.de3 f:d2
6.c:g7 cd4 7.gh8 de3 8.hc3 ef2 *) 9.cd4 fe1 A 10.df2 e:g3 11.h:f4 x
A 9...fg1 10.da7 hg3 11.h:f4 gh2 12.ab8 x *) E. Van Embden, 1785
№70(1,2) A.Fomin
Re: Praktiche taktik Message Tue Nov 05, 2019 22:53
Composition in Russia ::Website "Checkers in Russia"
By Letas , Message sent: November , of 09, 2019 - 8:00 PM
....... A Fomin...........
c7 , e7 , d8 , b6 c3 , a5 b2 , c3 , ed2 g5 , e3 , e3 h4 , f4 x
Re: Проблемы для чайников
Post by Fomin , Wedn. , Nov. of 30, 2022 5:17 pm
A.Fomin and G.Abdurrahmanov
g5 , h8 , a1 - processing by G.Abdurrahmanov b2 , a7 c3 , b4 , ad4 , g3 , e3 x
........Sergeant Pupkin..................... .......G.Abdurrahmanov ............ .....
I 1.ed6 2.gf2 b:d4 - M Tsvetov , "Shahki", No.12, 1980
3. f:h8 g1 4. ed2 ! 5. c3 6. c5 7.c5 b4 8.a3 bc7 9. ab4 cd6 10. bc5 11. ab2 ba3 12 bc3 x
II 1.fe3 2 c5 g1 3. f2 c1 4 d2 5. c5 x
Ps: G.A. Ibn Khotiab copied the last opus from the author of this lines :
.. A.Fomin...
g7 , f8 ! , g3 ! d4 , e3 , c3 , g1 x
A.Bulgakov (febr. ,1978), processing by A.Fomin
ed2 , e7 (7:5) , d8 , f6 , h2 (e7), g3 , e3 x
....... A Fomin...........
b6, c7 , c3 , e7 , f4 g5 , d4 b4 , b8 a3 , f4 b2 ,c1 a1 , f4 , f4 x
Terekhov A: book "Rises and admirations" [21], 2015
Mikhail Patrikhaev, 1999
1.f2-g3 a3xc1 2.a1-b2 c1xa3 3.c3-b4 a5xc3xe5 4.f4xd6xf8 h2xf4 5.f8xb4 a3xc5xf2 6.g1xe3xg5xe7 g7-f6 7.e7xg5 h6xf4 8.e1-f2 bd6-c5 2-0
The real author is Mikhail Patrikhaev
: author's book, 1999; 2nd championship of Russia by solving of drafts compositions-2005 , task No. 7
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
.......... A. Fomin...........
1.f6 2.f8 f2 3.e3 g1 4.fe7!! 5.bc5 6.a:c5 x
.......... A. Fomin...........
positions for self solution
........A. Fomin........
The problem has three proofs of the legality of the initial checkers position , one of which the Old Man Hottabych appropriated to himself as an allegedly independent composition.
I : 0).. e5-d4 1) c3:e5 f6:d4 etc. x
I I 0)... e5-d4 1) g3:e5 f :d4 etc. x
III The original proof of the legality of the initial location of the checkers on the board
was composed by sergeant Pupkin:
0)ed4 ba7 1)d:b2 ba3 2)hg3 ! h:f2 3)e1:e7 d:f6 etc.
After that, a masterpiece of checkers composition appears on the board:
....A. Fomin....
1.bc3 ed4 2.c:e5 f:d4 3.gf8 ab6 4.fd6! c:e5 5.a:c7 ab2 6.a:c3 d:b2 7.dc3 b:d4 8.cb8 dc3 A 9.b:f4 cb2 10.fe5 ba1 11.ef6 a:g7 12.h:f8 x
A 9...ef4 10.b:g3/h2 dc3 11.gf4 cb2 12.fe5 ba1 13.ef6 a:g7 14.h:f8 x
********************************* **********************************
.......................... A. Fomin............. ......
I 1.ef2 hg3 2.f:d4 gf2 3.e3 g1 4.c5 5.c5 e5 6.d6 7.cd4 cd6 A
8.a3 c7 9.c5 10.c5 x A 7...cb6 8.bc3 bc7 9.de5 bc5 10.ef6
cd6 10. fg7 de5 11.gf8 cd4 12. fg7 d:b2 13.g:a1 x
II 1.ef6 2.ef4 3.f:d8 4.g:e3 a5 5.b6 6.ed4! d6 A 7.a3 etc. x
A 6...cb6 7.bc3 ! etc. x
III N. B.! : Processing by the plagiator (N. N.) of the new final motif, that belongs to A. Fomin.
In accordance with international copyright law, this composition belongs entirely to the author of these lines.
1.f6 g5 2.d6 3. ef2 4.hg3 5.f:f6 6.e3 e7 7.d8 a5 8.c7 9. d4 d6 A 10.a3 c7 11.c5 12.c5 x
A 9...cb6 10.bc3 bc7 11.de5 bc5 12.ef6
cd6 13. fg7 de5 14.gf8 cd4 15. fg7 d:b2 16.g:a1 x
A. Fomin
1.ed6 2.gh2 3.h:f8 de7 4.f:d6 5.cd6 6.cd4 ! etc. x
.......................... A. Fomin....................... ..
.. ...
I 1.fg3 2.e7 g1 3.cb4 4.c5 5.c5x
II 1.e7 2.g3 3.g7 c7 4.h8 g1 5.hd4 d6 6.e7 7.bc5 8.c5 x
III 1.h4 2.h8 g1 3.hd4 d6 4.e7 5.c5 6.c5 x
1.f6 2.f8 f2 3.e3 g1 4.fe7!! 5.bc5 6.a:c5 x
.......... A. Fomin...........
positions for self solution
........A. Fomin........
The problem has three proofs of the legality of the initial checkers position , one of which the Old Man Hottabych appropriated to himself as an allegedly independent composition.
I : 0).. e5-d4 1) c3:e5 f6:d4 etc. x
I I 0)... e5-d4 1) g3:e5 f :d4 etc. x
III The original proof of the legality of the initial location of the checkers on the board
was composed by sergeant Pupkin:
0)ed4 ba7 1)d:b2 ba3 2)hg3 ! h:f2 3)e1:e7 d:f6 etc.
After that, a masterpiece of checkers composition appears on the board:
....A. Fomin....
1.bc3 ed4 2.c:e5 f:d4 3.gf8 ab6 4.fd6! c:e5 5.a:c7 ab2 6.a:c3 d:b2 7.dc3 b:d4 8.cb8 dc3 A 9.b:f4 cb2 10.fe5 ba1 11.ef6 a:g7 12.h:f8 x
A 9...ef4 10.b:g3/h2 dc3 11.gf4 cb2 12.fe5 ba1 13.ef6 a:g7 14.h:f8 x
********************************* **********************************
.......................... A. Fomin............. ......
