Classics of draughts composition-64 and their followers from Andrew Fomin

Moderator: FOMIN

Posts: 486
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

Classics of draughts composition-64 and their followers from Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Sat Jul 10, 2021 07:54

..................... A. Fomin.................... ... A. Guralnik( "Shashki", 1982).............. ..S. Perepelkin, 2017..............
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I 1.ef2 gf4 2.de5 3.de3 4.fg3 5.gc5 6.ae1 d6 7.d2 c5 7.c3 b2 8.b4 10.c3x
II 1.1.ba5 2.ab4 3.fg3 etc. x
III 1.e7 df6 2.bc5 3.bc7 4.bc3 5.g5 6.e7 7.de3 8.hg5x
................ A. Fomin №829 .......................... A. Fomin №246................... ...Processing by A. Fomin
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I1.dc7 2.dc3 3.ce7 4.hb4 5.bd4 gf2 6.ge3 hg3 7.ab8 hg1 8.bh2x
II 1.bc7 2.ac5 3.ff8 4.de5 fd4 5.fe3 6.gg5 7.fc1x
III 1.c7 2.e7 3.e3 4.f4 5.c5 6.e1 x
...............................A. Fomin.№254 (1,2) ......................... .......................... ............. №841.......................... ....
I d8 e1, d8-c7!, b6, b2, h4, h4x
II b8, f6, d6, b2, bf4, h4, h4h4 x

III (№841) :1ab6 c5 2.ed2 3.b8 h2 4.g3 5.e3 6.c5 e7 7.b6 d6 8.a7 e5 9.b8 d4 10.f4 c3 11.c1 x
d6 c:e5, f8 f2, e3, d6, e3 f6, f4 g3, g5, f4 x
F6 , 7:5, b8 f2, cd2!! x
ef6 g7:e5, b8 gf2, de3, bd6, a:e3 f6, f4 g3, g5, f4 x
.....................................A. Fomin...................................
cb6, fg3, f8 g1, fe3, fd6, a:e3 x
1.ab8 2.b:b2 3.bc1 de1 4.cg5 5.gf2 6.h:h6 x
1.ab8 2.b:b2 3.bc1 de1 4.cg5 f:h4 5.gf2 6.h:f8 x
№476 A.Fomin
Vestnik K.Z.Sh.S F.SH.R, No.10(92), October 2024 , d. No. 1317
IP is I. Kuperman, book by A. Winderman 1966
1.ef4 f:f2 2.gf2 e:b2 3.c:e7 f:d6 4.h:a7 hg7 5.ag1 ab4
6.ab2 ba3 7.bc3 gf6 8.cb4 a:c5 9.g:a7 fe5 10.ag1 ef4
11.dc3 fe3 12.g:a7 hg1 13.cd4 +

Posts: 486
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Fri Jul 16, 2021 19:33

