Classics of draughts composition-64 and their followers from Andrew Fomin
Moderator: FOMIN
Classics of draughts composition-64 and their followers from Andrew Fomin
h6, e1, a7 d4, f2, ab4, f2 c7, e3 b6, d4 a5, c5 x
№1083 A. Fomin
1.cb8 de7 2.ac7 ed6 3.ce5 ff2 4.ba7 fe1 5.af2 ea5 6.ab4 ag3 7.hf8x
1.ab8 cb6 2.ac7 ef2 3.ge3 ed6 4.ce5 ff2 5.ba7 etc. x
I.p. > A. Fomin №471
Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Sat Aug 25, 2018 04:24
1.hg7 g:e5 2.gf8 dc3 3.f:c5 c:e1 4.cf2 e:a5 5.ab4 a:g3 6.h:b8x
Re: ИнТер
Post by Fomin Fr., Aug., of 24, 2018 9:31 pm
........S. Pupkin..........
№835 : S. Pupkin -S. Khottabychev,
variant from the draights party.
1.c5 2 c7 3.c1 g1 4.gf6 5.hg5 6.ef2 7.c:e3 x E.Zubov ("Evening Moscow,June of 6 ,1991)
h6, e1, a7 d4, f2, ab4, f2 c7, e3 b6, d4 a5, c5 x
№1083 A. Fomin
1.cb8 de7 2.ac7 ed6 3.ce5 ff2 4.ba7 fe1 5.af2 ea5 6.ab4 ag3 7.hf8x
1.ab8 cb6 2.ac7 ef2 3.ge3 ed6 4.ce5 ff2 5.ba7 etc. x
I.p. > A. Fomin №471
Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Sat Aug 25, 2018 04:24
1.hg7 g:e5 2.gf8 dc3 3.f:c5 c:e1 4.cf2 e:a5 5.ab4 a:g3 6.h:b8x
Re: ИнТер
Post by Fomin Fr., Aug., of 24, 2018 9:31 pm
........S. Pupkin..........
№835 : S. Pupkin -S. Khottabychev,
variant from the draights party.
1.c5 2 c7 3.c1 g1 4.gf6 5.hg5 6.ef2 7.c:e3 x E.Zubov ("Evening Moscow,June of 6 ,1991)
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
Dedicated to Mr. Alexander Yurgenson in the occasion of 50-th unniversary .
A. Fomin (from the debut “City Game in drafts”)
1. c3-d4 f6-g5 2. b2-c3 g5-h4 3. c3-b4 d6-c5 4. b4xd6 e7xc5 5. g3-f4 f8-e7 6.
a1-b2 e7-d6 7. f2-g3 h4xf2 8. e1xg3 b6-a5 9. d4xb6 a7xc5 10. b2-c3 g7-f6 11.
g3-h4 f6-e5? -(the move 11...d8-e7 could lead to a draw!)
12. h2-g3 b8-a7 13. gf2! A cb6 14.hg5 dc7 14. cb2! *and a previously unknown masterpiece of drafts composition appeared on the board.
1.cb2 ! x
A. Fomin (from the debut “City Game in drafts”)
1. c3-d4 f6-g5 2. b2-c3 g5-h4 3. c3-b4 d6-c5 4. b4xd6 e7xc5 5. g3-f4 f8-e7 6.
a1-b2 e7-d6 7. f2-g3 h4xf2 8. e1xg3 b6-a5 9. d4xb6 a7xc5 10. b2-c3 g7-f6 11.
g3-h4 f6-e5? -(the move 11...d8-e7 could lead to a draw!)
12. h2-g3 b8-a7 13. gf2! A cb6 14.hg5 dc7 14. cb2! *and a previously unknown masterpiece of drafts composition appeared on the board.
1.cb2 ! x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
Contest "Odessa-1984"
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
Contest "Odessa-1987" in drafts composition-64
1st Russian Championship on drafts composition-64
1st Russian Championship on drafts cromposition-64
Best problems-64
No.13 A. Aiupov (Asbest) [ Page No. 2 No.No.9, 40 (6, 5 points)
Page No. 3 Page No. 4
No.10 :bc5, ed6 c3, cb2, da5 gf6, g7, ab2 x
Page No. 5 Page No. 6; Page No. 7: Page No. 8!
Best problems-64
No.13 A. Aiupov (Asbest) [ Page No. 2 No.No.9, 40 (6, 5 points)
Page No. 3 Page No. 4
No.10 :bc5, ed6 c3, cb2, da5 gf6, g7, ab2 x
Page No. 5 Page No. 6; Page No. 7: Page No. 8!
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
1.ef4 e:g3 2.h:f2 f:h4 3.cd2 d:f6 4.d:b8 g5 5.f4 hg1 6.fe3 g:d4 7.ef2 d:g1 8.ba7 hg3 9 f:h2 x
A. Nagumanov, 1982
gh2 fe3, ba3, ef2, df2, ac1, cd2, hb8 ab6, be5, h:a5 x
An ideological predecessor to A. Nagumanov’s position was previously published.
Book by V. Litvinovich :
"Course of Debuts", 1980, page No. 8.
A. Fomin
1.bc5 2.f2 ed6 3.c:e7 g1 A 4.g3 gf6 5.g5 h2 6.ab6 e3 7.cd4 8.b:d4 9.dc5 10 .a:c5 x
A (gf6), g5 - D. Kamchitsky ab6 g1, g3, cd4 , b:d4, dc5, a:c5 x
1.cd2 2.cd4 3.d:b8 g5 A 4.h6:f4 hg1 5.fe3 d4 6.ef2 7.ba7 hg38. fh2 x
A (f4), 4.bg3 hf4 5.hg7 fg3 6.gf8/h8 h2 7.fg3 hf2 8.e:g3 x
1.ef4 e:g3 2.h:f2 f:h4 3.cd2 d:f6 4.d:b8 g5 5.f4 hg1 6.fe3 g:d4 7.ef2 d:g1 8.ba7 hg3 9 f:h2 x
A. Nagumanov, 1982
gh2 fe3, ba3, ef2, df2, ac1, cd2, hb8 ab6, be5, h:a5 x
An ideological predecessor to A. Nagumanov’s position was previously published.
Book by V. Litvinovich :
"Course of Debuts", 1980, page No. 8.
A. Fomin
1.bc5 2.f2 ed6 3.c:e7 g1 A 4.g3 gf6 5.g5 h2 6.ab6 e3 7.cd4 8.b:d4 9.dc5 10 .a:c5 x
A (gf6), g5 - D. Kamchitsky ab6 g1, g3, cd4 , b:d4, dc5, a:c5 x
1.cd2 2.cd4 3.d:b8 g5 A 4.h6:f4 hg1 5.fe3 d4 6.ef2 7.ba7 hg38. fh2 x
A (f4), 4.bg3 hf4 5.hg7 fg3 6.gf8/h8 h2 7.fg3 hf2 8.e:g3 x
3-d Russian championship in drafts composition-64, 2015
3-d Russian championship in drafts composition-64, 2015
D. Soloviev and A. Fomin, 2015
cd2 c1, gh2, de5, a:a7, h:d8 ab4, ab8 bc3, jg3 cb2, de7, fd6!, b:a1 gf6, e:g7, gf4 x
..A. Fomin..
h4(ef4), f6(cb6), g5 - S. Khottabychev's etude appeared on the board - g7(a1), h8(c7 VP1), fe3(a3-b2 AB), dc3, gf6, g1(d6), h2(c5), e5+
A(ab6), gf6, a7(b2), c3, g1+ B(d6), gf6, b8(b2), d4(c1 C), de5+ C(b6), d6(a1), c3+
VP1(a3-b2), fe3(c7), dc3, gf6, g1(cb6), h2(c5), e5+
D. Soloviev and A. Fomin, 2015
cd2 c1, gh2, de5, a:a7, h:d8 ab4, ab8 bc3, jg3 cb2, de7, fd6!, b:a1 gf6, e:g7, gf4 x
..A. Fomin..
h4(ef4), f6(cb6), g5 - S. Khottabychev's etude appeared on the board - g7(a1), h8(c7 VP1), fe3(a3-b2 AB), dc3, gf6, g1(d6), h2(c5), e5+
A(ab6), gf6, a7(b2), c3, g1+ B(d6), gf6, b8(b2), d4(c1 C), de5+ C(b6), d6(a1), c3+
VP1(a3-b2), fe3(c7), dc3, gf6, g1(cb6), h2(c5), e5+
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
A. Polevoy (Israel), A. Fomin (Russia)
M. A. Patrihaev
"Selected compositions in Russian checkers (1966-2000)"
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Patrihaev :born in December, of 20, 1948
№1 .Bakumets A. & Patrikhaev M. .
