Fabien Letouzey wrote:TAILLE wrote:![Image](http://fmjd.org/dias2/save/14971865085.png)
black to play
and white theat is to continue with 49-44 followed by 42-38
How do you try to draw with black?
3-8 30-25 20-24 42-38 8-12 38x27 7-11 but, again, the score is slowly increasing for white.
Oops very strange sequence indeed.
In my previous post I suggest for white to play 49-44 followed by 42-38 in order to avoid the move 30-25 which is very often positionnally very bad if you want to win.
In order to show you this point let's take the hypothetical sequence after your proposal
3-8 30-25 20-24 42-38 8-12 38x27 7-11 and now 49-44 4-9 41-37 9-13 37-32 11-17 27-21 13-18 31-27 2-7 (don't look at the sequence itself but on the resulting position):
white to play
Look now at the following position
white to play
The above position is a winning one : all the white moves are winning except 27-22 (obvious), 21-16 and 30-25.
You can see in particular that after 30-25 19-23 we reach the first diagram and white cannot win!
I often said that in draughts game one of the most difficult move decision is to play 30-25 because this move may be very good or very bad depending on a lot of criterias.
As a consequence, unless I am sure 30-25 is a good move I prefer to keep the man 30 on its square.