... .... No. 831 A. Fomin............................. . . No. 825 A. Fomin........................... . No. 828 A. Fomin...............
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Publications and solutions :
: Website "Myth" Re: Dmitry Soloviev
Posted by Fomin Thu Jul 15, 2021 10:48 pm
1.gh8 hg3 2.ef2 ge1 3.hc3 eb4 4.aa7 ab4
5.ab8 ba3 6.bh6 ab2 7.hg7 bc1 8.gh6 cf4 9.hc1x
No. 825
Website " Myth", Re: Problems
Posted by A.Fomin on 9.06. At 12:35 am
1.dc5 dd2 2.ce7 df6 Vp1 3.bg5 hf6 Vp2 4.fg3 ac1 5.gf4 e: g3 6.h f4 cg5 7.hf4x
Vp1 2 ..ac1 3.fe3 df6 4.bg5 hf6 5.gf4 eg3 6.hf4 cg5 7.hf4 x
Vp2 3 ... ac1 4.fe3 hf6 5.ef4 cg3 6.hf4 cg5 7.hf4x
No. 828
: letas, posted on: July 05, 2021 - 07:07 AM
1.de3 dc3 A 2.ed2 c: e1 b 3.ef4 g: e5 4.gh2 e: g3 5.h: b8 ed6
6.b: h8 hg3 7.hd4 gh2 8.dg1 bc3 9.cb2 cd2 10.bc3 db4 11.ab2 x
A 1 ... ba3 2.e: c5 gh2 3.ab2 gf6 4.bc3 fe5 5.cd2 hg3 6.fh4 ef4 7.cb4 fe3 8.df4 ab2
6.fh4 ef4 7.cb4 fe3 8.df4 ab2 9.ba5 ba1 10.cb6 cd6 11.ba7 dc5
12.ed2! ah8 13.fg5 ha114. ab8 ef6 15.g: e7 cb4 16.a: c3 a: d8 17.be5 x
b 2 ... g: e1 3.ed4 c: e5 4.cb2 a: c3 5.b: a5 / b6x
................. A. Fomin........... ...... .................................................................................... .processing by A. Fomin....
...................................................... . P.Shkludov (12-th Moscow Championship......... (1.c7 a3 ➡️ A. Terehov, 2015)
......................................... ............. .by drafts composition , 1985 - 4,5 points)
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.................. A. Fomin............................... A. Fomin.......... .................................... ...... A. Fomin......................... ...
Dedicated to Mr. D.Kamchitskyi
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I 1.gf6 eg5 A 2.hf6 3.g5 4.g5 c3 5.ab2 6.gh6 7.hf8x
II P. Shkludov : 1.hg5 2.cd2 3.bf6 bc3 4.ab2 5.gh6 6.hf8 x
III 1.c7 a3 2.d8 ab2 3.g5 4.e7! 5.dc3 6.hg5 dc5 7.gf6 8.hb4 x
IV 1.gh4 2.b2 3.d8 4.d:e7! 5.hg5 etc. x
V 1.fg7 2.de7 3.cd8 4.h4 hg5 5.h:b4 ef2 6.be1 g1 7.eg3 fe3 8.gf2 9.c:e3 x
VI 1.b8 f2 2 ac7 3.a7 e1 4.f8 g7 5.h6 h4 6.ab4 7.hf8x
№838 A. Fomin
1.ef8 c:a1 2.fc5 d:b6 3.gh8 a:g7 4.h:h4 de7 5 h:a5 ef2
6.ae1 fg1 7.eg3 fe3 8.gd2 ed2 9.c:e3 x

Posts: 486
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

Contest "Odessa-1978 ", Best compositions

Post by FOMIN » Tue Aug 17, 2021 08:25

Contest "Odessa-1978",Best compositions

...... ......................................... .............. . A. Fomin.....................................................
.Image.. .Image.. Image
I (№857) 1.d6 2.c7 3.h8 4.e5 5.d4 6.g3 7.a7 d4 8.b8 c3 9.f4 b2 10.e5 c1 11.f412.f4 x
II 1.e3 f2 2.h2 3.g5 4.e7 5.c1 g7 6.b2 h6 7.a3 g5 8.f8 a7 9.h6 b4 A 10.a5 x A (hg3), 2:f4 , h:d2/c1 x
III (№846) 1. e5 2.a3 g5 3.c5 4.e7 h4 5.f4 e3 6. c3 7. f8 g3 8.c5 h2 9.g1 f4 10.b4 e3 11.c5 etc. x
№475 A. Fomin
Image.... . Image... .Image
D.№1 : 1.hg3 f:h2 2.fg3 h:f4 3.bc3 b:d2 4.e:c7 d:b6 5.gf2 e:g1 6.g:e3 g:g7 7.h:f8+
D. №2 :1.gf8 a:c5 2.bc3 d:b2 3.ef2 e:g1 4.g:e3 g:d4 5.f:d6 c:e7 6.h:c1+
D. №3 1.de5 cb6 2.ed6 b:d4 3.c:e5 a:a1 4.dc7 d:b6 5. ed6 a:g7
6.de7 f:d6 7.h:b4 - А. Чернышевич, 64-pwcp-1-2012 hg7 8.bd4 gh6 9.cb4 hg5 10.be1 gf4
11.fe3 f:d2 12.e:c7 ab6 13. c:a5 hg3 14.ac5 gh2 15.cg1+