"64", №7, 1985 (1507)
1.e3-d4 c3xe5 2.c1-b2 a3xc1 3.e1-d2 c1xe3 4.f2xd4xb6xd8 h4xf2 5.g1xe3 e5xg3 6.e3-f4 f6xh4[ 6...g3xe5 7.h6-g7 f6xh4 8.d8xf6xc3xa5 h4-g3 9.a5-e1 g3-h2 10.e1-g3 h2xf4 11.g7-f8 d6-e5 12.f8-g7 e5-d4 13.g7xc3 f4-e3 14.c3-e1 x ]7.d8xf6 g3xe5xg7 8.h6xf8xc5xa3 h4-g3 9.a3-c5 g3-h2 10.c5-g1 x 2-0
д.№2 :
M.Patrihaev .:"Checkers news of S.L.Sh.I ". , №3 - 2005 (1.ed4 x ) №2
Patrihaev M . : №50 ➡ 1-st USSR championship ,1966 (2-d group ) Шашечные досуги [4], 03.1991 ,
There was published later : Slastin V. , Book of V. Iacheikin :" Combinations of Ukrainian drafts players ",1974 г.) 1.b4-c5 d6xb4 2.b6-c7 b8xd6 3.d2-c3 b4xd2 A 4.g5-h6 e3xg5 5.c1xe3xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0 A 3...d:b2 4.c:e7 f:d6 5.f:d2 dc5 6.dc3 gh6 7.gf6+ №3
Patrihaev M. : №51➡1-st USSR championship ,1966 (2-nd group) "Shashki " , №9 [1281], 1971
1.c1-b2 a3xc1 2.c3-d4 e5xc3 3.d2xb4 c1xf4[ 3...c1xg5 4.h4xf6 g7xe5 5.e1-d2 a5xc3xe1 6.g3-h4 e1xg3 7.h2xf4xd6xb8 x ] 4.g3xe5 a5xc3 5.e5-f6 g7xe5 6.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3 7.h2xf4xd6xb8 x 2-0 №4
.: Patrihaev M . : №52➡ 1-st USSR championship ,1966 (2-d group)
There was published later :Gordienko Ju. :"Evening Perm", Jan. of 21.1975
Patrihaev M. .: «Compositions of different years » [32], 1999
1.c5-b6 a3xc5 2.b6-c7 d8xb6 3.e3-f4 c5xe3 4.a7xc5 d6xb4xd2 5.g5-h6 e3xg5 6.h6xf8xb4xe1xh4xf6 + №5
Patrihaev M. . (Correction by A. Kovrijkin) black checker f8➡h6 : "Shashki", №6, 1966 (297) , №2 :➡also published : A. Kovrijkin : "Shashki",, №6, 1966 (298) also if black checker f8➡h6 : №53➡1-st USSR championship. ,1966 (2-nd group ) 1.b4-c5 d6xb4 2.g1-h2 a7xc5 3.e1-f2 c3xe1xg3 4.h2xf4xd6 c5xe7 5.a5xc3xe5xg7 h6xf8 6.h4xf6xd8 x 2-0 №6
Patrihaev M. :№54➡1-st USSR championship (2-nd group ) ,«Compositions of different years » [43], 1999
1.g3-h4 a7xc5 2.a5-b6 c5xa7 3.f2-e3 d4xf2 4.e1xg3 c3xe1 5.h4-g5 e1xh4 6.g5-h6 h4xe7 7.h6xf8xd6xa3 x 2-0 №7 Patrihaev M. A. Correction (ed.): black checker .➡a7 With an open cell "a7" on diagram .: №55➡ 1st USSR Championship (2nd group) With checker f2➡h2 : Patrikhaev M.A. "Compositions of Different Years" [33], 1999
solution:1.f2-g3 h4xf2xd4 2.b4-c5 d6xb4 3.f4xd6 c7xe5 4.a5xc7 b8xd6 5.b2-c3 d4xb2 6.c1xa3xc5xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xc5 ef4 8.cf2+ No. 8
Patrihaev M. "Bulletin of the Central Chess Club of the USSR", Moscow, No. 7/8, 1966, Checkers", No. 1-1967, p. 31, no. 319 1 .e5-f6 g7xe5xc3 [ 1...g7xe5xc7 2.g3-f4 g5xe3 3.a3-b4 a5xc3xe5 4.f2xd4xf6xd8xa5 x ] 2.c1-d2 c3xe1 3.a3-b4 a5xc3 4.g3-h4 e1xg3xc7 5.h4x f6xd8xa5xd2 x 2-0 №9
Patrihayev M. Shashki, №4, 1967 (364) 1.c3-d4 c5xe3xc1 [ 1...c5xe3xg5 2.h4xf6xd8xb6 a5xc7 3.f2-g3 h2xf4 4.d2-e3 f4xd2
5.b2-c3 d2xb4 6.a3xc5xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xa3 No. 10
Patrihaev M. & Salnikov A. "Shashki", No. 1, 1968 (413) 1.a1-b2 e3xc1[ 1...a3xc1 2.f4-e5 f6xd4 3.d2xf4 x ] 2.e1-f2 c1xg5 3.b2-c3 b4xd2 4.f2-e3
d2xf4 5.g3xe5xg7 h6xf8 6.h4xf6xd8xb6xd4 x №11
Patrihaev M. ."Shashki" ,№2 , 1968 (427)
1.c3-b4 a5xc3xe1 2.f4-g5 h2xf4 3.g5xe3xc5 e1xg3 4.g1-h2 d6xb4 5.h2xf4xd6xf8 x 2-0
№12. Patrihaev M.
"Shashki", ,№11/12, 1968 (537)
1.dc5 a:c3 2.ed4 d:b4 A 3.a:c5 c:e5 4.gf6 e:g5 5.h:b8+
A 2...c:e5 3.gf6 e:g5 4.c:e7 f:d6 b 5.h:b4 + b 4...d:f6 5.h:b8+ No. 13
Patrihaev M. , "Shashki" , No. 6, 1969 (663) 1.g3-f4 e5xg3xe1 2.g5-h6 a3xc1xe3 3.h6xf8xa3 e1xb4 4.a3xc5xf2 a5- b4 5.f2-e1 b4-a3 6.e1-c3 x 2-0
No. 14
Patrihaev M. "Shashki" , No. 6 [945], 1970 1.h2 -g3 e3xg1 2.e1-f2 g1xe3 3.b6-c7 d8xb6 4.a7xc5 d6xb4 5.a5xc3xe5xg7 f8xh6 6.g3-f4 e3xg5 7.h4xf6xd8 x
Payrihaev M. "Shashki", №7, 1970 (971),2-nd USSR championship [96], 1970-72
1.f4-g5 a5xc3xe1 2.c5-d6 e7xc5 3.d4xb6xd8 f6xd4xf2 4.d8-a5 h4xf6 5.c1-d2 e1xc3 6.a5xe1xh4xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xa3 x
№16 Патрихаев М
Patrihaev M., "Shashki", №8, 1970 (987) 1.a1-b2 h4xf2 2.f4-g5 h6xf4 3.e3xg5 c5xe3 4.d2xf4 b4xd2 5.c1xe3 a3xc1 6.gh2 fxd4 7.gh6 cxg5 8.hxf8xc5xe3xh6 bc5 9.hg7 ab6 10.hg3 cb4 11.gf4 ba3 12.gh8 ab4 13.hg7 bc5 14.fe5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M, ."64", №4, 1970 (155)
1.b2-c3 b4xd2 2.e3-d4 c5xe3 3.f6-e7 d8xf6xd4 4.g5-f6 e3xg5xe7
5.c1xe3xc5 d6xb4 6.a1-b2 a3xc1 7.g3-f4 c1xg5
8.h4xf6xd8xa5xe1 h6-g5 9.e1-g3 x
Patrihaev M.,. "64", №11, 1970 (175) , 2-nd USSR championship [94], 1970-72
1.hg3 ac1 2.dc3 c1xf4xh2 3.de5 dxf4 4.fg3 hxf2 5.e1xg3xe5 hxd6 6.cd4 c:e3 7.a:e7 f:d6 8.h:g1 x
Patrihaev M.,"64", №21, 1970 (200),2-й чемпионат СССР [97], 1970
1.g1-h2 g3xe1 2.h4-g5 f6xh4 3.d4xf6xd8 b6xd4 4.c3xe5
a5xc3xa1 5.d8xa5 a1xf6 6.h2-g3 h4xf2 7.c1-d2 e1xc3
8.a5xe1xh4xe7 f8xd6 9.h6xf8xa3 x 2-0
Patrihaev M.,"64", №27, 1970 (224)1.h4-g5 c3xa1 2.d4-c5 a1xf6xh4xf2xb6 [ 2...d6xb4 3.g3-h4 a1xf6 4.g5xe7 f8xd6 5.h6xf8xc5xa3 x ]3.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6 4.h6xf8xa3 x 2-0
Patrihaev M.,"64", №33, 1970 (238),2-nd USSR championship, (1970-1972 )
1.e1-d2 c3xe1 2.g3-f4 e1xg3xe5xg7[ 2...g5xe3 3.f2xd4 e7xg5
4.a3-a5xc3xe5 5.g1-f2 e1xg3 6.h2xf4xd6xb8 x ]3.a3-b4 a5xc3
4.c1-d2 c3xe1 5.g1-f2 e1xg3 6.h2xf4xh6xf8xd6xb8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "64", №47, 1970 (278), 2-nd USSR championship (1970-1972 )[99]
1.fg5 hxf4 2.ed4 c5xc1 3.axe7 fxd6 4.h6xc5 fxh6 5.hg5 hxf4 6.cb4 axc5 7.ed2 cxe3 8.f2xd8 fe3 9.dg5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. 2-nd USSR championship[100], 1970-1972
1.de3 fxd2 2.cxe3 axf4 3.fe3 fxc7 4.hxb8 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Wed Nov 14, 2018 04:55
д.№1 Patrihaev M. : 2-nd USSR championship [98], 1970-1972
1.c1-b2[2-nd solution 1.f2-g3 x ]1...c3xa1 2.f2-e3 d4xf2 3.b6xd4 a1xf6xh4 4.e1xg3 h4xe1xc3 5.a3xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xb4xe1 x 2-0
Fomin A. .(correction and refining) )1.cb2!! I A c:a1 2.hg5 d:f2 3.b:d4 a:h4 4.e:g3 h:c35.a:e7f::e1/d2 + A 1...d:f2 2.b:d4 c:c1 3.e:g3 a:c5 4.gf4 c:g5 5.h:h8 +
I 1.ef4 gf6 2.fg5 cb2 3.g:e7 bc3 ! 4.d:b4 dc3 5.b:d4 c:a5 6.e:c5 ba1 7.ce2 a:e5 8.ab4 a:c3 4.d:b4 ef4 5.hg5 fc7 6.ba5 cd8 =
.. №25.