I 1.ef2 hg3 2.f:d4 gf2 3.e3 g1 4.c5 5.c5 e5 6.d6 7.cd4 cd6 A
8.a3 c7 9.c5 10.c5 x A 7...cb6 8.bc3 bc7 9.de5 bc5 10.ef6
cd6 10. fg7 de5 11.gf8 cd4 12. fg7 d:b2 13.g:a1 x
II 1.ef6 2.ef4 3.f:d8 4.g:e3 a5 5.b6 6.ed4! d6 A 7.a3 etc. x
A 6...cb6 7.bc3 ! etc. x
III N. B.! : Processing by the plagiator (N. N.) of the new final motif, that belongs to A. Fomin.
In accordance with international copyright law, this composition belongs entirely to the author of these lines.
1.f6 g5 2.d6 3. ef2 4.hg3 5.f:f6 6.e3 e7 7.d8 a5 8.c7 9. d4 d6 A 10.a3 c7 11.c5 12.c5 x
A 9...cb6 10.bc3 bc7 11.de5 bc5 12.ef6
cd6 13. fg7 de5 14.gf8 cd4 15. fg7 d:b2 16.g:a1 x
A. Fomin
1.ed6 2.gh2 3.h:f8 de7 4.f:d6 5.cd6 6.cd4 ! etc. x
.......................... A. Fomin....................... ..
.. ...
I 1.fg3 2.e7 g1 3.cb4 4.c5 5.c5x
II 1.e7 2.g3 3.g7 c7 4.h8 g1 5.hd4 d6 6.e7 7.bc5 8.c5 x
III 1.h4 2.h8 g1 3.hd4 d6 4.e7 5.c5 6.c5 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Dedicated to Mr. Alexander Yurgenson in connection with the upcoming New Year and Mary Christmas!
................................. ..A.Fomin...........................
I d2 , g5 g7 A , f8 , g7 , c5 , c5 x A 1... d2 2. f6 3. b4 4. f8 x
II d2 ,e7, c7 , g5 etc.x
III 1. bc3 etc.x
1. g7 c3 2. f6 cd4 3.c5 d2 4. h8 e1 5. b6 a5 6.e7 7.c3 8.c5 x
1. hg7 ef2 2. g3 f2 3. h8 e1 A 4. b6 5. e7 6 c3 7. c5 x
A (g1), b4 , c5 , b8 x - (A.Fomin-A Driabezgov : Moscow championship , 2005 )
1. cd4 2. c3 3. d8 4. h8 f4 5. g5 f4 6. d4 g7 7. h8 e3 8. c3 f2
-E.van.Embden, 1785. 9.cd4 etc.x
.........S. Pupkin.........
f8 d4 ,
(- S.Khottabychev , 2010 ) e3 d2 , g3 , c1 b6 , c5 c3 , a7 b4 , b8 a3 , be5 ab2 , a3 d2 , c3 , c5 x
1. bc3 2. f8 3.c1 c3 4. b4 5. d2 6. f2 7. b8 x
1. b8 e1:2. gf2 3. a1 gf4 4. g5 f4 5. d4 g7 6. h8 e3 7 c3 etc x.E.van Embden , 1785
................O.Iusufychev ...........
I 1. a3 2. cd2 3. g5 g7 A 4. f8 5. g7 6. c5 7. c5 x
A ... cd2 4. f6 5. ab4 6. f8 x
II 1 bc7 I 2. d2 3. g5 etc.x I 1. hg7? fg5! 2. f8 e1 3 a5 f4 ! 4. cb2 h4 5. h6 e1 =
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
..................................A.Fomin............................... ..
I 1.f8 2. fe3 3.g5 4.a7 c3 5.b4 6.d2 7.f2 8.f2 x
II 1.g3 2.d8 3.a7 c3 4.b4 5.d2 6.f2 7.f2 x
III 1.dc5 d4 2.e7 3.de3 4.e7 etc. x with exact endgame.
arranged by A. Fomin
1. fg5 h6 I. Kobtsev, 2012 2. ab6 3. bc7 4.de3 5. g7 f6 6. e5 b6 7.ef6 c5 8. fg7 d4 9. h8 e3 10. hc3 ef2 11. cd4 etc.x -E.van Embden , 1785
A.Fomin №950
1.bc5 2.f6 3.h8 f4 4.e3 5.hc3 6.a7 b4 7.b8 a3 8.e5 x
A. Fomin №957 1.gf8 ba5 2.f:d6 c:e7 3.a:e3 b:a1 4.ed4 c:e5 5.f:f8 h:h2
6.fb4 a:c3 7.cb2 cd2 8.e:c3 x
..........................O. Iusufychev (Tehran).......................
I e5, g7, c3, e7 (d4) A, f8 (c3), e3 (b2), g7(a1), h8 (b4), d4, a5 x A (ab4), d8 (c3), e7 (b4) B, a3 (d2), e3 x B (d4), f6 x
II 1.g5 f6 2.e7 3.g7 4.c3 etc. x
III e3 h2, e5, e7, g1, ab6, c5, a7, c5 x
I 1.f8 2. fe3 3.g5 4.a7 c3 5.b4 6.d2 7.f2 8.f2 x
II 1.g3 2.d8 3.a7 c3 4.b4 5.d2 6.f2 7.f2 x
III 1.dc5 d4 2.e7 3.de3 4.e7 etc. x with exact endgame.
arranged by A. Fomin
1. fg5 h6 I. Kobtsev, 2012 2. ab6 3. bc7 4.de3 5. g7 f6 6. e5 b6 7.ef6 c5 8. fg7 d4 9. h8 e3 10. hc3 ef2 11. cd4 etc.x -E.van Embden , 1785
A.Fomin №950
1.bc5 2.f6 3.h8 f4 4.e3 5.hc3 6.a7 b4 7.b8 a3 8.e5 x
A. Fomin №957 1.gf8 ba5 2.f:d6 c:e7 3.a:e3 b:a1 4.ed4 c:e5 5.f:f8 h:h2
6.fb4 a:c3 7.cb2 cd2 8.e:c3 x
..........................O. Iusufychev (Tehran).......................
I e5, g7, c3, e7 (d4) A, f8 (c3), e3 (b2), g7(a1), h8 (b4), d4, a5 x A (ab4), d8 (c3), e7 (b4) B, a3 (d2), e3 x B (d4), f6 x
II 1.g5 f6 2.e7 3.g7 4.c3 etc. x
III e3 h2, e5, e7, g1, ab6, c5, a7, c5 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
........A.Fomin(positions for self solution) .....
ed6 , dc3. e3 g1 , dc7 fe5 , h8 , f6 , f6 x
d8 c1 , f6 , g7 , c5 , c5 x A.Fomin
cb6 , g5 , c3 e3 , d4 , c3 g7 , g5 h6 , f6 x
1. ed6 2. dc7 g1 3. c3 ! fe5 4. h8 5. f6 6. f6 x
1. fe3 2. g7 3. h8 b6 4.c7 5. f6 6. f6 x
.............................O.Iusufychev (Tegran).......................
