Classics of draughts composition-64 and their followers from Andrew Fomin
Moderator: FOMIN
Classics of draughts composition-64 and their followers from Andrew Fomin
h6, e1, a7 d4, f2, ab4, f2 c7, e3 b6, d4 a5, c5 x
№1083 A. Fomin
1.cb8 de7 2.ac7 ed6 3.ce5 ff2 4.ba7 fe1 5.af2 ea5 6.ab4 ag3 7.hf8x
1.ab8 cb6 2.ac7 ef2 3.ge3 ed6 4.ce5 ff2 5.ba7 etc. x
I.p. > A. Fomin №471
Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Sat Aug 25, 2018 04:24
1.hg7 g:e5 2.gf8 dc3 3.f:c5 c:e1 4.cf2 e:a5 5.ab4 a:g3 6.h:b8x
Re: ИнТер
Post by Fomin Fr., Aug., of 24, 2018 9:31 pm
........S. Pupkin..........
№835 : S. Pupkin -S. Khottabychev,
variant from the draights party.
1.c5 2 c7 3.c1 g1 4.gf6 5.hg5 6.ef2 7.c:e3 x E.Zubov ("Evening Moscow,June of 6 ,1991)
h6, e1, a7 d4, f2, ab4, f2 c7, e3 b6, d4 a5, c5 x
№1083 A. Fomin
1.cb8 de7 2.ac7 ed6 3.ce5 ff2 4.ba7 fe1 5.af2 ea5 6.ab4 ag3 7.hf8x
1.ab8 cb6 2.ac7 ef2 3.ge3 ed6 4.ce5 ff2 5.ba7 etc. x
I.p. > A. Fomin №471
Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Sat Aug 25, 2018 04:24
1.hg7 g:e5 2.gf8 dc3 3.f:c5 c:e1 4.cf2 e:a5 5.ab4 a:g3 6.h:b8x
Re: ИнТер
Post by Fomin Fr., Aug., of 24, 2018 9:31 pm
........S. Pupkin..........
№835 : S. Pupkin -S. Khottabychev,
variant from the draights party.
1.c5 2 c7 3.c1 g1 4.gf6 5.hg5 6.ef2 7.c:e3 x E.Zubov ("Evening Moscow,June of 6 ,1991)
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
Dedicated to Mr. Alexander Yurgenson in the occasion of 50-th unniversary .
A. Fomin (from the debut “City Game in drafts”)
1. c3-d4 f6-g5 2. b2-c3 g5-h4 3. c3-b4 d6-c5 4. b4xd6 e7xc5 5. g3-f4 f8-e7 6.
a1-b2 e7-d6 7. f2-g3 h4xf2 8. e1xg3 b6-a5 9. d4xb6 a7xc5 10. b2-c3 g7-f6 11.
g3-h4 f6-e5? -(the move 11...d8-e7 could lead to a draw!)
12. h2-g3 b8-a7 13. gf2! A cb6 14.hg5 dc7 14. cb2! *and a previously unknown masterpiece of drafts composition appeared on the board.
1.cb2 ! x
A. Fomin (from the debut “City Game in drafts”)
1. c3-d4 f6-g5 2. b2-c3 g5-h4 3. c3-b4 d6-c5 4. b4xd6 e7xc5 5. g3-f4 f8-e7 6.
a1-b2 e7-d6 7. f2-g3 h4xf2 8. e1xg3 b6-a5 9. d4xb6 a7xc5 10. b2-c3 g7-f6 11.
g3-h4 f6-e5? -(the move 11...d8-e7 could lead to a draw!)
12. h2-g3 b8-a7 13. gf2! A cb6 14.hg5 dc7 14. cb2! *and a previously unknown masterpiece of drafts composition appeared on the board.
1.cb2 ! x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
Contest "Odessa-1984"
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
Contest "Odessa-1987" in drafts composition-64
1st Russian Championship on drafts composition-64
1st Russian Championship on drafts cromposition-64
Best problems-64
No.13 A. Aiupov (Asbest) [ Page No. 2 No.No.9, 40 (6, 5 points)
Page No. 3 Page No. 4
No.10 :bc5, ed6 c3, cb2, da5 gf6, g7, ab2 x
Page No. 5 Page No. 6; Page No. 7: Page No. 8!
Best problems-64
No.13 A. Aiupov (Asbest) [ Page No. 2 No.No.9, 40 (6, 5 points)
Page No. 3 Page No. 4
No.10 :bc5, ed6 c3, cb2, da5 gf6, g7, ab2 x
Page No. 5 Page No. 6; Page No. 7: Page No. 8!
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
1.ef4 e:g3 2.h:f2 f:h4 3.cd2 d:f6 4.d:b8 g5 5.f4 hg1 6.fe3 g:d4 7.ef2 d:g1 8.ba7 hg3 9 f:h2 x
A. Nagumanov, 1982
gh2 fe3, ba3, ef2, df2, ac1, cd2, hb8 ab6, be5, h:a5 x
An ideological predecessor to A. Nagumanov’s position was previously published.
Book by V. Litvinovich :
"Course of Debuts", 1980, page No. 8.
A. Fomin
1.bc5 2.f2 ed6 3.c:e7 g1 A 4.g3 gf6 5.g5 h2 6.ab6 e3 7.cd4 8.b:d4 9.dc5 10 .a:c5 x
A (gf6), g5 - D. Kamchitsky ab6 g1, g3, cd4 , b:d4, dc5, a:c5 x
1.cd2 2.cd4 3.d:b8 g5 A 4.h6:f4 hg1 5.fe3 d4 6.ef2 7.ba7 hg38. fh2 x
A (f4), 4.bg3 hf4 5.hg7 fg3 6.gf8/h8 h2 7.fg3 hf2 8.e:g3 x
A. Fomin, №1263
1.bc5 d;b4 2.bc7 d:b6 3.fe7 f:d6 4.ba5 h:f8 ;5.a:g3 h:f2
6.g:c1 fe7 A 7.de5 ab6 8.cd2 ba5 9.dc3 x
A 6...ab6 7.cd2 fg7 8.de3 gh6 9.ef4 bs5 10.dc5 x
1.ef4 e:g3 2.h:f2 f:h4 3.cd2 d:f6 4.d:b8 g5 5.f4 hg1 6.fe3 g:d4 7.ef2 d:g1 8.ba7 hg3 9 f:h2 x
A. Nagumanov, 1982
gh2 fe3, ba3, ef2, df2, ac1, cd2, hb8 ab6, be5, h:a5 x
An ideological predecessor to A. Nagumanov’s position was previously published.
Book by V. Litvinovich :
"Course of Debuts", 1980, page No. 8.
A. Fomin
1.bc5 2.f2 ed6 3.c:e7 g1 A 4.g3 gf6 5.g5 h2 6.ab6 e3 7.cd4 8.b:d4 9.dc5 10 .a:c5 x
A (gf6), g5 - D. Kamchitsky ab6 g1, g3, cd4 , b:d4, dc5, a:c5 x
1.cd2 2.cd4 3.d:b8 g5 A 4.h6:f4 hg1 5.fe3 d4 6.ef2 7.ba7 hg38. fh2 x
A (f4), 4.bg3 hf4 5.hg7 fg3 6.gf8/h8 h2 7.fg3 hf2 8.e:g3 x
A. Fomin, №1263
1.bc5 d;b4 2.bc7 d:b6 3.fe7 f:d6 4.ba5 h:f8 ;5.a:g3 h:f2
6.g:c1 fe7 A 7.de5 ab6 8.cd2 ba5 9.dc3 x
A 6...ab6 7.cd2 fg7 8.de3 gh6 9.ef4 bs5 10.dc5 x
3-d Russian championship in drafts composition-64, 2015
3-d Russian championship in drafts composition-64, 2015
D. Soloviev and A. Fomin, 2015
cd2 c1, gh2, de5, a:a7, h:d8 ab4, ab8 bc3, jg3 cb2, de7, fd6!, b:a1 gf6, e:g7, gf4 x
................A. Fomin..........
I.h4(ef4), f6(cb6), g5 - S. Khottabychev's etude appeared on the board - g7(a1), h8(c7 VP1), fe3(a3-b2 AB), dc3, gf6, g1(d6), h2(c5), e5+
A(ab6), gf6, a7(b2), c3, g1+ B(d6), gf6, b8(b2), d4(c1 C), de5+ C(b6), d6(a1), c3+
VP1(a3-b2), fe3(c7), dc3, gf6, g1(cb6), h2(c5), e5+
II. 1.fe3 gh2 2.ef4 e:g3 3.bc7 b:d6 4.c:e7 f:d6 5.h:c5 hg1 5.ba7 g3-f2 6.de3 f:d2 7.bc5 g:b6 8.a:c1 hg3:9.ce3 gh2 10 cg1 x
D. Soloviev and A. Fomin, 2015
cd2 c1, gh2, de5, a:a7, h:d8 ab4, ab8 bc3, jg3 cb2, de7, fd6!, b:a1 gf6, e:g7, gf4 x
................A. Fomin..........
I.h4(ef4), f6(cb6), g5 - S. Khottabychev's etude appeared on the board - g7(a1), h8(c7 VP1), fe3(a3-b2 AB), dc3, gf6, g1(d6), h2(c5), e5+
A(ab6), gf6, a7(b2), c3, g1+ B(d6), gf6, b8(b2), d4(c1 C), de5+ C(b6), d6(a1), c3+
VP1(a3-b2), fe3(c7), dc3, gf6, g1(cb6), h2(c5), e5+
II. 1.fe3 gh2 2.ef4 e:g3 3.bc7 b:d6 4.c:e7 f:d6 5.h:c5 hg1 5.ba7 g3-f2 6.de3 f:d2 7.bc5 g:b6 8.a:c1 hg3:9.ce3 gh2 10 cg1 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
A. Polevoy (Israel), A. Fomin (Russia)
M. A. Patrihaev
"Selected compositions in Russian checkers (1966-2000)"
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Patrihaev :born in December, of 20, 1948
№1 .Bakumets A. & Patrikhaev M. .
"64", №7, 1985 (1507)
1.e3-d4 c3xe5 2.c1-b2 a3xc1 3.e1-d2 c1xe3 4.f2xd4xb6xd8 h4xf2 5.g1xe3 e5xg3 6.e3-f4 f6xh4[ 6...g3xe5 7.h6-g7 f6xh4 8.d8xf6xc3xa5 h4-g3 9.a5-e1 g3-h2 10.e1-g3 h2xf4 11.g7-f8 d6-e5 12.f8-g7 e5-d4 13.g7xc3 f4-e3 14.c3-e1 x ]7.d8xf6 g3xe5xg7 8.h6xf8xc5xa3 h4-g3 9.a3-c5 g3-h2 10.c5-g1 x 2-0
д.№2 :
M.Patrihaev .:"Checkers news of S.L.Sh.I ". , №3 - 2005 (1.ed4 x ) №2
Patrihaev M . : №50 ➡ 1-st USSR championship ,1966 (2-d group ) Шашечные досуги [4], 03.1991 ,
There was published later : Slastin V. , Book of V. Iacheikin :" Combinations of Ukrainian drafts players ",1974 г.) 1.b4-c5 d6xb4 2.b6-c7 b8xd6 3.d2-c3 b4xd2 A 4.g5-h6 e3xg5 5.c1xe3xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0 A 3...d:b2 4.c:e7 f:d6 5.f:d2 dc5 6.dc3 gh6 7.gf6+ №3
Patrihaev M. : №51➡1-st USSR championship ,1966 (2-nd group) "Shashki " , №9 [1281], 1971
1.c1-b2 a3xc1 2.c3-d4 e5xc3 3.d2xb4 c1xf4[ 3...c1xg5 4.h4xf6 g7xe5 5.e1-d2 a5xc3xe1 6.g3-h4 e1xg3 7.h2xf4xd6xb8 x ] 4.g3xe5 a5xc3 5.e5-f6 g7xe5 6.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3 7.h2xf4xd6xb8 x 2-0 №4
.: Patrihaev M . : №52➡ 1-st USSR championship ,1966 (2-d group)
There was published later :Gordienko Ju. :"Evening Perm", Jan. of 21.1975
Patrihaev M. .: «Compositions of different years » [32], 1999
1.c5-b6 a3xc5 2.b6-c7 d8xb6 3.e3-f4 c5xe3 4.a7xc5 d6xb4xd2 5.g5-h6 e3xg5 6.h6xf8xb4xe1xh4xf6 + №5
Patrihaev M. . (Correction by A. Kovrijkin) black checker f8➡h6 : "Shashki", №6, 1966 (297) , №2 :➡also published : A. Kovrijkin : "Shashki",, №6, 1966 (298) also if black checker f8➡h6 : №53➡1-st USSR championship. ,1966 (2-nd group ) 1.b4-c5 d6xb4 2.g1-h2 a7xc5 3.e1-f2 c3xe1xg3 4.h2xf4xd6 c5xe7 5.a5xc3xe5xg7 h6xf8 6.h4xf6xd8 x 2-0 №6
Patrihaev M. :№54➡1-st USSR championship (2-nd group ) ,«Compositions of different years » [43], 1999
1.g3-h4 a7xc5 2.a5-b6 c5xa7 3.f2-e3 d4xf2 4.e1xg3 c3xe1 5.h4-g5 e1xh4 6.g5-h6 h4xe7 7.h6xf8xd6xa3 x 2-0 №7 Patrihaev M. A. Correction (ed.): black checker .➡a7 With an open cell "a7" on diagram .: №55➡ 1st USSR Championship (2nd group) With checker f2➡h2 : Patrikhaev M.A. "Compositions of Different Years" [33], 1999
solution:1.f2-g3 h4xf2xd4 2.b4-c5 d6xb4 3.f4xd6 c7xe5 4.a5xc7 b8xd6 5.b2-c3 d4xb2 6.c1xa3xc5xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xc5 ef4 8.cf2+ No. 8
Patrihaev M. "Bulletin of the Central Chess Club of the USSR", Moscow, No. 7/8, 1966, Checkers", No. 1-1967, p. 31, no. 319 1 .e5-f6 g7xe5xc3 [ 1...g7xe5xc7 2.g3-f4 g5xe3 3.a3-b4 a5xc3xe5 4.f2xd4xf6xd8xa5 x ] 2.c1-d2 c3xe1 3.a3-b4 a5xc3 4.g3-h4 e1xg3xc7 5.h4x f6xd8xa5xd2 x 2-0 №9
Patrihayev M. Shashki, №4, 1967 (364) 1.c3-d4 c5xe3xc1 [ 1...c5xe3xg5 2.h4xf6xd8xb6 a5xc7 3.f2-g3 h2xf4 4.d2-e3 f4xd2
5.b2-c3 d2xb4 6.a3xc5xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xa3 No. 10
Patrihaev M. & Salnikov A. "Shashki", No. 1, 1968 (413) 1.a1-b2 e3xc1[ 1...a3xc1 2.f4-e5 f6xd4 3.d2xf4 x ] 2.e1-f2 c1xg5 3.b2-c3 b4xd2 4.f2-e3
d2xf4 5.g3xe5xg7 h6xf8 6.h4xf6xd8xb6xd4 x №11
Patrihaev M. ."Shashki" ,№2 , 1968 (427)
1.c3-b4 a5xc3xe1 2.f4-g5 h2xf4 3.g5xe3xc5 e1xg3 4.g1-h2 d6xb4 5.h2xf4xd6xf8 x 2-0
№12. Patrihaev M.