Patrihaev M. 2-nd USSR championship [101], 1970
1.c1-b2 a3xc1 2.e3-d4 c5xe3 3.f4xd2 c1xf4xd6 4.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6 5.a1-b2 c3xa1 6.g5-f6 a1xg7 7.h6xf8xc5xa3 x 2-0
д.№2 : i. p. is G. Ketler :"Sashki",№3, Nov., ,1959 ,p.11 ,d.№11
1.dc3 d:b2 2.c:e3 a:c1 3.ed4 c:e3 4.f:d2 c:d6 5.a:e7 f:d6 6.h:c5/a3 +
Patrihaev M. 2-nd Moscow championship , 1971 , judge : Boris Shkitkin ( endgame is not economical )
1.fg5 hxf4[ 1...cxe1 2.ed4 cxe3 3.fxd4 hxf4 4.gxg7 fxh6 5.cb2 axc1 6.gf2 exg3 7.hxf4 cxg5 8.hxf6xd8xa5xd2 hg5. 9.dxh6 ]2.gxg7 f8xh6 3.ed4 cxe5 4.hg5 hxf4 5.c1-b2 a3xe3 6.fxd4xd8xa5 +
Patrihaev M. :Re: Compositions at 64-cell board,Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 04:55
д.№1 : 2-nd Moscow championship , 7,5 points , 1971 (4-6 place ), "Evening Moscow ", Jan., of 25,1972 )
1.fg3 hxf4 2.gf2 cxa3 3.de3 fxd2 4.cxc5 dxb4 5.fg3 axc1 6.gf4 x
Д.№2 : processing by A. Fomin
Д.№2: 1.fg3 b:d6 2.gf2 h:f4 3.de5 f:d4 4.de3 f:d2 5.c:c5 a:c1 6.fg3 d:b4 7.gf4 c:g5 8.h:d8:h8 ab6 9. hd4 ba5
10.dc3 hg5 11.cd2 gh4 12.de1 ab4 13.e:a5 hg3 14.ab6 gh2 15.bg1+
...................M. Patrihaev...........................processing by A. Fomin .............
Patrihaev M, "Shashki",, №5 [1200], 1971
1.cd2 axc1 2.fg5 hxf6 3.fg3 hxf4 4.exa7 cxc5 5.ab8 bxd2 6.bxe1 x
Patrihaev M.,"Dambrete ", № 8 [1533], 1972
1.b2-c3 g3xe1 2.c5-d6 e7xc5[ 2...c7xe5 3.d4xf6xd8xa5 e1-f2 4.c3-d4 g5-f4 5.e3xg5] 3.g1-f2 e1xg3 4.d4-e5 g3xd6
5.e3-d4 c5xe3 6.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6 7.d2xf4xh6xf8xc5 +
Patrihaev M. "Dambrete", № 11, 1974 (477)
1.e1-f2 c3xe1 2.e5-f6 g5xe7 3.f4-e5 d6xf4xd2 4.b2-a3 c5xe3 5.axc5 bxd4 6.gh4 exg3 7.hxf4 exg5 8.hxc1 x
Patrihaev M.:"Shashki", №11 [2106], 1974
1.g1-f2 a5xc3xa1 2.f2-e3 d4xf2 3.f4-g5 h2xf4
4.e1xg3xe5 a1xf 5.g5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
This is an ideological precursor to a more successful version of this idea .№2 : T.Morkus: "Komjaunimo tiesa " ,18.04.73 in Lithuanian. repeat: A.Bakumets & M.Patrihaev: book by A.Andreev:
"The World of Russian Checkers of Aleksandr Bakumets" [336], 2012
NB ! : The correct definition of authorship is: «T. Morkus & M. Patrihaev».
1.d4-e5 f6xd4 2.g1-f2 c3xa1 3.f2-e3 d4xf2 4.f4-g5 h2xf4 5.e1xg3xe5 a1xf6 6.g5xe7 d8xf6 7.b6xd8xg5 g7-f6 8.g5xd8 b8-c7
9.d8xb6 a5xc7 10.h4-g5 c7-d6 11.g5-f6 d6-c5 12.f6-e7 f8xd613.h6-g7 x 2-0
.............Mihail Patrihaev.................. ...............Tadikus Morkus......................
Patrihaev (correction ed. .: black checker .➡a7), see also №33
without black checker a7 it was published :"Soviet Belorussia",Dec. of 3 ,1976
1.e1-f2 c3xe1xg3 2.h4xf2 f6xh4 3.c1-b2 a5xc3 4.f2-e3 d4xf2 5.b2xd4xf6xd8xb6xg1 x
Patrihaev :"Soviet Belorussia *, Dec.,of 03,1976
1.h6-g7 f8xh6 2.d6xf8 b4xd6 3.f8xb4xd2xg5 h6xf4 4.f2-e3 f4xd2 5.e1xc3 x
Patrihaev M. .: "64", №12, 1978 (990)
1.c1-b2 a3xc1 2.b6-c7 d8xb6xd4 3.b4-c5 d6xb4 4.a5xc3xe5xg7 hxh8 5.g3-h4 c1xg5 6.h4xf6xd8 +
Patrihaev M. .15-th Moscow championship,1988 г., 2.5 points [25]
1.a5-b6 c5-b4[ 1...c5-d4 2.g1-h2 a7xc5 3.h2xf4xd2xb4 c5xa3 4.e1- f2 x ] 2.g1-h2 a7xc5 3.h2xf4xd2 c5 [ 3...h4-g3 4.d2-e3 g3-h2 5.g5-h6 b4-a3 6.h6-g7 x ] 4.a1-b2 c3xa1 5.d2-c3 d4xb2 6.c1xa3xc5xe7 a1xh8 7.e7-f8 h4xf 8.f8-g7 f6-g5 9.g7-a1 g5-f4 10.e1-f2 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship , 1988г.,7,5 points [26]
1.f4-e5 h6xf4xd6[ 1...h2xf4xd2 2.e5xg7 c5xe3
3.e1xc3xa5xc7 h6xf4 4.c7-d8 f8xh6 5.d8xg5 x [ 1...h2xf4xd6 2.g1-h2 h6xf4xd2 3.e1xc3xa5xc7xe5xg7
3... c5xe3 4.h2-g3 f8xh6 5.g3-f4 e3xg5 6.h4xf6xd8 x 2.e3-f4 c5xe3xg5 3.g1-f2 h2xf4 4.f2-e3 f4xd2
5.e1xc3xa5xc7xe5xg7 f8xh6 6.h4xf6xd8 +
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship,, 1988 г., 4 points [27]
1.b2-c3 d2xb4 2.f2-e3 h4xf2xd4 3.h2-g3 f6xh4xf24.g1xe3xc5xa7 d8xf6 5.h6-g7 f6xh8 6.a7-b8 c7-b6
7.b8-a7 b6-c5 8.a7xd4 x
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship,, 1988 , [29], 1988 ,7 points (See also №27 )
1.d4-e5 f6xd4xf2 2.f4-e5 d6xf4 3.b4-c5 b6xd44.c3xe5 f4xd6 5.h6xf4 g3xe5 6.a3-b4 a5xc3
7.b2xd4xf6xd8xb6xg1 b8-a7 8.a1-b2 dc5 9 d:b6 10.bc3 fe7 11.hg3 ed6 12.gf4 cb4 13.c:a5 dc5 14.fe5+
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship,, 1988 (4,5 points),
и.п.,д.№2 : A.Rom, 3-d USSR chamoionship , №200
д.№1 : 1.ef2 cxe1 2.fe3 axc3 3.cb2 axc1 A 4.ed4 dxb4
5.dxb2 cxa3 6.f4xd6xb8 h6xf4 7.g3xe5xg7 f8xh6 8.a1-b2 a3xc1 9.b8-c7 d8xb610.g1-f2 e1xg3 11.h2xf4 Bc1xg5 12.h4xf6xd8xa5xd2/e1 +A 3..d:b4 4.b:d4 e:c3 5.ed4 c:e5 6..f:b8 h:f4 7.g:g7 f:h6 8.ab2 a:c1 9.bc7 d:b610.gf2 e:g3 11.h:f4 c:g5 12.h:d2/e1 +
......................M. Patrihaev..........................................A. Rom......................
Patrihaev M. :. "Dambrete" , № 6, 1988 (2130)
1.fg3 bc5 2.hg5 cb6 3.ed4 cxe3 4.gh4 exg3 5.dxf4 gxe5 6.cb2 h6xf4 7.cb4 axc3 8.b2xd4xf6xd8xa5 fe3 9.hg3 +
Patrihaev M. "Shashecnye dosugi", 03.1991 (14)
1.f4-e5 c5xa3xc1 2.e5xc7 d8xb6 3.e3-f4 c1xe3xg5 4.h4xf6xd8xa5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "Shashecnye dosugi", 03.1991 (24)
Д.№1: 1.d4-e5 d6xf4 2.e1-f2 g3xe1xc3xg7 3.c1-d2 h4xf6 4.e3xg5xe7 f8xd6 5.h6xf8xc5xa7 x 2-0
Д.№2 : processing by A.Fomin
1.bc3 g:e1 2.de5 d:f4 3.cd4 e:g7 4.cd2 h:f6
5.e:e7 f:d6 6.h:a7 ab2 7.dc3 b;f2 8.a:g1 hg7 9.gd4 gh6 10.dc3 hg5 11.cd2 gh4;12.de1 ab4 13.e:a5 hg3 14.ab6 gh2 15.bg1 x
Patrihaev M. "Zvezda ",(Perm ), № 1, 18.04.1991
1.e3-d4 f6-g5[ 1...e7-d6 2.f4-e5! x ]
2.c1-d2!! g5xe3xc1
[ 2...g5xe3xc5 3.f2-e3 h2xf4 4.e3xg5 h6xf4 5.c3-b4 a5xc3 6.d2xb4xd6xf8xh6xc1 x ]
3.d4-c5! h2xf4 4.c5-b6 a5xc7 5.c3-b4 a3xc5 6.e1-d2 c1xe3 7.f2xd4xb6xd8xg5 g7-f6
8.g5xd2 f6-e5 9.d2-c3 e5-f4 10cd4!+(10.g1-f2 ?=)
13.f2xh4 f4-e3 14.c7-f4 e3xg5 15.h4xf6 h8-g7 16.f6xh8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition" in Russian , №3, 1993 (стр.12)
1.c5-d6 f6xh8 2.a1-b2 c3xa1 3.e1xc3 d4xb2 4.f2xd4xf6xh4 b2-c1
5.c7-b8 a5xc7xe5 6.h2-g3 f4xh2 7.b8xf4 c1xg5 8.h4xf6 a1xg7 9.h6xf8 +
Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition, №3, 1993 (p..12)
1.g7-f8 a3xc1xe3 2.h4-g5 f4xh6 3.h2xf4xd2 d6xf4 4.f8xa3 b8xd6
5.a7xc5xe7 d8xf6 6.d2-e3 f4xd2xb4 [ 6...f2xd4xb2 7.a3xc1xg5xe7 x ]
7.a3xe7xh4xe1 h6-g5 8.e1-d2 g5-h4 9.d2-e1 x 2-0
,Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition №7, 1995 (p.17)
1.e5-f6 g3xe5xc3 2.f6-e7 h6xf4 3.e7-d8 f8xh6 4.d8xa5xe1xg3xe5 h6-g5
5.e5-g7 g5-f4 6.g7-h6 f4-g3 7.h2xf4 a3-b2 8.h6-g7 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition", №7, 1995 (page .22)
1.g1-f2 e3xg1 2.g5-f6 g1xa7 3.f4-g5 h2xf4
4.g5xe3xc1xa3xc5 a7xd4xg7 5.h6xf8 h8-g7 6.f8xh6 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. - 8-th Novopolotsk championship in solution of drafts compositions.