I 1. ab6 2 c7 3.c7 g1 4. de3 e5 5. h8 6. f6 7. f6 x
II 1.. fe3 gh2 2 cd4 g1 3. c7 e5 4. h8 5. f6 6. f6 x
III 1. b8 e1 2. c1 3. f4 ! -NN (first publication is not found).4 . e3 c3 A 5. c1 6. g5 7. f8 x A 4... b4 5. c5 6. f6 x
D.Kamchitskyi (Belarus)
1. e7 2. b4 3. f4 4. hg3 b2 5. f4 6. b2 - (a well-known position appeared on the board from the debut "Col", "Shashki" magazine, No 4, 1962 ) g3 7. f2 8. c3 9. c3 x
........................A.Fomin.........................L.Telkanov , 1971
I 1. hg7 I 2. ab4 3. h8 4.:a7 x
I 1 de5 /fe3 ? (ab4)!!2. fe3/de5 (ba5) 3. ef4 a (hg1)4. hg7 c3 ! 5. b6 a7 etc.= a 4. hg7 {cd4} 5. a:c5(d:f2)=
I 1. cd8 e1 A 2. h8 b4 3. hd4 4. c5 5. c5 x A 1....g3 2. he5 3. a:c5 x
III L.Telkanov (1911-199?):1. de5:2. gf2 ! 3.fe5 4. de7 5. h:a7 x -a true masterpiece in the genre of checkers miniature-64 !
1. cd4 c3 2. c7 d2 - this is the endgame of Mr. A.Butkevitch, 1975 (without checkers g1 and h2 )3. d8 etc x
ed6 , dc3. e3 g1 , dc7 fe5 , h8 , f6 , f6 x
d8 c1 , f6 , g7 , c5 , c5 x A.Fomin
cb6 , g5 , c3 e3 , d4 , c3 g7 , g5 h6 , f6 x
1. ed6 2. dc7 g1 3. c3 ! fe5 4. h8 5. f6 6. f6 x
1. fe3 2. g7 3. h8 b6 4.c7 5. f6 6. f6 x
.............................O.Iusufychev (Tegran).......................
I 1. ab6 2 c7 3.c7 g1 4. de3 e5 5. h8 6. f6 7. f6 x
II 1.. fe3 gh2 2 cd4 g1 3. c7 e5 4. h8 5. f6 6. f6 x
III 1. b8 e1 2. c1 3. f4 ! -NN (first publication is not found).4 . e3 c3 A 5. c1 6. g5 7. f8 x A 4... b4 5. c5 6. f6 x
D.Kamchitskyi (Belarus)
1. e7 2. b4 3. f4 4. hg3 b2 5. f4 6. b2 - (a well-known position appeared on the board from the debut "Col", "Shashki" magazine, No 4, 1962 ) g3 7. f2 8. c3 9. c3 x
........................A.Fomin.........................L.Telkanov , 1971
I 1. hg7 I 2. ab4 3. h8 4.:a7 x
I 1 de5 /fe3 ? (ab4)!!2. fe3/de5 (ba5) 3. ef4 a (hg1)4. hg7 c3 ! 5. b6 a7 etc.= a 4. hg7 {cd4} 5. a:c5(d:f2)=
I 1. cd8 e1 A 2. h8 b4 3. hd4 4. c5 5. c5 x A 1....g3 2. he5 3. a:c5 x
III L.Telkanov (1911-199?):1. de5:2. gf2 ! 3.fe5 4. de7 5. h:a7 x -a true masterpiece in the genre of checkers miniature-64 !
1. cd4 c3 2. c7 d2 - this is the endgame of Mr. A.Butkevitch, 1975 (without checkers g1 and h2 )3. d8 etc x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
№956 A.Fomin
Dedicated to Mr. Sergey Yushkevitch on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
1.gf8 ed6 2.f:c5 de7 3.c:f8 ed4:4 c:g7 a:a1 5.fc5 h:f6
:6.cd4 a:e5 7.gf4 e:g3 8.h:f4 x **********************************
A.Fomin - S.Styriov (Moscow championship , 2018 )
1. cd4 2. fe3 3. de5 =
Blacks has offered a draw in this position , after which the game could continue like this:
3... gh4 4. c7 ed6 5. g3 f2 6. bc5 g1 7. cd6 gb6 8. e7 d8 9. f8 = ................................................ ..A.Fomin...........................
1. gf4 2. fe5 3. e7 4. b4 5. c3 c7 6. cd4 7.fd4 etc.x A.Saraev (Leningrad),
11-th All - Russian contest , 1968 , processing by V.Yacheikin
1. gf2 2. fe5 df4 3. e7 f4 4. fe3 f6 A 5. e7 6. b4 7. c3 x A 4... d6 5. b4 6. g5 e7 7. c3 etc x
.............. ......................G.Markosov and A.Fomin , №965..........
1. b8 f4 2. g3 c3'3. b4 4. d2 5. f2 6. f2 x
1. c3 b4 2.c5 b2 3. c3 4. c7 hg5 5. b8 f4 6.h4 ed4 7. g3 c3 8. ed2 9. gf2 10. f2 x
1. c7 2. c7 b6 3. a5 c3 4. c5 etc. x
1. d6 2. d4 3. h6 4. a7 c3 5.b4 6. d2 7. f2 8. f2 x
Demishev A.
16th All-Soviet Union Contest , 6.5 points [123], 1977
1.d4-c5 d6xb4 2.e5-f6 g7xe5 3.f4xd6xb8 e7-d6
[ 3...b4-a3 4.h2xf4 a3xc1 5.f4-e5 c1xf4xc7 6.b8xd6xf8 h4-g3 7.f8-c5 g3-h2 8.c5-g1 x ]
4.b8xf4 g3xe5 5.e3-f4 e5xg3 6.h2xf4 x
A.Fomin (Dedicated to Mr. Anatoly Shkodin )
A.Fomin (Dedicated to Mr. Jake Kacher )
.................................A.Fomin ........ .................
I Legality : 0)a5-b6 c5:a7)
1. cb4 ! c1 A 2. fg5 3. c5 4. c5 d4 5. fg3 6.g:c5 x
A 1... c5 2. g5 3. e7 4. dc3 ! g7 5. a3 f6 6. cb4 cd4 7. fg3 8. c5 fg5 9. a5 ! gf4 10. ab6 fe3 11. bc7 ed2 12. cd8 etc.x -
the game is reduced to the famose etude by A. V. Butkevitch, 1975
II 1. a7 b4 2 a5 b2 3. c3 b6 4. c7 5. c3 6. e3 7. g3 x
III 1. bc7 2. d8 c5 A 3 b6 ! f6 4 c7 d6 5. d4 e7 6. g7x
A 1... f6 2. c7 d6 3. c5 4.c3 x
Dedicated to Mr. Sergey Yushkevitch on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
1.gf8 ed6 2.f:c5 de7 3.c:f8 ed4:4 c:g7 a:a1 5.fc5 h:f6
:6.cd4 a:e5 7.gf4 e:g3 8.h:f4 x **********************************
A.Fomin - S.Styriov (Moscow championship , 2018 )
1. cd4 2. fe3 3. de5 =
Blacks has offered a draw in this position , after which the game could continue like this:
3... gh4 4. c7 ed6 5. g3 f2 6. bc5 g1 7. cd6 gb6 8. e7 d8 9. f8 = ................................................ ..A.Fomin...........................