"Shashki", ,№11/12, 1968 (537)
1.dc5 a:c3 2.ed4 d:b4 A 3.a:c5 c:e5 4.gf6 e:g5 5.h:b8+
A 2...c:e5 3.gf6 e:g5 4.c:e7 f:d6 b 5.h:b4 + b 4...d:f6 5.h:b8+ No. 13
Patrihaev M. , "Shashki" , No. 6, 1969 (663) 1.g3-f4 e5xg3xe1 2.g5-h6 a3xc1xe3 3.h6xf8xa3 e1xb4 4.a3xc5xf2 a5- b4 5.f2-e1 b4-a3 6.e1-c3 x 2-0
No. 14
Patrihaev M. "Shashki" , No. 6 [945], 1970 1.h2 -g3 e3xg1 2.e1-f2 g1xe3 3.b6-c7 d8xb6 4.a7xc5 d6xb4 5.a5xc3xe5xg7 f8xh6 6.g3-f4 e3xg5 7.h4xf6xd8 x
Payrihaev M. "Shashki", №7, 1970 (971),2-nd USSR championship [96], 1970-72
1.f4-g5 a5xc3xe1 2.c5-d6 e7xc5 3.d4xb6xd8 f6xd4xf2 4.d8-a5 h4xf6 5.c1-d2 e1xc3 6.a5xe1xh4xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xa3 x
№16 Патрихаев М
Patrihaev M., "Shashki", №8, 1970 (987) 1.a1-b2 h4xf2 2.f4-g5 h6xf4 3.e3xg5 c5xe3 4.d2xf4 b4xd2 5.c1xe3 a3xc1 6.gh2 fxd4 7.gh6 cxg5 8.hxf8xc5xe3xh6 bc5 9.hg7 ab6 10.hg3 cb4 11.gf4 ba3 12.gh8 ab4 13.hg7 bc5 14.fe5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M, ."64", №4, 1970 (155)
1.b2-c3 b4xd2 2.e3-d4 c5xe3 3.f6-e7 d8xf6xd4 4.g5-f6 e3xg5xe7
5.c1xe3xc5 d6xb4 6.a1-b2 a3xc1 7.g3-f4 c1xg5
8.h4xf6xd8xa5xe1 h6-g5 9.e1-g3 x
Patrihaev M.,. "64", №11, 1970 (175) , 2-nd USSR championship [94], 1970-72
1.hg3 ac1 2.dc3 c1xf4xh2 3.de5 dxf4 4.fg3 hxf2 5.e1xg3xe5 hxd6 6.cd4 c:e3 7.a:e7 f:d6 8.h:g1 x
Patrihaev M.,"64", №21, 1970 (200),2-й чемпионат СССР [97], 1970
1.g1-h2 g3xe1 2.h4-g5 f6xh4 3.d4xf6xd8 b6xd4 4.c3xe5
a5xc3xa1 5.d8xa5 a1xf6 6.h2-g3 h4xf2 7.c1-d2 e1xc3
8.a5xe1xh4xe7 f8xd6 9.h6xf8xa3 x 2-0
Patrihaev M.,"64", №27, 1970 (224)1.h4-g5 c3xa1 2.d4-c5 a1xf6xh4xf2xb6 [ 2...d6xb4 3.g3-h4 a1xf6 4.g5xe7 f8xd6 5.h6xf8xc5xa3 x ]3.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6 4.h6xf8xa3 x 2-0
Patrihaev M.,"64", №33, 1970 (238),2-nd USSR championship, (1970-1972 )
1.e1-d2 c3xe1 2.g3-f4 e1xg3xe5xg7[ 2...g5xe3 3.f2xd4 e7xg5
4.a3-a5xc3xe5 5.g1-f2 e1xg3 6.h2xf4xd6xb8 x ]3.a3-b4 a5xc3
4.c1-d2 c3xe1 5.g1-f2 e1xg3 6.h2xf4xh6xf8xd6xb8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "64", №47, 1970 (278), 2-nd USSR championship (1970-1972 )[99]
1.fg5 hxf4 2.ed4 c5xc1 3.axe7 fxd6 4.h6xc5 fxh6 5.hg5 hxf4 6.cb4 axc5 7.ed2 cxe3 8.f2xd8 fe3 9.dg5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. 2-nd USSR championship[100], 1970-1972
1.de3 fxd2 2.cxe3 axf4 3.fe3 fxc7 4.hxb8 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Wed Nov 14, 2018 04:55
д.№1 Patrihaev M. : 2-nd USSR championship [98], 1970-1972
1.c1-b2[2-nd solution 1.f2-g3 x ]1...c3xa1 2.f2-e3 d4xf2 3.b6xd4 a1xf6xh4 4.e1xg3 h4xe1xc3 5.a3xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xb4xe1 x 2-0
Fomin A. .(correction and refining) )1.cb2!! I A c:a1 2.hg5 d:f2 3.b:d4 a:h4 4.e:g3 h:c35.a:e7f::e1/d2 + A 1...d:f2 2.b:d4 c:c1 3.e:g3 a:c5 4.gf4 c:g5 5.h:h8 +
I 1.ef4 gf6 2.fg5 cb2 3.g:e7 bc3 ! 4.d:b4 dc3 5.b:d4 c:a5 6.e:c5 ba1 7.ce2 a:e5 8.ab4 a:c3 4.d:b4 ef4 5.hg5 fc7 6.ba5 cd8 =
.. №25.
Patrihaev M. 2-nd USSR championship [101], 1970
1.c1-b2 a3xc1 2.e3-d4 c5xe3 3.f4xd2 c1xf4xd6 4.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6 5.a1-b2 c3xa1 6.g5-f6 a1xg7 7.h6xf8xc5xa3 x 2-0
д.№2 : i. p. is G. Ketler :"Sashki",№3, Nov., ,1959 ,p.11 ,d.№11
1.dc3 d:b2 2.c:e3 a:c1 3.ed4 c:e3 4.f:d2 c:d6 5.a:e7 f:d6 6.h:c5/a3 +
Patrihaev M. 2-nd Moscow championship , 1971 , judge : Boris Shkitkin ( endgame is not economical )
1.fg5 hxf4[ 1...cxe1 2.ed4 cxe3 3.fxd4 hxf4 4.gxg7 fxh6 5.cb2 axc1 6.gf2 exg3 7.hxf4 cxg5 8.hxf6xd8xa5xd2 hg5. 9.dxh6 ]2.gxg7 f8xh6 3.ed4 cxe5 4.hg5 hxf4 5.c1-b2 a3xe3 6.fxd4xd8xa5 +
Patrihaev M. :Re: Compositions at 64-cell board,Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 04:55
д.№1 : 2-nd Moscow championship , 7,5 points , 1971 (4-6 place ), "Evening Moscow ", Jan., of 25,1972 )
1.fg3 hxf4 2.gf2 cxa3 3.de3 fxd2 4.cxc5 dxb4 5.fg3 axc1 6.gf4 x
Д.№2 : processing by A. Fomin
Д.№2: 1.fg3 b:d6 2.gf2 h:f4 3.de5 f:d4 4.de3 f:d2 5.c:c5 a:c1 6.fg3 d:b4 7.gf4 c:g5 8.h:d8:h8 ab6 9. hd4 ba5
10.dc3 hg5 11.cd2 gh4 12.de1 ab4 13.e:a5 hg3 14.ab6 gh2 15.bg1+
...................M. Patrihaev...........................processing by A. Fomin .............
Patrihaev M, "Shashki",, №5 [1200], 1971
1.cd2 axc1 2.fg5 hxf6 3.fg3 hxf4 4.exa7 cxc5 5.ab8 bxd2 6.bxe1 x
Patrihaev M.,"Dambrete ", № 8 [1533], 1972
1.b2-c3 g3xe1 2.c5-d6 e7xc5[ 2...c7xe5 3.d4xf6xd8xa5 e1-f2 4.c3-d4 g5-f4 5.e3xg5] 3.g1-f2 e1xg3 4.d4-e5 g3xd6
5.e3-d4 c5xe3 6.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6 7.d2xf4xh6xf8xc5 +
Patrihaev M. "Dambrete", № 11, 1974 (477)
1.e1-f2 c3xe1 2.e5-f6 g5xe7 3.f4-e5 d6xf4xd2 4.b2-a3 c5xe3 5.axc5 bxd4 6.gh4 exg3 7.hxf4 exg5 8.hxc1 x
Patrihaev M.:"Shashki", №11 [2106], 1974
1.g1-f2 a5xc3xa1 2.f2-e3 d4xf2 3.f4-g5 h2xf4
4.e1xg3xe5 a1xf 5.g5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
This is an ideological precursor to a more successful version of this idea .№2 : T.Morkus: "Komjaunimo tiesa " ,18.04.73 in Lithuanian. repeat: A.Bakumets & M.Patrihaev: book by A.Andreev:
"The World of Russian Checkers of Aleksandr Bakumets" [336], 2012
NB ! : The correct definition of authorship is: «T. Morkus & M. Patrihaev».
1.d4-e5 f6xd4 2.g1-f2 c3xa1 3.f2-e3 d4xf2 4.f4-g5 h2xf4 5.e1xg3xe5 a1xf6 6.g5xe7 d8xf6 7.b6xd8xg5 g7-f6 8.g5xd8 b8-c7
9.d8xb6 a5xc7 10.h4-g5 c7-d6 11.g5-f6 d6-c5 12.f6-e7 f8xd613.h6-g7 x 2-0
.............Mihail Patrihaev.................. ...............Tadikus Morkus......................