"Another checkers < listok>(sheet)", №4(4) [12], 10.1997
"Checkers world " ,№3-2001 ,p.31
1.c5-d6 e7xc5 2.b4xd6xf4 h4-g3 3.a3-b4 g3xe5 4.e1-f2bc5 4...g5-h4 5... h6-g5
6.c5-d6 e5-f4 7.d4-e5 f6xd4 8.c3xe5xg3 c7xe5 9.a5xc7 b8xd6 10.b2-c3 h2xf4
11.c3-d4 e5xc3xe1xg3 12.g1-h2 f4xd2 13.h2xf4xh6xf8xb4xe1 a7-b6 14.e1-f2 b6-a5 15.f2-e1 +
д.№2 : processing by A. Fomin
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Thu Nov 22, 2018 16:09
1..ab4 g:e5 2.ba5 gh4 3.ef2 hg5 4.cd6 etc. x (see solution on the d.No. 1).
д.№1 : processing by A. Fomin
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Thu Nov 22, 2018 16:09
1.gf4 c:a1 2.fg3 h:f2 3.g:e7 a:g7 4.ef8 gh6 5.fe5 h:d6
6.f:c5 hg7 7.cb6 cd6 8.bd4 gh6 9.df6 dc5 10.ab6 c:a7 11.fd8+
д.№2 : Patrihaev M.,compositions of different years» [10], 1999
1.g3-f4 c3xa1 2.f2-g3 h4xf2 3.g1xe3xc5xe7 a1xg7 4.e7-f8 g7-h6 5.f4-e5 h6xf4xd6
6.f8xc5 h8-g7 7.c5-d4 g7-h6 8.d4-e5 c7-b6 9.e5-d4 b6-a5
10.d4-c3 h6-g5 11.c3-d2 g5-h4 12.d2-e1 x 2-0
The idea of catching the black king in the final has been seen before, the final shot in the position on diagram №2 is inaccurate .
................Arranged by A. Fomin..........................M.Patrihaev.,№10................
Patrihaev M.«Compositions of different years » [19], 1999
1.e3-f4 b4xd2 2.f2-g3 h4xf2 3.f4-e5 d6xf4 4.b6-c7 b8xd6
5.d4-c5 d6xb4 6.a5xc3xe1xg3xe5xg7 h8xf6 7.a7-b8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [20],1999
1.e3-f4 b2xd4 2.f4xh6 c5xa3 3.h4-g5 f6xh4 4.f2-g3 h4xf2
5.g1xe3xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[[23], 1999
1.c1-d2 a3xc1 2.e3-d4 e5xc3xe1xg3 3.h2xf4 c1xg5 4.h4xf6xd8xa5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[ [26], 1999
1.b6-c7 d8xb6 2.f6-g7 h8xf6 3.f4-g5 h6xf4 4.e3xg5xe7 f8xd6
5.d4-c5 b6xd4 6.d2-c3 d4xb2 7.c1xa3xc5xe7 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[28], 1999
1.h4-g5 e5-f4 2.c1-d2 a3xc1 3.f2-g3 d4xf2xh4xf6 4.e1-f2 c1xe3 5.f2xd4xb6xd8xg5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[30], 1999
1.c3-d4 c7-b6 2.a5xc7 d8xb6 3.e3-f4 c5xe3 4.f4-e5 f6xd4
5.d2xf4 h4xf6 6.f4-g5 f6xh4 7.h2-g3 h4xf2 8.g1xe3xc5xa7 x 2-0
д.№1 Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [42], 1999
1.e3-f4 g5xe3xc1 2.a3-b4 c5xa3 3.a7xc5xe7xg5 h6xf4 4.c3-b4 a3xc5
5.e1-d2 c1xe3 6.f2xd4xb6xd8 f4-e3 7.d8-g5 x 2-0
д.№2 : Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years [69], 1999
1.f4-g5 h4xf6 2.h6-g7 f8xh6 3.e3-d4 c5xe3xc1 4.a7xc5xe7xg5 h6xf4
5.c3-b4 a3xc5 6.e1-d2 c1xe3 7.f2xd4xb6xd8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [46], 1999
1.f2-g3 g7xe5 2.g5-f6 e5xg7 3.g3-f4 e3xg5 4.c1xe3xc5xe7 d8xf6
5.e1-d2 c3xe1 6.g1-f2 e1xg3 7.h2xf4xh6xf8 x 2-0
The combination mechanism almost coincides with the problem of
A. Salnikov from the journal "Shashki"-12-1972
д.№1 : Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [47], 1999
1.e3-d4 c5xe3xc1 2.a7xc5 d6xb4xd2 3.g5xe3 d2xf4 4.e1-d2 c1xe3 5.f2xd4xf6xd8xb6 x 2-0
д.№2 : Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [105], 1999
1.e3-d4 c5xe3xc1xa3 2.a7xc5 d6xb4xd2 3.g5xe3xc1 h2xf4
4.c1-b2 a3xc1 5.e1-d2 c1xe3 6.f2xd4xf6xd8xb6 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[[49], 1999
1.e1-f2 c3xe1 2.f4-e5 h2xf4xd2 3.b6-c7 e1xg3 4.e5-f6 g7xe5
5.d6xf4xh2 b8xd6 6.h2-g3 h4xf2 7.g1xe3xc1xa3xc5xe7 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[52], 1999
1.c3-b4 e5xc3
[ 1...a5xc3 2.d2xb4 e5xc3xa5 3.a3-b4 a5xc3 4.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3 5.h2xf4xh6xf8xd6 x ]
2.c5-b6 a5xc7 3.d2-e3 c3xa5 4.a3-b4 a5xc3 5.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3 6.h2xf4xh6xf8xd6xb8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »l[64], 1999
1.g1-f2 e3xg1 2.e1-d2 g1xb6 3.a5xc7 e7xc5xa3xc1xe3 4.c7-d8 f4xd6 5.d8xh4xf2xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. . «Compositions of different years » [76], 1999
1.h2-g3 b6xd4 2.g3-f4 g5xe3 3.b4-c5 d6xb4xd2 4.g1-f2 e3xg1
5.c1xe3xc5 g1xb6 6.a3-b4 a5xc3 7.b2xd4xf6xd8xa5 x 2-0
№63 http://Fmjd.Org/Dias2/Save/15434125232.png
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[77], 1999
1.c5-b6 g7xe5 2.d4xf6 a7xc5 3.e3-d4 c5xe3
4.c3-b4 a5xc3xa1 5.e1-d2 a1xg7 6.d2xf4xh6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[78], 1999
Позиция возникла из дебюта городская партия в первенстве Москвы.
Патрихаев нашел наиболее изящный путь к победе.
1.c3-d4 a5-b4 2.d4xb6 f6-e5 3.a3xc5 e5xg3xe1 4.b6-a7 d6xb4
5.e3-f4 g5xe3 6.b2-c3 b4xd2 7.h2-g3 h4xf2 8.a7-b8 x 2-0
«Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [79], 1999
1.f2-e3 d4xf2 2.c3-d4 e5xc3 3.g3xe5 d6xf4 4.e1xg3xe5 c3xe1
5.e5-f6 a5xc3 6.f6xd8xa5xd2xh6 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[89], 1999
1.d2-e3 f4xd2 2.b2-a3 d4xb2 3.a3xc1xe3 c5xa3 4.e3-d4 e5xc3 5.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3
6.h2xf4xh6xf8xc5 x c7-d6 7.c5xe7xg5 h4xf6 8.g1-f2 f6-e5 9.f2-e3 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[82], 1999
1.d4-e5 f6xd4 2.c3xe5 h4xf6xd4 3.h6-g7 f8xh6 4.d2-c3 b4xd2
5.c1xe3xc5 b6xd4 6.g3-h4 a3xc1xg5 7.h4xf6xd8xb6xe3 x 2-0
Patrikhaev M «Compisitions of different years » [101], 1999
1.e3-f4 g5xe3 2.a3-b4 c5xa3 3.a7xc5xe7xg5 h6xf4 4.c3-b4 e3xc5
5.b4xd6 c7xe5 6.c1-d2 a3xc1xe3 7.f2xd4xf6xh8 x 2-0
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [103], 1999
1.d2-e3 f4xd2 2.a1-b2 a3xc1 3.c3-d4 e5xc3 4.c5-d6 c7xe5
5.f2-e3 d2xf4 6.b4xd2 c1xe3 7.h4xf2xd4xf6xh8 x 2-0
Д.№2 :ничья ( Исправление - ред.)
1.de3 f:d2 ... 7.f:h8 fg7 8.h:g3 h:f4 9.gf2/ed2=
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [104], 1999
Легальность : f2-g3 h4:f2 ; e1:e5 e3-d2 и т.д. (прмеч. ред.)
1.e5-d6 c7xe5xc3 2.a5xc7 d8xb6xd4 3.g1-f2 c3xa5 4.f2-g3 h2xf4
5.b2-c3 d4xb2 6.a3xc1xe3xg5xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [107], 1999
Participated: 2nd Russian Championship in solving of drafts compositions, Sochi, Adler, October 2005.
