I tend to agree with Michel that we might be close to perfect play from an ELO point of view.At 1 hour/game, the programs are probably only 100-200 elo points away from perfect play anyway.
As we already discussed in the past, the expected score P ( 1 = win, 0.5 = draw, and 0.0 is lost) of a very good program against a perfect program , can (may be) approximated by:
Code: Select all
P = 0.5* (1- N*Error), with N : the Number of moves where the program can make an error, and Error the error rate/move
The recent 158 games match between Scan and Kingsrow, but also between Dragon and Kingsrow suggest that the error rate might be close to 10E-3 (0.001), so 1 fatal/lethal mistake every 1000 moves or every 20 games (which yield around 8 losses in a 158 games match).
With an error rate of 0.001, the P (with N = 50) becomes P = 0.475
The expected outcome of a match where the Elo difference is DElo, can be expressed (here Im not sure if I picked the right formula):
Code: Select all
P = 1 / ( 1 + 10^DElo/400)