Patrihaev (correction ed. .: black checker .➡a7), see also №33
without black checker a7 it was published :"Soviet Belorussia",Dec. of 3 ,1976
1.e1-f2 c3xe1xg3 2.h4xf2 f6xh4 3.c1-b2 a5xc3 4.f2-e3 d4xf2 5.b2xd4xf6xd8xb6xg1 x
Patrihaev :"Soviet Belorussia *, Dec.,of 03,1976
1.h6-g7 f8xh6 2.d6xf8 b4xd6 3.f8xb4xd2xg5 h6xf4 4.f2-e3 f4xd2 5.e1xc3 x
Patrihaev M. .: "64", №12, 1978 (990)
1.c1-b2 a3xc1 2.b6-c7 d8xb6xd4 3.b4-c5 d6xb4 4.a5xc3xe5xg7 hxh8 5.g3-h4 c1xg5 6.h4xf6xd8 +
Patrihaev M. .15-th Moscow championship,1988 г., 2.5 points [25]
1.a5-b6 c5-b4[ 1...c5-d4 2.g1-h2 a7xc5 3.h2xf4xd2xb4 c5xa3 4.e1- f2 x ] 2.g1-h2 a7xc5 3.h2xf4xd2 c5 [ 3...h4-g3 4.d2-e3 g3-h2 5.g5-h6 b4-a3 6.h6-g7 x ] 4.a1-b2 c3xa1 5.d2-c3 d4xb2 6.c1xa3xc5xe7 a1xh8 7.e7-f8 h4xf 8.f8-g7 f6-g5 9.g7-a1 g5-f4 10.e1-f2 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship , 1988г.,7,5 points [26]
1.f4-e5 h6xf4xd6[ 1...h2xf4xd2 2.e5xg7 c5xe3
3.e1xc3xa5xc7 h6xf4 4.c7-d8 f8xh6 5.d8xg5 x [ 1...h2xf4xd6 2.g1-h2 h6xf4xd2 3.e1xc3xa5xc7xe5xg7
3... c5xe3 4.h2-g3 f8xh6 5.g3-f4 e3xg5 6.h4xf6xd8 x 2.e3-f4 c5xe3xg5 3.g1-f2 h2xf4 4.f2-e3 f4xd2
5.e1xc3xa5xc7xe5xg7 f8xh6 6.h4xf6xd8 +
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship,, 1988 г., 4 points [27]
1.b2-c3 d2xb4 2.f2-e3 h4xf2xd4 3.h2-g3 f6xh4xf24.g1xe3xc5xa7 d8xf6 5.h6-g7 f6xh8 6.a7-b8 c7-b6
7.b8-a7 b6-c5 8.a7xd4 x
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship,, 1988 , [29], 1988 ,7 points (See also №27 )
1.d4-e5 f6xd4xf2 2.f4-e5 d6xf4 3.b4-c5 b6xd44.c3xe5 f4xd6 5.h6xf4 g3xe5 6.a3-b4 a5xc3
7.b2xd4xf6xd8xb6xg1 b8-a7 8.a1-b2 dc5 9 d:b6 10.bc3 fe7 11.hg3 ed6 12.gf4 cb4 13.c:a5 dc5 14.fe5+
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship,, 1988 (4,5 points),
и.п.,д.№2 : A.Rom, 3-d USSR chamoionship , №200
д.№1 : 1.ef2 cxe1 2.fe3 axc3 3.cb2 axc1 A 4.ed4 dxb4
5.dxb2 cxa3 6.f4xd6xb8 h6xf4 7.g3xe5xg7 f8xh6 8.a1-b2 a3xc1 9.b8-c7 d8xb610.g1-f2 e1xg3 11.h2xf4 Bc1xg5 12.h4xf6xd8xa5xd2/e1 +A 3..d:b4 4.b:d4 e:c3 5.ed4 c:e5 6..f:b8 h:f4 7.g:g7 f:h6 8.ab2 a:c1 9.bc7 d:b610.gf2 e:g3 11.h:f4 c:g5 12.h:d2/e1 +
......................M. Patrihaev..........................................A. Rom......................
Patrihaev M. :. "Dambrete" , № 6, 1988 (2130)
1.fg3 bc5 2.hg5 cb6 3.ed4 cxe3 4.gh4 exg3 5.dxf4 gxe5 6.cb2 h6xf4 7.cb4 axc3 8.b2xd4xf6xd8xa5 fe3 9.hg3 +
Patrihaev M. "Shashecnye dosugi", 03.1991 (14)
1.f4-e5 c5xa3xc1 2.e5xc7 d8xb6 3.e3-f4 c1xe3xg5 4.h4xf6xd8xa5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "Shashecnye dosugi", 03.1991 (24)
Д.№1: 1.d4-e5 d6xf4 2.e1-f2 g3xe1xc3xg7 3.c1-d2 h4xf6 4.e3xg5xe7 f8xd6 5.h6xf8xc5xa7 x 2-0
Д.№2 : processing by A.Fomin
1.bc3 g:e1 2.de5 d:f4 3.cd4 e:g7 4.cd2 h:f6
5.e:e7 f:d6 6.h:a7 ab2 7.dc3 b;f2 8.a:g1 hg7 9.gd4 gh6 10.dc3 hg5 11.cd2 gh4;12.de1 ab4 13.e:a5 hg3 14.ab6 gh2 15.bg1 x
Patrihaev M. "Zvezda ",(Perm ), № 1, 18.04.1991
1.e3-d4 f6-g5[ 1...e7-d6 2.f4-e5! x ]
2.c1-d2!! g5xe3xc1
[ 2...g5xe3xc5 3.f2-e3 h2xf4 4.e3xg5 h6xf4 5.c3-b4 a5xc3 6.d2xb4xd6xf8xh6xc1 x ]
3.d4-c5! h2xf4 4.c5-b6 a5xc7 5.c3-b4 a3xc5 6.e1-d2 c1xe3 7.f2xd4xb6xd8xg5 g7-f6
8.g5xd2 f6-e5 9.d2-c3 e5-f4 10cd4!+(10.g1-f2 ?=)
13.f2xh4 f4-e3 14.c7-f4 e3xg5 15.h4xf6 h8-g7 16.f6xh8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition" in Russian , №3, 1993 (стр.12)
1.c5-d6 f6xh8 2.a1-b2 c3xa1 3.e1xc3 d4xb2 4.f2xd4xf6xh4 b2-c1
5.c7-b8 a5xc7xe5 6.h2-g3 f4xh2 7.b8xf4 c1xg5 8.h4xf6 a1xg7 9.h6xf8 +
Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition, №3, 1993 (p..12)
1.g7-f8 a3xc1xe3 2.h4-g5 f4xh6 3.h2xf4xd2 d6xf4 4.f8xa3 b8xd6
5.a7xc5xe7 d8xf6 6.d2-e3 f4xd2xb4 [ 6...f2xd4xb2 7.a3xc1xg5xe7 x ]
7.a3xe7xh4xe1 h6-g5 8.e1-d2 g5-h4 9.d2-e1 x 2-0
,Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition №7, 1995 (p.17)
1.e5-f6 g3xe5xc3 2.f6-e7 h6xf4 3.e7-d8 f8xh6 4.d8xa5xe1xg3xe5 h6-g5
5.e5-g7 g5-f4 6.g7-h6 f4-g3 7.h2xf4 a3-b2 8.h6-g7 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition", №7, 1995 (page .22)
1.g1-f2 e3xg1 2.g5-f6 g1xa7 3.f4-g5 h2xf4
4.g5xe3xc1xa3xc5 a7xd4xg7 5.h6xf8 h8-g7 6.f8xh6 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. - 8-th Novopolotsk championship in solution of drafts compositions.
"Another checkers < listok>(sheet)", №4(4) [12], 10.1997
"Checkers world " ,№3-2001 ,p.31
1.c5-d6 e7xc5 2.b4xd6xf4 h4-g3 3.a3-b4 g3xe5 4.e1-f2bc5 4...g5-h4 5... h6-g5
6.c5-d6 e5-f4 7.d4-e5 f6xd4 8.c3xe5xg3 c7xe5 9.a5xc7 b8xd6 10.b2-c3 h2xf4
11.c3-d4 e5xc3xe1xg3 12.g1-h2 f4xd2 13.h2xf4xh6xf8xb4xe1 a7-b6 14.e1-f2 b6-a5 15.f2-e1 +
д.№2 : processing by A. Fomin
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Thu Nov 22, 2018 16:09
1..ab4 g:e5 2.ba5 gh4 3.ef2 hg5 4.cd6 etc. x (see solution on the d.No. 1).
д.№1 : processing by A. Fomin
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Thu Nov 22, 2018 16:09
1.gf4 c:a1 2.fg3 h:f2 3.g:e7 a:g7 4.ef8 gh6 5.fe5 h:d6
6.f:c5 hg7 7.cb6 cd6 8.bd4 gh6 9.df6 dc5 10.ab6 c:a7 11.fd8+
д.№2 : Patrihaev M.,compositions of different years» [10], 1999
1.g3-f4 c3xa1 2.f2-g3 h4xf2 3.g1xe3xc5xe7 a1xg7 4.e7-f8 g7-h6 5.f4-e5 h6xf4xd6
6.f8xc5 h8-g7 7.c5-d4 g7-h6 8.d4-e5 c7-b6 9.e5-d4 b6-a5
10.d4-c3 h6-g5 11.c3-d2 g5-h4 12.d2-e1 x 2-0
The idea of catching the black king in the final has been seen before, the final shot in the position on diagram №2 is inaccurate .
................Arranged by A. Fomin..........................M.Patrihaev.,№10................
Patrihaev M.«Compositions of different years » [19], 1999
1.e3-f4 b4xd2 2.f2-g3 h4xf2 3.f4-e5 d6xf4 4.b6-c7 b8xd6
5.d4-c5 d6xb4 6.a5xc3xe1xg3xe5xg7 h8xf6 7.a7-b8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [20],1999
1.e3-f4 b2xd4 2.f4xh6 c5xa3 3.h4-g5 f6xh4 4.f2-g3 h4xf2
5.g1xe3xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[[23], 1999
1.c1-d2 a3xc1 2.e3-d4 e5xc3xe1xg3 3.h2xf4 c1xg5 4.h4xf6xd8xa5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[ [26], 1999
1.b6-c7 d8xb6 2.f6-g7 h8xf6 3.f4-g5 h6xf4 4.e3xg5xe7 f8xd6
5.d4-c5 b6xd4 6.d2-c3 d4xb2 7.c1xa3xc5xe7 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[28], 1999
1.h4-g5 e5-f4 2.c1-d2 a3xc1 3.f2-g3 d4xf2xh4xf6 4.e1-f2 c1xe3 5.f2xd4xb6xd8xg5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[30], 1999
1.c3-d4 c7-b6 2.a5xc7 d8xb6 3.e3-f4 c5xe3 4.f4-e5 f6xd4
5.d2xf4 h4xf6 6.f4-g5 f6xh4 7.h2-g3 h4xf2 8.g1xe3xc5xa7 x 2-0
д.№1 Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [42], 1999
1.e3-f4 g5xe3xc1 2.a3-b4 c5xa3 3.a7xc5xe7xg5 h6xf4 4.c3-b4 a3xc5
5.e1-d2 c1xe3 6.f2xd4xb6xd8 f4-e3 7.d8-g5 x 2-0
д.№2 : Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years [69], 1999
1.f4-g5 h4xf6 2.h6-g7 f8xh6 3.e3-d4 c5xe3xc1 4.a7xc5xe7xg5 h6xf4
5.c3-b4 a3xc5 6.e1-d2 c1xe3 7.f2xd4xb6xd8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [46], 1999
1.f2-g3 g7xe5 2.g5-f6 e5xg7 3.g3-f4 e3xg5 4.c1xe3xc5xe7 d8xf6
5.e1-d2 c3xe1 6.g1-f2 e1xg3 7.h2xf4xh6xf8 x 2-0
The combination mechanism almost coincides with the problem of
A. Salnikov from the journal "Shashki"-12-1972
д.№1 : Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [47], 1999
1.e3-d4 c5xe3xc1 2.a7xc5 d6xb4xd2 3.g5xe3 d2xf4 4.e1-d2 c1xe3 5.f2xd4xf6xd8xb6 x 2-0
д.№2 : Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [105], 1999
1.e3-d4 c5xe3xc1xa3 2.a7xc5 d6xb4xd2 3.g5xe3xc1 h2xf4
4.c1-b2 a3xc1 5.e1-d2 c1xe3 6.f2xd4xf6xd8xb6 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[[49], 1999
1.e1-f2 c3xe1 2.f4-e5 h2xf4xd2 3.b6-c7 e1xg3 4.e5-f6 g7xe5
5.d6xf4xh2 b8xd6 6.h2-g3 h4xf2 7.g1xe3xc1xa3xc5xe7 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[52], 1999
1.c3-b4 e5xc3
[ 1...a5xc3 2.d2xb4 e5xc3xa5 3.a3-b4 a5xc3 4.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3 5.h2xf4xh6xf8xd6 x ]
2.c5-b6 a5xc7 3.d2-e3 c3xa5 4.a3-b4 a5xc3 5.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3 6.h2xf4xh6xf8xd6xb8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »l[64], 1999
1.g1-f2 e3xg1 2.e1-d2 g1xb6 3.a5xc7 e7xc5xa3xc1xe3 4.c7-d8 f4xd6 5.d8xh4xf2xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. . «Compositions of different years » [76], 1999
1.h2-g3 b6xd4 2.g3-f4 g5xe3 3.b4-c5 d6xb4xd2 4.g1-f2 e3xg1
5.c1xe3xc5 g1xb6 6.a3-b4 a5xc3 7.b2xd4xf6xd8xa5 x 2-0
№63 http://Fmjd.Org/Dias2/Save/15434125232.png
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[77], 1999
1.c5-b6 g7xe5 2.d4xf6 a7xc5 3.e3-d4 c5xe3
4.c3-b4 a5xc3xa1 5.e1-d2 a1xg7 6.d2xf4xh6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[78], 1999
Позиция возникла из дебюта городская партия в первенстве Москвы.
Патрихаев нашел наиболее изящный путь к победе.
1.c3-d4 a5-b4 2.d4xb6 f6-e5 3.a3xc5 e5xg3xe1 4.b6-a7 d6xb4
5.e3-f4 g5xe3 6.b2-c3 b4xd2 7.h2-g3 h4xf2 8.a7-b8 x 2-0
«Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [79], 1999
1.f2-e3 d4xf2 2.c3-d4 e5xc3 3.g3xe5 d6xf4 4.e1xg3xe5 c3xe1
5.e5-f6 a5xc3 6.f6xd8xa5xd2xh6 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[89], 1999
1.d2-e3 f4xd2 2.b2-a3 d4xb2 3.a3xc1xe3 c5xa3 4.e3-d4 e5xc3 5.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3
6.h2xf4xh6xf8xc5 x c7-d6 7.c5xe7xg5 h4xf6 8.g1-f2 f6-e5 9.f2-e3 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[82], 1999
1.d4-e5 f6xd4 2.c3xe5 h4xf6xd4 3.h6-g7 f8xh6 4.d2-c3 b4xd2
5.c1xe3xc5 b6xd4 6.g3-h4 a3xc1xg5 7.h4xf6xd8xb6xe3 x 2-0
Patrikhaev M «Compisitions of different years » [101], 1999
1.e3-f4 g5xe3 2.a3-b4 c5xa3 3.a7xc5xe7xg5 h6xf4 4.c3-b4 e3xc5
5.b4xd6 c7xe5 6.c1-d2 a3xc1xe3 7.f2xd4xf6xh8 x 2-0
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [103], 1999
1.d2-e3 f4xd2 2.a1-b2 a3xc1 3.c3-d4 e5xc3 4.c5-d6 c7xe5
5.f2-e3 d2xf4 6.b4xd2 c1xe3 7.h4xf2xd4xf6xh8 x 2-0
Д.№2 :ничья ( Исправление - ред.)