1.f2-g3 a3xc1 2.a1-b2 c1xa3 3.c3-b4 a5xc3xe5 4.f4xd6xf8 h2xf4
5.f8xb4 a3xc5xf2 6.g1xe3xg5xe7 g7-f6 7.e7xg5 h6xf4 8.e1-f2 b6-c5 9.d2-c3+
d. No 2 A.Bakumetc ,1994
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [115], 1999
1.c1-d2 c7-d6 2.e5xc7 b8xd6 3.f4-e5 d6xf4 4.e3xg5 h6xf4
5.de3 fxd2 6.fg3 hxf4 7.dc5 bxb2 8.a3xg5 axc3 9.gh6 x
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [116], 1999
1.b2-c3 b4xd2
[ 1...h4xf2 2.c3xa5 g7-f6 3.e1xg3 f8-e7 4.e5xg7 h8xf6 5.c1-d2 x ]
2.e1xc3 h4xf2 3.c1-b2 a3xc1 4.c3-b4 c5xa3 5.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6
6.h6xf8xb4 a3xc5 7.d4xb6xd8 f2xd4xf6 8.d8xg5 c1-a3 9.a1-b2 a3xc1
10.g5-h6 c1xg5 11.h6xf4 x 2-0
The position has a number of predecessors, for example: A. Sosunov, 7-th USSR Championship,№63 (д.№2)
1.bc3(gf2) 2.cb2 a:c1 3.cb4 c:a3 4.a:e7 f:d6 5.h:b4 a:c5
6.d:d8 f:d4 7.f:h6 c:g5 8.h:f4 ba7 9.d:g5 h:f6 10.fg5 f:h4
11.hg3 h:f2 12.g:e3x
Patrikhaev M : book by Ustyanov S.Yu. "At the origins of tactics" [141], 2013
1.c7-b8 e5xc3 2.b8-e5 f6xd4 3.b6-c7 d8xb6 4.a7xc5xe3xc1 x 2-0
M. A. Patrihaev
"Selected compositions in Russian checkers (1966-2000)"
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Patrihaev :born in December, of 20, 1948
№1 .Bakumets A. & Patrikhaev M. .
"64", №7, 1985 (1507)
1.e3-d4 c3xe5 2.c1-b2 a3xc1 3.e1-d2 c1xe3 4.f2xd4xb6xd8 h4xf2 5.g1xe3 e5xg3 6.e3-f4 f6xh4[ 6...g3xe5 7.h6-g7 f6xh4 8.d8xf6xc3xa5 h4-g3 9.a5-e1 g3-h2 10.e1-g3 h2xf4 11.g7-f8 d6-e5 12.f8-g7 e5-d4 13.g7xc3 f4-e3 14.c3-e1 x ]7.d8xf6 g3xe5xg7 8.h6xf8xc5xa3 h4-g3 9.a3-c5 g3-h2 10.c5-g1 x 2-0
д.№2 :
M.Patrihaev .:"Checkers news of S.L.Sh.I ". , №3 - 2005 (1.ed4 x ) №2
Patrihaev M . : №50 ➡ 1-st USSR championship ,1966 (2-d group ) Шашечные досуги [4], 03.1991 ,
There was published later : Slastin V. , Book of V. Iacheikin :" Combinations of Ukrainian drafts players ",1974 г.) 1.b4-c5 d6xb4 2.b6-c7 b8xd6 3.d2-c3 b4xd2 A 4.g5-h6 e3xg5 5.c1xe3xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0 A 3...d:b2 4.c:e7 f:d6 5.f:d2 dc5 6.dc3 gh6 7.gf6+ №3
Patrihaev M. : №51➡1-st USSR championship ,1966 (2-nd group) "Shashki " , №9 [1281], 1971
1.c1-b2 a3xc1 2.c3-d4 e5xc3 3.d2xb4 c1xf4[ 3...c1xg5 4.h4xf6 g7xe5 5.e1-d2 a5xc3xe1 6.g3-h4 e1xg3 7.h2xf4xd6xb8 x ] 4.g3xe5 a5xc3 5.e5-f6 g7xe5 6.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3 7.h2xf4xd6xb8 x 2-0 №4
.: Patrihaev M . : №52➡ 1-st USSR championship ,1966 (2-d group)
There was published later :Gordienko Ju. :"Evening Perm", Jan. of 21.1975
Patrihaev M. .: «Compositions of different years » [32], 1999
1.c5-b6 a3xc5 2.b6-c7 d8xb6 3.e3-f4 c5xe3 4.a7xc5 d6xb4xd2 5.g5-h6 e3xg5 6.h6xf8xb4xe1xh4xf6 + №5
Patrihaev M. . (Correction by A. Kovrijkin) black checker f8➡h6 : "Shashki", №6, 1966 (297) , №2 :➡also published : A. Kovrijkin : "Shashki",, №6, 1966 (298) also if black checker f8➡h6 : №53➡1-st USSR championship. ,1966 (2-nd group ) 1.b4-c5 d6xb4 2.g1-h2 a7xc5 3.e1-f2 c3xe1xg3 4.h2xf4xd6 c5xe7 5.a5xc3xe5xg7 h6xf8 6.h4xf6xd8 x 2-0 №6
Patrihaev M. :№54➡1-st USSR championship (2-nd group ) ,«Compositions of different years » [43], 1999
1.g3-h4 a7xc5 2.a5-b6 c5xa7 3.f2-e3 d4xf2 4.e1xg3 c3xe1 5.h4-g5 e1xh4 6.g5-h6 h4xe7 7.h6xf8xd6xa3 x 2-0 №7 Patrihaev M. A. Correction (ed.): black checker .➡a7 With an open cell "a7" on diagram .: №55➡ 1st USSR Championship (2nd group) With checker f2➡h2 : Patrikhaev M.A. "Compositions of Different Years" [33], 1999
solution:1.f2-g3 h4xf2xd4 2.b4-c5 d6xb4 3.f4xd6 c7xe5 4.a5xc7 b8xd6 5.b2-c3 d4xb2 6.c1xa3xc5xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xc5 ef4 8.cf2+ No. 8
Patrihaev M. "Bulletin of the Central Chess Club of the USSR", Moscow, No. 7/8, 1966, Checkers", No. 1-1967, p. 31, no. 319 1 .e5-f6 g7xe5xc3 [ 1...g7xe5xc7 2.g3-f4 g5xe3 3.a3-b4 a5xc3xe5 4.f2xd4xf6xd8xa5 x ] 2.c1-d2 c3xe1 3.a3-b4 a5xc3 4.g3-h4 e1xg3xc7 5.h4x f6xd8xa5xd2 x 2-0 №9
Patrihayev M. Shashki, №4, 1967 (364) 1.c3-d4 c5xe3xc1 [ 1...c5xe3xg5 2.h4xf6xd8xb6 a5xc7 3.f2-g3 h2xf4 4.d2-e3 f4xd2
5.b2-c3 d2xb4 6.a3xc5xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xa3 No. 10
Patrihaev M. & Salnikov A. "Shashki", No. 1, 1968 (413) 1.a1-b2 e3xc1[ 1...a3xc1 2.f4-e5 f6xd4 3.d2xf4 x ] 2.e1-f2 c1xg5 3.b2-c3 b4xd2 4.f2-e3
d2xf4 5.g3xe5xg7 h6xf8 6.h4xf6xd8xb6xd4 x №11
Patrihaev M. ."Shashki" ,№2 , 1968 (427)
1.c3-b4 a5xc3xe1 2.f4-g5 h2xf4 3.g5xe3xc5 e1xg3 4.g1-h2 d6xb4 5.h2xf4xd6xf8 x 2-0
№12. Patrihaev M.