№839 A. Lukianov, processing by A. Fomin................ ............................. .A.Fomin............................ .......... ......
Image................ .. ...Image.... Image ... 0%B8%D0%B5
Message by A. F., Dec. of 31, 2013 3:23 pm
I 1.hg7 f:f4 2.fe3 d:f2 3.e:c7 b:d6 - ( A. Lukianov, 1-st world championship by drafts composition, 2013 ) 4.ab8 de5 Vp1, A 5.b:f4 ab2 B
6.dc3 bd4 7.fe7 hg3 8.fh2 de3 9.ed8 ed2 10.hd6 ce7 11.d:c1 x
Vp1 4...hg3 5.bh2 ab2 6.dc3 etc. x
A 4...cb4 5.b:e5 hg3 6.bh2 ab2 7.hc7! bc1 8.cd8 ce7 9.df6/g5x
B 5...hg3 6.fh2 ab2 7.dc3 bd4 8.fe7 dc3 C 9.ed8 cb4 Vp2 (Vp2... cb2 10.d6x)
10.da5 ba3 11.ad2/e1 ab2 12.dc3 bd4 13.hf4 dc3 14.fc1 x
C 9...de3 10.ed8 cb4 11.da5 ba3 12.hg1 ed2 13.ae1 ab2 14.ec3x
II 1.bc7, b6, h6, c3 b2, g7, c3 e5, g3 x
1. fg5 fe5 2.gf6 3.f4 ge3 4.f6 e5 5.c5 d2 6.d6 7.c3 8.c3 dc7 8.e7 b4 10.a5 b6 11.c7 12.f2 e7 13.e3 f6 14.f4 g3 15.g5 16.f4x


Posts: 486
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

19-th All-Soviet Union contest, 1985, problems-64

Post by FOMIN » Mon Aug 30, 2021 04:25

............. A. Fomin................. ...
1. bc7 2.e5 d2 3.a5 hg5 4.fe3 h4 5.f4 hg3 A 6.g5 7.f4 g7 8.d4 f6 9.c5 e5 10.d6 g3 11.c7 f2 12.b8 e1 13.be5 d2 14.b6 15.c3 16.c3x A 5...hg7 6.fg5 fe5 7.f6 d4 B 8.h8 9.hd4 g1 10.c5 11.c7x B 7...f4 8.h8 9.c3 10.c7x
Composition for self solution :
...... processing by A. Fomin.......................... A. Fomin..............
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Posts: 486
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

7-th USSR Championship by drafts composition-64,1989-1990, 16-th Moscow championship, 1989,"problems" - 64

Post by FOMIN » Sun Sep 19, 2021 18:54
Сообщение автор AF Сб Дек 14, 2013 2:37 am
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A letter of the judge V. Matus
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A. letter of the judge V. Matus
IMG_20211221_081317.jpg (2.69 MiB) Viewed 15407 times
An addition to No. 51 :
I. P. is V. Stepanov, 5-th USSR Championship, 1983, score - 6,5 points.
Newspaper "Air transport", Moscow, March 5, 1973
1.de3 f: d2 2.c: e3 gf2 3.cb6 4.ed6 5.d: b6 6.bc7 7.hg3 8.g: g5 x
An addition to No. 37
№128 A. Fomin
1 I .ba5 d:b4 2 a:c5 cb2 3.bc7 d:d4 4.e:c5 bc1 A,B 5.ab6 c:e3 6.f:d4 ed6 7.c:e7 a:e3
6.f:d4 ed6 7.c:e7 a:e3
- P. Shkludov 8.ed8 ed2 C 9.e:c3 gf2
10.g:e3 f:b4 11.hg3 h:f2 11.d:a5+
A 4...ba1 5.dc3 a:b6 6.a:c7 ab6 7.c:a5 ed6 8. ab6 de5
9.bc7 ed4 10.cd8 dc3 11.da5 cd2 12.e:c3 g:b4 13.a:d2/e1+
B 4.ef6 5.de3! f:d2 6.e:a1 g:e1 7.gf2 e:g3 8.h:h6 x
C 8 .. gf2 9.e:e5 gf4 10.e:g3 h:f2 11..hg3 f:h4 12.da5 hg3
13.ab4/c3 gh2 14.ae1+