1. gf4 2. fe5 3. e7 4. b4 5. c3 c7 6. cd4 7.fd4 etc.x A.Saraev (Leningrad),
11-th All - Russian contest , 1968 , processing by V.Yacheikin
1. gf2 2. fe5 df4 3. e7 f4 4. fe3 f6 A 5. e7 6. b4 7. c3 x A 4... d6 5. b4 6. g5 e7 7. c3 etc x
.............. ......................G.Markosov and A.Fomin , №965..........
1. b8 f4 2. g3 c3'3. b4 4. d2 5. f2 6. f2 x
1. c3 b4 2.c5 b2 3. c3 4. c7 hg5 5. b8 f4 6.h4 ed4 7. g3 c3 8. ed2 9. gf2 10. f2 x
1. c7 2. c7 b6 3. a5 c3 4. c5 etc. x
1. d6 2. d4 3. h6 4. a7 c3 5.b4 6. d2 7. f2 8. f2 x
Demishev A.
16th All-Soviet Union Contest , 6.5 points [123], 1977
1.d4-c5 d6xb4 2.e5-f6 g7xe5 3.f4xd6xb8 e7-d6
[ 3...b4-a3 4.h2xf4 a3xc1 5.f4-e5 c1xf4xc7 6.b8xd6xf8 h4-g3 7.f8-c5 g3-h2 8.c5-g1 x ]
4.b8xf4 g3xe5 5.e3-f4 e5xg3 6.h2xf4 x
A.Fomin (Dedicated to Mr. Anatoly Shkodin )
A.Fomin (Dedicated to Mr. Jake Kacher )
.................................A.Fomin ........ .................
I Legality : 0)a5-b6 c5:a7)
1. cb4 ! c1 A 2. fg5 3. c5 4. c5 d4 5. fg3 6.g:c5 x
A 1... c5 2. g5 3. e7 4. dc3 ! g7 5. a3 f6 6. cb4 cd4 7. fg3 8. c5 fg5 9. a5 ! gf4 10. ab6 fe3 11. bc7 ed2 12. cd8 etc.x -
the game is reduced to the famose etude by A. V. Butkevitch, 1975
II 1. a7 b4 2 a5 b2 3. c3 b6 4. c7 5. c3 6. e3 7. g3 x
III 1. bc7 2. d8 c5 A 3 b6 ! f6 4 c7 d6 5. d4 e7 6. g7x
A 1... f6 2. c7 d6 3. c5 4.c3 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Re: Problems
Author Fomin Thu Jan 19, 2023 10:56 am
1. fe5 f6 2. cd2 3. de3 4.g7 h:f8 - endgame by A.Fomin from Jan. of 12 , 2023
5. ab2 ! g7 6. cb4 cd4 7.fg3 8. c5 etc x
1. b8 2. f4 g1 3. a1 4. hg5! -P.Manoury etc. x
1. a5 2. g7 3. ab2 fe7 4. bc3 ef6 5.cb4 cd4 6. fg3 7. c5 g5 8. a5 f4 9. ab6 e3 10. bc7 d2 - A.Butkevitch , 1975
In the drafts party A. Fomin - N.N. followed by 1.gh2(e:c5)2.h:h6 (fe5) 3.d:h8 cb4 4. a:c5 b:f2 5. de3
and Blacks resigned.
1. f6 2. e7 3. e7 f4 4 f8 e3 5. d6! f2 6. e3 g1 7. f4 - P.Manoury 8.hg5 etc.x
1. c5 2. c7 g3 3. e3 h2 4. b8 g1 5. bf4 6. hg5 - P.Manoury hg7 A 7. h2 8. h8 x
A 6.. ag7 7. c1/d2 8. f8 x
1. d4 2. e7 f4 3. f8 e3 4. d6 f2 5.e3 g1 6. df4 -P.Manoury etc. x
I.p. : Processing by A.Fomin , 2013
Author is AF , Mon., Nov.of 18, 2013 12:07 pm
1. fe7 d4 - Mr. A.Guralnik's miniature from "Dambrete" - magazine , No. 3, 1980 appears on the board :
2. d8 b2 3. b4 4. f4 a1 5. f6!! 5. b2 ! - P.Manoury's etude is appears on the board 6. hg5 etc. x
I.p. is S.Yushkevitch
fe3 , ed4,:d6, e3 (de7), c7 (ab6),cb8 (g7), c7 (d6), e5, e3(g1). h2 , g5, h8x
1. b8 2. c5 3. e5 4. e1 5. cd2 6. e3 d2 A 7.h4 x A (f2), 7. e5/b8 x
Solutions :
cd2 , ed4 (g5:e3)A, h4 , cd4 , hf2 , a7 (ab4), ed2 (de5),:ab6 (ba3), c3 (ed4), g5 , gf2 x
A (c5:e3), cd4 , gh4 ( g5:e3 ), df4 , hc5 /hf2 x
......O.Yusufychev Tehran)..........D.Kamchitsky(Mogilev, Belarus)
1. fg5 2. e7 3. c5 e5 a 4. ab6 d4 5. e3 6. f4 d4: 7.b4 x a (g5), ab6 (f4), c7 etc. x
1. fg5 2. e7 3. e3 etc. x
9-th Moscow championship on drafts composition-64 , 1982
............................P.Shkludov ........................
************************************* ************************************* *************************************
Re: Problems
Author Fomin Thu Jan 19, 2023 10:56 am
1. fe5 f6 2. cd2 3. de3 4.g7 h:f8 - endgame by A.Fomin from Jan. of 12 , 2023
5. ab2 ! g7 6. cb4 cd4 7.fg3 8. c5 etc x
1. b8 2. f4 g1 3. a1 4. hg5! -P.Manoury etc. x
1. a5 2. g7 3. ab2 fe7 4. bc3 ef6 5.cb4 cd4 6. fg3 7. c5 g5 8. a5 f4 9. ab6 e3 10. bc7 d2 - A.Butkevitch , 1975
In the drafts party A. Fomin - N.N. followed by 1.gh2(e:c5)2.h:h6 (fe5) 3.d:h8 cb4 4. a:c5 b:f2 5. de3
and Blacks resigned.