"Shashki", ,№11/12, 1968 (537)
1.dc5 a:c3 2.ed4 d:b4 A 3.a:c5 c:e5 4.gf6 e:g5 5.h:b8+
A 2...c:e5 3.gf6 e:g5 4.c:e7 f:d6 b 5.h:b4 + b 4...d:f6 5.h:b8+ No. 13
Patrihaev M. , "Shashki" , No. 6, 1969 (663) 1.g3-f4 e5xg3xe1 2.g5-h6 a3xc1xe3 3.h6xf8xa3 e1xb4 4.a3xc5xf2 a5- b4 5.f2-e1 b4-a3 6.e1-c3 x 2-0
No. 14
Patrihaev M. "Shashki" , No. 6 [945], 1970 1.h2 -g3 e3xg1 2.e1-f2 g1xe3 3.b6-c7 d8xb6 4.a7xc5 d6xb4 5.a5xc3xe5xg7 f8xh6 6.g3-f4 e3xg5 7.h4xf6xd8 x
Payrihaev M. "Shashki", №7, 1970 (971),2-nd USSR championship [96], 1970-72
1.f4-g5 a5xc3xe1 2.c5-d6 e7xc5 3.d4xb6xd8 f6xd4xf2 4.d8-a5 h4xf6 5.c1-d2 e1xc3 6.a5xe1xh4xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xa3 x
№16 Патрихаев М
Patrihaev M., "Shashki", №8, 1970 (987) 1.a1-b2 h4xf2 2.f4-g5 h6xf4 3.e3xg5 c5xe3 4.d2xf4 b4xd2 5.c1xe3 a3xc1 6.gh2 fxd4 7.gh6 cxg5 8.hxf8xc5xe3xh6 bc5 9.hg7 ab6 10.hg3 cb4 11.gf4 ba3 12.gh8 ab4 13.hg7 bc5 14.fe5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M, ."64", №4, 1970 (155)
1.b2-c3 b4xd2 2.e3-d4 c5xe3 3.f6-e7 d8xf6xd4 4.g5-f6 e3xg5xe7
5.c1xe3xc5 d6xb4 6.a1-b2 a3xc1 7.g3-f4 c1xg5
8.h4xf6xd8xa5xe1 h6-g5 9.e1-g3 x
Patrihaev M.,. "64", №11, 1970 (175) , 2-nd USSR championship [94], 1970-72
1.hg3 ac1 2.dc3 c1xf4xh2 3.de5 dxf4 4.fg3 hxf2 5.e1xg3xe5 hxd6 6.cd4 c:e3 7.a:e7 f:d6 8.h:g1 x
Patrihaev M.,"64", №21, 1970 (200),2-й чемпионат СССР [97], 1970
1.g1-h2 g3xe1 2.h4-g5 f6xh4 3.d4xf6xd8 b6xd4 4.c3xe5
a5xc3xa1 5.d8xa5 a1xf6 6.h2-g3 h4xf2 7.c1-d2 e1xc3
8.a5xe1xh4xe7 f8xd6 9.h6xf8xa3 x 2-0
Patrihaev M.,"64", №27, 1970 (224)1.h4-g5 c3xa1 2.d4-c5 a1xf6xh4xf2xb6 [ 2...d6xb4 3.g3-h4 a1xf6 4.g5xe7 f8xd6 5.h6xf8xc5xa3 x ]3.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6 4.h6xf8xa3 x 2-0
Patrihaev M.,"64", №33, 1970 (238),2-nd USSR championship, (1970-1972 )
1.e1-d2 c3xe1 2.g3-f4 e1xg3xe5xg7[ 2...g5xe3 3.f2xd4 e7xg5
4.a3-a5xc3xe5 5.g1-f2 e1xg3 6.h2xf4xd6xb8 x ]3.a3-b4 a5xc3
4.c1-d2 c3xe1 5.g1-f2 e1xg3 6.h2xf4xh6xf8xd6xb8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "64", №47, 1970 (278), 2-nd USSR championship (1970-1972 )[99]
1.fg5 hxf4 2.ed4 c5xc1 3.axe7 fxd6 4.h6xc5 fxh6 5.hg5 hxf4 6.cb4 axc5 7.ed2 cxe3 8.f2xd8 fe3 9.dg5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. 2-nd USSR championship[100], 1970-1972
1.de3 fxd2 2.cxe3 axf4 3.fe3 fxc7 4.hxb8 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Wed Nov 14, 2018 04:55
д.№1 Patrihaev M. : 2-nd USSR championship [98], 1970-1972
1.c1-b2[2-nd solution 1.f2-g3 x ]1...c3xa1 2.f2-e3 d4xf2 3.b6xd4 a1xf6xh4 4.e1xg3 h4xe1xc3 5.a3xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xb4xe1 x 2-0
Fomin A. .(correction and refining) )1.cb2!! I A c:a1 2.hg5 d:f2 3.b:d4 a:h4 4.e:g3 h:c35.a:e7f::e1/d2 + A 1...d:f2 2.b:d4 c:c1 3.e:g3 a:c5 4.gf4 c:g5 5.h:h8 +
I 1.ef4 gf6 2.fg5 cb2 3.g:e7 bc3 ! 4.d:b4 dc3 5.b:d4 c:a5 6.e:c5 ba1 7.ce2 a:e5 8.ab4 a:c3 4.d:b4 ef4 5.hg5 fc7 6.ba5 cd8 =
.. №25.
Patrihaev M. 2-nd USSR championship [101], 1970
1.c1-b2 a3xc1 2.e3-d4 c5xe3 3.f4xd2 c1xf4xd6 4.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6 5.a1-b2 c3xa1 6.g5-f6 a1xg7 7.h6xf8xc5xa3 x 2-0
д.№2 : i. p. is G. Ketler :"Sashki",№3, Nov., ,1959 ,p.11 ,d.№11
1.dc3 d:b2 2.c:e3 a:c1 3.ed4 c:e3 4.f:d2 c:d6 5.a:e7 f:d6 6.h:c5/a3 +
Patrihaev M. 2-nd Moscow championship , 1971 , judge : Boris Shkitkin ( endgame is not economical )
1.fg5 hxf4[ 1...cxe1 2.ed4 cxe3 3.fxd4 hxf4 4.gxg7 fxh6 5.cb2 axc1 6.gf2 exg3 7.hxf4 cxg5 8.hxf6xd8xa5xd2 hg5. 9.dxh6 ]2.gxg7 f8xh6 3.ed4 cxe5 4.hg5 hxf4 5.c1-b2 a3xe3 6.fxd4xd8xa5 +
Patrihaev M. :Re: Compositions at 64-cell board,Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 04:55
д.№1 : 2-nd Moscow championship , 7,5 points , 1971 (4-6 place ), "Evening Moscow ", Jan., of 25,1972 )
1.fg3 hxf4 2.gf2 cxa3 3.de3 fxd2 4.cxc5 dxb4 5.fg3 axc1 6.gf4 x
Д.№2 : processing by A. Fomin
Д.№2: 1.fg3 b:d6 2.gf2 h:f4 3.de5 f:d4 4.de3 f:d2 5.c:c5 a:c1 6.fg3 d:b4 7.gf4 c:g5 8.h:d8:h8 ab6 9. hd4 ba5
10.dc3 hg5 11.cd2 gh4 12.de1 ab4 13.e:a5 hg3 14.ab6 gh2 15.bg1+
...................M. Patrihaev...........................processing by A. Fomin .............
Patrihaev M, "Shashki",, №5 [1200], 1971
1.cd2 axc1 2.fg5 hxf6 3.fg3 hxf4 4.exa7 cxc5 5.ab8 bxd2 6.bxe1 x
Patrihaev M.,"Dambrete ", № 8 [1533], 1972
1.b2-c3 g3xe1 2.c5-d6 e7xc5[ 2...c7xe5 3.d4xf6xd8xa5 e1-f2 4.c3-d4 g5-f4 5.e3xg5] 3.g1-f2 e1xg3 4.d4-e5 g3xd6
5.e3-d4 c5xe3 6.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6 7.d2xf4xh6xf8xc5 +
Patrihaev M. "Dambrete", № 11, 1974 (477)
1.e1-f2 c3xe1 2.e5-f6 g5xe7 3.f4-e5 d6xf4xd2 4.b2-a3 c5xe3 5.axc5 bxd4 6.gh4 exg3 7.hxf4 exg5 8.hxc1 x
Patrihaev M.:"Shashki", №11 [2106], 1974
1.g1-f2 a5xc3xa1 2.f2-e3 d4xf2 3.f4-g5 h2xf4
4.e1xg3xe5 a1xf 5.g5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
This is an ideological precursor to a more successful version of this idea .№2 : T.Morkus: "Komjaunimo tiesa " ,18.04.73 in Lithuanian. repeat: A.Bakumets & M.Patrihaev: book by A.Andreev:
"The World of Russian Checkers of Aleksandr Bakumets" [336], 2012
NB ! : The correct definition of authorship is: «T. Morkus & M. Patrihaev».
1.d4-e5 f6xd4 2.g1-f2 c3xa1 3.f2-e3 d4xf2 4.f4-g5 h2xf4 5.e1xg3xe5 a1xf6 6.g5xe7 d8xf6 7.b6xd8xg5 g7-f6 8.g5xd8 b8-c7
9.d8xb6 a5xc7 10.h4-g5 c7-d6 11.g5-f6 d6-c5 12.f6-e7 f8xd613.h6-g7 x 2-0
.............Mihail Patrihaev.................. ...............Tadikus Morkus......................
Patrihaev (correction ed. .: black checker .➡a7), see also №33
without black checker a7 it was published :"Soviet Belorussia",Dec. of 3 ,1976
1.e1-f2 c3xe1xg3 2.h4xf2 f6xh4 3.c1-b2 a5xc3 4.f2-e3 d4xf2 5.b2xd4xf6xd8xb6xg1 x
Patrihaev :"Soviet Belorussia *, Dec.,of 03,1976
1.h6-g7 f8xh6 2.d6xf8 b4xd6 3.f8xb4xd2xg5 h6xf4 4.f2-e3 f4xd2 5.e1xc3 x
Patrihaev M. .: "64", №12, 1978 (990)
1.c1-b2 a3xc1 2.b6-c7 d8xb6xd4 3.b4-c5 d6xb4 4.a5xc3xe5xg7 hxh8 5.g3-h4 c1xg5 6.h4xf6xd8 +
Patrihaev M. .15-th Moscow championship,1988 г., 2.5 points [25]
1.a5-b6 c5-b4[ 1...c5-d4 2.g1-h2 a7xc5 3.h2xf4xd2xb4 c5xa3 4.e1- f2 x ] 2.g1-h2 a7xc5 3.h2xf4xd2 c5 [ 3...h4-g3 4.d2-e3 g3-h2 5.g5-h6 b4-a3 6.h6-g7 x ] 4.a1-b2 c3xa1 5.d2-c3 d4xb2 6.c1xa3xc5xe7 a1xh8 7.e7-f8 h4xf 8.f8-g7 f6-g5 9.g7-a1 g5-f4 10.e1-f2 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship , 1988г.,7,5 points [26]
1.f4-e5 h6xf4xd6[ 1...h2xf4xd2 2.e5xg7 c5xe3
3.e1xc3xa5xc7 h6xf4 4.c7-d8 f8xh6 5.d8xg5 x [ 1...h2xf4xd6 2.g1-h2 h6xf4xd2 3.e1xc3xa5xc7xe5xg7
3... c5xe3 4.h2-g3 f8xh6 5.g3-f4 e3xg5 6.h4xf6xd8 x 2.e3-f4 c5xe3xg5 3.g1-f2 h2xf4 4.f2-e3 f4xd2
5.e1xc3xa5xc7xe5xg7 f8xh6 6.h4xf6xd8 +
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship,, 1988 г., 4 points [27]
1.b2-c3 d2xb4 2.f2-e3 h4xf2xd4 3.h2-g3 f6xh4xf24.g1xe3xc5xa7 d8xf6 5.h6-g7 f6xh8 6.a7-b8 c7-b6
7.b8-a7 b6-c5 8.a7xd4 x
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship,, 1988 , [29], 1988 ,7 points (See also №27 )
1.d4-e5 f6xd4xf2 2.f4-e5 d6xf4 3.b4-c5 b6xd44.c3xe5 f4xd6 5.h6xf4 g3xe5 6.a3-b4 a5xc3
7.b2xd4xf6xd8xb6xg1 b8-a7 8.a1-b2 dc5 9 d:b6 10.bc3 fe7 11.hg3 ed6 12.gf4 cb4 13.c:a5 dc5 14.fe5+
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship,, 1988 (4,5 points),
и.п.,д.№2 : A.Rom, 3-d USSR chamoionship , №200
д.№1 : 1.ef2 cxe1 2.fe3 axc3 3.cb2 axc1 A 4.ed4 dxb4
5.dxb2 cxa3 6.f4xd6xb8 h6xf4 7.g3xe5xg7 f8xh6 8.a1-b2 a3xc1 9.b8-c7 d8xb610.g1-f2 e1xg3 11.h2xf4 Bc1xg5 12.h4xf6xd8xa5xd2/e1 +A 3..d:b4 4.b:d4 e:c3 5.ed4 c:e5 6..f:b8 h:f4 7.g:g7 f:h6 8.ab2 a:c1 9.bc7 d:b610.gf2 e:g3 11.h:f4 c:g5 12.h:d2/e1 +
......................M. Patrihaev..........................................A. Rom......................