16-th Moscow championship, 1989,"problems*-64
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Posts: 486
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

1-вt World Championship, 1994 by drafts composition-64

Post by FOMIN » Sun Oct 10, 2021 13:50

Unofficial preliminary results of the first world championship by drafts composition, 1994 : the genre of "problemy"-64.
Unofficial final results of the first world championship by drafts composition, 1994 : the genre of "problemy"-64.
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Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Fri Oct 22, 2021 22:33

........................ A. Fomin................... ... No.250 : A. Fomin............................... .. №264 A. Fomin
Image..... Image... Image
I. e7, e3, b8, ➡️etc. with endgame om Mr. P. Shkludov. : g5 c3, f6 e3, bf4 d2, e3 b2, b8, e7, a3 x
II : Verified by Mr. A.Polevoi 05/14/2021
A.Fomin - E.Kazartsev, 2006 (without white piece h2)
1.ed4 e: b4 2.d: b6 a: c7 3.a: e7 f: d6 4.h: b4 gh4 5.be7 cb6
6.eb4 hg3 7.be1 bc5 8.e: h4 cd4 9.hg5 dc3 10.gc1 +
Processing by A. Fomin.............................. .............................A. Fomin.........................................
Image..... Image .Image
D. No. 2: 1.g5 2.f6 3.e1 g1 :arrow_right:Z.Tsirik , 1965 4.f2 d2 5.c3 b4 6.c3 7.c3 x
D. No. 3 : 1.e7 2.h2 3.h:e1 g1 4.f2 d2 5.c3 b4 6.c3 7.c3 x

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Real name: ANDREW

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Fri Dec 03, 2021 23:44

..... .................A.Fomin........................... .№860 A. Fomin................................... A. Fomin............ . .......
Image...Image.. Image
A 6...c3 7.d4 8.b8 x B (dc5), 8.b8 cd4 C 9.b4! 10.a7x C(b4), a5 b2, c3, f4 c3, c1 x
I 1.h4! c3 2.f8 3.c7 c3 4.g5 5.e5 d2 6.g3 7.c1 x
II ➡️№860 :
Message from Letas : Oct. of 21, 2021 - 05:28 PM
1.hg3 h:f2 2.de3 f:h4 3.d:d8 f:d4 4.c:c7 b:d6 5.bc3 bc5
6.cd4 I-A c:e3 7. ab4 a:c3 8.hg7 h:f6 9.d:e7/f8 hg3 10.fc5 gh2 11.cg1 x
6.I-A df6? hg3? (.. ab4=) 5.fh4 gh2 6.cd4 c:e3 7.hg7 h:f6 8.h:g1 x
III 1.b6 d4 2.hg3 3.f2 4.f4 5.d8 c3 6.f6 d2 7.c3 8 c5 b6 9 a7 b4 10.b8 c3 11.f4 b2 12.e5 a1 13.f6 g7 14.f8x
..........A.Fomin.................................. . ... №866 A. Fomin........
I.1. f8 b6 2.a7 3. d4 4.f4 5.f4 x
Theme :"Даку-65"
1.cd8 g:e1 2.da5 f:d6 3.a:c5 d:b6 4.gf2 e:g3 5.h:f2 bc5 6.fe3 x
III Legality for №866 :
1.ab4 fe3 2.c:a3 cd2 3.e:e5 f:d4 4.de7 a:c3 !?
.................................................................... A. Fomin.......................... ........................ .
Image.. Image... Image
I f6, b4,, g3, e7, d2 b2, c3, d2 d6, b6 e5, c7, b8 c5 A, g3 cb4, gf2 dc3, e1, b2. c3 d4, a5 e3, e1 x
A (de3), f4, h2 x
II fe3, fg5 etc. x
III 1.d4 2.f8 3.e7 4.g5 5.e3 6.a1 b4 7.a5 c7 8 b4 d6 9.c5 10.b2 x
№869 A. Fomin
Re: "Просто МИНИАТЮРЫ"
Message : Fomin, Fr., Nov. of 19, 2021 4:49 pm
1.b6 2.c7 d6 3.e3 4.c7 5.c5 f6 -K. Manoury 6.d6 g5 7.c7 f4 8.b8 e3 9.f2 10.a7 x