1. f6 2. e7 3. e7 f4 4 f8 e3 5. d6! f2 6. e3 g1 7. f4 - P.Manoury 8.hg5 etc.x
1. c5 2. c7 g3 3. e3 h2 4. b8 g1 5. bf4 6. hg5 - P.Manoury hg7 A 7. h2 8. h8 x
A 6.. ag7 7. c1/d2 8. f8 x
1. d4 2. e7 f4 3. f8 e3 4. d6 f2 5.e3 g1 6. df4 -P.Manoury etc. x
I.p. : Processing by A.Fomin , 2013
Author is AF , Mon., Nov.of 18, 2013 12:07 pm
1. fe7 d4 - Mr. A.Guralnik's miniature from "Dambrete" - magazine , No. 3, 1980 appears on the board :
2. d8 b2 3. b4 4. f4 a1 5. f6!! 5. b2 ! - P.Manoury's etude is appears on the board 6. hg5 etc. x
I.p. is S.Yushkevitch
fe3 , ed4,:d6, e3 (de7), c7 (ab6),cb8 (g7), c7 (d6), e5, e3(g1). h2 , g5, h8x
1. b8 2. c5 3. e5 4. e1 5. cd2 6. e3 d2 A 7.h4 x A (f2), 7. e5/b8 x
Solutions :
cd2 , ed4 (g5:e3)A, h4 , cd4 , hf2 , a7 (ab4), ed2 (de5),:ab6 (ba3), c3 (ed4), g5 , gf2 x
A (c5:e3), cd4 , gh4 ( g5:e3 ), df4 , hc5 /hf2 x
......O.Yusufychev Tehran)..........D.Kamchitsky(Mogilev, Belarus)
1. fg5 2. e7 3. c5 e5 a 4. ab6 d4 5. e3 6. f4 d4: 7.b4 x a (g5), ab6 (f4), c7 etc. x
1. fg5 2. e7 3. e3 etc. x
9-th Moscow championship on drafts composition-64 , 1982
............................P.Shkludov ........................
************************************* ************************************* *************************************
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
A. Fomin (dedicated to Nikolai Razhik)
I An old combinational mechanism, but with a new endgame motive and 2 clear variants in it . On the fourth move Blacks plays either (de7) or (fg5) with exact play in both cases.
1. cb2 c1 2. ab2 d6 3. c5 g3
4.c5 fg5 A 5. a3 6. d6 e7 7. f8 g3 8. c5 h2
9. g1 f4 10. ab6 e3 11. c5 g1 12. a7 13. c5 x
A 4...e7 5. f8 6. b4/a3 g3 7. c5 h2 8. g1 e5 9. ab6 d4
10. c5 g1 11. a7 12. c5 x
II 1. de3 2. f8 e1 3. a5 eg3 4. f2 5. d2 6. c5 etc.x with the same endgame as in first position.
Re: Archival materials
Author : Fomin , Mon., Jan 23, 2023 4:45 pm
6-th USSR championship , 5,5 points ,[115], 1987
1.c5-d6 e7xc5 2.b4xb8 h2-g1 3.b8xf4 g1xa1 4.h4-g5 a1-h8 5.a3-b4 a5xc3 6.f4-h2 h6xf4 7.h2xa1 x
№272 A.Fomin:: Sittaford's Riddle for Plagiarizer of drafts composition 1.ab8........ 7.hg5 ah8 8.ab4 a:c3 9.fh2 h:f4 10.h:a1 + A 5... :a1 6.bh2 a:h8 7.ab4 a:c3 8.hg5 h:f4 9.h:a1 +
D.No 1 :
Posted by Fomin Sun Jan 22,
D.No.2 : Dedicated to Nicolay Razhik.
Re: New compositions (problems -64)
Posted by Andrey Wed Jan 25, 2023 2:45 am
D.No.3 : Dedicated to Nicolay Razhik
1. cb6 etc.x
I.P is P.Manoury , 1770 (I.Mozer's book,1941,D.No762)
Re: Mini etude in the genre of "problems-64 "
Posted by Fomin Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:56 am
№193 A.Fomin
Re: Cheburashki
Posted by Fomin Wed May 12, 2021 7:37 pm
I An old combinational mechanism, but with a new endgame motive and 2 clear variants in it . On the fourth move Blacks plays either (de7) or (fg5) with exact play in both cases.
1. cb2 c1 2. ab2 d6 3. c5 g3
4.c5 fg5 A 5. a3 6. d6 e7 7. f8 g3 8. c5 h2
9. g1 f4 10. ab6 e3 11. c5 g1 12. a7 13. c5 x
A 4...e7 5. f8 6. b4/a3 g3 7. c5 h2 8. g1 e5 9. ab6 d4
10. c5 g1 11. a7 12. c5 x
II 1. de3 2. f8 e1 3. a5 eg3 4. f2 5. d2 6. c5 etc.x with the same endgame as in first position.
Re: Archival materials
Author : Fomin , Mon., Jan 23, 2023 4:45 pm
O.Yusuffychev and S.Khottabychev
1. cd4 2. a:c3 - 3.h:c5 - And now A.Fomin's etude appears on the board - etc.x
I.p. is V.Studentsov :
6-th USSR championship , 5,5 points ,[115], 1987
1.c5-d6 e7xc5 2.b4xb8 h2-g1 3.b8xf4 g1xa1 4.h4-g5 a1-h8 5.a3-b4 a5xc3 6.f4-h2 h6xf4 7.h2xa1 x
№272 A.Fomin:: Sittaford's Riddle for Plagiarizer of drafts composition 1.ab8........ 7.hg5 ah8 8.ab4 a:c3 9.fh2 h:f4 10.h:a1 + A 5... :a1 6.bh2 a:h8 7.ab4 a:c3 8.hg5 h:f4 9.h:a1 +
D.No 1 :
Posted by Fomin Sun Jan 22,
D.No.2 : Dedicated to Nicolay Razhik.
Re: New compositions (problems -64)
Posted by Andrey Wed Jan 25, 2023 2:45 am
D.No.3 : Dedicated to Nicolay Razhik
1. cb6 etc.x
I.P is P.Manoury , 1770 (I.Mozer's book,1941,D.No762)
Re: Mini etude in the genre of "problems-64 "
Posted by Fomin Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:56 am
№193 A.Fomin
Re: Cheburashki
Posted by Fomin Wed May 12, 2021 7:37 pm
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Solov'ev D.
3-d USSSR championship on drafts composition-64 ( 8,5 points ) [136], 1976
1.e1-f2 c3xe1 2.g3-h4 e1xe5 3.g5-f6 d4xf2 4.f6xd4 c5xe3 5.a3xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xa7 b8-c7 7.a7-b8 f2-e1
[ 7...c7-b6 8.b8-g3 f2-e1 9.g3-f2 e1xg3 10.h4xd4 x ]
8.b8xc1 e1-c3 9.c1-d2 c3xe1 10.g1-f2 e1xg3 11.h4xf2 x
.................................. ..A.Fomin (Moscow).............................