Patrihaev M. :. "Dambrete" , № 6, 1988 (2130)
1.fg3 bc5 2.hg5 cb6 3.ed4 cxe3 4.gh4 exg3 5.dxf4 gxe5 6.cb2 h6xf4 7.cb4 axc3 8.b2xd4xf6xd8xa5 fe3 9.hg3 +
Patrihaev M. "Shashecnye dosugi", 03.1991 (14)
1.f4-e5 c5xa3xc1 2.e5xc7 d8xb6 3.e3-f4 c1xe3xg5 4.h4xf6xd8xa5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "Shashecnye dosugi", 03.1991 (24)
Д.№1: 1.d4-e5 d6xf4 2.e1-f2 g3xe1xc3xg7 3.c1-d2 h4xf6 4.e3xg5xe7 f8xd6 5.h6xf8xc5xa7 x 2-0
Д.№2 : processing by A.Fomin
1.bc3 g:e1 2.de5 d:f4 3.cd4 e:g7 4.cd2 h:f6
5.e:e7 f:d6 6.h:a7 ab2 7.dc3 b;f2 8.a:g1 hg7 9.gd4 gh6 10.dc3 hg5 11.cd2 gh4;12.de1 ab4 13.e:a5 hg3 14.ab6 gh2 15.bg1 x
Patrihaev M. "Zvezda ",(Perm ), № 1, 18.04.1991
1.e3-d4 f6-g5[ 1...e7-d6 2.f4-e5! x ]
2.c1-d2!! g5xe3xc1
[ 2...g5xe3xc5 3.f2-e3 h2xf4 4.e3xg5 h6xf4 5.c3-b4 a5xc3 6.d2xb4xd6xf8xh6xc1 x ]
3.d4-c5! h2xf4 4.c5-b6 a5xc7 5.c3-b4 a3xc5 6.e1-d2 c1xe3 7.f2xd4xb6xd8xg5 g7-f6
8.g5xd2 f6-e5 9.d2-c3 e5-f4 10cd4!+(10.g1-f2 ?=)
13.f2xh4 f4-e3 14.c7-f4 e3xg5 15.h4xf6 h8-g7 16.f6xh8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition" in Russian , №3, 1993 (стр.12)
1.c5-d6 f6xh8 2.a1-b2 c3xa1 3.e1xc3 d4xb2 4.f2xd4xf6xh4 b2-c1
5.c7-b8 a5xc7xe5 6.h2-g3 f4xh2 7.b8xf4 c1xg5 8.h4xf6 a1xg7 9.h6xf8 +
Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition, №3, 1993 (p..12)
1.g7-f8 a3xc1xe3 2.h4-g5 f4xh6 3.h2xf4xd2 d6xf4 4.f8xa3 b8xd6
5.a7xc5xe7 d8xf6 6.d2-e3 f4xd2xb4 [ 6...f2xd4xb2 7.a3xc1xg5xe7 x ]
7.a3xe7xh4xe1 h6-g5 8.e1-d2 g5-h4 9.d2-e1 x 2-0
,Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition №7, 1995 (p.17)
1.e5-f6 g3xe5xc3 2.f6-e7 h6xf4 3.e7-d8 f8xh6 4.d8xa5xe1xg3xe5 h6-g5
5.e5-g7 g5-f4 6.g7-h6 f4-g3 7.h2xf4 a3-b2 8.h6-g7 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition", №7, 1995 (page .22)
1.g1-f2 e3xg1 2.g5-f6 g1xa7 3.f4-g5 h2xf4
4.g5xe3xc1xa3xc5 a7xd4xg7 5.h6xf8 h8-g7 6.f8xh6 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. - 8-th Novopolotsk championship in solution of drafts compositions.
"Another checkers < listok>(sheet)", №4(4) [12], 10.1997
"Checkers world " ,№3-2001 ,p.31
1.c5-d6 e7xc5 2.b4xd6xf4 h4-g3 3.a3-b4 g3xe5 4.e1-f2bc5 4...g5-h4 5... h6-g5
6.c5-d6 e5-f4 7.d4-e5 f6xd4 8.c3xe5xg3 c7xe5 9.a5xc7 b8xd6 10.b2-c3 h2xf4
11.c3-d4 e5xc3xe1xg3 12.g1-h2 f4xd2 13.h2xf4xh6xf8xb4xe1 a7-b6 14.e1-f2 b6-a5 15.f2-e1 +
д.№2 : processing by A. Fomin
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Thu Nov 22, 2018 16:09
1..ab4 g:e5 2.ba5 gh4 3.ef2 hg5 4.cd6 etc. x (see solution on the d.No. 1).
д.№1 : processing by A. Fomin
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Thu Nov 22, 2018 16:09
1.gf4 c:a1 2.fg3 h:f2 3.g:e7 a:g7 4.ef8 gh6 5.fe5 h:d6
6.f:c5 hg7 7.cb6 cd6 8.bd4 gh6 9.df6 dc5 10.ab6 c:a7 11.fd8+
д.№2 : Patrihaev M.,compositions of different years» [10], 1999
1.g3-f4 c3xa1 2.f2-g3 h4xf2 3.g1xe3xc5xe7 a1xg7 4.e7-f8 g7-h6 5.f4-e5 h6xf4xd6
6.f8xc5 h8-g7 7.c5-d4 g7-h6 8.d4-e5 c7-b6 9.e5-d4 b6-a5
10.d4-c3 h6-g5 11.c3-d2 g5-h4 12.d2-e1 x 2-0
The idea of catching the black king in the final has been seen before, the final shot in the position on diagram №2 is inaccurate .
................Arranged by A. Fomin..........................M.Patrihaev.,№10................
Patrihaev M.«Compositions of different years » [19], 1999
1.e3-f4 b4xd2 2.f2-g3 h4xf2 3.f4-e5 d6xf4 4.b6-c7 b8xd6
5.d4-c5 d6xb4 6.a5xc3xe1xg3xe5xg7 h8xf6 7.a7-b8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [20],1999
1.e3-f4 b2xd4 2.f4xh6 c5xa3 3.h4-g5 f6xh4 4.f2-g3 h4xf2
5.g1xe3xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[[23], 1999
1.c1-d2 a3xc1 2.e3-d4 e5xc3xe1xg3 3.h2xf4 c1xg5 4.h4xf6xd8xa5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[ [26], 1999
1.b6-c7 d8xb6 2.f6-g7 h8xf6 3.f4-g5 h6xf4 4.e3xg5xe7 f8xd6
5.d4-c5 b6xd4 6.d2-c3 d4xb2 7.c1xa3xc5xe7 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[28], 1999
1.h4-g5 e5-f4 2.c1-d2 a3xc1 3.f2-g3 d4xf2xh4xf6 4.e1-f2 c1xe3 5.f2xd4xb6xd8xg5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[30], 1999
1.c3-d4 c7-b6 2.a5xc7 d8xb6 3.e3-f4 c5xe3 4.f4-e5 f6xd4
5.d2xf4 h4xf6 6.f4-g5 f6xh4 7.h2-g3 h4xf2 8.g1xe3xc5xa7 x 2-0
д.№1 Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [42], 1999
1.e3-f4 g5xe3xc1 2.a3-b4 c5xa3 3.a7xc5xe7xg5 h6xf4 4.c3-b4 a3xc5
5.e1-d2 c1xe3 6.f2xd4xb6xd8 f4-e3 7.d8-g5 x 2-0
д.№2 : Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years [69], 1999
1.f4-g5 h4xf6 2.h6-g7 f8xh6 3.e3-d4 c5xe3xc1 4.a7xc5xe7xg5 h6xf4
5.c3-b4 a3xc5 6.e1-d2 c1xe3 7.f2xd4xb6xd8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [46], 1999
1.f2-g3 g7xe5 2.g5-f6 e5xg7 3.g3-f4 e3xg5 4.c1xe3xc5xe7 d8xf6
5.e1-d2 c3xe1 6.g1-f2 e1xg3 7.h2xf4xh6xf8 x 2-0
The combination mechanism almost coincides with the problem of
A. Salnikov from the journal "Shashki"-12-1972
д.№1 : Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [47], 1999
1.e3-d4 c5xe3xc1 2.a7xc5 d6xb4xd2 3.g5xe3 d2xf4 4.e1-d2 c1xe3 5.f2xd4xf6xd8xb6 x 2-0
д.№2 : Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [105], 1999
1.e3-d4 c5xe3xc1xa3 2.a7xc5 d6xb4xd2 3.g5xe3xc1 h2xf4
4.c1-b2 a3xc1 5.e1-d2 c1xe3 6.f2xd4xf6xd8xb6 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[[49], 1999
1.e1-f2 c3xe1 2.f4-e5 h2xf4xd2 3.b6-c7 e1xg3 4.e5-f6 g7xe5
5.d6xf4xh2 b8xd6 6.h2-g3 h4xf2 7.g1xe3xc1xa3xc5xe7 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[52], 1999
1.c3-b4 e5xc3
[ 1...a5xc3 2.d2xb4 e5xc3xa5 3.a3-b4 a5xc3 4.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3 5.h2xf4xh6xf8xd6 x ]
2.c5-b6 a5xc7 3.d2-e3 c3xa5 4.a3-b4 a5xc3 5.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3 6.h2xf4xh6xf8xd6xb8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »l[64], 1999
1.g1-f2 e3xg1 2.e1-d2 g1xb6 3.a5xc7 e7xc5xa3xc1xe3 4.c7-d8 f4xd6 5.d8xh4xf2xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. . «Compositions of different years » [76], 1999
1.h2-g3 b6xd4 2.g3-f4 g5xe3 3.b4-c5 d6xb4xd2 4.g1-f2 e3xg1
5.c1xe3xc5 g1xb6 6.a3-b4 a5xc3 7.b2xd4xf6xd8xa5 x 2-0
№63 http://Fmjd.Org/Dias2/Save/15434125232.png
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[77], 1999
1.c5-b6 g7xe5 2.d4xf6 a7xc5 3.e3-d4 c5xe3
4.c3-b4 a5xc3xa1 5.e1-d2 a1xg7 6.d2xf4xh6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[78], 1999
Позиция возникла из дебюта городская партия в первенстве Москвы.