1.de3 f:d2 ... 7.f:h8 fg7 8.h:g3 h:f4 9.gf2/ed2=
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [104], 1999
Легальность : f2-g3 h4:f2 ; e1:e5 e3-d2 и т.д. (прмеч. ред.)
1.e5-d6 c7xe5xc3 2.a5xc7 d8xb6xd4 3.g1-f2 c3xa5 4.f2-g3 h2xf4
5.b2-c3 d4xb2 6.a3xc1xe3xg5xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [107], 1999
Participated: 2nd Russian Championship in solving of drafts compositions, Sochi, Adler, October 2005.
1.f2-g3 a3xc1 2.a1-b2 c1xa3 3.c3-b4 a5xc3xe5 4.f4xd6xf8 h2xf4
5.f8xb4 a3xc5xf2 6.g1xe3xg5xe7 g7-f6 7.e7xg5 h6xf4 8.e1-f2 b6-c5 9.d2-c3+
d. No 2 A.Bakumetc ,1994
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [115], 1999
1.c1-d2 c7-d6 2.e5xc7 b8xd6 3.f4-e5 d6xf4 4.e3xg5 h6xf4
5.de3 fxd2 6.fg3 hxf4 7.dc5 bxb2 8.a3xg5 axc3 9.gh6 x
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [116], 1999
1.b2-c3 b4xd2
[ 1...h4xf2 2.c3xa5 g7-f6 3.e1xg3 f8-e7 4.e5xg7 h8xf6 5.c1-d2 x ]
2.e1xc3 h4xf2 3.c1-b2 a3xc1 4.c3-b4 c5xa3 5.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6
6.h6xf8xb4 a3xc5 7.d4xb6xd8 f2xd4xf6 8.d8xg5 c1-a3 9.a1-b2 a3xc1
10.g5-h6 c1xg5 11.h6xf4 x 2-0
The position has a number of predecessors, for example: A. Sosunov, 7-th USSR Championship,№63 (д.№2)
1.bc3(gf2) 2.cb2 a:c1 3.cb4 c:a3 4.a:e7 f:d6 5.h:b4 a:c5
6.d:d8 f:d4 7.f:h6 c:g5 8.h:f4 ba7 9.d:g5 h:f6 10.fg5 f:h4
11.hg3 h:f2 12.g:e3x
Patrikhaev M : book by Ustyanov S.Yu. "At the origins of tactics" [141], 2013
1.c7-b8 e5xc3 2.b8-e5 f6xd4 3.b6-c7 d8xb6 4.a7xc5xe3xc1 x 2-0
M. A. Patrihaev
"Selected compositions in Russian checkers (1966-2000)"
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Patrihaev :born in December, of 20, 1948
№1 .Bakumets A. & Patrikhaev M. .
"64", №7, 1985 (1507)
1.e3-d4 c3xe5 2.c1-b2 a3xc1 3.e1-d2 c1xe3 4.f2xd4xb6xd8 h4xf2 5.g1xe3 e5xg3 6.e3-f4 f6xh4[ 6...g3xe5 7.h6-g7 f6xh4 8.d8xf6xc3xa5 h4-g3 9.a5-e1 g3-h2 10.e1-g3 h2xf4 11.g7-f8 d6-e5 12.f8-g7 e5-d4 13.g7xc3 f4-e3 14.c3-e1 x ]7.d8xf6 g3xe5xg7 8.h6xf8xc5xa3 h4-g3 9.a3-c5 g3-h2 10.c5-g1 x 2-0
д.№2 :
M.Patrihaev .:"Checkers news of S.L.Sh.I ". , №3 - 2005 (1.ed4 x ) №2
Patrihaev M . : №50 ➡ 1-st USSR championship ,1966 (2-d group ) Шашечные досуги [4], 03.1991 ,
There was published later : Slastin V. , Book of V. Iacheikin :" Combinations of Ukrainian drafts players ",1974 г.) 1.b4-c5 d6xb4 2.b6-c7 b8xd6 3.d2-c3 b4xd2 A 4.g5-h6 e3xg5 5.c1xe3xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0 A 3...d:b2 4.c:e7 f:d6 5.f:d2 dc5 6.dc3 gh6 7.gf6+ №3
Patrihaev M. : №51➡1-st USSR championship ,1966 (2-nd group) "Shashki " , №9 [1281], 1971
1.c1-b2 a3xc1 2.c3-d4 e5xc3 3.d2xb4 c1xf4[ 3...c1xg5 4.h4xf6 g7xe5 5.e1-d2 a5xc3xe1 6.g3-h4 e1xg3 7.h2xf4xd6xb8 x ] 4.g3xe5 a5xc3 5.e5-f6 g7xe5 6.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3 7.h2xf4xd6xb8 x 2-0 №4
.: Patrihaev M . : №52➡ 1-st USSR championship ,1966 (2-d group)
There was published later :Gordienko Ju. :"Evening Perm", Jan. of 21.1975
Patrihaev M. .: «Compositions of different years » [32], 1999
1.c5-b6 a3xc5 2.b6-c7 d8xb6 3.e3-f4 c5xe3 4.a7xc5 d6xb4xd2 5.g5-h6 e3xg5 6.h6xf8xb4xe1xh4xf6 + №5
Patrihaev M. . (Correction by A. Kovrijkin) black checker f8➡h6 : "Shashki", №6, 1966 (297) , №2 :➡also published : A. Kovrijkin : "Shashki",, №6, 1966 (298) also if black checker f8➡h6 : №53➡1-st USSR championship. ,1966 (2-nd group ) 1.b4-c5 d6xb4 2.g1-h2 a7xc5 3.e1-f2 c3xe1xg3 4.h2xf4xd6 c5xe7 5.a5xc3xe5xg7 h6xf8 6.h4xf6xd8 x 2-0 №6
Patrihaev M. :№54➡1-st USSR championship (2-nd group ) ,«Compositions of different years » [43], 1999
1.g3-h4 a7xc5 2.a5-b6 c5xa7 3.f2-e3 d4xf2 4.e1xg3 c3xe1 5.h4-g5 e1xh4 6.g5-h6 h4xe7 7.h6xf8xd6xa3 x 2-0 №7 Patrihaev M. A. Correction (ed.): black checker .➡a7 With an open cell "a7" on diagram .: №55➡ 1st USSR Championship (2nd group) With checker f2➡h2 : Patrikhaev M.A. "Compositions of Different Years" [33], 1999
solution:1.f2-g3 h4xf2xd4 2.b4-c5 d6xb4 3.f4xd6 c7xe5 4.a5xc7 b8xd6 5.b2-c3 d4xb2 6.c1xa3xc5xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xc5 ef4 8.cf2+ No. 8
Patrihaev M. "Bulletin of the Central Chess Club of the USSR", Moscow, No. 7/8, 1966, Checkers", No. 1-1967, p. 31, no. 319 1 .e5-f6 g7xe5xc3 [ 1...g7xe5xc7 2.g3-f4 g5xe3 3.a3-b4 a5xc3xe5 4.f2xd4xf6xd8xa5 x ] 2.c1-d2 c3xe1 3.a3-b4 a5xc3 4.g3-h4 e1xg3xc7 5.h4x f6xd8xa5xd2 x 2-0 №9
Patrihayev M. Shashki, №4, 1967 (364) 1.c3-d4 c5xe3xc1 [ 1...c5xe3xg5 2.h4xf6xd8xb6 a5xc7 3.f2-g3 h2xf4 4.d2-e3 f4xd2
5.b2-c3 d2xb4 6.a3xc5xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xa3 No. 10
Patrihaev M. & Salnikov A. "Shashki", No. 1, 1968 (413) 1.a1-b2 e3xc1[ 1...a3xc1 2.f4-e5 f6xd4 3.d2xf4 x ] 2.e1-f2 c1xg5 3.b2-c3 b4xd2 4.f2-e3
d2xf4 5.g3xe5xg7 h6xf8 6.h4xf6xd8xb6xd4 x №11
Patrihaev M. ."Shashki" ,№2 , 1968 (427)
1.c3-b4 a5xc3xe1 2.f4-g5 h2xf4 3.g5xe3xc5 e1xg3 4.g1-h2 d6xb4 5.h2xf4xd6xf8 x 2-0
№12. Patrihaev M.
"Shashki", ,№11/12, 1968 (537)
1.dc5 a:c3 2.ed4 d:b4 A 3.a:c5 c:e5 4.gf6 e:g5 5.h:b8+
A 2...c:e5 3.gf6 e:g5 4.c:e7 f:d6 b 5.h:b4 + b 4...d:f6 5.h:b8+ No. 13
Patrihaev M. , "Shashki" , No. 6, 1969 (663) 1.g3-f4 e5xg3xe1 2.g5-h6 a3xc1xe3 3.h6xf8xa3 e1xb4 4.a3xc5xf2 a5- b4 5.f2-e1 b4-a3 6.e1-c3 x 2-0
No. 14
Patrihaev M. "Shashki" , No. 6 [945], 1970 1.h2 -g3 e3xg1 2.e1-f2 g1xe3 3.b6-c7 d8xb6 4.a7xc5 d6xb4 5.a5xc3xe5xg7 f8xh6 6.g3-f4 e3xg5 7.h4xf6xd8 x
Payrihaev M. "Shashki", №7, 1970 (971),2-nd USSR championship [96], 1970-72
1.f4-g5 a5xc3xe1 2.c5-d6 e7xc5 3.d4xb6xd8 f6xd4xf2 4.d8-a5 h4xf6 5.c1-d2 e1xc3 6.a5xe1xh4xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xa3 x
№16 Патрихаев М
Patrihaev M., "Shashki", №8, 1970 (987) 1.a1-b2 h4xf2 2.f4-g5 h6xf4 3.e3xg5 c5xe3 4.d2xf4 b4xd2 5.c1xe3 a3xc1 6.gh2 fxd4 7.gh6 cxg5 8.hxf8xc5xe3xh6 bc5 9.hg7 ab6 10.hg3 cb4 11.gf4 ba3 12.gh8 ab4 13.hg7 bc5 14.fe5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M, ."64", №4, 1970 (155)
1.b2-c3 b4xd2 2.e3-d4 c5xe3 3.f6-e7 d8xf6xd4 4.g5-f6 e3xg5xe7
5.c1xe3xc5 d6xb4 6.a1-b2 a3xc1 7.g3-f4 c1xg5
8.h4xf6xd8xa5xe1 h6-g5 9.e1-g3 x
Patrihaev M.,. "64", №11, 1970 (175) , 2-nd USSR championship [94], 1970-72
1.hg3 ac1 2.dc3 c1xf4xh2 3.de5 dxf4 4.fg3 hxf2 5.e1xg3xe5 hxd6 6.cd4 c:e3 7.a:e7 f:d6 8.h:g1 x
Patrihaev M.,"64", №21, 1970 (200),2-й чемпионат СССР [97], 1970
1.g1-h2 g3xe1 2.h4-g5 f6xh4 3.d4xf6xd8 b6xd4 4.c3xe5
a5xc3xa1 5.d8xa5 a1xf6 6.h2-g3 h4xf2 7.c1-d2 e1xc3
8.a5xe1xh4xe7 f8xd6 9.h6xf8xa3 x 2-0
Patrihaev M.,"64", №27, 1970 (224)1.h4-g5 c3xa1 2.d4-c5 a1xf6xh4xf2xb6 [ 2...d6xb4 3.g3-h4 a1xf6 4.g5xe7 f8xd6 5.h6xf8xc5xa3 x ]3.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6 4.h6xf8xa3 x 2-0
Patrihaev M.,"64", №33, 1970 (238),2-nd USSR championship, (1970-1972 )
1.e1-d2 c3xe1 2.g3-f4 e1xg3xe5xg7[ 2...g5xe3 3.f2xd4 e7xg5
4.a3-a5xc3xe5 5.g1-f2 e1xg3 6.h2xf4xd6xb8 x ]3.a3-b4 a5xc3
4.c1-d2 c3xe1 5.g1-f2 e1xg3 6.h2xf4xh6xf8xd6xb8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "64", №47, 1970 (278), 2-nd USSR championship (1970-1972 )[99]
1.fg5 hxf4 2.ed4 c5xc1 3.axe7 fxd6 4.h6xc5 fxh6 5.hg5 hxf4 6.cb4 axc5 7.ed2 cxe3 8.f2xd8 fe3 9.dg5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. 2-nd USSR championship[100], 1970-1972
1.de3 fxd2 2.cxe3 axf4 3.fe3 fxc7 4.hxb8 x
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Wed Nov 14, 2018 04:55
д.№1 Patrihaev M. : 2-nd USSR championship [98], 1970-1972
1.c1-b2[2-nd solution 1.f2-g3 x ]1...c3xa1 2.f2-e3 d4xf2 3.b6xd4 a1xf6xh4 4.e1xg3 h4xe1xc3 5.a3xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xb4xe1 x 2-0
Fomin A. .(correction and refining) )1.cb2!! I A c:a1 2.hg5 d:f2 3.b:d4 a:h4 4.e:g3 h:c35.a:e7f::e1/d2 + A 1...d:f2 2.b:d4 c:c1 3.e:g3 a:c5 4.gf4 c:g5 5.h:h8 +
I 1.ef4 gf6 2.fg5 cb2 3.g:e7 bc3 ! 4.d:b4 dc3 5.b:d4 c:a5 6.e:c5 ba1 7.ce2 a:e5 8.ab4 a:c3 4.d:b4 ef4 5.hg5 fc7 6.ba5 cd8 =
.. №25.