. ....A.Fomin..........№431. A.Fomin......№375(3)
II 1.ef2 c:e5 2.d:d8 b:b2 3.dc3 f:d2[...b:d4 4. e:c5 a:c3 5.fg3 h:f2 6.d:a5]
4.c:e1 a:c3 5.de7 f:d6 6.ed2 c:g3 7.h:c1 hg3 8.ce3 gh2 9.eg1+
III.№375(3): B.A. Mogilevskyi , edited and corrected by A.Fomin : 1.d6 e5 2 c3 3. d4 e3 4. d4 5. cd2 6. gf2 7. d6 e7 8. f8 g3 9.c5 h2 10. g1 e5 12. ab6 d4 13. c5 g1 14. a7 15. c5 x
Jan. of 31.2023 12-45
№965 (4) :G.Markosov , V.Bulat and A.Fomin ............. Ju.Markvarde , arranged by A.Fomin
A.Fomin : 1 ba7 cb6 2.a:c7 d:d4 3. ab8 - V.Bulat (Belarus) , 2015 3....de3 4.dc3 ed2 5. e:c1 -G.Markosov (Russia) , 1958 - 5...ed4 6. g3 c3 7.d2 8.f2 9. f2 x
Ju.Markvarde (10-th Moscow championship , 1983 :checkers a5 and f6 are absent on the board), 3 points .
de3( h4 ), cd4 , ed2 , f2 , d6 (e7), f8 (hg3), c5 (h2), g1 (fe5), ab6 (ed4), c5 , a7, c5 x - please , see G. Andreev's problem in the attachment , highlighted in green ( this is i.p. associated with the endgame).
There is an ideological predecessor for the endgame of this problem.
V.Stepanov, 10th Moscow championship on drafts composition, 1983 (4.5 points) .
fe5(d:f6) f:b2 (h:f2), ge3 (d:f4 ), bc3 (b:d2), c:e7 (f:d6), h:b4 (a:c5), b8 (cd4), bf4 (dc3), fc1 x
Terekhov A.
A.Terekhov's book : "Rises , turns and admirations" [194], 2015
1.f6-e7 d8xf6 2.g5xe7 f8-g7 3.e7-f8 d4-c3 4.f4-e5 d6xf4xh2 5.h4-g5 h6xf4 6.f8xh6xe3xa7 c3-d2 7.a3xc5 d2-c1 8.e1-d2 c1xe3xb6 9.a7xg1x
S. Ustyanov ............Ju..Abdullaev........ R.Valeev
I 1. ef4 ge3 2. df4 3. d6 c5 4.. cd2 5. b8 f4 6. g3 7. gh2 etc.x -"-"Kharkov's school of checkers composition " , 2007
II 1.f6 h4 2. g7 f6 3. e5 ab6 4. c7 e5 5. gh2! etc.x: - "Dambrete"-8-1985 , No.1786
III 1. b6 2. b6 b4 3. c5 c:a5 4..cb6 5. d6 c5 6. bc3 7. cd4 8. b8 f4 9. g5 f4 10. g3 f4 11. gh2 etc.x , for example 11...hg3(I.V.Timkovskyi, 1934 ) 12. f:h4 fe3 13 g5 e7 14. h6 f6 15 hg3 f2 16. f4 g1 17. ef2 g5 18. f4 x -magazine "Horizons of checkers", No 4, 11-2007
I.V.Timkovskyi , 1934
h2(hg3 a), h4(e7 A), - A.Mishin, 1925г. – f2(f6 B), fg3(e5 C), g5, f4, f4+
a (c7), e3 / fg3 , c3 / e5 x
A(e3), g5(e7), h6(f6), g3(f2), - I.V.Timkovskyi, 1928г. - f4(g5 D), g3, f4, f4+
B(d6), fg3(e3), f4, f6(c5), g7(d4), h8(e3), c3(f2), g3+
C(e3), f4, g3+ D(g1), f2, f4+
arranged by A.Fomin............A.Fomin....... .....I.and Yu. Bugaev...
................ ..
I1. cd6 e:c5 2. ef6 g:e5 3. cd2 etc.x ....please , see I.P. higher .
II 1. hg5 a7 2. bc5 3. hg3 4. d:b8 b:d2 5. c3 f4 6.g3 7. d2 g3 8. e3 h2 9. cd4 g1 10.c5 11. c7 x x
III I.Bugaev and Ju.Bugaev : "Checkers"-9-1970 1. bc5 2. hg3 3 .b8 4. g3 5. c3 6. g5 x ....................................A.Fomin..........................
I 1. b8 2. h2 (e1 A ) 3. f2 4.c7 b4 5. a5 ab2 6.1:3 7. a:e1 x A (ab2),c3 (e1), b4 , f2 , b2/a1 x
II 1. cb6 2. d6 3. f8 4. h2 etc.x
III :№976 :1.gf2 gh2 2.fe7 f:d6 3.de3 fd2 4 e:c7 b:d6 5.fg3 h:f4 6.ab8 de5 7.bc7 ed4 8! b:g3 dc3 9.ge5 cd2 10.ec3 d:b4 11.a:c5 x
6.ab8 de5 7.bc7 ed4 8! b:g3 dc3 9.ge5 cd2 10.ec3 d:b4 11.a:c5 x
a small addition to the theme :
......№948(2).........A.Fomin .....№948(3).........A.Fomin №846(2)..........
I. fg5 b2 , c3 , h6 bc7 , b8 c7 , -A. Fomin , 8-th Moscow championship on drafts composition , 1981 : g7 , g5 , g3 , e3 x
II b4 , e5 , h6 etc.x
III : №846(2) g5, e7 d6, c5 b6 , e7 g7 , f8 d8 , cd2 , fh6 x
I.p. is A.Fomin :№846
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
Post by FOMIN » Fri Jul 16, 2021 18:33
.................№981..A.Fomin(Moscow )...... ............
№911 A.Fomin
3-d USSSR championship on drafts composition-64 ( 8,5 points ) [136], 1976
1.e1-f2 c3xe1 2.g3-h4 e1xe5 3.g5-f6 d4xf2 4.f6xd4 c5xe3 5.a3xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xa7 b8-c7 7.a7-b8 f2-e1
[ 7...c7-b6 8.b8-g3 f2-e1 9.g3-f2 e1xg3 10.h4xd4 x ]
8.b8xc1 e1-c3 9.c1-d2 c3xe1 10.g1-f2 e1xg3 11.h4xf2 x
.................................. ..A.Fomin (Moscow).............................
. ....A.Fomin..........№431. A.Fomin......№375(3)
II 1.ef2 c:e5 2.d:d8 b:b2 3.dc3 f:d2[...b:d4 4. e:c5 a:c3 5.fg3 h:f2 6.d:a5]
4.c:e1 a:c3 5.de7 f:d6 6.ed2 c:g3 7.h:c1 hg3 8.ce3 gh2 9.eg1+
III.№375(3): B.A. Mogilevskyi , edited and corrected by A.Fomin : 1.d6 e5 2 c3 3. d4 e3 4. d4 5. cd2 6. gf2 7. d6 e7 8. f8 g3 9.c5 h2 10. g1 e5 12. ab6 d4 13. c5 g1 14. a7 15. c5 x
Jan. of 31.2023 12-45
№965 (4) :G.Markosov , V.Bulat and A.Fomin ............. Ju.Markvarde , arranged by A.Fomin
A.Fomin : 1 ba7 cb6 2.a:c7 d:d4 3. ab8 - V.Bulat (Belarus) , 2015 3....de3 4.dc3 ed2 5. e:c1 -G.Markosov (Russia) , 1958 - 5...ed4 6. g3 c3 7.d2 8.f2 9. f2 x
Ju.Markvarde (10-th Moscow championship , 1983 :checkers a5 and f6 are absent on the board), 3 points .
de3( h4 ), cd4 , ed2 , f2 , d6 (e7), f8 (hg3), c5 (h2), g1 (fe5), ab6 (ed4), c5 , a7, c5 x - please , see G. Andreev's problem in the attachment , highlighted in green ( this is i.p. associated with the endgame).
