4th International Tournament in Mlawa (Poland)

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4th International Tournament in Mlawa (Poland)

Post by Guest » Sat May 08, 2004 09:02

from: Gminno Ludowy Zespó³ Warcabowy w Michalinowie
Michalinowo 2A
06-513 Wieczfnia Koœcielna, Poland
tel +48 (23) 6540196 (Mr Leszek Pêtlicki)


Draughts Team from Michalinowo would like to submit you
invitation to take part in IV International Draughts
Tournament that will take place in Mlawa (Poland) from 16 to
20 July 2004. Location of reception: Mlawa town, 5 Lelewela
Street (2,3 beds rooms).The other contestants are paying their
stay - 45 euro on the arrival's day. Please send applications
until 1 July 2004. Phone mob.: 0 602 320 496.
First prize: Euro 230,-
Cups for first five places and for the best participants in
four categories:
- women
- teenagers up to the age of 16 (both boys and girls)
- teenagers up to the age of 13 (both boys and girls)
- children up to the age of 10 (both boys and girls)
Your faithfully
Mr. Leszek Pêtlicki
Club Chairman
e-mail: leszekpetlicki@wp.pl

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