Patrihaev M. 2-nd USSR championship [101], 1970
1.c1-b2 a3xc1 2.e3-d4 c5xe3 3.f4xd2 c1xf4xd6 4.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6 5.a1-b2 c3xa1 6.g5-f6 a1xg7 7.h6xf8xc5xa3 x 2-0
д.№2 : i. p. is G. Ketler :"Sashki",№3, Nov., ,1959 ,p.11 ,d.№11
1.dc3 d:b2 2.c:e3 a:c1 3.ed4 c:e3 4.f:d2 c:d6 5.a:e7 f:d6 6.h:c5/a3 +
Patrihaev M. 2-nd Moscow championship , 1971 , judge : Boris Shkitkin ( endgame is not economical )
1.fg5 hxf4[ 1...cxe1 2.ed4 cxe3 3.fxd4 hxf4 4.gxg7 fxh6 5.cb2 axc1 6.gf2 exg3 7.hxf4 cxg5 8.hxf6xd8xa5xd2 hg5. 9.dxh6 ]2.gxg7 f8xh6 3.ed4 cxe5 4.hg5 hxf4 5.c1-b2 a3xe3 6.fxd4xd8xa5 +
Patrihaev M. :Re: Compositions at 64-cell board,Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 04:55
д.№1 : 2-nd Moscow championship , 7,5 points , 1971 (4-6 place ), "Evening Moscow ", Jan., of 25,1972 )
1.fg3 hxf4 2.gf2 cxa3 3.de3 fxd2 4.cxc5 dxb4 5.fg3 axc1 6.gf4 x
Д.№2 : processing by A. Fomin
Д.№2: 1.fg3 b:d6 2.gf2 h:f4 3.de5 f:d4 4.de3 f:d2 5.c:c5 a:c1 6.fg3 d:b4 7.gf4 c:g5 8.h:d8:h8 ab6 9. hd4 ba5
10.dc3 hg5 11.cd2 gh4 12.de1 ab4 13.e:a5 hg3 14.ab6 gh2 15.bg1+
...................M. Patrihaev...........................processing by A. Fomin .............
Patrihaev M, "Shashki",, №5 [1200], 1971
1.cd2 axc1 2.fg5 hxf6 3.fg3 hxf4 4.exa7 cxc5 5.ab8 bxd2 6.bxe1 x
Patrihaev M.,"Dambrete ", № 8 [1533], 1972
1.b2-c3 g3xe1 2.c5-d6 e7xc5[ 2...c7xe5 3.d4xf6xd8xa5 e1-f2 4.c3-d4 g5-f4 5.e3xg5] 3.g1-f2 e1xg3 4.d4-e5 g3xd6
5.e3-d4 c5xe3 6.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6 7.d2xf4xh6xf8xc5 +
Patrihaev M. "Dambrete", № 11, 1974 (477)
1.e1-f2 c3xe1 2.e5-f6 g5xe7 3.f4-e5 d6xf4xd2 4.b2-a3 c5xe3 5.axc5 bxd4 6.gh4 exg3 7.hxf4 exg5 8.hxc1 x
Patrihaev M.:"Shashki", №11 [2106], 1974
1.g1-f2 a5xc3xa1 2.f2-e3 d4xf2 3.f4-g5 h2xf4
4.e1xg3xe5 a1xf 5.g5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
This is an ideological precursor to a more successful version of this idea .№2 : T.Morkus: "Komjaunimo tiesa " ,18.04.73 in Lithuanian. repeat: A.Bakumets & M.Patrihaev: book by A.Andreev:
"The World of Russian Checkers of Aleksandr Bakumets" [336], 2012
NB ! : The correct definition of authorship is: «T. Morkus & M. Patrihaev».
1.d4-e5 f6xd4 2.g1-f2 c3xa1 3.f2-e3 d4xf2 4.f4-g5 h2xf4 5.e1xg3xe5 a1xf6 6.g5xe7 d8xf6 7.b6xd8xg5 g7-f6 8.g5xd8 b8-c7
9.d8xb6 a5xc7 10.h4-g5 c7-d6 11.g5-f6 d6-c5 12.f6-e7 f8xd613.h6-g7 x 2-0
.............Mihail Patrihaev.................. ...............Tadikus Morkus......................
Patrihaev (correction ed. .: black checker .➡a7), see also №33
without black checker a7 it was published :"Soviet Belorussia",Dec. of 3 ,1976
1.e1-f2 c3xe1xg3 2.h4xf2 f6xh4 3.c1-b2 a5xc3 4.f2-e3 d4xf2 5.b2xd4xf6xd8xb6xg1 x
Patrihaev :"Soviet Belorussia *, Dec.,of 03,1976
1.h6-g7 f8xh6 2.d6xf8 b4xd6 3.f8xb4xd2xg5 h6xf4 4.f2-e3 f4xd2 5.e1xc3 x
Patrihaev M. .: "64", №12, 1978 (990)
1.c1-b2 a3xc1 2.b6-c7 d8xb6xd4 3.b4-c5 d6xb4 4.a5xc3xe5xg7 hxh8 5.g3-h4 c1xg5 6.h4xf6xd8 +
Patrihaev M. .15-th Moscow championship,1988 г., 2.5 points [25]
1.a5-b6 c5-b4[ 1...c5-d4 2.g1-h2 a7xc5 3.h2xf4xd2xb4 c5xa3 4.e1- f2 x ] 2.g1-h2 a7xc5 3.h2xf4xd2 c5 [ 3...h4-g3 4.d2-e3 g3-h2 5.g5-h6 b4-a3 6.h6-g7 x ] 4.a1-b2 c3xa1 5.d2-c3 d4xb2 6.c1xa3xc5xe7 a1xh8 7.e7-f8 h4xf 8.f8-g7 f6-g5 9.g7-a1 g5-f4 10.e1-f2 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship , 1988г.,7,5 points [26]
1.f4-e5 h6xf4xd6[ 1...h2xf4xd2 2.e5xg7 c5xe3
3.e1xc3xa5xc7 h6xf4 4.c7-d8 f8xh6 5.d8xg5 x [ 1...h2xf4xd6 2.g1-h2 h6xf4xd2 3.e1xc3xa5xc7xe5xg7
3... c5xe3 4.h2-g3 f8xh6 5.g3-f4 e3xg5 6.h4xf6xd8 x 2.e3-f4 c5xe3xg5 3.g1-f2 h2xf4 4.f2-e3 f4xd2
5.e1xc3xa5xc7xe5xg7 f8xh6 6.h4xf6xd8 +
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship,, 1988 г., 4 points [27]
1.b2-c3 d2xb4 2.f2-e3 h4xf2xd4 3.h2-g3 f6xh4xf24.g1xe3xc5xa7 d8xf6 5.h6-g7 f6xh8 6.a7-b8 c7-b6
7.b8-a7 b6-c5 8.a7xd4 x
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship,, 1988 , [29], 1988 ,7 points (See also №27 )
1.d4-e5 f6xd4xf2 2.f4-e5 d6xf4 3.b4-c5 b6xd44.c3xe5 f4xd6 5.h6xf4 g3xe5 6.a3-b4 a5xc3
7.b2xd4xf6xd8xb6xg1 b8-a7 8.a1-b2 dc5 9 d:b6 10.bc3 fe7 11.hg3 ed6 12.gf4 cb4 13.c:a5 dc5 14.fe5+
Patrihaev M. . 15-th Moscow championship,, 1988 (4,5 points),
и.п.,д.№2 : A.Rom, 3-d USSR chamoionship , №200
д.№1 : 1.ef2 cxe1 2.fe3 axc3 3.cb2 axc1 A 4.ed4 dxb4
5.dxb2 cxa3 6.f4xd6xb8 h6xf4 7.g3xe5xg7 f8xh6 8.a1-b2 a3xc1 9.b8-c7 d8xb610.g1-f2 e1xg3 11.h2xf4 Bc1xg5 12.h4xf6xd8xa5xd2/e1 +A 3..d:b4 4.b:d4 e:c3 5.ed4 c:e5 6..f:b8 h:f4 7.g:g7 f:h6 8.ab2 a:c1 9.bc7 d:b610.gf2 e:g3 11.h:f4 c:g5 12.h:d2/e1 +
......................M. Patrihaev..........................................A. Rom......................
Patrihaev M. :. "Dambrete" , № 6, 1988 (2130)
1.fg3 bc5 2.hg5 cb6 3.ed4 cxe3 4.gh4 exg3 5.dxf4 gxe5 6.cb2 h6xf4 7.cb4 axc3 8.b2xd4xf6xd8xa5 fe3 9.hg3 +
Patrihaev M. "Shashecnye dosugi", 03.1991 (14)
1.f4-e5 c5xa3xc1 2.e5xc7 d8xb6 3.e3-f4 c1xe3xg5 4.h4xf6xd8xa5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "Shashecnye dosugi", 03.1991 (24)
Д.№1: 1.d4-e5 d6xf4 2.e1-f2 g3xe1xc3xg7 3.c1-d2 h4xf6 4.e3xg5xe7 f8xd6 5.h6xf8xc5xa7 x 2-0
Д.№2 : processing by A.Fomin
1.bc3 g:e1 2.de5 d:f4 3.cd4 e:g7 4.cd2 h:f6
5.e:e7 f:d6 6.h:a7 ab2 7.dc3 b;f2 8.a:g1 hg7 9.gd4 gh6 10.dc3 hg5 11.cd2 gh4;12.de1 ab4 13.e:a5 hg3 14.ab6 gh2 15.bg1 x
Patrihaev M. "Zvezda ",(Perm ), № 1, 18.04.1991
1.e3-d4 f6-g5[ 1...e7-d6 2.f4-e5! x ]
2.c1-d2!! g5xe3xc1
[ 2...g5xe3xc5 3.f2-e3 h2xf4 4.e3xg5 h6xf4 5.c3-b4 a5xc3 6.d2xb4xd6xf8xh6xc1 x ]
3.d4-c5! h2xf4 4.c5-b6 a5xc7 5.c3-b4 a3xc5 6.e1-d2 c1xe3 7.f2xd4xb6xd8xg5 g7-f6
8.g5xd2 f6-e5 9.d2-c3 e5-f4 10cd4!+(10.g1-f2 ?=)
13.f2xh4 f4-e3 14.c7-f4 e3xg5 15.h4xf6 h8-g7 16.f6xh8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition" in Russian , №3, 1993 (стр.12)
1.c5-d6 f6xh8 2.a1-b2 c3xa1 3.e1xc3 d4xb2 4.f2xd4xf6xh4 b2-c1
5.c7-b8 a5xc7xe5 6.h2-g3 f4xh2 7.b8xf4 c1xg5 8.h4xf6 a1xg7 9.h6xf8 +
Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition, №3, 1993 (p..12)
1.g7-f8 a3xc1xe3 2.h4-g5 f4xh6 3.h2xf4xd2 d6xf4 4.f8xa3 b8xd6
5.a7xc5xe7 d8xf6 6.d2-e3 f4xd2xb4 [ 6...f2xd4xb2 7.a3xc1xg5xe7 x ]
7.a3xe7xh4xe1 h6-g5 8.e1-d2 g5-h4 9.d2-e1 x 2-0
,Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition №7, 1995 (p.17)
1.e5-f6 g3xe5xc3 2.f6-e7 h6xf4 3.e7-d8 f8xh6 4.d8xa5xe1xg3xe5 h6-g5
5.e5-g7 g5-f4 6.g7-h6 f4-g3 7.h2xf4 a3-b2 8.h6-g7 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. "Drafts composition", №7, 1995 (page .22)
1.g1-f2 e3xg1 2.g5-f6 g1xa7 3.f4-g5 h2xf4
4.g5xe3xc1xa3xc5 a7xd4xg7 5.h6xf8 h8-g7 6.f8xh6 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. - 8-th Novopolotsk championship in solution of drafts compositions.
"Another checkers < listok>(sheet)", №4(4) [12], 10.1997
"Checkers world " ,№3-2001 ,p.31
1.c5-d6 e7xc5 2.b4xd6xf4 h4-g3 3.a3-b4 g3xe5 4.e1-f2bc5 4...g5-h4 5... h6-g5
6.c5-d6 e5-f4 7.d4-e5 f6xd4 8.c3xe5xg3 c7xe5 9.a5xc7 b8xd6 10.b2-c3 h2xf4
11.c3-d4 e5xc3xe1xg3 12.g1-h2 f4xd2 13.h2xf4xh6xf8xb4xe1 a7-b6 14.e1-f2 b6-a5 15.f2-e1 +
д.№2 : processing by A. Fomin
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Thu Nov 22, 2018 16:09
1..ab4 g:e5 2.ba5 gh4 3.ef2 hg5 4.cd6 etc. x (see solution on the d.No. 1).