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Real name: ANDREW

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Sat Dec 11, 2021 05:41

№871-I.........A. Fomin ...............................№871-II
Image... Image
I: ➡️Theme: "вечерний звон от ДК"
1.hg7 h: f6 Vp1 2.ab2 ➡️if to play 1.cd4 instead of the move ab2 then the position of Mr. D. Kamchitskyi, "MiF", June of 8..2019 appears on the board
2 ... e: c5 3.g: e7 cd6 ➡️V. Kochur: "64", 1939
4.ed8 de5 5.hg5 cd4 6.cb4 a: c3 7.da5 cb2 A 8.ac3 ba1
9.gf6 e: g7 10.c: h8 x A 7 ... ef4 8.a: e1 f: h6 9.ed2 hg5
10.f: h6 dc3 11.hg7 ab2 12 c: a3 cd2 13.gc3 d: b4 14.a: c5 x
Vp1 1 ... e: c5 2.g: g5 h: f6 3.g: e7 x
II 1.fe3 2.h:d2 a5 3.c3 4.c3 dc7 5.g7 6.e7 cd6 ➡️V. Kochur: "64", 1939
Compositions for self solution
.............A. Fomin..№874-1...................... A. Fomin..№874-2............. .................... ..
Image.. . Image..Image
III: Card file of Mr. V. Yacheikin, Aug. of 31, 1985 .
V. Vorushila , processing by A. Fomin
.................................................... A. Fomin................. . .....................V.Safronov, processing by A. Fomin ...........
Image.. Image....... Image
...A. Fomin..№873

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Real name: ANDREW

M. Patrikhaev: " Selected compositions at 64-cell board"

Post by FOMIN » Sun Dec 26, 2021 21:38

..........................................................................A. Fomin............................... ...................
Image.. Image.. Image
I 1.b2 2. c7 3.e3 4.h8 5.g1 c5 6.b6 7.g7 d4 8. h8 e3 - E. van Embden , 1787 г. 9.c3 f2 10. d4 e1 A 11. f2 12.f4x
A 10... g1 11.a7 g3 12.f4 h2 13.b8x
II 1 e3 2.f6 3.h8 d4 4.a5 b2 5.c3 6.e3 x
III 1. 1.b8 h2 2.g3 3.e7 4.de5 5 c3 6.c5 b6 7. a7 b4 8.b8 c3 9.f4 b2 10.e5 a1 11.f6 g7 12.h8 x
V. Shulga (Minsk)........................................ A. Fomin.......................
Image... Image
1.e3 f6 2.d6 a7 3.c7 d6 4.e5 d2 A 5.e1 6.g3 7.c5 x A..( f2), e3, e1 b6, f2 a5, e1 x
A. Fomin: 1. 1.b8 h2 2.g3 3.e7 4.de5 5 c3 6. a7 b4 7.b8 c3 8.f4 b2 9.e5 a1 10.f6 g7
Снимок1 (2).JPG
Снимок1 (2).JPG (62.31 KiB) Viewed 15384 times

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Real name: ANDREW

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Fri Jan 07, 2022 12:12

..... №878 A. Fomin..... ...................... №879 A. Fomin.......................... . N. Mitrofanov 1973
V. Vysotsky, processing by A. Fomin......................................A. Fomin.....................................
.............................................................Compositions for self solution.....................................................:
Image........Image... Image
A. Fomin :№882.......................... ......A. Fomin........................................
Image.. Image.. Image
1.cb8 gh2 2.ba7 hg1 3.ef4 g:b6 4.a:h6 f:b2 5 hg7 ba1
6.gh8 ab4 7.fe5 a:g7 8.h:a5 x
№878 :
1 b8 d4 2 c7 b6 3.a7 g1 4 f2 g5 5.e3 d2 6.e3 f6 7. f4 x
№879 :
1.g3 2.c5 g1 2 d6 3.c5 4.c3 5.c5 b6 6.a7 b4 7.b8 c3 8.f4 b2 9 e5 a1 10. f6 11.f8 x
N. Mitrofanov :1. gh4 2.ed2 3.ab4 4.cd2 5. gf2 6.f4 7.h:d2 x
IV. Vysotsky
V :

