Gérard,TAILLE wrote:Damy do not give me the longest variant but it seems to me that 45 plies is quite high. Could we try to find the best PV?Joost Buijs wrote: Hi Gérard,
That you are able to find the win in this position within 25 seconds is amazing, this is very fast, in a second run my program took ~7 minutes to find the win (the time varies due to SMP), the variation to the won 8p EGDB position is 45 ply long and starts with: 37-31 12-17 22x11 16x07 27-21 10-14 21-16 14-19.
It is possible that there are undiscovered wins when you don't use EGDB, but when I have my program play with or without EGDB the match scores don't change in a significant way, this is what I look at. Maybe my implementation is wrong, but I don't think so because with test-positions it all works fine but with game-play it does not seem to help much.
The point is that without EGDB my program finds after 12 seconds that 37-31 is the best move and with EGDB enabled it takes 26 seconds before it sees that 37-31 is the best move, this is due to the slowdown caused by probing and this can have an adversary effect during game-play.
Usually the errors are made earlier on in the game, for instance the position you show above is already very bad for black and that should not happen when your evaluation and search during the opening and midgame are working like they should.
After 37-31 12-17 22x11 16x07 27-21 10-14 21-16 14-19 Damy continue with 29-23 19-24 23-19 24x13 28-22 15-20 22-17 20-24 17-11 7-12 11-6 24-29 31-26
do you agree up to this point?
My program subtracts the ply-depth from the win-value and it adjusts the win-value (depending upon ply-depth) storing and loading it from the transposition-table (just like mate values in chess), I'm pretty sure that the 45 ply is correct with maybe an error of 1 ply but of course there can be bugs. My program shows an 8 ply variation only but I can increase the length of the PV it prints, I will try to get a longer variation out of it later today. It doesn't store the PV in quiescence so I'm not able to see the whole PV to the end.
I did another run with a much larger hash-table and now it finds a win in 43 ply, I guess that this is caused by pruning I disable probcut when there are win values in the tree but LMR is still active, this is something I have to look at. Anyway the variation it gives is:
37-31 12-17 22x11 16x07 27-21 10-14 21-16 14-19 29-23 19-24 23-19 24x13 28-22 15-20 22-17 20-25 17-11 07-12 11-06
25-30 31-26 30-35 06-01 13-18 01-06 40-45 06-33 18-23 33-38 12-18 16-11 18-22 11-06 09-14 06-01 23-28 01-06 14-20
38x15 22-27 06x33 27-31 26x37