д.№1 : processing by A. Fomin
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Thu Nov 22, 2018 16:09
1.gf4 c:a1 2.fg3 h:f2 3.g:e7 a:g7 4.ef8 gh6 5.fe5 h:d6
6.f:c5 hg7 7.cb6 cd6 8.bd4 gh6 9.df6 dc5 10.ab6 c:a7 11.fd8+
д.№2 : Patrihaev M.,compositions of different years» [10], 1999
1.g3-f4 c3xa1 2.f2-g3 h4xf2 3.g1xe3xc5xe7 a1xg7 4.e7-f8 g7-h6 5.f4-e5 h6xf4xd6
6.f8xc5 h8-g7 7.c5-d4 g7-h6 8.d4-e5 c7-b6 9.e5-d4 b6-a5
10.d4-c3 h6-g5 11.c3-d2 g5-h4 12.d2-e1 x 2-0
The idea of catching the black king in the final has been seen before, the final shot in the position on diagram №2 is inaccurate .
................Arranged by A. Fomin..........................M.Patrihaev.,№10................
Patrihaev M.«Compositions of different years » [19], 1999
1.e3-f4 b4xd2 2.f2-g3 h4xf2 3.f4-e5 d6xf4 4.b6-c7 b8xd6
5.d4-c5 d6xb4 6.a5xc3xe1xg3xe5xg7 h8xf6 7.a7-b8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [20],1999
1.e3-f4 b2xd4 2.f4xh6 c5xa3 3.h4-g5 f6xh4 4.f2-g3 h4xf2
5.g1xe3xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[[23], 1999
1.c1-d2 a3xc1 2.e3-d4 e5xc3xe1xg3 3.h2xf4 c1xg5 4.h4xf6xd8xa5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[ [26], 1999
1.b6-c7 d8xb6 2.f6-g7 h8xf6 3.f4-g5 h6xf4 4.e3xg5xe7 f8xd6
5.d4-c5 b6xd4 6.d2-c3 d4xb2 7.c1xa3xc5xe7 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[28], 1999
1.h4-g5 e5-f4 2.c1-d2 a3xc1 3.f2-g3 d4xf2xh4xf6 4.e1-f2 c1xe3 5.f2xd4xb6xd8xg5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[30], 1999
1.c3-d4 c7-b6 2.a5xc7 d8xb6 3.e3-f4 c5xe3 4.f4-e5 f6xd4
5.d2xf4 h4xf6 6.f4-g5 f6xh4 7.h2-g3 h4xf2 8.g1xe3xc5xa7 x 2-0
д.№1 Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [42], 1999
1.e3-f4 g5xe3xc1 2.a3-b4 c5xa3 3.a7xc5xe7xg5 h6xf4 4.c3-b4 a3xc5
5.e1-d2 c1xe3 6.f2xd4xb6xd8 f4-e3 7.d8-g5 x 2-0
д.№2 : Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years [69], 1999
1.f4-g5 h4xf6 2.h6-g7 f8xh6 3.e3-d4 c5xe3xc1 4.a7xc5xe7xg5 h6xf4
5.c3-b4 a3xc5 6.e1-d2 c1xe3 7.f2xd4xb6xd8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [46], 1999
1.f2-g3 g7xe5 2.g5-f6 e5xg7 3.g3-f4 e3xg5 4.c1xe3xc5xe7 d8xf6
5.e1-d2 c3xe1 6.g1-f2 e1xg3 7.h2xf4xh6xf8 x 2-0
The combination mechanism almost coincides with the problem of
A. Salnikov from the journal "Shashki"-12-1972
д.№1 : Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [47], 1999
1.e3-d4 c5xe3xc1 2.a7xc5 d6xb4xd2 3.g5xe3 d2xf4 4.e1-d2 c1xe3 5.f2xd4xf6xd8xb6 x 2-0
д.№2 : Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [105], 1999
1.e3-d4 c5xe3xc1xa3 2.a7xc5 d6xb4xd2 3.g5xe3xc1 h2xf4
4.c1-b2 a3xc1 5.e1-d2 c1xe3 6.f2xd4xf6xd8xb6 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[[49], 1999
1.e1-f2 c3xe1 2.f4-e5 h2xf4xd2 3.b6-c7 e1xg3 4.e5-f6 g7xe5
5.d6xf4xh2 b8xd6 6.h2-g3 h4xf2 7.g1xe3xc1xa3xc5xe7 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[52], 1999
1.c3-b4 e5xc3
[ 1...a5xc3 2.d2xb4 e5xc3xa5 3.a3-b4 a5xc3 4.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3 5.h2xf4xh6xf8xd6 x ]
2.c5-b6 a5xc7 3.d2-e3 c3xa5 4.a3-b4 a5xc3 5.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3 6.h2xf4xh6xf8xd6xb8 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »l[64], 1999
1.g1-f2 e3xg1 2.e1-d2 g1xb6 3.a5xc7 e7xc5xa3xc1xe3 4.c7-d8 f4xd6 5.d8xh4xf2xc5xe7 f8xd6 6.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. . «Compositions of different years » [76], 1999
1.h2-g3 b6xd4 2.g3-f4 g5xe3 3.b4-c5 d6xb4xd2 4.g1-f2 e3xg1
5.c1xe3xc5 g1xb6 6.a3-b4 a5xc3 7.b2xd4xf6xd8xa5 x 2-0
№63 http://Fmjd.Org/Dias2/Save/15434125232.png
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[77], 1999
1.c5-b6 g7xe5 2.d4xf6 a7xc5 3.e3-d4 c5xe3
4.c3-b4 a5xc3xa1 5.e1-d2 a1xg7 6.d2xf4xh6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[78], 1999
Позиция возникла из дебюта городская партия в первенстве Москвы.
Патрихаев нашел наиболее изящный путь к победе.
1.c3-d4 a5-b4 2.d4xb6 f6-e5 3.a3xc5 e5xg3xe1 4.b6-a7 d6xb4
5.e3-f4 g5xe3 6.b2-c3 b4xd2 7.h2-g3 h4xf2 8.a7-b8 x 2-0
«Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years » [79], 1999
1.f2-e3 d4xf2 2.c3-d4 e5xc3 3.g3xe5 d6xf4 4.e1xg3xe5 c3xe1
5.e5-f6 a5xc3 6.f6xd8xa5xd2xh6 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[89], 1999
1.d2-e3 f4xd2 2.b2-a3 d4xb2 3.a3xc1xe3 c5xa3 4.e3-d4 e5xc3 5.e1-d2 c3xe1xg3
6.h2xf4xh6xf8xc5 x c7-d6 7.c5xe7xg5 h4xf6 8.g1-f2 f6-e5 9.f2-e3 x 2-0
Patrihaev M. A. .: «Compositions of different years »[82], 1999
1.d4-e5 f6xd4 2.c3xe5 h4xf6xd4 3.h6-g7 f8xh6 4.d2-c3 b4xd2
5.c1xe3xc5 b6xd4 6.g3-h4 a3xc1xg5 7.h4xf6xd8xb6xe3 x 2-0
Patrikhaev M «Compisitions of different years » [101], 1999
1.e3-f4 g5xe3 2.a3-b4 c5xa3 3.a7xc5xe7xg5 h6xf4 4.c3-b4 e3xc5
5.b4xd6 c7xe5 6.c1-d2 a3xc1xe3 7.f2xd4xf6xh8 x 2-0
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [103], 1999
1.d2-e3 f4xd2 2.a1-b2 a3xc1 3.c3-d4 e5xc3 4.c5-d6 c7xe5
5.f2-e3 d2xf4 6.b4xd2 c1xe3 7.h4xf2xd4xf6xh8 x 2-0
Д.№2 :ничья ( Исправление - ред.)
1.de3 f:d2 ... 7.f:h8 fg7 8.h:g3 h:f4 9.gf2/ed2=
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [104], 1999
Легальность : f2-g3 h4:f2 ; e1:e5 e3-d2 и т.д. (прмеч. ред.)
1.e5-d6 c7xe5xc3 2.a5xc7 d8xb6xd4 3.g1-f2 c3xa5 4.f2-g3 h2xf4
5.b2-c3 d4xb2 6.a3xc1xe3xg5xe7 f8xd6 7.h6xf8xc5 x 2-0
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [107], 1999
Participated: 2nd Russian Championship in solving of drafts compositions, Sochi, Adler, October 2005.
1.f2-g3 a3xc1 2.a1-b2 c1xa3 3.c3-b4 a5xc3xe5 4.f4xd6xf8 h2xf4
5.f8xb4 a3xc5xf2 6.g1xe3xg5xe7 g7-f6 7.e7xg5 h6xf4 8.e1-f2 b6-c5 9.d2-c3+
d. No 2 A.Bakumetc ,1994
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [115], 1999
1.c1-d2 c7-d6 2.e5xc7 b8xd6 3.f4-e5 d6xf4 4.e3xg5 h6xf4
5.de3 fxd2 6.fg3 hxf4 7.dc5 bxb2 8.a3xg5 axc3 9.gh6 x
Patrikhaev M «Compositions of different years » [116], 1999
1.b2-c3 b4xd2
[ 1...h4xf2 2.c3xa5 g7-f6 3.e1xg3 f8-e7 4.e5xg7 h8xf6 5.c1-d2 x ]
2.e1xc3 h4xf2 3.c1-b2 a3xc1 4.c3-b4 c5xa3 5.a7xc5xe7 f8xd6
6.h6xf8xb4 a3xc5 7.d4xb6xd8 f2xd4xf6 8.d8xg5 c1-a3 9.a1-b2 a3xc1
10.g5-h6 c1xg5 11.h6xf4 x 2-0
The position has a number of predecessors, for example: A. Sosunov, 7-th USSR Championship,№63 (д.№2)
1.bc3(gf2) 2.cb2 a:c1 3.cb4 c:a3 4.a:e7 f:d6 5.h:b4 a:c5
6.d:d8 f:d4 7.f:h6 c:g5 8.h:f4 ba7 9.d:g5 h:f6 10.fg5 f:h4
11.hg3 h:f2 12.g:e3x
Patrikhaev M : book by Ustyanov S.Yu. "At the origins of tactics" [141], 2013
1.c7-b8 e5xc3 2.b8-e5 f6xd4 3.b6-c7 d8xb6 4.a7xc5xe3xc1 x 2-0
Re: Classics of draughts composition-64 and their followers from Andrew Fomin
Dedicated to the bright memory of my father Fomin Vladimir Vasilievitch (18.04.1931 - 10.09.2007.)
A. Fomin
1.ed6 c7:g7 2.ab8 h:f6 A 3.bc7 g:e5 4.c:g3 h:f4 5.e:e7 f:d6 6.h:b4 a:c5 7.dc3 x
A 2...g:e5 3.b:f4 h:f6 4.fg3 h:f4 5.e:e7 f:d6 6.h:b4 a:c5 7.dc3 x
V.Deriabin , 2019
1.fg7 ! c1 2.gf2 f8 -S.Hottabychev(?)3.gh6 4.f6 5.fe3 6.ab2 7.e:e5 ab6 8.ed6 9.de7 10.h:a7 x
ab4, bc5, hg7, fe7, b:e7 b4 A , a3, ac5 f2, e3, a7 x A(hg3), eh4 f2, h:e1 x
A.Demishev, 1976 and G. Andreev ,arranged in 2023
A.Bulgakov ,"D.,No.2 ,1978 and A. Fomin, arranged in 2024
1.cb2 2.c:e7 a7:c5 3.ed8 4.d:f6 5.h:f6 -futher an etude by M. Poliak appears on the board 5...bc7 6.fe7 hg7 7.ef8 gf6 8.fc5 ! fe5 A 9.cf4 cd6 10.eh6 ! dc5 11.hf8 cd4 12.fg7 ef4 13.g:c3 fe3 14.ce1 x A 9...(fg5), 10.cb4 gh4 B 11.be7 cb6 12.eb4 -E.leclerk, 1890 hg3 13.be1 bc5 14.e:h4 cd4 15.hg5 dc3 17.gc1 x
B 10...cb6 11.bd2 gh4 -E.Leclerk, 1890 12.db4 hg3 13.be1 etc. x
There was known before :
.......A. Bulgakov, February., 1978 ................. A. Demishev, 1976................................
..........A. Fomin..................S.Pupkin..........arranged by A. Fomin
1.ed2 etc. x
1.hg3 2.cb2 3.ab6 4.e:e7 5.ef8 6.ef8 7. f:a7 x
1.a7 b6 2.e7 3.b2 4.f4 5.h:f4 x
1.de3 2.e:a5 dc5 3.d:b6 a:c5 4.gf2 g:e1 5.bc3 d:b4 6.a:c3 x
A.Fomin 1.gh2 !! 1..(fg5) -futher D. Kamchitsky, 4-th Belarusian championship in drafts compisition-64, 1986.