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Real name: ANDREW

Contest "Odessa-1991", < problems-64 >

Post by FOMIN » Sat Jan 29, 2022 19:49

IMG_20220129_210923.jpg (3.06 MiB) Viewed 15292 times
........................................................... .. A. Fomin............. ............ .....
(Moscow championship
on drafts composition, 1975)..............jan. of 29, 2022...........
Image... Image
II 1.g5 d:f4 2.b8 c5 3.g3 2:4 4.f2 b4 5.c3 b:d2 6.c1 е3 7.d4 8.e5 9.d2 c5 10. c3 b2 11.b4 12.c3 x

Posts: 486
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Fri Feb 04, 2022 01:33

Positions for self solution :
D.Soloviev, processing by A.Fomin .......................................A. Fomin......... .........I. Zhgulev, processing by A. Fomin
. Image...................... .....Image. .. Image
A. Fomin.......................................... Processing by A. Fomin..........N.Boreiko, 1974(processing by A. Fomin)
Image..Image...Image .

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Real name: ANDREW

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Wed Feb 23, 2022 19:41

........................... A. Fomin................................
I1.d6 x
Solution :
1. ed6 ab2 A 2.dc7 b:d6 3.ed4 c:e5 4.a:a5 - endgame of Mr. Ju.Spirichev :"Gudok" , febr., of 08, 1971 г.
4...ed4 5.ba7 dc3 6. b8 dc5 7.be5! cd2 8.gf6 de1 9.ec3 e:b4 10.a:c3 x
A 1...ba7 2.de7! a:c5 3.ef8! hg7( after the move 3..ab2? 4.ed4x)4.f:h6 cd4
5.e:c5 b:d6 6.gf8 de5 7.gf6 e:g7 8.f:h6 ab2 9.hc1x
II №858 . Fomin
Myth, topic: "Dmitry Soloviev", 10.10.2021
1.gh8 c:a1 2.cd2 e:c1 3.g:e7 a:g7 4.h:h2! d:f6 5.b:g5 h:f6
6.hf4 c:g5 7.h:f4 x topic was removed in February 2022
Post by Fomin, Sund., Febr. of 20, 2022, 10:41 am
.......................................... .............................A.Fomin................................................................... .......
Image.. Image.. Image

I 1.g5 f4 2.d8 c5 3.b6 c5 4.b4 5.d2 6.f2 x
II 1.1.dc7 c3 A 2.b4 3.d8 4.f8 x
A 1...b4 2.e3 g3 3.b8 h2 4.b8-a7! f6 5.c7 e5 6.f4! e3 7.g1 d4 8.a7 g1 9.b8x
III 1.ed6 2.ed4 3.f8 4.h2 x
IV 1.e7 e1 2.f2 g3 3.c3 4.a3 5.h2 x
V 1 g7 2.e7 3.b8 4.c3 d2 5. e1 b2 A 6.c3 7.g3 7.c5x A 5..g3 6.f4 b2 7.c3 8.e5 9.f2x

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Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2015 22:40
Real name: ANDREW

Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin

Post by FOMIN » Mon Mar 07, 2022 06:24

Image... Image.. Image
Nr. 886 I .b4, e5, a7 b2, c3, e3, g3 , b8 e7, c7 f4, h2 g5, c7/b8 d6, h6 g3, e3 h2, g1 x
II b8,c7, g7, f4, a5 g7, b2, h8 x
III 1.fg3 ab4 2.a5 h4 3.bc3 4.ed6 Etc. with accurate endgame play and victory of Whites.
I.p for endgame :Tsepalina Maria Nikolaevna: "Picturesque Review", №6-1899.
cd6(c5 A)d6,e3(g1)f4(h2)g7(h4-g3)h8(f2)ef6,g1X
A(g5)g3(f2 B)f4,f6,g1X

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