@Ton. In het archief van de KNDB vindt je dus niks.Marcel Kosters wrote: Wie tegen mijn verwachting in nieuwsgierig is geworden naar mijn hier al dan niet subtiel toegeschreven kwalificaties dan wel bijdrage als KNDB-bestuurder kan op damspel.kndb.nl het archief van 'Het Damspel' nalezen en op kndb.nl de notulen (met presentielijst) van de bondsraadsvergaderingen 2004-2013 waar ik blijkbaar nooit was. Ik heb geen idee of daarmee deze kwalificaties bevestigd of ontkracht zullen worden, maar in ieder geval zul je meer kennis hebben van hoe de KNDB in elkaar steekt of stak.
Op het linkedin account van Marcel is de volgende informatie te vinden:
Marcel Kosters Consultancy
2011 – heden * 6 jaar
I work for private event organisations, international (con)federations and have a small business in electronic draughts boards. As a networker, I establish contacts for financing and organising events. I've worked in China, Senegal, Niger, Brazil, Turkey, The Philippines, Ukraine, The United Kingdom, Syria, Estonia, Belgium and The Netherlands. It's amazing to work with so many different people and cultures. My contribution is allround from the development of promotional materials, websites, videos, media contacts, creation of press releases, to the promotion of the event and arranging logistics for the players.
Secretary and Board Member responsible for Communication, IT and International Relations
Royal Dutch Draughts Federation
Jan. 2004 – jan. 2014 * 10 jaar 1 maand
Rheden and Veenendaal, The Netherlands
I prepared board and council meetings and led the board meetings. Together with the chairman I was responsible for personnel, contacts with media, representation towards the National Olympic Committee, clustering of sports federations, liaising with fellow mindsport assocations and local organising committees and representation of the federation in the European and World Federation. Next to the daily administration of the federation I led the development project of an online gaming server, the development project of electronic draughts boards with accompanying software and a cooperation project with the Senegalese Draughts Federation and the African Draughts Confederation. I was responsible for the upgrade of the federation magazine 'Het Damspel' and was editor in chief ad interim."
Voor wat het waard is.
In het kader van de transparantie Marcel:
Handelde je al in de electronische borden toen je nog bestuurslid was voor de KNDB in de periode 2011-2014?