2.de3 (f:b4) 3.h:d6 (c:e7) 4.a:c5 (gh4) 5.ab6 ! (hg3) 6.ba7 (gh2) 7.ab8(ed6) 8.c:e7 ! (f:d6) 9.b:g3 ! (hf4) 10.ef2 x
A. Fomin №378(1) A. Fomin, №582
... . ...
There was published before :
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board
Post by FOMIN » Fri Jan 27, 2023 21:28
I 1.gh4 ed6 2.ed4 c:g5 3.a:e7 gf4 4.ef8 fe3 5.fd6 ! ef2 6.g:e3 hg1 7.df4 ! g:a1 8.hg5 ! hg7 A 9.fh2 h:f4 10.h:h8 x A 8...a:g7 9.fc1/d2 h:f4 10.c:f8 x
II A. Guralnik : " Dambrete, №3,1980
III(№582) processing by A. Fomin
Post by AF , Mon., Nov.,of 18, 2013 4:07 pm
1.fe7 cd4 2.ed8 d:b2 3.ab4 a:c3 4.d:f4 ba1 5.ef6 ! a:g7 6.cb2 ! g:a1 7.hg5 ! - P. Manoury, 1760 hg7 A 8.fh2 h:f4 9.h:h8 x A 7...ag7 8.fc1/d2 h:f4 9.c1:f8 x
1.ab6 ef2 2.e:g3 h:f2 3.hg3 f:h4 4.bc7 hg3 5.cd8 gh2 6.de7 f:d6 7.h:c5 hg1 8.ce3/f2 g:b2 9.a:c3 x
№378(2)1.fe3 gf6 2.g:e7 fd6 3.ed4 c:g5 4.a:e7 gf4 5.ef8 fe3 6.fd6 ef2 7.g:e3 hg1 8 bf4 g:a1 -futher P. Manoury ,1760 9.hg5 ! hg7 A 10.fh2 h:f4 11.h:h8 x
A 9...ag7 10.fd2/c1 h:f4 12.d:f8 x
1.cb8 e:g5 2.bc3 b:d2 3.c:e3 f:d2 4.bc7 d:d4 5.de7 f:d6 6.b:f6 x
A. Fomin №378(3)
1.fe7 2.fe3 etc. x
Re: Classics of draughts composition-64 and their followers from Andrew Fomin
10-th Moscow championship on drafts composition,1983
No. 1 : A. Dropash (4, 5 points)
Peculiar construction of the finale chain. Initial arrangement of checkers is weak. Mediocre product ", -E. Zubov
........ .........No.2-4 Zavarov Yury Pavlovitch...............
..................................No. 2-4 Yu. Zavarov ( 0 points) .......................
..................No. 5-7 Vorobiev V. T. (0 points).........
No. 8 Vysotsky Viktor Mikhailovitch (2 points)
ef4 1.2.ab2 3..cb2 4.fe5 5.ef2 6.gt4 7.h:h8 x chromosome
No. No. 17-20 Mihnev Mihail
I. p. is G. Ketller :"Shashki', No. 4 , 1967;, d. No 362 .
G.Ketler :
g3:(a1) , c5, c3(d4) , gf2 etc. x
"'A similar mechanism for attracting a checker on the <g5> cell has been played out more than once, for example whites : a1, b4, c1, d4, e1, f2, f4, g1, g3, h4 ; blacks: a5, b8, c7, d6, f6, f8, g7, h6 ; - book by B. Mirotin , I. Kozlov: "Combinations and traps in Russian checkers", 1962, page 74.
B. Mirotin, I. Kozlov :
1.dc5 2.gh2 3.ab2 4.cb2 etc. x
...........A.Fomin, No.9-12 .......
No. 9 A. Fomin (6,5 points)
1.fe3 2.ef6 (g:g3) 3.ef4 4.d:d8 5.d:b6 6.b:e3 7.a:c7 8.ab8 x
"The author showed a new mechanism that is very difficult to process - the 5.d:b6! 6.b6:e3!! The disadvantages of this construction should be attributed : poor initial checker placement, inequality of forces, passive play of checkers h2 and h8, weak finale.Overall, it is a good composition - 6.5 points", -E.Zubov .
A.Fomin ,No.10 , 8 points
1.fe3 dc1:2.ed2 c:e1 3.hg3 4.e:c7 5.f:a5 6.ab6 7.b:f2 8.h:h2 x
"A new mechanism in Russian checkers is shown with the destruction of two black kings by the final blow and the sacrifice of the white king. . The accuracy of the solution leaves a pleasant impression, which is quite difficult to achieve for such large-scale combinations. The initial arrangement is cumbersome, the checker a3 is passive.. Excellent work (8.0 points)", - E. Zubov.
ef2, f:d4(fg3 b, de3 (gh2) , cd2, ef4, h:f4 (hg3), cb6(g;e5), b:d8 (ef4 ), de5, d:a1, a:b8! (fe3), gf2, bs7 x
b(hg3), de3, c:e1, ed2, gh2, h;b8 x
A 3.de3 (gf2), ef4(fe1), hg7 /gf2 , gf2 , d:b6, c:e7, ed8! (cd6), cd4, :db6! (ex2), c:e3 (hg3), ef4, be3 (hg7), gh6 x
" The play in position No.11 is impressive, spectacular sacrifices and a non-standart positional play, unexpectedly, - after a combination blow, ends with a classic finale. The only minus of the position is the clumsy initial placement of the checkers. Position No.11 is recognized as the best in the section (9 points)", -E. Zubov
A.Fomin ,No.12 (5,5 points)
b8, fe3 , e7, h:b4, b:g3, de3, c:e3 x
I. p. is A. Lentocbkin : 6-th Moscow championship, 1979, (6, 5 points)
b8, de7, h:b4, b:g3, g:c1 x
"The author found a different approach to the sacrifice of two white, kings shown earlier in the miniature by A. Lentochkin, but was unable to get rid of the bad initial arrangement and the inequality of the forces of the parties. A good composition (5.5 points) ".
[Credit amount of points is 23,.5 , 1st place with 27 participants.", -E. Zubov .
Chernopishuk Anatoly Semionovitch, No.No.13-16
.No.13 A. Chernopishuk (0 points).
1.dc5 2.ef4 3.df8 4.c:e3 5.fd6 6.b:h4 x
"Repeat of problem by A. Nych from the newspaper «Chernomorskaya kommuna»", February ,of 26, 1982 ",- A. Fedoruk.
.No.14 A. Chernopishuk (0 points).
« Repeat of Mr. A. Demishev problem :
A.Demishev :" Shashki ", Nov., of 26 , 1973 »
Also there was published before : A. Aiupov :" 64 ", No.35 , 1973
d2 e1, h4 e5, f6 d4, e3, h8 etc. x, - A. Fedoruk.
"A pleasant miniature, built on well-known etude motifs. The initial arrangement of the checkers looks good. It's a pity that the introduction suggests itself and the finale is weak. A good artwork", - E. Zubov
.No.15 A. Chernopishuk (5, 5 points).
de3, ef4, d8 hg3, d6 gh2, db6 hg1, a7 gh2, ae3 , cb4, e:d8 x
.No.16 A. Chernopishuk (5,5 points).
bc5, a7, b8, fe3, b:c1 x
"More nicer variant is appears with a white checker on the g1 cell and a black checker on g7." - comment by the author of this post.
A curious combinational mechanism ends with a very difficult for processing finale. Open сеll g1 with a black checker h2; worsens the impression of the work . Good composition. 5.5 points.", - E. Zubov
No.. No. 17-20 Mihnev Mihail Mihailovitch
No. 21 Shutov Pavel Konstantinovitch ,0 points
No. 1 : A. Dropash (4, 5 points)
Peculiar construction of the finale chain. Initial arrangement of checkers is weak. Mediocre product ", -E. Zubov
........ .........No.2-4 Zavarov Yury Pavlovitch...............
..................................No. 2-4 Yu. Zavarov ( 0 points) .......................
..................No. 5-7 Vorobiev V. T. (0 points).........
No. 8 Vysotsky Viktor Mikhailovitch (2 points)
ef4 1.2.ab2 3..cb2 4.fe5 5.ef2 6.gt4 7.h:h8 x chromosome
No. No. 17-20 Mihnev Mihail
I. p. is G. Ketller :"Shashki', No. 4 , 1967;, d. No 362 .
G.Ketler :
g3:(a1) , c5, c3(d4) , gf2 etc. x
"'A similar mechanism for attracting a checker on the <g5> cell has been played out more than once, for example whites : a1, b4, c1, d4, e1, f2, f4, g1, g3, h4 ; blacks: a5, b8, c7, d6, f6, f8, g7, h6 ; - book by B. Mirotin , I. Kozlov: "Combinations and traps in Russian checkers", 1962, page 74.
B. Mirotin, I. Kozlov :
1.dc5 2.gh2 3.ab2 4.cb2 etc. x
...........A.Fomin, No.9-12 .......
No. 9 A. Fomin (6,5 points)
1.fe3 2.ef6 (g:g3) 3.ef4 4.d:d8 5.d:b6 6.b:e3 7.a:c7 8.ab8 x
"The author showed a new mechanism that is very difficult to process - the 5.d:b6! 6.b6:e3!! The disadvantages of this construction should be attributed : poor initial checker placement, inequality of forces, passive play of checkers h2 and h8, weak finale.Overall, it is a good composition - 6.5 points", -E.Zubov .
A.Fomin ,No.10 , 8 points
1.fe3 dc1:2.ed2 c:e1 3.hg3 4.e:c7 5.f:a5 6.ab6 7.b:f2 8.h:h2 x
"A new mechanism in Russian checkers is shown with the destruction of two black kings by the final blow and the sacrifice of the white king. . The accuracy of the solution leaves a pleasant impression, which is quite difficult to achieve for such large-scale combinations. The initial arrangement is cumbersome, the checker a3 is passive.. Excellent work (8.0 points)", - E. Zubov.
ef2, f:d4(fg3 b, de3 (gh2) , cd2, ef4, h:f4 (hg3), cb6(g;e5), b:d8 (ef4 ), de5, d:a1, a:b8! (fe3), gf2, bs7 x
b(hg3), de3, c:e1, ed2, gh2, h;b8 x
A 3.de3 (gf2), ef4(fe1), hg7 /gf2 , gf2 , d:b6, c:e7, ed8! (cd6), cd4, :db6! (ex2), c:e3 (hg3), ef4, be3 (hg7), gh6 x
" The play in position No.11 is impressive, spectacular sacrifices and a non-standart positional play, unexpectedly, - after a combination blow, ends with a classic finale. The only minus of the position is the clumsy initial placement of the checkers. Position No.11 is recognized as the best in the section (9 points)", -E. Zubov
A.Fomin ,No.12 (5,5 points)
b8, fe3 , e7, h:b4, b:g3, de3, c:e3 x
I. p. is A. Lentocbkin : 6-th Moscow championship, 1979, (6, 5 points)
b8, de7, h:b4, b:g3, g:c1 x
"The author found a different approach to the sacrifice of two white, kings shown earlier in the miniature by A. Lentochkin, but was unable to get rid of the bad initial arrangement and the inequality of the forces of the parties. A good composition (5.5 points) ".
[Credit amount of points is 23,.5 , 1st place with 27 participants.", -E. Zubov .
Chernopishuk Anatoly Semionovitch, No.No.13-16
.No.13 A. Chernopishuk (0 points).
1.dc5 2.ef4 3.df8 4.c:e3 5.fd6 6.b:h4 x
"Repeat of problem by A. Nych from the newspaper «Chernomorskaya kommuna»", February ,of 26, 1982 ",- A. Fedoruk.
.No.14 A. Chernopishuk (0 points).
« Repeat of Mr. A. Demishev problem :
A.Demishev :" Shashki ", Nov., of 26 , 1973 »
Also there was published before : A. Aiupov :" 64 ", No.35 , 1973
d2 e1, h4 e5, f6 d4, e3, h8 etc. x, - A. Fedoruk.
"A pleasant miniature, built on well-known etude motifs. The initial arrangement of the checkers looks good. It's a pity that the introduction suggests itself and the finale is weak. A good artwork", - E. Zubov
.No.15 A. Chernopishuk (5, 5 points).
de3, ef4, d8 hg3, d6 gh2, db6 hg1, a7 gh2, ae3 , cb4, e:d8 x
.No.16 A. Chernopishuk (5,5 points).
bc5, a7, b8, fe3, b:c1 x
"More nicer variant is appears with a white checker on the g1 cell and a black checker on g7." - comment by the author of this post.
A curious combinational mechanism ends with a very difficult for processing finale. Open сеll g1 with a black checker h2; worsens the impression of the work . Good composition. 5.5 points.", - E. Zubov
No.. No. 17-20 Mihnev Mihail Mihailovitch
No. 21 Shutov Pavel Konstantinovitch ,0 points
10-th Moscow championship on drafts composition , 1983 (problems-64)
Makushkin V. A. No. No. 22-25 (0 points)
Telkanov Leonid Andriianovitch, No. No. 26-27 (0 points)
1.bc3 2.hg7 h6 3.de3 4.c5 5.de5 x
No. 27 L. Telkanov
1.cb6 c5 2.cb2 3.gh4 4.h:e3 f4:d2:5 e1:c3 x
This composition was rejected by the chief judge of the championship due to its coincidence with the problem of L. Vitoshkin from the newspaper "64", No. 3-1970.
g7, b2, h4, e3! , a5 x
Afonin Anatoly Afanasyevich , No.No.28-31 ( 0 points)
Gorin Alexander Petrovich , No. No. 32-35
No.32 (0 points )
1.cd6 e7 2.ab6 3.cb4 a:e1 4.gf2 5.a3 6.bc3 7.a3:h2 x
Score is 0 points due to its coincidence to the M. Ben problem from the newspaper "64", No. 38,1970
1.cb6 2.cb4 etc. x
No.33 (7 points )
"The position contains a wonderful bouquet of tactical and etude techniques. The impression is somewhat diminished by some inaccuracies in the play. A very good composition",-E.Zubov .