FOMIN wrote: ↑Wed May 25, 2022 22:25. .A.Fomin.№815
de3 , c:e3 gf2 , cd4 , cb6 , bc7 , g3 , e7 , b4 , b8 ed4 , a7 x
There is an ideological predecessor for the endgame of this problem.
V.Stepanov, 10th Moscow championship on drafts composition, 1983 (4.5 points) .
fe5(d:f6) f:b2 (h:f2), ge3 (d:f4 ), bc3 (b:d2), c:e7 (f:d6), h:b4 (a:c5), b8 (cd4), bf4 (dc3), fc1 x
Terekhov A.
A.Terekhov's book : "Rises , turns and admirations" [194], 2015
1.f6-e7 d8xf6 2.g5xe7 f8-g7 3.e7-f8 d4-c3 4.f4-e5 d6xf4xh2 5.h4-g5 h6xf4 6.f8xh6xe3xa7 c3-d2 7.a3xc5 d2-c1 8.e1-d2 c1xe3xb6 9.a7xg1x
S. Ustyanov ............Ju..Abdullaev........ R.Valeev
I 1. ef4 ge3 2. df4 3. d6 c5 4.. cd2 5. b8 f4 6. g3 7. gh2 etc.x -"-"Kharkov's school of checkers composition " , 2007
II 1.f6 h4 2. g7 f6 3. e5 ab6 4. c7 e5 5. gh2! etc.x: - "Dambrete"-8-1985 , No.1786
III 1. b6 2. b6 b4 3. c5 c:a5 4..cb6 5. d6 c5 6. bc3 7. cd4 8. b8 f4 9. g5 f4 10. g3 f4 11. gh2 etc.x , for example 11...hg3(I.V.Timkovskyi, 1934 ) 12. f:h4 fe3 13 g5 e7 14. h6 f6 15 hg3 f2 16. f4 g1 17. ef2 g5 18. f4 x -magazine "Horizons of checkers", No 4, 11-2007
I.V.Timkovskyi , 1934
h2(hg3 a), h4(e7 A), - A.Mishin, 1925г. – f2(f6 B), fg3(e5 C), g5, f4, f4+
a (c7), e3 / fg3 , c3 / e5 x
A(e3), g5(e7), h6(f6), g3(f2), - I.V.Timkovskyi, 1928г. - f4(g5 D), g3, f4, f4+
B(d6), fg3(e3), f4, f6(c5), g7(d4), h8(e3), c3(f2), g3+
C(e3), f4, g3+ D(g1), f2, f4+
arranged by A.Fomin............A.Fomin....... .....I.and Yu. Bugaev...
................ ..
I1. cd6 e:c5 2. ef6 g:e5 3. cd2 etc.x ....please , see I.P. higher .
II 1. hg5 a7 2. bc5 3. hg3 4. d:b8 b:d2 5. c3 f4 6.g3 7. d2 g3 8. e3 h2 9. cd4 g1 10.c5 11. c7 x x
III I.Bugaev and Ju.Bugaev : "Checkers"-9-1970 1. bc5 2. hg3 3 .b8 4. g3 5. c3 6. g5 x ....................................A.Fomin..........................
I 1. b8 2. h2 (e1 A ) 3. f2 4.c7 b4 5. a5 ab2 6.1:3 7. a:e1 x A (ab2),c3 (e1), b4 , f2 , b2/a1 x
II 1. cb6 2. d6 3. f8 4. h2 etc.x
III :№976 :1.gf2 gh2 2.fe7 f:d6 3.de3 fd2 4 e:c7 b:d6 5.fg3 h:f4 6.ab8 de5 7.bc7 ed4 8! b:g3 dc3 9.ge5 cd2 10.ec3 d:b4 11.a:c5 x
6.ab8 de5 7.bc7 ed4 8! b:g3 dc3 9.ge5 cd2 10.ec3 d:b4 11.a:c5 x
№948 A.Fomin
Re: pustiatchki , Posted by Andrey Pt. Dec 2, 2022 5:59 AM
viewtopic.php?f=33&t=8464&sid=0426cb82e ... 30#p132958
Re: Compositions on a 64-cell board
Posted by FOMIN » Sun 27 Nov 2022 21:43
1.ed2 ab2 2 cd6 a:e7 3.dc3 b:d4 4.fe5 d:f6 5.gh6 bc7
6.h:b8 dc7 7.b:g7 h:f6 8.hg3 fe5 9.gf4 e:g3 10.h:f2 x
a small addition to the theme :
......№948(2).........A.Fomin .....№948(3).........A.Fomin №846(2)..........
I. fg5 b2 , c3 , h6 bc7 , b8 c7 , -A. Fomin , 8-th Moscow championship on drafts composition , 1981 : g7 , g5 , g3 , e3 x
II b4 , e5 , h6 etc.x
III : №846(2) g5, e7 d6, c5 b6 , e7 g7 , f8 d8 , cd2 , fh6 x
I.p. is A.Fomin :№846
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
Post by FOMIN » Fri Jul 16, 2021 18:33
.................№981..A.Fomin(Moscow )...... ............
№911 A.Fomin
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
hg7, hg3 , fe3 , h8 , g1 x
i.p. is A.Terekhov: International contest "Dnepr -2016" , febr.of 1 ,2016
A.Maslov, "Horizons of checkers " ,№7
May, 2006
1. de3 2. de7 3. h:e7 a:e3 4. gh2 5. h:d2 x
1. f4 2. h2 e1 A 3. f2 4. c7 ab4 5. a5 b2 6. a1: c3 7. a:e1 x
A 2... b2 3. c3 e1 4. b4 5.f2 6. b2/a1 x
1. fg5 I f4 2. g5 3. f6 4. g3 5. e3 6.e5 f6 7. g7 8. f2 x
I 1. fe5 f4 2.g5 f4 3 .fe7 gf6 ! 4. e:e3 bc5 5. ef4 cd4 etc.=
viewtopic.php?f=33&t=8464&sid=b3abcd3d1 ... 30#p133149
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Fri Feb 03, 2023 23:18
1.fg3 h:d4 2.cd8 e:c7 A 3.d:g1 g:e3 4.g:h8 bc7
5.he5 cb6 6.ed4 ba5 7.dc3 hg5 8.cd2 gh4 9.de1x
A 2..g:e3 3. d:d2 ba7 4.dh4 ab6 5.hd2 bc5
6.fh4 de3 B, C 7.d:f4 cb4 8.he1 ba3 9. ec3 gf6 10.c:h8 x
B 6...cd4 7.fe5 d:f6 8.h:e7/d8 + C 6...cb4 7.de3 d:f2 8.h:a5 x
e7, a3 , h2 d2 , c3 , g3 , a3 x
D. van den Berg (Netherlands)
This position was previously published : magazine "Checkers", No. 5, 1970
V.Stepanov (Russia)
And this is one of the best compositions of Mr. V.G.Stepanov: 1st Championship of Russia on drafts composition, 1980
1. ab2 2. fe5 3. fg3 4. e7 5. hg5 6. de3 7. e:e5 gf6 8.e:g7 h:f6 9. gf2 x
... A.Fomin.........