Патрихаев нашел наиболее изящный путь к победе.
1.c3-d4 a5-b4 2.d4xb6 f6-e5 3.a3xc5 e5xg3xe1 4.b6-a7 d6xb4
5.e3-f4 g5xe3 6.b2-c3 b4xd2 7.h2-g3 h4xf2 8.a7-b8 x 2-0
«Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [79], 1999
1.f2-e3 d4xf2 2.c3-d4 e5xc3 3.g3xe5 d6xf4 4.e1xg3xe5 c3xe1
5.e5-f6 a5xc3 6.f6xd8xa5xd2xh6 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[89], 1999
1.d2-e3 f4xd2 2.b2-a3 d4xb2 3.a3xc1xe3 c5xa3 4.e3-d4 e5xc3 5.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3
6.h2xf4xh6xf8xc5 x c7-d6 7.c5xe7xg5 h4xf6 8.g1-f2 f6-e5 9.f2-e3 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[82], 1999
1.d4-e5 f6xd4 2.c3xe5 h4xf6xd4 3.h6-g7 f8xh6 4.d2-c3 b4xd2
5.c1xe3xc5 b6xd4 6.g3-h4 a3xc1xg5 7.h4xf6xd8xb6xe3 x 2-0
Patrikhaev M «Compisitions of different years » [101], 1999
1.e3-f4 g5xe3 2.a3-b4 c5xa3 3.a7xc5xe7xg5 h6xf4 4.c3-b4 e3xc5
5.b4xd6 c7xe5 6.c1-d2 a3xc1xe3 7.f2xd4xf6xh8 x 2-0
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [103], 1999
1.d2-e3 f4xd2 2.a1-b2 a3xc1 3.c3-d4 e5xc3 4.c5-d6 c7xe5
5.f2-e3 d2xf4 6.b4xd2 c1xe3 7.h4xf2xd4xf6xh8 x 2-0
Д.№2 :ничья ( Исправление - ред.)
1.de3 f:d2 ... 7.f:h8 fg7 8.h:g3 h:f4 9.gf2/ed2=
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [104], 1999
Легальность : f2-g3 h4:f2 ; e1:e5 e3-d2 и т.д. (прмеч. ред.)
1.e5-d6 c7xe5xc3 2.a5xc7 d8xb6xd4 3.g1-f2 c3xa5 4.f2-g3 h2xf4
5.b2-c3 d4xb2 6.a3xc1xe3xg5xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [107], 1999
Participated: 2nd Russian Championship in solving of drafts compositions, Sochi, Adler, October 2005.
1.f2-g3 a3xc1 2.a1-b2 c1xa3 3.c3-b4 a5xc3xe5 4.f4xd6xf8 h2xf4
5.f8xb4 a3xc5xf2 6.g1xe3xg5xe7 g7-f6 7.e7xg5 h6xf4 8.e1-f2 b6-c5 9.d2-c3+
d. No 2 A.Bakumetc ,1994
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [115], 1999
1.c1-d2 c7-d6 2.e5xc7 b8xd6 3.f4-e5 d6xf4 4.e3xg5 h6xf4
5.de3 fxd2 6.fg3 hxf4 7.dc5 bxb2 8.a3xg5 axc3 9.gh6 x
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [116], 1999
1.b2-c3 b4xd2
[ 1...h4xf2 2.c3xa5 g7-f6 3.e1xg3 f8-e7 4.e5xg7 h8xf6 5.c1-d2 x ]
2.e1xc3 h4xf2 3.c1-b2 a3xc1 4.c3-b4 c5xa3 5.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6
6.h6xf8xb4 a3xc5 7.d4xb6xd8 f2xd4xf6 8.d8xg5 c1-a3 9.a1-b2 a3xc1
10.g5-h6 c1xg5 11.h6xf4 x 2-0
The position has a number of predecessors, for example: A. Sosunov, 7-th USSR Championship,№63 (д.№2)
1.bc3(gf2) 2.cb2 a:c1 3.cb4 c:a3 4.a:e7 f:d6 5.h:b4 a:c5
6.d:d8 f:d4 7.f:h6 c:g5 8.h:f4 ba7 9.d:g5 h:f6 10.fg5 f:h4
11.hg3 h:f2 12.g:e3x
Patrikhaev M : book by Ustyanov S.Yu. "At the origins of tactics" [141], 2013
1.c7-b8 e5xc3 2.b8-e5 f6xd4 3.b6-c7 d8xb6 4.a7xc5xe3xc1 x 2-0
Re: Classics of draughts composition-64 and their followers from Andrew Fomin
Dedicated to the bright memory of my father Fomin Vladimir Vasilievitch (18.04.1931 - 10.09.2007.)
A. Fomin
1.ed6 c7:g7 2.ab8 h:f6 A 3.bc7 g:e5 4.c:g3 h:f4 5.e:e7 f:d6 6.h:b4 a:c5 7.dc3 x
A 2...g:e5 3.b:f4 h:f6 4.fg3 h:f4 5.e:e7 f:d6 6.h:b4 a:c5 7.dc3 x
V.Deriabin , 2019
1.fg7 ! c1 2.gf2 f8 -S.Hottabychev(?)3.gh6 4.f6 5.fe3 6.ab2 7.e:e5 ab6 8.ed6 9.de7 10.h:a7 x
ab4, bc5, hg7, fe7, b:e7 b4 A , a3, ac5 f2, e3, a7 x A(hg3), eh4 f2, h:e1 x
A.Demishev, 1976 and G. Andreev ,arranged in 2023
A.Bulgakov ,"D.,No.2 ,1978 and A. Fomin, arranged in 2024
1.cb2 2.c:e7 a7:c5 3.ed8 4.d:f6 5.h:f6 -futher an etude by M. Poliak appears on the board 5...bc7 6.fe7 hg7 7.ef8 gf6 8.fc5 ! fe5 A 9.cf4 cd6 10.eh6 ! dc5 11.hf8 cd4 12.fg7 ef4 13.g:c3 fe3 14.ce1 x A 9...(fg5), 10.cb4 gh4 B 11.be7 cb6 12.eb4 -E.leclerk, 1890 hg3 13.be1 bc5 14.e:h4 cd4 15.hg5 dc3 17.gc1 x
B 10...cb6 11.bd2 gh4 -E.Leclerk, 1890 12.db4 hg3 13.be1 etc. x
There was known before :
.......A. Bulgakov, February., 1978 ................. A. Demishev, 1976........................................S.Pupkin ........................
..........A. Fomin..................S.Pupkin..........arranged by A. Fomin
1.ed2 etc. x
1.hg3 2.cb2 3.ab6 4.e:e7 5.ef8 6.ef8 7. f:a7 x
1.a7 b6 2.e7 3.b2 4.f4 5.h:f4 x
1.de3 2.e:a5 dc5 3.d:b6 a:c5 4.gf2 g:e1 5.bc3 d:b4 6.a:c3 x
A.Fomin 1.gh2 !! 1..(fg5) -futher D. Kamchitsky, 4-th Belarusian championship in drafts compisition-64, 1986.
2.de3 (f:b4) 3.h:d6 (c:e7) 4.a:c5 (gh4) 5.ab6 ! (hg3) 6.ba7 (gh2) 7.ab8(ed6) 8.c:e7 ! (f:d6) 9.b:g3 ! (hf4) 10.ef2 x
A. Fomin....................A.Guralnik..........processing by A. Fomin
... . ...
There was published before :
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Fri Jan 27, 2023 21:28
I 1.gh4 ed6 2.ed4 c:g5 3.a:e7 gf4 4.ef8 fe3 5.fd6 ! ef2 6.g:e3 hg1 7.df4 ! g:a1 8.hg5 ! hg7 A 9.fh2 h:f4 10.h:h8 x A 8...a:g7 9.fc1/d2 h:f4 10.c:f8 x
II A. Guralnik : " Dambrete, №3,1980
III processing by A. Fomin
Post by AF , Mon., Nov.,of 18, 2013 4:07 pm
1.fe7 cd4 2.ed8 d:b2 3.ab4 a:c3 4.d:f4 ba1 5.ef6 ! a:g7 6.cb2 ! g:a1 7.hg5 ! - P. Manoury, 1760 hg7 A 8.fh2 h:f4 9.h:h8 x A 7...ag7 8.fc1/d2 h:f4 9.c1:f8 x
1.ab6 ef2 2.e:g3 h:f2 3.hg3 f:h4 4.bc7 hg3 5.cd8 gh2 6.de7 f:d6 7.h:c5 hg1 8.ce3/f2 g:b2 9.a:c3 x
1.fe3 gf6 2.g:e7 fd6 3.ed4 c:g5 4.a:e7 gf4 5.ef8 fe3 6.fd6 ef2 7.g:e3 hg1 8 bf4 g:a1 -futher P. Manoury ,1760 9.hg5 ! hg7 A 10.fh2 h:f4 11.h:h8 x
A 9...ag7 10.fd2/c1 h:f4 12.d:f8 x
1.cb8 e:g5 2.bc3 b:d2 3.c:e3 f:d2 4.bc7 d:d4 5.de7 f:d6 6.b:f6 x