No. 34 A. Gorin The position received a score of 0 points due to the presence of the second solution 3.d:b8.etc.x
1.cb2 2.cb4 3.b:d8 e:a5 4.gf2 5.ab4 6.ab2 7.g3 8.h8 x
No. 35 A. Gorin The position received a score of 3 points due to the presence of close predecessors - M. Ben and M. Mikhnev Tararykin E. S. No. 36 ,37 (0 points)
[/size] No.37 E. Tararykin (0 points)
1.ef4 x
1.bc3 2.hg7 h6 3.de3 4.c5 5.de5 x
No. 27 L. Telkanov
1.cb6 c5 2.cb2 3.gh4 4.h:e3 f4:d2:5 e1:c3 x
This composition was rejected by the chief judge of the championship due to its coincidence with the problem of L. Vitoshkin from the newspaper "64", No. 3-1970.
g7, b2, h4, e3! , a5 x
Afonin Anatoly Afanasyevich , No.No.28-31 ( 0 points)
Gorin Alexander Petrovich , No. No. 32-35
No.32 (0 points )
1.cd6 e7 2.ab6 3.cb4 a:e1 4.gf2 5.a3 6.bc3 7.a3:h2 x
Score is 0 points due to its coincidence to the M. Ben problem from the newspaper "64", No. 38,1970
1.cb6 2.cb4 etc. x
No.33 (7 points )
"The position contains a wonderful bouquet of tactical and etude techniques. The impression is somewhat diminished by some inaccuracies in the play. A very good composition",-E.Zubov .
No. 34 A. Gorin The position received a score of 0 points due to the presence of the second solution 3.d:b8.etc.x
1.cb2 2.cb4 3.b:d8 e:a5 4.gf2 5.ab4 6.ab2 7.g3 8.h8 x
No. 35 A. Gorin The position received a score of 3 points due to the presence of close predecessors - M. Ben and M. Mikhnev Tararykin E. S. No. 36 ,37 (0 points)
[/size] No.37 E. Tararykin (0 points)
1.ef4 x
10-th Moscow championship on drafts composition, 1983
No.No.38 -41 A. Nagumanov No.38 (6,5points )
No. 39 ( 7 points )
h2, e3, a3, ef2, df2, a:c1, cd2, h:b8, be5, h:a5;(de3), a:e1 x
No. 40 (0 points)
Repeat of V. Svizinsky's problem from the newspaper "Evening Leningrad" for 04/09/1982
A.Nagumanov , No. 41 (8, 5 points)
1.de3 2.cb4 3.a:c5 4.ff8 (hd2) 5.ae1 6.fb4 7.ed2 f:g5, gf2(bc7), fe3(vd6), ed4 x
40 years later R. Valeev slightly complicated the composition of A. Nagumanov
1.de3 2.hg7!! fh6 3.cb4 etc. x
G. V. Zhavoronkov , No. 42 (0 points)
"The position is rejected due to the transposition of the first and second moves of the solution 1.cb6/ba5 .", -A. Fedoruk
No. 39 ( 7 points )
h2, e3, a3, ef2, df2, a:c1, cd2, h:b8, be5, h:a5;(de3), a:e1 x
No. 40 (0 points)
Repeat of V. Svizinsky's problem from the newspaper "Evening Leningrad" for 04/09/1982
A.Nagumanov , No. 41 (8, 5 points)
1.de3 2.cb4 3.a:c5 4.ff8 (hd2) 5.ae1 6.fb4 7.ed2 f:g5, gf2(bc7), fe3(vd6), ed4 x
40 years later R. Valeev slightly complicated the composition of A. Nagumanov
1.de3 2.hg7!! fh6 3.cb4 etc. x
G. V. Zhavoronkov , No. 42 (0 points)
"The position is rejected due to the transposition of the first and second moves of the solution 1.cb6/ba5 .", -A. Fedoruk
10-th Moscow championship on drafts composition, 1983
Cherniaev Yu. I. No. 43-46
Cherniaev Yu. I. No. 43(7, 5 points)
1.gf4 d:b2 2.f:b8 ba1 3.ab4 4.cb2 fe5 5.h2 g7 6.d4 7.g5 8.g3 9.g3 f6 10.f4x
"The miniature contains an attractive knot of the ligament that occurs after the 4th move cb2, which ends in opposition. The initial construction of the checkers looks beautiful , very good work.", -E. Zubov
Cherniaev Yu. I. No. 44(5, 5 points)
"The idea of the miniature is not new and was designed both on a small and a large board. In the author's miniature, the sacrifice of the king is carried out somewhat differently, but less interestingly than in E. Tkachenko miniature. Good composition (5, 5 points) ", -E. Zubov.
Cherniaev Yu. I. No. 45 , 6 points.
"The miniature shows an unusual approach to the final motive "reverse tetanus", but the solution is cluttered with non-compositional and uninteresting options. good work, rating 6 points.
Cherniaev Yu. I. No. 46 , 6,5 points.
" Position No. 46 , unlike its ideological predecessors, has its own advantages and disadvantages. The solution is automatic, the last move of black is illogical. A good work , 6,5 points", -E. Zubov.
Guralnik A. I. No. No.47-50
Guralnik A. I. No.47 (0 points)
Guralnik A. I. No.No.48 (1, 5 points)
bc3 cb4, ac5, cb6 a:c7 b:d2, fe3 ab8, hg3, fg5, b:d8
x Тhere is a strong predecessor - the position of V. Deryabin :"Shashki", No. 10 , 1980 , d. No. 1184 .
V. Deryabin
c3, e3, b8, g3, g5, d8 x
Guralnik A. I. No.No.49 (4, 5 points)
There is an addition to the problem of A. Guralnik
Correction by A. Fomin
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
Post by Andrew Fomin » Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:17
ab4, cb2, fg3, cd8, d:e1, jg3, h8 hg5, hd4 gf4 , df2 x
The combination's mechanism looks pretty good, but the initial placement of the drafts is unnatural. Mediocre work.
No. 50 A. Guralnik.
1.c3 2.h2 3.g1 g3 4.h2 (dc7) 5.h:f4 (d6) 6.c7 7.d2 (c5) 8.c3 (b2) 9.cb4 10 a:c3 x
No. 50 gets a zero score due to the static checkers a1 and a3.
Bobretsov Arkady Vasilievich :NoNo.51-53( 0 points)
[Juchkov Sergey Sergeevitch :NoNo.54-57( 0 points)
Cherniaev Yu. I. No. 43(7, 5 points)
1.gf4 d:b2 2.f:b8 ba1 3.ab4 4.cb2 fe5 5.h2 g7 6.d4 7.g5 8.g3 9.g3 f6 10.f4x
"The miniature contains an attractive knot of the ligament that occurs after the 4th move cb2, which ends in opposition. The initial construction of the checkers looks beautiful , very good work.", -E. Zubov
Cherniaev Yu. I. No. 44(5, 5 points)
"The idea of the miniature is not new and was designed both on a small and a large board. In the author's miniature, the sacrifice of the king is carried out somewhat differently, but less interestingly than in E. Tkachenko miniature. Good composition (5, 5 points) ", -E. Zubov.
Cherniaev Yu. I. No. 45 , 6 points.
"The miniature shows an unusual approach to the final motive "reverse tetanus", but the solution is cluttered with non-compositional and uninteresting options. good work, rating 6 points.
Cherniaev Yu. I. No. 46 , 6,5 points.
" Position No. 46 , unlike its ideological predecessors, has its own advantages and disadvantages. The solution is automatic, the last move of black is illogical. A good work , 6,5 points", -E. Zubov.
Guralnik A. I. No. No.47-50
Guralnik A. I. No.47 (0 points)
Guralnik A. I. No.No.48 (1, 5 points)
bc3 cb4, ac5, cb6 a:c7 b:d2, fe3 ab8, hg3, fg5, b:d8
x Тhere is a strong predecessor - the position of V. Deryabin :"Shashki", No. 10 , 1980 , d. No. 1184 .
V. Deryabin
c3, e3, b8, g3, g5, d8 x
Guralnik A. I. No.No.49 (4, 5 points)
There is an addition to the problem of A. Guralnik
Correction by A. Fomin
Re: Compositions at 64-cell board by Andrew Fomin
Post by Andrew Fomin » Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:17
ab4, cb2, fg3, cd8, d:e1, jg3, h8 hg5, hd4 gf4 , df2 x
The combination's mechanism looks pretty good, but the initial placement of the drafts is unnatural. Mediocre work.
No. 50 A. Guralnik.
1.c3 2.h2 3.g1 g3 4.h2 (dc7) 5.h:f4 (d6) 6.c7 7.d2 (c5) 8.c3 (b2) 9.cb4 10 a:c3 x
No. 50 gets a zero score due to the static checkers a1 and a3.
Bobretsov Arkady Vasilievich :NoNo.51-53( 0 points)
[Juchkov Sergey Sergeevitch :NoNo.54-57( 0 points)
Re: Classics of draughts composition-64 and their followers from Andrew Fomin
Fainshtein Ju.,No.58 (5,0 points)
ab6, bc3, gf6, f4, f2 x
"The author showed an unconventional capture of the king, with all the checkers taking an active part in the game. The disadvantages needs include the inequality of forces and the unsuccessful initial arrangement of the checkers. Good composition, 5 points ", -E. Zubov.
Kuptsov V.,No.No.59-60 ( 0 points)
I b2, b4, c5, c7, fg3, g5 x II 1.d4 *)(c1), fg3, gf2 etc. x ") "Second solution :1.hg5 x ".
D.No.1 This is almost a copy : A.Afonin, 1963
Kravtsov Grigory Konstantinovich, No.No.61:-64
No.61 (5, 5 points)
Publication: "Minsk Pravda ", August ,of 7, 1982
gf2, de5, dc3 etc. x
The combination mechanism is not new and was successfully played out, for example, in the problem of Mr. Lentochkin from "64", No. 15:, 1979. However, in this plot two etude motifs were used in the finale with a choice of defenses for black defenses . The initial arrangement of the checkers is easier and more natural than that of the predecessor. Good composition (5.5 points)
ab6, bc3, gf6, f4, f2 x
"The author showed an unconventional capture of the king, with all the checkers taking an active part in the game. The disadvantages needs include the inequality of forces and the unsuccessful initial arrangement of the checkers. Good composition, 5 points ", -E. Zubov.
Kuptsov V.,No.No.59-60 ( 0 points)
I b2, b4, c5, c7, fg3, g5 x II 1.d4 *)(c1), fg3, gf2 etc. x ") "Second solution :1.hg5 x ".
D.No.1 This is almost a copy : A.Afonin, 1963
Kravtsov Grigory Konstantinovich, No.No.61:-64
No.61 (5, 5 points)
Publication: "Minsk Pravda ", August ,of 7, 1982
gf2, de5, dc3 etc. x
The combination mechanism is not new and was successfully played out, for example, in the problem of Mr. Lentochkin from "64", No. 15:, 1979. However, in this plot two etude motifs were used in the finale with a choice of defenses for black defenses . The initial arrangement of the checkers is easier and more natural than that of the predecessor. Good composition (5.5 points)
13-th Moscow championship in drafts composition , 1986
13-th Moscow championship in drafts composition , 1986
section "etudes-64'
A. Gorin , total points 22,5 , 1_st place.
No. 1 , 0 points, position has no solution after 4...cb6=
No. 2 [6,5 points]
f2,(b6), h4(a7) A, B, V, G, d8(d4)! , h4(e5), D, E, g7( b4)J, g3(a3), a5(e3), e1(b6), h6(f2), Z, g3(b2), e5(c1) ef4, a7 x) +
A(e5), d8(d4), e7(c3) g7(d4), b4(b2),, a1, a7 x +
B (c7), d8(e5) A1, f6, a3 x
V (cb4), d8 (a3), f6(e5), a7(b2), d4(c1), de3 x
G (d4), d8(c3), f6(bc5), b2/a1(d4), , c7, g7 x +
D(bc5), g7(e5), g3(b4),, d6 ,a5 (f6 ), c3 x+
E(b4), e3 x +
J (f4),, b2(b4), g7(a3)K , h6(g3), , f2(n2), d4 (a1), h8(c5), h6-g7;(b6), b2/c3/c5/f6 x +
K(c5), h6(a3),, b6, f6 x +
No. 3 A. Gorin [0 points]............ G. Isaev
The position is rejected due to the presence of a close ideological predecessor; G. Isaev, Dambrete - 8-1978
G. Isaev: e1(a3), c3 or 1.a3 (c3), e1:etc.x
No. 4 [5 points ] No.5 [ 8 points] No.6 [8 points] *********************************
Demidov Vladimir Nickolaevitch , total points 19,5 , 2-nd place.
No. 7 , 6 points
No. 8 [ 6,0 points]
No. 9 [ 7,5 points]
No. 10 [ 2,5 points]
No. 11 [ 5,0 points]