The «problem» was dedicated to the feast of the Nativity Christmas in 2022 .
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
Post by FOMIN » Fri Jan 07, 2022 12:12
с5, c3, a7, (h2 A ), g3, b8(d4), g3(c3), d2, f2, f2+
А (f4 ), b8(h2), g3, e3, c3(e5), g5+
1. de3 2. c3 3. a7 etc.x
1. c7 b:d6 2. g5 3. g3 4. c3 5 e7 6. g7 e5 7. f8 f4 8. h6 g3
9. e3 b4 10. b2 h2 11. g1 a3 12. c3 x
hg7, hg3 , fe3 , h8 , g1 x
i.p. is A.Terekhov: International contest "Dnepr -2016" , febr.of 1 ,2016
A.Maslov, "Horizons of checkers " ,№7
May, 2006
1. de3 2. de7 3. h:e7 a:e3 4. gh2 5. h:d2 x
1. f4 2. h2 e1 A 3. f2 4. c7 ab4 5. a5 b2 6. a1: c3 7. a:e1 x
A 2... b2 3. c3 e1 4. b4 5.f2 6. b2/a1 x
1. fg5 I f4 2. g5 3. f6 4. g3 5. e3 6.e5 f6 7. g7 8. f2 x
I 1. fe5 f4 2.g5 f4 3 .fe7 gf6 ! 4. e:e3 bc5 5. ef4 cd4 etc.=
viewtopic.php?f=33&t=8464&sid=b3abcd3d1 ... 30#p133149
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Fri Feb 03, 2023 23:18
1.fg3 h:d4 2.cd8 e:c7 A 3.d:g1 g:e3 4.g:h8 bc7
5.he5 cb6 6.ed4 ba5 7.dc3 hg5 8.cd2 gh4 9.de1x
A 2..g:e3 3. d:d2 ba7 4.dh4 ab6 5.hd2 bc5
6.fh4 de3 B, C 7.d:f4 cb4 8.he1 ba3 9. ec3 gf6 10.c:h8 x
B 6...cd4 7.fe5 d:f6 8.h:e7/d8 + C 6...cb4 7.de3 d:f2 8.h:a5 x
e7, a3 , h2 d2 , c3 , g3 , a3 x
D. van den Berg (Netherlands)
This position was previously published : magazine "Checkers", No. 5, 1970
V.Stepanov (Russia)
And this is one of the best compositions of Mr. V.G.Stepanov: 1st Championship of Russia on drafts composition, 1980
1. ab2 2. fe5 3. fg3 4. e7 5. hg5 6. de3 7. e:e5 gf6 8.e:g7 h:f6 9. gf2 x
... A.Fomin.........
The «problem» was dedicated to the feast of the Nativity Christmas in 2022 .
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
Post by FOMIN » Fri Jan 07, 2022 12:12
с5, c3, a7, (h2 A ), g3, b8(d4), g3(c3), d2, f2, f2+
А (f4 ), b8(h2), g3, e3, c3(e5), g5+
1. de3 2. c3 3. a7 etc.x
1. c7 b:d6 2. g5 3. g3 4. c3 5 e7 6. g7 e5 7. f8 f4 8. h6 g3
9. e3 b4 10. b2 h2 11. g1 a3 12. c3 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
A.Fomin(Dedicated to Mr. Alexander Yurgenson)
Eliazar Sklyar (Israel), processing by A. Fomin
Posted by Eliazar Sklyar Thu January 30, 2014 03:54 PM
1.dc5 ! f6:d4 2.-E.Sklyar fe5 d:f6 3. cd6 f2:d4 4. dc7 b:d6 5. fg3 h:f2 6. g:g5 h:f4 7. dc3 b:d4 8. bc7 d:b6 9. a:g5 x
.A.I.Maslov (5-th. USSR championship by drafts composition , may of 31 , 1983).
Improvement by sergeant Pupkin (black.p."d6" > " b8 "; white p.>"b6")
.................Sergeant Pupkin ..................
c7 b6 , a5 f4 , c5 , c7 e5; b4 d4 , b8 fe3 , fg3 , hg3 , a7 g3 , c5 , h4 x
g3 f2 , d8 e3, h4 , d8 d2/f2 , de7 x
Dmitry Solov'iov (Tolyatti, Russia)
1. d2 c:e1 2. g7 3. f6 4. h2 5. f4 d4 6. h8 c1 7. c3 h6 8. g5 9. c3 x
Processing by A.Fomin
1. ef2 etc. x
Eliazar Sklyar (Israel), processing by A. Fomin
Posted by Eliazar Sklyar Thu January 30, 2014 03:54 PM
1.dc5 ! f6:d4 2.-E.Sklyar fe5 d:f6 3. cd6 f2:d4 4. dc7 b:d6 5. fg3 h:f2 6. g:g5 h:f4 7. dc3 b:d4 8. bc7 d:b6 9. a:g5 x
..............Sergeant Pupkin...........№981..A.Fomin(Moscow )
1.ba5 hg1 2. e5 h2 3. ed6 c7 4. e7 g7 5. f8 d8 6. d2 7. h6 x
1. ba5 fe1 2. e5 g3 3. ed6 c7 4. e7 g7 5. f8 d8 6. d2 7. h6 x
1. hg3 2:e1 ef2 3.e:g3 h:f2 4. ba5 fe1 5. e5 eg3 6 ed6 c7 7 fe7 g7 8. f8 d8 9. cd2 c1 10. fh6x
.A.I.Maslov (5-th. USSR championship by drafts composition , may of 31 , 1983).
Improvement by sergeant Pupkin (black.p."d6" > " b8 "; white p.>"b6")
.................Sergeant Pupkin ..................
c7 b6 , a5 f4 , c5 , c7 e5; b4 d4 , b8 fe3 , fg3 , hg3 , a7 g3 , c5 , h4 x
g3 f2 , d8 e3, h4 , d8 d2/f2 , de7 x
Dmitry Solov'iov (Tolyatti, Russia)
1. d2 c:e1 2. g7 3. f6 4. h2 5. f4 d4 6. h8 c1 7. c3 h6 8. g5 9. c3 x
Processing by A.Fomin
1. ef2 etc. x
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